MCAG's Class Action Settlement Recovery Service (SRS)

Page created by Edith Turner
MCAG's Class Action Settlement Recovery Service (SRS)
MCAG’s Class Action Settlement
                   Recovery Service (SRS)

Confidential and proprietary. © MCAG, LLC 2020 All Rights Reserved
MCAG's Class Action Settlement Recovery Service (SRS)
About MCAG
        Managed Care Advisory Group | Headquarters: Toledo, OH | Founded in 2003
        MCAG is an industry leader in revenue recovery from class action settlements. We do not create class actions. We
        continually search for class actions that have already settled and have funds available for our clients — a complex and
        resource-intensive process.

          Class Action Settlement                                                                  Partner-Focused
                Recovery Experts                                                                   Distribution Model
                           Submitted claims for                                                     Driven by unrivaled data
                            over 75 settlements                                                     access and relational capital
                          Service all types and
                          sizes of organizations

                                                                                                   No Risk Fee
                        Proven Success                                                             Structure
                       More than $250 million                                                      No upfront fees
                                in recoveries                                                      Retain % of recoveries

Confidential and proprietary. © MCAG, LLC 2020 All Rights Reserved
MCAG's Class Action Settlement Recovery Service (SRS)
MCAG Clients

          Current clients include: iconic brands, innovative, world-class companies, major
          healthcare systems, physician practices, leading colleges and universities, popular
          hospitality and restaurant groups, technology leaders, respected financial
          organizations, private equity groups, local, regional and national non-profits.

          75,000+ Businesses have enrolled for our comprehensive SRS for all current & future settlements or for
          one or more specific settlements such as the Visa/Mastercard settlement

          1,400+ Hospitals including dozens of the nations top healthcare systems

Confidential and proprietary. © MCAG, LLC 2020 All Rights Reserved
MCAG's Class Action Settlement Recovery Service (SRS)
Settlements Overview

          • Billions available annually in settlement funds
          • Common reasons for lawsuits:
                    •   price-fixing of products;
                    •   inadequate compensation for services;
                    •   manipulation of financial markets
          • Defendants forfeit large sums of cash in exchange for releases from Class Members and/or certain
          • Rights often surrendered even if claim is not submitted
          • Automatic payment is rare – claim must be submitted to receive monetary compensation
          • Funds exhausted despite low participation
          • Healthcare organizations are frequently eligible Class Members

Confidential and proprietary. © MCAG, LLC 2020 All Rights Reserved
MCAG's Class Action Settlement Recovery Service (SRS)
Settlement Types

                                                                     Insurance claims were not reimbursed
                                                                     or were not paid correctly to facilities
                                                                     and/or providers.

      Product                                                                         Organization with a self-insured health plan
      Alleged price fixing and or inflation                                           overpaid for drugs purchased on behalf of
      of certain products by manufacturers.                                           its employees. Typically only applies to
      Indirect and direct purchaser                                                   organizations with 5,000 or more FTE’s.

                          Manipulation of financial markets by
                             large banks; excessive payment
                                       card interchange fees.

Confidential and proprietary. © MCAG, LLC 2020 All Rights Reserved
MCAG's Class Action Settlement Recovery Service (SRS)
Class Member Options

                                Do Do Nothing
                                   Nothing                           • Often 80% or more of eligible entities do not
                                                                       pursue settlements.
                                    Opt Out                          • Why don’t eligible entities file on their own?
                                        3rd Party                        • Unknown ROI
                                  3rd   Party
                                 Go It Alone                             • Limited access to data/records

                                      On My Own                          • Misunderstanding of filing requirements
                                                                         • Unaware of applicable settlements
                                        Opt                              • Issues with delivery/receipt of notices
                                                                         • Inefficient use of resources – filtering through
                                                                           notices to identify worthwhile opportunities
                                  Do Nothing

Confidential and proprietary. © MCAG, LLC 2020 All Rights Reserved
MCAG's Class Action Settlement Recovery Service (SRS)
The SRS Process

                  01                                          03                                         05                                       07
           Monitor Class Action                      Alert clients of applicable               Coordinate with the Settlement             Distribute net proceeds
          resources for available                   settlements and whether or                  Administrator to ensure the                       to clients.
               settlements.                            not action is required.                 appropriate recovery amount.

                                        02                                          04                                          06
                                 Identify and Assess                         Submit claims to the                    Recover gross proceeds on
                                applicable settlement                      Settlement Administrator.                     behalf of clients.
                             opportunities and assess their

Confidential and proprietary. © MCAG, LLC 2020 All Rights Reserved
MCAG's Class Action Settlement Recovery Service (SRS)
Online Enrollment Platform
        1.   Click link in email from your vendor, or visit and enter code KHA500
        2.   Complete online enrollment form with business name, primary address, tax ID, and contact information

Confidential and proprietary. © MCAG, LLC 2020 All Rights Reserved
MCAG's Class Action Settlement Recovery Service (SRS)
Settlement Opportunities
          Current Settlements
                 UFCW & Employers Benefit Trust v. Sutter Health - $575 million
                        • Deadline: May 28, 2021
                        • For organizations in Northern & Central California with a self-funded benefit plan
                 Blue Cross Blue Shield – Subscriber/Benefit Plan - $2.67 billion
                        • Deadline: November 5, 2021
                 Payment Card (Visa/MasterCard) Interchange Fee Settlement - $5.54 billion
                        • Deadline: TBD

          Potential/Proposed Settlements MCAG is Closely Monitoring
                 Blue Cross Blue Shield – Healthcare Providers
                 Generic Pharmaceuticals Pricing Antitrust Litigation
                 LIBOR OTC Manipulation
                 Opioid Multidistrict Litigation

Confidential and proprietary. © MCAG, LLC 2020 All Rights Reserved
MCAG's Class Action Settlement Recovery Service (SRS)
BCBS Subscriber/Benefit Plan Settlement

         Net Settlement                       • Fully Insured Plans ~$1.78B
             Funds                            • Self-Funded Groups ~$120M

                                              • Fully Insured = sum of premiums paid
           Claim Values                       • Self-Funded = sum of administrative            11/30/20
                                                fees paid                                Preliminary approval
                                                                                          Notices distributed
                                              • Fully Insured: 2/7/2008 – 10/16/2020            7/28/21
         Eligible Period                      • Self-Funded: 9/1/2015 – 10/16/2020     Opt-out/objection deadline
                                                                                         Final approval hearing
                                              • No automatic payment                            11/5/21
                Payment                       • A claim must be filed to receive          Claim filing deadline

Confidential and proprietary. © MCAG, LLC 2020 All Rights Reserved
Visa/Mastercard Settlement
         In re: Payment Card Interchange Fee and Merchant Discount
         Antitrust Litigation
         • The settlement resulted from a lawsuit claiming that merchants paid                                               Data from
           excessive fees to accept Visa or MasterCard cards because of an                                                    Current
                                                                                                           Data from         Processor
           alleged conspiracy among Visa, MasterCard and their respective                                   Previous
           member banks.                                                                                   Processors
         • If your business accepted Visa or MasterCard payments any time from
           January 1, 2004 to January 25, 2019, you may be eligible to recover
           money from this settlement.                                                                                  Data from
         • The net proceeds available from the settlement will be approximately                                          Visa and
           $5 billion.
               •   Returns could be significant because over 150 of the largest merchants, such as
                   Wal-Mart, Delta Airlines, American Airlines, and Google have already been
                   compensated by the Defendants and are not eligible to be paid from the $5 billion
                   in settlement funds.

         • Timing of a claims submission process has not yet been set – we offer a
           solution that you can sign up for today to ensure that an optimal claim
           is filed on your behalf as soon as the claim window opens.

                                                                                                         Your Estimated Volume
               •   December 13, 2019: District Court granted Final Approval – appeals have been filed.
                   A claims process will be available once all appeals have been resolved.

Confidential and proprietary. © MCAG, LLC 2020 All Rights Reserved
Value Drivers
                                                                     True customer support to address any inquiry
                                                                     throughout the entire settlement process.

                  Our processes, data integrity and
    documentation are consistently validated as a                                      Our turn-key solution optimizes client claims
        result of Settlement Administrator reviews.                                    and eases administrative burdens.

             We bring order to what can be a
           chaotic process with a service that
                                                                                            Ensure claim form compliance
                 fits all types of organizations.
                                                                                            and payment delivery.

         Clients do not have to provide data as a result of
                                                                                We eliminate the need to track important
       our access to relevant databases we use to submit
                                                                                dates and claim filing deadlines.
                  a comprehensive claim on their behalf.

Confidential and proprietary. © MCAG, LLC 2020 All Rights Reserved
Contact Us
         Managed Care Advisory Group, Inc. is a unique
         management consulting firm that specializes in
         helping businesses recover every dollar they earn.

                         3434 Granite Circle
                         Toledo, Ohio 43617

                         Adam Schmidt
                         (800) 355-0466 x 2406

                | KHA500

          Disclaimer: MCAG has done its best to identify and assess applicable settlements – any list provided by MCAG should not be treated as comprehensive.
          MCAG is not a law firm and the information provided herein is not legal advice, nor should it be treated, construed or acted upon as such. MCAG is not the
          Settlement Administrator, nor are MCAG’s sites the official, Court-approved, settlement websites. Class Members are not required to sign up with any third-
          party service in order to participate in these settlements.

          Payment Card Settlement (Visa/MC) Disclaimer: On December 13, 2019 the Court granted final approval of the settlement filed on September 18, 2018 for
          the Rule 23(b)(3) Class Plaintiffs in this action. No claim forms are available at this time, and no claim-filing deadline exists. No-cost assistance will be available
          from the Class Administrator and Class Counsel during any claims-filing period. No one is required to sign up with any third-party service in order to participate
          in any settlement. For additional information regarding the status of the litigation, interested persons may visit, the Court-
          approved website for this case.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Thank You.
Confidential and proprietary. © MCAG, LLC 2020 All Rights Reserved
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