Beyond response and recovery: an introduction to the Zurich fl ood resilience program

Page created by Nancy Bennett
Beyond response and recovery: an introduction to the Zurich fl ood resilience program
Beyond response and recovery:
an introduction to the Zurich
flood resilience program
This issue brief provides
an overview of the global
challenges caused by
flooding and how we are
tackling them through the
work of the Zurich flood
resilience alliance.

                            Why we focus on floods                         Action – and two leading research
                                                                           institutions: the Wharton School of the
                            Floods affect more people globally             University of Pennsylvania (Wharton), and
                            than any other type of natural hazard.         the International Institute of Applied
                            They cause some of the largest                 Systems Analysis (IIASA) in Austria.
                            economic, social and humanitarian
                            losses, involving on average some              The program is based on a new
                            250 million people each year.1                 approach to cross-sector collaboration.
                                                                           It brings together flood risk research,
                            While floods are natural, there is             community-based programs and risk
                            nothing ‘natural’ about their disastrous       expertise. It looks for, and shares ways
                            consequences. Often the poorest and            that community flood resilience can be
                            least-prepared communities suffer most.        measured and improved. The program
                            Evidence shows that repeated disasters         directly helps about 125,000 people
                            like floods undermine societies’ and           through projects in flood-prone
                            economies’ potential to develop and            communities in Bangladesh, Indonesia,
                            it may trap them in a poverty cycle.           Mexico, Nepal, Peru and the U.S.
                            We tend to think of these events as
                            happening in other places, to other            Growing risks
                            people but floods also cause devastation       Risks of floods are increasing. By some
                            in developed countries. The reasons for        estimates, river flooding alone could
                            this are surprisingly similar in both          annually affect 54 million people
                            developing and developed countries.            worldwide by 2030, more than double
                                                                           the number currently affected. There
                            To address the need for a proactive            are several reasons why floods are
                            approach to flood risks, Zurich Insurance      having a greater impact:
                            Group (Zurich) launched a dedicated flood
                            resilience program in 2013. It includes two    Growing populations, more people
                            humanitarian organizations – the               living in cities: The world’s urban
                            International Federation of Red Cross and      population increased fivefold from 700
                            Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), and Practical   million in 1950 to 3.9 billion in 2014.3
Urban growth is particularly strong in       Our approach to flood resilience
                             developing countries, where cities’
                             disaster plans and emergency facilities      Understanding flood ‘resilience’
                             may be unequal to the task of coping         It is hard to change habits or convince
                             with major floods. Constructing              people to move out of harm’s way.
                             buildings on flood plains, paving over       Raising resilience is doubly important if it
                             land that provided drainage and lack of      helps people to anticipate and cope with
                             waste infrastructure all add to the risks.   floods. It not only allows them to reduce
                                                                          the flood exposure to lives and property.
                             More people living near water:               Resilience also helps them recover
                             Where land is at a premium, developers       more quickly.
    “A system-wide           may ignore warnings and build in places
                                                                          We see resilience as the ability to
    approach to resilience   exposed to river floods and storm
                                                                          continue to thrive in the face of
                             surges. Cities in coastal regions on or
    needs to capture         near rivers including those in developing    disasters. It keeps people’s lives intact
    a range of activities,   countries such as Jakarta, Lima,             before, during and after floods. It helps
                                                                          communities become more prosperous
    actors and processes     Shanghai, Dhaka, and Manila are highly
                                                                          and stable. Resilience is frequently
                             vulnerable. But floods can also shut
    that are part of a       down a sophisticated metropolis like         described as a ‘system’ or even as a
    resilience building      New York City, as Superstorm Sandy           ‘system of systems,’6 one that is holistic
                                                                          in nature. “A system-wide approach to
    system,”                 showed in 2012.
                                                                          resilience needs to capture a range of
                             Greater prosperity – more to lose:           activities, actors and processes that are
                             The kind of development that depends         part of a resilience building system,”
                             on agriculture is more vulnerable to         according to a UN study.7
                             drought, while countries reliant on
                             industrial development for growth suffer     Ways resilience can be increased
                             more from floods.4 A higher standard         There are several different ways we can
                             of living that brings with it more           enhance flood resilience, including:
                             manufacturing and production increases       • Through better assessments of flood
                             the value of property at risk. Such risk       hazards and communicating the risk
                             might be countered by protection               to residents.
                             measures (for example, raising buildings).
                             Even so, a catastrophic flood can            • Taking measures to lessen the severity
                             threaten not only the economy of a             of floods and mitigate their impact,
                             region, but entire global supply chains:       including first-aid and health training,
                             severe flooding in manufacturing sites in      community planning, and setting up
                             Thailand in 2011 led to global shortages       emergency shelters.
                             of components needed by major car            • Gaining a better understanding of
                             makers and severely hit production of          how decisions are made in the face of
                             computer hard disks.5                          risks and uncertainty to make the
                             Climate change: Research indicates             most effective solutions easier to find.
                             that the risk of floods could continue to    • Improving warning systems and
                             increase significantly in many parts of        helping communities adopt
                             the world due to expected changes in           emergency protocols.
                             climate patterns. Warmer temperatures
                             affect weather patterns and sea levels.      • Supporting efforts to rebuild ‘better’
                             Tropical cyclones common in the                – to safer standards – after floods.
                             northwest Pacific included Typhoon           • Ensuring people have opportunities to
                             Haiyan in 2013, perhaps the strongest          secure an income during floods – for
                             tropical cyclone in recorded history           example, by providing training in new
                             to make landfall, which killed over            skills so farmers have alternative
                             7,000 people.                                  revenues when cropland is under water.

• Developing ways to safeguard assets          There’s also a ‘gambler’ mentality at
                          exposed to flood risk at an individual       work: people believe that because a
                          or community level.                          flood recently occurred, there won’t be
                                                                       another one any time soon, forgetting
                        • Working with local officials and other
                                                                       that disasters occur independent of
                          policymakers and the private sector
                                                                       one another. And, too, there are very
                          to help make communities more
                                                                       real budget constraints that must be
                          flood resilient.
                                                                       overcome to convince people that it is
                        Increasing resilience makes                    in their own best interest to take action.
                        economic sense
                                                                       Creating a flood resilience alliance
                        We believe pre-emptive action –
                                                                       Flood risks are increasingly interconnected
                        reducing flood risk before an event
                                                                       and interdependent. A holistic approach
                        – brings benefits far in excess of those
                                                                       is needed to address them. Through our
                        recovery can provide. On average, for
                                                                       pioneering collaboration we can tackle
                        every dollar spent on targeted flood-risk
                                                                       the challenges communities face.
                        reduction measures, five dollars can be
                                                                       This effort works as an alliance that
                        saved by avoiding and reducing losses.8
                                                                       brings together organizations with
                        Despite the advantages of acting before        complementary skills and expertise.
                        floods happen to improve resilience,
                                                                       We are seeing the advantages of a
                        over the past two decades, only 13
                                                                       combined approach in community
                        percent of aid spending went to
                                                                       programs where the IFRC and Practical
                        reducing and managing risks.
                                                                       Action use their extensive experience
                        The remaining 87 percent went to
                                                                       working with communities to identify
                        emergency response, reconstruction
                                                                       and implement solutions. Programming
                        and rehabilitation post-disaster.9
                                                                       is an iterative process typically starting by
                        This emphasis on relief as opposed to
                                                                       assessing and analyzing the situation;
                        resilience is neither logical nor efficient.
                                                                       innovative solutions are devised, and
                        Understanding behavioral                       then work begins with communities to
                        bias is key                                    assess, select and implement the best
                        Psychology plays a major role in flood         solutions. The impact of the actions
                        resilience. By better understanding            implemented is then evaluated.
                        how people think, we can address
                                                                       Research by Wharton and IIASA
                        the reasons why, despite its high
                                                                       confirms the advantages of investing in
                        cost-effectiveness, some communities
                                                                       pre-event mitigation as opposed to
                        and even international donors do not
                                                                       post-event relief. The research also
                        invest enough in pre-flood mitigation.
                                                                       provides objective evidence that can
                        One common misconception is the                influence policymakers’ decisions.
“One common             ‘it will never happen to us’ syndrome:         Further, it can create an environment in
misconception is the    decision-makers underestimate flood            which insurance and other risk transfer
‘it will never happen   risk, preferring to see floods as an           mechanisms can be part of the solution.
                        unlikely event. There is also the ‘there is
to us’ syndrome:        nothing we can do, anyway’ syndrome
                                                                       As an insurer, Zurich acts as a catalyst in
decision-makers                                                        providing human, technical and financial
                        – people become fatalistic when they
                                                                       resources. The Z Zurich Foundation has
underestimate flood     feel powerless to control the outcome of
                                                                       made an initial five-year commitment of
                        events. People also procrastinate: even
risk, preferring to     when they know that investing in flood
                                                                       USD 35.6 million to the alliance. This is
see floods as an                                                       in addition to contributions of time,
                        protection is necessary, they avoid
                                                                       expertise and resources of Zurich
unlikely event.”        making decisions. They might fall into
                                                                       employees around the world.
                        the trap of refusing to invest in flood
                        protection because they assume the
                        government or donors will step in.

Our flood resilience alliance members

     Alliance member    Background and expertise                                           Location             Link

     Zurich Insurance   Established in Zurich, Switzerland, in 1872, Zurich provides       Headquartered
     Group              insurance and services to customers in over 170 countries. As      in Switzerland
                        one of the world’s leading insurance groups with about 55,000
                        employees, Zurich’s mission is to help its customers understand
                        and protect themselves from risks.

     International      Founded in 1919, the IFRC is the world’s largest                   Headquartered
     Federation of      volunteer-based humanitarian network, reaching 150 million         in Switzerland
     Red Cross and      people each year through its 189 member National Societies.
     Red Crescent       The IFRC and its members act before, during and after
     Societies (IFRC)   disasters and health emergencies to meet the needs and
                        improve the lives of vulnerable people. They do so with
                        impartiality as to nationality, race, gender, religious beliefs,
                        class and political opinions.

     Practical Action   Begun in 1966, this international non-governmental                 UK         
                        organization (NGO) uses technology to challenge poverty in
                        developing countries. It seeks to advance education and relieve
                        poverty by improving knowledge of technical, economic and
                        social science.

     International      Established in 1972, with a scientific staff of over 300, IIASA    Austria    
     Institute for      provides insight and guidance to policymakers worldwide by
     Applied Systems    finding solutions to global and universal problems through
     Analysis (IIASA)   applied systems analysis.

     Wharton Business   Wharton was founded in 1881 as the first business school in        U.S.                 http://riskcenter.wharton.
     School’s Risk      the U.S., as part of the University of Pennsylvania. Begun                    
     Management         in 1984, the Wharton Risk Management and Decision
     and Decision       Processes Center is recognized as a leading research institution
     Processes Center   that develops and promotes effective corporate and public
                        policies for dealing with catastrophic events.

                                                 How we intend to improve flood resilience
                                                 Buildings can be rebuilt after a flood.          destructive forces. We can improve
                                                 It is harder to rebuild lives, especially        resilience, even when the task is
                                                 when dealing with repeated floods.               sometimes difficult. This section
                                                 With each flood, social bonds are tested,        introduces some examples of the
                                                 people lose income, family ties strained.        specific challenges that we face
                                                 Increasing a community’s resilience to           and how we are addressing them.
                                                 floods is the best way to counter these

                                                   The challenge: we need to                      Better facilities and alternative
                                                   invest more in resilience                      livelihoods in Mexico: Work led by
                                                   Images of flood disasters in the               the IFRC and the Mexican Red Cross
                                                   media resonate with the public.                began in 2014 in 11 communities
                                                   People respond, and at least for a             around Jonuta, a municipality in the
                                                   time, give generously. But such aid,           state of Tabasco. Tabasco includes
                                                   while invaluable for the recovery              one of the world’s largest wetlands
                                                   phase, may fail to provide long-term           through which the Usumacinta River
                                                   solutions. Therefore, we need to               flows. The river can rise as much as
                                                   direct investments toward increasing           three meters during the rainy season.
                                                   communities’ flood resilience for              The people in these communities must
                                                   the long term, not just when                   live with floods several months out of
                                                   disaster strikes.                              the year and therefore need innovative
                                                                                                  solutions to earn a living, even during
                                                                                                  periods of high water.

Work is underway to build                    implemented in 2010. In particular,
                         multi-purpose community buildings            this includes improving weather
                         that can double as school rooms or           forecasting, keeping live-saving
                         medical facilities if necessary. Work is     technology working even under
                         also being done to train communities         extreme conditions, and training
                         on how to catch and prepare the              communities to act on the information
                         invasive ‘devil fish,’ benefiting not only   received from measuring stations
                         the environment, but possibly also           along the Karnali River.
                         providing them with a sustainable
                                                                      Connecting upstream and
                         food source and a new source
                                                                      downstream communities
                         of income.
                                                                      in Indonesia: Bukit Duri in the
                         Community-based early                        southern part of Jakarta city is
                         warning systems in Nepal:                    bordered on one side by the Ciliwung
                         Nepal is still recovering from the           River. When it floods, garbage and
                         devastating earthquake in April 2015.        sewage block the river and end up
                         But even as recovery begins, some            flowing into the community. Much
                         communities in Nepal face a new              of this waste comes from upstream
                         threat: the onset of the monsoon             communities such as Tugu Utara.
                         season. Monsoon rains often trigger          The IFRC and the Red Cross society in
                         flash floods and mudslides, posing           Indonesia, PMI, are leading our work
                         significant risks. Timely warnings           with both Bukit Duri and Tugu Utara
                         about imminent floods can save               to improve waste management
                         lives and help people protect                practices. By helping remove the
                         their possessions.                           waste from the river, the impact of
                                                                      periodic flooding is reduced. Not only
                         Under the lead of Practical Action,
                                                                      that, but the waste management
                         we are working in the Karnali River
                                                                      process also provides a valuable
                         basin which begins in the southern
                                                                      chance for these communities to
                         slopes of the Himalayas and flows
                                                                      add paying jobs, as the waste can be
                         through Nepal to India. A major focus
                                                                      converted to compost and sold locally.
                         is on improving early warning systems

“There is no           The challenge: measuring resilience            empirical measures of flood resilience
                       Data allow us to use resources – external      offer clear, unbiased insights, and
‘one-size-fits-all’    and those within a community – to the          eliminate the need to make decisions
solution or tool to    best advantage. Good data and statistics       based solely on subjective impressions
measure resilience.”   tell us if an approach works, and also let     or anecdotal evidence.
                       us know if one approach works better
                                                                      We are developing a community-based
                       than another. The information derived
                                                                      flood resilience measurement tool based
                       from measurements lets us identify
                                                                      on the ‘five categories of sustainable
                       successful actions. It tells us why
                                                                      livelihoods ‘(the ‘Five Cs’) framework
                       measures succeed. It allows us to better
                                                                      established by the UK’s Department for
                       predict whether a particular action will
                                                                      International Development (DFID),10
                       work not just in one community, but in
                                                                      and the four properties of resilience
                       others as well.
                                                                      (the ‘Four Rs’) formulated by MCEER.11
                       There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution or    We will produce community resilience
                       tool to measure resilience. Any system         ratings based on these factors using
                       used to measure resilience should find         Zurich Risk Engineering’s Risk Grading
                       answers to specific questions related          to determine the level of resilience.
                       to an individual community. Useful,

How a community can be rated            This is one example of how a community         determines how many residents have
    based on ‘livelihood stability’         could assess its residents’ vulnerability to   alternative income sources. If results show a
    as a source of resilience               income loss during floods. It establishes      need, a program might be tailored to provide
                                            whether floods affect income, then             other ways to earn money during floods.

                      A (Strength)                      D (Growth area)                               Baseline question
     Risk factor:     Households have ability           Households have no                            If your main economic
     Livelihood       to maintain income stream         livelihood continuity                         activity is affected by
     stability        via one or more                   strategy in the                               floods, what other form
                      livelihood strategies.            case of flood.                                of income do you have?

                      Grading                                     A               B           C              D

                      Percent of community with
                                                               >75%             >50%       >25%           ≤25%
                      alternative income strategy.

                                                 The challenge: enabling                     Amsterdam found that homeowners
                                                 communities to control their                may generally be aware of flood risks,
                                                 own future                                  but they often fail to recognize the
                                                 For communities that must regularly         risks they face as individuals. People
                                                 deal with floods, change seems              tend to underestimate potential
                                                 particularly daunting. Very often these     losses. This might explain why 80
                                                 communities struggle to think beyond        percent of residents in the area
                                                 the immediate present. To keep people       inundated by Sandy’s storm surge
                                                 engaged in finding long-term                had no flood insurance, and 90
                                                 solutions, community members must           percent of small business had no flood
                                                 be part of the dialogue and the             protection, either – despite the fact
                                                 solution. Communities need structures       that flood insurance is highly
                                                 that support dialogue: every member         subsidized by the U.S. federal
                                                 of a community must be part of              government. If people had a clearer
                                                 discussions when looking for solutions.     understanding of what they stood to
                                                                                             lose, they would be more likely to take
                                                 Improving awareness about the
                                                                                             protective measures. Based on these
                                                 impact of floods: Following
                                                                                             findings, the alliance has
                                                 Superstorm Sandy in 2012, a survey of
                                                                                             recommended that the U.S. Federal
                                                 over 1,000 New York City residents
                                                                                             Emergency Management Agency
                                                 showed that people often tend to
                                                                                             (FEMA) provide flood maps showing
                                                 misjudge the risks floods pose to their
                                                                                             not just where floods might occur, but
                                                 own lives and property. A survey by
                                                                                             also the damage floods could cause.12
                                                 Wharton with VU University

The challenge: policymakers need             but when they do come, the floods can
                         information and insights                     be devastating. In communities in the
                         Bringing policymakers into the               Piura region in northern Peru and in the
                         picture: Limiting development in areas       Rimac River Basin northeast of Lima, our
                         with flood hazards is difficult. People      program is working to make it easier for
                         want to – or must – live and work near       people to be better prepared for these
                         water.13 But they can still be alerted to    types of floods. One factor elevating the
                         the risks of building on a flood plain.      risk is that, because floods tend to be
                         Policymakers and local officials should      rare in these areas, people forget the
                         encourage better planning. Wherever          danger, as the buildings built in risky
                         possible, this should be done without        areas since the last flood attest. A big
                         compromising development that could          part of the program involves working
“To build community      benefit a community’s long-term              closely with local authorities. It is also
flood resilience, you    well-being and prosperity.                   important to increase confidence
need different groups                                                 in the government’s ability to
                         Engaging with the government in
                                                                      provide assistance.
and individuals with     Peru: The El Niño phenomenon
                         occasionally leads to heavy rains that
specific types of        cause floods in some parts of the world.
knowledge and skills.”   Many years may pass between floods,

                         Looking to the future                        We are exploring different ways
                                                                      the alliance could build further
                         Our flood resilience program offers          resources: This might include
                         a platform to advocate learning,             establishing a ‘Flood Resilience
                         share knowledge, and apply what              Academy.’ The Academy would be
                         we learn in individual communities to        one way to share our knowledge and
                         help others, while serving as a catalyst     support practitioners in achieving more
                         for innovation and policy dialogue.          sustainable, replicable solutions. It could
                         A number of activities will support this     also be supporting efforts to identify
                         approach in the future:                      and develop innovations to address
                         We are developing an ‘open-source’           flood risk.
                         solutions catalogue: This would              Continuing the dialogue: We will
                         make it easier to share knowledge to         continue to update you on our progress.
                         build flood resilience. The catalogue,       We acknowledge that there are many
                         drawing on the flood resilience alliance’s   different approaches to resilience. Ours
                         community programs, will provide             includes testing our risk approaches in
                         vulnerable communities with access           different settings, in both low-income
                         to information on flood mitigation           and developed economies, in rural and
                         measures and solutions. It could also        urban settings, to make sure our
                         include research, processes and tools        approach is replicable and scalable to
                         developed by the alliance.                   help enhancing flood resilience way
                         We are testing a tool to understand          beyond our own activities.
                         the flood resilience system:                 Read more:
                         The flood resilience alliance is   
                         developing a tool to increase the            responsibility/flood-resilience
                         understanding of the factors and the
                         interactions driving flood risk and
                         wellbeing. It will be tested in 2015 in
                         pilot communities in Nepal and Peru.
                         The tool will make it easier to identify
                         risk factors, map risk systems and
                         sources, and spot potential problems.

    “On average, some 250 million people have been                6
                                                                      Description of resilience: ‘From Social Vulnerability          10
                                                                                                                                          For a detailed discussion of the ‘Five C’s’ see information
    affected annually by floods over the last ten years and           to Resilience: Measuring Progress toward Disaster                   provided by the UK Department for International
    they are the single most widespread and increasing                Risk Reduction.’ Melanie Gall. United Nations                       Development (DFID):
    disaster risk to urban settlements of all sizes.” UN Office       University, Munich Re Foundation. No. 13/2013:                      upload/1/document/0901/section2.pdf
    for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR). June 25, 2013.                                          Documents/UNU-EHS/2012-UNU-EHS/
                                                                                                                                          To learn more about the ‘Four R’s’ of resilience and
                                                                      InterSecTions2013_MelanieGall_Resilience.pdf                        MCEER visit:
    Forecast for people likely to be affected by flooding
    in the future. ‘Extreme Rain May Flood 54 Million             7
                                                                      Discussion of building resilience, see: ‘Disaster Resilience
                                                                                                                                          Study on psychology post-Sandy, see ‘Informed
    People by 2030.’ Scientific American. March 5, 2015:              Measurements, Stocktaking of ongoing efforts in                     Decisions on Catastrophe Risk, Understanding Individual                        developing systems for measuring resilience.’ United                Flood Risk Perceptions and Flood Insurance Choices to
    extreme-rain-may-flood-54-million-people-by-2030/                 Nations Development Programme. February 2014:                       Build More Resilient Communities: A Survey of New
                                                                                       York City Residents.’ Wharton Center for Risk
    Figures for urban growth taken from ‘Population facts,            disasterresiliencemeasurementsundpt.pdf                             Management and Decision Processes. Summer 2014:
    Our urbanizing world.’ United Nations. August 2014                                                                          
    2014/3:                8
                                                                      The estimates for savings provided by resiliency were               WRCib2014b_UnderstandingFloodRiskPerceptions.pdf
    population/publications/factsheets/                               based on research by Wharton and IIASA following
                                                                      review of a large number of studies. For a discussion
                                                                                                                                          Regarding building near water, one study found that
    Natural Disasters and Credit Supply Shocks in                     about long-term cost benefits of flood resilience, see              the insured value of residential and commercial
    Developing and Emerging Economies. Wharton. August                ‘Making Communities More Flood Resilient: The Role of               properties in coastal counties of the U.S. now exceeds
    2013:                 Cost Benefit Analysis and Other Decision-Support Tools              USD 10 trillion. ‘The Coastline at Risk: 2013 Update to
    WP2013-03_Collier-etal_CreditSupplyShocks.pdf                     in Disaster Risk Reduction.’ Zurich flood resilience                the Estimated Insured Value of U.S. Coastal Properties.’
                                                                      alliance. September 9, 2014: http://opim.wharton.                   AIR Worldwide Corporation. 2013:
    Information about Thai flooding: compare ‘Supply                                                                                      ch/webhp?hl=en&gws_rd=cr,ssl&ei=2hUdVabMDOOY7
    chain disruption: sunken ambitions.’ The Financial                                                                                    gaMmIGYAw#hl=en&q=The+Coastline+at+Risk:+2013
    times, November 3, 2011:              9
                                                                      Only 13 percent of aid spending goes to disaster risk               +Update+to+the+Estimated+Insured+Value+of+U.S.
    cms/s/0/6b20d192-0613-11e1-ad0e-00144feabdc0.                     reduction. For a detailed description, see ‘Financing               +Coastal+Properties
    html#axzz1crBgFIuf                                                Disaster Risk Reduction, A 20 year story of international
                                                                      aid.’ Global Facility for Disaster Reduction and Recovery.
                                                                      September 2013:

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