Meals on Wheels - Kronkosky Charitable Foundation

Page created by William Walters
Meals on Wheels - Kronkosky Charitable Foundation
Meals on Wheels

                                                                                     JUNE 2021

                                              Research Brief
The Meals on Wheels Association of America is                   In addition, seniors are more likely to have
the largest and oldest organization that                        nutrient deficiencies and obesity. Some earlier
provides meal services to the needy,                            studies on elderly nutrition support the recent
particularly to the elderly, homebound,                         research findings that seniors consume fewer
disabled, frail, or at risk (Meals on Wheels America            than the recommended daily allowance for
[MOWA], 2021b). Understanding the need for                      nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D (Health
Meals on Wheels programs first requires an                      in Aging, 2020). When those seniors also had
examination of hunger among Americans,                          insufficient supplies of food, the nutrient
particularly senior citizens.                                   deficiencies were even more pronounced.
                                                                “[F]ood insecure seniors consumed less calories
                                                                and lower quantities of all 10 key nutrients than
For seniors, many factors contribute to food
                                                                their food secure counterparts…Notably, many
insecurity, hunger, and nutritional deficiencies,               of these nutrients, including iron and protein,
                                                                are known to be particularly important to the
 Cost of food                                                  health of the senior population” (Feeding America,
 Expense for necessary medications                             2014, p.6).

 Inability to locate, purchase, and cook food                  In a study that analyzed trends in senior health
 Reduced absorption of nutrients from food                     and nutrition outcomes using data from the
                                                                1999-2014 National Health and Nutrition
 Less acute sense of taste and smell
                                                                Examination Survey, it was determined that:
 Loss of appetite
 Physical impairments                                           Food insecure seniors have lower nutrient
 Poor general and oral health
                                                                 Average intakes were lower by between 9%
 Difficulty chewing and swallowing                               and 26% for food insecure seniors in
 Social Isolation                                                comparison to food secure seniors
 Depression                                                     Difference in nutrient intakes held across
(National Institutes of Health [NIH], 2019)                       time
                                                                (Gundersen and Ziliak, 2017)
As people age, food insecurity and hunger
increase health risks. Research has                             Adverse health effects are also associated with
demonstrated that seniors with low food                         food insecurity among the senior population
security experienced more depression, lowered                   even when other factors such as age, ethnicity,
quality of life, and reduced physical                           and income are accounted for. Compared to
performance. In fact, the higher the level of                   their food secure counterparts, food insecure
food insecurity, the more issues with pain,                     seniors are:
general health/functioning, and mental health.
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Meals on Wheels Research Brief                                                                       June 2021
 65% more likely to be diabetic
                                                                             FOOD INSECURE POPULATION
 2.3 times more likely to experience                                            SNAP ELIGIBILITY
  depression                                                              Below 165% 165%-185% Above 185%
 30% more likely to report at least one ADL                                 poverty       poverty    poverty
  limitation                                                    Bandera       52%           11%        37%
 19% more likely to have high blood                            Bexar         71%            5%        24%
  pressure                                                      Comal         45%            7%        48%
 66% more likely to have a heart attack                        Kendall       36%            8%        56%
                                                                (Feeding America, 2020a)
 91% more likely to develop asthma
 57% more likely to develop congestive                    Even among those who are eligible for
  heart failure                                            assistance, many do not know of, or apply for,
 Twice as likely to have gum disease                      the assistance available to them. “Only 48% of
(Gundersen and Ziliak, 2017)
                                                           eligible seniors are enrolled and receiving SNAP
HUNGER IN TEXAS                                            benefits (formerly Food Stamps) — making
In 2018, 11.5% of all U.S. households                      assistance programs for SNAP enrollment that
experienced food insecurity:                               much more important for seniors” (Feeding
 United States – 11.5%                                    America, 2021).
 Texas ‐ 15.0%                                            In 2020, Texas had one of the highest rates of
(Feeding America, 2020b)
                                                           food insecurity in the nation for adults aged 60
The rate of food insecure households in the KCF            and over with a percentage of senior hunger at
counties of interest in 2018 was higher than the           18% (America’s Health Rankings, 2020). Texas ranked
national rate but below the Texas rate for all             at number 49 of 50 states. All of the available
but one County (respectively):                             statistical data and research findings emphasize
                                                           the need for legislation and programs like
                                                           Meals on Wheels to enhance the nutritional
                        Rate     Number
                                                           intake of senior citizens.
            Bandera 15.6%             3,390
            Bexar      14.1%       271,790                 BEGINNINGS OF SENIOR NUTRITION PROGRAMS
            Comal      12.2%         16,480                The Older Americans Act
            Kendall    11.2%          4,720                Some of the initial programs addressing the
            (Feeding America, 2020a)                       nutritional and social needs of senior citizens
                                                           were created by the federal government in
The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
                                                           1968. One decade later, Congress funded an
(SNAP) provides eligible financially under-
                                                           elderly nutrition program under Title III of the
sourced individuals and families with benefits
                                                           Older Americans Act (OAA) (Colello, 2011).
to help supplement their food budgets.
Unfortunately, many of those in need of                    In 2021, the allocations for the Older Americans
assistance do not meet the stringent eligibility           Act include $504,157,466 in funding for
requirements. One-third of people who are                  congregate (group) meals, $270,471,632
food insecure may not qualify for federal food             towards home‐delivered meals, and
assistance (Feeding America, 2020b). To qualify for        $153,288,029 for nutrition services incentive
SNAP assistance, a household’s income must be              program (limited to food purchase). This money
below 165% of the Federal Poverty Level, in                is given to state agencies, who then distribute
Texas. The following table lists the percentage            the funds to area agencies, including Meals on
of those with food insecurity in the KCF                   Wheels. Texas’ share of the funds in 2021
counties of interest by reported income level in           include $33,795,326 for congregate meals,
2018:                                                      $18,377,421 for home‐delivered meals, and
                                                           $10,850,239 for nutrition services incentive
                                                           program (Administration for Community Living, 2021).

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June 2021                                                           Meals on Wheels Research Brief
In recent years, local meals programs have                  Offer services to people 60 years and older
struggled to keep up with demand. “Meal on                   with the greatest social and economic need,
Wheels is now serving 20 million fewer meals                 specifically low-income seniors and those
than in 2005 because food, transportation and                who reside in rural areas
other costs have increased while funding                    Provide at least one meal a day, five or
remains stagnant…8 out of 10 low income, food                more days a week (exceptions allowed in
insecure seniors are not receiving the home-                 rural areas)
delivered or congregate meals they likely need”             Meal must contribute to 1/3 of the daily
(MOWA, 2020c).
                                                             dietary allowance
“Nationally, the OAA funds 39% of the total                 Safe and sanitary food preparation
cost to provide meals for seniors…the other                  conditions
61% of funding that serves seniors each year
                                                            Initial nutritional screening of participants
comes from state and/or local sources, private
donations from foundation, corporations and                 Promote intergenerational meal programs
individuals, and federal block grants” (MOWA,               Offer congregate meals when possible at
2020c).                                                      facilities like senior centers, community
                                                             centers, schools, and adult day care centers
Typically, for every dollar of Title III money
spent, another $1.70 for congregate meals and               Ask participants for voluntary monetary
$3.35 for home‐delivered meals must be raised                contribution toward the meal (not required
from other state, local, private, and participant            if they lack the means)
                                                           (Colello, 2011)
funding (Colello, 2011).
At the onset of the Coronavirus pandemic, local            The mission of Meals on Wheels America is to
programs were faced with a dramatic increase               “empower local community programs to
in requests for meals, soaring costs, shifts in            improve the health and quality of life of the
volunteer bases and other unfamiliar                       seniors they serve so that no one is left hungry
challenges. The Coronavirus Aid, Relief and                or isolated” with the vision of an “America in
Economic Security CARES) Act provided an                   which all seniors live nourished lives with
additional $480 million for nutrition programs             independence and dignity” (MOWA, 2021c). The
under Title III-C of which Texas received                  Meals on Wheels Association of America can
$32,411,593 in April 2020. The Families First              provide one year of meals to its participants for
Coronavirus Response Act (2020) Supplemental               the average cost of one day in a hospital or 10
Funding of OAA Nutrition Programs provided                 days in a nursing home (MOWA, 2020b).
$240,000,000 in March 2020 of which Texas                  “Meals on Wheels operates in virtually every
received $16,205,796 in supplemental funds                 community in America through our network of
(Administration for Community Living, 2021).               more than 5,000 independently-run local
Meals on Wheels America reported that, by                  programs” (MOWA, 2021b).
July 2020, its local programs had “successfully            Released in May 2020, Meals on Wheels
scaled to serve 47% more seniors that they                 America published the “first comprehensive,
were pre-pandemic, and had increased the                   data-driven national profile of Meals on Wheels
number of meals by 77%” (MOWA, 2021a).                     clients and the programs that serve them”
                                                           (MOWA, 2021d). Based on data collected between
Programs that receive money from the Older
Americans Act, including Meals on Wheels,                  2018 and 2019 the report provided the
must abide by several requirements. The                    following:
guidelines include:

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Meals on Wheels Research Brief                                                               June 2021
 97% of local programs offer home-delivered             telephone reassurance and pet assistance
  meals (exceptions in Area Agencies on                  while 31% also provide formal senior
  Aging and other State agencies)                        companion programs (MOWA , 2019).
 Lunch is the most common meal                         Supports seniors with disabilities. Nearly
 Over 40% of local programs provide at least            half of local Meals on Wheels programs
  five minutes of client interaction per visit           offer a variety of care coordination and
 74% of programs provide both home-                     transportation service and about one-third
  delivered and congregate meals                         offer safety programs such as home repairs
 73% of local programs have more than one                  (MOWA, 2019).
  congregate site                                       Lowers the cost of health care. Poor
 Over 66% of programs provide at least one              nutrition increases the risk of disease and
  formal safety program such as in-home                  therefore the cost of health care,
  assessments                                            particularly for seniors. “The elderly were
(MOWA, 2019)
                                                         the smallest population group, nearly 15
Meals on Wheels serves 220 million meals to              percent of the population, and accounted
over 2.4 million seniors each year:                      for approximately 34 percent of spending in
                                                         2014” (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
                   Seniors Served                           [CMS], 2020).
      Home-delivered meal
      recipients age 75+
                                        79%            Bexar and Surrounding Counties
      Women                             69%            Exclusive Meals on Wheels programs exist in
      Live alone                        59%            Bandera, Bexar, Comal, and Kendall counties.
      Live at poverty level             35%            The scope of the program depends, in part, on
      Self-report fair or poor health   46%            the size of the county. The table at the end of
      Veterans                          15%            this brief lists the most recent data available.
      Live in rural areas               25%
      Belong to a racial/ethnic                        GROWING CRISIS
                                        28%            The number of seniors experiencing hunger
      minority group
      Take 3+ medications               82%            continues to grow at an alarming rate. “The
      (MOWA, 2019)                                     rate of hunger among seniors aged 60 and
                                                       older has increased by 38% since 2001, a
Of the more than 124,145 Texans receiving
                                                       lingering effect of the 2008-09 recession. At the
Meals on Wheels assistance:
                                                       current rate, the number of food-insecure
 44% live in poverty
                                                       seniors may grow to more than 8 million by
 35% belong to a minority group
                                                       2050.…Households served by the Feeding
 34% live in a rural community
                                                       America network that includes an adult of the
 44% live alone
                                                       age 50 or older are at an increased risk of
 63% are women
                                                       having someone with a chronic health
(MOWA, 2020a)
                                                       condition, including diabetes (41%) and high
Extra Benefits of Meals on Wheels                      blood pressure (70%) — conditions that can be
In addition to supplementing clients’ daily            mitigated by healthy food options” (Feeding
nutrition, Meals on Wheels services provide            America, 2021). Surprisingly, the majority of
other direct and indirect benefits:                    seniors in this position are living with an
 Reduces isolation and provides social                income above the poverty line. The need for
    interaction and support. This occurs when          services such as Meals on Wheels can be
    the senior eats at group meal sites or             expected to rise as the number of seniors
    through daily interaction with the Meals on        increases with the aging of the Baby Boom
    Wheels volunteers. 52% of Meals on                 generation.
    Wheels network members provide

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June 2021                                                                                Meals on Wheels Research Brief
LOCAL COVID-19 RESPONSE                                                      qualified for home-delivered meals. Additional
MEALS ON WHEELS SAN ANTONIO (MOWSA)                                          drivers were recruited as meal deliveries
The Coronavirus pandemic has caused MOWSA                                    increased by 42% (Rainbow Senior Center, 2020).
to make a number of changes to its usual
                                                                             Comal County Senior Citizens Center
operations including:
                                                                             The Center closed in mid-March for all activities
 No hot meals or fresh fruit delivered –
                                                                             except meal service. Congregate meals were
    meals delivered chilled and can be frozen
                                                                             moved to a drive-thru model and seniors not
    up to 30 days
                                                                             able to drive were placed on the home-delivery
 Meal deliveries will be made twice a week
                                                                             rolls. Hot meals continued to be delivered five
    to clients (versus the usual once-a-day)
                                                                             days per week (Comal County Senior Citizens Center,
 Staff will conduct a safety call to clients                                2020).
    once a week
 In-home assessments have been suspended                                    Bandera County Committee on Aging (Silver
    – new inquiries for service will be                                      Sage Senior Center)
    conducted over the phone                                                 The Center closed in April and congregate meal
 Grace Place Alzheimer’s Activity Center is                                 service was moved to a drive-thru model.
    closed with projected opening date in early                              Seniors unable to drive were offered home-
    2021                                                                     deliveries. Partnership with San Antonio Food
(MOWSA, 2021)                                                                Bank allowed for the delivery of 834
                                                                             supplementary food boxes weekly or monthly
Rainbow Senior Center Nutrition Program
                                                                             to clients in need of extra pantry staples
At the onset of the pandemic, it was                                         (Bandera County Committee on Aging, 2020).
determined that all seniors over the age of 60
would be considered homebound and thus


     County                     Meals on Wheels Provider                          Year         Meals           Congregate               Total
                                                                                              Delivered          Meals

  Bandera            Silver Sage Corral Senior Activity Center                    2020              57,259            12,1447             79,363
  Bexar              Meals on Wheels San Antonio                                  2020          1,200,000             -                 1,200,000
  Comal              Comal County Senior Citizens Center                          2020              60,820                17,169          77,989
  Kendall            Kronkosky Place (Rainbow Senior Center)                      2020              61,134                10,902          72,036
  (Bandera County Committee on Aging, 2020; Comal County Senior Citizen’s Foundation, 2020; MOWSA, 2020; Rainbow Senior Center, 2020)

                                                                             Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). (2020).
Administration for Community Living. (2020). State                              National health expenditure data fact sheet.
  allocation tables: Title III (2020). Retrieved from                           Retrieved from                        Statistics-Data-and-Systems/Statistics-Trends-and-
America’s Health Rankings. (2020). Senior report: Texas                         Sheet.html
  summary 2020. Retrieved from
                                                                             Colello, K. (2011). Older Americans Act: Title III nutrition
                                                                                services program. Retrieved from
Bandera County Committee on Aging. (2020). Evaluation
   report for fiscal year 2020. Available at the Kronkosky
   Charitable Foundation office.

                                                                  Page 5 of 6
Meals on Wheels Research Brief                                                                                 June 2021
Comal County Senior Citizen’s Foundation. (2020).                      t-source/fact-sheets/2020/2020-state/texas-
  Evaluation report for fiscal year ended 2020. Available              2020.pdf?sfvrsn=eca9b53b_2
  at the Kronkosky Charitable Foundation office.
                                                                  Meals on Wheels America (MOWA). (2020b). Delivering
Feeding America. (2014). Spotlight on senior health:                so much more than just a meal: United States 2020.
   Adverse health outcomes of food insecure older                   Retrieved from
   Americans. Retrieved from                                           t-source/fact-sheets/2020/2020-
   esearch/senior-hunger-research/or-spotlight-on-                  national/mowa_2020factsheet_deliver.pdf?sfvrsn=4d
   senior-health-executive-summary.pdf                              a8b53b_2

Feeding America. (2015). Baby boomers and beyond:                 Meals on Wheels America (MOWA). (2020c). How Meals
   Facing hunger after fifty. Retrieved from                        on Wheels is funded. Retrieved from   
   esearch/senior-hunger-research/baby-boomers-                     t-source/fact-sheets/2020/2020-
   executive-summary.pdf                                            national/mowa_2020factsheet_funding.pdf?sfvrsn=2
Feeding America. (2020a). Food insecurity in Texas.
   Retrieved                                                      Meals on Wheels America (MOWA). (2021a). COVID-19               Response Fund Report 2020. Retrieved from

Feeding America. (2020b). Map the Meal Gap 2020.                  Meals on Wheels America (MOWA). (2021b). Find a
   Retrieved from                                                   Meals on Wheels provider near you. Retrieved from   
   06/Map%20the%20Meal%20Gap%202020%20Combi                       Meals on Wheels America (MOWA). (2021c). Meals on
   ned%20Modules.pdf                                                Wheels America. Retrieved from
Feeding America. (2021). Senior hunger poses unique                 more/national
   challenges. Retrieved from                      Meals on Wheels America (MOWA). (2021d). More than
   america/senior-hunger-facts                                      a meal comprehensive network study. Retrieved from
Gundersen, C., and Ziliak, J. (2017). The Health                    more/research/more-than-a-meal/comprehensive-
   consequences of senior hunger in the United States:              network-study
   Evidence from the 1999-2014 NHANES. Retrieved
   from              Meals on Wheels San Antonio (MOWSA). (2020). Annual
   pdfs/health-consequences-of-senior-hunger-in-the-                Report 2020. Retrieved from
Health in Aging. (2020). Nutrition: Unique to Older Adults.         ntonio%20Annual%20Report%20rfs.pdf
   Retrieved from
   topic/nutrition/unique                                         Meals on Wheels San Antonio (MOWSA). (2021). COVID-
                                                                    19 response. Retrieved from
Meals on Wheels America (MOWA). (2019). More than a       
  meal comprehensive network study: A Story of Meals
  on Wheels in communities across the Country.                    National Institutes of Health (NIH), National Institute on
  Retrieved from                                                     Aging. (2019). Overcoming roadblocks to healthy                   eating. Retrieved from
  public-summary_may-2020.pdf?sfvrsn=66c6b43b_2                      roadblocks-healthy-eating

Meals on Wheels America (MOWA). (2020a). Delivering               Rainbow Senior Center. (2020). Evaluation report for
  so much more than just a meal in Texas. Retrieved                  fiscal year 2020. Available at the Kronkosky
  from                                                               Charitable Foundation office.

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