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Detections of nuclear explosions by triple coincidence Uppsala University Department of Physics and Astronomy Marielle Aksér July 1, 2021
Detections of nuclear explosions by triple coincidence Dissertation in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE WITH A MAJOR IN PHYSICS Uppsala University Department of Physics and Astronomy Supervisor, Peter Jansson Subject reader, Cecilia Gustavsson Examiner, Andreas Korn July 1, 2021
II Abstract When a nuclear explosion occurs certain radionuclides are emitted, notably xenon. Due to the fact that xenon is a noble gas, it is hard to contain and can therefore be detected far from the explosion site. There are four isotopes of xenon that are of interest in the detection of a nuclear explosion: 131m Xe, 133m Xe, 133 Xe and 135 Xe. By constantly measuring the amount of these isotopes in the air, changes in the concentration in an indication that a nuclear explosion has occurred. In this thesis a detector was modelled in GEANT4 and focuses on one kind of noble gas detector: SAUNA - the Swedish Automatic Unit for Noble gas Acquisition. SAUNA uses the coincidence technique in order to determine the concentration of xenon there is in the air. By using the coincidence technique, it is possible to reduce the impact of the background radiation and therefore increase the efficiency of the detector. 133 Xe has a coincidence when it first undergoes beta decay, with an endpoint energy of 346 keV, and then emits a 80 keV gamma particle. 135 Xe has also a dual coincidence, a beta decay with an endpoint energy of 910 keV together with a 250 keV gamma-ray. However both these isotopes have a triple coincidence decay that also can be exploited: for 133 Xe, a beta particle with endpoint energy of 346 keV, a 30 keV X-ray and a 45 keV conversion electron, while for 135 Xe there is instead of the gamma particle a 30 keV X-ray and a 214 keV conversion electron that can be emitted together with the beta particle. The 30 keV X-ray together with the beta particle for 133 Xe can also be used as a dual coincidence, in that case the conversion electron is ignored. For 133 Xe, when a beta particle, a 45 keV conversion electron, and a 30 keV X-ray are emitted, the model was able to detect all three particles in 69.2% ± 0.1 of the cases. However, when only the particles with a detected energy within a 5 keV interval of their generated energies are considered to be in coincidence, then for 133 Xe triple coincidence occurs in 22.9% ± 0.2 of the cases. For 135 Xe the model was able to detect the triple coincidence (between a beta, 214 keV CE and 30 keV X-ray) in 63.5% ± 0.1 of the cases. This work shows that adding another particle in a coincidence reduces the chance to detect the coincidence. The positive effect of adding another particle in a coincidence is that the minimum detectable concentration of xenon should be smaller. The goal for future detectors should be to make it possible for the detector to take advantage of the triple coincidences but at the same time be also able to use the dual coincidences.
III Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning 1945 släppte USA två kärnvapenbomber över Japan i samband med andra världskriget. Skillnaden mellan en vanlig bomb och en kärnvapenbomb är att en kärnvapenbomb också släpper ut farliga ämnen samt radioaktiv strålning i och med sin detonation. Dessa stannar inte på detonationsplatsen utan kan även sprida och utsätta människor och djur långt ifrån detonationen för fara. Från mitten av 1900-talet har det arbetats för att förhin- dra användandet av kärnvapen. 1996 kom ett internationellt avtal, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). Avtalet förbjuder alla former av kärndetonationer på jorden, oavsett om det är ur ett militärt, civilt eller i något annat syfte. Tyvärr har inte alla världens länder bekräftat avtalet ännu. För att säkerställa att avtalet följs behöver man ett kontrollsystem. I en kärnexplosion släpps specifika ämnen ut och genom att hela tiden mäta vilka ämnen som finns i luften kan man upptäcka om dessa specifika ämnen dyker upp. Gör de det, betyder det att en kärnexplosion har skett. Sedan kan man, genom vindanalyser, komma fram till var explosionen skett. Ett av världens kontrollsystemen som används har Totalförsvarets forskningsinstitut, FOI, utvecklat, kallad SAUNA - the Swedish Automatic Unit for Noble gas Acquisition. SAUNA använder sig utav s.k. koincidence-teknik, det betyder att man försöker mäta flera partiklar samtidigt. I SAUNA så använder man dubbel koincidence, dvs. man mäter två partiklar samtidigt. I detta examensarbete så undersöker jag möjligheten att detektera tre partiklar samtidigt, dvs. trippel-koincidence. Fördelen med trippel jämfört med dubbel är att även om det skulle finnas mindre mängder av ämnet i luften kan man detektera det ändå. För att testa detta så gjorde jag datorsimuleringar. Resultatet blev att sannolikheten att detektera tre partiklar var lägre än att detektera två, men fördelen att man kan detektera mindre mängder av ämnet väger upp den låga sannolikheten. Det betyder att framtida detektorer borde ändå använda sig utav trippel-koincidence (utöver dubbel) och på så sätt bli ännu bättre i arbetet att upptäcka ifall något land utför ett kärnvapenprov.
Table of Contents IV Table of Contents Abstract II Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning III List of Tables VI List of Figures VII 1 Introduction 1 2 Theory 5 2.1 SAUNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2.2 Coincidence technique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2.3 Efficiency of the SAUNA detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 2.4 GEANT4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 3 Methodology 12 3.1 Building the detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.2 Implementation of the coincidence in GEANT4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 3.3 Obtaining the energy distribution of the beta particle . . . . . . . . . . . 13 3.4 Checking the detector model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 4 Results 15 4.1 The detector model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 4.2 Xenon 133 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 4.2.1 Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4.2.2 Beta particles energy distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 4.3 Xenon 135 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.3.1 Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 4.3.2 Beta particles energy distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 5 Discussion 24 5.1 The model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 5.2 Beta spectrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 5.3 Efficiency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 5.4 Triple coincidence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 6 Conclusion 29
List of Tables VI List of Tables Table 2.1: Decay energies and types for the four isotopes of xenon . . . . . . . . . 8 Table 2.2: Calculated efficiencies of SAUNA-detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Table 2.3: The total-, γ- and β-efficiencies of the SAUNA-detector . . . . . . . . . 11 Table 4.1: Triple coincidence result for 133 Xe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Table 4.2: Dual coincidence result for 133 Xe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Table 4.3: Triple coincidence result for 135 Xe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Table 4.4: Dual coincidence result for 135 Xe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Table 5.1: Comparison between the efficiency of SAUNA and the simulations for 133 Xe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Table 5.2: Comparison between the efficiency of SAUNA and the simulations for 135 Xe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
List of Figures VII List of Figures Figure 1.1: Four major types of nuclear testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Figure 1.2: Worldwide nuclear testing between 1945 - 2018 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Figure 1.3: Worldwide nuclear testing: atmospheric and underground . . . . . . 2 Figure 2.1: Schematic drawing of SAUNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Figure 2.2: Two-dimensional energy spectra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Figure 2.3: Decay scheme for 133 Xe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Figure 2.4: Decay scheme for 135 Xe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Figure 3.1: Beta energy distribution for 133 Xe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Figure 3.2: Beta energy distribution for 135 Xe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Figure 3.3: Calibration spectra for 137 Cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Figure 4.1: Detector model over SAUNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Figure 4.2: β-γ coincidence spectra for 137 Cs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Figure 4.3: Events needed before the amount of the detection of three particles converges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Figure 4.4: 2D-histogram over the energy deposit of the conversion electron and the beta particle for 133 Xe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Figure 4.5: Histogram over the energy deposit for the beta particle for 133 Xe . . . 20 Figure 4.6: 2D-histogram over the energy deposit of the conversion electron and the beta particle for 135 Xe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Figure 4.7: Histogram over the energy deposit for the beta particle for 135 Xe . . . 23 Figure 5.1: Detector model over SAUNA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Figure 5.2: Calibration spectra comparison between the simulations and a physical detector . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Figure 5.3: Histogram over the energy deposit for the beta particle for 135 Xe and 135 Xe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Figure 5.4: Histogram over 135 Xe beta particle in both detectors . . . . . . . . . . 26 Figure 5.5: Histogram over CE for 133 Xe and 135 Xe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Introduction 1 1 Introduction The first atomic bomb exploded on the 16th of July 1945 in the desert in New Mexico, USA. The test was part of the well-known Manhattan Project, which eventually led to the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945. In 1996 an international treaty, the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), was signed at the UN General Assembly in New York. The CTBT prohibits all nuclear test explosions on earth. How- ever, there are still a few countries that haven’t ratified it, preventing the treaty from yet entering into force. Between 1945 and 1996, over 2000 nuclear tests were carried out, while only ten nuclear tests have been conducted after the CTBT opened for signatures [1]. Nuclear weapon tests have historically been divided into four categories depending on the location of the test: 1. atmospheric, 2. underground, 3. exoatmospheric and 4. underwater, see figure 1.1 below [2]. Figure 1.1: Four major types of nuclear testing: 1. atmospheric, 2. underground, 3. exoatmospheric, and 4. underwater Before 1950 there were some considerations about the health risks when exposed to the radiation from nuclear testing and public protests played a part in the development of the Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT) in 1962. The PTBT stated that nuclear testing in the atmosphere, outer space and under water were banned; however nuclear tests
Introduction 2 were still allowed underground. The PTBT was not signed by France and China which continued to do atmospheric tests until 1974 and 1980, respectively [3]. In the two figures below are presented the worldwide numbers for nuclear testing, figure 1.2 illustrates which countries: USA, USSR/Russia, UK, France, China, India, Pakistan and DPRK (North Korea), and in which year they conducted the tests, from 1945 to 2018. Figure 1.3 illustrates instead whether the test was done in the atmosphere or underground between 1945 and 2017. Figure 1.2: Worldwide nuclear testing between 1945 - 2018 [4]. Figure 1.3: Worldwide nuclear testing atmospheric vs. underground [5]. The PTBT worked partially, reducing the number of atmospheric nuclear explosions, as shown in figure 1.3, resulting in a drop of the concentration of radioactive particles
Introduction 3 in the atmosphere. However it did not result in a complete stop of nuclear prolifera- tion, i.e. the spread of nuclear weapons, fissionable material and weapons-applicable nuclear technology [6]. In 1985, during a Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) conference, a Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty was called for and in 1988 it was proposed to enhance the scope of the PTBT to include all environment explosion sites, which would eventually transform the PTBT into the CTBT [7]. The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) is the international organization whose purpose is to make sure that the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty is upheld. The organisation’s main tasks are to promote the CTBT and to build up the verification system to detect nuclear explosions. The organization’s verification regime consists of six elements; International Monitoring system (IMS), The International Data Centre (IDC), Global Communications Infrastructure (GCI), Consultation and clari- fication, On-site Inspection (OSI) and Confidence-building measures. The International Monitoring System (IMS) consists of 321 stations and 16 laboratories which are built all over the world, and it is these facilities that are checking for signs of a nuclear explosion [8]. The IMS uses four different methods to detect the explosions: seismic, hydroacoustic, infrasound and radionuclide technologies. In the event of a nuclear explosion, different radionuclides are released into the air, which can then be detected and act as proof of a nuclear explosion. The air current will move the radionuclides from the explosion site to the detector and then an atmospheric transport model (ATM) can be made to backtrack the probable detonation location [9]. In order to hide a test, the released nuclides need to be contained. One way to do this is to perform the test underground, in which case only a fraction of the created nuclides will reach the atmosphere. When a nuclear test is performed underground it is however difficult to contain the noble gases due to their low reactivity with other elements so they will reach the atmosphere. In fission events four isotopes of xenon, 131m Xe, 133m Xe, 133 Xe and 135 Xe are produced and because they have sufficient half-lives and nuclear yield, it is possible to detect them even far from the explosion site [10]. These four isotopes are therefore important to obtain as evidence of a nuclear test. While the three other methods, seismic, hydroacoustic, and infrasound can only suspect that an explosion has occurred, it is only radionuclide technologies that can definitely determine that it was a nuclear detonation, therefore radionuclide monitoring is the most important technique to check that the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty is upheld [11]. However, nuclear power reactor operations, nuclear fuel reprocessing and medical isotope production or usage are also releasing xenon. To be able to differentiate between these atmospheric radioxenon atoms and the ones that are produced in a nuclear test, the radioxenon system needs to automatically collect and measure the amount of the four xenon isotopes a few times per day to collect the background and automatically transmit the data to the International Data Center (IDC) [11]. The ratios between 135 Xe/133 Xe and
Introduction 4 133m Xe/133 Xe are also different when the xenon comes from a nuclear reactor or from a nuclear detonation [12]. When a change of the concentration of these isotopes of xenon is detected, it is indisputable evidence that a nuclear test has occurred. Not detecting them does however not necessarily mean that a nuclear test has not been conducted: the xenon emissions could be too weak to be detected or be indistinguishable from the global radioactive xenon background [10]. This means that it is important to continue to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of the detector in order to enhance the detection of prohibited nuclear tests.
Theory 5 2 Theory As mentioned previously, detection of the four xenon isotopes; 131m Xe, 133m Xe, 133 Xe and 135 Xe play a major part in upholding the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty. For this purpose, different systems have been developed: the Swedish Automatic Unit for Noble gas Acquisition (SAUNA), the Automated Radioxenon Sampler and Analyser (ARSA), the Analyser of Xenon RadioIsotopes (ARIX) and the Système de Prélève- ment Automatique en Ligne avec l’Analyse du Xénon atmosphérique (SPALAX). These systems use either high resolution HPGe gamma spectroscopy and/or β-γ incidence technique [10]. This thesis work focuses on the detector developed by the Swedish Defence Research Agency, SAUNA. In this section the geometry of SAUNA as well as the coincidence technique used in SAUNA are described as well as the efficiency of said detector. Lastly, the simulation tool that was used to obtain the simulation results is also described. 2.1 SAUNA The Swedish Automatic Unit for Noble gas Acquisition, SAUNA, was developed by the Swedish Defence Research Agency, FOI, and is one of the detector systems that are being used all over the world, both as a part of the CTBT and in different national monitoring systems, to analyse the amount of xenon in the air [13]. SAUNA consists of three major parts, the sampling, the processing, and the detector units. The sampling unit collects atmospheric xenon during a 12h period. The gas is then processed and quantified in the processing unit and lastly, the particles emitted from radioxenon, for example beta and gamma-rays, are being measured in the detector unit. The beta-gamma coincidence system is made up of four cylindrical plastic scintillator cells which are surrounded by two NaI(Tl) crystals in a close to 4π configuration [12]. A schematic drawing of the detector system is shown in the figure 2.1 below. The detector unit consisting of two identical beta-gamma detectors is placed inside a lead-copper radiation shield. The lead is 5 cm thick and is made out of low-activity lead and a 5 mm thick copper layer is placed inside the lead shielding. The NaI(Tl) detectors are cylindrical with a diameter of 4 in. (10.16 cm) and a height of 5 in. (12.7 cm) and are attached to a single light guide and a photomultiplier tube (PMT). The beta detector is placed in a hole through the middle of the NaI(Tl) cylinder. A 0.2 mm aluminium layer is covering the inside of the cylindrical hole. The beta cell is made from BC404 plastic
Theory 6 scintillator material [12]. The BC404 material consists of 8.4% of hydrogen and 91.6% carbon with a density of 1.032 g/cm3 [14]. The beta cells have a radius of 1 cm, a length of 7 cm and a thickness of 1 mm [15]. Figure 2.1: A schematic drawing of SAUNA [16] ©2003 Elsevier. 2.2 Coincidence technique The radionuclide technology is the only detection technique that is able to confirm a nuclear explosion, and by reducing the noise from background radiation the efficiency of the detector will increase [11]. The coincidence technique makes it possible to get a reduction of the detected background radiation [12] and therefore plays an important part in the detection of nuclear explosions. In some cases of nuclear decay more than one particle is created, or particles are created in quick succession of each other. For example, if a nucleus undergoes beta decay to a daughter nucleus which then will emit a gamma ray, these two events will happen essentially at the same time. It is said that these two events are in a coincidence with each other. The two events can be detected by two different detectors, and due to the fact that the events occur together it is possible to reject all the other events that are not in coincidence. In other words, two histograms over the energy can be created, one for each detector, or the combination of coincidence events from the two detectors can be tallied in a two dimensional energy spectrum [17]. The figure 2.2 below illustrates that:
Theory 7 the histograms, b) and c) are over the beta decay and the gamma ray energies while histogram a) show the combined two dimensional energy spectrum. Figure 2.2: a) beta-gamma coincidence spectra, b) beta energy spectra and c) gamma energy spectra [16] ©2003, Elsevier. The four aforementioned isotopes of xenon have their own unique β-γ spectrum and their half-life, decay energy, decay intensity and type of radiation are shown in the table 2.1 below [12].
Theory 8 Table 2.1: Relevant decay energies and types for the four isotopes of xenon Isotope Half-life Decay energy (keV) Decay intensity (%) Radiation 131m Xe 11.84 (7) d 30.4 54.0 X-ray (average energy) 163.930 (8) 1.91 (6) Gamma ray 129 60.7 Conversion electron 133 Xe 5.243 (1) d 31.6 48.9 X-ray (average energy) 79.6139 (26) 0.27 (3) Gamma ray 80.9971 (14) 38.0 (7) Gamma ray 45 54.1 Conversion electron 346.4 99 (3) Beta (endpoint energy) 133m Xe 2.19 (1) d 30.4 56.3 X-ray (average energy) 233.221 (18) 10 Gamma ray 199 63.1 Conversion electron 135 Xe 9.14 (2) h 31.6 5.2 X-ray (average energy) 249.770 (4) 90 Gamma ray 608.151 (12) 2.90 (9) Gamma ray 214 5.7 Conversion electron 910 96 (4) Beta (endpoint energy) We see that all isotopes have X-rays in the 30 keV region with the associated conversion electron energies at 129, 45, 199 and 214 keV for 131m Xe, 133 Xe, 133m Xe and 135 Xe, respec- tively. 133 Xe has another strong coincidence decay mode, 81 keV gamma ray together with 346 keV endpoint energy beta decay. 135 Xe also has multiple coincidence decay modes, 249.8 keV gamma ray with 910 keV endpoint energy beta decay [12]. Each iso- tope has their unique beta-gamma energy spectra, but there are some overlaps between them [18]. For example all of the isotopes have the 30 keV X-ray and the overlap are especially strong between 133 Xe, 131m Xe and 133m Xe, because the intensity for the X-ray is quite high for these three compared to the X-ray intensity of 135 Xe which is only at 5%. The double coincidence technique for detecting nuclear testing is well established. However, using triple coincidence, i.e. detecting three particles at the same time instead of two, will make it possible to detect the concentration of xenon in the air even with a high amount of background radiation. Both 133 Xe and 135 Xe have a triple coincidence, β- CE and X-ray which can be used to obtain the concentration of the two isotopes [19]. In the figure 2.3 below is shown a decay scheme for 133 Xe. The following event is the triple coincidence: 133 Xe undergoes beta decay to 133 Cs, which leads to the 5/2+ state, in
Theory 9 which there are a 48.76% chance of a conversion electron with the energy of 45 keV and an X-ray with energy 31.6 keV to be emitted. Figure 2.3: Decay scheme for 133 Xe [18] ©2013, IEEE. In figure 2.4 we instead have the decay scheme for 135 Xe. The beta particle in 96% of the cases has an endpoint energy of 910 keV which is at 135 Cs’s 5/2+ state. Then in 4.95% of the events a conversion electron with an energy of 214 keV and a 31.6 keV X-ray are emitted. Figure 2.4: Decay scheme for 135 Xe [18]. These three energies are emitted essentially at the same time and can be used to create a triple coincidence spectrum and then calculate the concentration of the isotopes. This
Theory 10 thesis work is done under the assumption that it is possible to distinguish between the beta electron and the conversion electron. For 133 Xe we have one dual coincidence in 38.0% of the cases between the beta particle and 80.997 keV gamma-ray, the beta particle and the 31.606 X-ray can also be used in a dual coincidence. Similarly, a dual coincidence exists for 135 Xe: there is also a 90% possibility from 5/2+ state to instead only emit a 249.77 keV gamma. To be able to detect a double coincidence, two detectors are necessary. In order to detect a triple coincidence, either three detectors can be used, or two detectors measuring the time between the energy deposit and then studying the shape of the electric signal from the detector. 2.3 Efficiency of the SAUNA detector To calculate the efficiency of a xenon detector, various regions of interest (ROI) are defined where energy peaks are expected to be and it is therefore important to know the efficiency of the detector in these regions. The total efficiencies of the detectors, eβγ , and the efficiency of the gamma- and beta-detector have the following relation: eβγ = eβ · eγ (2.1) where eγ and eβ are the efficiency of the gamma and the beta detector, respectively. The efficiency of the SAUNA detector has been studied at different ROIs. In the table 2.2 below the efficiencies of the gamma detector at different energies are shown as well as the total efficiencies of the detectors with different beta thresholds [20]. Table 2.2: Calculated efficiencies of SAUNA detector in various ROIs 133 Xe 135 Xe Gamma energy 30 keV 80 keV 250 keV Gamma efficiency, eγ 80% 87% 74% Beta threshold = 0 keV Calculated efficiency, eβγ 71% 75% 68% Beta threshold = 10 keV Calculated efficiency, eβγ 70% 74% 68% Beta threshold = 20 keV Calculated efficiency, eβγ 67% 71% 67% Using equation 2.1 above the beta detector efficiencies can be calculated. The result of the beta detector efficiencies at the 0 keV threshold, together with the values used in the equation 2.1 are illustrated in the table 2.3 below [20].
Theory 11 Table 2.3: The total-, γ- and β-efficiencies of the SAUNA-detector in various ROIs 133 Xe 135 Xe Gamma energy 30 keV 80 keV 250 keV Gamma efficiency, eγ 80% 87% 74% Beta threshold = 0 keV Calculated efficiency, eβγ 71% 75% 68% Beta efficiency, eβ 89% 86% 92% 2.4 GEANT4 GEANT4 is a toolkit for simulating particles when they go through matter. It is an object-oriented software library implemented in the C++ programming language and was created in a worldwide collaboration of physicists and software engineers [21]. In this thesis work the SAUNA detector geometry was built in GEANT4 to simulate the response of the detector when it is exposed to the same particles that are released in a nuclear explosion, from the decay of the various xenon isotopes.
Methodology 12 3 Methodology This section starts with a discussion over the key parts in the building of the detector and how the coincidences were implemented in GEANT4, followed by how the energy distribution of the beta particles for 133 Xe and 135 Xe were obtained, and lastly by a section discussing how to be certain that the detector model is working as intended. The code for the construction of SAUNA detector as well as the result from the simula- tions are available at: 3.1 Building the detector The geometry and the material of SAUNA, as described in the theory, were built in the GEANT4 simulation toolkit. However before this could be done the simulation toolkit and the necessary visualising applications needed to be acquired, which was done by using Docker images [22]. In GEANT4 detector construction, volumes can be classified as “sensitive” and then assigned to record a specific physical quantity to simulate a real detector response. In this case, it means that the volumes representing the gamma and beta detectors will record the energy deposit that occurs in that volume for an event. The energy deposit in the detectors then gets saved into csv-files to get analysed outside the GEANT4 environment. The analysis and the creation of plots were all done in Python. 3.2 Implementation of the coincidence in GEANT4 Coincidence is when two or more particles are detected at the same time. In GEANT4 a run is defined as a sequence of events. To simulate that more than one particle could be detected at the same time they are generated in the same event using multiple vertices. The energy deposits that get registered in the detectors during an event are saved onto a csv-file. Which detector registers the energy deposit, what type of parent particle it was, the energy deposit as well as the type of corresponding parent particle were all saved in different columns in the csv-file. Each row of the csv-file corresponds to one event. The particles are generated randomly inside the beta cell and have an isotropic angular distribution. The angle distribution may not be completely reflecting the true angle
Methodology 13 distribution but since the particles will have their starting position somewhere inside the beta cell it was important that the initial direction of the particles was also random. 3.3 Obtaining the energy distribution of the beta particle When a particle undergoes beta decay an electron and an antineutrino (or positron and neutrino) are being ejected from the nucleus [23]. The three particles in the reaction, the daughter nucleus, the beta electron, and the antineutrino all share the released energy. However, due to the daughter nucleus being extremely heavy compared to the other two particles, the energy it receives is negligible. This leaves only the electron and the antineutrino to share the energy [24]. 133 Xe and 135 Xe undergo beta decay into 133 Cs and 135 Cs, respectively. To be able to simulate the correct energy distributions for the 133 Xe and 135 Xe beta electron, a package created by Gabe Zangakis [25] was used to model the beta energy spectrum for the two isotopes of xenon. Figure 3.1 and 3.2 display the resulting distributions. Both distributions have been normalized. Figure 3.1: Beta energy distribution Figure 3.2: Beta energy distribution for 133 Xe. for 135 Xe. The code uses Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF), Fermi Function ap- proximation and forbiddenness correction to model the spectra. While the distributions haven’t been validated any more than by comparing the shape of the curves to previously published graphs, I concluded that they were accurate enough for these simulations. In GEANT4 it is possible to make a custom histogram of the energy distribution for the generated particle by defining the energy and its corresponding probability. The values from the distributions shown above were used in GEANT4 when generating beta particles.
Methodology 14 3.4 Checking the detector model A physical detector always needs to be calibrated so that the detector channel corre- sponds to the correct energy and as an initial calibration 137 Cs is used as a calibration source in SAUNA [18]. In 94.6% of the cases, 137 Cs undergoes beta-decay into 137m Ba which then will emit γ with 662 keV. 85.1% of 137 Cs decays will lead to the emission of gamma-rays with that specific energy and is one of the reasons why 137 Cs is good for calibration [26]. The gamma energy can also be used when calibrating the beta detector using Compton scattering. The 662 keV gamma-ray will Compton scatter in the NaI-detector and produce an electron-gamma pair with the total energy of 662 keV. The electron can then be detected in the beta cell, and the gamma in the NaI-detector and will result in a diagonal distribution going from the top left to bottom right. Top left is when the gamma particle deposits all the energy in the NaI-crystal and bottom right is the other way around, the electron deposits all the energy in the beta cell. Fitting a line to that distribution and extending it to the Eβ axis will give the endpoint energy [18]. Figure 3.3: Calibration spectra for 137 Cs [18].
Results 15 4 Results 4.1 The detector model The detector system SAUNA was built in GEANT4 as described in the theory and is shown in the figure 4.1 below. In purple is the beta cell, on each side of the beta cell in yellow is the PM tubes. In blue-green we have the NaI-detector and all around in light grey is the lead shielding. The aluminium layer around the beta cell is also simulated, however it is not visible in this figure. Figure 4.1: Detector model over SAUNA build in GEANT4. When building and extracting information from a detector in GEANT4 there is no need for energy calibration as the software does it automatically. However, in order to make sure the detector model works as intended, the typical 137 Cs Compton scatter calibration spectra were recreated using a point source which released its energy in an isotropic angle distribution. The point source that should represent the energy of 137 Cs was
Results 16 gaussian distributed with a mean of 661.657 keV with a standard deviation of 0.003 keV [27]. This resulted into the following plot, figure 4.2: Figure 4.2: β-γ coincidence spectra for 137 Cs. 4.2 Xenon 133 The plot below, figure 4.3 is showing a graph over the number of events and the percent- age of events where all the three (γ, CE, and a beta) particles are being detected with the
Results 17 corresponding error-bar (for every 1000th event). In 69.2% ± 0.1 of the cases all three particles are being detected. Figure 4.3: Events needed before the amount of the detection of three particles converges. Although only the relevant particles were generated, if only the particles with an energy of 31.6 ± 5 keV were counted as gamma particles, and the electrons with an energy of 45 ± 5 keV were counted as a conversion electron. With one million generated particles the percentage of triple coincidence is 22.9% ± 0.2. That the interval limit is set to ± 5 keV is an arbitrarily selected limit from the region of interest in the 2D-histogram figure 4.4 in the following section. From the decay schemes, figures 2.3 and 2.4, for the 133 Xe and 135 Xe also show that there are no other particles in that energy span. 4.2.1 Efficiency The table 4.1 below shows the result of a 133 Xe simulation. One million events were generated. In each event, two monoenergetic particles, one gamma and one electron with energies of 31.6 keV and 45 keV respectively, together with an electron with energy distributed according to the precreated energy spectrum, were generated. For the gamma particle to be counted in a triple coincidence the energy deposit in the detector need to be 31.6 ± 5 keV and for the conversion electron the energy needs to be in the interval 45 ± 5 keV.
Results 18 Table 4.1: Triple coincidence result for 133 Xe Particle Total number of % of particles detected particles generated in triple coincidence Gamma 1 000 000 86.5% (31.6 ± 5 keV) Conversion electron 1 000 000 31.4% (45 ± 5 keV) Beta electron 1 000 000 84.2% (endpoint energy 346 keV) In the figure 4.4 below, a 2D-histogram over the energy deposit of the conversion electron and the beta particle when the deposit from the photon were exactly 31.6 keV. The top graph is the histogram over the conversion electrons energy deposit and the histogram to the right is over the beta particles energy. Figure 4.4: 2D-histogram over the energy deposit of the conversion electron and the beta particle for 133 Xe. If, instead of generating three particles, only the gamma and the beta particle were generated and the same ± 5 keV interval for detecting a gamma particle was used, 72.8% ± 0.1 of the particles generated were in a double coincidence. This simulation was also done with 1 million events.
Results 19 The other strong coincidence for 133 Xe is the β-particle together with a 80.997 keV γ-ray. One million events were generated and in each event one gamma particle with energy 80.997 keV and a beta particle were created. The photons were only counted as a gamma particle if the energy deposit was in the interval 80.997 ± 5 keV. The dual coincidence rate in this case was 77.9% ± 0.1. The amount of the individual particles that were detected is shown in the table 4.2 below. Table 4.2: β- and 80 keV γ-particle coincidence result for 133 Xe Particle Total number of % of particles detected particles generated in double coincidence Gamma 1 000 000 92.5% (80.997 ± 5 keV) Beta electron 1 000 000 84.2% (endpoint energy 346 keV) 4.2.2 Beta particles energy distribution The energy of the beta particles follows a continuous distribution, as explained in the previous section. Here, one million events were generated where an X-ray and a 45 keV CE were created at each event. The figure 4.5 below illustrates, in black, the energy distribution of the beta particles taken from the original 133 Xe distribution. The blue histogram is the energy of all the detected beta particles, the red histogram is the beta particles when the other two particles were also detected. The histogram in yellow
Results 20 represents the beta particles that are in triple coincidence with a gamma and a conversion electron in the previously mentioned energy interval. Figure 4.5: Histogram over the energy deposit for the beta particle for 133 Xe. 4.3 Xenon 135 For 135 Xe with one million events generated a β-, CE- and a γ-particle were detected in 83.0% ± 0.1 of the cases. If the detected X-ray were only considered detected when they have the energy 31.6 ± 5 keV, and 214 ± 5 keV for the conversion electron, together with a beta particle, the triple coincidence rate dropped to 63.5% ± 0.1. 4.3.1 Efficiency The table 4.3 below shows how many particles released their energy (in coincidence or not) in the detectors.
Results 21 Table 4.3: Triple coincidence result for 135 Xe Particle Total number of % of particles detected particles generated in triple coincidence Gamma 1 000 000 85.7% (31.6 ± 5 keV) Conversion electron 1 000 000 77.3% (214 ± 5 keV) Beta electron 1 000 000 95.7% (endpoint energy 910 keV) The following plot 4.6 is a 2D-histogram over the energy deposit for the conversion electron and the beta particle for 135 Xe when the photons energy deposit were exactly 31.6 keV. The top plot is the histogram over the energy deposit for the conversion electron and the right plot is a histogram over the energy deposit for the beta particle. Figure 4.6: 2D-histogram over the energy deposit of the conversion electron and the beta particle for 135 Xe. If instead of generating three particles in each event, only the beta and the gamma particle were created, out of the one million events there were 82.2% ± 0.1 of the particles that were in coincidence with each other, when the gamma particle had an energy of 31.6 ± 5 keV.
Results 22 From figure 2.4 and table 2.1 we know that in 90% of the cases, after 135 Xe undergoes beta decay it will be followed by a gamma ray with the energy of 249.770 keV. Simulating that, one million events with one gamma particle with the energy of 249.770 keV and a beta particle with an energy following the precalculated energy were generated. If the gamma particle needs to release an energy of 249.770 ± 5 keV, the coincidence rate with a beta particle is 80.5% ± 0.2. The amount of beta and gamma particles detected is shown in the table 4.4 below. Table 4.4: Dual coincidence result for 135 Xe Particle Total number of % of particles detected particles generated in double coincidence Gamma 1 000 000 84.1% (249.770 ± 5 keV) Beta electron 1 000 000 95.7% (endpoint energy 910 keV) 4.3.2 Beta particles energy distribution The energy distribution of the beta particles for 135 Xe when one million events were generated is shown in the figure 4.7 below. The black line is the distribution of the beta energy previously calculated, the blue histogram represents the energy of all the detected beta particles. The red histogram represents the beta particles energy deposit when a gamma particle and a conversion electron also were detected and the yellow are
Results 23 the histogram over the beta particles in triple coincidence (CE has an energy of 214 ± 5 keV and gamma 31.6 ± 5 keV). Figure 4.7: Histogram over the energy deposit for the beta particle for 135 Xe.
Discussion 24 5 Discussion 5.1 The model While constructing the model some parts of the real SAUNA were left out, for example the Xe-inlet which carries the gas from the sampling and processing parts of SAUNA to the detector. Instead the generated particles were randomly distributed in the hollow beta cell, the inlet is so small that the difference in detector size and how the tube could interact with the particles is negligible. The PM tubes on each side of the beta detector however are relatively big, so even though their function is not being used, their placement significantly reduced the size of the NaI-detector so they were added. In SAUNA the PM-tubes have an aluminium cover and because the PM-tubes in the model do not have any function, the material they consist of is only aluminium. There is also another PM-tube in SAUNA, on the top of the NaI-detector (y-direction in the figure 5.1 below); that one was just removed and lead was put there instead, mostly due to simplicity. It is speculated that these minor changes to the detector do not significantly alter the results. The fact that this is a simulation and that the model can acquire the energy deposit very precisely plays a much bigger part than minor changes in the geometry of the detector. However the removal of the PM-tubes functionality probably has some impact on the result. Figure 5.1: Detector model over SAUNA build in GEANT4.
Discussion 25 It is evident that the model is very precise when looking at the beta-gamma coincidence spectra for 137 Cs. The figure 5.2 below illustrates how precisely the simulation, on the left plot, is able to detect the energy deposit compared to a real detector on the right. Figure 5.2: Calibration spectra comparison between the simulations and a physical detector [18]. 5.2 Beta spectrum When looking at the energy distribution for the beta particles, both for 133 Xe and 135 Xe, it is evident that the detector is missing some of the particles in the low energy part of the spectrum. See figure 5.3. This is expected due to the fact that some electrons will interact with the air inside the beta cell and could either have lost some of their energy or not even reach the detector. Figure 5.3: Histogram over the energy deposit for the beta particle for 135 Xe and 135 Xe The spectrum for 135 Xe, the right plot in figure 5.3, also has a distinctive bump after 0.2 MeV. The reason for that may be that electrons with higher energies only partially deposit their energy in the beta cell which results in that shape. The figure 5.4 below illustrates a simulation with only one million 135 Xe beta particles generated, with the
Discussion 26 black line is still the precalculated emission energy distribution, the green histogram is the energy deposit in the beta cell and the purple line is the histogram with step curve with no fill over the energy deposit in any detector. Figure 5.4: Histogram over 135 Xe beta particle in both detectors In the figure 5.4 above we see that the bump is smaller in the total energy deposit histogram compared to the energy deposit in the beta cell. We also see that we have an increase in the number of high energy particles that are being detected, while retaining the same total amount of detected particles. The histogram is consistent with the theory that the beta particles sometimes escape the beta cell, which may partly explain the bump. 5.3 Efficiency In the table 5.1 below the values of the efficiency of the SAUNA detector [20], see section 2.3, are shown together with the ones obtained from the simulations for 133 Xe. In table 5.2 are instead presented the values for 135 Xe. The last column of the table indicates whether there is an increase or a reduction in the amount of detected particles in the simulations compared to the SAUNA values.
Discussion 27 Table 5.1: Comparison between the efficiency of SAUNA and the simulations for 133 Xe SAUNA Simulations Increase or reduction Gamma energy 30 keV 80 keV 30 keV 80 keV 30 keV 80 keV Gamma efficiency, eγ 80% 87% 87% 93% +9% +7% Beta threshold = 0 keV Total efficiency, eβγ 71% 75% 73% 78% +3% +4% Beta efficiency, eβ 89% 86% 84% 84% -6% -2% Table 5.2: Comparison between the efficiency of SAUNA and the simulations for 135 Xe SAUNA Simulations Increase or reduction Gamma energy 250 keV 250 keV 250 keV Gamma efficiency, eγ 74% 84% +14% Beta threshold = 0 keV Total efficiency, eβγ 68% 81% +19% Beta efficiency, eβ 92% 96% +4% From the tables above we see that there is no big difference between the detector model and SAUNA, which means that SAUNA should respond and obtain similar results as the simulation. 5.4 Triple coincidence For 133 Xe there was 23% chance for a particle being detected in triple coincidence, whereas for 135 Xe there was a 64% chance. The fact that there is a higher chance for 135 Xe is reasonable, due to the fact that the conversion electron has a higher energy for 135 Xe compared to 133 Xe, 214 keV compared to 45 keV, as well as for the beta particle. Having a higher energy means that they are harder to stop, so for 135 Xe almost all of the conversion electrons reach the detector and then deposit their energy. However for 133 Xe’s conversion electron, they have a lower energy and therefore there is is a higher risk that they will lose their energy before reaching the detector. The reasoning is similar for the beta particle, for 135 Xe the energy can be three times higher than for 133 Xe’s beta particle, meaning that the risk of losing an electron before it reaches the detector is smaller for 135 Xe, resulting in a higher number of detected particles which then leads to a higher amount of coincidences. The 2-dimensional histograms, figures 4.4 and 4.6, over the energy deposit of the con- version electron and the beta particle when the gamma particle released 31.6 keV in the NaI-detector show the reason why there are such a big difference in the triple coincidence rate. Studying just the energy deposit of the conversion electron we see that for 133 Xe the
Discussion 28 energy deposits are almost non-existent at 0.01 MeV but for 135 Xe the counts are almost zero at 0.208 MeV. 0.01 MeV is quite far from the interval (which were 45 ± 5 keV) but 0.207 MeV is close to the interval (214 ± 5 keV). Comparing the conversion electrons histogram for 133 Xe, the top plot in the figure 5.5 below, and 135 Xe, the bottom plot, we see that the spread of the energy deposit is much higher for 133 Xe then for 135 Xe. Figure 5.5: Histogram over CE for 133 Xe (top) and 135 Xe (bottom) The risk that a false coincidence will occur should be smaller with a triple coincidence than with a dual coincidence. Even though there is only a 23% change to detect the three particles in coincidence for 133 Xe the event occurs 49% of the time in the decay-chain which make it still an interesting coincidence to analyze. For 135 Xe there only is a 5% chance that a conversion electron and an X-ray will be emitted, but because of the high percentage, 64%, to detect a triple coincidence, it may be an interesting coincidence to study as well.
Conclusion 29 6 Conclusion As mentioned in the earlier sections the dual coincidence technique is a well established method to measure the amount of xenon in the air and therefore discover that a nuclear explosion has occurred. This work shows that in 73% of the cases the detector is able to detect a dual coincidence for 133 Xe (30 keV X-ray together with beta emission). For 135 Xe is was 82% (30 keV X-ray and beta particle) and 81% (250 keV gamma and a beta particle). When simulating triple coincidence the detector was able to detect a triple coincidence in 23% of the cases for 133 Xe and 64% for 135 Xe. The next step to improve the detectors should be to introduce the triple coincidence because detecting the triple as well as dual coincidence would mean that the minimum detectable concentration of xenon will be smaller. Even though this result is in a simulation with a perfect detector, there is no obvious reason why this result should not apply to the real detector. The reason why there are not the same percentages to detect a triple coincidence for 133 Xe and 135 Xe has nothing to do with the probability for these particles to be emitted. One million particles were generated in both cases. The amount of detected photons was the same for both 133 Xe and 135 Xe, but the difference was the amount of detected electrons. This is because the electrons have a lower energy for 133 Xe compared to 133 Xe which probably resulted in some particles never actually reaching the beta cell.
Outlook 30 7 Outlook The next step would be to run these simulations together with background radiation to get a more realistic view over the energy deposition in the detectors, as well as how many false coincidences can occur together with the background. This work was also carried under the assumption that it is possible to distinguish between the beta- and conversion electron. This is however something that needs to be studied further to make sure it is possible. The particles had an isotropic angular distribution but in the future work the angular dependencies between the conversion electron and photon could also be studied. Another outlook from this thesis could be to improve the code. For the simulations in this thesis, the code works fine. However due to how the sum of the energy deposit is computed the code only works when maximum one gamma and two electrons are generated. Protons and neutrons probably work too, but haven’t been tested. In order to generate two photons in the same event or to generate more than four particles, the code would need to be modified.
Acknowledgements 31 Acknowledgements I would firstly like to express my thanks to my supervisor, Peter Jansson, for his contin- uous help and feedback. I’d also like to thank my examiner, Cecilia Gustavsson for her valuable comments and feedback on the text on this thesis. This work would not have been possible without Tomas Fritioff at FOI, who graciously provided the necessary data for building the detectors as accurately as possible. Lastly I would like to thank my partner Hadrien who read this text more times than I could count, thank you for all your input.
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