Undergraduate Program ILOS

Page created by Joe Tucker
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        Matching of National Academic Reference
          Standards (NARS-Medicine) with the
             Undergraduate Program ILOS
  After the correc ve measures taken in the workshop held in 23/4/2013
NARS                                                Program ILOS
2.1: Knowledge and Understanding
2.1. Normal Human Body:
a. Normal structure and function of the             a1- Describe the normal structure and
body (as an intact organism) and of each of         function of the human body and mind at
its major systems.                                  the molecular, biochemical, cellular, organ
                                                    / organ system.
b. Molecular, biochemical, and cellular             a1- Describe the normal structure and
mechanisms which are important in                   function of the human body and mind at
maintaining the body homeostasis.                   the molecular, biochemical, cellular, organ
                                                    / organ system.
c. Main developmental changes in humans             a2- Describe the normal growth and
and the effect of growth, development and           development of the human body and
aging on the individual and his family.             mind.

d. Basics of normal and abnormal human              a3-Describe the normal and abnormal
behaviors.                                          human behaviors.
2.2. Altered structure and function of the          a5- Recognize the altered development,
body and its major systems that are seen in         growth, structure and function of the body
various diseases and integrate it in clinical       and mind that occur as a result of common
conditions.                                         diseases likely to be met-with a newly
                                                    qualified doctor.
2.3. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical               a4- Identify the risk factors and organisms
features, diagnoses and complications of            causing diseases, met with in common
common and life-threatening illnesses               practice.
affecting the body and each of its major            a8- Describe the clinical manifestations and
organ systems, presenting throughout the            differential diagnosis of common
age spectrum.                                       diseases (including infectious diseases
                                                    including causes and management) and
                                                    managepoisoning conditions.
                                                    a9- Recognize the scientific basis and

interpretation of various diagnostic
                                           modalities for establishing diagnosis of
                                           some diseases.
                                           a11- Define the principles of genetics, the
                                           important role of genetics in disease
                                           predisposition and the importance of
                                           genetic counseling
                                           a17- Recognize the life threatening
                                           conditions & how to manage.
2.4. Principles of management of common and life threatening illnesses including:
                                           a8- Describe the clinical manifestations and
                                           differential diagnosis of common
                                           diseases (including infectious diseases
                                           including causes and management) and
                                           manage poisoning conditions.
                                           a9- Recognize the scientific basis and
                                           interpretation of various diagnostic
                                           modalities for establishing diagnosis of
                                           some diseases.
    a.     Pharmacological     and     non a17- Recognize the life threatening
    pharmacological basics of therapy.     conditions & how to manage.

   b. Non invasive          and      invasive a10- Recall the indications, the relative
   intervention.                              advantages and disadvantages of various
                                              therapeutic modalities.
                                              a10- Recall the indications, the relative
                                              advantages and disadvantages of various
                                              therapeutic modalities.
                                              a24- Recognize a wide range of surgical
                                              problems which can be
   c. Basic pre- and post operative care.     met by the family physician doctors in their
                                              daily activities and pre and postoperative
                                              a24- Recognize a wide range of surgical
   d. Pain relief and palliative care.        problems which can be met by the family
                                              physician doctors in their daily activities
                                              and pre and postoperative care
                                              a20- Recognize methods for pain relief to
                                              ameliorate patients' sufferings.
2.5. Population Health and Health Systems:

a. The determinants of health,                 a4- Identify the risk factors and organisms
   principles of disease prevention and           causing diseases, met with in
   early detection of common community            common practice.
   health problems.                               a6- Outline the basic issues for health
                                                  promotion and prevention of disease and

   b. Principle and organization of               a15- Define the Egyptian health care
   National Health Care                           system.
   c. Epidemiological principles of               a7-     Describe  the    principles  of
   demography and biological variability.         epidemiology and the epidemiological
                                                  methods and biostatistics used for
                                                  assessment of disease, as well as the
                                                  efficacy of some preventive and control

   d. Principles of disease surveillance and a7-     Describe     the    principles     of
   screening.                                epidemiology and the epidemiological
                                             methods and biostatistics used for
                                             assessment of disease, as well as the
                                             efficacy of some preventive and control
   e. Communicable disease control and a7-           Describe     the    principles     of
   health promotion.                         epidemiology and the epidemiological
                                             methods and biostatistics used for
                                             assessment of disease, as well as the
                                             efficacy of some preventive and control
   f.    Population-based approaches to b12- Activate and mobilize the community
   health care services and their role in toward improved health outcomes
   improving medical practice                d9- Describe the health status of the
                                             community he / she is serving to assess its
                                             major health needs and problems Organize,
                                             analyze and manage data, including graphic
                                             and tabular presentations).
                                             a22- Recognize Family planning methods.

2.6. Basics of ethics, medico legal aspects       a11- Identify the principles that govern
of health problems, malpractice and               ethical decision making in clinical
common medical errors.                            practice.
2.7. Basics of health and patient’s safety
and safety procedures during practical and
clinical years
2.8. Principles of clinical audit.                a15-Recognize the basic principles of
                                                  formulating specific clinical sheets and
                                                  the art of utilizing sources of information

b- Intellectual skills:
3.1. Integrate basic biomedical science b3- Interpret patient symptoms and
     with clinical care                          physical findings in terms of their
                                                 anatomic, pathologic and functional
                                                 diagnostic significances.
3.2. Reason deductively in solving clinical
            a. Recognize,         define    and b4- Generate a list of initial diagnostic
                prioritize problems.             hypotheses (differential diagnosis) for each
            b. Interpret,       analyze,    and b8-       Combine       the      clinical    and
                evaluate            information investigational database to be proficient in
                objectively, recognizing its clinical problem solving.
3.3. Use personal judgment for analytical b8-             Combine       the      clinical    and
     and critical problem solving and seek investigational database to be proficient in
     out information.                            clinical problem solving.
3.4. Integrate the results of history, b1-Formulate specific clinical sheets
     physical and laboratory test findings suitable for specific clinical situations to
     into     a     meaningful        diagnostic deal with common types of clinical
     formulation.                                problems that could be met with in clinical
                                                 b5- Select the most appropriate and cost
                                                 effective diagnostic procedures for each
3.5. Construct appropriate management b5- Select the most appropriate and cost
     strategies for patients with common effective diagnostic procedures for each
     diseases, both acute and chronic, problem.
     including medical, psychiatric, and b6- Interpret the results of commonly used
     surgical conditions.                        diagnostic procedures in laboratory and
                                                 b7- Use the results of all tests ordered to
                                                 modify the problem list and the differential
                                                 diagnosis accordingly.
                                                 b8-      Combine       the      clinical    and
                                                 investigational database to be proficient in
                                                 clinical problem solving.
                                                 b9- Design rational therapeutic strategies
                                                 for both acute and chronic conditions with
                                                 monitoring their effectiveness
3.6. Design      an     initial    course     of c1. . Manage life-threatening and serious
     management for stabilization of                 conditions with instituting appropriate initial
     patients with serious illnesses.                therapy

3.7. Classify factors that place individuals b10- Anticipate, assess, and advise on

at risk for disease or injury, to management              of occupational and
     determine strategies for appropriate environmental health hazards in various
     response.                               settings.
3.8. Retrieve, analyze, and evaluate b11- Use Evidence Based Medicine in
     relevant and current data from management decisions
     literature,     using       information
     technologies and library resources, in
     order to help solve a clinical problem
     based on evidence (EBM).
Procedures and technical skills acquired under appropriate supervision during
undergraduate and house officer training:
3.9. Recognize and cope with uncertainty d11- works within limits of knowledge and
     that is unavoidable in the practice of experience
     medicine by accepting and reacting to C11- Recognize the indications for
     uncertain situation through proper consulting higher levels or reference to
     counseling ,consultation and referral   other disciplines
3.10.       Involvement into research and
     scientific methods through:
          a. Formulation of research d12- Participate in the medical progress by
          questions that is pertinent to having the basis of medical research
          medicine.                          studies.

        b. Recognition of the importance           d13- Analyze and interpret data precisely
        of    precision     in   collecting,
        analyzing and interpreting medical
Practical and Clinical Skills
    4.1.       Demonstrate basic sciences     c1- Demonstrate the normal anatomy of the
        practical skills relevant to future   body and of each of its major organs of
        practice.                             systems, grossly and microscopically.
                                              c2- Perform tests showing the biochemical,
                                              cellular and serological changes associated
                                              with some major diseases.
                                              c3- Demonstrate the macroscopic and
                                              microscopic criteria of the altered
                                              structures and functions of the body and its
                                              major organ systems that are
                                              seen in various diseases and conditions.
                                              c4-do Macroscopic and microscopic
                                              identification of micro-organisms and the
                                              infective and diagnostic stages of parasites,
                                              vectors and intermediate hosts as
                                              causatives of human morbidity and
    4.2.       Take      and     record     a c5- Obtain a complete or a focused history
        structured, patient centered history.

4.3.       Perform    full    physical        C6- Perform proper physical and mental
        examination of patients with acute        status examination and identify normal and
        and chronic clinical conditions           major abnormal physical signs for a patient
        appropriate to the age, gender,           (adult or child).
        acute     and   chronic    clinical
        conditions while being culturally
    4.4.       Assess the mental state of         C6- Perform proper physical and mental
        the patient                               status examination and identify normal and
                                                  major abnormal physical signs for a patient
                                                  (adult or child).
    4.5. Record       patients   '    data
    4.6.       Formulate a management C7- Identify the appropriate supportive
        plan for common diseases and investigations relevant to a particular
        acute emergencies.                 patient and adequately interpret the results.
                                           C8- Manage life-threatening and serious
                                           conditions with instituting appropriate
                                           initial therapy.
                                           C9- Manage patients with acute and
                                           chronic conditions.
                                           C10- Get updated information about and
                                           demonstrations on modern diagnostic tools
                                           within the specialty.
                                           C11- Recognize the indications for
                                           consulting higher levels or reference to
                                           other disciplines
    4.7.       Write safe prescriptions of C12- Enumerate some of the drugs and
        different types of drugs based on instructions used for treatment of each case
        patient's weight, age and health
    4.8.       Provide first aid measures c15- Perform routine technical procedures;
        for injured and critically ill diagnostic and therapeutic (including life
        patients.                          support).

General and Transferable skills:
   5.1. Be prepared for the lifelong              d4- Use the sources of biomedical
       learning needs of the medical              information to remain current with
       profession.                                advances in knowledge and practice.
   5.2. Use         information        and        Can use digital technology in solving
       communication            technology        problems    and obtaining  professional
       effectively in the field of medical        information
   5.3. Retrieve,        manage,       and        a.14. Identify basic computer science
       manipulate information by all              needed to support literature retrieval and
       means, including electronic means.         learning.

5.4. Present information clearly in Present orally report in accordance with the
        written, electronic and oral forms. standard scientific guidelines in seminars or
                                               group meetings, discuss results, and defend
                                               his /her ideas with staff members.
    5.5. Communicate        ideas      and d2- Performing good communication with
        arguments effectively.             the patient and/or the patients relatives for
                                           explanation of the nature of illness, the
                                           diagnostic plan, the treatment options and
                                           the possible complications in such a way
                                           that is easily understood to provide
                                           appropriate basic health education.
    5.6. Work effectively within a team.   d3- Work effectively as a member or a
                                           leader of an interdisciplinary team and
                                           respect the role and the contributions of
                                           other health care professionals
                                           regardless their degrees or rank (top
                                           management, subordinate or
    5.7. Analyze and use numerical data d9- Describe the health status of the
        including the use of simple community he / she is serving to assess its
        statistical methods).              major health needs and problems Organize,
                                           analyze and manage data, including graphic
                                           and tabular presentations).
                                                                        2013/4/23 ‫ﺗﺣرﯾرا ﻓﻰ‬


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