Mar/Apr 2019 #GettingBusinessDone - - Gatwick Diamond Business

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Mar/Apr 2019 #GettingBusinessDone - - Gatwick Diamond Business
Mar/Apr 2019 #GettingBusinessDone

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Mar/Apr 2019 #GettingBusinessDone - - Gatwick Diamond Business

A message from your Chief Executive
                                                     of my working day on the phone. Now we                • ILG describe how they are in the fourth
                                                     feel the need to exchange emails to arrange             year of their partnership with the
                                                     a phone call! Digital communication                     Aldingbourne Trust to provide meaningful
                                                     is great, but it can be a cop-out when                  paid employment to those on the autistic
                                                     speaking to someone would be far                        spectrum or with a disability.
                                                     more productive.
                                                                                                           • Hits FM ltd announce that they are
                                                     Networking is of course not without its                 providing ongoing maintenance services, at
                                                     challenges. At gdb we have worked closely               little or no cost, for Crawley Open House, a
                                                     with Stefan Thomas, author of “Business                 charity that support homeless people.
                                                     Networking for Dummies”. Stefan identifies
                                                     10 networking gaffes to avoid. These are              What do all these businesses have in
                                                     my top 3: talking only about yourself;                common? They are of course gdb members
                                                     treating networking as a one-off sale; and            and have developed their relationships
                                                     forgetting to smile! Of course, no gdb                through the power of networking.
                                                     member would ever be guilty of falling into
                                                     one of these traps!                                   At gdb we are determined to evolve our
                                                                                                           support to make your networking as effective
In this digital world it is easy to under-estimate   The power of effective networking comes out           and enjoyable as possible. We are proud of
the importance of face-to-face networking.           strongly in articles in this edition of the Source:   our offer and of our membership, but we are
We are seeing something of a backlash against                                                              not complacent and we welcome feedback
the idea that we can do everything from our          • Storm 12 explain the unique insight they gained     on how we can further develop what we do to
smart phones. If anything, when so many                from working with John Young, BBC South East        help your businesses to prosper.
interactions are digital, investing time and           presenter, in his Newsroom Bootcamp.
effort in quality networking is probably more
important than ever.                                 • Joe Cheal of Imaginarium enthuses about how
                                                       his business has benefited from working with
Things change – like many of you, I                    Jim Bolt of Nettl to produce a promotional
remember a time when I spent a large part              banner “to the best possible standards”.

Chairman's Column
In January, I attended the gdb Speakers              John Young shared his experiences of                  NatWest summed it up perfectly: “gdb
Conference - did I see you there? If not, you        running a fast-paced BBC news programme;              is a dynamic organisation that helps its
missed a great opportunity (as the conference        it was so interesting to see behind the               members thrive. Why wouldn’t we want to
title said) to… Re-Energise You, Your Team,          scenes. He advised us to keep things                  be involved?”
Your Business. There is a full report on the         short and focused: don’t have a 30 minute
conference on page 7, but these are my               meeting, make it exactly 27 mins 45 seconds.
personal reflections.
                                                     Lastly, Linda Moir who is ex-Virgin Atlantic
We had four impressive speakers, with                and running the Games Makers at the 2012
inspiration and advice for business leaders.         Olympics. She has 3 rules for managing people
                                                     and volunteers: Keep them busy - a bit of
Starting off with overcoming adversity;              pressure is good, but not too much; Rotation -
Richard McCann shocked us with his life              variety keeps it interesting; Recognise people
story, starting with his mother’s murder.            and their needs - say thank you!
Despite this, he’s developed a positive
attitude. He believes in himself and that’s          As with last year’s gdb Speakers
what makes him succeed. His motto is “I can          Conference, I certainly went away feeling
- I will - I did”.                                   re-energised. Many people have told me
                                                     how they found it interesting and useful.
Julie Baker of NatWest talked about                  I’m thinking now about opportunities for
Diversity as a Business Asset. Did you               gdb service offerings – how we can be even
know that companies with a gender and                more help you and your business.
ethnicity balanced workforce outperform
others by 30%?                                       I’d also like to add my personal thanks to the
                                                     sponsors: University of Sussex Business
She talked about barriers to entrepreneurs           School, Reigate and Banstead Borough
(and indeed anyone in the workplace), one            Council, NatWest and Red River.
being the lack of role models and mentors. I
wonder if this is an opportunity for gdb – this      I particularly liked how our compare John
could help both promote our members and              asked each of the sponsors why there were
help others to develop.                              supporting the event. Dan Sibley from

Mar/Apr 2019 #GettingBusinessDone - - Gatwick Diamond Business

  Celebrating Business Excellence
  The Gatwick Diamond Business Awards - 21st March 2019
  Join us in the Millennium Suite of the Copthorne Effingham Park for a pre-dinner reception hosted by BGF,
  before taking your seat for a sumptuous three course dinner with wine.

  Our presenter for the evening will be comedian and actor, Marcus Brigstocke. Marcus has become a regular voice on
  BBC Radio 4 with an impressive list of TV & film credits including ‘Have I got News for You’, ‘Live at the Apollo’,
  Monty Python’s ‘Spamalot’ and ‘Love Actually’ among many others.

  This Black Tie event will see the very best of the Gatwick Diamond Business community
  come together to celebrate the achievements of World-Class businesses in this
  World-Class region.

  6.30pm Evening starts with Pre-Dinner Reception
          Sponsored by BGF
  7.15pm Take your seats for Dinner
  9.30pm Marcus Brigstocke
  10.00pm Presentation of the Gatwick Diamond Business Awards
  11.00pm After-Show Party
  01.00am Carriages

  For more information and to download the booking form, visit:
  WWW.GATWICKDIAMONDBUSINESSAWARDS.COM                                                                           @gdbizawards

the Source - Mar/Apr 2019                                                                                                         3
Mar/Apr 2019 #GettingBusinessDone - - Gatwick Diamond Business

Breaking news from
Last month, as part of our team away day,
we spent an afternoon with John Young -
yes, him off the BBC news - in his Newsroom

It gave us a unique insight into a typical
newsroom, and we learnt how to transfer the
techniques they use into our busy office.

It wasn’t one of those bootcamps where
you were just read to from a PowerPoint
- it was interactive and really good fun. It
pushed us all out of our comfort zones,
being live on camera with strict time
pressure. We also learnt some valuable
techniques on creating snappy content.
And you didn’t have to play those awkward         We also learnt about how much - or little -       a bunch of Porsches, so a quick special
team-building games.                              time the news team get to put together a          mention to Porsche Mid-Sussex Centre
                                                  story, working up until the final minute before   for letting us use their slick boardroom and
We won’t give away all his secrets but our        going live. We love a project with a quick        Andrew Crabb for the tour.
two main takeaways from the day were              turnaround, but a deadline of seven minutes
to slim down unnecessary content and              might be a bit of a stretch.                      Find out more about us at and
cut out pointless jargon when talking to                                                            about John at
clients. All pretty valuable, especially in the   Our office for the day was spot on too -
creative industry.                                it’s not every day you get to hang around

Coast to Capital Escalator Pilot Programme

Leading Gatwick Diamond Businesses                the key issues they face. Many businesses         Lou Williams, Growth Manager at Coast to
are poised to benefit from an innovative          have said that top concerns include finding       Capital who is leading on the project with
programme of peer to peer groups established      employees who have the skills they need,          Fiona Shaffer MD of MDHub, has highlighted
by Coast to Capital over the next six months.     identifying and exploiting new markets,           that there are a few places left on this
                                                  addressing funding gaps required to enable        programme and so is encouraging businesses
Research undertaken by the Scale Up               growth, and building leadership capacity.         with turnover of over £1m turnover and 20%
Institute has identified that leading high        However we are not providing set solutions        per annum year on year growth to get in
growth business leaders most value                to these problems but enabling the cohort         touch. And find out more.
inspiring and learning from each other.           members to share best practice amongst
                                                  themselves in a confidential environment”         Signs are that this six month pilot will be a
Over recent months Coast to Capital has                                                             great success and Malcolm Brabon, Head
developed a programme, with its delivery          Well known and highly regarded entrepreneur,      of Services, at Coast to Capital is keen to
partner MDHub, to deliver 5 small cohorts of      Matt Turner MD of Creative Pod is one of the      extend and expand the initiative across the
eight business leaders who will meet monthly      first leaders to take advantage of the scheme     Coast to Capital area.
to tackle their major issues and concerns.        in the Gatwick Diamond commented “I am
                                                  excited to be taking part in this fantastic       For more information email
Jonathan Sharrock, Coast to Capital’s Chief       initiative. I recognise the benefit of drilling
Executive said “with today’s current economic     down into key topics areas with my peers and      or by calling 01403 333840.
uncertainty it is more important than ever that   determining our own solutions – we all have a
our key growing businesses tackle together        lot to give and learn from each other”

Mar/Apr 2019 #GettingBusinessDone - - Gatwick Diamond Business

Gatwick Diamond Business Awards 2019

The finalists are announced                    International Business of the Year
                                               Sponsored by the Gatwick Diamond Initiative
So, who are the best businesses in the         • Acro Aircraft Seating
Gatwick Diamond Region?                        • Aspen Pumps Group
                                               • CAE Training & Services UK Ltd
You’ll need to wait until the 21st March
to find out but the finalists in each of       The Award for Customer Delight
the categories for the Gatwick Diamond         Sponsored by DMH Stallard                       Professional Services Firm of the Year
Business Awards 2019 were announced on         • Creative Process Digital                      Sponsored by Crawley Borough Council
February 14th, at a celebration breakfast      • Gemini Print Group                            • Buss Murton Law LLP
of the judges and sponsors, hosted by          • Zara’s Doggy Day Care                         • MCA Consulting Engineers
the awards venue partner Millenium &                                                           • Menzies
Copthorne Hotels.                              The Award for the Place to Meet
                                               Sponsored by CEC Direct Ltd                     Apprentice of the Year
The Gatwick Diamond is home to a vast          • Ashdown Park Hotel & Country Club             Sponsored by Reigate & Banstead
range of businesses, spanning all sectors      • Sodexo Prestige – Amex Stadium                Borough Council
of the economy, from household names to        • Surrey Conference Centre – Hartsfield Manor   • Cameron Heath – SOS Systems Ltd
niche companies, and from multinationals to                                                    • Sinead Lawson – Assurity Consulting
sole traders.                                  Employer of the Year                            • Emily Wise – Cloud9 Insight
                                               Sponsored by Search Consultancy
The Business Award winners are those           • Bio-Productions Ltd                           New Business of the Year
businesses or people who have shown            • Cleankill Pest Control                        Sponsored by Basepoint Business Centres
innovation and inspiration in their work and   • Kingston Smith LLP                            • Ethos Farm Ltd
have demonstrated a real commitment to                                                         • Optime Group Ltd
this world-class region.                       The Award for Developing People for             • Strawberry.London
                                               Business Success
The winners will be presented their awards     Sponsored by Crawley College                    Business Person of the Year
by the well-known comedian, Marcus             • Cloud9 Insight                                Sponsored by KPMG
Brigstocke, at the eleventh Gatwick            • JACE Training                                 • Paul Bates – Cleankill Pest Control
Diamond Business Awards Dinner, on the         • Metricell Ltd                                 • Nick Broom – PVL UK Ltd
March 21st at the Effingham Park Hotel.                                                        • Gary Peters –
The Headline Sponsors are Gatwick              The Award for Supply Chain Excellence
Airport, NatWest, Thakeham Homes and           Sponsored by University of Brighton             Business of the Year (Up to £1m)
Extech Cloud.                                  • Acro Aircraft Seating                         Sponsored by SHW
                                               • Gemini Print Group                            • MAS Group
The evening will start with a pre-dinner       • WS Planning & Architecture                    • ViiSana Ltd
reception sponsored by BGF (Business                                                           • WS Planning & Architecture
Growth Fund), and will be rounded off with     The Award for Innovation & Technology
the highly anticipated After-Show Party.       Sponsored by asb Law LLP                        Business of the Year (Over £1m)
                                               • Aspen Pumps Group                             Sponsored by NatWest
The finalists in each category are:            • Metricell Ltd                                 • Assurity Consulting
                                               • PVL UK Ltd                                    • Caridon Property
Responsible Business of the Year                                                               • PVL UK Ltd
Sponsored by University of Sussex              Manufacturing Business of the Year
Business School                                Sponsored by Kreston Reeves                     Find out what is happening by visiting www.
• British Airways i360                         • Bio-Productions Ltd                  or
• Green Mop Ltd                                • Gemini Print Group                            follow @gdbizawards on Twitter for real-time
•                            • Pentagon Plastics Group                       updates on the night.

the Source - Mar/Apr 2019                                                                                                                 5
Mar/Apr 2019 #GettingBusinessDone - - Gatwick Diamond Business

How can a new banner for your business be so exciting?!
Joe Cheal, from Imaginarium Learning &            factors to consider when producing the large-
Development, met Jim Bolt, from Nettl, at a       format artwork required - not least, ensuring
gdb event last year. Joe had been considering     the resolution is correct to avoid unwanted
a banner for presentations, exhibitions and as    pixelation at this magnified scale.
a background for video blogs. Fortunately, Jim
was able to oblige!                               “It was vitally important, for both Joe and
                                                  us, that we produced the banner to the best
“Jim was incredibly helpful,” enthused Joe. “He   possible standards,” added Jim. “Doing that
went totally above and beyond! Some great         meant arming Joe with the knowledge he
advice, excellent customer service, a quality     needed to produce some high-quality artwork
screen and quick turnaround. I recommend Jim      for us to print.”
and look forward to working with him again.”
                                                  “Fortunately, gdb made this task simple by not
A ‘pull up’ banner is a simple but effective      only providing an introduction, but also the
marketing tool for any business - large or        means for us to meet face-to-face at a recent
small. They’re lightweight, easy to erect         members’ meeting to discuss the project in
and provide instant impact in almost any          detail. I’m really happy to have been able to    You can contact Jim via
environment. Production is relatively             help Joe, and I’m hugely grateful to both Joe    and watch Joe’s business video tips on
straightforward, but there are some notable       and gdb for the opportunity.”          

Richard Place Dobson raises over £3,900 for Crawley Open House
                                                  off the town’s streets since its opening in      “Crawley Open House is an important
                                                  1996, provides support and services to           community charity and we are pleased
                                                  those suffering the effects of homelessness,     we could support them, especially during
                                                  unemployment, loneliness, discrimination, or     this time of uncertainty. As a team, we are
                                                  other forms of social exclusion.                 currently deciding on the next charity to
                                                                                                   support – watch this space!”
                                                  The charity, which was founded in 1982, is in
                                                  danger of losing a valuable funding contract     Ian Wilkins of Crawley Open House added
                                                  worth £250,000 from the local authority as it    “All the staff at RPD have been so energetic
Crawley based accountancy firm, Richard           reviews its charity contracts.                   and creative in their support of our work and
Place Dobson (RPD), has been fundraising for                                                       clients, and we are hugely grateful. Any of us
Crawley Open House over the past year and         Matthew Tyson, Director at RPD, said:            can find ourselves falling through the cracks
is delighted to have raised £3,917.47. Every      “I’m incredibly proud of all the team at         and homeless, and it is with the support of
year, RPD chooses a charity to support and        RPD for their amazing efforts this year to       generous partners like RPD that Crawley Open
the team host a range of fun events to raise      raise so much for Crawley Open House.            House has been able to stand alongside the
money for worthwhile causes.                      We’re really grateful to everyone who has        homeless and vulnerable for nearly 25 years.”
                                                  supported us by providing donations and
Crawley Open House, a local hostel which has      taking part in our range of fun-filled 
helped keep thousands of homeless people          charity events.                        

The Video Content Creators
I’m Jonty from The Video Content Creators         best approach to explain a complicated topic     production company.
and I met Jonathan Pitts from WPA who are a       in a visually engaging and easy-to-understand
large, national insurer at a gdb event about 18   way. We explained the 7 step process involved    WPA said “Following an introduction from
months ago. At a recent members meeting,          in creating an animation and got the ball        my colleague Jon Pitts to Jonty, we opened
whilst scoffing pastries and chugging copious     rolling: 1. Develop the concept 2. Create the    discussions about they type of video we
amounts of coffee, Jonathan mentioned             script 3. Voiceover recording 4. Storyboarding   wanted. We had spoken to a few other
that his head office wanted to create an          5. Animation design and build 6. Music           potential suppliers but we felt The Video
animated explainer video. The objective of the    selection 7. Delivery and distribution           Content Creators had a better understanding
video was to attract new franchisees to the                                                        of our requirements as well as providing us
healthcare practice side of the business.         We are part-way through the project and          with some great ideas. We feel video is the
                                                  are confident the finished video will reflect    best way to explain our franchise opportunity
A kind referral later, we began discussing        the quality of the business and create a real    to people looking to join the WPA Healthcare
some of the different ways we could help          impact for WPA.                                  Practice and we are glad that we appointed
them communicate their message and                                                                 The Video Content Creators to produce
achieve their goals.                              Their success is our priority, and our ongoing   this for us" Keep your eyes peeled over the
                                                  consultative approach is what makes              coming weeks for the video!
It was clear that an animated video was the       us much more than just another video

Mar/Apr 2019 #GettingBusinessDone - - Gatwick Diamond Business

gdb Speakers Conference 2019

At the Gatwick Diamond Business (gdb)            the challenges Richard had faced in his life.      Linda Moir shared her experiences as
Speakers Conference 2019, attendees              Yet he had risen above them to become a            Director of In-Flight Services at Virgin
enjoyed inspiring and thought-provoking          best-selling author in demand internationally      Atlantic and later in leading the highly-
presentations on the theme of “Re-energise       as a motivational speaker and coach, inspiring     acclaimed London 2012 Olympics Games
yourself and your business”.                     others with his ‘I Can, I Will, I Did’ attitude.   Makers. She demonstrated, in a very
                                                                                                    practical way, how looking after your
The conference was sponsored by NatWest,         Julie Baker, Head of Enterprise for NatWest,       employees follows through into how they
University of Sussex Business School,            highlighted how having a diverse workforce is      look after your customers. She explained
Reigate & Banstead Borough Council & Red         an asset to any employer. She demonstrated         how the 15,000 volunteer Games Makers
River, and hosted by John Young - BBC South      how, despite real improvement, research            had such a huge impact in making London
East TV newsreader and journalist – at the       shows that positive adoption of diversity in       2012 such a success both as an event and
South Lodge Hotel, Horsham.                      the workplace still has a very long way to go.     in promoting a positive image of the UK
                                                 Julie went beyond the theory and statistics        across the world. Treating employees as
This gdb Speakers Conference, now in             to demonstrate how, through management             individuals and allowing them to play to their
its third year, has fast become a favourite      commitment and a few simple steps to               strengths to flourish and grow was one of
amongst Gatwick Diamond business people          remove perceived and real barriers, a              her key messages.
at a time of year when we all need a bit of an   positive and pro-active approach to diversity
up-lift. The audience was clearly impressed      improves business performance including            Linda ended by playing the video London
by the four speakers who succeeded in being      profitability and growth.                          used in their bid for the 2012 Olympic
both entertaining and challenging:                                                                  Games, leaving everyone thinking, in the
                                                 John Young, as well as hosting                     words of the theme song – “What have you
Richard McCann stunned the audience with         the whole event, took us into the                  done today to make you feel proud?” This
his harrowing, yet also inspiring, account of    demanding environment of a live TV                 could well have been the theme for the
how as 5-year-old child he and his siblings      newsroom – impossible deadlines, fast-             Conference as a whole.
were confronted with the murder of their         changing priorities, technical and other
mother - the first victim of the notorious       communication challenges, and he need to           The event was one not to be missed, look
Yorkshire Ripper. He had built on this           balance risk – sometimes settling for good         out for details of the gdb “Re-energise”
experience, and the adversity and further        rather than perfect. In uncertain of economic      Conference in early 2020!
tragedy that followed, to demonstrate how,       times, John gave an inspirational insight
having hit rock bottom several times, he         into how dealing with the challenges of a          For more on gdb, please visit
somehow got back up again and again. Being       live newsroom can translate into running a
on the ‘At Risk’ register, the loss of his two   business – particularly into how to cope when      or call 01293 440088
sisters and time in prison were just some of     things do not go to plan!

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Mar/Apr 2019 #GettingBusinessDone - - Gatwick Diamond Business

ILG and Aldingbourne Trust Celebrate Three Year Partnership
ILG is celebrating its fourth year working with
Aldingbourne Trust to provide meaningful
paid employment to those on the autistic
spectrum or with a learning disability.

After being approached by Liz Miles, an
Employment Consultant at Aldingbourne
Trust in 2015, ILG decided to take on their
first employee from the charity. Having
shown himself to be a tremendous asset
and progressing quickly to a trainee
warehouse assistant on a 40-hour contract
ILG felt confident enough to employ more
people through the WorkAid Supported
Employment Programme. ILG now employs
11 supported employees in warehouse
assistant, caretaker and cleaner roles.

At a time when recruitment is a challenge, the
business benefits of the Aldingbourne Trust       warehouse colleagues have been incredibly           companies for the first time. There has
Work Aid programme have been considerable.        supportive and they have positively                 to be a level of support and that’s where I
Jane Middlemiss, Director of Organisational       embraced the initiative’ says Jane.                 come in. People on the autistic spectrum
Development said ‘through the programme                                                               like routine and are best suited to jobs that
we have been able to access a pool of reliable    The partnership has gone to show that               are repetitive and analytical. And we are
employees, who are hard-working and who           even in a fast paced and growing business           always on the end of the phone to support
have helped us to increase productivity’          like ILG, the work which Aldingbourne               when support is needed’
                                                  Trust do is invaluable and has truly
As well as the obvious reputational benefits      benefitted the business.                            The Sussex-based charity places over
of employing workers from Aldingbourne                                                                50 people in paid employment and 100
Trust, the impact on employee engagement          Liz Miles, Employment Consultant at                 in voluntary work each year. For more
has been considerable. ‘At every site where       Aldingbourne Trust said, ‘There are always          information
we employ staff through the programme,            barriers to break down when I approach

Another Successful gdb Networking Connection made!
Crawley Open House are pleased to announce        attention and services the Open House
another effective gdb Networking Event,           offers to the homeless is exceptionally
a new upcoming Facilities Management              inspirational. I genuinely believe what Ian
Company covering all aspects of building          and the team are doing here is a significant
maintenance internally & externally by            enlightenment to the Crawley Community.
the name of Hits FM LTD has offered their         They have our full support.
services to the Open House.
                                                  I have always been a great believer of working
The relationship firstly ignited from a gdb       with local businesses and charities, I am all
Networking Event held at Virgin Atlantic in       for giving back into the community!!’’
                                                  Ian Wilkins from Crawley Open House
An introduction was made between Sam              commented – “This is gdb working at its
Limbachia, Company Director of Hits               best. I met Sam at a recent networking
and Ian Wilkins Fund Raising Manager of           event, he followed it up with a visit to
Open House. Both Companies exchanged              Crawley Open House homeless shelter,
numbers and since then they have both             and he has agreed to help our charity with
been working together.                            on going maintenance work at little or no
                                                  cost. We have already completed works
Sam from Hits FM commented ‘’ I couldn’t          within the Open House via Hits FM Ltd.
be more proud of the progression of Hits FM       Sam and Mick run a professional team                We are very pleased with fantastic results like
LTD within the last year, this comes down to      with a no nonsense attitude and high level          this where 2 local companies joining together!
the hard-work of the team and successful          of workmanship!
events being held such as gdb Networking. I                                                           If you would like to view the services Hits FM
couldn’t praise them loud enough!                 We are really grateful for this sort of help, and   Ltd have to offer, please see below
                                                  thank Sam and his team at HITS so much for
After visiting the Crawley Open House             their generosity and willingness to help us
I was truly taken back, the level of              and the homeless clients we serve.”       

Mar/Apr 2019 #GettingBusinessDone - - Gatwick Diamond Business

The positive impact of disability awareness
It may shock you to learn, that ignoring the       communication, correct use of language, and
needs of people with disabilities as a potential   inclusive behaviour, as well as legislation and
customer base, costs UK businesses around          adapting the business environment.
£1.8 billion per month. This is largely due to
a lack of awareness and can be changed by          The benefits of awareness
making a few minor adjustments to the way
your business operates.                            If your staff are client facing, there is a good
                                                   chance you are failing to capitalise on a very vast   you declare your dedication and implement
You may also be surprised to learn that            number of potential customers. Households             becoming a fully inclusive organisation.
a recent Scope survey revealed that                with a disabled person have a combined income
67% of the British public actually ‘feel           of £212 billion after housing costs- so failing to    So, if you want your business to be truly
uncomfortable’ when talking to people              target this market is a huge waste – one which        inclusive, your staff to be empathetic and
with disabilities and ‘awkward’ about being        awareness training can help you change.               understand the needs of people, whilst
patronising or saying the wrong thing.                                                                   you tap into a wider group of customers
                                                   Bascule’s training will empower your                  and talented employees- contact Bascule
At Bascule Disability Training, we educate         workforce with a greater sense of empathy             Disability Training -and gain the awareness
workforces by breaking down these barriers and     and will also encourage them to understand            your business needs.
changing the way people think. Our disability      the needs of other people. Your business
awareness training programmes are user-led         will begin to appeal to a wider group of              Contact: Chris Jay- 0330 3800662
(meaning the courses are run by people with        talented employees and, furthermore, you    
disabilities themselves), and cover etiquette,     will proudly reap the reward of publicity, when

“The Sheriffs Are Coming” to BBC1
                                                   We knew that there was an increasing trend            We are currently wrapping up filming on
                                                   for small businesses and sole traders to go to        series 8, which will be on BBC1 at 11am every
                                                   court themselves, rather than use a solicitor,        morning for two weeks - about the same
                                                   to obtain a judgment and then enforce if it           time the Source hits your desk.
                                                   remains unpaid.
                                                                                                         While the show is on air, Scaramanga’s job is
                                                   In 2011, the country was right in the middle          to ensure that viewers’ first port of call is The
                                                   of the credit crunch, but most journalists            Sheriffs Office (the BBC doesn’t promote the
                                                   were only interested in the impact on those           company name). Our campaign will include:
                                                   in debt, ignoring the crippling effect on             Google AdWords, Google Retargeting, social
                                                   creditors, especially small businesses.               media marketing and social pay-per-click
When our long-standing client The                                                                        advertising, email marketing and, for the first
Sheriffs Office wanted to reach the general        We put a pitch together and hit the                   time, we have proposed a radio campaign on LBC.
public with a small budget in 2011, the            directors at Screenchannel (now Screencut)
team at Scaramanga set about the task.             who were interested and successfully                  To find out more about Scaramanga and how
Our solution was a “fly-on-the-wall”               pitched our idea to the BBC, with the first           we can help your business, get in touch today
TV programme.                                      broadcast in spring 2012.                             on 020 3371 3295.

How Marketing Leaders can keep themselves in the boardroom
If you are a marketing leader, you have            Ability to provide a holistic view of the
the opportunity to position yourself               customer and be the voice of the customer.
as the customer expert, building
relationships and demonstrating your               Demonstrate the customer journey map –
value to all departments and becoming a            know what your customers’ wants and needs
key influencer. There are some key skills          are, and how and when to engage with them.
required to ensure you have maximum
influence with your peers .                        Data and analytics have to be embraced to
                                                   build customer expertise but it also needs
Strong communication skills – you need to          to be presented to executives in a way they
be able to articulate to the rest of the board     can relate to. Insights need to be tailored,          creativity. Reviewing the skills within your
the value of marketing.                            for each department, to gain a high level of          team is a good place to start – identifying the
                                                   support from the rest of the executive team.          gaps and encouraging collaboration between
Customer centricity – you understand your                                                                analytical and creative mind sets.
customer better than anyone and need to            This creates a challenge for you in order to
share your expertise with other departments to     ensure a balance of analytical data focused           Recruiting your marketing and digital team?
demonstrate your value across the business.        approach without a negative impact on                 Call Talent Gateway on 0203 034 0420.

the Source - Mar/Apr 2019                                                                                                                               9
Mar/Apr 2019 #GettingBusinessDone - - Gatwick Diamond Business

Could flexible recruitment make business sense in uncertain times?
As the uncertainty surrounding Brexit is
forcing some companies to optimise their
productivity and strengthen the bottom
line, could it be the perfect time to recruit
flexibly? With a current focus on the UK vs.
Europe, the team at Sussex based flexible
working recruitment agency, Flexibility
Matters, considers what we can learn from
our European neighbours on attracting and
retaining staff with a flexible approach:

Denmark dominates the world happiness
report ranking year after year and the
country’s approach to a good work/life
balance is a major reason. The Danish
work environment reflects their culture of
acceptance and parity. For all corporations,
it’s mandatory to have the right to five
weeks holiday a year, of which three can
be taken consecutively during the school        In France, an employment law (dubbed “the          committed to flexible recruitment will have
holiday periods.                                right to disconnect”) required companies           a better chance of attracting and retaining
                                                with 50 or more employees to establish             talent, as well as benefitting from increased
In Sweden, many companies have now              hours when staff will not send or respond          productivity and reduced absenteeism.
implemented six-hour work days in order to      to emails. The law was intended to ensure          At our recruitment agency, we specialise
motivate employees to work smarter in the       that employees are fairly paid for work, and       in flexible and part-time roles, providing
working day, earning more time to enjoy their   prevent burnout by protecting private time.        businesses across Sussex and the South of
leisure time. Toyota centres in Gothenburg                                                         England with specialist individuals”.
reported that during the 13 years they have     Director, Emma comments: “The promise of
had this in place, they have reported happier   a good work/life balance when seeking a job        If you’re looking for a flexible professional,
staff, a lower turnover rate and an increase    is fast becoming one of the biggest priorities     contact Emma and the team on: 0781 0541
in profit.                                      for employees. This means businesses               599 or 01273 842 288.

Save Today, Enjoy Tomorrow
                                                Tax Advantages                                     will help reduce your Corporation tax, as it is
                                                                                                   a tax-deductible expense.
                                                You get income tax relief on contributions
                                                made to your Pension.                              You can use unused pension allowances from
                                                                                                   the three previous tax years.
                                                Pension contributions attract tax relief
                                                on the way in and they accumulate free of          Is it too late ?
                                                capital gains tax once inside. When you
                                                access your pension savings, the first 25% is      The sooner we start, the more choices we
                                                normally tax-free. While you cannot draw on        have later. The power of compound returns,
                                                the funds until your 55th birthday, this does      or gains on gains, means that 10 or 20 years
                                                protect your pot against the temptation to         can make a big difference. However, you
                                                tap into it until then.                            should never think that it’s too late to start
                                                                                                   saving, or that you can’t catch up.
When it comes to saving for your retirement,    You get tax relief on pension contributions
the sooner you start saving, the better         up to £40,000 each year, or 100% of your           In any case, the best way to secure a
retirement you can have                         earnings if lower.                                 comfortable retirement is to save as much
                                                                                                   as possible as early as possible, and take
Ever wish you had done things differently?      Pension providers claim tax relief for you at a    financial advice.
According to a study by Prudential*, two in     rate of 20% and add it to your pension, creating
five pensioners regret retirement-planning      a 25% uplift; therefore £80 becomes £100.          * ‘Regrets? They’ve got a few – but
mistakes which have left them struggling                                                           pensioners are happy in retirement’,
financially.                                    Higher rate taxpayers can claim an extra           Prudential, April 2016
                                                20% via their annual tax return; a £40,000
Most of us don’t like the idea of having our    contribution could effectively cost a higher       For a complimentary guide covering Wealth
money tied up for decades. However, if we       rate taxpayer just £24,000.                        Management, Retirement Planning or
really want to maintain our lifestyle in our                                                       Inheritance Tax planning, contact JPS Wealth
retirement, it is wise to save our excess       If you are a Business Owner, contributions         Management on 01273 030770 or email
income now.                                     made from your Company into your Pension 


Is there a single answer to how to deliver effective training?
Whilst some forms of technical training are                                                         approach, participants learn how to change
well suited to e-Learning, soft skills such as                                                      their behaviour through participation in
communication, teamwork and behavioural                                                             activity based hands-on learning programmes
awareness are best learnt in face-to-face                                                           and reflect and discuss what they have learnt
training programmes.                                                                                about themselves and their colleagues - what
                                                                                                    went right and what could be improved.
With so much of our lives taken up by
communicating in a virtual world using Social      But we must also stop and ask ourselves why      In order to achieve the best results for your
Media, instant messaging and e-mails, we           this is the case, particularly in early entry    organisation, you need to choose the training
need to go back to basics. In a fast-moving        talent. We need to help our young people         method that is right for your employees
workplace where employees don't feel they          become more confident in themselves,             and the skill you are trying to develop. It is
have time to stop what they are doing they         conversations are best had when you can read     never going to be as simple as choosing one
will resort to sending e-mails thinking that       faces and hear tones of voice. E-learning has    method of learning over another there is, and
it is the quick option, but so often it isn't.     a place, but if you want to develop your next    should be, room for both.
How many e-mails will bounce back and forth        level of leaders, then you need to be teaching
before the real message gets through, how          them how to communicate, how to delegate         For further information about Bowles
many "you misunderstood what I meant"              and to take personal responsibility - these      Experiential development programmes
replies will you receive? Pick up the phone,       skills cannot be taught on-line.                 please visit our website
or better still (if you can) go and talk to your                                                    or contact Ummara Wright 01892 665 665 /
colleague. You will save time in the long term.    Experiential learning takes a different

Is Google EATing up your business?
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is                • Demonstrate your expertise with names
a vital tool for optimising your digital             and qualifications, or have content
presence, promoting your business on the             written by an industry expert - it’ll seem
battleground of competition. For many, this          a worthwhile investment when it leads to
is an easy win for supremacy, tricking the           increased traffic!
algorithms that power our most popular             • Show your authority by providing research
search engines. Others, though, are left             from reputable sources and responding to
fighting for survival against this ‘dark art’,       customer feedback promptly and publicly,
seen to prevent customers accessing the              sending the message that you care enough
expertise they require. This begs the all-           to stay current.
important question, how can I make SEO             • Include profiles and emphasise site
work for me?                                         security with an SSL certificate to give an
                                                     instant impression of trustworthiness.
Ultimately, search engine providers simply
want to equip users with the best results they     Incorporating accurate, relevant and engaging
can find, constantly updating their algorithms     content can make a profound difference to
to meet demand. They are adaptable in their        customer experience, without aggravating
approach - and urge businesses to do the           your workload. Making regular adaptations
same. Google, for example, recently adapted        to your website’s content will help you stand
their Search Quality Evaluator Guidelines to       your ground in the melee of competitors.
include the EAT principle - expertise, authority
and trustworthiness. These are among the           To the victor, the spoils!
top three indicators of page quality so, if
you’re looking to improve your rankings in         For more information on getting the best from
2019, upping your EAT score is a great place       your online marketing contact Jim Bolt at
to start:                                          Nettl of Crawley -

    Follow @gdbevents                                                            Membership Works
    for the best networking                                                      Talk to us on
    in the diamond                                                               01293 440088

the Source - Mar/Apr 2019                                                                                                                     11

Making tax digital for VAT is here – are you ready?
                                                   in a digital format, in order to be MTD            returns, it will be the 04/19 period.
                                                   compliant, including:
                                                                                                      The introduction of MTD for certain types of
                                                   • Business Details                                 business has been delayed until 1 October
                                                   • Sales                                            2019, namely:
                                                   • Purchases
                                                   • VAT Account                                      • VAT group and divisional registrations;
                                                                                                      • Businesses based overseas;
                                                   B) FILE VAT RETURNS USING MTD SOFTWARE             • Annual Accounting scheme users;
                                                   A business must submit its VAT returns to          • Businesses in the Payments on Account
                                                   HMRC using approved MTD compatible                   (PoA) scheme;
                                                   software. Businesses using a software              • Trusts;
                                                   accounting package should confirm with             • Not for profit organisations; and
HMRC’s Making Tax Digital (MTD) for VAT            their supplier that it will be MTD compatible.     • Certain public sector entities, local
rules will be compulsory for most VAT              If VAT returns are to be submitted direct from       authorities and public corporations
registered businesses from 1 April 2019.           a spreadsheet, approved MTD compatible
                                                   ‘bridging software’ must be used.                  HMRC has written to businesses falling within
Businesses on the 1 April 2019                                                                        the above categories directing them to use
implementation date should prepare for             Businesses within the scope of MTD will            the 1 October 2019 implementation date.
MTD as a matter of urgency. The first step         need to comply with the new rules for VAT          Unless such a letter has been received from
will be to ensure that your business is using      return periods starting on or after 1 April        HMRC, the 1 April 2019 implementation date
an accounting package or bridging software         2019. For businesses on standard quarterly         must be used.
which will be MTD compatible.                      VAT return periods, the first compulsory
                                                   MTD VAT return will be for the period 06/19,       To ensure you are MTD ready, contact the
A) MAINTAIN DIGITAL VAT RECORDS                    07/19 or 08/19, depending on the quarterly         Menzies MTD team.
Certain VAT information must be kept               cycle. For businesses on monthly VAT     

Disaster recovery is a failed concept, says RGC Director Joe Concheiro
‘Doctors will tell you that prevention is better   data cloud solutions, this has evolved. The        buildings power fails. Cloud providers carry
than a cure, so if you still have to have a        focus is now business continuity; the ability      the burden of system resilience, leaving the
disaster recovery plan then you have missed        for an organization to react to a challenge        business free to focus on the provision of
an opportunity to protect your business from       and deliver a seamless service to customers.’      ‘flex enablers’, like laptops and secure cloud
unnecessary losses,’ insists Joe, a 30-year        Fellow Director, Bernie Knight, adds, ‘many        communications tools.’
veteran of the communications industry.            small businesses shy away from flexible
                                                   working, not understanding that it’s a vital       ‘By encouraging some flexible working,
'Yes - when on-site business systems were          part of their business continuity plan. Flexible   within the core office staff, a business is just
necessary, the physical office was the only        working, the option for staff to work from         live testing their systems in advance of an
true environment in which most businesses          a remote location every now and again, is          unforeseen event. The fact that staff benefit
could function, a DR plan was needed. The          increasingly important in attracting and           from being able to cope easily with home
DR plan used to include a second site with         retaining the best staff but it also means         deliveries, doctors’ appointments, school
a second system to replace something               the business must have a cloud structure           plays and sick pets is a charge free up-side.
that could fail. However, with connectivity        - the vital ingredient to ensure there is no
advances, and the availability of voice and        performance drop on a snow day, or if the

     Join @gdbmembership and have your voice
     heard on the issues that matter to you

     Connect with us on Linkedin:
     Gatwick Diamond Business

4 Costly Mistakes Employers Make When Dismissing Employees
We often take calls from employers who have
already dismissed their employee without
going through a fair process.

Defending Employment Tribunal claims are
not only expensive but costly due to the
time spent instructing solicitors to defend a
claim. The hidden cost is the damage to the
reputation of their business and low morale
amongst their remaining employees.

Here are the top 4 mistakes that our firm
regularly encounters when dealing with unfair
dismissal claims.

1. Failing to carry out a fair and thorough
                                                 3. Failing to take the employee’s disability      Settlement Agreements are best offered once
An investigation should be comprehensive,           into account                                   the employer has started their disciplinary
fair and even-handed. An investigation                                                             or capability process. This provides a paper
which is biased or selective is likely to lead   If an employer is taking disciplinary action      trail which shows that there is a fair reason for
to an Employment Tribunal finding that this      over performance or conduct, they need            dismissal. It also means that if negotiations
employee has been unfairly dismissed.            to consider why the situation arose. If the       break down, the employer can still terminate
                                                 employee is disabled, there is a possibility      the contract by fairly dismissing.
2. Dismissing for poor performance without       that the reason for their under-performance
   following a capability procedure              or misconduct is connected in some way            To make sure you don’t end up defending
                                                 to their disability. Reasonable adjustments       costly claims, we advise you take specialist
Employers dismissing for poor performance        should be made when making any decision to        employment law advice before you dismiss.
need to show that they have highlighted          discipline or dismiss to avoid an inadvertent     Our team are here to help so give us a
their employee’s shortcomings, made clear        act of disability discrimination.                 call on 01273 609911 or email info@ms-
what is expected of them, and allowed them                                               
sufficient opportunity and the required          4. Prematurely offering a Settlement
support to improve.                                 Agreement                            

Top tips for giving media interviews
                              Giving a media     This demand is not only from the media,           Things to avoid
                              interview,         either. Many businesses are looking to
                              whether in         their own staff to be a ‘talking head’ on the     • Don’t talk off-the-cuff or about subjects
                              person, on the     company website, often employing external           you don’t understand.
                              phone or on        suppliers to film and interview them.             • Don’t get tricked into thinking anything you
                              camera can be                                                          say is off the record.
                              a powerful way     For many people, appearing in front of the        • Don’t talk over the audience’s head.
                              to boost your      camera for the first time can be a nerve-         • Don’t say ‘no comment’ – it comes across
                              company’s          racking experience. It’s a skill which requires     as defensive.
                              reach and          practice and preparation.
                              reputation –                                                         During interview
                              and it need not    But media training is a cost-effective answer
                              be scary.          to ensure staff are ready to grasp media          • Be positive. It’s a great opportunity to put
                                                 opportunities for the benefit of their own          your message across.
                             In a virtual        career and of their employer.                     • Don’t be nervous – most journalists are
                             world which                                                             friendlier than you think! But do be alert.
                             is drowning in      Here are some top tips when talking to            • Ask what the first question will be – it helps
                             meaningless         the media:                                          to relax you.
copy there is an increasing demand for                                                             • Most important of all, be interesting! A
genuine expert opinion and for analytical        Before you speak to the journalist                  boring interview won’t reap coverage.
video content.
                                                 • Think carefully about what you want to          Contact: Alex Hankinson, Joint Managing
As a result, the number of requests for            achieve from an interview and whether it’s      Director, Midnight Communications.
interviews is on the rise and executives are       right for the business to do it.
increasingly expected to be able to handle       • Make sure you have enough time to prepare.      (e) (t) 01273 666200
media interaction if they are to climb the         Plan three key messages and try to think like
corporate ladder.                                  a journalist. What will they want to know?

the Source - Mar/Apr 2019                                                                                                                       13

                                                What to wear during an interview on camera
                                                If you’re planning on having a corporate video    around you, but if you’re wearing statement
                                                that involves you or members of your team         jewellery or dazzling diamonds, the light will
                                                being interviewed on screen, there are some       likely catch it and create ‘flashes’ on film,
                                                simple visual issues that you should be aware     which can distract the viewer and detract
                                                of which are easy to avoid. Unlike photography    from your message. Jewellery is fine but
                                                where it’s easy to ‘touch up’ after the photo     perhaps the more subtle kind is the safe bet
                                                has been taken, video is much more difficult as   for video.
                                                often there are 25 frames per second taken -
                                                that’s a lot of frames to put right!              Make-up

                                                Clothing                                          Our tip for make-up is around skin tone.
                                                                                                  The tone of any foundation should closely
                                                Wear what you feel comfortable in as you’ll       match the tone of any exposed skin
                                                then feel comfortable on camera, but              which will be in the frame. The colour
                                                beware that some fabrics, when filmed,            differentiation between face and neck
                                                cause odd stripes or patterns to appear           becomes more apparent on video. In the
                                                and a shimmering of the material which is         post production process it is really difficult
                                                really off-putting. This effect is called Moiré   to match skin tones between two different
                                                (examples can be seen on YouTube). Avoid          areas of the body in the same way as is
                                                wearing fine lined patterns or woven material     possible with photography. Men with bald
                                                and if unsure, bring a spare change of            heads may wish to have a light covering of
                                                clothing which is a plain in design and without   powder to prevent glare.
                                                straight lines very close together.
                                                                                                  Jovan Marić
                                                Jewellery                                         Square Daisy
                                                To ensure the footage looks bright and            0203 411 6617
                                                professional there will be a lighting rig

Future-proofing businesses across the Gatwick Diamond
More and more people are now choosing
an Apprenticeship as an alternative to
university. While nearly a fifth (19%) of
advanced Apprentices progress to higher
education over time following their
apprenticeship, they are proving a fantastic
alternative route into skilled employment.

In the long-term, individuals with an
advanced apprenticeship earn between
£77,000 and £117,000 more over their
lifetime than similar individuals with Level
2 qualifications. While those completing
a higher (degree level) apprenticeship
could see increased earnings of an
estimated £150,000 over their lifetime.
Sue Husband, Director of the National
Apprenticeship Service                          people of all ages, at all stages of their        Apprenticeship Levy.
                                                career. This makes them a great option for
Circa 400 Apprenticeship Standards are          anyone looking for a change of vocation, to       The centre of Economics and Business
available across multiple industries, ranging   improve their skills in order to secure a new     Research found that 86% of employers
from IT, sales, and finance to nuclear power!   role or re-enter the labour market.               said that apprentices helped to develop
With a further 258 in development. They                                                           relevant skills for the organisation, and to
are a great way to Earn & Learn, gain vital     Apprentices can now be confident that             fill the skills gaps. A further 69% said that
work experience and set yourself on a           they are embedding the Knowledge,                 employing apprentices improved their
proven path to a successful career.             Skills and Behaviours that employers              staff retention.
                                                need for a particular role. In simple
Each Apprenticeship Standard has been           terms Apprenticeships are paid jobs               Future-proof your business; get an
designed by groups of employers called          with training. More and more forward              Apprentice today! Contact WDR an
‘trailblazers’. These trailblazers came         thinking companies across the Gatwick             Approved Apprenticeship Training
together as the creators and early adopters     Diamond region are reaping the rewards            Provider to discuss your requirements. P
of these standards. They are available to       of recruiting apprentices and utilising the       01403 268251 E


Creative Pod Welcomes Gold Olympian Sally Gunnell OBE as a Client
Crawley-based marketing agency,
Creative Pod, is overjoyed to announce
it is working with former British track and
field gold Olympian athlete, Sally Gunnell
OBE. Following her retirement from
international athletics, Sally harnessed
her well-earned television sports women
personality and now uses her experience
and knowledge in health and fitness to
deliver corporate wellbeing programmes.
She is also a motivational speaker, and
supports healthy and active family
initiatives in the UK.

Sally, an inspiration in British sports due
to her infamous 1992 Summer Olympics
win in Barcelona, works with corporate
companies to focus on the importance
of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and
mentality to sustain and achieve
consistent high-quality performance.

For the last 15 years, Sally, who remains
the only woman ever to hold four major
track titles concurrently – Olympic,
World, European and Commonwealth,
has used her phenomenal athletics
career to empower and inspire others
with her insight, tips and tools. She has
now written four books on the topic,             and encourage their employees. Sally’s          work closely with Sally. We’re all excited to
harnessing her experiences and applying          corporate work is tailored to defining the      explore the range of PR opportunities we
them to her day-to-day life as a working         technique of consultants at each company        can work on together.”
mother of three boys.                            to support individuals in achieving the
                                                 highest level of performance.                   To book Sally for an event, please email
Creative Pod will manage Sally’s personal        Matt Turner, CEO of The Creative Group,
PR, securing press opportunities as              said “I am thrilled and honoured to have
well as booking events with businesses           Sally Gunnell OBE as a client of ours. Our
to enlighten them on how to motivate             team at Creative Pod are raring to go and

Local MP Impressed by One Stop Operation at Eco-Friendly Manufacturers
Sir Nicholas Soames MP paid a visit to Burgess   and capability to develop, pack, and label
Hill based manufacturer of environmentally-      products under one roof.”
friendly cleaning products, Bio-Productions
on Friday. Accompanied by the company’s          The visit was also a chance to celebrate the
Managing Director, Angela Gill, he was given a   organisation’s recent successes. Business
tour of the company’s offices and laboratory,    has been booming lately and Bio-Productions
where he had the chance to see the factory’s     products are now shipped as far afield as
production line first-hand.                      Australia, India, South Korea and throughout
                                                 Europe. China and Qatar have also recently
Throughout the visit, Angela and Operations      come aboard and Canada is currently
Manager, Chris Freeman, showcased the            trialling the products. In 2017, revenue
diverse products that make up the Bio-           increased by 14%. To keep up with demand,
Productions catalogue, which has significantly   the management are keen to expand the
expanded since business began in 1984.           company’s operations in Burgess Hill but
                                                 are struggling to find the space.
“Sir Nicholas was really impressed that
our products are all developed and               Sir Nicholas Soames said: “I was
manufactured at this one site in Burgess         tremendously impressed by what I saw
Hill,” Angela commented. “It’s quite             at Bio-Productions. It is an outstanding
uncommon for a company of our size in this       business and I was delighted to meet Angela
industry to do everything in Britain, but        Gill and I wish her and her team all the best
we’re really proud that we have the capacity     for the future.”                      

the Source - Mar/Apr 2019                                                                                                                   15

ITDS launch new alliance partnership programme
Since its inception in 2014, local managed      satisfaction supplying excellent products
print and document management                   and outstanding service and support. IT
specialist IT Document Solutions has            Document Solutions is about enhancing a
experienced rapid growth, providing             client’s systems and reducing costs. We do
innovative solutions which have helped          this by providing the value-added service
hundreds of organisations to reduce their       of Managed Print and Document Solutions
operating costs, boost their operational        on behalf of our partners.”
efficiency and maximise their security.
                                                Solutions under the programme include
This year the business plans to drive           Print and Document Security, Managed              the digital revolution. Our partners
further growth with the launch of their new     Print Services (MPS) and Electronic               understand the need to work with a
look alliance partnership programme. This       Document Management. The Alliance                 progressive company like IT Document
concept provides the opportunity for IT         Partner Programme was created to                  Solutions, especially when we are asking
and Service providers to offer the latest       provide complimentary business with an            them to introduce us to their clients.”
technology in office print and document         expansive portfolio of print and document
services to their wide range of clients.        technology solutions that enable                  To learn more about how you can join the
                                                their clients to streamline their print           programme or to hear more about the
Jermaine Weeden, Director, IT Document          infrastructure and work more efficiently, all     success stories, please contact:
Solutions added, “We’re continually             provided through one central supplier that
building relationships with companies who       they know and trust.                              IT Document Solutions
have long standing relationships with a                                                           0207 101 0096
variety of clients nationwide. Our partners     Jermaine, continued “The copier and     
tend to share our vision of 100% customer       print industries have evolved following 

PHVC are a vehicle management company,          We supply both wheelchair accessible and          Our fleet management includes normal
which specialise in the Community & Care,       conventional 9 to 17 seater Minibuses             servicing/maintenance needs, monitoring
Schools & University and B2B sectors for all    or even 23 seater mini-coaches from               of annual MOT`s, mileage or safety checks
aspects of vehicle procurement.                 stock. So whether your vehicle needs that         required for time related inspection
                                                bespoke conversion or simply factory built        programs, or any additional fitted
We pride ourselves on having over 28            `off the shelf` and ready to go, we have          equipment weight testing.
years’ experience of Minibuses, Cars and        the one for you.
Vans including specially adapted vehicles                                                         With our own qualified drivers, we provide
for many organisations across the UK.           We can supply & fit your corporate                you with that professional handover
                                                branding & livery, offer free UK delivery of      to ensure your complete customer
Having access to all the latest information     the car, van or minibus to your premises.         satisfaction from beginning to end.
ensuring your new vehicle will conform          We also support you with an Accident
to any policy’s you may have, current           management and Fuel card service too.             To find out more information please visit
legislation or any manufacturer demands.                                                

Reigate Manor leaves Best Western…
After 37 years Reigate Manor on Reigate
Hill has parted ways from marketing brand       by the existing core management team who
Best Western. Although always privately         are based across the three sites.
owned, Reigate Manor held the Best Western
franchise and is part of a group of three       Reigate Manor has had some major
hotels. Back in 2001 Reigate Manor was          investment over the last few years including
joined by a smaller, Georgian property in       the refurbishment of the Cellar underneath
Kent, Hadlow Manor and just over two years      the hotel which has been transformed
ago the hotel group expanded with the           into a fantastic function space, “The Cellar
acquisition of Hartsfield Manor, previously a   Rooms” housing its’ own night club with fully
De Vere property in Betchworth.                 stocked bar, separate entrance, dance floor,
                                                cloakrooms and a break out space which is         For further information about the group
The three hotels now form a small               used as a very smart conference space by day.     please see:
independently owned group of their own          The ballroom, bars and lounge areas were all
known as the ‘Manor Collection’. All three      completely upgraded and redesigned back 
properties have their own unique style and      in 2012. This year also saw the installation of
character. The ownership of the hotels          Hypnos beds throughout the hotel enabling
remains the same and will continue to be run    the guest a superb night’s sleep.       

You can also read