MASTER OF SCIENCE Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine to Dr. med. dent - PUSH

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MASTER OF SCIENCE Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine to Dr. med. dent - PUSH
Diploma Programme
                                   in Dental Medicine
                                    to Dr. med. dent.

                                    MASTER OF SCIENCE
                                  Specialist Areas (MSc)

Scientific, state-of-the-art training to/for ‚professional performance‘ dentist in which the student is in the focus of all
                                  endeavors and his/her learning phase is an ‚adventure‘.
MASTER OF SCIENCE Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine to Dr. med. dent - PUSH

  Mission                                                                 Page 1
  Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine to Dr. med. dent.                  Page 5
  DPU Campus: Facility – Layout                                           Page 9
  Course Content Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine to Dr. med. dent.   Page 12
  Postgraduate Degree Programmes                                          Page 16
  Examined Faculty of Dentists – Organisational Structure                 Page 17
  Applications – University Places – Student Fees                         Page 18
  “Extracurricular activities“ and DPU Sports                             Page 20
  The Location of Wachau                                                  Page 21

              This brochure is valid as of the winter semester 2015/16
MASTER OF SCIENCE Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine to Dr. med. dent - PUSH
Foto: Nik Pichler

                                                          HONORARY CONSUL MARGA B. WAGNER-PISCHEL

                                   Danube Private University (DPU)


Danube Private University (DPU) is the first              study of principles of a comprehensive, problem-
and only private university in Austria offering           oriented and evidence-based dentistry”.
a foundation course in dentistry for Dr. med.
dent. as well as postgraduate courses for                 At the beginning was the desire for a comprehensive
practicing dentists with the academic degree              and better study of dentistry at an international
“Master of Science Specialist Areas (MSc)”.               level – with more practical relevance, without
In addition, the Bachelor’s program for                   renouncing the necessary scientific bases.
“Dental Hygiene” (BA) and the Bachelor’s
program for “Medical Journalism and Public                On the one hand, this meant intensifying dentistry
Relations (BA)” complement the DPU                        studies in alignment with the time and theme
portfolio as foundation courses.                          frames set by the EU, for example, by integrating
                                                          modern systems of CAD/CAM technology as well
As part of the summer 2014 government re-                 as new treatment areas such as implantology, laser
accreditation of DPU as a university by the               dentistry or gerontostomatology. On the other
Austrian Ministry of Science, scientific reviewers        hand, it required creating a study design in which
looked at the study in Dental Medicine to Dr.             the focus is on people, as students and as patients,
med. dent. – which currently has over 500                 in which the teaching is geared towards the goals
students, primarily children of dentists and doctors      of the learners, the patients and ultimately society.
from all over Europe as well as from the Arabian
Peninsula and even Australia – and according to           It is the ambition of DPU to establish an
their expertise, spoke of an “orientation of the          innovative training concept which enhances the

MASTER OF SCIENCE Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine to Dr. med. dent - PUSH
existing systems in Europe. We are convinced          not just the basics but rather deep insight into
    that fair competition of the study concepts will      what an eventual career in dentistry entails,” say
    improve dentistry studies and optimise dentistry      students at DPU.
    for the benefit of patients.
                                                          Students with the goal of achieving a state-of-
    A democratic society thrives on performance           the-art scientific education in a specialist area
    elites which develop in close competition with        and experiencing their studies as an “adventure”
    educational institutions. University education        are the focus of DPU’s dedication to performance.
    is not free to have, whether it is funded by the      This is also because DPU’s students, along
    state as a joint task with few or no tuition fees     with their tuition fees, are an important part of
    or by private financing. Excellent performance        supporting the teaching and research operations
    and results thrive in competition and are not         and organisation of the University. Those who
    achievable without high financial commitment.         pay performance-based fees can also demand
    In the United States, university rankings in          exceptional quality in terms of their academic
    media illustrate that private universities now        opportunities, study conditions and lecturers.
    occupy all top positions in teaching, research        However, the University should also be able to
    and professional success of their graduates.          count on an engaged listenership wanting to be
    DPU would like to accept, as a privately-funded       challenged. The established human resources of
    institution, this US-model challenge and, with        the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry constitute
    its study program, take part in the ranking           special incentives.
    competition for a top position among European
    universities. DPU is on the path of becoming an       The students are very well supported. Alongside
    elite university with its state-of-the-art teaching   teaching and research, the focus is predominantly
    and facilities.                                       on coaching the students. Intensive supervision,
                                                          scientific instruction and a clear and structured
    State-of-the-art Scientific Education                 programme of study motivate the students and
                                                          boost their performance.
    Our concept is based on the politically-demanded
    German Universities Excellence Initiative.
    Excellence in research and teaching are               The Highest Standards in
    ensured through a suitable system of contracts        Dentistry Technology
    and through stringent, performance-oriented
    systems of appraisal and reward for our academic      Our teaching, practical and clinical facilities offer
    colleagues. We do not necessarily see the union       “dental excellence” with the highest standards
    of research and teaching as existing in individual    in dentistry technology, which is attested to
    instructors, but rather in the institution, in the    by the parents of our over 500 students – who,
    university itself. At DPU, the scientific and         predominantly, are practising dentists. We accept
    practical education of students is predominantly      only as many students into our programme
    provided by professors and experienced lecturers.     in dentistry for Dr. med. dent. as there are
    As a result, teaching can be polished to a highly-    traineeships available, so that exam results are
    specialist academic level. “Especially motivating     not affected by a lack of traineeships. Typically, 48
    is the variety of renowned professors who have        students per semester are accepted, following an
    accompanied us since the first day, providing         admissions exam; the propaedeutics laboratory has

MASTER OF SCIENCE Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine to Dr. med. dent - PUSH
48 work stations, there are also 48 phantom work        In its mission statement, DPU is committed to
          placements as part of the clinical introduction         the humanistic ideal of education. It sees the
          and 52 treatment units in DPU’s own 8,000m²             task not only to produce highly-qualified dentists
          dental clinic. Due to a specific social tariff system   but also to develop the mind and soul. Shared
          in DPU’s Dental Clinic Krems, which is geared           events, lectures and discussions on art, music
          toward allowing students to fully complete their        and literature complement the curriculum. DPU
          “compulsory list of duties” in specific dental          students understand their profession as a service
          services, the potential for student contact with        to people. Therefore, they are socially active in
          patients is high.                                       the city and in the Krems region. DPU students,
                                                                  faculty, and staff want to be seen as integrated,
          Academic Success in the Community                       creative and cooperative partners in the region,
                                                                  in the Republic of Austria, in the profession of
          Despite high demands, DPU offers a positive,            dentistry and in the national and international
          pleasant atmosphere in which to study and               scientific community as creative and cooperative
          work. Consideration and work in the community           partners.
          replace selfish competition. Performance deficits
          are rapidly identified by continuous testing and
          can be compensated by regular tutorials and small       Honorary Consul Marga B. Wagner-Pischel
          group work. The mutual support of students is           President and Co-Founder
          encouraged by the lecturers.                            Danube Private University (DPU)                                                                                                       3
MASTER OF SCIENCE Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine to Dr. med. dent - PUSH
                   Fotos: Nik Pichler
MASTER OF SCIENCE Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine to Dr. med. dent - PUSH
Foto: Nik Pichler
                                                                             PROF. DR. DR. DIETER MÜSSIG
                                                                             RECTOR OF THE
                                                                             DANUBE PRIVATE UNIVERSITY (DPU)

                           Diploma Programme in
                       Dental Medicine to Dr. med. dent.

Not only have scientific reviewers as well as                                curriculum design, the training modules as
university professors from Austria, Germany and                              well as the examination regulations, the
Switzerland unanimously and fully approved that                              workload and the duration of studies fulfils
the Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine to                                  or even surpasses international standards. The
Dr. med. dent. complies with EU directives – as in                           required learning objectives and qualifications
the summer of 2009, the Protocol of the Austrian                             can be achieved and the planned academic
Accreditation Council (ÖAR), documented                                      degree is internationally comparable.“
with the directive of the Austrian Ministry of
Science – but also confirmed alignment with                                  At DPU, the current student population consists
Austrian university law. Teachers and students                               primarily of children of dentists, doctors and
at private universities are equally subject to                               other representatives of the medical profession
§ 3 para. 6 and § 4 para. 4 PUG as teachers                                  from German-speaking Europe. Students of
and students at public universities.                                         the Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine
                                                                             to Dr. med. dent. come from Austria, Germany,
In early August 2014, AQ Austria, the Agency                                 Switzerland, Hungary, the Netherlands, Italy
for Quality Assurance and Accreditation Austria,                             (South Tyrol), the Principality of Liechtenstein
as a governmental authority, conducted its                                   and the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. However,
periodic comprehensive scientific review of the                              the first students from China, Russia, Australia,
organisation, the quality of teaching and research                           Kazakhstan and the United Arab Emirates, etc.,
activities, the facilities and staff, and extended the                       are also enrolled.
accreditation of DPU until August 2020. After a
further routine review in 2020, which is generally                           Six Years to Doctor of Dental Medicine
asked of private universities, there will be a further                       (Dr. med. dent.)
extension for another 12 years, until 2032.
                                                                             In a twelve-semester diploma program,
For the Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine to                              graduates complete the Dr. med. dent. and
Dr. med. dent., the report certified an “orientation                         the license to practice as a dentist in alignment
of the study of principles of comprehensive                                  with accreditation.
problem-oriented and evidence-based dentistry“.
It further states: “In summary, it should be noted                           Due to the organisation of studies, the performance-
that the structure of teaching, the pedagogical                              oriented dentistry students complete 20 semester

MASTER OF SCIENCE Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine to Dr. med. dent - PUSH
weeks instead of the 15 in state universities and       Overall responsibility as a
    they have a shortened break – an intensive              Dental Practitioner
    instruction block with follow-up support and
    studies with strong practical orientation in            The program is adjacent to a comprehensive
    accordance with Austria’s legally prescribed            medical foundation training also aligned
    six years qualified not only with the Dr. med.          throughout with the overall responsibility
    dent. In the sixth academic year, an elective           of dentists. This is carried out in a particularly
    course is chosen. This is an interesting study          networked collaboration between the different
    course as a guide to a later postgraduate Master        disciplines. In this way, the subject areas of
    of Science specialisation in practical work as a        anatomy, physiology, and also general medicine
    dental practitioner after successful completion         such as pharmacology, chemistry, biology,
    of the Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine             etc. are covered in relation to their specific
    to Dr. med. dent.                                       challenges in dentistry. Ethics in Medicine/
                                                            Dentistry is integrated as a strong theme in
    Practical Orientation from the Outset                   the curriculum.

    The Faculty of Medicine/Dentistry puts                  To a greater extent than usual today in dentistry
    value on a special practical orientation from           degree programs internationally, medical subject
    the beginning of the study program. In the              areas are part of study at DPU. This includes
    second semester, students in the subject area           subjects such as orthopedics and pediatrics.
    of “Introduction to Clinical Dentistry“ are             Theoretical knowledge in these areas is
    already introduced to patients. The internship          supplemented by shadow training in medical
    “Career Field Identification“ takes place after         facilities.
    an introduction of the University in the form of
    work shadowing in selected cooperating practices        The clinical section of the practical instruction
    instead. In four of the six pre-clinical semesters,     is carried out according to the principle of
    DPU students come into contact with patients            problem-based learning. In contrast to most
    and clinical issues.                                    conventional subject-specific treatment courses,
                                                            in the context of at least 72 weeks of internship
    In the 72-week practical training in the DPU            in the DPU Dental Clinic, students are assigned a
    Dental Clinic, which features a holistic treatment      patient and provide him/her with comprehensive
    approach, as an introduction to the clinical care       care over all areas of dentistry after a treatment
    of their patients, students receive intensive           plan has been created. The training, therefore,
    training on the phantom – the modern CAD/               meets the requirements set by the daily
    CAM technology with digital impressions is also         practice of a dentist. In addition, students take
    in the spotlight – until they can be “released“ into    a much higher level of responsibility for „their“
    the clinic with great therapeutic safety.               patients and the treatment than in the usual
                                                            system of allocation of the higher doctor who
    The dentistry study focuses on internationality:        assigns preselected medical treatment tasks to
    At the study’s beginning – in the first semester – is   students. Plans are created by the students and,
    training in “English Specialisation Terminology“.       if necessary, elaborated by a multidisciplinary
    In the subject area of “Scientific Work“, students      team. High value is placed on communication.
    are introduced to the handling of international         Dentistry students are active partners in clinic,
    scientific literature.                                  teaching and research.

MASTER OF SCIENCE Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine to Dr. med. dent - PUSH
The study of dentistry is positioned – the statute   teaching medium, the efficiency of study and
          of DPU accordingly – with constant evaluation        the scientific work.
          by a quality assurance council. This ensures
          ongoing review of the course offerings, the          Univ.-Prof. Dr. Dr. Dieter Müßig, Rector

                                                                 Live surgeries, especially dental implant procedures,
                                                                 are no rarity at DPU. The latest technology is trans-
                                                                 ferred in the course rooms and serves in the trai-
                                                                 ning of young students in the clinical semesters of
                                                                 the Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine to Dr.
                                                                 med. dent. as well as in the continuing education
                                                                 of dentists pursuing MSc specialisations.

                                                                                                              Foto: Ewald Rauscher                                                                                                                     7
MASTER OF SCIENCE Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine to Dr. med. dent - PUSH

Certificate of AQ
Austria (Agency for
Quality Assurance and
Accreditation Austria)
on the recognition
of DPU‘s degree

Foto: Gregor Semrad
                      DPU Campus: Facility – Layout

The headquarters of Danube Private University      dentistry, endodontics and prosthodontics
(DPU) is located in Krems-Stein, on the            and preparing the clinic with 48 high-quality,
Danube, with a marvelous view of the Göttweig      modern phantom work places and a master
Monastery, at the gate of the UNESCO World         work station, equipped by the company
Heritage Site of Wachau.                           SIRONA (formerly Siemens). Modern digital
                                                   technologies and CAD/CAM techniques in
DPU is administered by PUSH GmbH, which            dentistry are featured.
has worked with great success worldwide for
over a decade regarding university studies for     Quality-assured Dentistry for Patients
health professionals and postgraduate Master
of Science continuing education for dentists       Danube Private University’s Dental Clinic
and other professionals. Since 2000, over 3,200    “Krems” was successfully completed in
licensed dentists from over 46 nations have        September 2012. It is located on-site,
already graduated with a “Master of Science        immediately adjacent to the location of the
Specialist Areas (MSc)“.                           DPU university building, and has 47 student-
                                                   and five general treatment units, in addition to
DPU went into operation in the winter semester     an operating room and x-ray equipment with
of 2009/10. It has 8,000 sqm of floor space for    OPGs and DVT facilities.
lecture theatres, seminar and practical rooms,
the “CAD/CAM and Digital Technology in             Patients can be offered quality-assured
Dentistry“ research centre, a state-of-the-art     dentistry which is based on the most current,
dental laboratory with 48 dental technology        scientific findings and which incorporates a
places for the dental preparatory course and a     broad range of specialist dental fields; this
variety of facilities for scientific and medical   is built on the most modern medical 3D
internships in the framework of the pre-clinical   diagnostics (three-dimensional diagnostic
phase.                                             radiology by means of Volume Computed
                                                   Tomography) and on CAD/CAM technology
Since the winter semester of 2011/12, the DPU      (computer-assisted preparation of dental
headquarters in Krems-Stein has had a broad        prosthesis). Patients are cared for at a
and comprehensive introduction to conserving       minimally-invasive level by those affiliated

with the university using the most innovative       Unique social tariff system for services over
     treatment strategies (which are especially          and above those covered by the class
     gentle and maximally preserving of dental           catalogue of services provided by students
     matter). They should be helped to retain their      within the framework of completing their
     teeth for as long as possible and to enjoy a        “technical specification document” (e.g.
     good level of dental and oral health.               inlays using the acid etch technique instead
                                                         of amalgam fillings).
     DPU – Clinical Services
                                                         Extra tuition in patient communication
     DPU’s approach to the clinical care of patients     and care.
     by DPU students is as follows:
                                                         Public information about DPU services
       Strict allocation of a treatment unit – two       offered in the region.
       students at a time are assigned a treatment
       bunk for large periods of their clinical          Student cooperation with military units.
       training which they occupy for the duration
       of their traineeship (72 weeks).                This has generated a strong patient-led demand
                                                       for services offered by DPU – a great success.
       Continuous patient care and the full
       implementation of therapeutic services by a     Overall the students (predominantly the
       student team, working with a clear treatment    children of dentists) say that the high frequency
       plan, formulated under the supervision of       of patient contact at the DPU is described by
       senior physicians and professors.               their parents, when reflecting on their own
                                                       dentistry studies, as a particularly positive
       Uniquely preventative treatment plans.          situation amongst dental clinics.


                   Fotos: SIRONA   Foto: Nik Pichler

Course Content
                         Diploma Programme in Dental Medicine to Dr. med. dent.

                         It is one of Danube Private University’s (DPU)         corresponds with that of the school. In line with
                         ambitions to educate graduates of the scientific       undertaking a degree at DPU, students will
                         and medically-integral study of dentistry to be        meet all requirements set out in the 2005/2006
                         competent and proficient doctors of dentistry          EU guidelines as well as the requirements of
                         (Dr. med. dent.).                                      the Austrian Universities Act, in order to

                         This will steer their professional practice              secure a license to practice dentistry as
                         towards scientific and ethical conventions. The             Dr. med. dent. after 12 semesters
                         programme serves as a method of acquiring
                         knowledge, competence and proficiency, which           and be able to practice as a dentist throughout
                         are essential for individual professionalism           Europe. In the sixth year of study, a compulsory
                         and for postgraduate learning and life-long            optional subject is chosen. This is an interesting
                         professional development. Furthermore,                 opportunity, acting as a signpost to an eventual
                         the foundations for an advanced, scientific            postgraduate, Master of Science professional
                         qualification are laid.                                specialisation to be applied practically when
                                                                                working as a dentist following successful
                         Therefore, alongside the formal requirements           completion of the diploma in dental medicine
                         for acceptance to a university-level course of         for Dr. med. dent.
                         study, programme applicants must possess
                         specific intellectual and practical abilities and an
                         educational ideal for medicine as a whole which
     Foto: Nik Pichler


1. Study Section
                                                    1ST AND 2ND SEMESTER

          The first block of study comprises two semesters            Additionally “Medical Ethics” related to the
          with a total of 1,660 teaching units (1 unit = 45           overall responsibility of dentists towards their
          mins) corresponding to 83 semester periods per              patients is taught. In this block, emphasis
          week. The workload accounts for 1,500 hours,                is already being placed on having a code of
          corresponding to 60 ECTS credit points.                     conduct for “scientific practices”. Alongside
                                                                      an introduction and supplementary practice in
          In contrast to that of many universities, a degree          biostatistical procedures, students should learn
          at DPU begins, for its prospective dentists, with           their craft in libraries, through literary research
          a broad introduction to dentistry, oral medicine            and the composition of scientific papers. In
          and orthodontics. Students will already be using            order for students to understand international
          DPU’s dental laboratory in the first semester.              papers on dentistry and be capable of specialist
          Additionally, students will be introduced,                  exchange in a globalised world, “specialist
          through lectures, seminars and practicals, to               English terminology” is taught. In controlled,
          the natural sciences, i.e. biology, chemistry and           individual study, students will deepen their
          physics, which are geared towards dentistry from            interests established in directed seminars.
          the outset. In order to demonstrate the broad               The first course exam (SIP I) takes place at the
          spectrum covered within the dental profession,              end of the first block. The exam will be held
          a four-week long observational placement in                 at the end of the second semester. Passing the
          an evaluated dental practice during the second              first of the diploma exams is compulsory for
          semester will follow this introduction.                     progression to the next block of study.

             L  S  P                                                                                    TOTAL      sws     Cp
            TU TU TU                                                                                       TU

          INTRODUCTION TO DENTAL, ORAL AND ORTHODONTIC SURGERY                     140    60      –         200      10     7
          BIOLOGY OF ORAL STRUCTURES                                                60    20      –          80       4     3
          SURGERY, DENTAL INSTRUMENTS AND PATIENT PRESENTATION*                     60      –    20          80       4     3
          ELEMENTARY PRINCIPLES OF PRACTICE HYGIENE*                                 –    20     20          40       2     2
          DENTAL MATERIALS, DENTAL TECHNOLOGY                                       40    20       –         60       3     2
          LEGAL/PROFESSIONAL ISSUES*                                                 –    100   120         220       11    7
          ORTHODONTIC SURGERY*                                                       –    40    140         180       9     6
          INTRODUCTION TO EPIDEMIOLOGY, BIOMETRICS AND STATISTICS                   80     20      –        100       5     4
          PHYSICS, RADIOLOGY*                                                       60      –    20          80       4     3
          CHEMISTRY*                                                                80      –    40         120       6     4
          BIOLOGY, CYTOLOGY*                                                        60      –    20          80       4     3
          OF SOCIOLOGY, PSYCHOPATHOLOGY AND NEUROPATHOLOGY                          40     20      –         60       3     2
          ACADEMIC METHODOLOGY                                                     120    40       –        160       8     6
          ENGLISH TERMINOLOGY                                                        –    140      –        140       7     5
          MEDICAL ETHICS                                                            60      –      –         60       3     3
          TOTAL                                                                    800   480    380       1,660      83    60

           Courses with an immanent examination character
          Legend: L = Lecture; S = Seminar; P = Practicum; TU = Teaching Unit = Semester Period à 45 min; hr = Hour = 60 min;
          SWS = Semester Periods per Week = 20 UE = 15 hr; CP = ECTS Credit Point (1 CP = 25 hr Workload).                                                                                                                13
2. Study Section
                                                3RD TO 6TH SEMESTER

     The second block of study comprises four                    education in the dental clinic’s specialist fields, a
     semesters with a total of 3,390 teaching units (1           phantom course and an outpatient placement as an
     unit = 45 mins) corresponding to 169.5 semester             introduction to working with patients. Additionally,
     periods per week. The workload accounts for                 the life sciences are covered and an introduction to
     3,000 hours, corresponding to 120 ECTS credit               the fundamental subject areas for dentists within
     points. Students from other universities, wishing           human medicine is given. The content of lessons
     to enrol for the second block of study, must be able        will be deepened in seminars and practical training.
     to prove successful completion of an equivalent
     exam alio loco. Decisions on equivalence will be            The second course exam (SIP II) takes place at
     taken after consideration by the head of the Faculty        the end of the sixth semester. Passing the second
     of Medicine and Dentistry and are subject to                diploma exam is compulsory for progression to the
     statutory regulations. This is followed by a detailed       third block of study.

                                                                                      L     S       P    TOTAL sws Cp
                                                                                     TU    TU      TU       TU
     INCLUDING NEUROANATOMY*                                                        240    80      40      360     18   12
     MIKROSCOPIC ANATOMY AND HISTOLOGY*                                             120    40      40      200     10      7
     EMBRYOLOGY AND ONTOGENY                                                         60    20        –      80     4       3
     CRANIOFACIAL DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH                                             20     10       –      30    1.5      1
     BIOCHEMISTRY, PHYSIOLOGICAL CHEMISTRY*                                         120    80      60      260     13   12
     PHYSIOLOGY*                                                                    100    80      40      220     11      7
     MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, CYTOLOGY                                                     40    20        –      60      3      2
     HEALTH SCIENCES AND SOCIAL ASPECTS OF DENTISTRY                                120    40        –      160    8       6
     PROPHYLAXES/PREVENTION*                                                         60    20      60      140      7      5
     DENTAL TECHNOLOGY COURSE*                                                       20      –    140       160    8       5
     PHANTOM COURSE ON CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY*                                         –   40     160      200     10      7
     PHANTOM COURSE ON PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY*                                           –   40     160      200     10      7
     GENERAL PATHOLOGY, HISTOPATHOLOGY AND PATHOLOGICAL ANATOMY*                     60    40      20       120    6       4
     MICROBIOLOGY AND HYGIENE*                                                       30    30      20       80     4       3
     HARD TOOTH TISSUE AND CARIOLOGY                                                 30     10       –      40      2   1.5
     ENDODONTICS                                                                     10     10       –      20      1      1
     PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY, PRIMARY PROPHYLAXIS, DEVELOMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY* 10                  –     30       40      2   1,5
     INTRODUCTION TO ORTHODONTICS                                                    40      –     40       80     4       3
     ORAL PATHOLOGY                                                                  30     10       –      40      2   1.5
     INTRODUCTION TO DENTAL SURGERY, ANAESTHESIOLOGY AND SEDATION*                   20      –     40       60      3      2
     RADIATION PROTECTION*                                                           30      –     30       60      3      2
     PHARMACOLOGY, TOXICOLOGY AND PRESCRIPTIONS                                      60    20        –      80     4       3
     EMERGENCY MEDICINE AND FIRST AID*                                               30    30      20       80     4       3
     MASTICATORY PHYSIOLOGY*                                                         30      –     10       40      2   1,5
     GENDER MEDICINE                                                                 30     10       –      40      2   1.5
     INTRODUCTION TO INTERNAL MEDICINE                                               40      –       –      40      2   1.5
     INTRODUCTION TO DERMATOLOGY                                                     40      –       –      40      2   1,5
     INTRODUCTION TO ENT MEDICINE                                                    40      –       –      40      2   1,5
     INTRODUCTION TO PAEDIATRICS                                                     40      –       –      40      2   1,5
     INTRODUCTION TO GENERAL SURGERY/ORTHOPAEDICS                                    40      –       –      40      2   1,5
     OUT-PATIENT CLINICAL ELECTIVE WITH POL SEMINAR* AND PHANTOM COURSE                –   40     300      340     17   11
     TOTAL                                                                         1.480   670   1.210    3.390 169,5 120

      Courses with an immanent examination character
     Legend: L = Lecture; S = Seminar; P = Practicum; TU = Teaching Unit = Semester Period à 45 min; hr = Hour = 60 min;
     SWS = Semester Periods per Week = 20 UE = 15 hr; CP = ECTS Credit Point (1 CP = 25 hr Workload).

3. Study Section
                                          7TH TO 12TH SEMESTER

The third block of study comprises 3,700 teaching           is an interesting opportunity, acting as a signpost
units (2,775 hours), corresponding to 185 semester          to an eventual postgraduate, Master of Science
periods per week. The workload accounts for 3,000           professional specialisation to be applied practically
hours, corresponding to 120 ECTS credit points.             when working as a dentist following successful
In the third block of study, suitably supervised and        completion of the Diploma Programme in Dental
mentored clinical practical training on patients,           Medicine for Dr. med. dent.
the development of the previously introductory-
level lectures to relatively specialist levels and          Upon successful and thorough completion of the
the completion of the “technical-specification              third course exam (SIP III), proof of the command
document” are prioritised. The clinical practical           of all knowledge, abilities and capabilities required
training comprises a total of 2,600 teaching units.         for the professional practice of dentistry will have
Alongside dental and medical practical training,            been provided and the diploma in dentistry can
the compulsory optional subject, which is chosen            be concluded with the award of the title of Dr.
in the sixth semester, has great significance. This         med. dent.

   L  S  P                                                                                    TOTAL      sws     Cp
  TU TU TU                                                                                       TU

DENTAL, ORAL AND ORTHODONTIC DISEASES                                    120    80      –         200      10     7
OMF SURGERY                                                               40    40      –          80       4     3
DENTAL SURGERY                                                            80    80      –         160       8     5
OP COURSE IN OMF SURGERY*                                                  –      –   160         160       8     5
OP COURSE IN ORAL SURGERY*                                                 –      –   160         160       8     5
CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY, CARIOLOGY AND ENDODONTICS                         30     10     –          40       2    1,5
TREATMENT COURSE IN CONSERVATIVE DENTISTRY                                 –      –   640         640      32    20
PERIODONTICS                                                              30     10     –          40       2    1,5
TREATMENT COURSE IN PERIODONTICS*                                          –      –   300         300      15     9
PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY                                                      30     10     –          40       2    1,5
TREATMENT COURSE IN PAEDIATRIC DENTISTRY*                                  –      –   300         300      15     9
PROSTHETIC DENTISTRY                                                      30     10     –          40       2    1,5
TREATMENT COURSE IN PROSTHETICS*                                           –    60    800         860      43    27
ORTHODONTICS                                                              40      –     –          40       2    1,5
TREATMENT COURSE IN ORTHODONTICS*                                          –      –   240         240      12     8
GERODONTOLOGY                                                             60      –     –          60       3     2
PRACTICUM ON INTERNAL MEDICINE*                                            –      –    20          20       1   0,75
PRACTICUM ON ENT MEDICINE*                                                 –      –    20          20       1   0,75
PRACTICUM ON DERMATOLOGY*                                                  –      –    20          20       1   0,75
PRACTICUM ON ORTHOPAEDICS/GENERAL SURGERY                                  –      –    20          20       1   0,75
PRACTICUM ON PAEDIATRICS*                                                  –      –    20          20       1   0,75
COMPULSORY ELECTIVE                                                      120      –   120         240      12   8,75
THESIS                                                                     –      –     –           –       –    30
TRAINING REPORTS                                                           –      –     –           –       –    30
TOTAL                                                                    580   300 2,820        3,700     185   180

 Courses with an immanent examination character
Legend: L = Lecture; S = Seminar; P = Practicum; TU = Teaching Unit = Semester Period à 45 min; hr = Hour = 60 min;
SWS = Semester Periods per Week = 20 UE = 15 hr; CP = ECTS Credit Point (1 CP = 25 hr Workload).

Postgraduate Degree Programmes
                                       “MASTER OF SCIENCE SPECIALIST AREAS (M. SC.)” FOR DENTISTS

                           Danube Private University (DPU) is accredited          Completed, alongside professional work,
                           with the following, officially recognised              in 6 semesters, 90 ECTS
                           postgraduate programmes in various specialist
                           areas in the field of dentistry and can, along with    in German:
                           the PUSH Corporation (Postgraduate University             Master of Science in Aesthetic
                           Studies for Medical Professions), rely on 15 years        Reconstructive Dentistry (MSc)
                           of experience in further education at universities –      Master of Science in Endodontics (MSc)
                           3,200 dentists have already successfully completed        Master of Science in Jaw Function and
                           such a course:                                            Prosthetics (MSc)
                                                                                     Master of Science in Orthodontics (MSc)
                                                                                     Master of Science in Oral Surgery/
                                                                                     Implantology (MSc)
                           Programmes of study can be requested
                           by emailing:                         in English:
                                                                                     Master of Science in Oral Surgery/
                           Further MSc specialisations and a Ph.D.                   Implantology (MSc)
                           programme in Dentistry will shortly be                    Master of Science in Orthodontics (MSc)
                           submitted to the Agency for Quality                       Master of Science Aesthetic-Reconstructive
                           Assurance and Accreditation Austria for                   Dental Medicine (MSc)
                           official recognition.
                                                                                  Full-time in 6 semesters, 180 ECTS

                                                                                    Master of Science, Clinical Oral Surgeon/
                                                                                    Implantologist (MSc)
                                                                                    Master of Science, Clinical Orthodontist (MSc)

Examined Faculty
                                                    of Dentists

          Professors and lecturers at DPU, including visiting scholars (selection), listed alphabetically:

          Prof. Dr. Kurt W. Alt, Dr. Saif Al-Zahrooni, Dr. Yana Anastasova-Yoshida, PD Dr. Henrik Ankersmit,
          Dr. Ralf J. Bäppler, Dr. Varun Singh Barath, PD Dr. Katrin Bekes, ZÄ Carlota Betzler, Dr. Wolf
          Michael Bieker M. Sc. M. Sc. M. Sc., Dr. Thomas Cremer, Dr. Karin Eckert, Dr. Hans-Peter
          Edlhaimb, Dr. Ahmed El Shafie, Dr. Tarig Elamin, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Peter Engel, Prof. Dr. Zsolt Fejer,
          HR Prof. Dr. Robert Fischer, Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. Christian Foitzik, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Frank, Dr. Anton
          Fric, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Roland Garve, Prof. Dr. Margrit-Ann Geibel, Dr. Margot Glatz, Prof. Dr. Ilan
          Golan, Dr. h. c. Peter Grönebaum M. Sc. ZTM, Prof. Dr. Dr. Ralf Gutwald, ZA Edriss Habibi, Prof.
          Dr. Rainer Hahn, DDr. Paul Hakl M. Sc.,
          Prof. Dr. Dr. Rüdiger Junker M. Sc., Dr.
          Lukas Kaelin, PD Dr. Hermann Kalhoff,                     Organisational Structure
          Dr. Hassanali Khatib, Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c.             DANUBE PRIVATE UNIVERSITY (DPU)
          Andrej M. Kielbassa, ZA Max Kowalski,
          Prof. Dr. Anton Leitner M. Sc., Prof. Dr.                              SHAREHOLDERS‘ GROUP
          Walter Lückerath, ZA Christian Luncescu,
          Dr. Maria-Christina Maier, Dr. Gergo                                                                  General

                                                                                         RECTORATE              Studies/Master
          Mitov, Dr. Stella Muckenhuber, Prof. Dr.                                                              of Science
                                                                                      Rector    President       Studies/
          Dr. Dieter Müßig, Dr. Nicole Nicklisch,                                                               Research

          Dr. Harald Passow M. Sc. M. Sc., Prof. Dr.
          Axel Pries, Prof. Dr. Peter Raetzke, Assoc.                                      SENATE
          Prof. Wilfried Reiche, Prof. Dr. Mihai
          Rominu, PD Dr. Nóemi Rósza Ph. D.,                                         DEAN
          Prof. Dr. Roland Sedivy MLS, Prof. Dr.
          Constantin von See, ZÄ Rahel Gretchen                                                                                   Division
                                                                                                       Department of
                                                                                                                                                               Department of
          Seeba, Mag. Sabine Franziska Seiberl,               Department of         DPU Dental        Dentistry and Oral         Restorative
                                                                                                                                Reconstructive                      Communication
                                                                  Medicine          Clinic Krems         Medicine                 Dentistry                          and Medicine
          ZT Martha Seif, Dr. Tawfek Shama, Prof.
          Dr. Wolfgang R. Sperr, Prof. Dr. Thomas               Center for
                                                                                                                                Periodontology                 Department of
          Staudinger, Prof. Dr. Michael Stelzel, Prof.         Health System
                                                                                                          Center for
                                                                                                      Restorative Dentistry
          Dr. Udo Stratmann, Dr. Jörg Tchorz, Dr.                                                      and Periodontology
                                                                                                                                                                     and Medicine
          Christoph Thiemann M. Sc. MHBA, Prof.                 Center for
                                                                  Anatomy                                                                                              Division
          Dr. Dietmar Thurnher, Prof. Dr. Franz                                                                                   Division                             Scientific
                                                                                      Division                                                                        Journalism
          Trautinger, Prof. Dr. Dritan Turhani, Prof.                                 Paediatric

                                                                                                          Center for
          Dr. Jens Christoph Türp, ZÄ Ina Ulrich,               Center for
                                                                 Biosciences                             Orthodontics
                                                                                      Division                                    Division                             Division
          Klaus Völcker, Dr. Paul Wiedemann, Prof.                                  Gender-specific                            Laser Dentistry
                                                                                                                                                                    Public Relations
          Dr. Manfred Wolff, Dr. Michael Wolgin,
                                                                Center for                                                        Division
          Prof. Dr. Karl-Thomas Wrbas, Dr. Adnan                  Pathology                                                   Oral and Maxillofa-
                                                                                                                                 cial Surgery
                                                                                                          Center for
          Yazeji u. a.                                                                                Oral and Maxillofa-
                                                                                                         cial Surgery
                                                                Center for                                                        Division

          As of December 2014, subject to alterations and                              Function
                                                                                                          Center for              Division
          additions.                                            Center for                            Prosthetic Dentistry       Oral Surgery
                                                                 Physiology           Division         and Biomaterials
                                                                                    Dentistry and                                 Division
                                                                                    Biomaterials                                    X-ray
                                                                Center for
                                                             Natural and Cultural
                                                                                                          Center for
                                                              History of Teeth
                                                                                                      Research in Digital
                                                                                                       Technologies in
                                                                                                        Dentistry and
                                                                                                         CAD/CAM                                                                                                                                                      17
Applications – University Places – Student Fees

                         Students must fulfil the conditions of admission      Stage 1: Alongside the submission of the
                         as set out in § 63 of the Austrian Universities Act   application, the examination of the formalities
                         (2002) and, correspondingly, in § 64 of the same      of the Austrian Universities Act in §§ 63/64 and
                         document, and be able to provide proof of “general    the “motivation” for studying dentistry takes
                         university entrance qualifications”, a European       place in the first stage:
                         school-leaving certificate or an “equivalent
                         qualification” (e.g. Abitur, International                Preliminary application form
                         Baccalaureate).                                           Copy of school-leaving certificate*
                                                                                   CV with passport photo
                         An admissions procedure is followed which                 Motivation letter (A4 page)
                         focuses not on qualifications and grades but rather       Proof of a two-week long placement in both a
                         on a “grades-plus concept”.                               dental practice and a dental laboratory

                         The aim of this admissions procedure is to find
                                                                                If the school-leaving exams are yet to be taken, the
                                                                               grades obtained in the previous year may be attached
                         talented and motivated young people from whom         initially. The school-leaving certificate should follow
                         a desire to independently acquire scientific          as soon as possible.
                         thinking can be expected and in whom an ethical
                         motivation is in evidence. They are prepared          Stage 2: Following a positive assessment of
                         and in a position to undertake an education           the application documents, an invitation to sit
                         which leads to a professional qualification and       a written admissions test (single choice) and to
                         to develop their ability to think as well as their    attend a personal interview at the DPU will be
                         creative will.                                        extended.

                         Foreign applicants, for example from countries        Stage 3: Following this admissions procedure,
                         in Europe as well as from other countries in          the Rector selects a number of candidates for
                         the world, have equal chances. The admissions         admission to the programme. In each year of study,
                         procedure is carried out on the principle of being    a group of approximately 45 students is taken on
                         a discretionary decision made without prejudice       in both the summer and winter semesters.
                         and in several stages.
     Foto: Nik Pichler

Foto: Nik Pichler

          As demonstrated by its personnel, its spacial and        Above all: The experiences of the elite US
          clinical facilities and, above all, by its established   universities show that those who pay student fees
          “mission” as a private university, DPU imparts           demand and receive higher a quality of scientific
          “dental excellence” and state-of-the-art dentistry       educational opportunities and educational
          to its students and includes them, through               management.
          appropriate coaching, in scientific practices.
                                                                   It is our pleasure to provide advice on your
          Student fees at the DPU are 13,000 euros per             choice of study and to be of service regarding
          semester. The cost of the final degree of Dr. med.       your university education. Do not hesitate to
          dent. is included in the total cost of the six years.    contact us for a personal consultation by phone
          Not included in this is the cost of equipment            at: +43 676 842 419 312. We would be
          (instruments, materials, etc.) which is required         delighted to discuss this opportunity with you.
          for the study of dentistry.

            In addition to the offer of graduate studies in Dentistry to Dr. med. dent. and the
            “Master of Science Specialist Areas (MSc)“, Danube Private University (DPU) is
            further accredited for the following courses:

               Bachelor of Arts Medical Journalism and Public Relations (BA)
               Master of Arts Medical Journalism and Public Relations (MA)
               Bachelor of Arts Dental Hygiene (BA/DH)

            Interested persons should contact: or +43 676 842 419 312.                                                                                                                           19
“Extra-Curricular Activities” and DPU Sports
     Foto: Nik Pichler

                         “Extracurricular activities“                          Martin Haselböck encourages musical exchange,
                                                                               especially in the classical field. Participation in
                         Curiosity, joy of discovery, revolutionary and        the DPU choir, combined with appearances
                         non-conformist thinking are stimulated in the         in monasteries and churches in the area, is
                         form of “extracurricular activities“ along with       enjoyable and an important contribution to
                         the dentistry diploma programme to Dr. med.           winning patients and binding them to DPU’s
                         dent. at Danube Private University (DPU). As          Dental Clinic Krems.
                         such, science is placed in a riveting and exciting
                         context. Internationally-recognised scientists,       DPU Sports
                         bestselling authors, science-oriented journalists
                         and personalities from the world of arts and          For a sustainable balance between life and work,
                         culture are invited for lectures and discussions,     sports and teambuilding play an important role
                         to which the students’ parents are very welcome.      within the student body. DPU created its own
                         Natural scientific thinking in an interdisciplinary   sports initiative for this purpose, the “DPU
                         exchange is designed by the speakers as cosmic        Sporting Club“. DPU’s tennis, football, running
                         puzzles are illuminated and the exchange of           and golf teams have already achieved impressive
                         science, especially with philosophy and religion,     success, including through regional tournaments,
                         is kindled. A partnership with the Orchestra of       for example, advancement in District League B
                         the Vienna Academy and the conductor Prof.            in tennis.
                                                                                                                                     Foto: Nik Pichler
     Foto: DPU

The Location of Wachau

                                                                                                                    Foto: Stift Göttweig
          UNESCO World Heritage Wachau                         Conservation. In December 2000, the Wachau
                                                               was named a UNESCO World Heritage Site. As
          Danube Private University (DPU) is situated          such, this is a cultural landscape in which people
          in the cultural area of Krems (Wachau, Lower         have settled for years, lived in harmony with
          Austria), 80 km outside the gates of Vienna on       nature and merged charmingly.
          the beautiful River Danube, with numerous
          highly-respected cultural festivals, museums,        This world culture and natural heritage region
          theatres, academies, monasteries and wineries.       provides students with safety and security.
          This positioning enables the embedding of studies    The Wachau’s landscape has inspired poets,
          in a fascinating and diverse region.                 musicians and painters of different eras, such as
                                                               William Turner, Egon Schiele, Adolf Frohner,
          Studying and living in the Wachau: As one of         Ludwig van Beethoven and Friedrich Hölderlin
          Austria’s oldest cultural landscapes, the Wachau     among others; for students, it is certain to have
          was declared a protected area in 1955, and in 1994   a lasting, impressive, and creatively-stimulating
          it acquired the European Diploma for Nature          effect.
                                                                                                                    Fotos: Gregor Semrad                                                                                                                           21
Danube Private University (DPU)           Created by: Agentur >< dunja pinta
University of Dental Medicine and Oral Health

           Steiner Landstrasse 124
              3500 Krems-Stein

         Tel.: +43 676 842 419 312
         Fax: +43 2732 704 787 060
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