Rectal Cancer Surgery - PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS - MARCH 2019

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Rectal Cancer Surgery - PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS - MARCH 2019


                         Canadian Society of Colon
                         and Rectal Surgeons         MARCH 2019
Rectal Cancer Surgery - PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS - MARCH 2019
Colorectal cancer is the
second most common
cause of cancer death
in Canadians, accounting
for 12% of all cancer
Rectal Cancer Surgery - PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS - MARCH 2019

INTRODUCTION            10   STANDARDS                               FUTURE DIRECTIONS   28
                             AND EVIDENCE                       16
                             Surgeon Criteria                   17

                               Requisite Training and
                               Competency for Practice          17
SCOPE                   13     Surgery and Management           18   REFERENCES          29
                             Practice Settings                  20

                               Organizational Criteria          20
                               Physical Resources and
METHODOLOGY             14     Collaborating Services           23
                               Human Resources                  24
Literature Review and          Treatment at Oncology
                               Centres and Relationship with
Environmental Scan      15
                               Affiliated Centres               25
Expert Discussions      15
                             Quality Processes                  26

                               Data Collection and Continuous
                               Quality Improvement              26
Rectal Cancer Surgery - PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS - MARCH 2019

                                                                                While treating all patients
                                                                                with colorectal cancer
                                                                                can be challenging, the
                                                                                management of rectal
    DR. CARL J. BROWN                     DR. CHRISTIAN FINLEY
                                                                                cancer is particularly
    Co-Chair, Rectal Cancer               Co-Chair, Rectal Cancer
    Surgery Standards                     Surgery Standards
    Provincial Lead, Surgical Oncology,   Expert Lead, Clinical Measures,       Integration of radiation and chemotherapy, both before and after
    BC Cancer                             Canadian Partnership Against Cancer
                                                                                surgical treatment, necessitates coordination across specialties
                                                                                throughout the patient’s cancer journey. Furthermore, innovative
                                                                                treatment techniques have dramatically reduced rectal cancer
                                                                                recurrence, permanent colostomy rates and perioperative pain
                                                                                and suffering. Unlike some other surgically managed cancers, rectal
                                                                                cancer complexity is highly variable at presentation; while some
                                                                                patients may be successfully treated with transluminal surgery alone,
                                                                                others will require neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy followed by en
                                                                                bloc resection of the rectum with adjacent organs to effect a cure.
                                                                                Therefore, surgeons must collaborate across institutions to ensure
                                                                                that every patient with rectal cancer is managed in the centre that
                                                                                can provide the best care, tailored to their specific cancer, as close to
                                                                                home as possible.
Rectal Cancer Surgery - PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS - MARCH 2019
It is our hope that this document will serve     Optimal rectal cancer care requires              time. Health care planners and providers can
as a decision-making resource to support         more than the rectal cancer                      utilize this information to organize care in a
the delivery of consistent, high-quality care    surgeon; the supporting health care              way that maximizes patient outcomes, while
to all Canadians requiring rectal cancer         team should be well-trained and                  maintaining reasonable access to care. This
surgery. The document provides high-level        adequately resourced to provide                  report is one component of a family of reports
guidance and discussion on the foundational      timely access to care.                           to be developed for disease-site specific
resources and requirements that need                                                              national standards of surgical cancer care.
to be in place to improve cancer surgical        In particular, there is a heavy reliance on
                                                                                                  We look forward to working with you to
care and outcomes. It is our goal that the       timely coordination of diagnostic imaging,
                                                                                                  improve the quality of complex surgical
actionable recommendations included              radiotherapy, chemotherapy, surgery,
                                                                                                  cancer care in Canada.
herein will help address current gaps, be        pathology and other ancillary recovery
forward thinking (serve as a document for        and survivorship services whose resource
the future) and elevate the delivery of rectal   allocation and governance fall to the region
                                                                                                  Dr. Carl J. Brown
cancer surgical care in Canada. Development      and institution. As a result, implementation
                                                 of any standard depends on the successful        Co-Chair, Rectal Cancer Surgery Standards
of the standards has been informed by
                                                 collaboration of rectal cancer surgeons with     Provincial Lead, Surgical Oncology, BC Cancer
environmental scans, literature review and                                                                                                                      5
evidence-informed expert consensus. The          those disciplines.                               Dr. Christian Finley
document focuses on a number of key areas        The document also highlights the                 Co-Chair, Rectal Cancer Surgery Standards
such as the Royal College of Physicians and      importance of advanced human resource            Expert Lead, Clinical Measures, Canadian
Surgeons of Canada’s (RCPSC) system for          support, and allied health professionals,        Partnership Against Cancer
evaluating and formally certifying training.     and that manpower planning needs to be
The importance of systems of care and            comprehensive and systematic to meet
devotion of a significant portion of practice    targets for care. Quality processes, such as
and maintenance of competency to rectal          routine data collection and population of a
cancer has been highlighted in the document.     national database, should be thoughtfully
                                                 embedded into existing health care processes
                                                 to catalyze self-evaluation and continuous
                                                 quality improvement. In addition, careful
                                                 consideration should be given to regionalizing
                                                 specialized services for patients with complex
                                                 rectal cancer to improve patient outcomes,
                                                 while accounting for patient choice and travel

                                                                                                                  PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS FOR RECTAL CANCER SURGERY
Rectal Cancer Surgery - PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS - MARCH 2019

    Dr. Amanda Fowler                               Dr. Catherine Streutker                        Dr. Lara J. Williams
    Clinical Assistant Professor of Surgery         Associate Professor, University of Toronto;    Colorectal and Minimally Invasive Surgeon;
    (Gen Surg), Memorial University, St. John’s,    Director of Pathology, Department of           Assistant Professor of Surgery, Colorectal and
    Newfoundland and Labrador                       Laboratory Medicine, St. Michael’s Hospital;   Minimally Invasive Surgery, University
    Dr. Anthony R. Maclean                          Project Investigator, Keenan Research Centre   of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario
    Chief, Section of General Surgery Calgary       for Biomedical Sciences, Toronto, Ontario      Dr. Marko Simunovic
    Zone; Clinical Associate Professor,             Dr. Christian Finley (Co-Chair)                Professor, Department of Surgery, McMaster
    Department of Surgery, University of Calgary;   Expert Lead, Clinical Measures, Canadian       University; Surgical Oncologist, Juravinski
    President, Canadian Society of Colon and        Partnership Against Cancer; Associate          Cancer Centre, Hamilton, Ontario
    Rectal Surgeons; Colorectal Surgeon,            Professor, Department of Surgery, McMaster     Dr. Michael Ott
    Foothills Medical Centre, Calgary, Alberta      University; Thoracic Surgeon, St. Joseph’s     Associate Professor, Department of
    Dr. Antonio Caycedo-Marulanda                   Healthcare, Hamilton, Ontario                  Surgery and Department of Oncology,
    Associate Professor of Surgery, Northern        Dr. David Hochman                              London Health Sciences Centre, Western
    Ontario School of Medicine; Colorectal          Associate Professor, Department of Surgery,    University, London, Ontario
    Surgery Head, Health Sciences North (HSN);      Max Rady College of Medicine, University       Dr. Nancy Baxter
    Clinical Researcher, HSN Research Institute;    of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba                Staff Surgeon and Division Chief, Division
    Surgical Oncology Lead, North East LHIN,        Dr. W. Donald Buie                             of General Surgery, Department of Surgery,
    Cancer Care Ontario, Sudbury, Ontario           Program Director, Colorectal Surgery,          St. Michael’s Hospital; Scientist, Keenan
    Dr. Carl Brown (Co-Chair)                       Foothills Medical Centre, Calgary, Alberta     Research Centre, Li Ka Shing Knowledge
    Provincial Lead, Surgical Oncology, BC          Dr. Erin D. Kennedy                            Institute of St. Michael’s Hospital; Professor,
    Cancer; Chair, Section of Colorectal Surgery    Colorectal Surgeon, Mount Sinai Hospital;      Department of Surgery and Institute of
    and Clinical Professor of Surgery, University   Associate Professor, Department of Surgery     Medical Science, University of Toronto,
    of British Columbia, Vancouver, British         and Institute of Health Policy, Management     Toronto, Ontario
    Columbia                                        and Evaluation, University of Toronto,
                                                    Toronto, Ontario
Rectal Cancer Surgery - PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS - MARCH 2019
Dr. Paul Johnson                                Dr. Selliah Chandra-Kanthan
Assistant Professor, Division of General        Professor of General Surgery, University of
Surgery, Department of Surgery and              Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Department of Community Health and              Dr. A. Sender Liberman
Epidemiology, Dalhousie University, Halifax,    Colorectal Surgeon; Program Director,
Nova Scotia                                     Colon and Rectal Surgery Residency
Dr. Raimond Wong                                Program, McGill University; Associate
Radiation Oncologist; Vice Chair,               Professor of Surgery and Oncology, McGill
Gastrointestinal Oncology Site Group,           University, Montréal, Québec
Juravinski Cancer Centre, Hamilton Health       Dr. Shilo Lefresne                                                                          7
Sciences; Associate Professor, Department       Radiation Oncologist, BC Cancer, Vancouver
of Oncology and Department of Medicine,         Centre; Clinical Assistant Professor,
McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario          University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
Dr. Sami Chadi                                  British Columbia
Colorectal Surgeon, Princess Margaret           Dr. Stan Feinberg
Hospital and University Health Network;         Chair, Medical Advisory Committee;
Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery,     Medical Director, Cancer and Ambulatory
University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario         Programs, North York General Hospital,
Dr. Sébastien Drolet                            Toronto, Ontario
Chirurgien Général, Spécialiste en Chirurgie
Colorectale, Hôpital Saint-François D’Assise,
Québec, Québec

                                                                                              PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS FOR RECTAL CANCER SURGERY
Rectal Cancer Surgery - PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS - MARCH 2019
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS                     The production of this report was made
                                        possible through the dedicated efforts of many
                                        individuals. We express our gratitude to them
                                        for their contributions and assistance in the
                                        development of these recommendations.

    The Rectal Cancer Surgery           The Rectal Cancer Surgery Expert Panel
                                        was instrumental in the development of

    Expert Panel was instrumental in    standards through a comprehensive review
                                        of academic literature, objective analysis, in-
                                        person discussions and document review. We
    the development of standards        would like to acknowledge the contribution
                                        of Laura Banfield, Librarian at McMaster

    through a comprehensive review      University, who conducted a comprehensive
                                        literature search at the onset of this project.

    of academic literature, objective   In addition, we express our gratitude to the
                                        invaluable contributions of the Canadian
                                        Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons (CSCRS)
    analysis, in-person discussions     for their endorsement of this document.
                                        Strategic oversight of the development of
    and document review.                this document was provided by the Canadian
                                        Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC) by
                                        Dr. Craig Earle, Vice-President, Cancer
                                        Control. Process development, report
                                        production and dissemination were led by
                                        the Quality Initiatives, Diagnosis and Clinical
                                        Care team at CPAC: Dr. Mary Argent-Katwala,
                                        Director; Anubha Prashad, Program Manager;
                                        Michele Mitchell, Natasha Camuso, Analysts;
                                        and Zahrah Khalid, Delivery Manager.
Rectal Cancer Surgery - PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS - MARCH 2019

Rectal Cancer Surgery - PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS - MARCH 2019

     Colorectal cancer is the
     second most commonly
     diagnosed cancer in
     Canada (excluding
     non-melanoma skin
     cancers) and represents
     the second and third
     leading cause of death
     from cancer in men and
     women, respectively.
In 2017, an estimated 14,900    Rectal cancer represents a subset of colorectal   appropriate volume threshold to assure “best
new cases in men and 11,900     cancers that has particularly challenging         care”, most (but not all) population-based
new cases in women were         technical aspects and management decisions.       studies have shown that there are better
expected, representing 13% of   Despite advancements in surgical techniques       outcomes associated with specialization in
all new cancer cases.1          and therapies over the years, five-year           rectal cancer surgery, greater surgeon-specific
                                survival rates in patients with advanced-         procedural volume and surgery performance
                                stage rectal cancers including lymph node         at high-volume centres when compared to
                                involvement (IIIC) or those that have spread      low-volume centres.8-17
14,900             11,900       to distant sites (IV) are low, at 58% and
                                12%, respectively.3 On the other end of
                                                                                  Rectal cancer surgical quality is important
                                                                                  for both perioperative patient safety and to
NEW CASES          NEW CASES    the spectrum, early stage rectal cancer is        minimize local recurrence rates. With the
                                increasingly being treated with minimally         introduction of total mesorectal excision
                                invasive approaches that improve the              (TME) as a standard of care, local recurrence
                                morbidity suffered by patients without            rates have significantly decreased.18-22
                                affecting survival. As with other complex         Furthermore, the surgeon’s ability to achieve
                                cancers, the management and outcomes              a clear resection margin and complete disease                  11
                                vary considerably.                                clearance, in some cases requiring multi-
                                The surgical management of patients with          visceral resection and/or metastatectomy,
                                rectal cancer is further complicated by the       can mean the difference between recurrence
                                heterogeneity of the patient population (age,     and disease-free survival in these patients.
                                medical comorbidities, etc.) and multimodal       Surgical and hospital volume, as well as
                                treatment options. Despite recent advances        appropriate use of neoadjuvant therapy, have
                                in radiation and chemotherapy, surgery            been demonstrated to be important with
AN ESTIMATED                    continues to be the primary means of              respect to sphincter-preserving surgery.13, 14, 23
                                curative intent treatment and the optimal         For patients with low rectal cancers, optimal
12%                             delivery of surgical care for these cancers
                                is paramount. Although general surgeons,
                                                                                  management and technical excellence are
                                                                                  key to avoiding unnecessary permanent
of the deaths                   surgical oncologists and colorectal surgeons      colostomies, which are not preferred by the
caused by                       currently perform rectal cancer surgeries,        majority of patients.
cancer will                     there is evidence that experience and             Beyond the importance of technical
be caused                       specialization in rectal cancer surgery greatly   excellence in the provision of TME surgery,
by colorectal                   improve patient outcomes.4-7 While definitions    the management options for patients with
cancer.1                        vary in the literature on what constitutes an

                                                                                                    PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS FOR RECTAL CANCER SURGERY
rectal cancer have never been so varied.             support more intense surgical interventions.        Based on the incidence of rectal cancer,
               The use of radiotherapy in all stage II and III      Beyond surgeon expertise in management              evidence supporting improved outcomes with
               rectal cancer patients has been challenged           and surgical care, preoperative and post-           the aforementioned elements of rectal cancer
               and may lead to morbidity without benefit.24-27      operative aspects of care are critical to patient   care, as well as the disparities in care across
               In patients with early rectal cancer, minimally      outcomes. The benefits of standardized use          the country, there is a need for a set of pan-
               invasive local excision techniques, with or          of pretreatment staging with CT scan and            Canadian standards to ensure consistent, high-
               without adjuvant therapy, are acceptable for         magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (with              quality care for all Canadians requiring rectal
               select patients.20, 28-30 Furthermore, in some       expert standardized interpretation and              cancer surgery. As such, this document seeks
               locally advanced rectal cancers, non-operative       reporting), multidisciplinary conferences           to support surgeons committed to treating
               management is under investigation for patients       for treatment planning, and standardized            patients with rectal cancer by highlighting
               for whom a complete clinical response is             pathology reporting, have been clearly              the features of a facility treating rectal cancer
               achieved.18-20, 31, 32 The importance of evidence-   demonstrated. Appropriate facilities and            patients, and the quality processes needed to
               based rectal cancer management has never             resources are also needed to ensure all             elevate the delivery of high-quality care in the
               been more critical, and it is usually the surgeon    Canadian surgeons have timely access to these       contemporary Canadian context.
               who is the patient’s first contact and facilitates   critical aspects of comprehensive cancer care.
12             their multidisciplinary care.
               In this context, it is clear that surgical and
               institutional capabilities required by patients
               presenting with rectal cancer vary markedly.         There is a need for a set of
                                                                    pan-Canadian standards to
               As such, this document distinguishes patients
               with complex rectal cancer and defines some of
               the special resources, both with respect to the
               team of surgeons often required for their care
               and the institutional commitment necessary to
                                                                    ensure consistent, high-quality
                                                                    care for all Canadians requiring
                                                                    rectal cancer surgery.


INCLUDES:                                        DOES NOT INCLUDE:

• Rectal cancer surgery, with emphasis           • Colon cancer care
  on resources and personnel required for        • Management of care pathways
  comprehensive rectal cancer care                 by cancer type or tumour site
• Timely access to care from a pre-, peri- and   • Assessment of drugs and
  post-operative perspective                       treatment options
• Training and maintenance of competencies       • Facilities and resources for
  for rectal cancer surgeons                       provision of radiation and
• Access to services and equipment                 medical oncology treatment                                                    13

• Access to medical oncologists, radiation       • Assessment of technology and
  oncologists, pathologists, other physicians      equipment used to deliver care
  and allied health professionals
• Resources for patients and families
• Quality processes, including multi-
  disciplinary tumour board rounds
• Distinguishing tiers of complexity in
  patients with rectal cancer and defining
  appropriate centres for their management

                                                                                    PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS FOR RECTAL CANCER SURGERY

     The standards herein
     were developed
     through consultation
     with an expert panel of
     rectal cancer surgeons
     from across Canada.
Literature Review and                                               Flow chart of search results
Environmental Scan                                                  and article inclusion
A literature search was performed using Surgical Embase and
Surgical Medline, restricted to publications between 1974 to
May 2017 and 1946 to June 2017, respectively. A comprehensive                     INITIAL
search strategy was developed to assess the literature to examine                 RESEARCH
evidence. The search strategy incorporated medical subject
headings (MeSH), Boolean operators and wild cards. Results were                   10,564 6,864  (Surgical Embase)
                                                                                          3,700 (Surgical Medline)
excluded if they were duplicate findings or were not deemed
relevant after review (Figure 1).

                                                                                  TITLES AND ABSTRACTS
                                                                                  REVIEWED FOR RELEVANCE
                                                                                  8,632                                1,932               15
Expert Discussions                                                                                                     REMOVED

The standards herein were developed through consultation                          INITIAL LITERATURE
with an expert panel of rectal cancer surgeons from across                        SEARCH
Canada. The expert panel members reviewed literature
search findings for relevance and identified key evidence to
be evaluated and incorporated to support the standards,                                                                8,631
where appropriate. An in-person meeting was held to develop                                                            ARTICLES
standard statements (40 standards were developed) and achieve                                                          DEEMED NOT
consensus on standard statements to be included, followed by
an electronic survey to validate and vote on the results from the
in-person meeting. Based on the electronic survey, 41 standards
were included in this document. A targeted review period was
held to seek endorsement from the Canadian Society of Colon                 ARTICLES INCLUDED IN
and Rectal Surgeons (CSCRS), which was achieved.                            FINAL REVIEW
                                                                                              PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS FOR RECTAL CANCER SURGERY

     The technical skills and
     knowledge to safely and
     competently conduct
     rectal surgery requires
     that the practitioner
     has completed
     comprehensive training
     in the full scope of rectal
     cancer surgery.
Surgeon Criteria
                                                                                                     The technical skills and knowledge to
1.1 REQUISITE TRAINING AND COMPETENCY FOR PRACTICE                                                   safely and competently conduct rectal
                                                                                                     surgery require that the practitioner has
1.1.1 A rectal cancer surgeon is a general               training and hold formal certification in   completed comprehensive training in the
      surgeon who has contemporary                       colorectal surgery or surgical oncology     full scope of rectal cancer surgery.33 It is
      knowledge of the diseases of the colon,            with qualification by the RCPSC. For        acknowledged that surgeons conducting
      rectum and anus in adults as defined by            those not trained in Canada, a similar      rectal cancer surgeries often start and/or
      the Objectives of Training in the specialty        regimented and accredited training          continue their practice in general surgery;
      of General Surgery by the Royal College            program must be completed. For general      however, as rectal cancer management,
      of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada               surgeons without colorectal surgery         including both appropriate use of multimodal
      (RCPSC) and who continues to acquire               or surgical oncology certification,         treatment and the technical conduct of the
      such knowledge through Continuing                  expertise developed through a focused       surgery, is constantly evolving and can be
      Medical Education (CME) and a sufficient           commitment to the treatment of              complicated, advanced skills and knowledge
      volume of practice.33                              “complex” rectal cancer may substitute      are required. Surgeons whose training is
                                                         for the above qualification.                obtained outside of Canada should utilize the
1.1.2 A rectal cancer surgeon should have
                                                                                                     appropriate RCPSC avenue for evaluation and
      complete training and hold formal             1.1.4 A rectal cancer surgeon’s participation
                                                                                                     credentialling when possible. Certification
      certification in general surgery and have           in the maintenance of certification is
                                                                                                     by the RCPSC is not mandatory if all other
      significant expertise/interest in rectal            mandatory and must be in accordance
                                                                                                     criteria of expertise as a rectal cancer
      cancer surgery. For those not trained               with provincial and national standards.
                                                                                                     surgeon are met.
      in Canada, a similar regimented and           1.1.5 A rectal cancer surgeon should perform
      accredited training program must be                                                            It is imperative that rectal cancer surgeons
                                                          rectal cancer surgery as a regular part
      completed and certified.                                                                       regularly maintain and update their skills and
                                                          of their practice and commit regular
                                                                                                     knowledge and devote a significant amount
1.1.3 A subspecialty rectal cancer surgeon,               CME time specifically to rectal cancer
                                                                                                     of time to the practice to ensure maintenance
      in addition to the criteria for a rectal            to maintain competency.
                                                                                                     of competency in rectal cancer surgery. As the
      cancer surgeon, will have complete
                                                                                                     field advances, rectal cancer surgeons need to
                                                                                                     keep up to date with contemporary standards
                                                                                                     and evolving evidence to ensure that patients

                                                                                                                     PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS FOR RECTAL CANCER SURGERY
are receiving optimal care. Surgeons should
             maintain expertise and competence through        1.2 SURGERY AND MANAGEMENT
             ongoing education in Continuing Profesional
             Development programs, such as the                1.2.1 All patients with rectal cancer should                • Rectal cancer in a patient with a prior pelvic
             Maintenance of Certification program of the            be evaluated by a rectal cancer surgeon                 cancer requiring surgery or radiation therapy
             RCPSC. Routine CME is considered a necessary           early in the care process, prior to the               • Rectal cancer in a patient with previous
             factor to maintain best patient outcomes.              initiation of chemotherapy and/or                       rectal or left-sided colon surgery
                                                                    radiation therapy.                                    • Rectal cancer that has been previously
             While expert technical skills are required
                                                                                                                            locally excised and requires subsequent
             for surgeons who are conducting rectal           1.2.2 While the majority of mid- and upper                    completion proctectomy
             surgeries, appropriate systematic evaluation           rectal cancers are appropriate for
                                                                                                                       1.2.3 A subgroup of rectal cancer patients
             and patient support systems are also                   treatment at any rectal cancer surgery
                                                                                                                             with “early rectal cancer”, defined as
             essential for optimal patient outcomes.                centre, there is a recognized subgroup
                                                                                                                             T1 lesions with favourable pathology,
             Regardless of the level of training or                 of “complex rectal cancer” patients who
                                                                                                                             can be treated by transanal techniques
             experience of a surgeon, it is clear that best         should be offered assessment and
                                                                                                                             with avoidance of radical resection.
             care for patients with rectal cancer may not           possible treatment in a referral centre
                                                                                                                             While this treatment is not equivalent
18           be possible if the institution and community           for complex rectal cancer surgery.
                                                                                                                             to total mesorectal excision with respect
             in which the surgeon practices do not have             Complex rectal cancers include but are
                                                                                                                             to recurrence, there is no apparent
             access to the technology, personnel and                not limited to:
                                                                                                                             cancer-specific survival compromise in
             equipment required for surgical treatment.          • The majority of rectal cancers where                      these patients. Patients with early rectal
             All centres treating rectal cancer patients           abdominoperineal resection is planned
                                                                                                                             cancer who are candidates for local
             should participate in provincial/regional           • Rectal cancer where the main tumour
                                                                                                                             excision should be offered assessment at
             networks of care to ensure that all patients          transgresses the mesorectal or mesosigmoid
                                                                   radial margin, has a positive/suspicious                  a Transanal Endoscopic Surgery Centre
             are treated in an appropriate location that
                                                                   mesorectal node, or a tumour deposit.                     and reviewed at a Multidisciplinary
             meets the standards herein. For patients with
                                                                 • Rectal cancer invading adjacent organs (T4)               Cancer Conference (MCC) before and
             complex rectal cancer, it is ideal that these
                                                                   and thus requiring multivisceral resection                after treatment.6
             patients be offered treatment at referral
             centres, which will be defined and discussed        • Rectal cancer in patients with a hereditary         1.2.4 Rectal cancer surgeries should be
                                                                   cancer syndrome (e.g., Lynch Syndrome
             in section 1.2 of this document.                      Hereditary Non-Polyposis Colon Cancer
                                                                                                                             performed in centres that are compliant
                                                                   (HNPCC), Familial Adenomatous Polyposis)                  with the needs defined by this document.
                                                                 • Recurrent rectal cancer                                   While a clear surgery volume threshold
                                                                                                                             has not been established, the association
                                                                 • Rectal cancer in a patient with synchronous
                                                                   pelvic malignancy (e.g., prostate, uterine, etc.)         between surgeon/hospital procedural

Standards and Evidence
volume and rectal cancer outcomes                      All patients with rectal cancer in Canada should be evaluated in a systematic
      suggests that the rectal cancer surgeon                and comprehensive way, such that care can be standardized and key decision-
      should have a focus on rectal cancer                   makers are consulted prior to treatment initiation.
      surgery in their practice. Furthermore,
      there should be sufficient hospital
      volume to optimize the care among                      Within this model, rectal cancer surgeons       preservation) and radiation treatment
      allied health care providers.6-8, 10, 16, 17, 34, 35   have an early and primary role in the           approaches. Additionally, all patients with
                                                             diagnosis and decision-making process           metastatic disease who would otherwise
1.2.5 All patients with rectal cancer should
                                                             before other treatment options have             be fit for curative intent treatment should
      have access to an MCC. All patients
                                                             been initiated. MRI is a key                    be evaluated and discussed with respect to
      should be discussed in an MCC and have
                                                             component of preoperative                       potential radical therapies.36
      the conclusions recorded as part of the
                                                             care for rectal cancer patients                 It is the opinion of the expert panel that
      patient record.36
                                                             to help with staging and                        not every general surgeon in Canada will
1.2.6 Surgeons treating rectal cancer                        surgical planning, as well as                   maintain individual volume and technical
      should have experience in and training                 identifying patients that may                   expertise, or has the institutional support
      for total mesorectal excision                          benefit from preoperative therapy.              required to perform rectal cancer surgery                   19
      (TME) surgery.37
                                                             While all patients should ideally be            at a level currently accepted as standard
1.2.7 Cross-sectional imaging of patients                    discussed at an MCC, the expert panel           care. Therefore, collaboration among
      with rectal cancer should be reviewed                  recognizes there are currently practical        surgeons to determine focused local
      by an expert radiologist in consultation               limitations to this access. In many             expertise for uncomplicated rectal cancer is
      with a surgeon who performs rectal                     settings, patients are selectively discussed    encouraged. Furthermore, all patients with
      cancer surgery.                                        at an MCC. However, upon request, all           complex rectal cancer should have timely
1.2.8 Patients with a good performance status                patients should have access to evaluation       access to institutions with the surgeons,
      and low-volume metastatic rectal cancer                at an MCC and the recommendations of            personnel and resources to provide them
      disease should be presented at an MCC                  the forum shared with them to inform            the best care. In a given region, good
      with possible referral to a hepatic-                   their treatment decisions. All MCC results      communication and collaboration among
      pancreatic-biliary (HPB) surgeon,                      should be documented in the patients’           all surgeons providing care to patients
      thoracic surgeon or radiation oncologist               charts. Key elements for discussion             with rectal cancer are necessary to ensure
      (for stereotactic body radiation therapy),             should include intent of treatment (cure        optimal patient outcomes at a regional
      where appropriate.                                     versus palliation), coordination and timing     level.36
                                                             of adjuvant and neoadjuvant therapy,
                                                             surgical approaches (resectability, sphincter

                                                                                                                            PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS FOR RECTAL CANCER SURGERY
Practice Settings


             2.1.1 The initial treatment (surgery conducted or chemotherapy and/           2.1.3 Rectal cancer surgery should be performed in a “Rectal Cancer
                   or radiotherapy started) for 90% of rectal cancer patients should             Surgery Centre”, defined as providing appropriate facilities,
                   be initiated within six to eight weeks of the date of biopsy.                 including the following resources:
                   Appropriate referrals and investigations should be made as                     Expert physician care                    Perioperative planning services
                   early as possible. It is the joint responsibility of the institution,      •   At least one rectal cancer surgeon     • Timely access to CT, MRI, ERUS
                   region, surgeon and health care team to coordinate care in a               •   On-site pathologist (for               • Timely access to radiation and
                   timely manner, and resources should be applied appropriately                   frozen section) and access to            medical oncology assessment
                   to ensure time frames are met.                                                 pathologist with experience and          and treatment
                                                                                                  expertise in the Quirke method         • Preoperative assessment clinic
             2.1.2 Pathology reporting time should be tracked and cases should be                 of TME assessment                        with anesthesia, nursing, ET
20                 reported within two weeks with appropriate resourcing.                     •   Anesthesia support, including            nurse assessment
                                                                                                  24-hour access
                     Access to care and timeliness of evaluation significantly impact                                                        Allied health care services
                                                                                              •   Access to radiologist with expertise   •   Enterostomal therapist
                     a rectal cancer patient’s journey.38 The expert panel has                    in MRI and CT for rectal cancer
                                                                                                                                         •   Dietary and nutritional support
                     defined appropriate time frames for care. These targets are the          •   Access to interventional radiology
                                                                                                                                         •   Physical therapy
                     mutual responsibility of the surgeons, oncologists and other             •   Access to urologist
                                                                                                                                         •   Home care and social work
                     disciplines with direct responsibilities to the patient and the            Medical support system                   •   Wound care service
                     facility. Not all patients will move through the system seamlessly,        for major complications of
                                                                                                abdominal surgery                          Postoperative support services
                     particularly because of the required radiologic imaging and                                                         • Access to cancer support networks
                                                                                              • Intensive care and/or high-
                     multidisciplinary nature of rectal cancer treatment, and these             dependency care unit                     • Timely access to medical
                     targets have accounted for reasonable delays related to these            • Access to CT scan with                     oncology and genetic counselling
                     challenges. Efforts need to be focused on providing timely care            interventional capability
                     so that delays in the process of evaluation and treatment do not         • Access to rapid response
                     have a negative impact on patient care and prognosis. Active               laboratory (i.e., biochemistry,
                                                                                                cytology, hematology,
                     monitoring of contributory wait times (e.g., pathology reporting,          transfusion and microbiology)
                     clinical appointments, imaging, Operating Room booking, etc.) is           services 24 hours a day
                     essential to ensure that unacceptable delays are acted upon and
                     appropriate policies put in place to motivate responsible parties.

Standards and Evidence
2.1.4 All rectal cancer patients with “complex    2.1.5 “Referral Centres for Complex Rectal              2.1.6 Appropriate early-stage rectal cancer
      rectal cancer” should be assessed at              Cancer Surgery” should meet all criteria                patients should be assessed at a
      a “Referral Centre for Complex Rectal             for a “Rectal Cancer Surgery Centre”,                   “Transanal Endoscopic Surgery Centre”.
      Cancer Surgery”. These centres should             and additionally provide:                               This may be co-located at “Rectal
      meet all criteria of a “Rectal Cancer            Expert physician care                                    Cancer Surgery Centre” or “Referral
      Surgical Centre”, and additionally have        • At least two subspecialty rectal cancer surgeons         Centres for Complex Rectal Cancer
      surgical capabilities and unique services      • Access to pathologist with experience and                Surgery” and provide additional
      required to address the specific needs           expertise in the Quirke method of TME                    services as follows:
      of these complex cancer patients (e.g.,                                                                  Expert physician care
                                                     • Urologist with expertise in cystectomy/
      requiring multivisceral resection or             reconstruction (at sites where pelvic                 • At least one rectal cancer surgeon with
      abdominoperineal resection, etc.). It is         exenteration is performed)                              advanced training/expertise in one of the
                                                                                                               transanal endoscopic surgery (TES) platforms
      recognized that all provinces/regions          • Orthopedic oncologist or neurosurgeon capable
                                                       of sacrectomy, with expertise in resection of               • These platforms include, but are not
      may not be able to offer these services                                                                        limited to, Transanal Endoscopic
                                                       orthopedic malignancies (at sites where rectal                                                                    21
      and interprovincial relationships need                                                                         Microsurgery (TEM), Transanal Endoscopic
                                                       cancers with concomitant sacrectomy/bone
      to be established. Furthermore, not              resection is performed)                                       Operation (TEO) or Transanal Minimally
      every “Referral Centre for Complex                                                                             Invasive Surgery (TAMIS) techniques
                                                     • Plastic surgeon with experience/expertise in
      Rectal Cancer Surgery” will have                 pelvic floor reconstruction                           • Access to a pathologist with experience
                                                                                                               and expertise in evaluating local excision
      expertise/capacity to manage every               Medical support system for major
                                                       complications of abdominal surgery                      specimens, including documentation of all
      patient with “Complex Rectal Cancer”;                                                                    factors known to influence the need for
                                                     • Intensive care unit and high-dependency care
      multiple centres (with geographic                                                                        immediate radical resection (e.g., depth of
                                                       unit with experience managing complex pelvic
      accessibility considerations) should                                                                     cancer invasion, lymphovascular invasion,
                                                       surgery patients
                                                                                                               tumour budding, margin status, etc.)
      manage some or all of these patients in        • Regional/provincial recognition of funding
      collaboration, depending on the mix of           necessary to manage complicated rectal                  Postoperative support services
                                                       cancer patients                                       • Access and experience with rigorous
      expertise/capacity at each centre.
                                                                                                               follow-up not typical of rectal cancer
                                                                                                               treated by radical resection

                                                                                                          2.1.7 Transitions between most responsible
                                                                                                                physicians must be clearly articulated
                                                                                                                and documented and transfers of
                                                                                                                care confirmed.

                                                                                                                            PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS FOR RECTAL CANCER SURGERY
2.1.8 All rectal cancer centres should set targets to monitor and                     and increased collaboration with multidisciplinary teams. These
                   evaluate wait times and timely access to care.                                  factors have been shown to reduce the need for reoperation,
                     Rectal cancer surgeries should be performed in institutions                   reduce local recurrence and improve long-term survival.8, 10, 39
                     with the appropriate facilities and resources to ensure optimal               Due to the unique needs of early-stage rectal cancer patients
                     patient outcomes, as outlined above.4, 8 Expert and experienced               and the specialized equipment used for the care of this
                     surgeons may be capable of delivering exceptional care, but in                population, procedures must be performed at a rectal cancer
                     the absence of key facilities and resources, patients could be                centre equipped to deliver this specialized care where both the
                     put at risk. In these cases, it is important that institutions have           procedure and the pathologic considerations are addressed.
                     relationships in place to continue to deliver care to patients to             This can be at any rectal cancer centre that has the appropriate
                     ensure they are not adversely impacted.                                       facilities and trained staff and may or may not be co-located at a
                     All rectal cancer cases that are complex or advanced (as per                  “Referral Centre for Complex Rectal Cancer Surgery”.
                     criteria detailed in section 1.2.2) require additional                  2.1.9 Rectal cancer surgeons should participate in regionally and
                     expertise and resources. In these cases, patients should be                   provincially integrated and established networks of care to ensure
                     referred to centres with advanced expertise, experience,                      appropriate care is provided as close to home as possible.
                     resources and facilities to deal with complex rectal cancer cases.            Geographic isolation, particularly within the Canadian context,
                     These centres should meet the criteria outlined for “Referral                 can prohibit the delivery of high-quality care to vulnerable
                     Centres for Complex Multivisceral Rectal Cancer Surgery” when a               populations. Availability of a functional network of care,
                     multivisceral resection may be required. As these patients often              including ready access to telehealth and other technological
                     require surgical teams, there should be a minimum of two highly-              solutions, can help mitigate the deficiencies and provide care
                     trained subspecialty rectal cancer surgeons with appropriate                  closer to home. Thus, regionalization of services should take
                     expertise on staff in these centres to provide diagnostic                     into consideration patient choice and the distance that patients
                     assessment and management of advanced rectal cancer surgical                  are willing to travel, as these patients often need ongoing
                     issues. While there are no clinical trials or scientific studies that         health care services.40, 41 Innovative regional programs that
                     are able to determine when to add additional surgeons beyond                  leverage existing networks are important to ensure that patients
                     a minimum of two, real-world evidence and local expert opinion                get optimal care. Whether through diagnostic assessment
                     should be sought to maintain a high level of quality care based               pathways, integrated home care models or active involvement
                     on access. Clinical workload in these centres, which often goes               of the patient’s primary care team, many existing programs can
                     beyond rectal cancer care, can rapidly increase the need to recruit           bridge these potential care gaps.
                     additional surgeons. These centres should also have appropriate
                     infrastructure, including experienced nursing and allied health
                     care providers on patient units, operative resources to meet the
                     needs of patients outside the hospital’s immediate community,

Standards and Evidence
2.1.10 Infrastructure should be in place to
       support the participation of patients in   2.2 PHYSICAL RESOURCES AND COLLABORATING SERVICES
       clinical research.
       Infrastructure, such as the availability   2.2.1 MRI should be protocolled correctly                evidence and safety procedures and
       of disease-specific clinical trial               for rectal cancer staging, read by                 assess the delivery of high-quality care
       networks, should be in place to                  an experienced GI radiologist and                  and patient outcomes.45
       support and increase the participation           reported in a synoptic format within         2.2.3 All rectal cancer patients who will
       of patients in clinical research. For            two weeks from the requisition.                    receive a planned stoma and those
       treatment of rectal cancer, particular     2.2.2 Rectal cancer pathology, gross                     who have a possibility of receiving a
       focus should be given to availability            evaluation and processing of the                   stoma should be referred to a qualified
       and funding of clinical trials, as this          specimen should be done by the                     enterstomal nurse and/or enterstomal
       disease is under-resourced relative to           Quirke method and should be reported               therapy nurse (ETN) prior to surgery
       its mortality and incidence.                     by the College of American Pathologists            for pre-op counselling, education
                                                        (CAP) rectal cancer synoptic report                regarding care and management of
                                                        within two weeks. All patients                     stomas, and marking.
                                                        should have access to reflex-relevant           • All rectal cancer patients who have a stoma
                                                        immunohistochemistry/biomarker                    should be provided with information about
                                                                                                          the peer and community-based supports
                                                        testing, including mismatch repair                for ostomy patients (e.g. United Ostomy
                                                        proteins (preferably reflex testing).42-44        Association of Canada peer support program)
                                                                                                          before surgery or prior to discharge if
                                                        All rectal-related MRI and pathology
                                                        reports should be reported in a
                                                        synoptic format within two weeks             2.2.4 Patients with clinical or historical
                                                        from completion, ideally using an                  factors consistent with high risk of
                                                        electronic interface. Electronic                   hereditary malignancy should have
                                                        synoptic reports are standardized                  access to appropriate genetic testing
                                                        checklists that capture information at             in accordance with established
                                                        the point of care and, once completed,             guidelines, as well as access to genetic
                                                        can be transmitted to other health                 counselling services.
                                                        care professionals and central                     All patients with suspected hereditary
                                                        quality assurance data repositories.45             malignancies should be referred for
                                                        Captured information can be used                   appropriate genetic testing and/or
                                                        by surgeons to assess adherence to                 reflex testing to ensure appropriate

                                                                                                                     PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS FOR RECTAL CANCER SURGERY
treatment and follow-up care. Access
                     to genetic counselling services for these     2.3 HUMAN RESOURCES
                     patients is also important and the referral
                     should be made in a timely manner.            2.3.1 The MCC should consist of health                  care. Human resource planning should be
             2.2.5 All cancer centres should have well-                  professionals with expertise/interest in          comprehensive and systematic; thought
                   maintained and adequately resourced                   GI cancers, including but not limited to:         has to be put into the composition of the
                   equipment and facilities.                          • Rectal cancer            • Radiation oncologists   team (i.e. full-time equivalence, etc.) with
                                                                        surgeons                 • Pathologists            clear emphasis that this is a team sport.
             2.2.6 Capital expenditures must be available             • Medical oncologists      • Radiologists
                   to provide contemporary equipment                                                                       Attendance at MCC is mandatory, with
                                                                         Surgeons treating rectal cancer
                   and be re-evaluated when there are                                                                      one representative from each specialty.
                                                                         must participate in multidisciplinary
                   changes in the workforce and evolving                 conferences via telemedia, virtually              Collaboration and knowledge-sharing
                   standards of care.                                    or in person.                                     are essential for those involved in patient
                                                                                                                           care. Collaboration between and within
                     Ensuring regular maintenance of               2.3.2 All rectal cancer patients should be offered      specialties has been shown to enhance
                     equipment and adequate resourcing                   screening for and management of distress          patient outcomes and significantly reduce
24                   is important to deliver exceptional                 shortly after diagnosis and at key transition     the time from diagnosis to treatment.49-51 It is
                     patient care. Upfront budgeting                     points (e.g., initiation of neoadjuvant           critical that radiologists, medical oncologists,
                     and resourcing should be taken into                 therapy, preoperatively, adjuvant therapy,        radiation oncologists and surgeons formulate
                     consideration in planning.46, 47 As                 end of treatment).37                              a unified, evidenced based management
                     needs are constantly evolving, it is
                                                                         Critical to successful patient care is the        plan for patients. Timely communication
                     vital to monitor and evaluate in order
                                                                         team involved in managing the care. Rectal        within multidisciplinary teams is necessary
                     to respond to changing needs.
                                                                         cancer surgeons recognize that while their        to ensure compliance with agreed-upon
                                                                         role as the surgeon is one of leadership,         patient pathways, including personalized
                                                                         knowledge and technical excellence, the           case management and compliance with
                                                                         entire care team contributes to prevention        definitive treatment.10, 48
                                                                         of mortality and morbidity and rescue from        A systematic and comprehensive plan should
                                                                         adverse events. “Failure to rescue” in the        be in place to ensure that all rectal cancer
                                                                         broader sense is an institutional failing as      patients are regularly screened for signs of
                                                                         much as a physician one.48 Although the           distress. This will help to measure the patient
                                                                         rectal cancer surgeon has an integral role,       journey and ensure that they are coping well
                                                                         collaboration with other specialties,             with their diagnosis and treatment. Patients
                                                                         consultants and clinical nurse specialists        showing signs of distress should receive
                                                                         is key to providing high-quality surgical         timely, appropriate support.
Standards and Evidence

2.4.1 All rectal cancer centres should have a
      relationship with a cancer centre with
      access to consultation from medical and
      radiation oncologists. There should be
      a mechanism in place to provide urgent
      consultation and treatment for in-patients.
     For services not immediately available in
     the institution, knowledge and/or formal
     relationships with centres that can provide
     these services in the region are important.
     Barriers in geography or available beds should                                                  25

     not impede the necessary consultation or
     treatment. Although a rectal cancer centre
     should be equipped with adequate resources
     to manage the full range of rectal cancer
     surgical care, if this is not the case, a formal
     working relationship or association with a
     regional cancer centre should be in place.34, 38
     This includes affiliation with a regional cancer
     centre that has access to radiation therapy
     equipment, and where consultation with
     medical and radiation oncologists is also
     readily available.

                                                        PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS FOR RECTAL CANCER SURGERY
Quality Processes


             3.1.1 Institutions and regions that have regional         high-quality care. Funding, capturing       3.1.7 There is an expectation that techniques
                   cancer centres need to support quality              and coordinating this process is the              and processes of care will change
                   processes such that financial barriers are          responsibility of health authorities in           over time. Adoption should be done
                   not a limitation to participation.                  order to provide appropriate supports             in a systematic manner to support
             3.1.2 Regional authorities should collect                 and governance to institutions to                 standardized implementation with a
                   relevant quality marker data for                    achieve best practices.53, 54                     need for credentialling where significant
                   audit and feedback intervention               3.1.4 Patient education should be conducted             changes in technologies and approaches
                   in collaboration with rectal cancer                 in accordance with the institutional/             are introduced. When adopting new
                   surgeons, and coordinate with                       provincial education standards for adults         technologies and techniques, active
26                 national efforts.5, 52, 53                          affected by cancer.37                             tracking of adverse events and outcomes
                                                                                                                         should be completed.
             3.1.3 There should be implementation of             3.1.5 It is the joint responsibility of the
                   a national, data-driven approach to                 regional cancer centres and rectal          3.1.8 National, provincial and institutional
                   deliver best practice care. Routine                 cancer surgeons to actively monitor               organizations should identify patients
                   data collection on process and                      patient complications and for                     at high risk for negative outcomes,
                   outcomes should be systematically                   human resources to have quality                   in particular those from vulnerable
                   and prospectively captured and                      processes in place to support quality             populations, and develop appropriate
                   benchmarked against national and                    improvement. Every regional cancer                pathways and monitor compliance with
                   international standards. This includes              centre needs to have a system in                  them.54
                   systematic classification of adverse                place to identify adverse events and        3.1.9 At the completion of active treatment,
                   events, regular review of morbidity and             outcomes early in the patient’s journey           patients should have structured, systematic
                   mortality rounds, and periodic review               and rescue the patients to avoid further,         and comprehensive surveillance and
                   of data to allow for self-evaluation                more serious events.                              access to survivorship resources.
                   and to promote continuous cyclical            3.1.6 Institutions should support adequate
                   improvement (through audit and                      collection and measurement of patient
                   feedback). Best practice approaches                 experience data (e.g., patient-reported
                   should be utilized and shared to ensure             outcomes, wait times).

Standards and Evidence
Although difficult to precisely define, quality improvement is often measured
by components of structure, outcomes and processes.

One way for rectal cancer surgeons to evaluate      have been shown to improve outcomes.
their practices is to compare themselves with       Institution-level data should be fed back into
evidence-based national guidelines.55 Data          the system to improve quality and minimize
about quality care, process and outcome             interprovincial barriers, as well as to local
measures can provide meaningful information         participants providing rectal cancer surgical
regarding surgical outcomes and quality.53          services to help improve quality. Monitoring
Regular monitoring of data can help predict         outcome data can help clinicians identify
surgical morbidity and mortality. Over time,        which processes they have followed, or not,
routine collection of data will improve data        that have directly impacted patient outcomes.
quality and lead to better patient care.            In Canada, an eight-centre pilot program was
However, outcomes not only depend upon              designed to improve clinical outcomes for
surgeon and hospital volume, but also can           patients by implementing quality initiatives                                                    27
depend on surgical technique, patient factors       for rectal cancer across the country.
(e.g., comorbidities) and multidisciplinary         Supported by the Canadian Partnership
treatment decisions.39 Data collection at various   Against Cancer and led by Dr. Erin Kennedy,
points of the patient journey and benchmarking      this program demonstrated improved
against national and international standards/       adherence to standards over the duration
targets can support the delivery of high-quality    of the two-year project (see http://www.
patient-centred care.                      Ongoing data
The goal of data collection, evaluation and         collection with iterative feedback to treating
monitoring is to help improve surgical and          clinicians is an important quality assurance
hospital performance in a non-punitive              tool in rectal cancer care.
manner and to steer away from a “blame              Recognizing that there is considerable variation
and shame” approach. When adopting new              in the evaluation of quality of care,
techniques or technologies, risk to patients        the uniform use of well-defined
needs to be balanced against the amount             quality of care indicators to measure
and significance of the innovation. Review          and monitor performance holds the
and regular audit of data and monitoring            promise of improving outcomes in
of complications in a standardized way              patients who undergo rectal surgeries.

                                                                                                       PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS FOR RECTAL CANCER SURGERY

     This document is intended
     to serve as an informational
     and decision-making resource
     to elevate and standardize
     the delivery of rectal cancer
     surgery in Canada.
     Following publication, future work will include wide dissemination and
     identification of strategies to catalyze systematic and comprehensive
     adoption to help narrow the gap and address current deficiencies and
     variability in care.
     Efforts are underway to develop an evaluation framework to measure
     uptake and to explore the role of CSCRS and Accreditation Canada as
     a mechanism to promote and offer accreditation processes to enforce
     the recommended standards.

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   and teaching status do not influence treatment              Colorectal Disease, 2005. 7(1): p. 90-95.                 19. Rupinski, M., et al., Watch and wait policy after
   and outcome measures of rectal cancer surgery                                                                             preoperative radiotherapy for rectal cancer;
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                                                               surgical speciality on outcome following surgery
   Gastrointestinal Surgery, 2000. 4(3): p. 324-330.                                                                         clinically benign. European Journal of Surgical
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4. Biondo, S., et al., Impact of surgical specialization       Long-term outcomes. Colorectal Disease, 2007.                                                                              29
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   Archives of Surgery, 2010. 145(1): p. 79-86.            13. McColl, R.J., et al., Impact of hospital volume
                                                                                                                         20. Smith, J.J., et al., Organ Preservation in Rectal
5. Kapiteijn, E. and C.J.H. Van de Velde, Developments         on quality indicators for rectal cancer surgery in
                                                                                                                             Adenocarcinoma: a phase II randomized controlled
   and quality assurance in rectal cancer surgery.             British Columbia, Canada. American Journal of
                                                                                                                             trial evaluating 3-year disease-free survival in
   European Journal of Cancer, 2002. 38(7): p. 919-936.        Surgery, 2017. 213(2): p. 388-394.
                                                                                                                             patients with locally advanced rectal cancer
6. Penninckx, F., Surgeon-related aspects of the           14. Nugent, E. and P. Neary, Rectal cancer surgery:               treated with chemoradiation plus induction or
   treatment and outcome after radical resection for           Volume-outcome analysis. International Journal of             consolidation chemotherapy, and total mesorectal
   rectal cancer. Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica,            Colorectal Disease, 2010. 25(12): p. 1389-1396.               excision or nonoperative management. BMC
   2001. 64(3): p. 258-262.                                                                                                  Cancer, 2015. 15(767).
                                                           15. Pata, G., et al., Modifiable risk factors in colorectal
7. Porter, G.A., et al., Surgeon-related factors and           surgery: central role of surgeon’s volume. Annali         21. Kapiteijn, E., et al., Preoperative radiotherapy
   outcomes in rectal cancer. Annals of Surgery, 1998.         italiani di chirurgia, 2008. 79(6): p. 427-433.               combined with total mesorectal excision for
   227(2): p. 157-167.                                                                                                       resectable rectal cancer. N Engl J Med, 2001.
                                                           16. Rogers Jr, S.O., et al., Relation of surgeon and
8. Billingsley, K.G., et al., Surgeon and hospital             hospital volume to processes and outcomes of                  349(9): p. 638-46.
   characteristics as predictors of major adverse              colorectal cancer surgery. Annals of Surgery,             22. How, P., et al., A systematic review of cancer-
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                                                                                                                                             PAN-CANADIAN STANDARDS FOR RECTAL CANCER SURGERY
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