MAY 3, 2022 MICHIGAN ENERGY EFFICIENCY CONFERENCE + EXHIBITION - To register, visit or call 248-353-0735 - Engineering Society of Detroit

Page created by Sally Lowe
MAY 3, 2022 MICHIGAN ENERGY EFFICIENCY CONFERENCE + EXHIBITION - To register, visit or call 248-353-0735 - Engineering Society of Detroit


                                       MAY 3, 2022

          To register, visit
          or call 248-353-0735.
MAY 3, 2022 MICHIGAN ENERGY EFFICIENCY CONFERENCE + EXHIBITION - To register, visit or call 248-353-0735 - Engineering Society of Detroit

                                           MAY 3, 2022

                 DTE Energy’s Energy Efficiency Awards
                 The Energy Efficiency Awards are presented in four categories:
                 Education, Impact, Innovation and Leadership. These awards
                 recognize companies that have made the most effective
                 contribution towards energy efficiency initiatives. The Education
                 award focuses on educating others about energy efficiency. The
                 impact award recognizes a company that has reduced energy by
                 implementing a significant energy project. The Innovation award
                 will be presented for developing or implementing a new and
                 innovative program, idea or product. The Leadership award is
                 presented to an organization for championing energy efficiency
                 at their company.

                 Luncheon Keynote Presentation:
                 Mitch Albom
                 Join us for a keynote presentation by author, columnist and
                 radio host Mitch Albom.

MAY 3, 2022 MICHIGAN ENERGY EFFICIENCY CONFERENCE + EXHIBITION - To register, visit or call 248-353-0735 - Engineering Society of Detroit
MAY 3, 2022

Conference Schedule:
7:30 AM                 Registration & Continental Breakfast
8:00–9:00 AM            Exhibits Open
9:00–11:50 AM           Concurrent Educational Sessions
10:10–10:40 AM          Break/Visit with Exhibitors
12:00 noon              Luncheon featuring DTE Energy’s
                        Energy Efficiency Awards
1:00 PM                 Keynote: Mitch Albom, Author,
                        Columnist and Radio Host
1:30 PM                 Dessert and Visit with Exhibitors
3:00 PM                 Conference Adjourns/Exhibits Close

Cost to attend:
$90       ESD Member
$105      Non-Member
$189      Non-members attend and join ESD at a discounted
          rate (offer available to new first-time members only)
$45       Student Rate (Applies to full time student)
$1,000    Exhibit Booth (10’ x 10’) (includes four conference

To register, visit
or call 248-353-0735.

       This program may qualify for continuing
       education hours or professional development
       hours. Check with your licensing agency for
       more information. Certificates of attendence
       will be provided upon request.

To ensure a safe environment for all attendees at our in-
person conference, plans will be in accordance with CDC
and state COVID-19 guidance.
Educational Sessions
                                                            TRACK: INDUSTRIAL
9:00 AM – 9:30 AM
                                                            Compressed Air Automation for Efficiency and
TRACK: BUILDING COMMISSIONING & CONTROLS                    Reliability
ISO 50001 and its Relationship with Successful              This presentation will provide an overview of various
                                                            compressed air automation systems. It will showcase
Energy Management Project Implementation
                                                            that an automation system can have multilevel benefits.
More than 70% of the energy management project              These systems not only included energy efficiency
implementations fail due to the lack of processes behind    benefits, but also significant benefits to system reliability
them. ISO 50001 is a great tool to help companies           of the compressed air supply. Details regarding installed
achieve their energy-saving goals.                          equipment along with the specifics on the benefits will
Cesar Martinez, Project, Solutions and Service              be presented. Some insights to how IIOT technologies
Manager, Endress+Hauser                                     can be applied to real world industrial applications.
TRACK: ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN HVAC                            Lou York, Director, Case Controls
Smart Devices for Today’s Chilled Water
The presentation will focus on the application of smart
                                                            9:40 AM – 10:10 AM
devices in today’s HVAC hydronic systems. Chilled water
coils are typically not performing as originally designed   TRACK: BUILDING COMMISSIONING & CONTROLS
due to overflow caused by the dynamic effects of the        Using Your Building Management System to
hydronic system. This contributes to low delta-T at the     Remodel with Intelligence
chilled water plant. The result is higher plant operating   Ready-Fire- Aim? That’s the feeling sometimes when it
costs because of an increase in pumping energy and          comes to building modernization projects. Learn how the
unnecessary operation of the chillers. Topics addressed     Livonia Public Schools reformed the remodeling process
will include: what is a smart device?; the concept of       by integrating actual building operating data from their
static vs dynamic balancing; how overflow effects the       BMS to substantially reduce the capital required by
central plant; areas of energy and operational savings;     nearly 68% from preliminary construction estimates.
and tracking the results. All of this with the use of a     Alan Deal, PE, LEED AP O+M, Performance
smart device.                                               Engineering Group and Michael Harris, President,
Bob Walker, Regional Application Consultant, Belimo         Unified Building Systems Engineering, LLC
                                                            Indoor Air Quality (IAQ), Health and Legal
Stellantis Drives Operational Savings During                Liability in the Age of COVID
COVID                                                       Legal liability for poor IAQ in buildings came to the fore
During the COVID shutdown, Stellantis drove operational     after the Oil Embargo of 1973, when architects started
savings through cooperation with the DTE Energy             designing buildings tighter, and engineers reduced the
SEM program. By performing an in-depth analysis and         amount of outside air to conserve energy. “Sick Building
mapping out a shutdown procedure, Stellantis was able       Syndrome” reared its ugly head in the 1980s and ‘90s.
to drive energy savings to an all time level during the     Today, when re-opening buildings, health and legal
shutdown period.                                            liability is an even larger issue. This session will address
Kevin Dunbar, Non New Model, Infrastructure, Assets,        the issues involved and provide ideas and methods
and Energy Manager, Stellantis                              to reduce the lawsuit potential. In addition, the use of
                                                            Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing will be
TRACK: FINANCIAL                                            discussed as well as some of the helpful and important
Michigan Saves Financing                                    changes to C-PACE that may be coming from the State
This session will cover the benefits of financing, how      legislature—and by the time of this meeting hopefully
to incorporate financing in the sales process and how       will have happened.
Michigan Saves financing works.                             James L. Newman, Owner/Managing Partner, Newman
Mac McCabe, Contractor Account Manager, Michigan            Consulting Group, LLC
Saves and Matt Maczka, President, Team Financial

4   |   To register, visit or call 248-353-0735.
TRACK: ENERGY WASTE REDUCTION                                  by Stellantis that was designed based on this approach.
PROJECT SHOWCASE                                               They will identify how the system helps answer key
Spotlight 2021: Best Energy Efficiency                         energy management questions without leaving data in
Projects of the Year                                           the dark.
The DTE Energy Efficiency Program for Business paid            Kevin Dunbar, Non New Model, Infrastructure, Assets,
incentives on over 2,000 energy optimization projects          and Energy Manager, Stellantis and Jason Farlow,
for commercial and industrial (C&I) customers in 2021.         Software Engineer, Leidos
This presentation will review some of the notable and
interesting projects and review the energy savings,
custom calculations, and scopes of work that have been         10:10 AM – 10:40 AM
integral to helping C&I customers reduce their bottom
line. Contractors and customers will both takeaway             Networking Break and Visit with Exhibitors
valuable insights into what makes an interesting project
and how to reap the benefits of DTE’s Energy Efficiency
                                                               10:40 AM – 11:10 AM
Dane Dillon, Energy Engineer, DNV, Jonathan Estrada,
Energy Engineer, DNV and Emerson Merem, Energy
Engineer, DNV                                                  TRACK: BUILDING COMMISSIONING & CONTROLS
                                                               A Look Inside the Crystal Ball: The Top 10
TRACK: FINANCIAL                                               Potential Changes in the Next Michigan
Still Reaping the Benefits Today from the                      Energy Code
Energy-Efficiency Improvements Made in 2021                    Michigan’s current commercial energy code is based
How can a $165,000 commercial energy efficiency                on ASHRAE 90.1-2013. The DOE has determined that,
improvement (that pays a perpetual dividend) be made           nationally, ASHRAE 90.1-2016 could save 6.8% in site
using no money at all? It’s an easy question to answer if      energy over the 2013 version and, moreover, that the
a business owner knows where to look. This session will        2019 version could reduce site energy an additional 4.7%,
discuss a project at a large facility in Monroe, MI that was   and also save 4.2% in carbon emissions and social costs.
able to do a project with $0 out of pocket to the owner        So, it’s very likely that our next energy code will include
because of MISAVES. Session will include before/after          provisions of one or both of these standards. In this
photos and all financials to illustrate how any business       presentation, we’ll discuss the top 10 potential changes,
can do this in our state.                                      and how they benefit building owners and code officials
Craig W. Covert, CSO, Wright Energy Partners and               by saving energy, time, and money.
Jason Beale, COO, Wright Energy Partners                       Sonya M. Pouncy, CEM, CMVP, LEED AP, Partner,
                                                               Building Vitals, LLC
OEE for Energy: The Manufacturing “Middle                      TRACK: ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN HVAC
Way” to Energy Management                                      Achieving Significant Reductions in
Manufacturing companies invest heavily in infrastructure       Space Cooling Energy Use and Cost Using
that collects petabytes of energy data to help under-          Metallurgic Treatment of Heat Transfer
stand and manage their energy use. But what really             Surfaces
happens to this data? That is, what happens to their           In March 2017, GUE treated a fleet of 165 RTU’s and
investment? Unfortunately, much of it becomes “dark            air-cooled chillers out of a fleet of 207 such units, at
data”—data that is collected, processed, and stored but        an aerospace industry assembly plant in Southern
not used for any purpose. Energy management “dark              California. Treatment was with ProaTEQ, a second-
data” arises primarily from one issue: companies don’t         generation synthetic refrigerant additive (SRA),
have the right tools to make use of their data. This is        manufactured by EnSATEQ, Inc. of Woodville, AL. GUE
true even though companies own a vast number of                performed four different M&V studies on the results, all
energy management/business intelligence tools and are          leading to significant energy and cost savings achieve-
continually adding more. To find the right tool—and a          ment. GUE also revisited the plant in the Spring of 2018
more useful strategy—for energy management, Leidos             and re-tested a sample of units, confirming persistence
applied the manufacturing metric of Overall Equipment          of initial savings achieved. The paper describes the
Effectiveness (OEE) to energy. This approach creates a         project, the M&V studies and results, and the follow up
“middle way” between too little information (not enough        re-test procedures and results.
be useful) and too much information (that generates
too much “dark data” to be manageable). In this pres-          Patrick McCarthy, Senior Vice President, Georgetown
entation, Jason Farlow will examine past approaches            Utilities Enterprise, LLC
to energy management, how these approaches have
created “dark data” without useful analysis, and outline
the “middle way” to energy management based on an
OEE-like approach. Jason and Kevin Dunbar from Stel-
lantis will demonstrate an existing software solution used

                                                               To register, visit or call 248-353-0735.      |   5
PROJECT SHOWCASE                                            Moving Michigan to Zero Carbon with 2030
Outstanding Energy Optimization Case                        Districts
Study—HVAC Controls Focus                                   Learn about the value of 2030 Districts and how they
This session will provide an overview of the DTE RCx        are working to create carbon neutral cities across
(retrocommissioning) program. This session will also        North America. Twenty-three 2030 Districts collaborate
provide a case study of an HVAC controls focused            and share best practices to help building owners and
retrocommissioning project. This case study will include    managers reduce energy and water consumption in
a video presentation as well as a panel discussion. The     commercial building, as well as transportation emissions
panel will include both customer and technical perspec-     in each District. The reduction of greenhouse gas emis-
tives.                                                      sions not only creates healthy buildings and cities, but
Diana Nash, Technical Sales Manager, Energy Sciences,       also increases economic development and job creation.
Mitchell Gleason, Energy Consultant, Energy Sciences        Michigan is home to three 2030 Districts—Detroit, Ann
and Trevor Duke, Property Manager, Thomas Duke              Arbor, and Grand Rapids. The presentation will cover the
Company                                                     evolution of 2030 Districts and as well as an update from
                                                            each of the Michigan District Directors who will give an
TRACK: FINANCIAL                                            in-depth look at each of their programs.
LED Lighting with Touchless Controls at                     Connie Lilley, Executive Director, Michigan 2030
Detroit Cristo Rey School                                   District Detroit, Cheri Holman, Executive Director,
A “Touchless LED Lighting Controls System” was              Michigan 2030 District Grand Rapids, and Jan
installed at a local private high school in Detroit         Culbertson, Executive Director, Michigan 2030 District
providing significant cost savings and a substantial        Ann Arbor
DTE Energy Efficiency Rebate. The entire project was
financed through Michigan Saves with minimal upfront
costs to the client. Daylight harvesting, web-based         11:20 AM – 11:50 AM
controls with motion sensors were utilized to optimize
performance of the lighting controls system using           TRACK: BUILDING COMMISSIONING & CONTROLS
dimmable LED lighting throughout the school complex.
The scope of work, results and business case for project
                                                            Jumpstart Your Energy Program
will be shared.                                             This session will explore how to jumpstart your energy
                                                            program by creating a partnership of stakeholders
K. Dwight Hawks, President , Hawks & Associates, Inc.,
                                                            vertically and horizontally across your organization and
Reuben Metregen, Facility Manager, Detroit Cristo
                                                            committing to an intensive, short-term data gathering
Rey High School and Alexus Ford, Engineer, Hawks &
                                                            process—think of it as energy boot camp. Then we will
Associates, Inc.
                                                            take a quick dive into the EM Toolbox, data collection
TRACK: INDUSTRIAL                                           and management, the ongoing search for funding, and
The Future of Compressed Air Control: A                     key performance indicators (KPIs).
Giant Leap Forward in Operating Efficiency,                 Carol L. Glick, PE, Executive Director for Facilities
                                                            Operations, University of Michigan-Dearborn
Lifetime Cost, and Autonomous Operation
(and Optimization)                                          TRACK: ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN HVAC
This session will discuss the coming “next generation” of   Practical Physics for Energy-Efficient Fluid
air compressor controls and their potential to improve      Systems
the energy efficiency, operating reliability and lifetime   Commercial buildings and industrial manufacturing
cost (operating, maintenance, overhauls, etc.) of indus-    plants are filled with fluid handling systems that
trial compressed air systems relative to the current (and   transfer heat or accomplish mechanical work. In many
past) generation of compressor controls. It will include    facilities the heating, ventilation and air conditioning
a generalized (not identifying specific manufacturers/      loads account for the lion’s share of the utility bills.
models) overview of the existing control landscape to       We are surrounded by flowing fluids. Yet how many of
establish the current baseline air compressor control       our maintenance and operations staff understand the
performance and key capabilities. Following this, the       forces that govern fluid systems and determine their
presenter will draw on his R&D experience as well as        operating effectiveness and energy efficiency? Is this
trends in the larger controls market to identify and        fan performing well? Do you get twice as much flow
briefly discuss the next-generation controls capabilities   by running two pumps? Is it worth it to pay extra to
that will yield the largest improvements in compressor      install larger piping or ductwork? Should you control
performance and compressed air system optimization.         the cooling water system flow with a throttle valve or
Reed Lawless, Compressed Air System Specialist, Bay         a VFD? Why did that pump fail after just three months
Controls LLC                                                in service? Come for a short course in fluid physics and
                                                            learn how to look for energy opportunities in your plant’s
                                                            fluid systems.
                                                            Mark Schreiber, Energy Project Engineer, H.M. White, LLC

6   |   To register, visit or call 248-353-0735.
PROJECT SHOWCASE                                            Outsourcing Compressed Air to Lower Costs
Finding Large Savings for Small Businesses—                 and Improve Energy Consumption
DTE Find and Fix Gas Program                                This session will cover how outsourcing compressed air
This session will provide an overview of the DTE Find and   can lower energy cost, lower operating cost and risk as
Fix Gas program, including the program background,          well as improve reliability.
the benefits of the program and how small business          Jason Wizner, DirectAIR® Account Manager, Air
customers can leverage the program to minimize energy       Technologies
waste, optimize energy consumption and reduce opera-
tional costs.                                               TRACK: EMERGING ENERGY DATA ANALYTIC PROJECTS
Michelle Peters, Associate Program Manager, Energy          Discovering New Energy Reduction
Sciences                                                    Opportunities: DTE Industrial Sub-Metering
                                                            Pilot Program
                                                            The Industrial Sub-Metering service assists in discovering
Energy-Aligned Leasing with C-PACE
                                                            energy reduction opportunities, provides an actionable
Financing Drives Sustainability Investment                  plan to reduce energy use, rewards you with rebates
In July 2021, a survey of 270+ commercial real estate       and saves money on energy bills. Every manufacturing
stakeholders conducted in New York State by Building        process uses energy uniquely. Find your hidden energy-
Energy Exchange and NYSERDA revealed that building          saving potential through data-driven energy manage-
owners plan to leverage leases to advance energy            ment and continuous improvement processes. If you
efficiency measures to comply with regulations and          qualify, the DTE Industrial Sub-Metering service provides;
ever-increasing ESG goals. In fact, 90% of tenants view     a free assessment of your processes, a free 6-point
building-level sustainability programs as “must-haves”      sub-meter, and a web-enabled dashboard to track your
while nearly 70% of building owners currently include,      energy use and savings from your energy initiatives.
or plan to include, energy efficiency requirements in       Douglas Elbinger, Senior Energy Advisory, DNV-DTE
their standard lease language with tenants. This pres-
entation will introduce small to large commercial and
industrial businesses to C-PACE as a tool to develop
energy efficiency projects that meet the above goals by
deploying PACE and/or energy-aligned leases. The result
for tenants, owners and service providers will be an
understanding of how to use PACE and lease structures
to facilitate the sharing of costs and benefits of energy
investments between owners and tenants. Attendees
will learn the basics of PACE financing and will have
the opportunity to review Detroit, Traverse City and
national case studies whereby existing buildings have
been retrofit with energy saving improvements to yield
positive cash flow, tenant pass-thru/share, and increased
building value. Targeted to ESD and DTE’s diverse audi-
ence the seminar will provide a working knowledge of
PACE that can help facility managers, owners and their
service providers recognize opportunities to facilitate
retrofits rather than differing maintenance and invest-
ment in energy efficiency/renewables. Subtopics will
include eligible ECMs, project development, funding
process and when to engage lenders.
Michele Pitale, MD, Managing Director, Counterpointe
Sustainable Real Estate

To register, visit
or call 248-353-0735.

                CONFERENCE THEME: ENERGY EFFICIENCY         2022

                      MAY 3, 2022

                       PLATINUM SPONSOR

                       DIAMOND SPONSOR

                        SILVER SPONSORS
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