Master of Science in Psychology: Psychological Intervention - MPI - Course description Academic year 2022/2023 Winter semester - Université ...

Master of Science          Behavioural &

in Psychology:
                          Cognitive Sciences


Course description
Academic year 2022/2023
Winter semester
                                       © august 2022
Table of contents
Administrative staff .............................................................................................. 1

Teaching staff ....................................................................................................... 2

Academic calendar 2022/2023 ............................................................................. 5

Organisation chart ................................................................................................ 6

Overview of semester 1........................................................................................ 7

Courses of semester 1 .......................................................................................... 8

Overview of semester 3...................................................................................... 17

Courses of semester 3 ........................................................................................ 18
Administrative staff

Course director
Prof. Dr Georges STEFFGEN
Campus Belval
Building MSH, Office E04 45-020
+352 466644 6644

Deputy course director
Dr Matthias BÖHMER, PP
Campus Belval
Building MSH, Office E04 35-020
+352 466644 9613

Study programme administrator
Véronique LAYE, MA
Campus Belval
Building MSH, Office M00 25-150
+352 466644 5134

Opening hours
Tue 14h00-16h00, Thu 10h00-12h00
We kindly ask you to make an appointment by e-mail before coming to the Study
Administration Office, even during opening hours. Thank you for your understanding!

Université du Luxembourg
Master of Science in Psychology: Psychological Intervention
Campus Belval
11, porte de Sciences
L-4366 Esch-sur-Alzette

Teaching staff
Our faculty is composed of academic staff of the University of Luxembourg as well as
nationally and internationally renowned scholars from various psychological fields of

Dr. Isabelle ALBERT            Campus Belval                  +352 466644 9542
Research scientist             Building MSH, E04 25-180

Dr. Gabrijela ALEKSIC          Campus Belval                  +352 466644 9679
Research scientist             Building MSH, E04 25-200

Dr. Matthias BÖHMER            Campus Belval                  +352 466644 9613
Research scientist             Building MSH, E04 35-020

Prof. Dr. Brad J. BUSHMAN      The Ohio State University
Guest lecturer                 School of Communication

Prof. Dr. Hanna CHRISTIANSEN   Philipps-Universität Marburg
Guest lecturer                 Fachbereich Psychologie

Dr. Andreia COSTA               Campus Belval                  +352 466644 9693
Research scientist              Building MSH, E04 35-020

Prof. Dr. Samuel GREIFF        Campus Belval                  +352 466644 9245
Professor                      Building MSH, E03 25-340

Prof. Dr. Joanne HART          University of Manchester
Guest lecturer                 School of Medical Sciences

Dr. Philipp HERZOG             Universität Koblenz-Landau
Guest lecturer                 Fachbereich Psychologie

Ulrich KELLER                 Campus Belval                     +352 466644 9287
Research and developmental    Building MSH, E03 25-210

Dr. Ernst KERN                SHG: Kliniken Sonnenberg
Guest lecturer                Klinik für Psychiatrie, Psycho-
                              therapie u. Psychosomatik

Prof. Dr. Anna KORNADT        Campus Belval                     +352-466644 6860
Professor                     Building MSH, E04 35-170

Prof. Dr. Robert KUMSTA       Campus Belval                     +352 466644 9173
Professor                     Building MSH, E04 45-040

Prof. Dr. Anja LEIST          Campus Belval                     +352 466644 9581
Professor                     Building MSH, E04 25-155

Dr. Anja MALMENDIER           Centre Hospitalier Neuro-
Guest lecturer                Psychiatrique

Dr. Wendy MALTINSKY           University of the Highlands and
Guest lecturer                Island
                              Department of Psychology

Ass. Prof. Dr. André MELZER   Campus Belval                     +352 466644 9614
Professor                     Building MSH, E04 45-030

Dr. Gilles MICHAUX            GesondheetsZentrum      
Guest lecturer                Fondation Hôpitaux Robert

Dr. Christoph NIEPEL          Campus Belval                     +352 466644 6747
Research scientist            Building MSH, E03 25-400

Prof. Dr. Kathleen Otto       Universität Marburg               kathleen.otto@staff.uni-
Guest lecturer                Fakultät für Psychologie

Prof. Dr. Christine SCHILTZ   Campus Belval              +352 466644 9529
Professor                     Building MSH, E03 25-330

Ass. Prof. Dr. André SCHULZ   Campus Belval              +352 466644 9549
Professor                     Building MSH, E04 35-190

Dr. Elisabeth SEIMETZ         Ligue Luxembourgeoise
Guest lecturer                d’Hygiène Mentale

Dr. Philipp SISCHKA           Campus Belval              +352 466644 9782
Research scientist            Building MSH, E04 45-010

Dr. Philipp SONNLEITNER       Campus Belval              +352 466644 9514
Research scientist            Building MSH, E03 35-240

Prof. Dr. Georges STEFFGEN    Campus Belval              +352 466644 6644
Professor                     Building MSH, E04 45-020

Prof. Dr. Claus VÖGELE        Campus Belval              +352 466644 9740
Professor                     Building MSH, E04 45-210

                                                                                                              Academic Calendar

               September 2022                                      October 2022                                           November 2022

         Mo Tu We Th               Fr      Sa Su

                                                             Mo Tu We Th             Fr      Sa Su

                                                                                                                   Mo Tu We Th         Fr   Sa Su
                                                                                                                                                                              Winter semester
 35                           1     2      3      4    39                                    1   2            44          1    2   3   4    5   6
          5     6      7      8     9      10 11             3    4     5       6        7   8   9                    7   8    9   10 11 12 13
                                                                                                                                                                          19/09/2022 - 11/02/2023
 36                                                    40                                                     45

 37      12 13 14 15 16 17 18                          41    10 11 12 13 14 15 16                             46     14 15 16 17 18 19 20
 38      19 20 21 22 23 24 25                          42    17 18 19 20 21 22 23                             47     21 22 23 24 25 26 27
 39      26 27 28 29 30                                43    24 25 26 27 28 29 30                             48     28 29 30
                                                                                                                                                    19/09/2022 - 23/12/2022    Courses
                                                       44    31

                                                                                                                                                          19/12/2022           Last day for withdrawing from exam registrations
Week            December 2022                         Week            January 2023                          Week            February 2023
         Mo Tu We Th               Fr      Sa Su             Mo Tu We Th             Fr      Sa Su                 Mo Tu We Th         Fr   Sa Su
                                                                                                                                                    26/12/2022 - 08/01/2023    Winter holidays
 48                           1     2      3      4                                              1            5                1   2   3    4   5
 49       5     6      7      8     9      10 11       1     2    3     4       5        6   7   8            6       6   7    8   9   10 11 12
                                                                                                                                                    09/01/2023 - 14/01/2023    Study days
 50      12 13 14 15 16 17 18                          2     9    10 11 12 13 14 15                           7      13 14 15 16 17 18 19
 51      19 20 21 22 23 24 25                          3     16 17 18 19 20 21 22                             8      20 21 22 23 24 25 26
                                                                                                                                                    16/01/2023 - 11/02/2023    Exams
 52      26 27 28 29 30 31                             4     23 24 25 26 27 28 29                             9      27 28
                                                       5     30 31
                                                                                                                                                    13/02/2023-18/02/2023      No courses

Week                 March 2023                       Week             April 2023                           Week               May 2023
                                                                                                                                                          27/02/2023           Deadline for validation by examination boards
         Mo Tu We Th               Fr      Sa Su             Mo Tu We Th             Fr      Sa Su                 Mo Tu We Th         Fr   Sa Su
 9                     1      2     3      4      5    13                                    1   2            18      1   2    3   4   5    6   7
 10       6     7      8      9    10 11 12            14    3    4     5       6        7   8   9            19      8   9    10 11 12 13 14
 11      13 14 15 16 17 18 19                          15    10 11 12 13 14 15 16                             20     15 16 17 18 19 20 21
 12      20 21 22 23 24 25 26                          16    17 18 19 20 21 22 23                             21     22 23 24 25 26 27 28
         27 28 29 30 31                                      24 25 26 27 28 29 30                                    29 30 31
                                                                                                                                                                              Summer semester
 13                                                    17                                                     22

                                                                                                                                                                          20/02/2023 - 16/09/2023
Week                   June 2023                      Week             July 2023                            Week              August 2023
         Mo Tu We Th               Fr      Sa Su             Mo Tu We Th             Fr      Sa Su                 Mo Tu We Th         Fr   Sa Su
 22                           1     2      3      4    26                                    1   2            31          1    2   3   4    5   6
 23       5     6      7      8     9      10 11       27    3    4     5       6        7   8   9            32      7   8    9   10 11 12 13
                                                                                                                                                    20/02/2023-03/06/2023      Courses
 24      12 13 14 15 16 17 18                          28    10 11 12 13 14 15 16                             33     14 15 16 17 18 19 20
 25      19 20 21 22 23 24 25                          29    17 18 19 20 21 22 23                             34     21 22 23 24 25 26 27
                                                                                                                                                    03/04/2023-10/04/2023      Spring holidays
 26      26 27 28 29 30                                30    24 25 26 27 28 29 30                             35     28 29 30 31
                                                       31    31                                                                                           15/05/2023           Last day for withdrawing from exam registrations

Week           September 2023                                                                                                                       05/06/2023-10/06/2023      Study days
         Mo Tu We Th               Fr      Sa Su
 35                   1 2 3
                                                                                                                                                    12/06/2023 - 08/07/2023    Exams
 36       4 5 6 7 8 9 10
 37      11 12 13 14 15 16 17
                                                                                                                                                    10/07/2023 - 15/09/2023    No courses
 38      18 19 20 21 22 23 24
 39      25 26 27 28 29 30                                                                                                                                08/09/2023           Deadline for validation by examination boards

                       ACADEMIC EVENTS                                                   PUBLIC HOLIDAYS
        16/09/2022          Welcome Day                                     01/11/2022               All Saints
        12/10/2022          "Rentrée Académique"                        25+26/12/2022                Christmas+Boxing day
        20/10/2022          Study Abroad Day                                01/01/2023               New Year's day
       13-16/12/2022        Graduation week                                 10/04/2023               Easter Monday
        13/12/2022          FSTM (BA & MA)                                  01/05/2023               Labour Day
        14/12/2022          FDEF (BA & MA)                                  09/05/2023               Europe Day
        15/12/2022          FHSE (BA & MA)                                  18/05/2023               Ascension Day
        16/12/2022          Doctoral candidates                             29/05/2023               Whit Monday
                                                                            23/06/2023               National holiday
                                                                            15/08/2023               Assumption

                           OTHER EVENTS
        30/09/2022          Unicareers
      27+28/10/2022         Student Fair
        18/03/2023          Open Day
Organisation Chart
                                        Methodology                                                                 Field of Application                                      Internship                Thesis

                Modul 1:                  Modul 2:                 Modul 3:                                                                        Modul 6:
                                                                                          Modul 4: Clinical Modul 5: Health                                                    Modul 7:               Modul 8:
                Research                Psychological            Intervention                                                                      Applied
                                                                                            Psychology       Psychology                                                       Internship               Thesis
                Methods                  Assessment                Methods                                                                        Psychology
                                                              Intervention methods:
             Advanced research          Assessment process:                                                              Theories and models      School psychology
                                                                 training programs
                 methods              judgement and decision
                                                             G. Steffgen, M. Böhmer,                                          A. Schulz              M. Böhmer
                  A. Leist                    I. Albert
                                                                    & E. Seimetz
 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                       27
                                                                                            Mental disorders in
           Enhanced data analysis                                                                                        Professional issues    Epigenetics and health
                P. Sischka                                                                                                  G. Michaux               R. Kumsta
                                                                                             H. Christiansen

                                                                                           Foundations of clinical
                                                                Interventions for acute                                                     Cultural psychology:
                Meta-analysis            Analysis of change                                    psychological       Methods and assessment                                  Internship preparation   Thesis preparation
                                                                     mental crises                                                        theories and applications
                B. Bushman                   G. Aleksic                                        interventions             A. Schulz                                               G. Steffgen           G. Steffgen
                                                                      E. Seimetz                                                                  I. Albert
                                                                                                  A. Lutz

 2                                                                                          Adult mental health
                                                                                                  A. Lutz                                                                                                                33

           On the way to structural   Advanced psychological     Interventions at the
                                                                                                                                                  Media psychology:
             equation modelling        measurement theory        organisational level -     Clinical interviewing
                                                                                                                                               theories and applications
                   (SEM)                    U. Keller &                systems                     E. Kern
                                                                                                                                                      A. Melzer
                  C. Niepel               P. Sonnleitner               K. Otto
                                                                                                                                                Emotion regulation in
                                                                   Counselling in            Basic intervention             Applications
                                      Enhanced test evaluation                                                                                    social and clinical           Internship
                                                               gerontological contexts          techniques                 W. Maltinsky &
                                             S. Greiff                                                                                                contexts                  (12 weeks)
                                                                    A. Kornadt                   P. Herzog                     J. Hart
                                                                                                                                                      A. Costa
 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                       30
                                                                                                                                                Learning and learning
                                                                                               Case studies
                                                                                                                                                difficulties - numeracy
                                                                                              A. Malmendier
                                                                                                                                                       C. Schiltz

 4                                                                                                                                                                          Internship follow-up
                                                                                                                                                                                 G. Steffgen
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Thesis          30

              G. Steffgen                G. Steffgen              G. Steffgen                  C. Vögele                   C. Vögele              G. Steffgen                G. Steffgen            G. Steffgen
                12 ECTS                    12 ECTS                  12 ECTS                    12 ECTS                      12 ECTS                 12 ECTS                    18 ECTS                30 ECTS

Overview of Semester 1

                                        Master of Science in Psychology: Psychological intervention
                                                        Winter semester 2022/23
                                                                Semester 1
                                                                (courses are beginning on Sep 26, 2020)
                      Monday                    Tuesday                   Wednesday                       Thursday               Friday          Saturday
Introductory   MPI Introductory session       Introduction to
   session            G. Steffgen                 Moodle
                                                 S. Parnian
                        26.9                        27.9
                    10h30—11h15                14h00-14h45
                                                                                                    Mental disorder in      Mental disorder in
                                                                                                        childhood               childhood
   Block                                                                                             H. Christiansen         H. Christiansen
  seminar                                                                                             08h45-18h15             08h45-18h15
                                                                                                          10.11                   11.11

                                           Epigenetic and health        Adult mental health         Health psychology:
09h45-11h15                                     R. Kumsta                       A. Lutz.            professional issues
                                                                       Postponed to summer              G. Michaux
                                                                          semester 22-23          06.10 – 13.10 – 20.10-
                                                                        end of May in block                01.12
                Intervention methods:       School psychology          Assessment process:             ----------------
11h30-13h00       training programs            M. Böhmer              judgment and decision         Advanced research
               G. Steffgen/ M. Böhmer/                                        I. Albert                  methods
                       E. Seimetz                                                                          A.Leist
                                                                                                  29.09 – 03.11 – 17.11 –
                                                                                                      08.12 – 15.12
                 Health psychology A:                                 Enhanced data analysis       Health psychology:
14h00-15h30      Theories and models                                        P. Sischka             professional issues
                       A. Schulz                                                                       G. Michaux

               Einführungsveranstaltung                                                                     01.12


Advanced research methods (Vertiefung in Forschungsmethoden)

 Lecturer:                       Anja Leist                       Responsible for the module:    Georges Steffgen

 Moodle-ID:                      MPI A1.1                         Module:                        A1

 ECTS:                           3                                Option:                        No

 Type of course:                 Seminar                          Course language:               English

 Requirements:                   No                               Max. number of participants:   25

 Assessment:                     Presentation and report

 Language of course              English

Course description
Current psychological research is predominantly based on empirical data, and development of knowledge in psychology
results from a constant interaction between theory and empirical data. Research questions are deduced from theory,
investigated in empirical studies, which in turn lead to conclusions and implications for the modification of the
theoretical state-of-the-art. Psychological research methodology provides the knowledge and tools necessary within this
process. Thus, research methodology states a broad field covering various subdomains, ranging from measurement
theory and procedures (e.g., observations, questionnaires), qualitative and quantitative designs to statistical analysis
procedures. Within this course, each step in the research process is discussed which specific examples and exercises for
the students. Beside regular attendance and active participation, students are supposed to develop an exemplary
research project within small working groups during the course period. A description of the developed research project,
including theoretical framework and methodology, will be written by the students in the style of a scientific journal article.
The article is subject to the assessment of the student performance in the course and is mandatory for passing the course.

Learning outcomes
The course provides the student basic knowledge necessary to develop and conduct a scientific research project. The
course follows the steps of empirical studies and imparts knowledge and competencies for informed decisions on key
questions arising in the planning of a research project. After passing the course, students will be able (a) to critically read
scientific texts to develop new research questions based on previous studies in a given field, (b) to name and to define
the main theoretical constructs involved in a research question at hand and to generate a theoretical working model, (c)
to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different study designs and measurement approaches and to
decide on the most appropriate approach for answering the research question, (d) to decide which types of data
analysis are suitable for a given data structure, (e) to interpret the results of data analyses inthe light of the research
question, and (f) to identify strengths and limitations of their chosen research design. To foster learning and autonomous
decision making, decisions on each planning step are made within the working groups under the guidance of the

Brough, P. (Ed.) (2018). Advanced research methods for applied psychology. Design, analysis and reporting. Routledge.
Coolican, H. (2014). Research methods and statistics in psychology (6th ed.). Psychology Press.
Eid, M., Gollwitzer, M., & Schmitt, M. (2017). Statistik und Forschungsmethoden (5. Aufl.). Beltz.
Goodwin, K.A., & Goodwin, C. J. (2017). Research in psychology. Methods and design (8th ed.). Wiley.
Gorard, S. (2013). Research design. Creating robust approaches for the social sciences. Sage.
Reis, H.T., & Judd, C.M. (Eds.). (2014). Handbook of research methods in social and personality psychology (2nd ed.).
    Cambridge: University Press.

Enhanced data analysis (Vertiefung in Datenanalyse)

 Lecturer:                     Philipp Sischka                  Responsible for the module:    Georges Steffgen

 Moodle-ID:                    MPI A1.2                         Module:                        A1

 ECTS:                         3                                Option:                        No

 Type of course:               Seminar                          Course language:               German

 Requirements:                 No                               Max. number of participants:   25

 Assessment:                   Report

 Language of course            German

Course description
This course gives an introduction in the statistical open-source software R Statistics and RStudio, an integrated
development environment for R. R provides a general language for interactive computations, supported by
techniques for data organization, graphics, numerical computations, model-fitting and many other tasks. At first, the
different data types and their handling and transformation are discussed. Furthermore, statistical tests, coefficients (of
central tendency and dispersion) and the creation of graphs for univariate data analysis are presented. Moreover,
bivariate data analysis procedures are shown. Additionally, the course provides an introduction in variance and
regression analysis techniques and how to do mediation and moderation analysis. Moreover, the course provides tests
to check for model assumptions.

Learning outcomes
The students will learn the basics of programming with R and how to conduct enhanced data analysis. After the
finishing the course, the students will have the knowledge to import their data into R and to transform oldand
create new variables. Furthermore, they will have the expertise to describe their data and provide univariate
coefficients and calculate bivariate associations. Moreover, they are able to conduct multiple regression analysis,
with moderation and mediation analysis as special cases and how to test different model assumptions (e.g., normal
distribution or residuals, linearity). Additionally, they will have the expertise to create informative graphs for
univariate (e.g., box plots, histograms, violin plots), bivariate (e.g., scatter plots with fitted regression lines) and
multivariate data analysis (e.g., interaction plots).

Eid, M., Gollwitzer, M. & Schmitt, M. (2017). Statistik und Forschungsmethoden (5. Aufl.). Beltz.
Ekstrom, C.T. (2017). The R primer (2nd ed.). CRC Press.
Field, A., Miles, J., & Field, Z. (2012). Discovering statistics using R. Sage.
Luhmann, M. (2015). R für Einsteiger: Einführung in die Statistiksoftware für die Sozialwissenschaften (4. Aufl.). Beltz.
Wollschläger, D. (2013). R kompakt. Der schnelle Einstieg in die Datenanalyse. Springer.

Assessment process: judgement and decision (Diagnostischer Prozess: Urteil und Entscheidung)

 Lecturer:                     Isabelle Albert              Responsible for the module:    Georges Steffgen

 Moodle-ID:                    MPI A2.1                     Module:                        A2

 ECTS:                         3                            Option:                        No

 Type of course:               Seminar                      Course language:               German

 Requirements:                 No                           Max. number of participants:   25

 Assessment:                   Presentation and report

 Language of course            German

Course description
Der Kurs beschäftigt sich mit der psychologischen Diagnostik im Beratungskontext und geht dabei auf den diagnostischen
Prozess, diagnostische Strategien sowie auf ausgewählte diagnostische Verfahren ein. Nach einer kurzen
Wiederholung der Grundlagen der psychologischen Diagnostik (klassische Testtheorie, Testgütekriterien) richtet sich
der Fokus dieses Kurses verstärkt auf Anwendungsfragen. Folgende Themenbereiche werden vertieft behandelt:
Aufgaben und Ziele von Diagnostik, Arten von Diagnostik, Phasen im diagnostischen Prozess, psychologisches
Gutachten. Insbesondere werden auch Kriterien zur Beurteilung von diagnostischen Verfahren vorgestellt, sowie
Probleme und ethische Aspekte bei der Anwendung diagnostischer Verfahren thematisiert. Dabei wird auf mögliche
Fehlerquellen und Grenzen von Diagnostik hingewiesen und eine kritische Auseinandersetzung angestrebt. Die
Studierenden werden dazu angeregt, ihre eigene Rolle im diagnostischen Prozess zu reflektieren. Ausgewählte
diagnostische Verfahren für die Beratung in verschiedenen Bereichen werden besprochen und anhand von Fallbeispielen

Learning outcomes

Am Ende des Kurses kennen die Teilnehmer verschiedene diagnostische Verfahren aus verschiedenen
Anwendungsgebieten und sind mit der Anwendung dieser Verfahren vertraut. Sie können Ergebnisse diagnostischer
Verfahren interpretieren, kritisch beurteilen und für die weitere Beratung nutzen. Die Studierenden können anhand eines
Fallbeispiels, den diagnostischen Prozess selbständig in Form eines psychologischen Gutachtens dokumentieren.

Fisseni, H. (2004). Lehrbuch der psychologischen Diagnostik: Mit Hinweisen zur Intervention. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Klann, N., Hahlweg, K. & Heinrichs, N. (2003). Diagnostische Verfahren für die Beratung: Materialien zur Diagnostik und
    Therapie in Ehe-, Familien- und Lebensberatung (2. Aufl.). Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Petermann, F. & Eid, M. (Hrsg.). (2006). Handbuch der Psychologischen Diagnostik. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Westhoff, K. & Kluck, M.-L. (2003). Psychologische Gutachten: schreiben und beurteilen (4. Aufl.). Berlin: Springer.

Intervention methods: training programs (Interventionsmethoden: Trainingsprogramme)

 Lecturer:                      Georges Steffgen, Matthias     Responsible for the module:     Georges Steffgen
                                Böhmer, Elisabeth Seimetz
 Moodle-ID:                     MPI A3.1                       Module:                         A3

 ECTS:                          3                              Option:                         No

 Type of course:                Seminar                        Course language:                German

 Requirements:                  No                             Max. number of participants:    25

 Assessment:                    Report

 Language of course             German

Course description
The course provides a comprehensive and thorough grounding on psychological interventions based on standardized
training programs. Diverse (research) theories and models to answer questions related to training program issues will be
discussed. Especially the pursuit of advanced research, as well as the design and evaluation of different training programs
that aim to change human behaviour will be pick out as central themes. The course will prepare students to understand
a wide range of issues in the training programs. Fundamentals of different psychological training programs will be
outlined and students will learn to use some elements of training interventions. Finally, every student will prepare a
written report about a specific training program.

Learning outcomes

Students gain knowledge in essential topics in psychology on interventions by training programs; students are able to
develop a critical perspective on psychological training programs. Students will also be able to identify significant issues,
help design and implement changes which address those issues, and evaluate those changes. Students will have a solid
base of knowledge of the core theories, concepts, methods, findings, and principles of interventions in psychology with
training programs, allowing them to pursue their specialized interests.

Bibliographic references are given in the course.

Mental disorders in childhood (Psychische Störungen in der Kindheit)

 Lecturer:                      Hanna Christiansen            Responsible for the module:    Claus Vögele

 Moodle-ID:                     MPI B1.2                      Module:                        B1

 ECTS:                          3                             Option:                        No

 Type of course:                Seminar                       Course language:               German

 Requirements:                  No                            Max. number of participants:   25

 Assessment:                    Presentation

 Language of course             German

Course description

Im Seminar wird eine Einführung in das Gebiet der Klinischen Kinder- und Jugendpsychologie gegeben. Insbesondere
sollen anhand von Vorträgen und Kleingruppenarbeiten die folgenden Themen bearbeitet werden: (1) Relevanz der
klinischen Kinder- und Jugendpsychologie, (2) Definition psychischer Störungen des Kindes- und Jugendalters und
Einführung altersspezifischer Klassifikationssysteme für diese Altersgruppe, (3) Modelle zur Entstehung und
Aufrechterhaltung psychischer Störungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter am Beispiel der häufigsten Störungsbilder, (4)
Überblick über evidenzbasierte Psychotherapie mit Kindern und Jugendlichen am Beispiel der häufigsten Störungsbilder.

Learning outcomes
Am Ende der Lehrveranstaltung verfügen die Studierenden über Grundkenntnisse der Entwicklungspsychopathologie
sowie der wichtigsten Klassifikationssysteme und Ätiologiemodelle psychischer Störungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter.
Sie kennen evidenzbasierte Behandlungsansätze für die wichtigsten psychischen Störungen und wissen um die prädiktive
Rolle psychischer Störungen des Kindesalters für psychische Störungen des Erwachsenenalters.

Schneider, S. & Margraf, J. (Hrsg.). (2009). Lehrbuch der Verhaltenstherapie. Störungen im Kindes- und Jugendalter. Berlin:

Health psychology A: theories and models (Gesundheitspsychologie A: Theorien und Modelle)

 Lecturer:                     André Schulz                   Responsible for the module:    Claus Vögele

 Moodle-ID:                    MPI B2.1                       Module:                        B2

 ECTS:                         3                              Option:                        No

 Type of course:               Seminar                        Course language:               German

 Requirements:                 No                             Max. number of participants:   25

 Assessment:                   Presentation

 Language of course            German

Course description
Health psychology is a psychological sub-discipline on human cognition and behaviour in relation to health. This covers
the maintenance and promotion of health, psychological processes that are associated with the experience of health
risks, diseases, and disability, as well as how cognition and behaviour may affect health, stress, resilience, disease and
recovery. The lecture addresses relevant theories and models that explain (I) the perspective of health psychology as
compared to related sub-disciplines, such as clinical, work, biological or social psychology, (II) psychosocial and
psychobiological factors that are associated with health behaviour and health outcome, (III) the experience, coping and
prevention of stress as one major factor which may impair health, (IV) cognitive and behavioural processes that are
associated with health risks and promotion, as well as the experience of health impairment. This course will provide the
theoretical background for subsequent courses within the module of health psychology, such as ‘Methods and
Assessment’, ‘Professional Issues’ or ‘Applications’.

Learning outcomes
The students are able (a) to understand biopsychosocial processes associated with health behaviour and health outcome;
(b) to understand and evaluate theoretical and empirical research in health psychology; (c) to practically apply theories
on health psychology in psychological intervention; and (d) to formulate and to discuss original research questions in
health psychology, which is necessary to complete a thesis in the area of health psychology.


Ehlert, U. (2016). Verhaltensmedizin. Berlin: Springer.
Ehlert, U. & von Känel, R. (2011). Psychoendokrinologie und Psychoimmunologie. Berlin: Springer.
Faltermaier, T. (2017). Gesundheitspsychologie (2. Aufl.). Stuttgart: Kohlhammer.
Friedman, H.S. (2011). The Oxford Handbook of Health Psychology. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Hurrelmann, K. et al. (2018). Referenzwerk Prävention und Gesundheitsförderung: Grundlagen, Konzepte und
    Umsetzungsstrategien. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Knoll, N. et al. (2017). Einführung Gesundheitspsychologie. München: UTB.
Kohlmann, C. W. et al. (2018). Psychologie in der Gesundheitsförderung. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Renneberg, B. & Hammelstein, P. (2006). Gesundheitspsychologie. Heidelberg: Springer.
Rensing, L., Koch, M., Rippe, B. & Rippe, V. (2006). Mensch im Stress. München: Elsevier.
Vögele, C. (2008). Klinische Psychologie: Körperliche Erkrankungen. Weinheim: Beltz.

Health psychology: professional issues (Gesundheitspsychologie: Berufliche Anforderungen)

 Lecturer:                     Gilles Michaux                 Responsible for the module:    Claus Vögele

 Moodle-ID:                    MPI B2.2                       Module:                        B2

 ECTS:                         3                              Option:                        No

 Type of course:               Seminar                        Course language:               German

 Requirements:                 No                             Max. number of participants:   18

 Assessment:                   Presentation

 Language of course            German

Course description
Health Psychology studies the psychological and behavioural factors influencing wellbeing and illness and uses this
knowledge for health promotion and disease prevention. This course analyses the professional issues (i.e. contextual,
ethical, legal, etc.) and practical obstacles (i.e. communicational, motivational, organisational, etc.) encountered by
practising health psychologists (e.g. how to design and to deliver health promotion/education programmes, how to
interact with other health professionals, how to motivate non-adherent patients, etc.) in various healthcare settings
(i.e. hospitals and clinics, workplace and public health departments, etc.). The course involves directed reading, oral
presentations and group discussions.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the students will have: an awareness of potential professional issues in the healthcare sector; a
methodical and ethical reflexivity in the domain of Applied Health Psychology; the competency of problem
conceptualisation (incl. case formulation) and intervention planning in the fields of Clinical, Occupational and Public
Health Psychology; as well as motivational skills for the healthcare context.

Cohen, L.M., McChargue, D.E., & Collins, F.L. (Eds.). (2003). The Health Psychology Handbook. Practical Issues for the
   Behavioral Medicine Specialist. London: SAGE.

School psychology (Schulpsychologie)

 Lecturer:                     Matthias Böhmer                Responsible for the module:    Georges Steffgen

 Moodle-ID:                    MPI B3.1                       Module:                        B3

 ECTS:                         3                              Option:                        Yes

 Type of course:               Seminar                        Course language:               German

 Requirements:                 No                             Max. number of participants:   25

 Assessment:                   Report

 Language of course            German

Course description
Schule ist inhärent eine soziale Situation. Soziale schulbezogene Interaktionen bestehen sowohl zwischen Personen mit
gleicher sozialer Rolle (z.B. Schüler-Schüler-Interaktion) als auch unterschiedlicher sozialer Rolle (z.B. Schüler-Lehrer-
Interaktion). Diese Interaktionen sind eingebettet in Schule und Schulklasse, sodass Gruppenprozesse auf die
Interaktionen zwischen Einzelakteuren einwirken. Innerhalb des Kurses werden spezifische soziale Interaktionen in der
Schule aufgegriffen, in einen sozialpsychologischen Theorierahmen eingebettet und mit empirischen
Forschungsbefunden verbunden. Aufbauend auf dieser Betrachtung erfolgt die Erarbeitung von
Interventionsmaßnahmen, die im schulischen Bereich tätige Psychologen zur Verbesserung sozialer Prozesse einsetzen
können. Die Erarbeitung der Interaktionsmaßnahmen erfolgt auf Basis in der Forschungsliteratur dokumentierten
Interventionsprogrammen. Die Teilnehmer sind aufgefordert, über das Studium der Manuale dieser Interventionen,
Gruppenarbeiten und Rollenspiele die Fähigkeit zu erwerben, diese Interventionsprogramme durchzuführen.

Learning outcomes
Die Studierenden sind nach dem Seminar befähigt charakteristische soziale Prozesse im Schulkontext zu erkennen, diese
in sozialpsychologische Theorien einzubetten und hieraus wissenschaftlich gestützte Annahmen über zukünftige
Entwicklungen und Ansatzpunkte für Interventionen abzuleiten. Sie erhalten Kenntnis über ausgewählte
Interventionsprogramme im schulischen Kontext und können diese Programme selbstständig anwenden und auf
spezifische Bedürfnisse der Situation anpassen.

Lohaus, A., & Domsch, H. (Hrsg.). (2009). Psychologische Förder- und Interventionsprogramme für das Kinder- und
    Jugendalter. Heidelberg: Springer.
Ulich, K. (2001). Sozialpsychologie der Schule. Weinheim: Beltz.

Epigenetics and health (Epigenetik und Gesundheit)

    Lecturer:                  Robert Kumsta                 Responsible for the module:    Georges Steffgen

    Moodle-ID:                 MPI B5.0                      Module:                        B1

    ECTS:                      3                             Option:                        No

    Type of course:            Seminar                       Course language:               German

    Requirements:              No                            Max. number of participants:   25

    Assessment:                Presentation

    Language of course         German

Course description
Der Forschungszweig der Epigenetik gewinnt zunehmend an Relevanz für die Psychologie und Psychopathologie. Die
Epigenetik beschäftigt sich mit grundlegenden Mechanismen der Genregulation und geht der Frage nach, wie die
Expression von Genen gesteuert wird und welche Einflussfaktoren - von Genetik bis zu Umweltfaktoren - diese Prozesse
kurz- und langfristig beeinflussen. Epigenetische Prozesse werden als eine entscheidende Schnittstelle in der Interaktion
zwischen Genetik und Umweltfaktoren wahrgenommen.
In diesem Seminar sollen Forschungsergebnisse von Tier- und Humanstudien diskutiert werden, die zeigen, dass
epigenetische Prozesse durch spezifische Umwelteinflüsse wie Umweltgifte, Ernährung und psychischen Stress
beinflussbar sind und somit Relevanz für die körperliche und psychische Gesundheit des Menschen haben. Es soll der
Frage nachgegangen werden, wie sich frühe Umweltfaktoren „biologisch festschreiben“ (biological embedding of
experience), und welche Rolle dabei epigenetische Prozesse spielen. Außerdem soll diskutiert werden, ob psychologische
Interventionen epigenetische Prozesse im Erwachsenenalter beeinflussen können. Aktuelle Publikationen werden
besprochen und methodenkritisch analysiert.

Learning outcomes
-     Verständnis der grundlegenden Mechanismen epigenetischer Regulation (DNA Methylierung, Histonmodifikation).
-     Verständnis der Zusammenhänge zwischen ungünstigen Umwelterfahrungen in frühen Entwicklungsphasen
      (pränatal, Kindheit) und Krankheitsprozessen im Erwachsenenalter.
-     Verständnis der methodischen und konzeptuellen Herausforderungen des jungen Forschungsfelds der Epigenetik.


Die genaue Auswahl der Literatur findet in Absprache mit den Teilnehmern statt.
Barker ED, Walton E, Cecil CAM. (2018). Annual Research Review: DNA methylation as a mediator in the association
   between risk exposure and child and adolescent psychopathology. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 59(4):303-322.
Hertzman C. (2012). Putting the concept of biological embedding in historical perspective. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 109
Jones MJ, Moore SR, Kobor MS. (2018). Principles and Challenges of Applying Epigenetic Epidemiology to Psychology.
   Annu Rev Psychol. 69:459-485.
Kumsta, R. (2019). The role of epigenetics for understanding mental health difficulties and its implications for
   psychotherapy research. Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice. 92(2):190-207.

Master of Science in Psychology: Psychological intervention
                                                         Winter semester 2020/21
                                                                 Semester 3
                                                                (courses are beginning on Sep 19, 2021)
                         Monday                   Tuesday                  Wednesday                      Thursday               Friday              Saturday
                                                Applications               Applications                 Applications
                                               Maltinsky & Hart           Maltinsky & Hart            Maltinsky & Hart
                                                    25.10.                     26.10                        27.10
                                                09h45-17h30                09h45-17h30                  09h45-13h00
 Blockseminare                                                                                       Basic interventions    Basic interventions   Basic interventions
                                                                                                         techniques             techniques            techniques
                                                                                                          P. Herzog              P. Herzog             P. Herzog.
                                                                                                            13.10                  14.10                  15.10
                                                                                                        15h45-17h30           08h45-17h30           08h45-17h30
                    Learning and learning                                                          Emotion regulation in
  09h45-11h15       difficulties–numeracy                                                            social and clinical
                           Ch. Schiltz                                                                    contexts
                                                 Case studies                                              A. Costa
                                                A. Malmendier                                        Except 6.10 – 3.11
                                                                                                   replaced 13.10 – 10.11
                                             27.09 – 4.10 – 11.10 –                                     14h00-15h30
                                                     18.10                                              Counseling in
  11h30-13h00                                                                                     gerontological contexts
                                                                                                         A. Kornadt


                        Enhanced test
  14h00-15h30             evaluation
                           S. Greiff
                    3.10 – 17.10 – 31.10 –
                        14.11 – 28.11

September 7, 2022
Enhanced test evaluation (Vertiefung in Testevaluation)

 Lecturer:                     S. Greiff                    Responsible for the module:    Georges Steffgen

 Moodle-ID:                    MPI A2.4                     Module:                        A2

 ECTS:                         3                            Option:                        No

 Type of course:               Seminar                      Course language:               German

 Requirements:                 No                           Max. number of participants:   25

 Assessment:                   Report

 Language of course            German

Course description
Im Seminar wird systematisch erlernt, Manuale von psychologischen Testverfahren kritisch zu lesen und die Eignung der
Tests für die Beantwortung bestimmter diagnostischer Fragestellungen zu beurteilen. Dabei werden Kenntnisse aus der
Testtheorie (insbesondere psychometrische Gütekriterien), der Persönlichkeitspsychologie (z.B. Persönlichkeits- und
Intelligenzmodelle) und den Forschungsmethoden (z.B. Korrelation, Regression, Faktorenanalyse) praktisch angewendet.
Diese üblicherweise im Bachelor Psychologie vermittelten Kenntnisse, sind die wesentlichen Grundlagen für eine
erfolgreiche Teilnahme am Seminar. Die Evaluation von Testverfahren wird anhand zweier in der psychologischen
Berufspraxis sehr häufig eingesetzter Tests, einem kognitiven Test (Grundintelligenztest Skala 2, CFT-20) und einem
Persönlichkeitstest (Myers-Briggs-Typen Indikator, MBTI), geübt. Abschnitte des Testmanuals werden in Heimarbeit und
im Seminar systematisch durchgearbeitet und besprochen. Kritische Fragen werden im Plenum diskutiert. Die
umfassende Reflektion der Stärken und Schwächen der beiden Testverfahren soll Kenntnisse und Fertigkeiten vermitteln,
die auch auf die Evaluation anderer Testverfahren angewendet werden können.

Learning outcomes

Die Studierenden sind nach dem Seminar fähig psychologische Testverfahren gezielt auszuwählen, d.h. nach erfolgreicher
Teilnahme am Seminar sind die Studierenden in der Lage, aus der großen Menge an verfügbaren Tests ein Verfahren
auszuwählen, das für die Beantwortung ihrer diagnostischen Fragestellung angemessen ist. Die Studierenden sind
befähigt Testmanuale selbstständig zu erarbeiten und die darin enthaltenen Informationen zu Testmaterial, Auswertung
und Gütekriterien zu bewerten. Die Studierenden können, die Stärken und Schwächen eines Tests sorgfältig abwägen,
deren Implikationen für die Beantwortung ihrer diagnostischen Fragestellung erkennen und in ihren
Entscheidungsprozess einfließen lassen.

Bents, R. & Blank, R. (1995). Myers-Briggs Typenindikator, MBTI. Göttingen: Beltz.
Kemper, C. J., Ziegler, M., Krumm, S., Heene, M. & Bühner, M. (2015). Testkonstruktion. In G. Stemmler & J. Margraf-
   Stiksrud (Hrsg.), Lehrbuch Psychologische Diagnostik (S. 157-221). Bern: Hans Huber.
Weiß, R.H. (2006). Grundintelligenztest Skala 2 – Revision. Göttingen: Hogrefe.
Ziegler, M. (2014). Stop and state your intentions!: Let’s not forget the ABC of test construction. European Journal of
   Psychological Assessment, 30(4), 239-242.
Weitere Literatur wird zu Beginn der Lehrveranstaltung bekannt gegeben.

Counselling in gerontological contexts (Beratung in gerontologischen Kontexten)

 Lecturer:                    Anna Kornadt                    Responsible for the module:    Georges Steffgen

 Moodle-ID:                   MPI A3.4                        Module:                        A3

 ECTS:                        3                               Option:                        No

 Type of course:              Seminar                         Course language:               German

 Requirements:                No                              Max. number of participants:   25

 Assessment:                  50% presentation, 50% written
 Language of course           German

Course description
Das Seminar fokussiert auf Beratung in gerontologischen Kontexten. Der wachsende Anteil von älteren Menschen an der
Bevölkerung bringt auch gestiegenen Beratungs- und Interventionsbedarf in und für diese Zielgruppe mit sich. In dem
Seminar werden nach einer allgemeinen Einführung Beratungsangebote, Theorien und Techniken zum Umgang mit
altersbedingten Veränderungen (wie z.B. dem Eintritt in den Ruhestand, alternde Netzwerke etc.) und altersspezifischen
Problemen (z.B. gesundheitliche Veränderungen, Mobilitätseinschränkungen) behandelt. Des Weiteren werden die
Spezifika und Bedarfe älterer Klient*innen in Bereichen der psychologischen Beratung und Intervention behandelt (z.B.
Psychotherapie im Alter). Die Themen werden anhand aktueller wissenschaftlicher Literatur erschlossen und im Rahmen
der Veranstaltung präsentiert und diskutiert.

Learning outcomes
(1) Die Studierenden werden für die Themen und Problematiken sensibilisiert, die eine alternde Bevölkerung für die
psychologische Beratung mit sich bringt und kennen den aktuellen Forschungsstand. (2) Die Studierenden können
spezifische Themen identifizieren, die im höheren Lebensalter für die Beratung und Intervention von Bedeutung sind und
kennen Lösungsansätze und Techniken für diese Problematiken. (3) Die Studierenden können sich kritisch mit dem Thema
Beratung in gerontologischen Kontexten auseinandersetzen und die Vor- und Nachteile spezifischer Angebote


Wird in der Veranstaltung bekannt gegeben.

Basic intervention techniques (Grundlegende Interventionstechniken)

 Lecturer:                     Philipp Herzog                 Responsible for the module:    Claus Vögele

 Moodle-ID:                    MPI B1.5                       Module:                        B1

 ECTS:                         3                              Option:                        No

 Type of course:               Seminar                        Course language:               German

 Requirements:                 No                             Max. number of participants:   20

 Assessment:                   Report

 Language of course            German

Course description
The course ‘basic intervention techniques’ is built around the theoretical framework of cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
using experiential learning to effectively build up psychotherapeutic competencies. After briefly repeating the basic
principles of CBT and strategies for building a strong therapeutic relationship, a standard procedure of cognitive
behavioral analysis is introduced to assess psychological problems and maladaptive behavior. Based on the cognitive
behavioral analysis, a case conceptualization is developed and basic intervention techniques of CBT are derived to address
common cognitive and behavioral problems. Selected evidence-based psychological interventions to promote cognitive
and behavior change (e.g., exposure-based interventions, cognitive techniques, mindfulness exercises, relaxation, social
skills training, stress reduction, and behavioral activation) are discussed and practiced in the course.

Learning outcomes
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
- explain the theoretical framework of cognitive behavioral therapy and basic principles of selected evidence-based
    psychological interventions
- apply strategies for facilitating a strong therapeutic relationship
- develop a case formulation based on cognitive behavioral principles
- competently implement effective intervention techniques of cognitive behavioral therapy


Beck, J.S. (2013). Praxis der kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie: mit Online-Materialien. Weinheim: Beltz.
Leahy, R.L. (2007). Techniken kognitiver Therapie: Ein Handbuch für Praktiker. Paderborn: Junfermann.
Margraf, J. & Schneider, S. (2018). Lehrbuch der Verhaltenstherapie, Band 1: Grundlagen, Diagnostik, Verfahren und
   Rahmenbedingungen psychologischer Therapie. Berlin: Springer.

Case Studies and Core Clinical Skills (Fallstudien)

 Lecturer:                      Anja Malmendier                 Responsible for the module:    Claus Vögele

 Moodle-ID:                     MPI B1.6                        Module:                        B1

 ECTS:                          0                               Option:                        Yes

 Type of course:                Seminar                         Course language:               English

 Requirements:                  No                              Max. number of participants:   25

 Assessment:                    50% presence / 50%
 Language of course             English

Course description
These seminars will utilise case studies of people presenting with psychological/psychiatric difficulties to build up clinical
skills. The course leader will cover essentials of history taking, assessment of psychopathology and relevant theoretical
frameworks to formulate case scenarios. Essentials of risk assessments will be covered. There will be a revision of basic
interview skills with role-plays. Students will learn how to conduct a mental state examination, an essential clinical skill
in many mental health settings. This will include the use of teaching videos. Students will be expected to prepare one
short presentation each. Drawing on case scenarios, students will practice history taking and develop psychological
formulations. There will be room for topics of interest relevant to the overall course aims. These will be agreed at the
first session with the group.

Learning outcomes
Students will develop an understanding of how information gathered through history taking and clinical assessment helps
to establish a diagnosis, develop a formulation and informs a treatment plan. Students will be required to take histories,
perform mental state examinations, present case formulations and suggest evidence based treatment plans. The seminar
will develop basic clinical skills required for assessment and treatment, useful for those wanting to pursue a clinical

Guidelines: (German)
Communication Skills in Mental Health Care an introduction by Xavier Coll and Alexia Papageorgiou, CRC Press
Formulation in Psychology and Psychotherapy, Lucy Johnstone, Rudi Dallos, Routledge
DSM5, ICD10(11)

Applications (Anwendungen)

 Lecturer:                     Wendy Maltinsky, Joanne Hart   Responsible for the module:    Claus Vögele

 Moodle-ID:                    MPI B2.4                       Module:                        B2

 ECTS:                         3                              Option:                        No

 Type of course:               Seminar                        Course language:               English

 Requirements:                 No                             Max. number of participants:   20

 Assessment:                   Report

 Language of course            English

Course description
Our behaviour has a significant influence on our health and wellbeing. Globally, the major causes of death and morbidity
are closely linked with health related behaviour of individual people, families, communities and health professionals. As
a consequence, interventions to improve health and reduce the burden of disease require individuals, families,
communities and health professionals to change behaviour. Such interventions are often complex. This course will review
behaviour change theories, and consider the necessary ingredients of interventions for health behaviour change. Through
presentations and small group tasks students will gain an understanding of the development, implementation and
evaluation of interventions. Students will also be introduced to and be provided with opportunities to practice the
communication techniques used in behaviour change interventions. Students will be introduced to a taxonomy of
behaviour change techniques working in small groups to apply their understanding to design an intervention to address
a particular health problem.

Learning outcomes
Students have an understanding of the main processes involved in the design, implementation and evaluation of
interventions for health behaviour change. They understand the use of theory in behaviour change. They understand
the barriers and facilitators individuals may face when trying to change their behaviour through experiential use of data
collection around the implementation of frequently used behaviour change techniques.


Michie S., van Stralen M.M., & West, R. (2011). The behaviour change wheel: a new method for characterising and
   designing behaviour change interventions. Implementation Science, 6:42. doi:10.1186/1748-5908-6-42
Michie, S. et al. (2013). The behavior change technique taxonomy (v1) of 93 hierarchically clustered techniques: building
   an international for the reporting of behavior change interventions. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 46(1), 81-95. doi:
   10.1007/s12160-013-9486-6. (

Emotion regulation in social and clinical contexts (Emotionsregulation in soz. und kl. Kontexten)

 Lecturer:                      Andreia Costa                   Responsible for the module:    Georges Steffgen

 Moodle-ID:                     MPI B3.5                        Module:                        B3

 ECTS:                          3                               Option:                        Yes

 Type of course:                Seminar                         Course language:               English

 Requirements:                  No                              Max. number of participants:   25

 Assessment:                    50% presentation, 50% report

 Language of course             English

Course description
Emotion regulation in social and clinical contexts aims to provide students with a comprehensive and thorough overview
of theoretical and empirical approaches to emotion regulation. By investigating how and under which circumstances
individuals regulate their own and others’ emotions, the course will look at the purpose of emotion regulation and the
consequences of emotion dysregulation in various contexts. Diverse theories and models regarding emotional issues will
be discussed and current research findings on the design, implementation and evaluation of intervention programs will
be addressed. A particular focus will be put on how emotion regulation can be used in psychological interventions to
improve emotional wellbeing and to target emotional difficulties that underlie a multitude of mental health issues and
problem behaviour. Students will specialize in a preferred topic which they will present and for which they will prepare a
written report that critically evaluates emotion regulation research as applied to social and/or clinical psychology.

Learning outcomes

Students will develop in-depth knowledge that is based on current emotion regulation research. They will be able to
critically analyse and highlight the relevance of emotion regulation in some of the most essential areas related to applied
social psychology as well as clinical psychology. By identifying the importance and applicability of emotion regulation in
diverse areas, they will learn to critically evaluate different state of the art emotion regulation interventions and identify
issues regarding design and outcome. Aside from building a strong knowledge base around the core theories,
methodologies and findings on emotion regulation, students will be able to effectively communicate scientific findings
on emotion regulation in line with their specialised interests.


Gross, J.J. (2014). Handbook of emotion regulation (2nd ed.). New York: Guilford.
Nyklíček, I., Vingerhoets, A., & Zeelenberg, M. (2011). Emotion regulation and well-being. New York: Springer.
Vandekerckhove, M., von Scheve, C., Ismer, S., Jung, S., & Kronast, S. (2008). Regulating emotions: Culture, social
   necessity, and biological inheritance. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Vingerhoets, A., Nyklíček, I., & Denollet, J. (2008). Emotion regulation: Conceptual and clinical issues. New York: Springer.

Learning and learning difficulties - numeracy (Lernen und Lernprobleme: Rechenfertigkeiten)

 Lecturer:                      Christine Schiltz              Responsible for the module:    Georges Steffgen

 Moodle-ID:                     MPI B3.6                       Module:                        B3

 ECTS:                          3                              Option:                        Yes

 Type of course:                Seminar                        Course language:               English

 Requirements:                  No                             Max. number of participants:   25

 Assessment:                    25% report, 75% exam

 Language of course             English

Course description
This course will be concerned with typical and atypical development of numeracy from young childhood to adulthood.
Based on the recent literature and scientific findings, theoretical frameworks and concepts related to numerical and
mathematical cognition and its development will be presented and discussed. A special focus will lie on the theory,
diagnose and intervention of developmental dyscalculia and mathematical learning difficulties. Other specific learning
difficulties, such as attention deficits with our without hyperactivity disorder and dyspraxia, will be presented and
discussed as co-morbidities observed in combination with numerical difficulties. Non-cognitive factors that potentially
explain individual differences in numerical and mathematical skills (such as math anxiety and gender) will also be
discussed. All main course topics will systematically be approached from a theoretical (scientific knowledge and methods)
as well as a practical (diagnose and intervention) point of view.

Learning outcomes

Acquisition of up-to-date theoretical frameworks and conceptual knowledge related to numerical and mathematical
learning and learning difficulties. Knowledge, understanding and (constructive) critical approach to the research methods
deployed to investigate the development of numerical cognition and associated cognitive functions. Theoretical
knowledge and practical experience on the procedures that are currently used to assess numerical and mathematical
abilities, diagnose specific learning difficulties, as well as the interventions that have recently been developed to foster
and revalidate typical and atypical mathematical development.

Blakemore, S.-J., & Frith, U. (2005). The learning brain: Lessons for education. Blackwell.
Butterworth, B., & Kovas, Y. (2013). Understanding neurocognitive developmental disorders can improve education for
   all. Science, 340(6130), 300-305.
Fayol, M. (2013). L'acquisition du nombre. Presses Universitaires de France.
Goswami, U. (2008). Cognitive development. The learning brain. Psychology Press.
Landerl, K. & Kaufmann, L. (2013). Dyskalkulie (2. Aufl.). Ernst Reinhardt.
Supplementary bibliographic references are given in the course.

You can also read