Managing Risk in Euro Currency Conversion
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Managing Risk to 2002. The coincidence of this transition with the Y2000 problem has been much commented on recently (see Table 1). in Euro Currency Common issues for both are estimating, project management, defect management, regression testing, dependence on external Conversion contractors and package software, missing source code, and operating system, applica- tion, and hardware upgrades. In this article, I will focus on what is distinctive about the euro conversion. [Note: I have made use of many ideas from a 60-page article by Pieter by Patrick O’Beirne Dekker on “Preparing Information Systems for the Euro.” The larger article is available on R isks are present in virtually every soft- ware project, and as a result, “risk management” is typically discussed in very the Information Society Project Office (ISPO) site, at] generic terms. However, there are a few On 1 January 1999, the euro will be created types of projects for which the risks seem from the present ECU (European Currency particularly pervasive and severe; they Unit). Rates of conversion between the euro deserve a specific discussion of risk-man- and the participating national currencies agement issues and guidelines. Y2000 pro- will be irrevocably fixed, and the euro will jects are perhaps the most widely recog- become the national currency in the partici- nized example in the US, but in Europe, the pating countries. To say that, for example, a euro currency projects may involve even euro is 0.776655 Irish pounds is just like greater risks. saying that a foot is 30.48 centimeters — it is simply a different scale of measurement of As the countries of Europe enter the 21st the same entity. As of 1 January 1999, enter- century, they face a challenge of historic prises can begin operating in euros if they proportions. Conversion to a common wish. On 1 January 2002, the new euro currency, the euro, will not only involve banknotes and coins will be put into circula- economic issues — for example, the reduc- tion in substitution for banknotes and coins tion in exchange rate risks and the increase in the old national currency units. in price transparency — but also a number of business and technical issues. This article During the transition period, two different will explore a number of business and tech- currency units will be used within the nical issues concerning the euro conversion member states; at the end, only the euro will and suggest ways of managing the risk. be the legal expression. Financial information systems will have to be prepared in order to The transition to European economic and deal with this unique transition scenario. monetary union (EMU) is marked by the changeover to the euro currency from 1999 22 REPRINT ©1998 Cutter Information Corp.
Planning the changeover of information Table 1: Comparison of Y2000 and euro currency projects systems to the euro is not just a matter of Y2000 Euro changeover dealing with the technical conversion. For Maintenance project Strategic decisions many enterprises, there will be strategic Every application that uses dates Every application that uses money decisions that will fundamentally affect the Database expansion possible Database conversion of amounts way an enterprise conducts its affairs. These Embedded systems Vending machines, cash registers Supply chain management Trading partner synchronization can change the functionality that is Fixed deadline Transition period (but banks must be expected from information systems. For this done on 1 January 1999) reason, I contend that the introduction of Liability and litigation concerns Consumer legislation concerns the euro is primarily a problem of managing No functionality change New functionality and user training requirements. Future date testing New functionality testing No fallback “No compulsion, no prohibition” Every business process is affected by the euro. You should perform a “thought have to be dual priced. The EC leaves it to experiment,” or a simulation of what will national legislation, and there is as yet no happen to your business during the transi- legislation on this issue in any country. It is a tional period, to see how new requirements customer information issue, and it’s up to might be generated for IT systems. This you to decide what to do. I would warn of simulation must cover setting prices, order the risks of taking on too much change in processing, delivering, invoicing, and payment systems, given that IT resources will be systems, and it must also consider the atten- stretched already for Y2000 conversion. This article originally appeared in dant transitional problems that may occur as Vol. 11, No. 6 of Cutter IT Journal. Monetary union also means that the trading partners go through their own E-day. exchange risks between participating Copyright ©1998 by Cutter Information Corp. member states will disappear. Therefore, BUSINESS ISSUES businesses may now wish to compete in a All rights reserved. Unauthroized reproduction, including The strategic preparation must involve the wider market, requiring new language, legal, photocopying, faxing, and image entire company; this is much more than an and marketing competencies. New products scanning, is against the law. accounting problem. Don’t leave it to the may require IT changes, but that is a normal The monthly Cutter IT Journal ® accountants or IT people to solve for them- part of systems development and should not newsletter is published by: selves. Do you want IT people making busi- be a risk except in resource terms. Cutter Information Corp., 37 ness decisions? Broadway, Suite 1, Arlington, MA Enterprises are sometimes able to profit 02474 (+1 781 648 8702 or, within The impact of euro conversion on retail from price discrimination in different North America, +1 800 964 8702; systems is pervasive — consider price geographic markets. After the introduction Fax +1 781 648 1950 or, within North displays, labels, pack pricing, bar codes, of the euro, these hidden price differences America, +1 800 888 1816). psychologically sensitive price points, may become painfully visible. Addressing E-mail:, Web weighing scales, the unit pricing directive, this should only be a data maintenance task site: the loss of margin on low-unit-price items, and so should not pose an IT risk. consumer information, personnel training, adapting cash registers, scanning systems, SUPPLY CHAIN cash office management, security, the use In some industries, customers use informa- of credit cards, and so on. Sales and tion systems for ordering, payments, or purchasing price lists will have to be bookkeeping that are developed by their reviewed. But people seem to be making an suppliers. The problem for the supplier/ automatic assumption that everything — developer and the customer/user of such price lists, invoices, even statements — will Get the Cutter Edge free: REPRINT 23
software is in the coordination of their precision, as above. According to the Giga changeover schedules. Group, “Almost every system falls over when it has to do triangulation; the Plan the synchronization with your trading computer starts to choke.” Such anthropo- partners carefully. Consider the effect of morphism is amusing as, of course, the time lags in order/delivery/invoicing/ triangulation logic is either there or not. payments/statements processing. You may have a dependence on external service Unavoidable Rounding Differences providers of information systems (e.g., stock Converting amounts forward and backward exchange feeds, bureau services) that will between the euro and participating change to the euro on 1 January 1999. Once currency units will unavoidably cause one major enterprise changes, it will have rounding differences. The addition (as in an effect upstream and downstream in its invoices) of amounts that have been value chain. This is particularly profound rounded results in an accumulation of the when EDI is used. rounding differences. Repricing small unit Where users need to prices in euro figures rounded to the nearest revise and correct the data TECHNICAL RISKS IN SOFTWARE cent can cause a loss of net margin. The LOGIC AND DATA effects of these rounding differences vary files manually, there is a There are a large number of technical risks from being merely a nuisance to being able risk of incorrect data entry involved in the euro conversion, some of to bring information processing to a halt which I will summarize here. Lack of space because of the accumulation of discrepan- or even fraud. prevents me from providing detailed exam- cies that require reconciliation. ples, but the reader should find the risk cate- gories fairly obvious and understandable. Other Technical Risks n Interfaces between systems, Avoidable Rounding Differences specifically EDI, will require an Article 235 of the regulations prohibits the agreed changeover of currency use of cross-rates or inverse rates derived denomination. n Systems may suffer “data pollution”; from the inverse of the fixed conversion that is, amounts expressed in euro rates. This is because inverse ratios produce may accidentally be combined with nonterminating decimals; these figures amounts expressed in the national must be truncated or rounded somewhere, currency unit. and will therefore fail when converting n Conversion of historical data amounts with more than that number of requires that all instances of the significant digits. If your system really same data be converted in exactly cannot handle the prescribed method of the same way. This poses a particu- multiplication or division, the risk will have lar risk where the data is not normal- to be managed by using a rate with more ized, as is commonly the case in significant digits than the largest number MIS/DSS data warehouses. you ever convert. n Countries such as Italy and Spain have a national currency unit with- “Triangulation” is prescribed as the method out decimals, and their systems may for converting participating currencies via the need to be modified in order to euro. If this involves too many logic changes, work with euro cents. you may have to manage the risk using n Thresholds such as report ranges, direct conversion factors with sufficient validity checks, credit limits, and 24 REPRINT ©1998 Cutter Information Corp.
reorder points must be converted to the data files manually, there is a risk of incor- euro, and they may be embedded in rect data entry or even fraud. The conversion code rather than in data. to the euro may also give rise to a substantial n Displaying information in two cur- number of “suspense” or “clearing” items in rency units at the same time can be financial systems. These items need to be difficult, because the amount of analyzed and resolved in time to ensure that space on displays and printed no irregularities have occurred. Testing reports is limited. systems for new functionality will also require the creation of new test cases. RISKS IN STAFF RESOURCES I believe the magnitude Here the obvious risk is that IT departments RISKS IN MODIFYING EXISTING of the task is overstated may need additional staff to cope with both SOFTWARE in the media. the euro and Y2000 conversions. And as In practice, most financial systems are Pieter Dekker observes in his paper, the currency-agnostic; that is, they just process introduction of the euro will require training numbers within one base currency, and no of existing employees for new functionality, currency is implied. The only time a as well as a familiarization period for people currency symbol appears is on input to grow accustomed to working with a new screens as a prompt or on output reports as currency. To the extent that manual a column heading or data format. After all, currency conversions are required, this will who asks if an accounting package is also introduce the risk of clerical errors. “dollar-compliant” or “pound-compliant”? Therefore, there are only one or two places RISKS IN CONVERTING END-USER where the specific euro conversion rules APPLICATIONS have to be applied: input and output. If As we have also found in Y2000 projects, a these are well-modularized, the entire appli- large area of risk involves end-user applica- cation’s conversion may be isolated to two tions whose existence may not even be modules. It may only be necessary to known to the IT department. Identifying modify the input routines and rely on report only the spreadsheet cells or database fields generators to produce the required outputs. to modify may be difficult, as most end-user I believe the magnitude of the task is over- applications are poorly structured and stated in the media. The Gartner Group is completely undocumented. Unfortunately, it quoted as saying, “The cost of fixing each is impossible to design a utility that can line of code is estimated at $1.10, with bil- automatically convert spreadsheet models lions of lines of code having to be changed.” to euro. To avoid double conversion, identify I consider “billions” to be a gross overstate- the currency unambiguously so you know ment. After all, how many lines of code what’s converted and what’s not. handle currency conversions in a system? One module — maybe shared among many RISKS IN INTERNAL CONTROLS applications if the company has any An important part of financial computing concept of reusability. Another example applications is a set of internal controls that comes from the Giga Group, which states, deal with unusual transactions, access privi- “The monetary union has said that all sys- leges, and potentially fraudulent insertion, tems will have to be able to account for six modification, or deletion of financial informa- significant decimal places, making most sys- tion. Where users need to revise and correct tems, which now account for two, obsolete.” Get the Cutter Edge free: REPRINT 25
In fact, the six-significant-figure rule only A big bang approach at year-end may not be applies to the conversion process, not the possible if previous financial periods must entire accounting system, which will remain “open” or “active” for an extended continue with two decimal places when period (i.e., more than a few weeks). It referring to amounts of money for payment. carries the same risks as all big bang projects: the need to be able to recover CHANGEOVER TIMING STRATEGIES from an unsuccessful implementation. When the European Union set out in 1992 Gradual Approach on its voyage to EMU, the Y2000 “iceberg,” Under this approach, the systems would as Capers Jones puts it, was not visible in change over to the euro on an “as- anybody’s radar. The Y2000 conversion is a necessary” or “when-ready” basis. A dis- maintenance project with a fixed deadline advantage of this method is that special and no functionality change, it requires interfaces between these systems need to regression tests and future date testing, and be built to convert data from one currency it has no fallback. In contrast, the euro unit to the other. Such interfaces have a conversion is a new functionality project very short useful life and may therefore be with a three-year transition phase, it relatively expensive. An additional risk is requires requirements testing, and it can that of data pollution, in which users inad- rely on “No compulsion, no prohibition” as a vertently combine financial data denomi- fallback. This clause, described below (see nated in different currency units. sidebar, p. 27), is the lifeboat for those companies that are not ready for the euro CHANGEOVER TECHNICAL STRATEGIES on 1 January 1999. They can, in theory, wait until 1 January 2002. If there really is serious There are a number of technical strategies economic disruption, as forecasted by for achieving the euro conversion. These Dr. Ed Yardeni of Deutsche Morgan Grenfell, may apply separately to input and output even that date may be put back by political functions. decree. Manual Solution Regardless of the timing of the euro intro- This means using a single-currency system duction, IT departments will need to decide and a calculator. This method may suit on an overall strategy for introduction of when almost all transactions are in the their new systems. The alternatives are national currency unit and only a few trans- familiar from previous IT undertakings: the actions are in euro. A full conversion can “big bang” approach and the gradual/ wait until the euro becomes the most phased approach. important currency unit. Big Bang Approach Manual conversion, however, is notoriously In the “big bang” approach, the enterprise susceptible to clerical errors. When dealing prepares for a changeover of all its informa- with real-time transaction processing (such tion systems at the same time. This strategy as at cash registers), manual processing avoids the problems of working with a may be too burdensome. mixed system (part euro, part national currency unit). Parallel Systems Another solution is to use two versions of the existing financial information system in 26 REPRINT ©1998 Cutter Information Corp.
parallel. One of the systems could be used for euro, or an enterprise could run two to process amounts in the national currency copies of the same software simultaneously. unit, the other could be used for euro. For One risk with this strategy is that users of example, one cash register could be used two identical information systems with for the national currency unit and another different currency units could easily mistake THE TIMETABLE AND REGULATIONS One currency, two denominations. The To convert euro to national currency: multiply by timetable for the euro is a transition period from the rate. 1999 to 2002, during which there will be two denominations of legal tender in each member To convert national currency to euro: divide by state. Philip Hamell of the Euro Changeover Team the rate. of the Irish Department of Finance likens the Inverse rates are not allowed because the changeover to the euro to Aristotle’s theory of inverse of those rates gives a nonterminating “substance” and “accidents” (better known in decimal, and precision will be lost at some point Ireland as the basis of “transubstantiation”). On at which your numeric precision stops. Whether 1 January 1999, the pound in your pocket still that makes any practical difference depends on has the accidents (look and feel) of a pound, but the size of numbers you have to handle. Only its substance (nature) is changed and is now you can answer that, knowing the precision of really the euro. your language and file structures and your No compulsion, no prohibition. In the legal business data. framework, the fundamental principle Triangulation. The famous “triangulation” rule is applicable during the transitional period is called that to convert from one participating currency “No compulsion, no prohibition.” It states that to another, you must convert via the euro and acts to be performed under legal instruments round the euro amount to not less than three stipulating the use of one of the units possible — decimal places. Other methods are allowed only the national currency unit or the euro unit — if they produce the same result, and that is the shall be performed in the stipulated unit unless let-out clause that software companies will be otherwise agreed by the parties (Article 8(1) of using. Triangulation is not a matter of national or the 109L(4) Regulation). This rule ensures that local government enforcement, but a matter of economic agents will only have to use the unit dispute resolution/litigation. Unless there is a to which they have agreed. However, economic dispute, the method of calculation is not agents may feel obliged to deal with the euro relevant. And it is only relevant where an before the end of the transitional period for alternative method, if used, reaches a different competitive reasons (e.g., because customers result. There are certainly no plans to set up a may require invoices in euro) or logistical “Triangulation Enforcement Agency” in Brussels. reasons (e.g., to avoid a high-risk “big bang” However, at the national level, there may be conversion to euro on 31 December 2001) consumer protection laws that impose certain Legal framework. The legal framework as far as additional requirements on parties in a we are concerned is the Article 235 regulation transaction. (Council Regulation 1103/97 of 17 June 1997), Article 5 states that you must round to the which specifies the following: nearest cent for amounts to be paid; therefore Article 2: Freedom of contract. This means that rounding does not apply to other numbers, people are free to agree to their own terms such as unit prices (e.g., a phone charge of independent of this legislation. “Freedom” of .00416p/sec) . course assumes there is no element of coercion The euro in print. There is no law that you must from a stronger partner. use the euro glyph. It is likely to be used in The euro glyph. promotional material as a logo, but businesses Article 4: Conversion and precision. This will not adopt it until it is a normal part of all specifies that a fixed six-significant-figure keyboards, printers, and screen character sets. conversion rate of one euro expressed as each Microsoft has introduced the symbol in Office 97 national currency is to be used without rounding applications, but it is not accessible by the or truncation. Only in Ireland (and the UK when Ctrl+Alt+E combination recommended by the it joins) will this mean six decimal places. For EU. The ISO 4217 Maintenance Agency has the Italian lira, for example, it might be 1,987.65. adopted the currency code “EUR” for the euro. Get the Cutter Edge free: REPRINT 27
the euro system for the national currency enterprises to keep their accounting records system. Furthermore, each system may in their original form for at least 5 to 10 receive only part of the transactional data. years. Retroactive changes of historical data Where transactions are not independent but should be avoided at all cost, because this are related to other transactions, this can be could cause synchronization problems a problem. between the two systems. It is impossible to represent amounts before 1 January 1999 in Segmented Changeover euro, as the currency did not exist. This would In some situations, the currency unit used cause anomalies when comparing data that will depend on the type of transaction. For was collected during the floating-rate era. instance, all purchases from corporate suppliers could be in euro, while all sales to Possible solutions for this problem, and their individuals could be in the national currency risks, are: unit. This approach would, however, require n Print hard copies. However, print- the implementation of an interface between outs may be not detailed enough, or the two systems that converts the amounts they may be organized in such a from one currency to the other. Here the way (e.g., sorted by the wrong key, risk also exists that users could get confused unsorted, fragmented) as to make it about the currency that the system uses. impossible to access the data in an efficient manner. Historical Database Conversion n Maintain double systems. This Even after the enterprise has switched over involves using two versions of the to the euro, it needs to keep its historical existing financial information system data available in the national currency unit at the same time. in order to maintain the existing audit trail. In most countries, national law requires RISKS IN PACKAGE REPLACEMENT OR UPGRADE EURO CONVERSION RESOURCES ONLINE Selecting the right software package, devel- The Tenagra euro2002 discussion list is a mailing list set up specifically to explore oping custom-made modules, or even IT strategies and techniques for the euro conversion. To join this listserv, send an configuring the parameters of standard soft- e-mail message containing just the word “subscribe” in the body of the message ware requires a significant amount of lead to: time. It is common to read of software The following Web sites also provide useful resources: suppliers who say, “There is still no defini- n (the euro FAQ tive interpretation of EMU compliance for from Systems Modelling Ltd.) accounting software” or “Our development n plan is ... subject to the directives from (Pieter Dekker’s paper on IT systems) Brussels becoming available in time.” The fact is, the rules have been known since n (EU information Web site) 1996 and are embodied in Regulation 235 of n (Association for the Monetary Union of Europe) July 1997. There will never be a specifica- n (Federation of European Accountants) tion for euro compliance from Brussels; that will be a matter for the marketplace to n (call for sharing best practices) decide. If your vendors give you that excuse, n (Forfás Awareness Campaign) tell them, “There’s nothing more coming n (EURO-PAPERS site) from Brussels, folks — get on with it.” Then tell them what you want the package to do. 28 REPRINT ©1998 Cutter Information Corp.
“Euro Compliance” database conversion, which requires Patrick O’Beirne, B.Sc., M.A., particular care where databases are not speaks and consults on Y2000 The functional requirements of “euro- issues for the desktop and euro compliant” software depend both on normalized and contain redundant data for conversion of business systems. the business of your enterprise and the performance reasons. Database conversion He writes a regular column for changeover strategy you have adopted. may be impossible if numeric price or Irish Computer on Y2000 issues. Therefore, no standard definition of “euro- money data is buried in text or descriptive Mr. O’Beirne can be reached at compliant” exists. Hence, you should always fields. Beware of mindless automatic Systems Modelling Ltd., Suite 2, Villa Alba, Tara Hill, Gorey, verify for yourself whether so-called euro- conversions. Many people seem to be County Wexford, Ireland. Tel. compliant software actually meets your unaware that euro pricing is more than a +353 55 22294; Fax: +353 55 needs. And remember the following caveats: simple recalculation — the whole pricing 22297; E-mail: pobeirne@ structure may need to be rebased in euro. n Enterprises usually have little influ- That’s why business involvement is so ence on the type of changeover solu- important. tion that package vendors will choose in dealing with the euro. Those companies currently operating a n Some software software vendors single-currency ledger may not appreciate may not have the financial and having to use a multi-currency package to human resources necessary to pro- make the transition to a single currency. See duce euro-compliant versions of for a their software. Do not unconditional- worked example of how a small company ly rely on their good intentions. might go about this. n The “euro-compliant” software may turn out to be less reliable than SUMMARY the previous release of the same software. The changeover to the euro has three n The price of an upgrade can be specific features: excessive if the original software 1. New products or services may introduce was poorly designed, a substantial new functionality. These new require- amount of unnecessary functionality ments must be managed just as in all was added, or the software vendor other new projects, particularly at this takes advantage of the situation. difficult time for obtaining IT resources. Very few “multi-currency” packages 2. The transitional period involves currently meet the Regulation 235 criteria, handling two denominations of as they were designed for the management currency with a fixed conversion rate. of floating rates, not a six-digit-precision There is no need to spend any more fixed-rate regime. The euro requires more than is absolutely necessary for a transi- than most multi-currency packages provide. tional period. Coordinate with your Multi-base-currency packages have been trading partners to reduce this effort. proposed and may suit some, but one size does not fit all. Some large package vendors 3. The conversion effort is plagued by are offering a dual-base-currency system, exaggerated claims of difficulty. Don’t which essentially treats the euro as the real be fazed by these pronouncements. base currency and captures converted data Take full advantage of any shortcuts to minimize the amount of changes to in parallel in the national currency. your system. After all, at the end, they Ask about the euro migration suite your soft- will look much as they always did, just ware vendors should provide. This includes with a different currency symbol. Get the Cutter Edge free: REPRINT 29
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