March 20, 2022 - St. Philomena Catholic Church

Page created by Gene Wilson
March 20, 2022 - St. Philomena Catholic Church
March 20, 2022
March 20, 2022 - St. Philomena Catholic Church
CHURCH OF ST. PHILOMENA                                                                                         MARCH 20, 2022
     DATE                                 MASSES & READINGS                                    HAPPENING THIS WEEK
    Monday            Lenten Weekday
    March 21          Readings: 2 Kgs 5:1-15ab; Ps 42:2, 3; 43:3, 4; Lk 4:24-30
                      No Scheduled Mass
    Tuesday           Lenten Weekday
    March 22          Readings: Dn 3:25, 34-43; Ps 25:4-5ab, 6 & 7bc, 8-9;
                                Mt 18:21-35
                      5:30pm † Everett & Mercedes McCoppin
                                by Bob & Sheila McCoppin (St. Michael)
                      6:00pm Stations of the Cross
   Wednesday          Lenten Weekday/St Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop                          Grades 1-3 CCD Classes 6:15pm
   March 23           Readings: Dt 4:1, 5-9; Ps 147:12-13, 15-16, 19-20; Mt 5:17-19              2nd Grade Reconciliation
                      7:30am † Fr. Joseph Mai-Chi-Thanh by Msgr. Mike
    Thursday          Lenten Weekday/St. Oscar Romero, Bishop & Martyr
    March 24          Readings: Jer 7:23-28; Ps 95:1-2, 6-7, 8-9; Lk 11:14-23
                      7:30am † Madonna Davis by the Senior Social Club
     Friday           The Annunication of the Lord
    March 25          Readings: Is 7:10-14; 8:10; Ps 40:7-8a, 8b-9, 10, 11;
                                Heb 10:4-10; Lk 1:26-38
                      5:30pm † Ed Heidkamp by the Senior Social Club
                      6:00pm Stations of the Cross
    Saturday          Lenten Weekday
    March 26          Readings: Hos 6:1-6; Ps 51:3-4, 18-19, 20-21ab; Lk 18:9-14
 Saturday Vigil Fourth Sunday of Lent
   March 26 Readings: Jos 5:9a, 10-12; Ps 34:2-3, 4-5,6-7;
                          2 Cor 5:17-21; Lk 15:1-3,11-32
                4:30pm † Kay Drew by Don & JoAnn Pratt
    Sunday            Fourth Sunday of Lent
    March 27          Readings: Jos 5:9a, 10-12; Ps 34:2-3, 4-5,6-7;                          Grades 4-7 CCD Classes 8:30am
                                2 Cor 5:17-21; Lk 15:1-3,11-32                           PreK & Kindergarten CCD Classes 10:00am
                       8:00am Parishioners of our Parish (St. Michael)                    Confirmation Class 5:30pm (Reconciliation)
                      10:00am St. Philomena & St. Michael Bulletin Memorials

     COLLECTIONS FOR ST. PHILOMENA                                                                           Please join us for
                         March 13, 2022                                                                    Stations of the Cross!
 Sunday Collection ....................................... $ 3,874.00                                             St. Michael
 Budget to Date ............................................ $ 162,324.00                                          March 22
 Actual to Date ............................................. $ 143,162.25                                         March 29
 Budget Deficit to Date ................................ ($ 19,161.75)                                              April 1
 Building Fund ............................................. $    564.00                                            April 5
 Local Special Collections ............................ $         460.00                                            April 12
 Eastern European Churches ....................... $              102.00                                        St. Philomena
                                                                                                                  March 25
         COLLECTIONS FOR ST. MICHAEL                                                                                April 8
                              March 13, 2022
 Sunday Collection ...................................... $       565.00               STEWARDSHIP MOMENT
 Budget to Date ........................................... $ 37,116.00        Making Disciples ~ Taking Christ to the World
 Actual to Date ............................................ $ 23,680.30
 Budget Deficit to Date ............................... ($ 13,45.70)           The parable in today’s Gospel clearly warns that we,
                                                                                like the fig tree, will be judged by our fruit. While
 Utility Assistance Fund ............................. $         290.00       God mercifully provides us with time and opportunity,
 Building Fund ............................................ $      2.00            let us give witness to our faith with deeds of
 Eastern European Churches ...................... $                5.00                       kindness and generosity!

                                       LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND
                             Saturday, March 26                         Sunday, March 27
                             4:30pm (St. Philomena)                     8:00am (St. Michael)        10:00am (St. Philomena)
 Lectors:                    Mike Cecava                                Lucina Hyde                 Jean Rowe
 Ushers:                     Kathy Dawson, Jim Manint                                               Gary & Annette Huisinga
 Altar Servers:              Suri Nguyen                                                            Quinlan Gleason, Grayson Henke
View this bulletin online at
March 20, 2022 - St. Philomena Catholic Church
THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT                                                                  CHURCH OF ST. MICHAEL
                                                                                           BEMENT, ILLINOIS

     UPCOMING MEETINGS & EVENTS                                                YOUTH GROUP
Wednesday, March 24                                                The 2022 Mission Trip has been changed to
 Gems of Faith Meeting 6:30pm, St. Philomena Hall                  Louisville, Kentucky June 12-18, 2022. Final
Thursday, March 31                                                payments are due April 1. All paperwork is due
 Parish Office Closed                                                   into the parish office by March 21!
Saturday & Sunday, April 2 & 3                                    FUNDRAISER: Please remember the Youth
 Pantry Sunday Food Collection Weekend is April 2 &              Group’s year round fundraiser to order candy and
 3. Please drop off non-perishable food and non-food
 items (paper products, health items, etc.) in the               other goodies! To order, please go to our website
 overflow room for St. Philomena and in the vestibule             ( and go under “Youth
 for St. Michael. Thank you to everyone who                         Group” to click on the link. All proceeds go
 participates in this program!                                     toward the Youth Group 2022 Mission Trip.
Sunday, April 3                                                            Thank you for your support!
 Coffee & Donuts at 9:00am at St. Michael and
 at 11:00am at St. Philomena                                        CATHOLIC SCHOOL FINANCIAL
                                                                      ASSISTANCE AVAILABLE
                                                                    Tuition assistance scholarship grants from the
Msgr. Bliss,                                                        endowment fund established as a result of the
Thank you for the giftbox. I will enjoy it very much.           ROOTED IN FAITH Campaign and named in honor
I would like to tell you it has been my honor and privilege        of Archbishop Spalding, will be available for the
to serve as trustee for St. Philomena. In 30 some years, I            2022-2023 school year for students grades
have been involved with a lot of changes in the church.            Kindergarten through 12 in any Catholic school
Such as: total remodel of the sanctuary, roofs, hall             located in the Diocese of Peoria whose families are
expansion, many parking lot pavings and so on! I believe        active members of a Catholic parish in the diocese.
I have worked with 9 priests over this journey and                     All grants will be based on financial need.
enjoyed working with all of them. I have learned a lot
about the workings of the Catholic Church.                          Information about the grants and application
So I would like to say thank you to you and St. Philomena           materials may be obtained from any Catholic
and for putting trust in me for all these years.                  elementary or secondary school in the diocese or
                                         Louis H. Stoerger    on the diocesan website under Catholic
                                                               Education and then under Financial Assistance.
              THE CATHOLIC POST                               Parents must apply online at:
                       Attention Facebook users! Join           aid. Families of students currently receiving grants
                      more than 7,000 others who see              are reminded that all grants are for one year only,
                        and share important Catholic                 and anyone seeking to renew a grant for the
                         news first by following The                     2022-2023 school year must reapply.
                        Catholic Post, our excellent
                      diocesan newspaper. The social                Deadline date for the completed application is
                         media outreach is just one                 April 29, 2022. Notification of grant awards
                          aspect of the newspaper’s                         will be made by the end of June.
                       mission to “Spread the Word!”
     Subscribe instantly via credit or debit card at            Another funding opportunity is also available due to; by calling 309-671-1550              the Invest in Kids Act legislation in Illinois. Students
    during business hours; or by sending a check to               may be eligible for up to 100% of tuition and fees
  The Catholic Post, PO Box 1722, Peoria, IL 61656.                under a new program for tax credit scholarships
     The regular subscription rate remains at $30.                (TCS). Details on how to apply and who qualifies
                                                                   are available on the Empower Illinois website at
    PANCAKE & SAUSAGE BREAKFAST                         Students who receive a
  The Ivesdale Knights of Columbus Council 1047 will                TCS are ineligible to receive a Spalding award.
   be serving a Pancake & Sausage Breakfast Sunday,
     March 27, at St. Joseph Parish Hall, Ivesdale.
           Serving from 8:00am to 11:30am.                               RELIGIOUS EDUCATION
                                                              Wednesday, March 30
            FLOWERS FOR EASTER                                  Grades 1-3 CCD Classes
   Requests are now being accepted for Memorials for          Saturday, April 2
   the Easter Flowers needed to decorate the Church.            Confirmation 4:00pm, St. Mary’s Cathedral, Peoria
   An envelope is in your collection envelope packets.
  Names will be listed in the bulletin on Easter Sunday.      Sunday, April 3
   All requests are due into the parish office by               Grades 4-7 CCD Classes 8:30am
                  Sunday, March 27!                             PreK & K CCD Classes 9:00am

                                             SPONSOR OF THE WEEK
                                               State Bank of Bement
To view full ad, see the back of the bulletin. Remember to patronize all our sponsors; they make the bulletin possible!
                                                                                     View this bulletin online at
March 20, 2022 - St. Philomena Catholic Church
View Our Parish Supporters at

                                                      Bruce Wintersteen, D.D.S.
                                                             GENERAL DENTISTRY
                                                   112 E Washington                 217-762-4366

                                                                    Aaron Hinds - Owner
                                                                                Knights of Columbus
                            Mackey - Wright                                     St. Francis of Assisi
                                 Funeral Home                                   Council #15584
                                    762-2126                                    For more information
                                                                                call Al Manint at
                             Michael L. Wright - Owner                          (217) 762-9937
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