Meaningful Thanksgiving - Hollywood Senior Center

Page created by Harold Harmon
Community for Positive Aging
                              Hollywood Senior Center
                              Enhanced Resident Services
                              ESTD 1973

PORTLAND, OREGON                             NEWS & ACTIVITIES, NOVEMBER 2021                              #575

Meaningful Thanksgiving
WE’VE ALWAYS TAKEN PRIDE                   person Thanksgiving holiday             As challenging as this time
in how the Community for                   celebration, I’m grateful to share   has been, there is much to
Positive Aging’s Hollywood                 that we have found safe ways         be grateful for, including good
Senior Center marks the                    to continue our tradition and        health, community safety, and
holiday season—November and                commitment to community until        all the incredible people involved
December months filled with                we can return to large in-person     with CFPA whose determination,
music, food, merriment, and                gatherings. I am also overjoyed      expertise, and passion are so
connection.                                and encouraged to see us begin       inspiring. I am so proud to be
                                                       to bring back in-        part of this Community for
                                                       person programming       Positive Aging that continues to
                                                       (see page 4).            adapt, evolve and respond, while
                                                           Last year’s          simultaneously dealing with the
                                                       Thanksgiving delivery    financial challenges of operating
                                                       was made possible        a nonprofit organization during a
                                                       by the amazing           pandemic.
                                                       Neighborhood                Later this month, you will
                                                       Gleaners, Wy’east        receive our annual holiday
                                                       Unitarian Universalist   appeal asking for your financial
                                                       Church and a             support of CFPA’s many
                                                       cadre of incredible      programs and services. Your
                                                       volunteers who all       support will be essential in the
                                                       came together to         coming year, as we continue to
At a past Hollywood Senior Center Thanksgiving
dinner, participants were invited to write down
                                                       make the holiday         address community need and
some of the things they felt thankful for.             special and more         find our way through present
                                                       meaningful for over      and coming challenges. Please
   At the same time, we                    400 older adults. It filled my       be as generous as you are able
recognize that the holiday                 heart with gratitude.                to. It doesn’t matter how much
season can be socially isolating,             This year, thanks to wonderful    you give; it’s your support that
even more so now, as we adjust             staff and volunteers, we will        counts. The combined generosity
to precautions around gathering. continue that tradition, providing             of everyone in our community
Nonetheless, Community for                 home delivery as well as pick-up     will allow us to stand strong
Positive Aging and the Hollywood options for Thanksgiving dinner.               together and to provide services
Senior Center remain committed This year, we are partnering with                and care for those who need us
to providing opportunities for             Feed the Mass to provide those       most during this time.
you to connect and celebrate               Thanksgiving meals.                     Wishing you good health and
with us this holiday season.                  For me, Thanksgiving holiday      abundance this holiday season!
   Although we are disappointed            has always been a time to            Thank you!
that we cannot bring everyone              remember and appreciate the             Amber Kern-Johnson
together for our annual in-                most important things in life.          Executive Director
Community for Positive Aging
                                                                      HOLLYWOOD SENIOR CENTER
                                                                            1820 NE 40TH AVE.
                                                                         PORTLAND, OR 97212-5308
                                                                          Open by Appointment
                                                                         MON–FRI 8:30am–4:30pm
                                                                           Fb @PDXSeniorCenter
                                                                             Main: 503-288-8303
                                                                             Fax: 503-288-8305
                                                                              Gift Shop: ext. 110

    FOUNDED IN 1973 as a 501c3, Hollywood Senior Center                          — STAFF —
    has grown into an organization of supportive, age-positive          Amber Kern-Johnson – ext. 102
    people. Our team includes volunteers and full-time                         EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR
    employees. We are committed to creating an uplifting
    and vibrant environment for adults 55 and older while                 Douglas Samuels – ext. 112
    providing a channel for inter­generational relationships and                 DEPUTY DIRECTOR
    learning. Together we are a joyful group with big hearts
    and a passion for what we do. In 2020 our organization                  Anne Barrows – ext. 111
                                                                                FINANCE MANAGER
    expanded by bringing the services offered by The Giving  
    Tree, another not-for-profit organization, committed to
    providing residential services to people living in affordable         Kathleen Sillonis – ext. 106
                                                                       FACILITIES & ADMINISTRATIVE ASSOCIATE
    housing throughout Portland, under our management and   
    care. As a result, we are thrilled to announce the new
                                                                            Megan Doren – ext. 103
    organizational name and structure of the Community for             INFORMATION & ASSISTANCE SPECIALIST
    Positive Aging, effective July 2021. The Hollywood Senior 
    Center will now be represented as one of the programs
                                                                            Tatsiana Taran – ext. 101
    operating under the Community For Positive Aging. This                        CASE MANAGER
    evolution of our organization will continue to reflect   
    our core values and focus and expand our capacity to                 Julie Ann Barowski – ext. 109
    serve our community even more. The Community for                      VOLUNTEER PROGRAM MANAGER
    Positive Aging is a caring and healthy organization which
    encourages intergenerational relationships, recognizes the             Michael Murphy – ext. 104
    wisdom and experience of its elders and demonstrates                 CENTER ACTIVITY & EVENT MANAGER
    awareness and respect for the aging process. Seniors have
    access to a full spectrum of services, including social,                 Travis Small – ext. 113
    emotional, educational and recreational opportunities                       CASE MANAGER /
                                                                         WRAPAROUND SERVICES SPECIALIST
    appropriate to their unique needs and interests. We value,
    appreciate and encourage the important contributions of
    older adults in our community and empower people of all                   Ken Davis – ext. 105
                                                                               LEAD CASE MANAGER
    ages to achieve happy, healthy aging.                      

     CFPA PROGRAMS:                                                                 Mel Shea
                                                                      ENHANCED RESIDENT SERVICES MANAGER
     • Community for Positive Aging at Hollywood Senior Center  
     • Community for Positive Aging— Neighborhood Gleaners
     • Community for Positive Aging—Asian Food Pantry                          Elizabeth Venable
     • Community for Positive Aging—The Morrison, Alder House,
       Uptown Towers, Fairfield Hotel, Dawson Park,                                 Judy Lee
       Helen Swindells, and Musolf Manor                                       OPERATIONS DIRECTOR

2      Community for Positive Aging | Hollywood Senior Center
Neighborhood Gleaners
                                               LAST MONTH, the Gleaners delivered fresh produce
                                               to over 220 senior households (more than 2,100
                                               pounds of produce!) including expanded deliveries to
                                               senior participants of the Asian Food Pantry.
                                               NEIGHBORHOOD GLEANERS improves access
                                               to high quality food that would otherwise be
                                               unaffordable for many seniors.
                                               Tremendous thanks to our farmers and volunteers—
                                               without their support, this program wouldn’t be

       POSITIVE AGING                            CFPA Equity Statement
                                     Community for Positive Aging is committed to addressing
      Lori Frank, President          the social, cultural, environmental, and economic needs that
 Linda Anderson, Vice President      create barriers that impact the wellness of older adults.
     Lois Martin, Secretary
                                        CFPA is aware of the disparities that older adults of color
     Mary Casey, Treasurer
                                     and other marginalized communities face in accessing vital
      Paul Clark, Emeritus
                                     services. We are committed to transforming CFPA and all
    Harvey Garnett, Emeritus
                                     of our programs in order to ensure equitable access to our
        Arlene Halvorson
                                     services and serve the unique and diverse older population
           Chester Hill
                                     in the area. We are inclusive in our efforts to serve elders
      Lawrence Jacobson
                                     regardless of race, ethnicity, age, gender, gender identity and
     Heather Keisler Fornes
                                     expression, sexual orientation, religion, zip code, health and
        Mary Lou Soscia
                                     ability status, and income.
         Kim McCulloch
           Neal Naigus                  In September 2020, Hollywood Senior Center formalized
        Lara Rosenblum               the values and principles of our organizational equity plan.
       Whitney Yazzolino             We intend to serve more BIPOC communities, including
                                     through The Giving Tree and Asian Food Pantry, and more
HOLLYWOOD SENIOR CENTER              broadly as we expand case management and other direct
  ADVISORY COUNCIL 2021              services. We believe strongly that all levels of leadership
     Turella Woods, Chair            (including staff and board) need to reflect the communities
     Jim Rico, Vice Chair            that we serve. We are intentionally working to improve
    Lois Martin, Secretary           representation through our recruitment strategies for both
        Susan Calvert                staff and board members. This is directly tied to the equity
         Carol Cooper                work that our organization has invested in over the last few
        Harvey Garnet                years, including understanding and implementing inclusive
          Tom Getts                  hiring practices. We recognize that this is a process, and as
         Michael Guy                 our organization is expanding we are committed to building
           Tim Hahn                  our team to mirror that of our community.
        Nancy Hawver                    As we work to bring about these changes at the
          Teri Knesal                board and staff level, we are also working to ensure that
            Eric Lin                 volunteers continue to represent our community and that
         Phu Nguyen                  our program offerings are inclusive and responsive. We are
        Sherri Osburn                an organization that needs, encourages, and appreciates
         Peter Sysyn                 everyone involved, and that includes all of you.
        Steve Whitson
CFPA-HOLLYWOOD SENIOR CENTER ADVISORY COUNCIL currently meets monthly via Zoom on the 2nd
Tuesday, from 9:00 to 10:30am. The next meeting is November 9, 2021. Everyone is invited to observe
the Advisory Council meeting. The Zoom meeting ID is: 988 4094 5614. Or call +1-253-215-8782 and then
enter meeting ID number (not a toll-free number—charges may apply depending on your phone plan).

                                                              News & Activities | November 2021         3
New in-person programs!
    In-person programs restarting!                      Participate in these CFPA virtual
    We’re so excited to                                 programs without a computer or
    announce the restart
    of in-person program
                                                        the internet—live at HSC
    offerings at Hollywood                              For the programs listed below, we’re offering
    Senior Center this                                  CFPA community members the opportunity
    month. We’re getting                                to come into the center, where we will have a
    back to a place where                               projector screen and camera setup so that you
    we feel comfortable                                 can participate live in the virtual meeting. You
    meeting in person once again. The programs          will join the meeting host and all of the other
    we’re offering are limited, and we are requiring    participants on camera, and be able to actively
    that all participants are vaccinated (and show      participate in the meeting with audio and video.
    their vaccination cards) and wear masks while       For more information, or to sign up to
    in the center. The programs below start in          participate LIVE from the center, please
    November, with participants using the new           contact Michael Murphy at michael.murphy@
    MySeniorCenter check-in kiosk (see page 6). or 971-341-2130.
    Please contact Michael Murphy at 971-341-2130       • Arthritis Exercise with Sandy Morales –
    or if you              Every Wednesday, 11:00–11:50 AM
    have questions or wish to participate.
                                                        • Chair Yoga – Every Thursday, 9:00–10:00 AM
    • Chi-Pong – Every Tuesday, 1:30–3:00 PM
                                                        • “Do I Step Up?” Perspectives on Welcoming
    • Zumba – Every other Wednesday,                       LGBT Older Adults – Tuesday, November 2,
       10:00–11:00 AM                                      2:00–3:30 PM
    • Life Stories Writing Workshop – Every             • Gordon Neal Herman Presents Tin Pan Alley –
       Thursday, Nov. 4–Dec. 16, 1:00–3:00 PM              Monday, November 8, 12:30–1:30 PM
       (No meeting on Thanksgiving Day, 11/25)
                                                        • Estate Planning 101 – Tuesday, November 9,
    • Pinochle – Every Friday, 11:30am–1:30 PM             2:00–3:30 PM
    • Therapeutic Horticulture – Tuesday, Nov. 23,      • Cannabis Talk – Fri., Nov. 19, 9:30–11:00 AM
       10:00–11:00 AM

    Greetings from the CFPA Advisory Council
    As a reminder, here is the CFPA     policies, programs, and actions   groups, as well as volunteers
    Advisory Council’s purpose:         of other agencies that affect     and clients of the Community for
       • To advise the Board of         older people.                     Positive Aging–HSC.
    Directors and the Executive            More than fifty percent           CFPA Advisory Council meets
    Director of the Community           (50%) of CFPA Advisory Council    on the second Tuesday of each
    for Positive Aging–Hollywood        membership is required to         month, virtually or in person.
    Senior Center regarding policies,   be 55 and older, and broadly      (Find meeting details at bottom
    programs, and actions, including    representative of the older       of page 3.) Currently there are
    those affecting the delivery of     adult population—i.e., members    14 members and we are always
    services under contract with        should include a diversity of     looking for additional candidates
    funding sources;                    genders, members of the LGBTQ     with a passion for representing
       • To advocate on behalf of our   community, major ethnic groups,   the older population.
    elder constituents; and             professional, business, labor,                —Turella Woods, Chair
       • To review and comment on       government, education, civic                  CFPA Advisory Council

4      Community for Positive Aging | Hollywood Senior Center
Information & Assistance

Happy November, newsletter readers!                     Individuals must provide copies
   I hope you can take some time to look                of all of the following support
through this newsletter for ways to connect via         documents to Hollywood Senior
activities and/or volunteer opportunities. It is        Center ten days prior to their
even more important to battle social isolation          appointment:
and encourage human connection as the darker               • Copy of ID
winter months approach. As we move into                    • Copy of Social Security Card
those darker, colder months, we are excited to             • Proof of income (2021 Benefits Award Letter)
share that we have set some dates with our                 • Bank Statement (if private pension is part of
partner, Impact NW, to offer Energy Assistance               income)
appointments. This is for folks struggling to pay          • Veteran Benefits Statement (if this is part of
energy bills who could use some assistance.                  income)
   The dates that we have—with 24                          • Copy of recent utility bill
appointments available per day for a total of 72            There are no exceptions, and if the
appointments—are December 1, 2, and 8.                  documents are not returned within that time
   Please call our main line at 503-288-8303            frame, the appointment will be cancelled.
and speak with HSC front desk volunteers                Documents can be mailed, emailed, faxed
or leave a message to sign up, or email us at           to 503-288-8305, or hand delivered to the                        Hollywood Senior Center.
   Please note that it can take up to three days            Last year (and we anticipate no changes at
for staff to return your call. Individuals will need    this time), the participating energy providers
to meet income eligibility guidelines, and these        were PGE, PPL, and NW Natural Gas.
will be reviewed with you when you schedule                 Again, sending you warm wishes for the
your appointment.                                       winter with the hope that the coming season is
   All appointments will be over the phone;             filled with humor, kindness, and resilience.
there will be NO in-person appointments.                                                           —Megan

 Information & Assistance available by phone or email • Mon–Fri 9am–2pm
 Do you have a question about Medicare? Need legal assistance? Coordination of transportation
 services? Looking for a support group? Other questions, concerns, or problems that you need
 help with? Contact HSC Information and Assistance Specialist Megan Doren at 503-288-8303,
 ext. 103, or by email at

                    MULTNOMAH CO. HELPLINE: 503-988-3646
                    24-hour emergency assistance when our office is closed.

                     THIS PAGE                         Jean Johnson • Principal Broker
                     SPONSORED BY
                                                          Johnson House PDX Real Estate, LLC
                          JOHNSON               Jean is specially trained in helping seniors downsize
                       HOUSE PDX                   and find great housing for their golden years

                                                                    News & Activities | November 2021         5
Introducing MySeniorCenter
                                                          MySeniorCenter Virtual
                                                          Welcome and Walk-through
                                                          WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17 • 9:30–10:30 AM
                                                          Presenter: Michael Murphy, CFPA Activity &
                                                          Event Manager
                                                          Registration Required: Find the link on
                                                          the Virtual Events Calendar.
                                                          Mtg ID for Phone Participants: 874 3855 5159

       MySeniorCenter kiosk at Hollywood Senior Center.

    WE’RE VERY EXCITED to implement the
    MySeniorCenter Check-in Kiosk into our
    programming at the Community for Positive
    Aging. We are offering a MySeniorCenter
                              Virtual Welcome and
                              Walk-Through on
                              Wednesday, November
                              17 at 9:30am. Once          Need technology help?
                              Community for
                              Positive Aging in-          Connect with an HSC Tech Ambassador.
    person programming restarts, we will offer a          Schedule a one-on-one appointment with an
    MySeniorCenter In-Person Welcome and Walk-            IT professional. To make an appointment call
    through at the Hollywood Senior Center—date           Michael Murphy at 971-341-2130 or michael.
    TBD (more info to come).                    

    November Film Screening
    Private CFPA Movie Matinee at Hollywood Theatre
    with feature film, Fences — FREE!
    Thursday, November 18 • 12:30–3:00 PM • NO RSVP required**
    Hollywood Theatre, 4122 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland
    **Vaccinations required: Please bring your vaccination card.
    COMMUNITY FOR POSITIVE AGING is partnering again with the
    Hollywood Theatre to bring our community a private screening of the
    multiple Academy Award–nominated film, FENCES (Best Picture, Best
    Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Adapted Screenplay).
    Get your questions answered from an infectious disease doctor, as well
    as staff and volunteers at a Covid vaccine information table. Also visit the registration table to get
    a free voucher for your choice of popcorn, soft drink, or snack, as well as free raffle tickets, with a
    chance to win a variety of local gift cards. Other concessions are available for purchase.

6      Community for Positive Aging | Hollywood Senior Center        VIRTUAL CALENDAR:
Activities & Programs
     Weekly                                                         AVAILABLE FOR “LIVE ZOOMING”
                                                                    FROM HOLLYWOOD SENIOR CENTER

                                                                    Arthritis Exercise
                                                                    Instructor: Sandy Morales
                                                                    WEDNESDAYS • 11:00–11:50 AM
                                                                    Registration Required:
                                                                    To register, please email Sandy Morales at
                                                                    Meeting ID for Phone Participants:
                                                                    823 1525 6295

                                                                    Chair Yoga
                                                                    Instructor: Hayley Meador
    In-Person Walking Groups                                        THURSDAYS • 9:00–10:00 AM
    No registration required — just show up!                        Registration Required:
                                                                    To register, please contact Michael Murphy
    Masks Optional Walks
                                                                    at 971-341-2130 or michael.murphy@
    EVERY TUESDAY & SATURDAY • 10:30-11:45 AM             
    Meet at the northeast corner of Grant Park,
    at the intersection of NE 36th Avenue and                       Meeting ID for Phone Participants:
    NE Brazee Street at approximately 10:30am.                      819 4753 4249
    In compliance with OHA mask requirement
    exemptions, masks are encouraged, but not
    required. [OAR 333-019-1025(5)(d)&(g)].                    Mindfulness for Stress
    Masks Required Walks                                       Reduction
    EVERY THURSDAY • 12:00–1:15 PM
                                                               Instructors: Nancy Boros and Nan Leroy
    Meet at the bathrooms/pavilion near the
    playground on the north side of Wilshire Park,             MONDAYS • 11:30 AM–12:30 PM
    close to the intersection of NE 35th Place and             TUESDAYS • 9:00–10:00 AM
    NE Skidmore Street. Masks are required for all             Registration Required: Find the link on
    walkers for the duration of the walk.                      the Virtual Events Calendar.
                                                               Meeting ID for Phone Participants: 627 937 526
      “We’re all so ecstatic to be returning
          to the senior center at last!”
           —Karen, CFPA community and HUG member               Friday Afternoon
                                                               FRIDAYS • 2:00–3:00 PM
                                                               Registration Not Required / Drop-in:
                                                               Find the link on the Virtual Events Calendar.
                                                               Meeting ID for Phone
                                                               Participants: 883 9277 3471

— from CFPA–HSC Home Page > HSC AT HOME > VIRTUAL EVENTS CALENDAR           News & Activities | November 2021    7
Community for Positive Aging
                                                     Hollywood Senior Center
                                                     Enhanced Resident Services
                                                     ESTD 1973

 1820 NE 40TH AVE., PORTLAND, OR 97212 | 503.288.8303 | OPEN BY APPOINTMENT MON-FRI 8:30AM-4:30PM

                                                              NOVEMBER 2021
       Monday                                Tuesday                         Wednesday                           Thursday                              Friday                        Sat/Sun
                                  1                                   2                                 3                                   4                             5                             6/7
10:00 Food & Cooking Group            9:00 Mindfulness for Stress         9:00 Senior Health Insurance      9:00 Chair Yoga w/Hayley Meador* 11:30 Pinochle**                 SATURDAY, Nov. 6
11:30 Mindfulness for Stress             Reduction                           Benefits Assistance (SHIBA)    10:00 Philips CPAP Recall        1:00 Connecting Through Loss:    10:30 Walking Group (masks
   Reduction                          10:00 Family Caregivers Support     9:00 Foot Care Clinic**           11:00 Arthritis Exercise with       A Time for Remembrance          not required)**
12:30 Intermediate Tai Chi with          Group                            10:00 Zumba**                        Jacki Gethner                 2:00 Friday Afternoon Chat         Meet at northeast corner of
   Candace Herrill                    10:00 Virtual Coffee Klatsch w/     11:00 Arthritis Exercise with     12:00 Walking Group (masks          (drop-in)                       Grant Park at NE 36th & Brazee
2:00 Tai Chi for Beginners with          Paul Iarrobino (drop-in)            Sandy Morales*                    required)**
   Candace Herrill                    10:30 Walking Group (masks          12:30 Intermediate Tai Chi with   1:00 Life Stories Writing Wkshp                                   SATURDAY, Nov. 6
                                         not required)**                     Candace Herrill                1:00 VIEWS Discussion:                                            10:00am–3:00pm
                                      11:00 Arthritis Exercise with       2:00 Tai Chi for Beginners with      Learning from Grief and Loss                                     Portland Hollywood
                                         Jacki Gethner                       Candace Herrill                1:00 Oregon Consumer Justice                                        Lions Club Food Drive**
                                      1:30 Chi-Pong**                                                          Listening Session                                                Hollywood Grocery Outlet
                                      2:00 “Do I Step Up?” Welcoming                                        3:00 VIEWS Support Group                                            4420 NE Hancock St.
                                         LGBT Older Adults*

                                  8                                   9                               10                                11                               12                         13/14
11:30 Mindfulness for Stress          9:00 Mindfulness for Stress         9:00 Senior Health Insurance      9:00 Chair Yoga with            10:30 Poetry Power! Poetry        SATURDAY, Nov. 13
   Reduction                             Reduction                           Benefits Assistance (SHIBA)       Hayley Meador*                 Writing for Older Adults        10:30 Walking Group (masks
12:30 Intermediate Tai Chi with       9:00 HSC Advisory Council Meeting   9:00 Foot Care Clinic**           10am–2pm CFPA Covid Vaccine 11:30 Pinochle**                        not required)**
   Candace Herrill                 11:00 Arthritis Exercise with        and Booster Clinic & Health 2:00 Friday Afternoon Chat           Meet at northeast corner of
12:30 Gordon Neal Herman              10:30 Walking Group (masks             Sandy Morales*                    Fair at NE Community Center    (drop-in)                         Grant Park at NE 36th & Brazee
   presents: Tin Pan Alley*              not required)**                  11:00 Book Club                   11:00 Arthritis Exercise with
2:00 Tai Chi for Beginners with       11:00 Arthritis Exercise with       12:30 Intermediate Tai Chi with      Jacki Gethner
   Candace Herrill                       Jacki Gethner                       Candace Herril                 12:00 Walking Group (masks
                                      1:30 Chi-Pong**                     2:00 Tai Chi for Beginners with      required)**
                                      2:00 Estate Planning 101*              Candace Herrill                1:00 Life Stories Writing Wkshp
                                                                                                            3:00 VIEWS Support Group

                              15                                   16                                 17                               18                                19                        20/21
10:00 Food & Cooking Group            9:00 Mindfulness for Stress         9:00 Senior Health Insurance      9:00 Chair Yoga with            9:30 Cannabis Talk*               SATURDAY, Nov. 20
11:30 Mindfulness for Stress             Reduction                           Benefits Assistance (SHIBA)       Hayley Meador*               11:30 Pinochle**                  10:30 Walking Group (masks
   Reduction                          10:00 Virtual Coffee Klatsch w/     9:00 Foot Care Clinic**           11:00 Arthritis Exercise with   2:00 Friday Afternoon Chat          not required)**
12:30 Intermediate Tai Chi with          Paul Iarrobino (drop-in)         9:30 MySeniorCenter Virtual          Jacki Gethner                   (drop-in)                        Meet at northeast corner of
   Candace Herrill                    10:30 Walking Group (masks             Welcome and Walk-through       12:00 Walking Group (masks                                          Grant Park at NE 36th & Brazee
2:00 Tai Chi for Beginners with          not required)**                  10:00 Zumba**                        required)**
   Candace Herrill                    11:00 Arthritis Exercise with       11:00 Arthritis Exercise with     12:30 CFPA private movie
                                         Jacki Gethner                       Sandy Morales*                    matinee (FENCES) at the
                                      1:30 Chi-Pong**                     12:30 Intermediate Tai Chi with      Hollywood Theatre**
                                                                             Candace Herril                 1:00 Life Stories Writing Wkshp
                                                                          2:00 Tai Chi for Beginners with   3:00 VIEWS Support Group
                                                                             Candace Herrill
                              22                                  23                                 24                                25                                26                        27/28
11:30 Mindfulness for Stress          9:00 Mindfulness for Stress         9:00 Senior Health Insurance                                                                        SATURDAY, Nov. 27
   Reduction                             Reduction                           Benefits Assistance (SHIBA)                                                                      10:30 Walking Group (masks
12:30 Intermediate Tai Chi with       10:00 Therapeutic                   9:00 Foot Care Clinic**                                                                               not required)**
   Candace Herrill                       Horticulture**                   11:00 Arthritis Exercise with                                                                         Meet at northeast corner of
2:00 Tai Chi for Beginners with       10:30 Walking Group (masks             Sandy Morales*                                                     CENTER CLOSED IN OBSERVANCE     Grant Park at NE 36th & Brazee
   Candace Herrill                       not required)**                  12:30 Intermediate Tai Chi with     HAPPY THANKSGIVING!                 OF THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY
                                      11:00 Arthritis Exercise with          Candace Herril
                                         Jacki Gethner                    9:00 VIEWS Conversation on             CENTER CLOSED TODAY
                                      1:30 Chi-Pong**                        Aging: Holiday Wellness              Thanksgiving meals
                                                                          2:00 Tai Chi for Beginners with       delivered to community
                                                                             Candace Herrill                   members by CFPA volunteers

                             29                                   30
11:30 Mindfulness for Stress
                                      9:00 Mindfulness for Stress
                                                                                                                                GIFT SHOP IS OPEN!
12:30 Intermediate Tai Chi with       10:30 Walking Group (masks                                                       The CFPA Gift Shop is located at
   Candace Herrill                       not required)**
2:00 Tai Chi for Beginners with       11:00 Arthritis Exercise with
                                                                                                              Hollywood Senior Center, 1820 NE 40th Ave., Portland
   Candace Herrill                       Jacki Gethner                                                                        Open Mon–Fri • 10 am–2 pm
                                                                                                                                    Come visit & see what’s new!
                                                                                                                        Masks and 6-feet distancing required while in shop.

* = Available for “Live Zooming” from Hollywood Senior Center.                                               Virtual Events Calendar:
** = In-person only. (If there is no * the event is virtual only.)

                                                                                                            FOOT CARE: To schedule a 45-minute foot care appointment
 Senior Law and SHIBA Phone Appointments                                                                    on Wednesdays between 9AM and 12PM, call 503-288-8303 or
 To make a phone appointment for Senior Law Project                                                         email
 Legal Clinic or Senior Health Insurance Benefits Assistance                                                PLEASE NOTE: If an activity on this calendar is not listed in the
 (SHIBA), please call Information & Assistance Specialist                                                   main newsletter, it means registration is closed or the class is
 Megan Doren at 503-288-8303, ext. 103.                                                                     full. To add your name to a wait list or for more info, email
                                                                                                   or call 503-288-8303 x104.
More activities & programs
     Bi-weekly                                      Connecting Through Loss:
 FOOD AND COOKING GROUP                             A Time for Remembrance
 Cooks in the Kitchen                               Facilitator: Jim Rico
 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1 & 15 • 10:00–11:00 AM           FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5 • 1:00–2:00 PM

 Registration Required:                             Registration Required: Find the link on
 Find the link on the Virtual Events Calendar.      the Virtual Events Calendar.

 Mtg ID for Phone Participants: 933 3895 3293       Mtg ID for Phone Participants: 824 0335 9009
                                                    This casual and conversational group is open to
                                                    anyone who has experienced the loss of a loved
 Virtual Coffee Klatsch                             one. Not meant to be a therapy session, it’s a
 Facilitator: Paul Iarrobino                        time of reflection and remembrance, where
 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 & 16                           group members can share memories of their
 10:00–11:00 AM                                     loved ones in a safe and friendly environment.
 Registration Not Required / Drop-in: Find the
 link on the Virtual Events Calendar.               Book Club
 Mtg ID for Phone Participants: 963 103 0643        WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 • 11:00 AM–12:00 PM
                                                    Mtg ID for Phone Participants: 882 6013 3224
     Monthly                                        Registration Required: Find the link on the
                                                    Virtual Events Calendar.
                                                    Do you have a current book, or
 Learning from Grief and Loss                       books, you are reading, or one you
 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4 • 1:00–2:30 PM                have recently read? Join us
                                                    and share your thoughts on
 Registration Required: Find the link on
                                                    any books you want to talk
 the Virtual Events Calendar.
                                                    about. All genres are open
 Mtg ID for Phone Participants:                     for discussion.
 814 5815 6422
 As we age and experience losses of many types,     VIEWS CONVERSATIONS ON AGING
 grief may become more common. Healing takes
 as long as it takes. Learn from others and find
                                                    Holiday Wellness
 your own unique path through grief.                WEDNESDAY • NOVEMBER 24 • 1:00–2:30 PM
                                                    Registration Required: Find the link on
                                                    the Virtual Events Calendar.
 Poetry Power
                                                    Mtg ID for Phone Participants: 893 8226 5096
 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12 • 10:30 AM–12:00 PM
                                                    The holidays are meant to be a time of joy and
 Registration Required: Find the link on            sharing. As our lives change over the years, our
 the Virtual Events Calendar.                       holiday experiences may not always live up
 Mtg ID for Phone Participants: 890 1901 0192       to our expectations. Join us to identify what
 Free guided poetry writing session for older       is important to you about the holidays and
 adults. This open and affirming group is a place   explore ways to bring those things into your
 for people to express themselves, share their      celebrations this year. Reduce stress and focus
 stories, and connect with others.                  on the things that bring meaning and joy.

10    Community for Positive Aging | Hollywood Senior Center   VIRTUAL CALENDAR:
Monthly & Special Events available for “Live Zooming” at HSC
                                                               “Do I Step Up?” Perspectives on
     Tin Pan Alley                                             Welcoming LGBT Older Adults
     MONDAY, NOVEMBER 8                                        TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2 • 2:00-3:30 PM
     12:30–1:30 PM
                                                               Presenter: Megan McCoy, MSS, MLSP
     Registration Required:
     Find the link on the                                      Registration Required: Find the link on
     Virtual Events Calendar.                                  the Virtual Events Calendar.
     Meeting ID for Phone                                      Mtg ID for Phone Participants: 872 0728 4890
     Participants:                                             A growing body of research considers the
     863 2369 9479                                             experiences of LGBT older adults, yet little is
     Tin Pan Alley is the                                      known about LGBT older adults’ participation
     name given to the                                         in senior centers and how welcoming those
     American Music                                            spaces are for them. In this workshop, Megan
     Publishing industry.                                      McCoy, PhD will present findings from a recent
     From the 1889s to the early 1950s, Tin Pan Alley          dissertation study conducted at Hollywood
     dominated the entertainment business. This                Senior Center to better understand the
     presentation will cover how Tin Pan Alley came            dynamics involved in welcoming LGBT older
     into existence and shaped American music.                 adults in a senior center. Learn about health
                                                               disparities LGBT older adults face and how
                                                               these are rooted in a history of discrimination.
     Cannabis Talks                                            Learn how Hollywood Senior Center works to be
     FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 19 • 9:30–11:00 AM                       inclusive and how participants describe comfort
     Presenter: Christian Lé, MD,                              levels with using inclusive language, responding
                                                               to homophobia, and responding when an LGBT
     Green Earth Medicine Clinic
                                                               peer comes out. Most important, learn more
     Registration Required: Find the link on                   about how we can all “step up” as allies for
     the Virtual Events Calendar.                              LGBT older adults!
     Meeting ID for Phone Participants:
     864 7430 9813 • Passcode: 97212                           Estate Planning 101
     Green Earth Medicine presents a monthly talk              TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9 • 2:00–3:30 PM
     for those who are interested in learning more             Presenter: Ekua A. Hackman, Fellow
     about the medicinal uses of cannabis.
                                                               Attorney, Homeownership Asset Preservation
                                                               Program, The Commons Law Center
     Therapeutic Horticulture                                  Registration Required: Find the link on
     TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23 • 10:00–11:00AM                      the Virtual Events Calendar.
     Presenter: Kasia Bilhartz, Registered                     Estate planning is the process of anticipating
     Horticulture Therapist                                    and arranging, during a person’s life, for the
                                                               management and disposal of that person’s
     Registration Required: Find the link on
                                                               estate during the person’s life, in the event the
     the Virtual Events Calendar.
                                                               person becomes incapacitated and after death.
     Mtg ID for Phone Participants: 852 8819 8261              The planning includes the bequest of assets to
     Therapeutic horticulture allows participants to           heirs and may include minimizing gift, estate,
     engage their senses and creativity through the            generation skipping transfer, and taxes.
     exploration of plants and natural materials.              This program will help you understand how the
     Supply kits can be picked up or delivered the             estate planning process works in Oregon.
     day prior to the meeting.

— from CFPA–HSC Home Page > HSC AT HOME > VIRTUAL EVENTS CALENDAR        News & Activities | November 2021         11
Community opportunity

 Volunteer this month!
 AS WE APPROACH Thanksgiving, we are reminded of how thankful we are for all of the
 ongoing support the Community for Positive Aging receives from our amazing volunteers!
 In addition to our dedicated core of a hundred ongoing volunteers who give service every
 month, we are also fortunate to receive support each year from hundreds of community
 volunteers who donate their time and talents to help with short-term volunteer projects.
 In November, we have opportunities for anyone in the community who is able and willing
 to help make this Thanksgiving holiday extra special for CFPA participants!

 Create Thanksgiving greetings!
 Volunteer from home to create Thanksgiving greetings
 for seniors and low-income neighbors through the
 Community for Positive Aging. This is a great at-home
 project for kids and families! During this time of
 continued social distancing, bring cheer and comfort
 to community members with letters, cards, or drawings
 to show compassion and kindness and remind people
 that they are not alone.
 How to participate: Write cards, create hand-made
 greetings, draw a picture, or make a Thanksgiving or
 autumn-themed coloring sheet for others. All of these
 will add extra joy to someone’s holiday. Please leave envelopes unsealed. There is no
 minimum or maximum—the more cards we receive, the more holiday cheer participants
 will receive! Holiday greetings can be mailed to the Community of Positive Aging at
 Hollywood Senior Center, 1820 NE 40th Ave., Portland, OR 97212 or dropped off Mondays
 through Fridays from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, now through November 17.

                                   Lend a hand with Thanksgiving meal
                                   distribution & delivery!
                                   Help us distribute hundreds of Thanksgiving meals to
                                   participants! We’ll need lots of volunteer support on both
                                   Wednesday, Nov. 24, and Thursday, Nov. 25 (specific timing
                                   on those dates to be announced).
                                 Volunteers will be needed to assist with giving meals
                                 out to people who are picking up from the Hollywood
                                 Senior Center, and we’ll need lots of volunteer drivers
 to deliver Thanksgiving meals to homes across Portland. (For more info about this year’s
 Thanksgiving with CFPA, see page 1.)

 TO VOLUNTEER: Contact CFPA Volunteer Program Manager Julie Ann Barowski at or 503.288.8303 ext 109.

12   Community for Positive Aging | Hollywood Senior Center   VIRTUAL CALENDAR:
CFPA Covid Vaccine and Booster Clinic and Health Fair
     THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11 • 10:00 AM–2:00 PM
     Parking lot at Northeast Community Center (1630 NE 38th Ave, Portland)

    COMMUNITY FOR POSITIVE AGING is partnering with the Northeast Community Center to offer a
    Covid Vaccine and Booster Clinic and Health Fair on November 11. All vaccines are available, and gift
    cards will be given to those receiving 1st and 2nd doses. Boosters are available for those who received
    the Pfizer vaccine on or before April 11, 2021. (Moderna and Johnson & Johnson boosters will also be
    available if the CDC gives approval prior to the event.) In addition to the vaccine clinic, the event will
    feature a health fair with a variety of vendors providing information, resources, and sample services for
    improving health and wellness. Lunch boxes are available for those getting vaccine shots, and snacks
    and softs drinks are available to all attendees.
    The vaccine clinic is by appointment or walk-in. Making an appointment will reduce wait times. To make
    an appointment contact Michael Murphy at 971-341-2130 or

                                                               Philips CPAP Recall: Now What?!
                Be Part of the Solution                        THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4 • 10:00–11:00 AM
                THURS., NOVEMBER 4 • 1:00–3:00 PM
                                                               Presenter: Paul Iarrobino, Our Bold Voices
    Facilitator: Joselius Jimenez Maldonado,                   Registration Required: Find the link on the
    OCJ Community Engagement Manager                           Virtual Events Calendar.
    OREGON CONSUMER JUSTICE is offering                        If you have sleep apnea, your
    community listening sessions to identify topline           doctor may have prescribed
    consumer protection issues that affect low-                you a CPAP machine. Philips
    income, refugee, non-English speaking, elders and          recalled their CPAP, BiPAP,
    the disabled community. The sessions will last             and ventilator devices
    two hours and will be conducted through Zoom.              in June 2021 because of
    Participants will receive a $200 Visa gift card. The       potential health risks. The
    sessions will be recorded and OCJ reps will be             recall has been frustrating for many
    taking notes throughout the session.                       seeking timely recourse. This webinar will focus on
    Some of the topics OCJ wishes to hear about are            learning which models are recalled, understanding
    predatory lending, high interest rates when buying         the recall’s impact, how to register your device,
    a car or taking out a mortgage, predatory practices        and how best to advocate for yourself within
    of collections agencies, unfair credit practices—          the medical community. This workshop is not
    billing, interest, disclosures, and scams.                 intended to provide medical advice.
    For more info or to sign up for this program,              Paul Iarrobino was diagnosed with sleep apnea
    please contact Michael Murphy at 971-341-2130 or           more than two decades ago and will explain what                           he’s learned about the recall as a consumer.

— from CFPA–HSC Home Page > HSC AT HOME > VIRTUAL EVENTS CALENDAR       News & Activities | November 2021        13
Gifts to our community
 Hollywood Senior Center thanks you!
 MANY THANKS TO ALL those who made contributions to CFPA-HSC, the HSC Building Fund, or
 the Endowment Fund from September 8 to October 19, 2021. Any contributions received after this
 date will be reported in the next newsletter. We make every effort to ensure accuracy in recognizing
 supporters; please notify us if you discover any errors. Gifts can now be made to both Hollywood
 Senior Center and Community for Positive Aging.
 Anne Trudeau
                        Pat Windisch
                        Paul Clark
                                               IN MEMORY OF
                                               RUSSELL A. FOX         Special Thanks
 Anonymous              Roseanne Clark         Ruth J. Fox                 American Made Goods
 Arthur Silverman       Sara Morris
                                                                              Ankeny Hardware
 Azzree Lathan          Sheila Pastore         IN HONOR OF
 Barbara Fields         Walter & Carol         RON THURSTON               Helen Bernhard’s Bakery
 Beverly Luzader          Ratzlaf              Molly Thurston                  Blanchet House
 Bridget Neal                                                              Brink Communications
 David & Joy Cohrs      REGISTRATIONS                                         Clay Street Table
 Diana Rush             Ken Griffith                                            Feed the Mass
 Douglas Montgomery     Maryanne Katz           OCTOBER
                                                                                 Fills Donuts
 Heather Keisler        Joan Fasser             NEWSLETTER
   Fornes                                       ATTRIBUTION                  Fleur de Lis Bakery
 Hollywood Ukulele      GRANT/                  CORRECTIONS                    The Giving Tree
   Group                FOUNDATION                                    Grant Park Neighborhood Assn.—
 Jan Weinzinger         Chinese American        IN MEMORY OF             Neighbor Helping Program
 Joan Fasser             Citizens Alliance      TOM CHERECK                    Grocery Outlet
 Joanne Cairns                                  Juanita Chereck          Hollywood Farmers Market
 John Tullos            IN MEMORY OF
 Karen Schneider        BILL DAVIS                                            Hollywood Lions
                                                IN MEMORY
 Kathleen Gillen        Terril Doherty                               Hollywood Neighborhood Gleaners
                                                OF KENNETH
 Ken Griffith                                   RYDELL                 Hospice Care of the Northwest
 Lissa Adams            IN MEMORY OF            Ann Rydell                      Paul Iarrobino
 Margaret Heil          KEN JOHNK                                              Kindness Farms
 Nancy Clifton          Terril Doherty
                                                                        Metropolitan Family Services
                                                                      Mother & Child Education Center
 Lions Club Food Drive is November 6th                               Multnomah County Aging, Disability
                            PORTLAND HOLLYWOOD LIONS
                                                                           and Veterans Services
                            CLUB is supporting the Community             Multnomah County Library
                            for Positive Aging at Hollywood Senior        New Seasons Grant Park
                            Center once again through their Fall             Oregon Food Bank
                            Food Drive. On Saturday, Nov. 6,              Oregon Health Authority
                            bring any of the items below to the          Portland Fruit Tree Project
                            Hollywood Grocery Outlet (4420 NE              Produce for the People
                            Hancock Street) between 10am and                     Pat Robinson
                            3pm. Items will be donated to CFPA
                                                                              Sunshine Division
                            for distribution to our community.
 The food collected at the November 6th drive addresses food
                                                                                  Peter Sysyn
 insecurity for seniors in the community.                                        We Do Better
                                                                            Whole Foods Market
 • Canned meats, beans, fruits and veggies • Pasta, rice, cereal,
 peanut butter • Prepackaged meals • Pet food (small cans or            All of our amazing volunteers
 bags preferred) • Eyeglasses, hearing aids, cell phones, tablets              & in-kind donors!

14   Community for Positive Aging | Hollywood Senior Center
We count on you!
Although our physical doors remain closed, center                Support our center through planned giving.
staff and volunteers are working diligently to provide           Naming the Hollywood Senior Center as a beneficiary
life-saving and meaningful support to people most                in your will, trust, insurance policy, 401K or
at risk during this pandemic.                                    retirement account is an easy way to help us fulfill
Services our staff and volunteers provide are                    our commitment to assisting adults over 55 in
necessities with clear and demonstrated outcomes.                leading independent, secure, healthy and fulfilled
They include:                                                    lives. Leave a lasting legacy by naming us in your
                                                                 estate plans. For more information, contact HSC
• improving participants’ health and emotional well-
                                                                 Director Amber Kern-Johnson at 503-288-8303, ext.
• increasing personal independence;
• decreasing social isolation; and                               Thanks to your generosity, social distancing doesn’t
• reducing the public costs of higher levels of care.            have to mean social isolation for seniors in your
Additionally, our volunteer program offers                       community. Your tax-deductible donation in any
participants opportunities to connect with others,               amount will help us meet increasing demand
contribute positively to their community, and                    and continue providing nutritional support,
increase civic participation.                                    companionship, and essential resources to older
Your support makes our program expansion
possible. There are many ways to participate in our                            TWO WAYS TO DONATE
community’s success!                                              Gifts can now be made to either/both Hollywood Senior Center
• Renew, or begin, your annual HSC registration.                                and Community For Positive Aging.
• Make a one-time gift, or become a sustainer by
                                                                        Mail your check or money order directly to:
  making a recurring monthly gift.
                                                                              CFPA / Hollywood Senior Center
• Share our cause with family and friends.
                                                                         1820 NE 40th Avenue, Portland, OR 97212
• Volunteer for one of HSC’s digital or phone
  volunteer roles. Call 503-288-8303 to inquire about                              Donate online at:
  current opportunities!                                         
Your tax-deductible contribution of any amount will
help us meet increasing demand for services, and                           We are so grateful for your support.
ensure our organization and community survives the                         Every little bit makes a difference!
pandemic so we can continue to be here for you and
your family in the future.                                                HSC Non-profit Tax I.D. No. 23-7291187

YES, I want to make a difference! Here is my contribution to the Hollywood Senior Center.

Name                                                     Phone                          Email
Address                                                          City                          State            Zip
My contribution is for the:      Greatest need           Endowment fund        Building fund           $20 annual registration

   Please charge my credit card. Card type:       Visa           Mastercard
  Account #                                                                 Exp. Date          /           Amount

   Please send me information about including Hollywood Senior Center in my will or estate plan.

   Please designate my contribution:
          “In memory of”		       “In honor of” (check one):
   and send an acknowledgement letter to:
   Address                                                         City                            State        Zip

Clip this form and mail, with check payable to:
CFPA-Hollywood Senior Center, 1820 NE 40th Ave, Portland, OR 97212            News & Activities | November 2021                  15
Community for Positive Aging                                                 NONPROFIT ORG.
                                                                                             US POSTAGE
              Hollywood Senior Center                                                           PAID
              1820 NE 40th Ave.                                                             PORTLAND OR
              Portland, OR 97212                                                           PERMIT NO. 628

Return Service Requested

             Carson & Baker                                   {Poetry Power! September Group Poem}

             Attorneys at Law                                                Strength
                  503.288.9291                             Strength smells like coffee in a tin mug
              Located in Hollywood at
                                                           Strength is two people saying sweet
     2035 NE 42nd Ave. (NE 42nd at Tillamook St.)
                                                           nothings to each other
        General practice, with an emphasis on
        Wills, Estates, Probate and Real Estate            Strength can be the sound of bare feet
                                                           chasing the ice cream truck over hot
     — SPECIAL CONCERN FOR SENIORS CITIZENS —              summer cement or a child’s footsteps as
                                                           they run to find someone for comfort and
                                                           care, humble and human
                                                           Strength smells like the damp cedar
                                                           boughs composting on the welcoming
                                                           earthen floor, moving life into death into
                                                           life renewed and it looks like leaving the
                                                           porch lamp of your heart on—so you can
                                                           light the way home.
                                                           Strength feels like strong muscles,
                                                           Strength looks like resilience,
                                                           Strength has no smell, but it tastes like
                                                           your favorite food smothered in a strong
                                                           Strength sounds like a hearty “NO!” that
                                                           gives my heart some time to heal
                                                           Strength feels like a horse’s shoulder—
                                                           both sturdy and soft, quivering and still
                                                           Strength is in the beauty of a person

                                                           The next Poetry Power session is Friday, November 12.

                              NEWSLETTER ISSUE NO. 575 | NOVEMBER 2021
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