April 2021 - March 2022 - Calderdale Council

Page created by Gregory Chambers
April 2021 - March 2022 - Calderdale Council
April 2021 – March 2022

April 2021 - March 2022 - Calderdale Council
Programme Contents
Welcome to Calderdale Council’s Learning and Development Programme. Our
aim is to provide high quality learning opportunities covering the wide range
of knowledge underpinning the key skills relevant to those working or
supporting Adults in Health and Social Care.

Training is fully funded based on attendance, except for accredited courses e.g.
Medication training, where we charge certification costs as indicated in the course
overview. Please see terms and conditions for non-attendance charges.

The training courses listed in this guide are for all those who provide Health and
Social Care to adults in Calderdale. This includes council employees, those
employed in the private sector, voluntary and community groups, those employed by
NHS and other statutory services. We also welcome applications from volunteers
and unpaid carers i.e. relatives or family friends.

Pages can be navigated by clicking below. Click on Back to Menu from the glossary
to return to this page.

Terms and Conditions .............................................................................................3
  Booking Procedures ................................................................................................3
  Confirmations ..........................................................................................................3
  Accessing Virtual Delivery .......................................................................................3
  Lunch and Refreshments ........................................................................................3
  Cancellation and Non-Attendance ...........................................................................3
  Certificates ..............................................................................................................4
  Payment Procedures ...............................................................................................4
  Venues and Training Times ....................................................................................4
 Contact Workforce Development.............................................................................4
Privacy Notice ..........................................................................................................5
Code of Conduct for Delegates...............................................................................6
Pre-Course Information - Virtual Training ..............................................................7
Delegate 70:20:10 Learning Framework .................................................................9
Whole Team/Cluster Training..................................................................................9
Course List .............................................................................................................10
Calderdale Network and Support Groups ............................................................37

April 2021 - March 2022 - Calderdale Council
Terms and Conditions
Booking Procedures
Calderdale employees - Please use Employee Self Service on the iTrent HR
system to request a place. To find out how to do this, please see the User Guide.
Your manager will need to authorise your learning event request before you are
allocated a place. If you request a booking within 7 days of the course date, please
check in with your manager.

External delegate - We do not accept telephone bookings, please email a
completed booking form to workforcedevelopment@calderdale.gov.uk. By
submitting an emailed booking form or request you are agreeing to our terms and
conditions on behalf of your employer. Submission of a booking form does not
guarantee a place on an event; allocation is on a first come first served basis. All
bookings are confirmed by email from no-reply@hr.calderdale.gov.uk. If you you
have not received confirmation, please check your junk mailbox, then contact us
before your first requested course or you will be charged for all training not attended.

All bookings and login details are confirmed by email. If you think you have not
received confirmation, please check your junk mailbox, then contact us before your
first requested course or you will be charged for all training not attended.

Accessing Virtual Delivery
You will need a device camera and microphone. Access instructions are sent 1
week prior to the course, if you book within that week please request instructions if
not received with confirmation. It is preferable if participants are limited to 2 per
device to enable networking and shared ideas in group work but is not essential.

Lunch and Refreshments
Please note refreshments are not provided for any of our classroom based courses.
Please feel free to bring your own drink and for sessions over a lunch period, please
bring your lunch. Anything that needs to be disposed of, should be taken away by
yourself and not left at the venue.

Cancellation and Non-Attendance
If we need to cancel training we will do this by email unless it is less than 3 working
days. Please ensure you add our email to your safe list to ensure they do not go in
your junk mailbox.

If you are unable to attend please try and find a substitute. If you need to cancel
please email workforcedevelopment@calderdale.gov.uk

Failure to attend a learning activity without 3 working days’ notice will result in
you/your organisation being billed £50 per person, per day. If you are attending a
virtual course and are experiencing difficulties connecting to a session, please email
workforcedevelopment@calderdale.gov.uk for guidance.
Attendance at training events is monitored both on an organisation and an individual
basis. Organisations with members of staff who regularly fail to attend both venue
based learning and virtual platform training will be contacted for a discussion before
bookings will be accepted for further courses.

External staff: Certificates will be issued after attendance, please ensure you arrive
15 minutes prior to the start of the event, attend all dates and full sessions otherwise
you will be marked as failed. Therefore, no certificate will be issued.

Internal staff: Your training record is available on iTrent Self Service. If you require
evidence of attendance Certificates are available upon request, for example job
interviews and/or a report from iTrent.

Payment Procedures
We will invoice you or your organisation for non-attendance and certification fees on
a quarterly basis.

Venues and Training Times
Candidates must ensure they arrive promptly for training as many of the venues will
not be accessible once the training has started. Registration for all training is 15
minutes before the stated start time. All times listed are the times the training
delivery will commence and not the time you should arrive. If you are late for a
session and the venue is not accessible your training record will be marked as not
attended and your setting will still be charged.

You must contact Workforce Development if you wish to cancel and not the venue as
you will still be charged.

Contact Workforce Development
Email:         workforcedevelopment@calderdale.gov.uk
Telephone:     07514 622 372

Privacy Notice
Calderdale Council is registered with the information Commissioners Office (ICO)
under the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018. The Council takes its
responsibilities under the Act very seriously.

The information provided by you is collected purely for the purposes of providing you
and your staff with access to courses and programmes of training, learning and
development. We need to collect this information to maintain accurate records of
your organisation, staff names, contact details, training attendance and eligibility to
attend events.

Completion of the booking form/sharing your information with us constitutes explicit
consent from you for us to process your data for this purpose. Processing is
necessary for the performance of a contract with the data subject or to take steps to
enter a contract.

You may withdraw this consent at any time by writing to the People Development
Manager, 3rd Floor Westgate House, Westgate, Halifax, HX1 1PS or at

In addition, you have the right to see what information is held about you, to have
inaccurate information corrected, to have information removed from our system
unless we are required by law or a statutory purpose to keep it and the right to
complain to the Data Protection Officer if you feel that your data has not been
handled in accordance with the law.

The Council’s Data Protection Officer can be contacted by email at:

Your organisation details are recorded electronically on our system to maintain up to
date records. This information can be kept for a maximum of 25 years or until such
time as the data is reviewed by us or removed at your request.

Code of Conduct for Delegates
Our four values and eight behaviours underpin an extensive programme of
development to bring the best out of people, all designed to reward and encourage
the type of behaviour and action required to meet our ambition. We want to make the
learning experience enjoyable and beneficial for all. Please treat others with respect,
arrive on time and be prepared to participate for the duration of the event.

• Turn your phone off or switch to silent. If necessary, please take any calls outside
  the training room
• Respect confidentiality: do not name colleagues or people who use your service
  and do not repeat sensitive information outside the training room
• Respectfully challenge discriminatory attitudes and behaviour. British values are
  defined as "democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and
  tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs"; delegates are encouraged to
  respect other people with particular regard to the protected characteristics set out
  in the Equality Act 2010

• Actively listen and respect other people’s views
• Contribute to discussions

• Complete our feedback form and tell us how we can improve
• Take the initiative to achieve positive outcomes by implementing the training and
  contributing to additional evaluations on impact

• Ask questions and participate
• Request an explanation of any acronyms or language you do not understand
• Tell us if you have any special requirements before the session or as soon as
  possible so that we can try our best to meet your needs

Pre-Course Information - Virtual Training
1. Join early – we advise 15 minutes before the meeting start time so you can check
   your audio and visual settings and get support if needed.
2. Your tutor will let you into the session about 5 minutes before start time.
3. Please conduct yourself as you would in a classroom taught session.
4. Read the useful tips and FAQs below to ensure the meeting goes smoothly for all
The Technical bit:
  • If you haven’t used it before, download Zoom (the free program we’ll be using
     for the session): https://zoom.us/signup. Click on the Download button under
     ‘Zoom Client For Meetings’. The app will automatically download when you
     join the session.
  • Familiarise yourself with any features you may need to use on the day –
     mute/unmute microphone, video, chat, etc.
  • Have your video on unless you are experiencing connection issues (tutors
     prefer that you have your video on to help them with class engagement).
  • Find a quiet space without interruptions or background noise
  • Have a plain background – avoid backlight from bright windows
  • Have good lighting on your face so you can be seen clearly
  • Adjust your camera to be at around eye level if possible – especially take note
     of the angle of your laptop screen if using the built-in camera.
  • Please make sure your device is fully charged

Etiquette and Guidance:
   • Screen recording is prohibited. If a session is being recorded for training
     purposes you will have been notified in advance and again at the start.
   • Be aware you are on camera and try to avoid doing other tasks, checking
     emails, looking at your phone etc.
   • Mute your microphone when not talking
   • Turn off your camera and microphone when there is a designated break
   • If you need to leave the course do not just close zoom/teams, please inform
     the tutor through the chat function.
   • Try to avoid talking over or at the same time as other participants. Some tutors
     will ask you to click on the raise your hand function so they can give you
     opportunity to speak.
   • Ensure your phone is on silent or switched off.
   • Follow the codes of conduct:

Frequently Asked Questions:

I’ve minimised Zoom and now I can’t find a way to get back into it again.
When you minimise Zoom, it goes into a small window. To find it, minimise all of your
other windows that you have open on your desktop, and you will see it. Hover over
the small window and click on the icon in the bottom, right-hand corner (a rounded
box with an arrow coming out of it). You’ll then be back in Zoom.

I’ve gone into the Zoom webinar but I can’t hear the presenter through my
Please check the sound settings on your computer to see if they are channelling the
sound through the headphones and not the computer speakers. Please also check to
see if the computer sound is muted altogether.

I’ve gone into the Zoom webinar but the presenter can’t hear me though my
headset microphone (if applicable).
Please check the microphone settings on your computer (in sound settings) to see if
it is picking up your microphone. Please also check to see if the computer sound is
muted altogether. In Zoom, there is also the option to mute or unmute yourself in the
software; you will see if you are muted because there will a red link through your
microphone icon in the bottom-left of your Zoom screen.

I’ve gone into the Zoom webinar and I can see presenter, but can hear
someone else talking/music playing.
Please check that you have nothing else playing in any of the browser tabs on your
computer (these include adverts, music, etc). If so, please mute or exit the tabs /
music player

Delegate 70:20:10 Learning Framework
Learning occurs through many different methods. The 70:20:10 framework helps us
to recognise that learning and development isn’t just in the classroom.

Workforce Development recognises that attending a course isn’t the only way to
develop. Therefore throughout this programme you will find multiple ways in which
you can improve on your skills and knowledge here at Calderdale Council. To find
out more about the 70:20:10 model, please watch this YouTube clip.

         70%of your                  20% of your                 10% of your
       learning is from            learning is from            learning is from
       real life and on-          peer observations,         structured training
            the-job                   coaching,               such as courses,
       experiences and             mentoring, team              workshops, e-
             tasks.               work and informal              learning and
                                      feedback.                    reading.

Whole Team/Cluster Training
Whole team training: Train all your setting in one go in your own locality

Cluster training: Training for a group of practitioners requiring the same training.

Please note, COVID 19 guidelines must be adhered to for whole team and cluster
training requirements.

We offer a range of training in this style, for more details please email

Course List
Click on the course titles below to view the course information and dates. To return
to this page click on Back to Glossary.

Advanced Care Planning and Communication Skills ....................................... 11
Autism Awareness .............................................................................................. 12
Dementia Basic Awareness................................................................................ 13
Liberty Protection Safeguards ........................................................................... 14
Effective Record Keeping ................................................................................... 15
Emergency First Aid at Work ............................................................................. 16
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion ....................................................................... 17
Health and Safety Awareness ............................................................................ 18
Infection Prevention and Control ....................................................................... 19
Manual Handling – Practical Skills .................................................................... 20
Medication Level 2 (OCN Accredited) ................................................................ 21
Medication Refresher Level 2 (OCN Accredited) .............................................. 22
Mental Capacity Act – for Frontline Staff .......................................................... 23
Mental Capacity Act – for Managers and Professionals .................................. 24
Nutrition and Hydration ...................................................................................... 25
Palliative Care ..................................................................................................... 26
Safeguarding Adults – Awareness .................................................................... 27
Safeguarding Children – E-Learning ................................................................. 28
Supervision Skills ............................................................................................... 29
The Care Certificate ............................................................................................ 30
Additional Learning Providers ........................................................................... 31
Online Courses and E-learning .......................................................................... 32
COVID 19 Specific E-learning and Resources .................................................. 34
Government Funded Accredited Courses ......................................................... 36

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Advanced Care Planning and
Communication Skills
Target Audience: Applications are welcomed from all people who work with or
care for adults including carers, independent and voluntary providers and Adults
Health and Social Care staff.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will be able to:
• Have conversations with patients and those important to them about their care
• Support patients and those important to them to start to think about their care as
  they become less well
• Enable learning about Advance Care Planning
• Gain more skills and knowledge around Advanced Care Planning

Date                        Time                           Venue
17 May 2021                 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm              Virtual Delivery
7 July 2021                 1.30 pm – 3.30 pm              Virtual Delivery

Please note, delivery will be carried out via GoToMeeting and links will be sent prior
to the event for all registered applicants.

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Autism Awareness
Target Audience: Applications are welcomed from all people who work with or
care for adults including carers, independent and voluntary providers and Adults
Health and Social Care staff.

Course Aims: To introduce and provide an overview of Autism Spectrum
Conditions (ASC), via the Zoom media platform, consisting of Powerpoint, Video,
Group Interaction and Discussion. Case histories feature throughout the session for
group discussion and comparisons of working practices.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will be able to:
• Identify the trainer, topic and the aims of the presentation.
• Identify key characteristics and support needs of individuals with Autistic
  Spectrum Conditions around Covid-19 arising for autistic people
• Identify appropriate communication methods and working practices to effectively
  deliver service
• Become aware of environmental \ reasonable adjustments
• Match case history practices to current situations
• Identify and discuss with peers’ areas for improvement within working practices

Date                         Time                            Venue
10 May 2021                  9.30 am – 12.30 pm              Virtual Delivery
8 July 2021                  9.30 am – 12.30 pm              Virtual Delivery
12 November 2021             9.30 am – 12.30 pm              Virtual Delivery
21 February 2022             9.30 am – 12.30 pm              Virtual Delivery

Please note, learning materials and the link for the virtual platform will be sent to
applicants prior to their session.

Back to Glossary

Dementia Basic Awareness
Target Audience: Applications are welcomed from all people who work with or
care for adults including carers, independent and voluntary providers and Adults
Health and Social Care staff.

Please note that this course covers emotive issues. Participants should think
carefully about whether they should attend, particularly when caring for a person
recently diagnosed with a dementia.

Course Aims: To identify what dementia is and how a person may be affected.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will be able to:
• Understand the term ‘dementia’ and what it means
• List four abilities that can be impacted by dementia
• Identify the most common types of dementia, and know how they develop
• Explore the 5 things everyone should know about dementia

Date                         Time                        Venue
8 April 2021                 9.30 am – 12.30 pm          Virtual Delivery
10 June 2021                 9.30 am – 12.30 pm          Virtual Delivery
12 August 2021               9.30 am – 12.30 pm          Virtual Delivery
12 October 2021              9.30 am – 12.30 pm          Virtual Delivery
14 December 2021             9.30 am – 12.30 pm          Virtual Delivery
17 March 2022                9.30 am – 12.30 pm          Virtual Delivery

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Liberty Protection Safeguards
formerly Deprivation of Liberty and its Safeguards

Target Audience: Applications are welcomed from all people providing
professional health or social care treatment or support to people who may have
difficulties with mental capacity and ability to consent to assessment or intervention.

Pre-requisites: A basic knowledge of the Mental Capacity Act and its five
principles. Awareness of capacity assessment for simple and complex decisions.

Course Aims: This course will provide an understanding of what a Deprivation of
Liberty (DoL) is in its’ broadest terms. It will explain what the DoL safeguards are
and who they can apply to and look at other situations that may involve a
Deprivation of someone’s Liberty and require authorisation by the Court of

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will have an
understanding of:
• Deprivation of Liberty, what the Deprivation of Liberty safeguards are and what
  the difference is between them and the actions required
• Current legal framework and requirements for a Supervisory Body to authorise a
• The Acid Test and case law developments/learning from our own experience
• The application to Court of Protection for authorisation of a DoL – “Re X” versus
  full hearing
• The role of the BIA, MH Assessor, IMCAs and Supervisory Bodies in DoLS
• Conditions and recommendations and the difference between them
• The new Liberty Protection Safeguards framework and a brief overview of how it
  is anticipated to change the way that deprivation of liberty is authorised and what
  the future may bring

Date                         Time                         Venue
28 April 2021                1.15 pm – 4.00 pm            Virtual Delivery
14 July 2021                 1.15 pm – 4.00 pm            Virtual Delivery
13 October 2021              1.15 pm – 4.00 pm            Virtual Delivery
26 January 2022              1.15 pm – 4.00 pm            Virtual Delivery

Please note, delivery will be carried out via GoToMeeting and links will be sent prior
to the event for all registered applicants.

Back to Glossary

Effective Record Keeping
Target Audience: Applications are welcomed from all people who work with or
care for adults including carers, independent and voluntary providers and Adult
Health and Social Care Staff.

Course Aims: Providing a basic awareness of the principles of ethical care
support. It provides the foundation of recording information, the importance, and the
legal position.

Course Content:
• What information is commonly created and stored in the sector?
• What legal requirements are in relation to third party information?
• The key principles if creating and recording information:
  ➢ Data Protection Act and GDPR
  ➢ Confidentiality and the circle of care
  ➢ Professional boundaries and ethical behaviour
  ➢ How to personalise information and review it consistently

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will be able to
• Identify key legislative issues and the range of information that is required
• Know the importance of ethical recording and confidentiality
• Accurately and appropriately personalise information
• Understand how and why reviewing is essential to accurate support planning

Date                         Time                        Venue
28 April 2021                10.00 am – 11.00 am         Virtual Delivery
22 July 2021                 10.00 am – 11.00 am         Virtual Delivery
24 September 2021            10.00 am – 11.00 am         Virtual Delivery
3 November 2021              10.00 am – 11.00 am         Virtual Delivery
26 January 2022              10.00 am – 11.00 am         Virtual Delivery
17 March 2022                10.00 am – 11.00 am         Virtual Delivery

Back to Glossary

Emergency First Aid at Work
Target Audience: We only offer this training to Calderdale Council. External
participants see how to access this training below.

Due to the practical nature of this course, participants are advised to wear trousers
and must be able to practice resuscitation techniques at floor level.

Course Aims: This course is externally validated at level 2. This course will give
participants the skills and knowledge to carry out basic lifesaving first aid, ensuring
in the event of an accident, appropriate first aid arrangements are safely managed.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will be able to:
• Manage an unconscious person
• Place a person in the recovery position
• Understand how to resuscitate a person
• Assist a person who is choking
• Treat a person who is in shock
• Manage bleeding
• Understand how to treat burns and scalds
• Respond to an overdose / poisoning
• Support a person having an epileptic seizure

Refresher Period: Certificates will be sent to delegates once received from the
awarding body and are valid for 3 years.

For internal Calderdale Council employees : please register your interest for this
course by emailing workforcedevelopment@calderdale.gov.uk

For external candidates: We do not offer this training to external participants.
Calderdale Adult Learning (CAL) provides First Aid training that is Quality Assured
in accordance with Calderdale Council requirements. They offer a wide range of
learning activities and courses, with a variety of dates and times available to suit all
learners. Please note there is a charge for this training.

If you wish to enquire further, please contact: CYPS.CAL@Calderdale.gov.uk

Alternatively, you can commission First Aid training from any provider you wish but
please ensure it meets the necessary requirements.

Back to Glossary

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
Target Audience: Applications are welcomed from all people who work with or
care for adults and children including carers, independent and voluntary providers
and Adult Health and Social Care Staff.

Course Aims: To provide an intermediate level session in equality, diversity and
inclusion issues and to help participants identify how these need to be
acknowledged in the workplace. This session will build on knowledge acquired
through either e-learning or an introductory workshop.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will have an
understanding of:
• Challenging and reflecting on our own feelings and beliefs
• Discrimination and prejudice and how it can have an impact on practice
• How discrimination affects other groups and people
• Our individual behaviours in context of larger social systems

Refresher Period: This training should be refreshed every 2 years

Date                        Time                         Venue
16 April 2021               10.00 am – 11.30 am          Virtual Delivery
14 July 2021                10.00 am – 11.30 am          Virtual Delivery
13 October 2021             10.00 am – 11.30 am          Virtual Delivery
19 January 2022             10.00 am – 11.30 am          Virtual Delivery

Back to Glossary

Health and Safety Awareness
Target Audience: Applications are welcomed from all people who work with and
care for adults including carers, independent and voluntary providers and Adult
Health and Social Care staff.

Course Aims: To raise awareness of the need to provide a healthy and safe
working environment that ensures the welfare of everyone.

Learning outcomes: By the end of the course participants will have an
understanding of:
• Current Health and Safety Legislation
• Their role and responsibilities in relation to Health and Safety
• How to identify personal safety/security issues
• The requirement for risk assessments
• Their role in the safety of others
• Fire safety awareness

Date                       Time                        Venue
15 April 2021              9:30 am - 11:30 am          Virtual Delivery
17 June 2021               9:30 am - 11:30 am          Virtual Delivery
19 August 2021             9:30 am - 11:30 am          Virtual Delivery
14 October 2021            9:30 am - 11:30 am          Virtual Delivery
16 December 2021           9:30 am - 11:30 am          Virtual Delivery
17 February 2022           9:30 am - 11:30 am          Virtual Delivery

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Infection Prevention and Control
Target Audience: This course is suitable for all people who work with or care for
adults including NHS staff, carers, independent and voluntary providers and Adult
Health and Social Care staff.

Course Aims: To highlight the causes, routes of infection and the ways in which it
can be prevented and controlled. To provide an awareness and understanding of
legislation and safe working practices.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will have an
understanding of:
• What infection is and how it is caused
• When infection is present
• How infection may be spread
• The risks associated with infection
• The legislation that governs infection
• Why organisation policies and procedures are important

Refresher Period: This training should be refreshed every 3 years

 Date                       Time                         Venue
 9 June 2021                10.00 am – 12.30 pm          Virtual Delivery
 15 September 2021          10.00 am – 12.30 pm          Virtual Delivery
 8 December 2021            10.00 am – 12.30 pm          Virtual Delivery
 9 March 2022               10.00 am – 12.30 pm          Virtual Delivery

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Manual Handling – Practical Skills
Target Audience: Calderdale Council Adults, Health and Social Care staff, PCT
staff, and staff working for those in receipt of a Direct Payment who regularly move
and position people as part of their work role.

Course Aims: The training is designed to provide newly appointed staff with the
practical skills needed to perform manual handling tasks as safely as possible,
particularly in situations where they are supporting people. Staff will also be
provided with underpinning knowledge of relevant legislation in the context of their

The course aims to promote safe practice in manual handling based upon research
into back pain/injuries and an understanding of biomechanical principles. The
course will also provide participants with the opportunity to practice appropriate
manual handling techniques.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will have an
understanding of:
• Relevant legislation
• Manual handling principles and good back care
• A range of manual handling equipment and techniques

Refresher Period: The National Back Care Association strongly recommends that
those who routinely perform manual handling as part of their job role are refreshed
annually. Refresher courses will be provided by workplace key trainers.

**Please note, this course is on hold, due to the restrictions
around COVID 19. However, new starter training and
refresher training should be carried out by your internal
manual handling trainer and the relevant documents
updated. **
Back to Glossary

Medication Level 2 (OCN Accredited)
Target Audience: Applications are welcomed from all people who work with and
care for adults including carers, independent and voluntary providers and Adult
Health and Social Care Staff who administer medication and require accreditation
as part of their role.

Course Aims: To promote practices in medication to ensure that safe
administration is achieved and is compliant with the relevant standards (Care
Quality Commission – Fundamental Standards of Quality).

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will have an
understanding of:
• Differences between Administering, Supporting and Prompting people with their
• Common side effects to medication
• Safe disposal methods and infection controls of medication
• Potential problems with medication administration and how to avoid these
• Procedures for handling medication
• Information and guidance on how to administer prescribed medicines safely and
  effectively with the exception of those requiring specialist techniques

Accreditation Assessment: On successful completion of a multiple-choice
assessment participants will be Level 2 accredited via OCN (Open College

Refresher Period: Certification is valid for 12 months

Charge Applies: This training is externally accredited a £20 certification fee will be
charged for each participant.

Date                         Time                         Venue
8 July 2021                  9.30 am – 15.00 pm           Virtual Delivery
15 October 2021              9.30 am – 15.00 pm           Virtual Delivery
8 December 2021              9.30 am – 15.00 pm           Virtual Delivery
11 February 2022             9.30 am – 15.00 pm           Virtual Delivery

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Medication Refresher Level 2 (OCN
Target Audience: This is a ½ day refresher for people that have completed the 1
day accredited training whose certificate is due to expire or has recently expired.
Those who did not complete the 1 day course via Calderdale MBC will need to
send a copy of their certificate with the booking form to access this training.

Course Aims: To promote practices in medication to ensure that safe
administration is achieved and is compliant with the relevant standards (Care
Quality Commission - Fundamental Standards of Quality).

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will have and
understanding of:
• Differences between Administering, Supporting and Prompting people with their
• Common side effects to medication
• Safe disposal methods and infection controls of medication
• Potential problems with medication administration and how to avoid these
• Safe procedures for handling medication
• Information and guidance on how to administer prescribed medicines safely and
  effectively with the exception of those requiring specialist techniques

Accreditation Assessment: On successful completion of a multiple-choice
assessment participants will be Level 2 accredited via OCN (Open College

Refresher Period: Certification is valid for 12 Months, following 2 refreshers
delegates will need to again complete the full 1-day training.

Charge Applies: This training is externally accredited a £20 certification fee will be
charged for each participant.

Date                         Time                         Venue
30 June 2021                 9.30 am – 12.30 pm           Virtual Delivery
6 October 2021               9.30 am – 12.30 pm           Virtual Delivery
10 December 2021             9.30 am – 12.30 pm           Virtual Delivery
3 February 2022              9.30 am – 12.30 pm           Virtual Delivery

Back to Glossary

Mental Capacity Act – for Frontline Staff
Target Audience: Applications are welcomed from all people who work with or
care for adults including carers, Independent and Voluntary providers and anybody
who works in frontline roles with adults who need to have an awareness of this
legal framework when working with adults who may have difficulties in
understanding and making decisions due to illness or impairment.

Pre-requisites: The Safeguarding Adults Board e-learning course should be
completed prior to this course. See booking instructions below.

Course Aims: This follow up of the online course provides an introduction to the
Mental Capacity Act 2005 and explores how this guidance should be interpreted
when supporting individuals whose ability to make decisions for themselves may be
in question. The course explores approaches designed to ensure empowerment
for people, with an emphasis on the 5 Key Principles of the act. To develop
practical understanding of the processes and good practice guidance that the act
describes and to promote best practice in supporting individuals in making
decisions about their own lives.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will have an
understanding of:
• Your roles and responsibilities
• Understand the meaning of the term ‘Mental Capacity’
• The application of the time-specific nature and decision specific nature of the
  mental capacity process
• Recognising and responding to a person’s communication needs
• Consideration of environmental or other factors
• Recognising coercive behaviour and the safeguarding implications
• Risk assessment and unwise decision taking
• Understand the term ‘best interests’ and the decision-making process

Date                         Time                         Venue
12 May 2021                  1.15 pm – 4.00 pm            Virtual Delivery
11 August 2021               1.15 pm – 4.00 pm            Virtual Delivery
17 November 2021             1.15 pm – 4.00 pm            Virtual Delivery
16 February 2022             1.15 pm – 4.00 pm            Virtual Delivery

The pre-requisite e-learning is available through the Safeguarding Adult
Board. Please access via Chrome rather than Internet Explorer, using the
Enable log in page. For e-learning click ‘Learning’.

Please note, delivery will be carried out via GoToMeeting and links will be sent prior
to the event for all registered applicants.
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Mental Capacity Act – for Managers and

Target Audience: Applications are welcomed from all provider managers or team
leaders and professionals providing generic professional health or social care
treatment or support to people who may have difficulties with mental capacity and
ability to consent to assessment or intervention – identified as staff groups B and C
in the NMCF Proficiency Framework.

Pre-requisites: A basic understanding of the MCA is assumed of anyone who
attends this course.

Course Aims: This course provides in-depth knowledge and application of the
Mental Capacity Act 2005 and incorporates KSS (5) – Mental Capacity.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will have an
understanding of:
• A thorough understanding of Mental Capacity Act and presumption of capacity
• How to make a capacity assessment
• When an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate (IMCA) is required
• The links with the Personalisation and Care Act 2014
• Decision taking around best interests, consultation and importance of up-to-date
   care plans to detail the least restrictive practices
• Knowledge of Human Rights Act 1998
• The restrictions placed on individuals and whether they are proportionate
• Awareness of contributions to investigations, meetings and information sharing
• To recognise and continually work towards a person-centred culture change

Date                         Time                         Venue
9 June 2021                  1.15 pm – 4.00 pm            Virtual Delivery
15 September 2021            1.15 pm – 4.00 pm            Virtual Delivery
8 December 2021              1.15 pm – 4.00 pm            Virtual Delivery
16 March 2022                1.15 pm – 4.00 pm            Virtual Delivery

Please note, delivery will be carried out via GoToMeeting and links will be sent prior
to the event for all registered applicants.

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Nutrition and Hydration
Target Audience: Applications are welcomed from all people who work with or
care for adults including carers, independent and voluntary providers and Adult
Health and Social Care Staff.

Course Aims: This interactive course aims to provide participants with the
knowledge the importance of good nutrition and hydration.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will have an
understanding of:
  • What it means to eat and drink well for us, and for an older person
  • How ageing may affect our ability to eat the amounts and variety of foods we
     need to keep well
  • The signs and symptoms of under nutrition and dehydration, and their impact
     on health and well-being
  • How to provide the variety of foods & drinks that provide older people with the
     nutrients they need
  • How to plan menus that meet the nutritional standards

Date                       Time                        Venue
15 April 2021              9.30 am – 12.30 pm          Virtual Delivery
17 June 2021               9.30 am – 12.30 pm          Virtual Delivery
19 August 2021             9.30 am – 12.30 pm          Virtual Delivery
19 October 2021            9.30 am – 12.30 pm          Virtual Delivery
16 December 2021           9.30 am – 12.30 pm          Virtual Delivery
24 March 2022              9.30 am – 12.30 pm          Virtual Delivery

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Palliative Care
Target Audience: Applications are welcomed from all people who work with or
care for adults including carers, independent and voluntary providers and Adult
Health and Social Care Staff.

Please note that this is an emotive and potentially upsetting topic. Participants who
are recently bereaved, or who currently have a loved one who is near the end of
their life, should think carefully about whether now is the appropriate time to attend
this training.

Course Aims: This training will provide participants with an introduction and
overview of palliative care.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will have an
understanding of:
• 4 care and hygiene
• Mouth care and oral hygiene
• Nutritional needs
• Pressure area care
• Pain recognition and management
• Recognising when a person may be dying
• What to do after a person has died

Date                         Time                           Venue
27 July 2021                 10.30 am – 12.30 pm            Virtual Delivery
23 September 2021            2.00 pm – 4.00 pm              Virtual Delivery
1 November 2021              2.00 pm – 4.00 pm              Virtual Delivery

Please note, delivery will be carried out via Zoom and links will be sent prior to the
event for all registered applicants.

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Safeguarding Adults – Awareness
Target Audience: This mandatory course is suitable for all people who work with
or care for Adults including NHS staff, carers, independent and voluntary providers
and Adult Health and Social Care staff.

Course Aims: To understand the meaning and process of Making Safeguarding
Personal and recognise what constitutes abuse. Identify the key roles workers have
in preventing and reporting abuse. To encourage a multi-agency approach to
safeguarding adults at risk of abuse.

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will have an
understanding of:
• What safeguarding is and the different roles in safeguarding adults
• The process for making a safeguarding alert or referral in the context of making
  safeguarding personal guidelines
• The importance of good practice and relevance of the respect and dignity
• The policy and legislation that underpins safeguarding
• The types and indicators of abuse
• Your responsibilities in accordance with the West Yorkshire Safeguarding Adults
  multi agency policy and procedure

Refresher Period: This training should be renewed every 3 years

 Date                       Time                          Venue
 21 April 2021              10.00 am – 12.00 pm           Virtual Delivery
 20 May 2021                10.00 am – 12.00 pm           Virtual Delivery
 9 June 2021                10.00 am – 12.00 pm           Virtual Delivery
 16 July 2021               10.00 am – 12.00 pm           Virtual Delivery
 9 September 2021           10.00 am – 12.00 pm           Virtual Delivery
 14 October 2021            10.00 am – 12.00 pm           Virtual Delivery
 17 November 2021           10.00 am – 12.00 pm           Virtual Delivery
 15 December 2021           10.00 am – 12.00 pm           Virtual Delivery
 21 January 2022            10.00 am – 12.00 pm           Virtual Delivery
 9 February 2022            10.00 am – 12.00 pm           Virtual Delivery
 16 March 2022              10.00 am – 12.00 pm           Virtual Delivery

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Safeguarding Children – E-Learning
Target Audience: This e-learning module is appropriate for all people who come
into contact with children and families within their work role, including those who do
not have a specific role in relation to child protection but have a duty to safeguard
and promote the welfare of children including Adults Health and Social Care Staff,
carers, independent and voluntary providers.

Course Aims: To cover the statutory requirements set out for all those who come
into contact with children and families in their everyday work. To raise awareness
and recognition of child abuse and what to do if you believe a child is at risk of

** Please note there are 3 levels of training so please read the course
descriptions and select the course most relevant for your job role **

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will have an
understanding of:
• What is safeguarding?
• Multi-agency work and best practice
• Recognise different types of child abuse
• Identify signs and symptoms of child abuse
• How to make a referral if there is a suspicion that a child is suffering from abuse
  or at risk of harm

Refresher Period: This training should be refreshed every 3 years

This course is booked through the Safeguarding Adult Board. Please access
via Chrome rather than Internet Explorer, using the Enable log in page. Click
on ‘Learning’ for e-learning sessions.

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Supervision Skills
Target Audience: Applications are welcomed from all staff responsible for carrying
out the supervision or one-to-one sessions of staff under their line management

Course Aims: This course supports line managers to develop their skills in relation
to carrying out regular supervision of their staff. It gives the opportunity for
individuals to reflect on their current practice and reflect on the impact of this and
how to further enhance supervision sessions for future use. It enables individuals
to discuss tried and tested methods and the impact that this can have on staff they

Learning Outcomes: By the end of the course participants will have an
understanding of:
• The purpose of supervision for both employee and employer
• The context of supervision and the positive and negative impact this can create
  around the real purpose of supervisions
• What we consider to be ‘good’ and ‘bad’ supervision
• The importance of reflection in supervision
• Good practice tips moving forward
• Supervision contracts, the importance of and putting them into practice
• Individual responsibilities for both employee and employer

Date                        Time                              Venue
5 May 2021                  10.00 am – 12.00 pm               Virtual Delivery
16 September 2021           10.00 am – 12.00 pm               Virtual Delivery
17 December 2021            10.00 am – 12.00 pm               Virtual Delivery
18 February 2022            10.00 am – 12.00 pm               Virtual Delivery

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The Care Certificate
Target Audience: This course is specifically for workers new to social care, or
those who have not completed a formal induction; this can also include volunteers.

Pre-requisites: This course will require basic literacy skills; however suitable
adjustments can be made for participants who identify that support is required.

Course Aims: To comply with the Care Act 2014 all staff new to care are required
to complete the Care Certificate. Workers must show competency of the skills and
knowledge requirements of the 15 standards:

  1.    Understand your role
  2.    Your personal development
  3.    Duty of care
  4.    Equality and diversity
  5.    Work in a person-centred way
  6.    Communication
  7.    Privacy and dignity
  8.    Fluids and nutrition
  9.    Awareness of mental health, dementia and learning disabilities
  10.   Safeguarding adults
  11.   Safeguarding children
  12.   Basic life support
  13.   Health and safety
  14.   Handling information
  15.   Infection prevention and control

This course will provide the knowledge elements of the care certificate; there is a
requirement that participants are observed and assessed in the workplace before
the care certificate can be awarded.

  • Delegates must attend all 4 days
  • After attendance on the course, participants are then required to complete the
    workbook and ensure this is signed off by the appropriate supervisor or
  • On completion of these knowledge requirements participants may also be
    required to undertake practical training e.g. Manual Handling, according to
    their job role and service requirements

Please email workforcedevelopment@calderdale.gov.uk for more information on
this course.

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Additional Learning Providers
Bradford College
These Distance Learning courses offer you the opportunity to study for, and gain,
recognised accreditation that is of value to your work and personal development.
These Level 2 qualifications accredited by NCFE give you the flexibility to complete
the course at your own pace, in your own home, at a time that suits you or as part
of a work-based training programme. You will have an assigned, qualified tutor
who will give you guidance and feedback by phone, email, post and/or online.

Some of our Distance Learning courses are available by means of an online portal.
You will not be required to pay fees providing you complete the course.

If you would like more information about our current courses or to register, email
distancelearning@bradfordcollege.ac.uk or telephone:

Joanne Firth:           01274 436491
Marcus Mottram:         01274 436133
Vicky Redfearn:         01274 433102

Barclays Digital Eagles
Skills for Care are working in partnership with Barclays to provide digital support
and training to the adult social care sector.

Barclays Digital Eagles are providing online direct support and training to staff
including accessing healthcare appointments online, keeping residents connected
to friends and family and accessing entertainment/hobbies online. Tailored e-
learning and virtual learning sessions to meet the requirements of your care
organisation are also available

Find out more about Barclays Digital Eagles sign up using code SKIFCAR.

Calderdale Adult Learning
Calderdale Adult Learning (CAL) provides a wide range of learning opportunities if
you want to learn for personal interest and wellbeing or to gain skills for a job and to
help with your career progression. There are also a range of courses aimed at
families learning together.

To find out more visit Calderdale Adult Learning. You can contact us for advice and
guidance by emailing cyps.cal@calderdale.gov.uk or telephone 01422 392820.

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Online Courses and E-learning
Safeguarding is everyone’s responsibility and these 2 courses provide you with
some basic information and skills so that you can fulfil your responsibilities. The
courses will give you an understanding of specific topic areas so that you can
confidently discuss the concepts with families, should you need to.

The following self-registration courses are available:
• Safeguarding Everyone
• Safeguarding Children – 3 levels available.

These courses are booked through the Safeguarding Adult Board. Please access
via Chrome rather than Internet Explorer, using the Enable log in page. Click on
‘Learning’ for e-learning sessions.

Medication Awareness
This course aims to provide learners with the knowledge required to support the
use of medication in health and social care settings. It provides information on the
different types, classifications and forms of medication, as well as providing
guidance on safe storage and disposal.

This course is booked through the Safeguarding Adult Board. Please access via
Chrome rather than Internet Explorer, using the Enable log in page. Click on
‘Learning’ for e-learning sessions.

Mental Capacity Act
The Mental Capacity Act 2005 applies to everyone working in social care, health
and other sectors who are involved in the care, treatment and support of people
aged 16 and over who are unable to make all or some decisions for themselves.
All professionals have a duty to comply with the Code of Practice. It is designed to
protect and restore power to those vulnerable people who lack capacity at that
moment in time and supports those who have capacity to choose and plan their

This course is booked through the Safeguarding Adult Board. Please access via
Chrome rather than Internet Explorer, using the Enable log in page. Click on
‘Learning’ for e-learning sessions.

Safeguarding Adult Board – This course is a pre-requisite for MCA for Frontline
Staff course. This course is booked through the Safeguarding Adult Board. Please
access via Chrome rather than Internet Explorer, using the Enable log in page.
Click on ‘Learning’ for e-learning sessions.

Social Care Institute for Excellence – SCIE resources are usually free to
download, however you will need a free MySCIE account.
Introduction – Online resources and video clips. Visit SCIE Introducing the MCA.
Using the MCA – Video explains the principles. Visit SCIE Using the MCA.


This e-learning provided by Social Care Institute for Excellence course aims to
raise the awareness and skills of care staff who work with people with dementia. It
aligns with Tier 1 of the National Dementia Training Standards Framework and
allows you to collect evidence towards the relevant section of the Care Certificate.

The course seeks to improve the wellbeing and experience of people with dementia
and of the care staff working with them. It should improve your confidence in
managing situations you find challenging.

SCIE resources are usually free to download, however you will need a free MySCIE
account. To find our more and sign up visit SCIE Dementia Awareness webpage.

Health and Safety and Fire Safety Courses
Calderdale Staff only
• Health and Safety – provided by Learning Nexus
• Fire Safety and Evacuation – provided by Learning Nexus
• Fire Warden Training V2. – developed in-house and includes all the key
  information that staff need
• Safe use of Fire Fighting Equipment – developed in-house as a theory based
  training module for staff to be trained on how to use fire extinguishers

Visit the e-learning intranet page for access instructions. Managers can also
register members of staff on the system by contacting Lee Broadbent.

Food Hygiene Certificate
Calderdale Staff only
Managers register staff by emailing workforcedevelopment@calderdale.gov.uk

Cyber Security
Calderdale Staff only
Security is a top priority and is something that is becoming more important in our
work and personal lives. Our council is under threat every day and knowing how to
stay secure whilst using ICT equipment can help prevent incidents such as data
breaches, which could potentially cost the council a significant amount of money.

This E-Learning is a collection of 12 short, snappy videos, focusing on subjects
such as Common Scams and Social Media.

Visit the e-learning intranet page for access instructions.

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COVID 19 Specific E-learning and Resources
Social Care Institute for Excellence - SCIE provide a collection fo advice and
support about COVID-19 in one place. With key subjects as:

Infection Control - Infection prevention and control are essential to prevent the
spread of coronavirus (COVID-19). This video-based course for care providers in
care homes and home care will teach you about the spread of infection and what
you can do to protect both yourself and the people you care for.

Other COVID-19 guidance - topics include Domestic Violence and abuse, Mental
Capacity and Autism and Learning Disabilities.

Visit SCIE Coranavirus advice for social care.

NHS Health Education England - e-Learning for Healthcare – eLfH provide
essential training for Healthcare professionals

COVID-19 specific training – Essential training in key subjects:
  • COVID-19: Putting on and removing Personal Protective Equipment – a
    Guide for Care Homes - YouTube Video
  • Putting on PPE for care homes – guidelines
  • Taking off PPE for care homes – guidelines
  • COVID-19: How to work safely in care homes – guidelines
  • Recommended PPE for primary, outpatient, community and social care by
    setting, NHS and independent sector
  • Infection prevention and control in care homes
  • How to wash your hands (from nhs.uk)
  • How to take a combined nose and throat swab for COVID-19
  • Shielding and protecting people who are clinically extremely

Other essential training – eLfH offer training topics include:
Assessments and Checks               Privacy and Dignity
Medicines Management                 Nutrition and Hydration
Mental Health                        Urinary Cathetar and Continence
Pain Management                      Management
Communication                        Stoma Care
Sepsis                               Skin Care
Health and Safety                    Tissue Viability / Wound Healing
End of Life Care                     Staff Wellbeing and Resilience
Diabetic Care                        Digital Literacy
Managing Breathlessness              Managing COVID-19 Outbreaks

The training and resources are free to access but you will need to login or register
at e-Learning for Healthcare.

You can also read