Maria Götesson In stillem Gedenken an

In stillem Gedenken an

Maria Götesson
gestorben am 26. Dezember 2022

entzündete diese Kerze am 28. Januar 2023 um 11.20 Uhr

Ich erinnere mich gut an all die Gespräche und Sorgen, die wir geteilt
haben als deine Tochter und mein Sohn klein waren. Die Gedanken, die
man sich machte als es auf die weiterführende Schule für die Kinder
ging. Das Bangen, was die Zukunft für unsere Kinder bringen wird.
Dann unser Telefonat, in dem du mir mitteilst, dass du zu
Untersuchungen ins Krankenhaus musst und kurz darauf die Diagnose.

Ich werde unsere Diskussionen, die zwischen Englisch und Deutsch
wechselten, in der wir auch nicht immer einer Meinung waren, sehr
vermissen. Verschiedene Kochrezepte und auch die Soap Queen werden
mich stets an dich erinnern.

In liebevoller Erinnerung

entzündete diese Kerze am 19. Januar 2023 um 12.28 Uhr

Maria, it was a pleasure to know and work with you. My thoughts, love
and prayers to your family x
Linda Schlichter
entzündete diese Kerze am 11. Januar 2023 um 12.20 Uhr

Dear family of Maria,

I´m very sorry for your loss. Thinking about you and wishing you
comfort and peace. Mina tankar är med er!

Knowing Maria since more than 20 years. Living far apart but our
annual catch-up meeting was very appreciated. Our Swedisch girlgroup
will definitely miss you a lot!

Sharing your sadness

Michal Jackowski
entzündete diese Kerze am 10. Januar 2023 um 13.59 Uhr

Dear Mira and Maria's family,

I'm writing this message through tears and with full grieving. When I
was 18yrs old I experienced similar loss so I can imagine what you feel.
I had a privilege of working with Maria for many years and recently I
was super proud of being her manager. Our relationship was much
deeper than pure work - I even had pleasure to host Maria at my home
and she got to know my wife and kids and all of them consider that as
very memorable experience. I really appreciated Maria for her words of
wisdom, balance, respect for others and professionalism at work. I have
no words to express my sorrow over this tragic loss. From day one when
Maria told me about the surgery I was in full belief that there can be
only positive end. My heart is totally broken as life had a different plan
for Maria. Your letter with beautiful picture of Maria is how I will
remember her forever. May her soul rest in peace and may you have all
needed strength to go over this extremely difficult experience.

Michal Jackowski
Moster Monica
entzündete diese Kerze am 10. Januar 2023 um 12.17 Uhr

Så ofattbart och så sorgligt. Så saknad All styrka och kärlek till dig

entzündete diese Kerze am 10. Januar 2023 um 11.19 Uhr

Dear Maria's family,

my deep condolences,

I had a privilege and honor to work with Maria for 1 year.

She was such a great person, always kind and with words of

I will remember her for the passion, enthusiasm, curiosity, skills and
ability to find always a word of consolation also in the hardest moments.

May she rest in peace, will miss her so much.
Tomek Slomski
entzündete diese Kerze am 9. Januar 2023 um 23.29 Uhr

Dear Mira and whole Maria's family

Truly sorry for your loss and sending my deepest condolences.

I was blessed to work with Maria and get to know her on the course of
several projects we did together. She was inspiring, warm, kind and
always listening to understand. We met together few times although
Maria didn't travel much and it was always a great time, enjoying
ourselves company and learning about each others lives. Furthermore
working with her was fun and challenging at the same what is a great
mix and made a true pleasure and definitely a memorable experience.
We will miss her a lot.

entzündete diese Kerze am 9. Januar 2023 um 21.48 Uhr

Maria was an amazing soul, we used to talk about so many things,
working with her was a pleasure. Sending you the strenght and courage
you need to face the days ahead.

Tanja W
entzündete diese Kerze am 9. Januar 2023 um 14.15 Uhr

Dear Mira,
your mum inspired me! We used to talk a lot about family, healthy
nutrition, emotional intelligence, what is important in life. What I've
learnt from her, I will never forget and keep in my heart.
Annette Müller
entzündete diese Kerze am 9. Januar 2023 um 14.07 Uhr

Liebe Angehörige,
ich habe Maria vor etwa 20 Jahren im IT Bereich kennengelernt und
durch sie einiges über Schweden und die dort üblichen Bräuche gelernt.
Da ich mittlerweile in einem anderen Unternehmen arbeite war unser
Kontakt abgebrochen. Ich denke jedoch gerne an die gemeinsame
Arbeitszeit zurück und möchte Ihnen mein Mitgefühl und meine
Anteilnahme aussprechen.
„Die Bande der Liebe werden mit dem Tod nicht zerrissen.“ – Thomas

Pawel Prokop
entzündete diese Kerze am 9. Januar 2023 um 12.04 Uhr

Dear Mira,

I remember Maria as a lovely person, always curious and passionate
about learning and a professional with broad and deep expertise. For
some time I was working in the same team as Maria and I very much
valued that she had courage to say and do what's right. She had an
impact on our colleagues all around the world. We will deeply miss her.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Pawel Prokop
Sebastian Borgnia
entzündete diese Kerze am 7. Januar 2023 um 21.03 Uhr

Dear Mira, I had the pleasure to work together with Maria for a few
years, until last year. I was able to see how she keep reinventing herself,
always passionate, caring, ready to learn and face whatever comes. She
was an inspiration to me and others across the team, on how to embrace
new challenges with optimism, and full of energy. She left a mark on
me and many of us, we will remember her with a smile and warm
feeling on our hearts.

I wish you all strength and peace.
Sebastian Borgnia

Liza Ong
entzündete diese Kerze am 7. Januar 2023 um 20.05 Uhr

To Maria's family,
Please accept my sincere sympathy for the loss of Maria. I admired her
for her expertise, openness and willingness to guide me when I was
onboarding to my role. I will remember her as helpful and wise. May
God Bless her and provide comfort to you and your family at this
difficult time.
Alina Frey
entzündete diese Kerze am 7. Januar 2023 um 9.50 Uhr
Dear Mira, dear family, dear Maria's beloved ones,

Writing this feels so unreal. Like many people who knew Maria, I also
struggle to accept that she left this life.

We were colleagues at P&G, where I admired her skills and expertise
and incredible power, but we got so much closer after I left the
company. She had the gift of raising one's spirit with her genuine
enthusiasm, her positive attitude, her ability to find a solution even for
the most hopeless situations.

There was something so different, so fascinating, so uplifting about her.
I remember her enthusiasm about making soap, about making
something with her own hands. Every time we met, she used to bring
me freshly made, spectacular looking, delicious smelling soap, made
with care and dedication, like everything she used to do. I still have a
heart-shaped soap bar I had no heart to use.

I greatly enjoyed our long talks about health - food, lifestyle, the
essence of life, plans for a better future... and of course, about you,
Mira, the center of her life. We sat once many hours on a bench by a
small lake, enjoying the sun on a very mild spring day and she told me
you shall move to another place to study and there you shall meet your
soul mate and be very happy. It sounded like a fairy tale, but she was so
convinced about that. Maria was one of the strongest people I know, but
there was also so much love and kindness in her.

During these past years, we got even closer, I shall forever be grateful
for her reaching out to me again and again and giving me hope. It feels
so unfair that she is now gone, and I couldn't return all that help, all that
warmth, all that heartiness...
Maria was an inspiration, and she truly touched people's lives and
people's souls.
May her beautiful soul rest in peace.

Dear Mira, your loss is beyond imagination. It is my deep belief that all
the love and care don't just vanish into thin air when people leave this
life. I deeply believe it is still there and accompanies us for a long long
time, and we are able to feel it... words can express so little from what I
feel for you.

Maria, maybe your soul is more needed there where you now are... I am
so grateful to have met you, you are in my heart.

Love, Alina
Angela Richter
entzündete diese Kerze am 6. Januar 2023 um 16.49 Uhr

Liebe Mira,

ich kannte Maria seit über 20 Jahren und ich bin immer noch ganz
erschüttert, dass sie von uns gegangen ist.

Ich werde sie nie vergessen und wünsche dir viel Kraft.

Was man tief in seinem Herzen besitzt,
kann man nicht durch den Tod verlieren.

Tina Vaswani
entzündete diese Kerze am 6. Januar 2023 um 14.46 Uhr

Dear Mira - today I light this virtual candle with a prayer that you find
peace and solitude despite this challenging time for you and your
family. Maria was a beautiful soul - always wanting to do the right
thing, very meticulous and organized at work, always open to dialogue
and understand different perspectives and above all, empathetic and
positive. We were once on a business trip together in Warsaw and we
enjoyed a few caipirinhas. I feel very lucky to have had this exceptional
moment to bond and have fun together. Your mother loved you very
much... You were always on her mind. I hope our messages give you a
glimpse of how much she touched and impacted us. If there's anything I
may ever help you with in the future, please do not hesitate to reach out.
I'm sure Maria would have wanted me to keep an open line, just as she
did for me!

To Maria's family - my deepest condolences. A lovely soul left us too

Dearest Maria - deeply saddened by your sudden departure. Thank you
for your friendship, support and sweet smile. I will continue to miss

Dorit Richters
entzündete diese Kerze am 6. Januar 2023 um 11.16 Uhr

Dear Mira and family,
Maria was a very impressive person. Kind, calm, had always some
friendly words for others and passionate and always straightforward -
very "refreshing".
I was so shocked hearing that Maria left us!
...and it was definitely only a small portion of what you feel!
It will not be easy to handle such a loss and I wish you all the strength
you need to live without her - even if she is always in your heart!
All the best,
Dominik Bach
entzündete diese Kerze am 6. Januar 2023 um 9.16 Uhr

Wer im Herzen seiner Lieben lebt,
ist nicht tot, er ist nur fern.

entzündete diese Kerze am 6. Januar 2023 um 4.36 Uhr

Dear Maria’s Family,

We’re so sorry for your loss. I'm still in disbelief.
Maria will always be in our hearts and memories for the valuable
lessons we learnt from her.
Wishing you comfort and peace during this difficult time.

Alfredo Colas
entzündete diese Kerze am 6. Januar 2023 um 1.20 Uhr

Our heart goes out to you and all your loved ones. I worked with Maria
for many years even if we only met a few times in person.
She was always full of life and energy. She combined deep expertise,
willingness to learn and a desire to help others. While she was
physically away from most of the team, she created strong connections
across the world. Her professionalism and passion for details ensured
many projects were successful. Everyone knew that you could always
count on her and, now, she will be dearly missed.
Please know that you are all in our thoughts, our prayers, and our hearts
during this difficult time.
Wishing you strength and comfort,
Alfredo Colas
Damiana Gianandrea
entzündete diese Kerze am 5. Januar 2023 um 19.10 Uhr

Dear Maria, may your soul rest in piece while you keep watching on
your beloved ones!
It’s been a while since we last talked/worked together, but nevertheless I
still happily and vividly remember our chats on work and beyond… and
I just could not believe to my ears when I heard it today.

My prayers are with you and your family. Damiana

Ralf Haacke
entzündete diese Kerze am 5. Januar 2023 um 15.39 Uhr

Vergangen nicht,
verwandelt ist,
was war.

Rainer Maria Rilke

entzündete diese Kerze am 5. Januar 2023 um 14.50 Uhr

Dear Mira's Family.
My deepest condolences. I still could not believe this. Working for 4+
years with Maria was an ever-green experience. She was a good mentor,
and friend and shared many thoughts. Miss you Maria.

May her soul Rest in Peace.
Michael Wenzel
entzündete diese Kerze am 5. Januar 2023 um 14.25 Uhr

Liebe Mira und Angehörige,

ich kannte Maria seit 20 Jahren als Kollege. Mir bleibt wie so vielen
besonders ihr Lachen in Ernnerung. Ich werde auch nie vergessen, wie
sie mir am Rande eines Training gesagt hat , dass sie mir vertraut - das
war für mich sehr viel wert, Nun müsst Ihr mit der Trauer leben, Sie auf
dieser Welt verloren zu haben, aber in Gedanken wird sie immer bei
Euch sein.

Man lebt zweimal: das erste Mal in der Wirklichkeit, das zweite Mal in
der Erinnerung (Honoré de Balzac).

Mein herzliches Beileid!

entzündete diese Kerze am 5. Januar 2023 um 14.21 Uhr

Dear Maria's family,

My heartfelt condolences for you.

Maria was a genuine and straightforward person. Even though i never
met her personally, I will always cherish innumerable talks i had with
her on topics ranging from CAS project, COVID, healthy food options,
the places she visited during her vacation etc.

May her soul rest in peace !
Andrea Bitter
entzündete diese Kerze am 5. Januar 2023 um 11.46 Uhr

Die Erinnerung ist das einzige Paradies, aus dem wir nicht vertrieben
werden können. (Jean Paul)

Liebe Maria wir werden dich immer als den liebenswerten, fröhlichen
und positiven Menschen in Erinnerung behalten. Leider bist du viel zu
früh und unerwartet von uns gegangen. Mein tiefes und aufrichtiges
Beileid mit allen, die um dich trauern.

Petra Hofmann
entzündete diese Kerze am 5. Januar 2023 um 11.43 Uhr

Dem Auge fern, dem Herzen ewig nah!

Jeff Bieske
entzündete diese Kerze am 4. Januar 2023 um 22.17 Uhr

Mira - my deepest condolences to you and your family. Maria was a
beautiful light to those she knew at P&G. Maria made a significant
difference over the course of her career and we are all grateful for her
professionalism, humanity, and brilliance. We are all better people
because of her strong and caring spirit in everything she did in life.
May everyone remember her with fondness forever.
Matthias Kramp
entzündete diese Kerze am 4. Januar 2023 um 20.47 Uhr

Mira and all beloved ones of Maria,
Maria and I have been colleagues over nearly 15 years, almost since the
day she joined from Gillette. Our paths were never far apart, and
whenever they crossed through projects or being on the same team,
there was instantaneous trust based on common ways we saw the world
around us.
Maria's smile was contagious, and she always empathized deeply with
the feelings of others around her, both sad and joyous. Her "wow - how
cool is that!" when hearing about my retirement plans is still in my ears.
How much would I have wished to see her enjoy that feeling about her
own retirement!
I wish you all the resources you need to cope with her leaving this world
far too early!
Matthias Kramp

Irene Albert
entzündete diese Kerze am 4. Januar 2023 um 17.26 Uhr

Mira and all beloved ones of Maria,
Maria and I were colleagues, never working directly together in one
team, but having deep, trusted conversations over the last decade
triggered by what we called “Weekly Thoughts”. Maria’s contributions
to the “Weekly Thoughts” were authentic, open, touching, inspirational,
and triggered conversations which helped Maria and I to get to know
each other better, and share joy, worries, happiness, sorrows as
colleagues, women, moms and daughters.
When I think of Maria, I think of LAUGHTER, HUMOR,
AUTHENTICITY but even more of LOVE, EMPATHY and CARE for
you, Mira, and all her friends and family.
It is a big loss - but I’m certain that Maria will always and forever be
with you, with all she was, with her LOVE, help and guidance – she will
be just on the other side. And you might feel it when you see the glitter
on water, a sunbeam finding its way through the clouds, or a small wind
touching your face.
Ylva Wien
entzündete diese Kerze am 3. Januar 2023 um 12.29 Uhr

Du bist nicht mehr da, wo Du warst, aber Du bist überall, wo wir sind.

Elisabeth Wrona
entzündete diese Kerze am 3. Januar 2023 um 12.21 Uhr

Eine Stimme, die uns vertraut war, schweigt.
Ein Mensch der uns lieb war, ging von uns.
Was uns bleibt sind Liebe, Dank und Erinnerung.

Ingo Kusch
entzündete diese Kerze am 3. Januar 2023 um 11.21 Uhr

„Gute Menschen gleichen Sternen,
sie leuchten noch lange nach ihrem Erlöschen.“
Britta Schulzewischeler
entzündete diese Kerze am 3. Januar 2023 um 8.43 Uhr

Dear Mira and all beloved of Maria,
for more than 20 years Maria's and my way have been crossing each
other and what will always remain is her loud and strong laughter.
Despite being a serious person she always conveyed a lot of humor.
One person said to me - do not regret the time not having spend
together but keep in your memory the quality moments you have been
able to share and for which you have been spoiled. Mira - none can
sense the loss you have experienced - but rest assured Maria will keep
watching and helping you on your way forward and sense all the virtual
hugs she continues to give. Britta

Kurt Lermann
entzündete diese Kerze am 3. Januar 2023 um 8.18 Uhr

„Das einzig Wichtige im Leben sind die Spuren von Liebe, die wir
hinterlassen, wenn wir weggehen.“

Albert Schweitzer
entzündete diese Kerze am 29. Dezember 2022 um 18.46 Uhr

Du bist nun frei
und unsere Tränen
wünschen Dir Glück.
Pietät Ernst Bestattungen GbR
entzündete diese Kerze am 29. Dezember 2022 um 11.17 Uhr

Liebe Angehörige,

in diesen Tagen fühlen wir mit Ihnen und wünschen Ihnen von Herzen,
dass Sie aus den schönen Erinnerungen Kraft schöpfen, um positiv in
die Zukunft zu gehen. Denn: Unsere Sache ist es, den Funken des Lichts
festzuhalten, der aus dem Leben überall da hervorbricht, wo die
Ewigkeit die Zeit berührt.
In tiefer Verbundenheit

Ihre Pietät Ernst Bestattungen
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