Mayor's Graduate Scholarship Program - Scholarship Offering Guide: Academic Year - Fall 2022 - Spring 2023 -

Page created by Dustin Pope
Mayor's Graduate Scholarship Program - Scholarship Offering Guide: Academic Year - Fall 2022 - Spring 2023 -
    Offering Guide:
    Academic Year –
    Fall 2022 – Spring 2023
MGSP Scholarship Offering Guide

           College/University                                 School/Division                 Page
Description of Guidebook                                                                       5

Adelphi University               School of Education and Health Sciences                       6

Adelphi University               School of Social Work                                         7

Bank Street College                                                                            8

Binghamton University            Systems Science and Industrial Engineering                    9

Columbia University              Data Science Institute                                        10

Columbia University              Institute of Social & Economic Research & Policy              11

Columbia University              Mailman School of Public Health                               12

Columbia University              School of Social Work                                         13

Columbia University              School of Professional Studies                                14

CUNY/Baruch College              Austin W. Marxe School of Public and International Affairs    15

CUNY/Baruch College              Zicklin School of Business                                    16

CUNY                             Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy            17

CUNY                             School of Labor and Urban Studies                             18

Fordham University               School of Law                                                 19

College/University                                     School/Division                Page
Fordham University                 School of Social Service                                      20

Granite State College                                                                            21

Manhattan College                  Graduate Education                                            22-25

Marist College                                                                                    26

Metropolitan College of New York                                                                  27

New York Institute of Technology                                                                 28-30

New York Law School                                                                               31

New York University                Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service             32

New York University                School of Professional Studies                                33-34

New York University                Silver School of Social Work                                   35

New York University                Steinhardt School of Culture, Education & Human Development    36

New York University                Tandon School of Engineering                                   37

The New School                     School of Public Engagement                                   38-41

The New School                     The New School for Social Research                             42

Touro College                      School of Business                                            43-44

Touro College                      School of Social Work                                          45

Touro College                      School of Technology                                           46

College/University   School/Division   Page

Touro Law Center                                    47

Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program

Description of Guidebook

The Scholarship Offering Guide is a listing of the colleges/universities participating in the Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program. Each school offers
scholarships in specific degree programs. The listing includes:

     •   Admissions contact information
     •   Participating degree programs
     •   The number of scholarships and/or the approximate amount of the scholarship funded by the school
     •   Scholarship requirements such as tests, GPA, recommendations, new entrant, etc.
     •   Deadlines for submitting school application(s) to the participating schools
     •   Deadlines for submitting school confirmations to MGSP that school application(s) have been received by the school(s)

Important Points

1.       You must submit copies of school confirmations that the school(s) of your choice has received your application to the Mayor’s Graduate
         Scholarship Program (MGSP). Your Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program application will not be forwarded to the school(s), unless the indicated
         document has been received by our office by the deadlines indicated in the Application Deadlines column on each school’s offering. To verify
         your school application submission, you may send a copy of your online confirmation page, acceptance letter/email from the admissions office
         or cancelled check. See Application Booklet for application procedures. If you need further information, contact the Mayor’s Graduate
         Scholarship Program at

2.       Information posted in this Scholarship Offering Guide is subject to change without notice, including amount of scholarship offering.

3.       All awards are applied to the school tuition beginning with the Fall 2022 semester, unless stated otherwise.

4.       Scholarships are funded by the participating schools through a competitive application process. Some schools offer other scholarships at various
         dollar amounts that cannot be combined with the MGSP award, unless approved by the school. Therefore, you may choose not to accept the
         MGSP scholarship. If so, please inform the school as soon as possible and contact the MGSP office.

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide

Adelphi University                                                                           College of Education and Health Sciences
  5.         College/                            Degree                 Number of                   Scholarship                   Application Deadlines
            Department                                                 Scholarships                Requirements
Adelphi University
                                      Master of Science:           Up to 15                  Newly matriculated students    MGSP requires verification that
College of Education and Health       Sport Management            scholarships for           ONLY (must NOT be a current    you have submitted your
Sciences                                                          each program, at           graduate student).             application to the institution by
                                       Specializations:           30% tuition                                               February 15, 2022 regardless of the
Main Campus One South                                             reduction off the                                         school’s application deadline.
                                       Sport-Based Youth
Avenue Garden City, NY                                            current Garden             Must meet all graduate         Email your confirmation to
11530                                                             City                       admissions requirements –
Manhattan Campus 75 Varick             College Athletic                                      missions/graduate/apply/
                                                                      Acceptance to the                                     Your Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship
Street, Rm 230 New York, NY            Administration
                                                                      school does NOT                                       application will NOT be forwarded
10013                                                                 guarantee a                                           to the school, unless confirmation is
                                       Sport Marketing                scholarship.                                          received by the MGSP office on the
                                                                                             Must be a full-time NYC        date listed above.
For Graduate information,              Master of Science:             If awarded, contact    government employee in
Contact:                               Communication                  the school to          good academic standing         Note: Sport Management and
                                       Disorders: Speech              confirm the funding    throughout your course of      Educational Technology have
Lindsay Howland                        Language Pathology             period and the         study to continually receive   rolling admissions
Manhattan Center                                                      requirements for       the Mayor’s Graduate
Coordinator                                                           maintaining the        Scholarship.                   MS: Communication Disorders:                   Master of Arts:                scholarship.                                          Speech Language Pathology                                                                                                  application deadline is: February
                                       Educational Technology
ucation/                                                                                                                    15
                                                                      Email a copy of your
                                                                      award letter to the
                                                                      MGSP office.

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide

Adelphi University                                                                                                       School of Social Work
            College/                          Degree                   Number of                Scholarship                     Application Deadlines
          Department                                                  Scholarships             Requirements
Adelphi University
                                    MSW – 64 credits             Up to fifteen           Newly matriculated students MGSP requires verification that you
Main Campus
                                                                 scholarships, ten are   ONLY (must NOT be a current have submitted your application to the
One South
                                   Graduate pathways             reserved for NYPD       graduate student).           institution by March 1, 2022 for Fall
Avenue Garden
                                    including:*                  and NYFD, at 30%                                     applications regardless of the school’s
City, NY11530
                                 • Full-time MSW                 tuition reduction off   Must meet all graduate       application deadline. Email your
Manhattan Campus                 • Part-time MSW                 the current Garden      admissions requirements –    confirmation to
75 Varick Street, Rm 241       •    Human Service                City Graduate Social
                                    Professional (HSP)           Work tuition rates.     missions/apply/              Your Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship
New York, NY 10013
                                  • Advanced Standing Fall                                                            application will NOT be forwarded to the
                                                                  Acceptance to the      Must be a full-time NYC      school unless confirmation is received by
Hauppauge Center
                                    start.                        school does NOT        government employee in       the MGSP office on the date listed above.
55 Kennedy Drive
                                                                  guarantee a            good academic standing
Hauppauge, NY
                                    Fall start or spring start    scholarship.           throughout your course of    Note: Adelphi University School of Social
                                                                                         study to continually receive Work has rolling admissions. You must
Hudson Valley Center
                                    *MGSP scholarships                                   the Mayor’s Graduate         still apply by the deadline above to be
19 Baker Street, Suite 400
                                    are not offered to            If awarded, contact    Scholarship.                 considered for MGSP.
Poughkeepsie, NY 12601
                                    students enrolling in         the school to
*courses also offered at
                                    our Online MSW                confirm the funding
Orange County Community
                                    (OMSW) program.               period and the
College in Middletown
                                                                  requirements for
For Graduate
                                                                  maintaining the
information, Call:
Elizabeth Szpilka, LMSW
Director of Outreach,
Enrollment & Professional
                                                                  Email a copy of your
                                                                  award letter to the
P: 516-877-4384
                                                                  MGSP office.

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide

Bank Street College                                                                                     Graduate School of Education
               COLLEGE/                           DEGREE                 NUMBER OF                 SCHOLARSHIP               APPLICATION DEADLINES
             DEPARTMENT                                                 SCHOLARSHIPS              REQUIREMENTS
  Bank Street College Graduate School    Master’s Degree
  of Education                                                        Acceptance to the     Newly matriculated students   MGSP requires verification that
                                                                      school does NOT       ONLY (must NOT be a current   you have submitted your
  Office of Admissions                   All Master’s Degree          guarantee a           graduate student).            application to the institution by
  610 West 112th Street                  programs. Certificate        scholarship.                                        February 1, 2022 regardless of
  New York, NY 10025                     programs are ineligible.                                                         the school’s application
                                                                      The School will                                     deadline. Email your                                       award up to 5        Must be a full-time NYC        confirmation to
                                                                      students the         government employee in
                                                                      Mayor’s              good academic standing
                                                                      Scholarship.         throughout your course of      Your Mayor’s Graduate
                                                                                           study to continually receive   Scholarship application will NOT
                                                                      Email a copy of      the Mayor’s Graduate           be forwarded to the school,
                                                                      your award letter to Scholarship.                   unless confirmation is received
                                                                      the MGSP office.                                    by the MGSP office on the date
                                                                                                                          listed above.

                                                                                                                          School Application Deadline:
                                                                                                                          Priority Submission Date is
                                                                                                                          February 1, 2022.

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide

Binghamtom University
              College/                           Degree                    Number of                 Scholarship                    Application Deadlines
             Department                                                   Scholarships              Requirements

Department of Systems Science and      MS                             1 – 3 partial          Newly matriculated Fall          MGSP requires verification that
Industrial Engineering                                                scholarship(s)         students only (must NOT be       you have submitted your
                                       Executive Health Systems                              current graduate student)        application to the institution by
Binghamton University                  – Manhattan Program            Acceptance to the                                       March 1, 2022 regardless of the
Department of Systems                                                 school does NOT        Covers 3 program                 school’s application deadline. Email
Science & Industrial                   A one-year, Saturdays-only     guarantee a            credits/semester. Repeats all    your confirmation to
Engineering                            MS in Systems Science          scholarship.           three semesters so long as
PO Box 6000                            (open to all majors), or                              the recipient remains in good
Binghamton, NY 13902-6000              Industrial and Systems         If awarded, contact    academic standing.
                                       Engineering, with Health       the school to                                           Your Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship
Phone: 607-777-6511                    Systems Concentration.         confirm the funding    GRE or approved waiver           application will NOT be forwarded
Fax: 607-777-4094                                                     period and the         request (contact for details).   to the school unless confirmation is
                                                                      requirements for                                        received by the MGSP office on the
Contact: Erin Hornbeck                                                maintaining the        Must be a full-time NYC          date listed above.                                               scholarship.           government employee in
                                                                                             good academic standing           Rolling admission for all
Classes are held in Manhattan.                                        Email a copy of your   throughout your course of        candidates with early application
                                                                      award letter to the    study to continually receive     advised. You must still apply by                                      MGSP office.           the Mayor’s Graduate             the deadline above to be
graduate/mshs-nyc/index.html                                                                 Scholarship.                     considered for MGSP.

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide

Columbia University                                                                                                            Data Science Institute
                College/                           Degree                  Number of                    Scholarship                   Application Deadlines
               Department                                                 Scholarships                 Requirements

 Columbia University                     MS:                          MS: up to five partial   Eligibility limited to newly      MGSP requires verification that
                                         Data Science                 scholarships; Award      admitted students.                you have submitted your
                                                                      is 20% of tuition per    Admission is merit based;         application to the institution
 The Fu Foundation School of                                          term, up to three                                          by January 15, 2022, regardless of
                                                                                               complete online
 Engineering & Applied Science                                        years.                                                     the school’s application
                                         CPA:                                                  admissions application            deadline. Email your
 For Graduate information:               Certification of             CPA: up to five          required.                         confirmation to
                                         Professional Achievement     partial scholarships;                            
 Graduate Student Affairs                Program in Data Science      Award at 25% of          Award cannot be deferred.
 500 West 120th Street, Suite 530                                     tuition per term, up     To maintain scholarship            Your Mayor’s Graduate
 New York, NY 10027                                                   to one year.             eligibility each semester          Scholarship application will
 (212) 854-6438                                                                                                                   NOT be forwarded to the
                                                                                               enrolled, student must be                                             Acceptance to the                                           school unless confirmation is
                                                                                               registered for at least three      received by the MGSP office
                                                                      school does NOT
 This scholarship is only open to the                                 guarantee a              graduate credits.                  on the date listed above.
 Data Science Institute’s programs:                                   scholarship.             The scholarship is
 550 West 120th Street, Suite 1401                                                             renewable based on                 Note: The school
 New York, NY 10027                                                   If awarded, contact      academic performance; a            application deadline is
 (212) 854-5660                                                       the school to            minimum of a 3.0                   January 15, 2022.                                             confirm the funding
                                                                                               cumulative GPA is required.                                             period and the                                              All required applications
                                                                      requirements for                                            materials must be submitted
                                                                                               Must be a full-time NYC            by this date.
                                                                      maintaining the
                                                                                               government employee in good
                                                                                               academic standing throughout
                                                                                               your course of study to
                                                                      Email a copy of your
                                                                                               continually receive the
                                                                      award letter to the
                                                                                               Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship.
                                                                      MGSP office.

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide

Columbia University                                                              Institute of Social and Economic Research and Policy
               College/                            Degree                  Number of                 Scholarship                 Application Deadlines
              Department                                                  Scholarships              Requirements

Graduate School of Arts and Sciences-     MA                          One award for up to    Newly matriculated Fall        MGSP requires verification that
Quantitative Methods in the Social                                    10% of full-time       students only (must NOT be     you have submitted your
Sciences                                                              tuition for one        current graduate student)      application to the institution by
                                                                      academic year. (Non-                                  February 1, 2022 regardless of
420 West 118th Street 8th Floor,                                      Renewable)             Acceptance to CU program       the school’s application
Suite 807 (Mail Code 3355)                                                                   for part-time enrollment:      deadline. Email your
New York, NY 10027                                                    Acceptance to the                                     confirmation to
                                                                      school does NOT        Must Maintain a B average
For information, call:                                                guarantee a
Meghan McCarter                                                       scholarship.           Must be a full-time NYC        Your Mayor’s Graduate
Program Coordinator                                                                          government employee in         Scholarship application will NOT
Ph: 212-851-7531                                                      If awarded, contact    good academic standing         be forwarded to the school
Email:                                           the school to          throughout your course of      unless confirmation is received
                                                                      confirm the funding    study to continually receive   by the MGSP office no later than                                          period and the         the Mayor’s Graduate           the date listed above.
                                                                      requirements for       Scholarship.
                                                                      maintaining the                                       School deadline for non-
                                                                      scholarship.                                          scholarship applications:
                                                                      Email a copy of your
                                                                      award letter to the
                                                                      MGSP office.

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide

Columbia University                                                                                    Mailman School of Public Health
                College/                              Degree                  Number of                 Scholarship                Application Deadlines
               Department                                                    Scholarships              Requirements

Mailman School of Public Health             MHA, MS                      Up to two              Newly matriculated Fall        MGSP requires verification
                                                                         scholarships           students only (must NOT be     that you have submitted your
Office of Admissions and Financial Aid      Contact for information on                          current graduate student)      application to the institution
722 West 168th Street                       the MPH program.             Acceptance to the                                     by December 18, 2021,
Suite 1014                                                               school does NOT        GRE/MCAT/GMAT/LSAT/DAT         regardless of the school’s
New York, NY 10032                                                       guarantee a            (standardized exams will be    application deadline. Email
                                                                         scholarship.           optional for 2022)             your confirmation to
For admissions information, contact:                                                                                 
Ph: 212-342-5127                                                         If awarded, contact    Must complete a FAFSA form
Email:                                             the school to                                         Your Mayor’s Graduate
                                                                         confirm the funding    See School Website.            Scholarship application will
For financial aid information, contact:                                  period and the       NOT be forwarded to the school
                                                                         requirements for       become-student/how-apply       unless confirmation is received
Ph: 212-305-4113                                                         maintaining the                                       by the MGSP office on the date
Email:                                            scholarship.           Must be a full-time NYC        listed above.
                                                                                                government employee in                                                 Email a copy of your   good academic standing         Note: Application Deadlines:
                                                                         award letter to the    throughout your course of
                                                                         MGSP office.           study to continually receive
                                                                                                the Mayor’s Graduate           ecome-student/apply/deadlines
                                                                         Covers up to 6         Scholarship.
                                                                         credits per year.

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide

Columbia University                                                                                                   School of Social Work
               College/                             Degree                Number of                  Scholarship                 Application Deadlines
              Department                                                 Scholarships               Requirements

School of Social Work                     MS:                         Scholarships at 50%    Newly matriculated             MGSP requires verification that
                                                                      tuition reduction      students only (must NOT be     you have submitted your school
Office of Admissions                      Social Work                                        current graduate student)      application to the institution by
1255 Amsterdam Avenue                     *Reduced Residency          Acceptance to the                                     February 15, 2022 regardless of
Room 514                                   Program only               School does NOT                                       the school’s application
New York, NY 10027                                                    guarantee a            Must be a City employee in     deadline. Email your
                                          The School offers a         scholarship.           the human services area        confirmation to
                                          Reduced Residency 50%                                                   
For graduate information, call:           Tuition Scholarship to      If awarded, contact
                                          candidates who are          the school to          Must be a full-time NYC        *For Spring 2023 start, send us
Ph: 212-851-2400                          employed by an agency       confirm the funding    government employee in         your verification of application
Fx: 212-851-2305                          that has hosted a           period and the         good academic standing         by August 1, 2022.
                                          Columbia School of Social   requirements for       throughout your course of                   Work student for field      maintaining the        study to continually receive
                                          placement within the past   scholarship.           the Mayor’s Graduate           Your Mayor’s Graduate
                                          three years.                                       Scholarship.                   Scholarship application will NOT
                                                                      Email a copy of your                                  be forwarded to the school
                                                                      award letter to the                                   unless confirmation is received
                                                                      MGSP office.                                          by the MGSP office on the date
                                                                                                                            listed above.

                                                                                                                            School deadline for non-
                                                                                                                            scholarship applications
                                                                                                                            Application Process | Columbia
                                                                                                                            School of Social Work

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide

Columbia University                                                                                    School of Professional Studies
               College/                              Degree             Number of                   Scholarship                  Application Deadlines
             Department                                                Scholarships                Requirements

 School of Professional Studies (SPS)      M.S. in Strategic          Scholarship awards     Newly matriculated Fall        MGSP requires verification that
                                           Communication              range from $1,000      students ONLY (must NOT be     you have submitted your
 203 Lewisohn Hall                                                    to $10,000             a current graduate student).   application to the institution by
 2970 Broadway, MC 4119                                                                                                     April 1, 2022 regardless of the
 New York, NY 10027                        (Executive and Part-time   Acceptance to the                                     school’s application deadline.
                                           formats only)              school does NOT        Must be a full-time NYC        Email your confirmation to                                            guarantee a            government employee in
                                                                      scholarship.           good academic standing
 Contact:                                  Fall 2022 start                                   throughout your course of      Your Mayor’s Graduate
                                                                      If awarded, contact    study to continually receive   Scholarship application will NOT
                                                                      the school to          the Mayor’s Graduate           be forwarded to the school
 Gina Malara                                                          confirm the funding    Scholarship.                   unless confirmation is received
 Admissions Counselor                                                 period and the                                        by the MGSP office on the date                                                  requirements for                                      listed above.
 212-854-1369                                                         maintaining the
                                                                      scholarship.                                          You must apply to the deadline
                                                                                                                            above to be considered for
                                                                      Email a copy of your                                  MGSP.
                                                                      award letter to the
                                                                      MGSP office.                                          School Application Deadline:
                                                                                                                            Priority deadline 2/15/2022
                                                                                                                            Final deadline 6/15/2022

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide

CUNY/Baruch College                                                                     Marxe School of Public and International Affairs
                 College/                            Degree                  Number of               Scholarship                   Application Deadlines
                Department                                                  Scholarships            Requirements

 Marxe School of Public and               Master of Public              Varies (5-10)          Newly matriculated Fall      MGSP requires verification that you
 International Affairs                    Administration (MPA):                                students only (must NOT      have submitted your school
 Office of Graduate Admissions and        MPA concentrations:           Acceptance to the      be current graduate          application to the institution by
 Enrollment Services                      -Health Care Policy           school does NOT        student)                     March 2, 2022 apart from this
                                          -Nonprofit Administration     guarantee a                                         school’s application deadline. Email
 One Bernard Baruch Way                   -Policy Analysis and          scholarship.           Strong record of             your confirmation to
 Box D-0901                               Evaluation                                           academic achievement
 New York, NY 10010-5585                  -Public Management            If awarded, contact    and service
                                          -Urban Development and        the school to                                       Your Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship
 For information, call:                   Sustainability                confirm the funding    Must be a full-time NYC      application will NOT be forwarded
                                                                        period and the         government employee in       to the school unless confirmation is
 Phone: (646) 660-6750                    Executive MPA                 requirements for       good academic standing       received by the MGSP date listed
 Fax: (646) 660-6751                                                    maintaining the        throughout your course       above.
 Email:                                   Master of International       scholarship.           of study.         Affairs (MIA)                                                                     You must apply to the deadline
                                          MIA concentrations:           Email a copy of your   If awarded the first year,   above to be considered for MGSP.
                                          -International                award letter to the    scholarships may be
 Graduate Admissions Information          Nongovernmental               MGSP office.           awarded for second year      School deadline for non-scholarship
                                          Organizations                                        of study depending on        applications:        -Trade Policy and Global                             funds available.
                                          Economic Governance                                                     
                                          Master of Science in Higher                                                       admissions/index.html
                                          Education Administration
                                          MSEd-HEA concentration:

                                          -Institutional Research and
The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide

CUNY/ Baruch College                                                                                                    Zicklin School of Business
              College/                       Degree               Number of Scholarships                     Scholarship                Application Deadlines
             Department                                                                                     Requirements

Zicklin School of Business              MBA                 One - $4,000 scholarship for the           Awarded only to newly      MGSP requires verification that
                                                            Evening MBA program. $1,000                admitted students          you have submitted your school
                                                            payable for the first term and $1,000      (continuing students not   application to the institution by
One Bernard Baruch Way
                                                            payable in the next 3 terms provided       eligible to apply).        May 1, 2022, regardless of the
Box H-0820                                                  the student is registered for at least 6
New York, NY 10010                                                                                                                school’s application deadline.
                                                                                                       Must maintain a GPA of     Email your confirmation to
For graduate information, call:                             One - $4,000 scholarship for the           3.3 or better.   
                                                            Executive MBA or the Executive MBA
Zicklin Graduate Admissions                                 in Healthcare Administration. $1,000       Must be a full-time NYC    Your Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship
                                                            payable for the first term and $1,000      government employee in     application will NOT be forwarded
Ph: 646-312-1300                                            payable in the next 3 terms provided       good academic standing     to the school unless confirmation is
Fx: 646-312-1301                                            the student is registered for at least 6   throughout your course     received by the MGSP office no
                                                            credits.                                   of study to continually    later than the date listed above.                                                                            receive the Mayor’s
                                                            One- $2,500 scholarship for the
                                                                                                       Graduate Scholarship.      You must apply to the deadline
                                                            Executive MS in Finance, Executive MS
                                                            in Human Resource Management or
                                                                                                                                  above to be considered for
ZicklinMBAadmissions@baruch.cun                             Executive MS in Information Systems                                   MGSP.                                                       program. $1,250 payable for the first
                                                            term and $1,250 payable in the                                        School deadline for non-
                                                            second term provided the student is                                   scholarship applications:
                                                            registered for at least 6 credits.
                                                            Acceptance to the school does NOT                                     ademic-
                                                            guarantee a scholarship.                                              programs/graduate/admissions/a
                                                            If awarded, contact the school to
                                                            confirm the funding period and the
                                                            requirements for maintaining the
                                                            scholarship. Email a copy of your
                                                            award letter to the MGSP office.

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide

CUNY                                                                   Graduate School of Public Health and Health Policy
              College/                              Degree                Number of                    Scholarship               Application Deadlines
             Department                                                  Scholarships                 Requirements

CUNY Graduate School of Public Health   MPH in Biostatistics and       Up to 2                 Newly matriculated Fall        MGSP requires verification that
and Health Policy                       Epidemiology (hybrid           scholarships. $2800     students only (must NOT be     you have submitted your
                                        and online)                    per semester for a      a current graduate student)    application to the institution by
Address:                                                               maximum of 2                                           March 1, 2022 regardless of the
                                        MPH in Community Health        semesters.              Minimum overall GPA of 3.3     school’s application deadline.
55 West 125th Street, 5th floor         Education (hybrid and          Scholarships are                                       Email your confirmation to
New York, NY 10027                      online)                        awarded in the          Scholarship recipients are
                                                                       applicant’s first two   required to register for at
For Graduate information, Call: 646-    MPH in Health Policy and       semesters of            least 6 credits per semester   Your Mayor’s Graduate
664-8355                                Management (hybrid and         matriculation only.     and maintain a 3.0 GPA.        Scholarship application will NOT
                                        online)                                                                               be forwarded to the school
                                                                       Acceptance to the                                      unless confirmation is received
                                        MPH in Environmental and       school does NOT         Must be a full-time NYC        by the MGSP office on the date
                                        Occupational Health Sciences   guarantee a             government employee in         listed above.
                                        (hybrid and online)            scholarship.            good academic standing
                                                                                               throughout your course of      Note: The school application
                                        MPH in Nutrition (hybrid and   If awarded, contact     study to continually receive   deadline is March 1, 2022.
                                        online)                        the school to           the Mayor’s Graduate
                                                                       confirm the funding     Scholarship
                                                                                                                              All required applications
                                        MS in Population Health        period and the
                                                                                                                              materials must be submitted by
                                        Informatics (online)           requirements for
                                                                                                                              this date.
                                                                       maintaining the
                                        MS in Global and Migrant       scholarship.
                                        Health Policy (online)
                                                                       Email a copy of
                                        MS in Health Communication     your award letter to
                                        for Social Change (online)     the MGSP office.

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide

CUNY                                                                                                       School of Labor & Urban Studies
             College/                         Degree               Number of               Scholarship                       Application Deadlines
          Department                                              Scholarships            Requirements
CUNY School of Labor & Urban           MA in Urban Studies
Studies                                Tracks:                Up to 4                 Newly matriculated Fall   MGSP requires verification that you have
                                       -Public Policy and     scholarships. $1500     students ONLY (must       submitted your application to the institution
25 West 43rd Street, 19th Fl           Administration         per semester for a      NOT be a current          by April 15, 2022, regardless of the school’s
New York, NY 10036                     -Health Care Policy    maximum of 2            graduate student).        application deadline. Email your
                                       and Administration     semesters.                                        confirmation to
For graduate information:              -The Urban Workforce
                                                              Scholarships are        Must be a full-time NYC   Your Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship application
Phone: (646) 313-8300                  MA in Labor Studies    awarded in the          government employee       will NOT be forwarded to the school unless
                                                              applicant’s first two   in good academic          confirmation is received by the MGSP office on
Email: or      Advanced Certificate   semesters of            standing throughout       the date listed above.              in Public              matriculation only.     your course of study to
                                       Administration and                             continually receive the   You must apply to the deadline above to be
Graduate Admissions:                   Public Policy          Acceptance to the       Mayor’s Graduate          considered for MGSP.                          school does NOT         Scholarship.
uate/                                  Advanced Certificate   guarantee a
                                       in Community           scholarship.                                      School Application Deadline:
                                                              If awarded, contact
                                       Advanced Certificate   the school to
                                       in Leading Change in   confirm the funding
                                       Healthcare Systems     period and the
                                                              requirements for
                                       Advanced Certificate   maintaining the
                                       in Labor Relations     scholarship.

                                       Advanced Certificate   Email a copy of
                                       in Labor Studies       your award letter to
                                                              the MGSP office.

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide

Fordham University                                                                                                                  School of Law
                 College/                          Degree                       Number of                  Scholarship               Application Deadlines
                Department                                                     Scholarships               Requirements

School of Law                              JD                         Varies                       Newly matriculated Fall        MGSP requires verification
                                                                                                   students only (must NOT be     that you have submitted your
Fordham University School of Law                                      Acceptance to the school     current law student)           school application to the
33 West 60th Street                                                   does NOT guarantee a                                        institution by March 1, 2022,
9th Floor                                                             scholarship.                 Scholarships based on          regardless of the school’s
New York, NY 10023                                                                                 need/merit                     application deadline. Email
                                                                      If awarded, contact the                                     your confirmation to
                                                                      school to confirm the        Students follow regular
For law school information, call: Ph:                                 funding period and the       admissions requirements
                                                                      requirements for
212-636-6815                                                          maintaining the              Must be admitted to part-      Your Mayor’s Graduate
Fax : 212-636-6018                                                    scholarship.                 time study                     Scholarship application will
                                                                                                                                  NOT be forwarded to the                                                Email a copy of your award   Must be a full-time NYC        school unless confirmation is
                                                                      letter to the MGSP office.   government employee in         received by the MGSP office                                                             good academic standing         on the date listed above.
d                                                                                                  throughout your course of
                                                                                                   study to continually receive
                                                                                                   the Mayor’s Graduate

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide

Fordham University                                                                              Graduate School of Social Service
                College/                            Degree               Number of               Scholarship               Application Deadlines
               Department                                               Scholarships            Requirements

 Graduate School of Social Service         MSW                        Up to five            New entrant to the        MGSP requires verification that
                                                                      scholarships at 30%   school NOT required.      you have submitted your school
 Office of Admission                                                  tuition reduction                               application to the institution by
 Lincoln Center Campus                                                                      Accepted for entire       February 1, 2022 regardless of
 113 West 60th Street, 6th Floor                                      66 credit degree      academic year             the school’s application
 New York, NY 10023                                                                                                   deadline. Email your
                                                                      Acceptance to the     Must be a full-time NYC   confirmation to
                                                                      school does NOT       government employee in
 For graduate information, call:                                      guarantee a           good academic standing
                                                                      scholarship.          throughout your course    Your Mayor’s Graduate
 Ph: 212-636-6600                                                                           of study to continually   Scholarship application will
                                                                      If awarded, contact   receive the Mayor’s       NOT be forwarded to the
 Or email:                                                            the school to         Graduate Scholarship.     school unless confirmation is
                                                                      confirm the funding                             received by the MGSP office on                                             period and the                                  the date listed above.
                                                                      requirements for                                                  maintaining the                                 You must apply to the deadline
                                                                      scholarship.                                    above to be considered for
                                                                      Email a copy of
                                                                      your award letter                               School deadline for
                                                                      to the MGSP                                     non-scholarship applications:

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide
Granite State College
             College/                            Degree                          Number of                   Scholarship                Application Deadlines
            Department                                                          Scholarships                Requirements
  Granite State College             •   MS Project Management
  25 Hall Street                    •   MS Leadership                     All MGSP students          Current students are           MGSP requires verification
  Concord, New Hampshire            •   MS Nursing (MSN in Health         accepted into the school   eligible.                      that you have submitted your
  03301                                 Care Leadership OR MSN in         will receive 20% off the                                  application to the institution
                                                                          regular in-state tuition   Must meet all graduate         by August 1, 2022 regardless
                                        Health Care Education)
  Contact:                                                                rate. (For reference, as   admissions requirements        of the school’s application
                                    •   MS Health Care Management
  Tara Payne, VP Enrollment                                               of July 2021, the 20%      –                              deadline. Email your            •   MS Human Services                 discount brings the        confirmation to
  (603) 513-1356                        Administration                    tuition cost from $1,770   /become-a-                                                                    to $1291.20 per three-     student/apply-
                                                                          credit graduate course.)   now/graduate-apply-
                                    We also offer Graduate Certificates
  Granite State College is part of                                                                   now/                           Your Mayor’s Graduate
                                    (scholarship applies):                                                                          Scholarship application will
  the University System of New                                            Additionally, Granite
  Hampshire and focuses on                                                State does not charge      The GMAT and GRE are not       NOT be forwarded to the
                                      • Administration of Online
  delivery of associate, bachelor’s                                       graduate students ANY      required. To maintain          school, unless confirmation is
                                          Education                                                  scholarship eligibility each
  and master’s degree programs                                            course fees.                                              received by the MGSP office on
                                      • Health Care Management                                       term enrolled, student must
  for adult students. We are                                                                                                        the date listed above.
                                      • Human Services                    If awarded, contact the
                                                                                                     be registered for at least
  accredited and Title IV-Eligible                                                                   three graduate credits.
  for Federal Student Aid.                Administration                  school to confirm the
                                      • Nonprofit Leadership              funding period and the                                    Granite State College offers
                                                                                                     Must be a full-time NYC
  Access is our mission. We do        • Operations Management             requirements for           government employee in         rolling admission, with four (4)
  not require graduate admission • Project Management                     maintaining the            good academic standing         terms per year:
  tests and most of our students       The credits earned in a graduate   scholarship.               throughout your course of      Sept | January | March | July
  pursue graduate study part           certificate program may be                                    study to continually
  time while working full time.        applied toward its corresponding   Email a copy of your       receive the Mayor’s            Individuals may apply or begin
                                       master’s program, allowing         award letter to the MGSP   Graduate Scholarship.          a graduate program during
  Online is our expertise with         students to earn a graduate        office.                                                   any of the four terms.
  94% of our academic program          certificate on the way to a
  delivery online.                     master’s degree.

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide
Manhattan College
                 College/                              Degree                  Number of                  Scholarship                 Application Deadlines
                Department                                                    Scholarships               Requirements

 Graduate Education Counseling Programs     Counseling Programs            Three partial          Newly matriculated Fall          MGSP requires verification
 439 DeLaSalle Hall                                                        scholarships per       students only (must NOT be       that you have submitted your
 4513 Manhattan College Parkway             MA: School Counseling (60      year for each          current graduate student)        school application to the
 Bronx, NY 10471                            credits)                       program, a total of                                     institution by March 15, 2022,
                                                                           nine offered by        Requirement for all program      apart from this school’s
 For graduate information, email:           MA: School Counseling with     Manhattan College.     scholarships                     application deadline. Email
 (School and Bilingual)                     Bilingual Extension (69                                                                your confirmation to
 Dr. Ian Levy                               credits)                       Acceptance to the      Covers a maximum of 1/3                                                    school does NOT        credit reduction per 3 credit
 Ph: 718-862-7156                           MS: Mental Health              guarantee a            course for up to 12 courses in   Your Mayor’s Graduate
                                            Counseling (60 credits)        scholarship.           each program. Participants       Scholarship application will
 (Mental Health Counseling)                                                                       must register for minimum of     NOT be forwarded to the
 Dr. Corine Fitzpatrick                     MS Marriage and Family         If awarded, contact    6 credit hours per semester;     school unless confirmation is           Therapy (60 credits)           the school to          summer courses may be            received by the MGSP office
 Ph: 718-862-7497                                                          confirm the funding    included                         on the date listed above.
                                            ADV. Cert. School Counseling   period and the
(Marriage and Family Therapy)               (24 credits)                   requirements for       Must complete application        You must apply to the
Dr. Michelle Bell                                                          maintaining the        for financial aid.               deadline above to be
                                            ADV. CERT.: Mental Health      scholarship.                                            considered for MGSP.                 Counseling (27 credits)                               See school website:              Note: The school deadline
Ph: 718-862-7478                                                           Email a copy of your                for non-scholarship
                                            Bilingual Pupil Personnel      award letter to the                                     applications:
 For financial aid information: Office of   Services (15 credits) (for     MGSP office.           Must be a full-time NYC
 Student Financial Services Manhattan       psychologists, social                                 government employee in           Manhattan College’s
 College 4513 Manhattan College Parkway     workers, school counselors                            good academic standing           Graduate Education Programs
 Bronx, NY 10471                                                                                  throughout your course of        accept new students for Fall
 Or call: Ph: 718-862-7100                                                                        study to continually receive     and Spring Semesters - July 1st                                                              the Mayor’s Graduate             for Fall semester; December
 aduate/requirements.php#counseling                                                               Scholarship                      for Spring semester

The City of New York Department of Citywide Administrative Services
2022 Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship Program
Scholarship Offering Guide

Manhattan College
               College/                             Degree                   Number of                   Scholarship               Application Deadlines
              Department                                                    Scholarships                Requirements

 Graduate Education Program              1. School Building            Three partial            Newly matriculated Fall          MGSP requires verification
                                         Leadership Programs           scholarships per year    students only (must NOT be       that you have submitted
 School Building Leadership Program                                    for each program.        current graduate student)        your school application to
 Room 440 Memorial Hall 4513          1. Master of Science:                                                                      the institution by March
 Manhattan College Parkway Bronx,                                      Acceptance to the        Requirement for scholarships     15, 2022 regardless of the
 NY 10471                                School Building               school does NOT          Must be a full-time NYC          school’s application
                                         Leadership (11 courses = 33   guarantee a              government employee in           deadline. Email your
 For graduate information, email         credits)                      scholarship.             good academic standing           confirmation to or call 718-                                                                 throughout course of study to
 862-7473 (Leadership Programs)    If awarded, contact      maintain Mayor’s Graduate
                                         emics/graduate-               the school to confirm    Scholarship                      Your Mayor’s Graduate
 For financial aid information:          programs/sbl_school-          the funding period and                                    Scholarship application
                                         building-leadership.php       the requirements for     Covers 1/3 credit reduction      will NOT be forwarded to
 Office of Student Financial Services                                  maintaining the          per 3 credit course for up to    the school unless
 Manhattan College                                                     scholarship.             12 courses in each program.      confirmation is received by
 4513 Manhattan College                  2. Advanced Certificate                                Participants must register for   the MGSP office on the
 Parkway                                     (post master degree):     Email a copy of your     minimum of 6 credit hours        date listed above.
 Bronx, NY 10471                                                       award letter to the      per semester; summer
 Ph: 718-862-7100                        School Building               MGSP office.             courses may be included.         Note: The school
                                         Leadership (8 courses = 24                                                              deadline for non-         credits; previous master’s    Manhattan College        Application for financial aid    scholarship applications:
 s/graduate/requirements.php#sch         degree required)              website:                 available at                     Manhattan College’s
 oolleadership                                                                                                                   Graduate Education
                                      Programs accept new
                                         emics/graduate-                                        ssions/graduate/pay-for-         students for Fall and
                                         programs/sbl_school-                                   college/index.php                Spring Semesters - July 1st
                                         building-leadership-adv-                                                                for Fall semester;
                                         cert.php                                                                                December for Spring

Manhattan College
               College/                            Degree                      Number of                  Scholarship                 Application Deadlines
              Department                                                      Scholarships               Requirements

Graduate Education Program             Graduate Special Education          A total of three       Newly matriculated Fall         MGSP requires verification
                                       Programs                            partial scholarships   students only (must NOT be      that you have submitted your
Special Education                                                          per year for each      current graduate student)       school application to the
Room 431 Memorial Hall                 MSEd:                               program offered by                                     institution March 15, 2022
4513 Manhattan College Parkway                                             Manhattan College.     Requirement for all program     regardless of the school’s
Bronx, NY 10471                        Master of Science in Education                             scholarships                    application deadline. Email
                                       - Students with Disabilities        Acceptance to the      Covers a maximum of 1/3         your confirmation to
For graduate information, email        Grades 1-6 (37 cr.) Must have       school does NOT        credit reduction per 3 credit or        NYS Childhood Certification.        guarantee a            course for up to 12 courses
emaill: Dr. Elizabeth Kosky                                                scholarship.           degree or Advanced              Your Mayor’s Graduate                                                                     Certificate; students must      Scholarship application will
                                       Master of Science in Education      If awarded, contact    register for minimum of 6       NOT be forwarded to the
(Graduate Special Education            - Dual Childhood / Students
Programs)                                                                  the school to          credit hours per semester;      school unless confirmation is
                                       with Disabilities Grades 1-6 (50    confirm the funding    summer courses may be           received by the MGSP office
                                       cr.) Career changers                period and the                                         on the date listed above.
For financial aid information:                                             requirements for
Office of Student Financial Services   Master of Science in Education      maintaining the        Must complete application       Note: The school deadline for
Manhattan College                      - Adolescence / Students with       scholarship.           for financial aid.              non-scholarship applications:
4513 Manhattan College                 Disabilities Grades 7-12 (50 cr.)                          See school website:
Parkway                                Must have NYS Adolescence           Email a copy of your               Manhattan College’s Graduate
Bronx, NY 10471                        Certification.                      award letter to the                                    Education Programs accepts
                                                                           MGSP office.           Must be a full-time NYC         new students for Fall and
Or call:                                                                                          government employee in          Spring Semesters.
Ph: 718-862-7100                                                                                  good academic standing
                                                                                                  throughout your course of       July 1st for Fall semester;                                                                  study to continually receive    December for Spring semester
ducation/school-building                                                                          the Mayor’s Graduate


Manhattan College
                 College/                            Degree                    Number of                   Scholarship               Application Deadlines
                Department                                                    Scholarships                Requirements
  Graduate Education Program             Leadership Programs            Three partial                                             MGSP requires verification
                                                                        scholarships for each                                     that you have submitted
  School DISTRICT Leadership             1.   Master Degree:            program, offered by                                       your school application to
                                                                                                    Newly matriculated Fall
  Program Room 440 Memorial Hall                                        Manhattan College.                                        the institution by March 15,
                                                                                                    students only (must NOT
  4513 Manhattan College Parkway         Advanced Leadership Studies                                                              2022 regardless of the
                                                                                                    be current graduate
  Bronx, NY 10471                        (ALS) in School District       Acceptance to the school                                  school’s application
                                         Leadership (10 courses = 30    does NOT guarantee a                                      deadline. Email your
  For graduate information, email        credits)                       scholarship.                                              confirmation to or call 718- 862-                                                               Must be a full-time NYC
  7473 (Leadership Programs)             2.    Advanced Certificate     If awarded, contact the     government employee in
                                              (post master’s)           school to confirm           good academic standing        Your Mayor’s Graduate
  For financial aid information:                                        funding period and          throughout your course of     Scholarship application will
                                         Advanced Leadership Studies    requirements to             study to maintain Mayor’s     NOT be forwarded to the
  Office of Student Financial Services   (ALS) in School District       maintain the                Graduate Scholarship.         school unless confirmation is
  Manhattan College                      Leadership (3 courses = 11     scholarship.                                              received by the MGSP office
                                                                                                    Covers 1/3 credit reduction
  4513 Manhattan College                 credits)                                                                                 on the date listed above.
                                                                                                    per 3 credit course for up
  Parkway                                                               Email a copy of award
                                                                                                    to 12 courses. Students
  Bronx, NY 10471                        Prerequisite: 50 credits       letter to MGSP office.                                    Note: The school deadline
                                                                                                    register for a minimum of 6
                                         beyond the bachelor’s                                                                    for non-scholarship
                                                                                                    credit hours per semester;
  Ph: 718-862-7100                       degree that include a master   Manhattan College                                         applications:
                                                                                                    summer courses included
                                         degree.                        website:
                                                                                                       Manhattan College’s
                                                                Apply for financial aid.                                                                                             Graduate Education Programs
  aduate/requirements.php#sch                                                                                                     accept new students for Fall
  oolleadership                                                                                                                   and Spring Semesters - July 1st
                                         leadership-studies-adv-                                for Fall semester; December
                                         cert.php                                                  missions/graduate/pay- for-
                                                                                                                                  for Spring semester


Marist College
                College/                            Degree                     Number of                  Scholarship             Application Deadlines
               Department                                                     Scholarships               Requirements
                                                                                                                               MGSP requires verification
  Marist College                         MPA                            MPA                        On-ground – 50% off MPA     that you have submitted your
                                                                        Scholarships at 25% or     ALL employees - for 50%     application to the institution
  Main Campus 3399                       Concentrations in:             50% off base tuition       off MPA - Courses must be   by August 1, 2022, regardless
  North Rd                               • Public Management            (see requirements)         taken on-ground at the      of the school’s application
  Poughkeepsie, NY 12601                 • Non-Profit Management                                   NYPD training academy in    deadline. Email your
                                         • Healthcare                   Online Grad Programs       Queens – hybrid format.     confirmation to
  New York City Site NYPD                   Administration              Scholarships at 25% off                      
  Police Academy                         • Ethical Leadership           base    tuition    (see    Online 50% off MPA
  130-30 28th Avenue                     • Analytics                    requirements)              Option for 50% off online   Your Mayor’s Graduate
  Flushing, NY 11354                                                                               MPA is only available for   Scholarship application will
                                         Other Online programs          Acceptance to the school   emergency services          NOT be forwarded to the
  Online                                 • MBA                          does NOT guarantee a       personnel (police, fire,    school unless confirmation is
                                         • MPA                          scholarship.               EMT)                        received by the MGSP office
  For Graduate information, Call:        • MS Information Systems                                                              on the date listed above.
                                         • MA Integrated Marketing      If awarded, contact the    For 25% off MPA and Other
  Van Riley (845)575-3981                   Communication               school to confirm the      Graduate programs –         You must apply to the                                                  funding period and the     Courses are offered 100%    deadline above to be
                                         • Advanced Certificate
                                                                        requirements for           online                      considered for MGSP.
                                            Business Analytics
  Or                                                                    maintaining the
                                         • Advanced Certificate
                                                                        scholarship.                                           Note: Please refer to the
                                            information systems
                                                                                                   Must be a full-time NYC     school’s website for
                                                                        Email a copy of your       government employee in      application requirements.
  Brian Scott (845) 575-3980            Online application systems:     award letter to the        good academic standing                When applying through           MGSP office.               throughout your course of   ss ion/graduate/
                                        BusinessCAS or GradCAS, please                             study to continually
                                        make sure to select the correct                            receive the Mayor’s
                                        start term application.                                    Graduate Scholarship


Metropolitan College of New York
               College/                                  Degree                        Number of                 Scholarship            Application Deadlines
              Department                                                              Scholarships              Requirements

 Metropolitan College of New York       MPA:                                   $4,500 per scholarship     Newly matriculated Fall      MGSP requires
                                                                                                          students only (must NOT      verification
                                        •     Public Affairs and                                          be current student at
  Manhattan Campus                            Administration (three [3]        ($1,500/semester)                                      that you have submitted
                                              semester program)
                                                                                                          the school)
  60 West Street                                                               Maximum Fall Semester:                                 your school application to
  New York, NY 10006                                                           5 scholarships                                         the institution by August
                                        •     Emergency & Disaster
                                              Management (three [3] on                                    •   FAFSA                   1, 2022 regardless of the
                                              campus)                          Maximum Spring                                         school’s application
  Bronx Campus                                                                                            •   Two (2) letters of
                                                                               Semester: 5 scholarships                               deadline. Email your
  463 E. 149th Street                   •     Emergency & Disaster             Maximum Summer                 recommendations         confirmation to
  Bronx NY, 10455                             Management (three [3]
                                                                               Semester: 3 scholarships                     
  For graduate information, call:             semester program, fully online                              •   Resume

                                                                               Acceptance to the school   •   3.0 GPA in              Your Mayor’s Graduate
  Shawana Singletary                                                           does NOT guarantee a           undergraduate degree    Scholarship application
  Director of Admissions and            •     General Management               scholarship.               •   Strong writing skills   will NOT be forwarded to
  Recruitment,                                (three [3] semester              If awarded, contact the    •   Strong interview        the school unless
                                              program)                         school to confirm the                                  confirmation is received
  Ph: 212-343-1234 ext. 2704 or         •     Health Services & Risk                                          impression
                                              Management (three [3]            funding period and the                                 by the MGSP
  212-343-1234 ext. 5001                      semester program)                requirements for                                       office.
                                        •     Financial Services (three        maintaining the            Must be a full-time NYC
  Fax: 212-343-8470
                                              [3] semester program)            scholarship.               government employee in        You must apply to the
                                        •     Media Management (three          Email a copy of your       good academic standing        deadline above to be                                [3] semester program)                                                                     considered for MGSP.
                                                                               award letter to the        throughout your course of
                                                                               MGSP office.               study to continually receive                                                                                     the Mayor’s Graduate         MCNY offers rolling
                                        •     Community Health Education
                                              (three [3] semester program)                                Scholarship.                 admissions.
                                        •     Project Management (three[3]
                                              semester program)


New York Institute of Technology
                  College/                         Degree                 Number of                 Scholarship                Application Deadlines
                 Department                                              Scholarships              Requirements
 New York Institute of Technology

                                          MA:                         Up to three (3)    MGSP recipient will receive          MGSP requires verification
 Office of Admissions                                                 NEW scholarship    scholarship annually provided:       that you have submitted
 Gerry House                              Communications Arts         awards per         student must fully matriculate       your school application to
 Room 220                                 UX/UI Design and            academic year of   and enroll for at least SIX (6)      the institution by March 30,
 Northern Blvd                            Development                 $3,000 each        graduate credits applicable to       2022, apart from this
 Old Westbury, NY 11568                                                                  program degree. Award cannot         school’s application
                                          MFA:                                           be deferred. If unable to start in   deadline. Email your
 For graduate information, call:          Fine Arts (Full-time day                       the semester awarded, student        confirmation to
                                          only)                                          must reapply.              
 Alice Dolitsky, Director
 Graduate Admissions                      MS.AURD:                                       Students MUST fill out the           Your Mayor’s Graduate
 Phone: 516.686.1316                      Urban and Regional                             FAFSA form.                          Scholarship application will
 Fax: 516.686.1116                        Design                                                                              NOT be forwarded to the                                                                       Minimum UG GPA: 2.85 or what         school unless confirmation
                                          M. Arch.: Architecture                         program requires                     is received by the MGSP
 Ting-Ting Mei                            Architecture,                                  Minimum GMAT/GRE required            office by the date listed
 Assistant Director, Graduate             Computational                                  by program (see        above.
 Admissions                               Technology,
                                          Architecture, Health and                       Award valid for 6 semesters          School deadline for non-
 Phone: 646.273.6057                      Design                                         (Fall and Spring) or until student   scholarship applications:
 Fax : 212.261.1505                                                                      graduates, whichever comes
                                                                                                                                                MBA:                                           first.
                                                                                                                              ssions/graduate                             Accounting, Business
                                                                                         Must be a F/T NYC gov’t              *Previous applicants may
                                          Analytics, Finance
                                                                                         employee (verified by employer);     reapply and may be given
                                          Management, Marketing
                                                                                         in good academic standing (min.      consideration after first
                                          Operations and Supply
                                                                                         3.0 CGPA) throughout your            time applicants are
                                          Chain Mgt.
                                                                                         course of study to continually       reviewed.
                                                                                         receive the MGSP.

New York Institute of Technology
              College/                        Degree               Number of                Scholarship                        Application Deadlines
             Department                                           Scholarships             Requirements
 New York Institute of Technology    MS:
                                                              Up to three (3)    MGSP recipient will receive             MGSP requires verification that you
                                     Bioengineering           NEW scholarship    scholarship annually provided:          have submitted your school
 Office of Admissions Gerry                                   awards per         student must fully matriculate and      application to the institution by
                                     Computer Science         academic year of   enroll for at least SIX (6) graduate    March 30, 2022 apart from this
                                                              $3,000 each        credits applicable to program           school’s application deadline.
 Room 220 Northern Blvd
                                     Cyber Security                              degree. Award cannot be deferred. If    Email your confirmation to
 Old Westbury, NY 11568
                                                                                 unable to start in the semester
 For graduate information,
                                     Data Science                                awarded, student must reapply.
 call: Alice Dolitsky                                                            Students MUST fill out the FAFSA        Your Mayor’s Graduate Scholarship
 Director                            Electrical & Computer                       form.                                   application will NOT be forwarded
 Graduate Admissions Old             Engineering                                                                         to the school unless confirmation is
 Westbury Campus                                                                 Minimum UG GPA: 2.85                    received by the MGSP office by the
 Phone: 516.686.1316                 Energy Management                           MBA/HR applicants must have a           date listed above.
 Fax: 516.686.1116                                                               CGPA of at least 3.0 to be waived                   Mechanical Engineering                      from GMAT requirement. Minimum          School deadline for non-
                                                                                 GMAT/GRE required by program            scholarship applications
 Ting-Ting Mei Graduate             (Continued)                                  (see
 Advisor Graduate                                                                                              
 Admissions Phone:                                                               Award valid for 6 semesters (Fall and   ons/graduate
 646.273.6057                                                                    Spring) or until student graduates,
 Fax: 212.261.1505                                                               whichever comes first.                  *Previous applicants may                                                                                                           reapply and may be given
                                                                                 Must be a F/T NYC gov’t employee        consideration after first time
                                                                                 (verified by employer); in good         applicants are reviewed.
                                                                                 academic standing (min. 3.0 CGPA)
                                                                                 throughout your course of study to
                                                                                 continually receive the MGSP.


New York Institute of Technology
                College/                        Degree                 Number of                      Scholarship                  Application Deadlines
               Department                                             Scholarships                   Requirements

 New York Institute of Technology       MS:                       Up to three (3) NEW    MGSP recipient will receive            MGSP requires verification
                                                                  scholarship awards     scholarship annually provided:         that you have submitted
                                                                  per academic year of   student must fully matriculate and     your school application to
 Office of Admissions                   Medical Healthcare        $3,000 each            enroll for at least SIX (6) graduate   the institution by March 30,
 Gerry House                            Simulation                                       credits applicable to program          2022 apart from this school’s
 Room 220                                                                                degree. Award cannot be deferred.      application deadline. Email
 Northern Blvd                          Public Health                                    If unable to start in the semester     your confirmation to
 Old Westbury, NY 11568                                                                  awarded, student must reapply.

 For graduate information, call:        School Counseling                                Students MUST fill out the FAFSA       Your Mayor’s Graduate
                                                                                         form.                                  Scholarship application will
 Alice Dolitsky Director                Mental Health                                                                           NOT be forwarded to the
 Graduate Admissions Old Westbury       Counseling                                       Minimum UG GPA: 2.85 or what           school unless confirmation is
 Campus                                                                                  program requires                       received by the MGSP office
 Phone: 516.686.1316                                                                     Minimum GMAT/GRE required by           by the date listed above.
 Fax: 516.686.1116                                                                       program (see                                                                                                              School deadline for
                                                                                         Award valid for 6 semesters (Fall      non-scholarship
                                                                                         and Spring) or until student           applications
 Ting-Ting Mei Assistant                                                                 graduates, whichever comes first.
 Director Graduate                                                                                                    
 Advisor Phone:                                                                          Must be a F/T NYC gov’t employee       ssions/graduate
 646.273.6057                                                                            (verified by employer); in good
 Fax: 212.261.1505                                                                       academic standing (min. 3.0 CGPA)      *Previous applicants may                                                                           throughout your course of study to     reapply and may be given
                                                                                         continually receive the MGSP.          consideration after first                                                                                                                   time applicants are

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