Media Arts Fee Schedule - 2021 Review

Page created by Janet Carter

Media Arts
Fee Schedule
2021 Review


PRESENTATION FEES                                    03

FILM AND VIDEO PROJECTION FEES                       04

PERFORMANCE FEES                                     04

WEB DISTRIBUTION FEES                                04

ARTIST’S RESIDENCY FEES                              05


CURATOR’S FEES                                       05

AUTHOR’S FEES                                        05


GLOSSARY                                             06



• Fees per artist

                 LOCAL                       REGIONAL                    NATIONAL                    QUÉBEC EVENT                 INTERNATIONAL
                                                                                                     (international scale)

1 artiste        1 artwork : $ 1285          1 artwork : $ 1540          1 artwork : $ 1800          1 artwork : $ 2050           1 artwork : $ 2305

                 2 artworks :                2 artworks :                2 artworks :                2 artworks :                 2 artworks :
                 $ 645 / artwork             $ 770 / artwork             $ 900 / artwork             $ 1025 / artwork             $ 1150 / artwork

                 5 artworks + :              5 artworks + :              5 artworks + :              5 artworks + :               5 artworks + :
                 $ 130 / artwork             $ 155 / artwork             $ 180 / artwork             $ 210 / artwork              $ 235 / artwork

2 to 3           1 artwork : $ 1030          1 œuvre : $ 1285            1 artwork : $ 1540          1 artwork : $ 1785           1 artwork : $ 2050
                 2 artworks :                2 artworks :                2 artworks :                2 artworks :                 2 artworks :
                 $ 515 / œuvre               $ 645 / œuvre               $ 770 / artwork             $ 890 / artwork              $ 1025 / artwork

                 5 artworks + :              5 artworks + :              5 artworks et + :           5 artworks et + :            5 artworks + :
                 $ 105 / artwork             $ 130 / artwork             $ 155 / artwork             $ 180 / artwork              $ 210 / artwork

4 artists +      1 artwork : $ 315           1 artwork : $ 520           1 artwork : $ 825           1 artwork : $ 1235           1 artwork : $ 1540

                 2 artworks :                2 artworks :                2 artworks :                2 œuvres :                   2 artworks :
                 $ 155 / artwork             $ 260 / artwork             $ 415 / artwork             $ 640 / artwork              $ 770 / artwork

                 5 artworks + :              5 artworks + :              5 artworks + :              5 artworks + :               5 artworks + :
                 $ 35 / artwork              $ 55 / artwork              $ 85 / artwork              $ 125 / artwork              $ 155 / artwork

NOTE: Fees for exhibitions lasting longer than 42 days are negotiated on a case-by-case basis.
The amounts indicated do not include equipment rentals, technical support or transportation, travel or accommodation fees. Provide a leasing fee if the
equipment used for broadcasting the work is supplied by the artist.

• Suggested rates for single presentations

                     LOCAL                    REGIONAL                   NATIONAL                    QUÉBEC EVENT                   INTERNATIONAL
                                                                                                     (international scale)

1 artist             $ 620                    $ 1540                     $ 1795                      $ 2050                         $ 2305

2 to 3 artists       $ 415                    $ 1285                     $ 1540                      $ 1795                         $ 2050

4 artists +          $ 215                    $ 520                      $ 825                       $ 1035                         $ 1540



• Single screening of one work

DURATION             LOCAL                    REGIONAL                  NATIONAL                    QUÉBEC EVENT                   INTERNATIONAL
                                                                                                    (international scale)

< 30 min             $ 60                     $ 85                      $ 110                       $ 135                          $ 160

30-60 min            $ 85                     $ 110                     $ 135                       $ 160                          $ 185

> 60 min             $ 110                    $ 135                     $ 165                       $ 190                          $ 215

• Group projections - 5 or more works
Fees per works

< 30 min             $ 35                     $ 60                      $ 85                        $ 110                          $ 135

30-60 min            $ 60                     $ 85                      $ 110                       $ 135                          $ 160

> 60 min             $ 85                     $ 110                     $ 135                       $ 160                          $ 185

NOTE: These fees do not include a presentation by the artist.
Lump sum for a loop presentation of an excerpt from a given work of X duration or multiple presentations from the same program.

PERFORMANCE RIGHTS (audio, visual, audio-visual)
• Per artist

                     LOCAL                    REGIONAL                  NATIONAL                    QUÉBEC EVENT                   INTERNATIONAL
                                                                                                    (international scale)

< 30 min             $ 210                    $ 415                     $ 625                       $ 825                          $ 1030

30-60 min            $ 415                    $ 625                     $ 825                       $ 1030                         $ 1035

> 60 min             $ 625                    $ 825                     $ 1030                      $ 1035                         $ 1440

NOTE: The amounts indicated do not include equipment rentals, technical support or transportation, travel or accommodation fees. Provide a leasing fee if the
equipment used for broadcasting the work is supplied by the artist


                                     NATIONAL                                                        INTERNATIONAL

                                     1 single broadcast: $ 150                                       1 single broadcast: $ 200
                                     3 months and less: $ 265                                        3 months or less: $ 350
                                     $ 825 / year                                                    $ 1100 / year
                                     $ 265 / annual renewal                                          $ 350 / annual renewal

                                     $ 105 / 3 months and less                                       $ 140 / 3 months down
                                     $ 255 / year                                                    $ 340 / year

                                     $ 60 / year                                                     $ 80 / year



ARTIST’S RESIDENCY FEE                                                       COMMISSIONED WORKS / PROJECT SUPPORT
• Production and research / création residencies -                           • Fee for one artist’s collective for the production of one work
artist’s honoraria

From $ 500                           From $ 2000                             $ 5700 and up / year                      $ 800 and up / year

• Film/ Video curator – One-time screening/ single program

LOCAL                           REGIONAL                      NATIONAL                       QUÉBEC EVENT                      INTERNATIONAL
                                                                                             (international scale)

$ 160                           $ 320                         $ 780                          $ 1030                            $ 1290

• Installations and performances
Fees d not include research, technical development, exhibition and / or catalogue coordination, guided tours or consultancy. The fee for an exhibition varies
according to the number of artists and the number of texts to be written.

$ 800 to $ 2500                 $ 1500 to $ 3000              $ 1500 to $ 3000               $ 2000 to $ 5000                  $ 3000 to $ 6000
NOTE : Amounts may be adjusted based on the preparation and research required. Travel, accommodation and subsistence costs are extra.


Leaflet (250 words): $ 130                                                   Translation : $ 0,50 / word

NOTE : Revision = extra


Roundtable discussions: $ 130 $ / pers.                                      Training workshop : $ 80 to $ 130 / hour

Speaker : Starting at $ 400                                                  Artist / curator’s talk : $ 130

Facilitator / Moderator : $ 200                                              Artist / curator’s présentation : $ 80

Master class : Starting at $ 400                                             Jury fees : $ 130 / day

NOTE : Amounts may be adjusted based on the preparation and research required. Travel, accommodation and subsistence costs are extra.



Artist (Artiste)                            Demo reel (Bande démonstrative)            Copyright (Droit d’auteur)
As defined by the Conseil des arts et       Short video composed of selected           Simply put, “copyright” means “the
des lettres du Quebec, artists:             shots from a work or an exhibition. Its    right to reproduce.” Generally
• Declare themselves to be                  aim is to show the work for                speaking, only the copyright holder
                                            documentation or promotional               (usually the work’s creator) has the
• professional artists.
                                            purposes.                                  right to produce or reproduce the
• Create work or practise an art on
                                                                                       work or allow anyone else to do so.
• their own account or offer their          Facilitator (Animateur)                    Copyright normally remains valid
services for remuneration as                The designated host of a                   throughout the author’s life and for the
creators or performers.                     communications event.                      50 years following his or her death.
• Have gained the recognition of their                                                 Source: Canadian Intellectual Property
peers.                                      Master class (Classe de maître)            Office.
                                            Advanced training provided by an
• Disseminate or publicly interpret
                                            artist recognized as an authority in a     Exhibition fees (Droits d’exposition)
their works in places and/or contexts       given field or discipline. Master          Fee paid to an artist for publicly
recognized by their peers.                  classes normally address technical         exhibiting his or her work.
                                            and practical questions.
Artist’s talk (Discussion avec l’artiste)                                              Moral rights (Droits moraux)
Discussion around a given artwork as        Project support (Accompagnement de         Under Canadian copyright law, moral
part of an event (symposium, festival,      projet)                                    rights include the author’s right to
                                            Support provided by an organization        defend the integrity of his or her work;
roundtable, conference, etc.).
                                            for the financial, logistical,             the right to be associated with the
                                            promotional and/ or production-            work by name (or pseudonym); and
Cabaret (Cabaret)                           related aspects of an artist’s work.       the right to remain anonymous.
An artist’s performance presented to
a limited audience in a public setting      Speaker (Conférencier)                     Performance fees (Droits de
with food and/or beverage services.         Someone appointed to discuss a             performance)
                                            specific question during a conference.     Fee paid to an artist for publicly
                                                                                       performing his or her work.
Cachet (Cachet)
Fee paid to an artist for a                 Training workshop (Atelier de
                                            formation)                                 Presentation fees (Droits de
performance, presentation and/or
                                            Theoretical or practical workshop          présentation)
other service rendered. Also refers to
                                            lasting three hours or longer and          Fee paid to an artist for a one-time
a lump sum payment in relation to an        given by an artist or professional.        submission of his or her work (i.e. a
artist’s residency.                                                                    single public presentation or
                                            Video clip (Capsule vidéo)                 performance staged as part of a
                                            A short video presenting an artist,        temporary event). Presentation fees
Commissioned work (Commande
                                            project or exhibition. Through reports,    apply each time a communication
                                            interviews, portraits or other forms,      process reaches an audience. The
A deliverable requested by an               its goal is to promote, interpret and/or   author’s consent is required for each
organization from an artist, who must       broadcast artworks.                        type of presentation.
complete it within a given timeframe.
The artist retains copyright of the         Web art (Art web)                          Reproduction fees (Droits de
final work.                                 Also known as Internet art, net art and    reproduction)
                                            net-based art. Art form that uses the      Fee paid to an artist for the
                                            Internet as a means of production          reproduction of his or her work, in
Curator (Commissaire)
                                            (when using existing content), as a        whole or in part and across all
A person appointed to design and
                                            field for artistic exploration and/or as   distribution platforms.
organize a temporary monographic
or group exhibition. The curator            a means of distributing digital
selects the works, defines the              artwork. Web art is bound by the rules,
exhibition theme, decides on the            specifications and codes of computing.
exhibition layout in the chosen venue       This wide-ranging category
and the works’ reproduction across all      encompasses a broad range of
distribution platforms, makes               practices, with works that can be
decisions related to the catalogue and      interactive as well as generative or
often writes texts. The curator is          static.
therefore the author of the exhibition.
Curators can also intervene in film or
video programming.



Artist’s residency (Résidence d’artiste)   National (National)                       Screening (Projection)
An invitation extended to an artist (or    Event that targets a national audience    Action of projecting a work of film or
group of artists) from a host              and receives good national media          video onto a given surface (screen,
organization to spend a given period in    coverage.                                 wall, building, etc.).
its place of production or presentation    Panel discussion (Panel de discussion)
to research, develop, produce and          Debate or discussion by a number of       Regional (Régional)
sometimes present a work.                  experts on a given topic.                 Event that targets an audience in a
Residencies provide artists with                                                     given region and receives good local
facilities and equipment as well as        Performance (Performance)                 media coverage.
technical and financial support. When      Public presentation before a live
for research and development,              audience of an audio, visual,             Works distributed online (Oeuvre
creative or production purposes,           audiovisual or mixed-media work.          diffusée sur le web)
residencies do not necessarily imply                                                 Any work (audio, film, video,
the production of a final work.            Presentation with the artist              performance, etc.) broadcast on a Web
                                           (Présentation avec l’artist)              platform.
Exhibition (Exposition)                    Public presentation of an artist’s work
Traditionally refers to the space and      in the framework of an event such as a
time within which art is presented to      gallery opening or launch.
an audience. Exhibitions are often
                                           Producer (Producteur)
temporary, lasting only for a specified
                                           Individual who finances or coordinates
period, as opposed to permanent
                                           financing for a work and keeps
exhibitions that present collections on    expenditures within budget.
a more or less unlimited basis.
Exhibitions may present installations,     Production (Production)
videos, sounds and performances by a       Process that supports research and
single artist or a group of artists.       the various stages related to the
                                           production of activities, works or
Festival (Festival)
Periodic event where works are             Production organization (Organisme
generally presented at a given location    de création)
and for a given period. Festivals          Formed primarily with a view to
provide an official program around a       creating, producing and disseminating
common theme and are local, national       shows, they call on artists and
or international in scope.                 professional designers working in
                                           their field. The organization is
Installation (Installation)                recognized as the “producer” when it
Artwork consisting of elements             assumes artistic direction as well as
arranged in a given space (indoor or       costs related to the work’s design,
outdoor) using various expressive and      rehearsal and production.
representational techniques to evoke
multiple associations, thoughts,
longings and/or moods.                     Québec event (international scale)
                                           (Évènement au Québec ayant
International (International)              une portée internationale)
Event produced in Québec and held          Event held in Québec that presents
internationally that presents works of     works of significant scope by
significant scope by renowned Québec       renowned Québec and/or international
and/or international artists and that      artists and that receives major media
receives major media coverage.             coverage.

Local (Local)
Event that targets a small audience in
the same city, is aimed at specific
audiences and/or aims to develop an
audience in a particular community.

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