Mammographic Breast Density-Evidence for Genetic Correlations with Established Breast Cancer Risk Factors

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Mammographic Breast Density—Evidence for Genetic
Correlations with Established Breast
Cancer Risk Factors

Julie A. Douglas,1 Marie-Hélène Roy-Gagnon,1 Chuan Zhou,2 Braxton D. Mitchell,3
Alan R. Shuldiner,3 Heang-Ping Chan,2 and Mark A. Helvie2
    Departments of Human Genetics and 2Radiology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan; and
    Department of Medicine, University of Maryland Medical School, Baltimore, Maryland

Previous twin and family studies indicate that the                                     effects accounted for >33% of the total variance of
familial aggregation of breast density is due (in part)                                each risk factor (P < 0.001), including breast density,
to genetic factors. Whether these genetic influences are                               and the dense and nondense areas of the breast were
shared with other breast cancer risk factors, however,                                 significantly genetically correlated with parity [genetic
is not known. Using standard film-screen mammogra-                                     correlation (r G) = -0.47; P = 0.013] and age at menarche
phy, we screened 550 women, including 611 pairs of                                     (r G = -0.38; P = 0.008), respectively. The nondense
sisters, from the Old Order Amish population of                                        area of the breast and, in turn, breast density, expressed
Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. We digitized mam-                                      as a ratio of dense area to total area, were also
mograms and quantified the dense and nondense                                          genetically correlated with most measures of adipo-
areas of the breast using a computer-assisted method.                                  sity but in opposite directions (r G z 0.75; P < 10-7 for
Information about other breast cancer risk factors                                     nondense area). We conclude that the genetic compo-
was collected via questionnaires and a physical exam.                                  nents that influence breast density are not independent
Using pedigree-based variance component methods,                                       of the genetic components that influence other breast
we estimated the genetic contributions to several breast                               cancer risk factors. This shared genetic architecture
cancer risk factors, including breast density, and eval-                               should be considered in future genetic studies of
uated the evidence for shared genetic influences                                       breast density. (Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
between them. After adjusting for covariates, genetic                                  2008;17(12):3509 – 16)

Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related                               risk, there are several undesirable consequences of
mortality in women worldwide (1). Among breast can-                                    using it in the context of etiologic research (9). For
cer risk factors, increased breast density, as measured                                example, ratios can be difficult to interpret because of
from a mammogram, is one of the strongest but perhaps                                  the potential confounding due to the nondense compo-
least understood (2). Mammographic breast density                                      nent of the denominator, which reflects the amount of
refers to the radiographic dense areas on a mammogram                                  fat in the breast. Still, only a few studies have separately
and is a measure of the amount of fibroglandular tissue                                measured and analyzed the dense and nondense com-
in the breast. Studies have repeatedly shown that women                                ponents, and even fewer have compared the inferences
with dense tissue in >75% of the breast are at a 4- to                                 made from absolute versus relative measures of breast
6-fold increased risk of developing breast cancer com-                                 density (10, 11).
pared with women with little to no breast density (3, 4).                                 Twin and family studies have established evidence
Some studies also suggest that breast cancer risk is                                   for a significant genetic influence on breast density.
directly associated with (4-7) and may be even better                                  For example, in a study on 571 monozygotic and
predicted by (8) the absolute amount of dense tissue.                                  380 dizygotic twin pairs from the United States and
At present, however, the most commonly used quanti-                                    Australia, unmeasured genes accounted for >60% of the
tative measure of breast density is the ratio of dense area                            variation in percent (12) [and absolute (13)] breast
to total area. While breast density (measured as a ratio)                              density after adjustment for age and other covariates.
may be a useful prognostic indicator of breast cancer                                  Although the mode of inheritance of breast density is
                                                                                       likely to be complex, Vachon and colleagues (14)
                                                                                       previously implicated the transmission of a major gene
                                                                                       for percent breast density in a study of 1,370 women
Received 5/27/08; revised 7/31/08; accepted 9/23/08.
                                                                                       from 258 multigenerational breast cancer families. In a
Grant support: NIH (grant CA122844), Fashion Footwear Charitable Foundation of
New York/QVC Presents Shoes on Sale, Gladys E. David Endowed Fund, and                 subsequent genomewide scan based on 583 women from
Elizabeth Caroline Crosby Research Award (J.A. Douglas).                               89 of these families, Vachon et al. (15) also recently
Requests for reprints: Julie A. Douglas, Room 5912, Buhl Building, 1241 E. Catherine   reported significant evidence of linkage for percent
Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5618. Phone: 734-615-2616; Fax: 734-763-2784.
E-mail:                                                               breast density on chromosome 5p. Although f45
Copyright D 2008 American Association for Cancer Research.                             candidate genes are located within the 1-LOD (log of
doi:10.1158/1055-9965.EPI-08-0480                                                      odds) support interval surrounding their chromosome

                                            Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2008;17(12). December 2008

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       5p peak, to our knowledge, none have been tested for           lactating in the previous 6 months, (b) had ever been
       association with breast density. Indeed, candidate gene        diagnosed with breast or ovarian cancer, (c) had one or
       studies of breast density are still in their infancy, with a   both ovaries removed, or (d) used exogenous sex steroid
       relatively small number of genes examined and few, if          hormones in the previous 6 months. To study natural
       any, clear associations.                                       variation in breast density, it was necessary to exclude
          In addition to having a documented genetic compo-           women who had taken exogenous hormones and/or
       nent, breast density is known to vary with age,                whose endogenous hormone production may have been
       reproductive and menstrual history, and measures of            medically altered. Although suspension of exogenous
       body size. Studies have consistently shown that breast         hormone use for f3 weeks seems to reverse the
       density is inversely associated with age and, among            mammographic breast density increase associated with
       women of the same age, is lower in those who are               its use (20), we elected to apply the more conservative
       parous, have had a larger number of live births, or are        6-month exclusion criteria. The impact of using this
       postmenopausal (16). As a ratio, breast density is also        more stringent threshold is likely minimal since
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention                     3511

menstrual bleeding, childbearing and breastfeeding                 additive genetic effects (r 2a) and the phenotypic variance
history, and ages at menarche, first birth, and meno-              after adjustment for covariates (r adj2). We assessed the
pause. Family history was limited to the number of first-          significance of particular components, for example, r 2a,
degree relatives by relationship type, history of breast or        using standard likelihood ratio tests, that is, by comparing
ovarian cancer, age at diagnosis, and, if deceased, age            the likelihood of a model in which the component was
and cause of death. History of breast or ovarian cancer in         estimated to the likelihood of a model in which the
paternal and maternal grandmothers and age at diagno-              component was constrained to be zero. Given our sibling
sis were also sought. Because smoking (especially among            pair design, we were unable to distinguish and therefore
women) and alcohol consumption are infrequently                    estimate genetic dominance and shared sibling environ-
practiced among the Amish (23), we did not collect this            ment. We estimated the proportion of the total phenotypic
information. Trained nurses measured height and weight             variance explained by the additive genetic variance as the
using a stadiometer and calibrated scale, with shoes               product of the heritability estimate and 1 minus the
removed and in light clothing. BMI was calculated as               proportion of the variance explained by the covariates
weight (kilogram) divided by the square of height                  (r2c), that is, (1 - r2c) (h 2).
(square meter). Waist circumference was measured at                   To evaluate the evidence for genetic effects jointly
the level of the umbilicus, and hip circumference was              influencing breast density and other breast cancer risk
measured at the widest protuberance across the pelvis.             factors, we used bivariate variance component models to
We defined participants as postmenopausal if they                  partition the phenotypic correlation (q P) between each
reported having natural menopause and no menstrual                 pair of traits, for example, dense area and number of
bleeding in the previous 12 months, and we defined                 live births, into components attributable to the same
women as premenopausal if they reported having                     additive genetic effects (q G or genetic correlation) and
menstrual bleeding in the previous 12 months. Women                the same environmental effects (q E or environmental
who reported a hysterectomy (n = 45) were defined as               correlation). Briefly, based on the heritabilities of the
post- and premenopausal if they were >51 and V51 years             two traits (h 21 and h 22), the phenotypic correlation be-
of age, respectively, the ages at which natural menopause          tween the traits can be expressed as a weighted sum
had occurred in f90% and f10% of participants. In                  of their genetic and environmental correlations, namely,
other words, after excluding participants who reported a           q P = q G [(h 21h 22)]1/2 + q E [(1 - h 21)(1 - h 22)]1/2. The genetic
hysterectomy, natural menopause had occurred in f90%               correlation (q G) captures the extent to which the same
of women who were >51 years of age (269 of 309) and in             genes influence both traits, whereas the environmental
f10% of women who were V51 years of age (23 of 196).               correlation (q E) captures the extent to which the same
Participants reported no other form of surgical meno-              environmental factors influence both traits. Because
pause besides hysterectomy (without oophorectomy).                 significant genetic and/or environmental correlations
                                                                   can arise from nonsignificant phenotypic correlations, for
   Statistical Analysis. In total, we analyzed three breast
                                                                   example, when the genetic and environmental correla-
measures (dense area, nondense area, and percent
                                                                   tions have opposite signs, we analyzed each pair of traits
density), four reproductive or menstrual traits (number
                                                                   without regard to their overall phenotypic correlation.
of live births and ages at menarche, first birth, and
                                                                   Using likelihood ratio tests, we evaluated two hypothe-
menopause), and four measures of body size (height,
                                                                   ses involving the genetic correlation. First, we tested
weight, BMI, and waist circumference). Before conducting
                                                                   whether the genetic correlation was zero (q G = 0).
the quantitative genetic analyses described below, we
                                                                   Rejection of this hypothesis suggests that one or more
assessed the distributions of all traits and, where
                                                                   of the same genetic factors influence both traits. Second,
necessary, transformed them to approximate univariate
                                                                   we tested whether the genetic correlation was 1 or -1
normality. A logarithm transformation was applied to the
                                                                   (q G = 1 or -1). Rejection of this hypothesis suggests that
dense area of the breast, percent breast density, age at
                                                                   there exist one or more unique genetic factors that
menarche, BMI, weight, and waist circumference, and
                                                                   influences one trait but not the other. Lastly, we also
power transformations were applied to the nondense area
                                                                   tested whether the environmental correlation was zero
of the breast (0.3) and age at menopause (2). All other
                                                                   (q E = 0). Rejection of this hypothesis suggests that one or
variables were left untransformed. We used standard
                                                                   more of the same environmental factors (unmeasured or
variance and covariance component models and pedigree-
                                                                   unadjusted for) influence both traits.
based maximum likelihood methods (24, 25) as imple-
                                                                      All statistical tests were necessarily one sided, and
mented in SOLAR (Sequential Oligogenic Linkage
                                                                   P values < 0.05 were considered statistically significant.
Analysis Routines) (26) to estimate trait heritabilities and
                                                                   No adjustments for multiple comparisons were made.
to investigate the genetic and environmental correlations
                                                                   We assessed the impact of outliers on the estimates of
between pairs of traits. Pedigree relationships were
                                                                   heritability and genetic and environmental correlation by
determined from the Anabaptist Genealogy Database
                                                                   examining the change in estimates after excluding
(version 4.0; ref. 27) by including genealogic information
                                                                   extreme values, which we defined by >3 SDs from the
on the parents and grandparents of the study participants.
                                                                   mean. All analyses (except where noted previously) were
   To estimate heritability, we partitioned variation in
                                                                   conducted using version 8.2 of the Statistical Analysis
each trait, for example, dense area of the breast, into a
                                                                   System programming language (SAS Institute).
component due to individual-specific covariates, includ-
ing age and menopausal status, the additive genetic                   Human Subjects Approval. The institutional review
variance (r 2a), which captures the effects of unmeasured          boards at the Universities of Michigan and Maryland
genes, and an individual-specific environmental compo-             approved all aspects of the protocol, and all participants
nent or residual error. The heritability (h 2) of each trait was   gave written informed consent, including permission to
estimated by the ratio of the variance attributable to the         release their medical records.

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       Results                                                            Table 2. Selected characteristics of study participants
                                                                          (n = 550)
       For this investigation, our sample included 550 women
       from 212 distinct sibships, with 1 to 9 women per sibship.                                            Mean F SD         Range
       Of these sibships, 41%, 23%, and 20% were composed of              Age (y)                              56 F 9           40-88
       two, three, and four or more participants, respectively.           Premenopausal*                      218 (40)
       Table 1 summarizes the number of pairwise relationships            Age at menarche (y)                  13 F 1           10-18
       among all 550 women after merging in genealogical                  Age at natural menopause (y)         49 F 4           34-58
                                                                          Ever used hormones*                  46 (8)
       information on their parents and grandparents. In total,           Reproductive factors
       there were 643 pairs of first-degree relatives, including           Parous*                            502   (91)
       611 sister-sister and 32 mother-daughter pairs, and 3,391                                                        c
                                                                           Number of live births                8   F3           1-15
       more distantly related pairs. Table 2 describes selected            Age at first birth (y)              22   F3          17-37
       characteristics of the 550 participants. All women were             Ever breast fed*                   486   (96)
       between the ages of 40 and 88 years, with a mean of                Body size measures
                                                                           Height (cm)                        160   F   6      135-178
       56 years. There were 218 and 332 pre- and postmeno-                 Weight (kg)                         75   F   16      38-139
       pausal women, respectively. After excluding the 40                  BMI (kg/m2)                         29   F   6       16-57
       postmenopausal women who reported previous surgical                 Waist circumference (cm)            90   F   11      63-127
       removal of their uteri, the average age at natural
       menopause was 49 F 4 years (FSD). Fewer than 10%                  *Number (and percentage).
                                                                         cBased on 502 parous women.
       of all participants reported previous use of exogenous
       hormones, and none had taken hormones in the previous
       6 months (per our exclusion criteria). Most women were             0.008, respectively), suggesting the presence of shared
       parous (91%), with an average of 8 live births.                    genetic and environmental factors exerting similar and
          Mean (FSD) dense area, nondense area, and propor-               opposite effects, respectively, on the dense and nondense
       tion of dense area were 15 F 10 cm2, 96 F 50 cm2, and              areas of the breast. At the same time, the genetic
       0.16 F 0.11, respectively. As expected, breast density was         correlation between these two areas was significantly
       higher in premenopausal women than in postmenopaus-
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention               3513

environmentally correlated with BMI (-0.26 F 0.12;              the remaining pairs of traits were low and not signifi-
P = 0.034). Similarly, the nondense area of the breast          cantly different from zero. Together, these results suggest
was positively and significantly environmentally corre-         that there exist individual-specific but unmeasured
lated with the number of live births (0.44 F 0.18;              environmental factors that contribute to the correlations
P = 0.012), as well as most body size measures, including       between several pairs of these traits.
weight (0.83 F 0.07; P = 0.002), BMI (0.80 F 0.06;                 We repeated all heritability and genetic and environ-
P = 0.005), and waist circumference (0.81 F 0.06;               mental correlation analyses after removing individuals
P = 0.002). The environmental correlations between              with extreme values. With the exception of the environ-
percent breast density were similar and in the same             mental correlation between percent breast density and age
(opposite) direction as they were for the dense                 at first birth, all heritability and correlation estimates from
(nondense) area. The environmental correlations between         these analyses were within 1 SE of the original estimates.

                                                                With their unique cultural customs and relatively similar
                                                                environmental exposures, a well-defined, genetically
                                                                closed population structure, and extensive genealogic
                                                                records, the Old Order Amish provide an ideal context in
                                                                which to study the genetic contributions to breast
                                                                density. Of particular relevance to studying breast
                                                                density, the Old Order Amish population is character-
                                                                ized by a very low prevalence of exogenous hormone
                                                                use, including oral contraceptives and hormone replace-
                                                                ment therapy, and high parity. Still, our results suggest
                                                                that breast density varies widely in the Old Order Amish
                                                                population, with values that are comparable with other
                                                                highly parous populations. For example, in a sample
                                                                of 294 Hispanic women (two thirds of whom were
                                                                postmenopausal and three fourths of whom reported
                                                                three or more live births), Lopez et al. (28) reported an
                                                                overall mean of 17.7% for percent breast density, with a
                                                                range of 1.9% to 54.6%. Similarly, in our sample of
                                                                women (approximately two thirds of whom were also
                                                                postmenopausal and three fourths of whom reported five
                                                                or more live births), the mean and range of percent breast
                                                                density were 15.8% and 1.4% to 59%, respectively.
                                                                   To our knowledge, our study is the first non-twin study
                                                                to estimate the genetic contributions to the dense and
                                                                nondense areas of the breast and the first study to examine
                                                                the contribution of genetic factors to the correlation
                                                                between breast density and other breast cancer risk
                                                                factors. We found that the dense and nondense areas of
                                                                the breast were significantly heritable in our sample, with
                                                                33% and 68% of the total variance, respectively, attribut-
                                                                able to additive genetic effects. Although these estimates
                                                                are consistent with the significant genetic influences
                                                                reported by Stone et al. (13), comparisons of heritability
                                                                are always ill advised. For example, with respect to the
                                                                environmental factors that impact breast density, the
                                                                women in this sample likely share relatively similar
                                                                environments. Thus, all one can infer from a relatively
                                                                higher (or lower) estimate of heritability is that there is less
                                                                (or more) environmental variation relative to the genetic
                                                                variation in this sample. We note that screening and
                                                                adjusting for other significant covariates (in addition to
                                                                age and menopausal status) did not meaningfully alter
                                                                our estimates of the heritability of absolute breast density.
                                                                In fact, age at menarche and number of live births were the
                                                                only other covariates significantly correlated with log-
                                                                transformed dense area, and together, they explained no
Figure 1. Interindividual variability in dense area (A) and     more than an additional 8% of the variation in this trait.
percent breast density (B) by age (n = 550). Horizontal black   After including all four covariates in our model, the
bars, median; boxes, interquartile range; whiskers, 1.5 times   heritability of the dense area of the breast was 36% (versus
the interquartile range.                                        39% with adjustment for age and menopausal status only).

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       Table 3. Heritability estimates (h 2) for breast measures and other breast cancer risk factors
       Trait                                         h 2 F SE                       P                          Proportion of total variance explained by

                                                                                                                Covariates                              Genes
       Dense area                                   0.39   F   0.11            1.8  10  -5
                                                                                                                    0.15                                 0.33
       Percent density                              0.35   F   0.11            1.2  10-4                           0.17                                 0.29
       Nondense area                                0.71   F   0.10            1.7  10-15                          0.04                                 0.68
       Age at menarche                              0.58   F   0.10            1.9  10-12
Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention           3515

and mortality) in the Hutterites and found significant         influence height also seem to regulate mammary gland
familial correlations in family size. At present, however,     development (31).
the genes that influence fertility in human populations            Based on an analysis of monozygotic and dizygotic
are unknown, partly owing to the difficulty of controlling     twins, Stone et al. (13) previously reported a negative
for the influence of nongenetic factors. Our results           genetic correlation between the dense and nondense
suggest it may be ill advised to adjust for live birth         areas of the breast [-0.30 F 0.04 (FSE) after a logarithm
number in the genetic analysis of breast density given the     transformation and adjustment for covariates]. In our
strong genetic correlation between them.                       sample, however, the genetic correlation between these
   Based on samples of unrelated women, Boyd et al. (10)       areas was positive (0.38 F 0.17 after transformation and
and Haars et al. (9) previously showed that the inverse        adjustment for covariates). In other words, data from
correlations of various measures of adiposity with breast      Stone et al. (13) suggest that there exist common genetic
density, expressed as a percentage of total breast area,       influences that act in opposite directions on the dense
are due to positive correlations with the nondense area of     and nondense areas, whereas the data presented here
the breast. Our data are consistent with these observa-        suggest that these shared genetic influences operate in
tions and suggest that many of these correlations may          the same direction. It is interesting to note that the
have a common and strong genetic basis. Specifically, in       within-individual correlation between the dense and
our sample, several measures of body size exhibited            nondense areas was also remarkably different between
strong and significant positive genetic correlations with      our two studies [after adjustment for age, 0.002 in our
the nondense (but not dense) area of the breast. For           sample versus -0.35 in the sample of Stone et al. (13)] but
example, approximately two thirds of the phenotypic            consistent with our study-specific environmental corre-
correlation between the nondense area of the breast and        lations, which were similar in sign and magnitude
weight (0.77) was due to the same genetic factors after        (-0.42 F 0.17 in our sample and -0.31 F 0.04 in their
adjusting for age and menopausal status. Thus, any             sample). Because our parameterizations, populations of
genetic analysis of percent breast density will be strongly    inference, and study designs are not directly comparable,
confounded by adiposity. One such example is provided          it is difficult to reconcile these differences.
by Vachon et al. (15), who recently reported that their            Data from the present study add to the accumulating
linkage evidence on chromosome 5p for percent breast           evidence that breast density has a strong heritable
density nearly doubled after adjustment for BMI.               component and provide new evidence that part of this
Although Vachon et al. (15) recognized that percent            heritable component is shared with other breast cancer
breast density was genetically correlated with BMI in          risk factors. Still, we acknowledge several study limi-
their sample (0.71), they were unable to analyze the           tations. First, given our study design, we were unable to
dense and nondense areas separately because only               examine the influence of shared environments. For
percent density was characterized.                             example, to the extent that shared childhood environ-
   In our sample, the nondense area of the breast was also     ments contribute to correlations in breast density
significantly (negatively) genetically correlated with age     between sisters, we may have overestimated the genetic
at menarche. Age at menarche was, in turn, significantly       contributions to individual differences in (and correla-
(negatively) genetically correlated with each of the           tions between) breast density and other breast cancer risk
adiposity measures described above (data not shown).           factors. Second, our findings may not generalize to other
Together, these correlations are consistent with findings      populations, particularly given the unique reproductive
from a recent study by Wang et al. (30), who reported          practices of the Old Order Amish. Despite this, our study
significant negative genetic correlations between several      participants were similar in many other ways to the U.S.
obesity phenotypes, including BMI, and age at menarche.        female Caucasian population as determined by our
As described by Wang et al. (30), these findings are           analysis of age-matched data from the 2001-2002 Nation-
biologically consistent with documented differences in         al Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (data not
hormonal concentrations and fat distribution in women          shown). Third, we were unable to examine (with
who experience early versus late menarche.                     confidence) the relationship between breast density and
   In addition to identifying significant genetic correla-     an important breast cancer risk factor, namely, family
tions between the dense and nondense areas of the breast       history of breast cancer. Irregular medical care practices
and other breast cancer risk factors, we also found that       in this population make it difficult to obtain and/or
the environmental correlations were significantly differ-      verify information on family cancer history. Fourth, with
ent from zero for several trait pairs. For example, the        our modest sample size, we were underpowered to
dense area of the breast was positively environmentally        examine the extent to which genetic variances and
correlated with age at menarche and height. These              correlations were menopausal specific. Tentative exam-
findings imply the existence of other important cova-          ination of menopausal-specific estimates of heritability
riates that were either not included in our models or,         and genetic and environmental correlations, however,
more likely, not measured in our study and are                 suggests that the relative contributions of genetic and
consistent with the individual-specific effects noted in       nongenetic factors were similar in pre- and postmeno-
our univariate analyses. For example, f50% of the total        pausal women (data not shown).
variability in the dense area of the breast was unex-              In summary, our results indicate that breast density
plained by measured covariates and unmeasured addi-            varies widely in the Old Order Amish population and is
tive genetic factors. Factors that may have contributed to     strongly influenced by genetic factors. Our results also
this unexplained variation (and environmental correla-         suggest that the genetic and environmental factors that
tion with other traits) include exposures that may have        influence breast density are not independent of the
occurred earlier in life, for example, dietary intake and      genetic and environmental factors that influence other
hormones. Indeed, some of the hormonal factors that            breast cancer risk factors. These findings are being used

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       to inform our ongoing genetic investigation of breast                             features of the breast in premenopausal women. Br J Cancer 1998;
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                                             Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2008;17(12). December 2008

               Downloaded from on December 25, 2020. © 2008 American Association for Cancer
Mammographic Breast Density−−Evidence for Genetic
Correlations with Established Breast Cancer Risk Factors
Julie A. Douglas, Marie-Hélène Roy-Gagnon, Chuan Zhou, et al.

Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2008;17:3509-3516.

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