Page created by Kenneth Hammond

                                       Mainsheet                  January 2022
                   4707 VICTORIA BLVD. HAMPTON, VA 23669 • TEL: (757) 722-0711 • FAX: (757) 722-4700

                                              Sailing Center Report
First, I want to say thank you to Leigh Chapman for her excellent leadership through a global pandemic and supporting
the growth of the junior program during her tenure, and specifically for believing in me. I was completely overwhelmed
by her decision to name me as the recipient of the 2020 Commodore’s Award when there were so many worthy members.
If you were present for the Hampton Yacht Club Awards Night, I apologize for not saying anything after receiving the
award, but I was so overcome with emotion that I would not have been able to get out the words at that time. However,
I would like to take a moment and thank everyone responsible for aiding and growing the program. It is not fair to just
have my name on the award when there were so many people that helped me achieve the success that the junior program
has seen. I want to thank the coaches: Juan Manuel Briones, Vir Menon, Nathan Smith, Brian Fox, Maggie Campbell,
Tyler Brown, Mitch Brindley, Matt Peter, Briana Grenier, Lisa Downey, Morgan Collins, Billy Martin, Connor Corgard,
Phil Jeffries, and Tino Galan who were on the water improving our sailors. I have said from the beginning that great
coaching makes the difference! Next, I would like to thank the volunteer members: Woody Woodcock, Marshall Findley,
John McCarthy, Tom Ryan, Tom Wood, Lee Fairchild, Ann Fairchild, Malcolm Brady, and everyone with the USODA
Opti National Team Race Championship for helping to house umpires and coaches to being on the water or retrieving
dollies; there are too many to name all! I want to thank all of the members of the Junior Advisory Board: Dave Chapman,
Chris Pfrang, Mariah Rule, Chris Johnson, Lindsay Lopez, Gary Bahena, Keith Goodwin, and John Blais, and of course
all of the members of the Board for supporting the program with the needs of proper coach boats and overhauling the
Brady Sailing Center. Last, I would like to thank my wife Lexy. She was the main reason I took the position at Hampton
Yacht Club, so I could be closer to home. Although she doesn’t always appreciate the number of hours I work required
for a successful junior program, she is always there to help when asked without complaint! In closing, it takes a village, but
when the village comes together greatness is achieved, such as two National Championships in one year!! So, thank you all!
The recognition is greatly appreciated. (continued on Page 4)

 The following slate of officers was officially voted in by the membership of the Hampton Yacht Club at
                         the Annual Stockholders Meeting on December 13, 2021.

Commodore: Thomas F. Morehouse III
Vice Commodore: Douglas E. Miller
Rear Commodore: Sergio Diehl
Fleet Captain: John A. Blais III
Secretary: David E. Hamilton
Treasurer: Patricia A. Melochick
Director (1 year): Jennifer Hollock
Director (1 year): Ed Munson
Director (2 years): David Longfield
Director (2 years): Lee Fairchild
Past Commodore: Leigh Morgan Chapman
Nominating Committee: Vince Behm (chair), Philip Briggs, Rusty Burshell, Chris Johnson, Tom Ryan

                                                  PASSAGES: JOAN SHEA
                                           37° 01’ 12.52” N 76° 20’ 38.43” W
Commodore’s Letter to the Membership
Happy Holidays! I hope that you’ve enjoyed the holidays in December, and the New Year looks bright!

We’ve had a difficult past two years with the Pandemic, but with the leadership of Commodore Leigh Chapman,
we’ve managed to come through successfully with a dedicated staff and a very supportive membership. So, thanks
to Leigh for her leadership, coaching and guidance during the past two years. We couldn’t have done it without her!
And thanks to the Board and staff for its commitment to the Club.

It’s my distinct honor to serve as your Commodore for 2022. Thanks to the Nominating Committee and the
membership for entrusting me with the helm of this great club.

As many of you may not know me, here is a bit of my background: I grew up in central Pennsylvania but moved
to Virginia while in high school. I graduated from VMI, then went in the Army for 24 years, first as an Infantry
Officer, then a Finance Corps Officer. I was fortunate to be stationed in Italy, Germany, and Saudi Arabia as well
as several stateside locations. I retired from Ft Monroe in 1995, then went into Higher Education, working at CNU,
then TNCC. In 2010, I shifted gears and went to WHRO to be their Chief Financial Officer and retired last year. I
still volunteer for them during membership drives, so you may have heard me as recently as mid-December on the

My sailing background started as a youth, spending summers on Cape Cod and sailing with boyhood friends in their
Beetle Cats. I bought my first sailboat while stationed at Ft. Eustis in the early 80s – a Columbia 23. I sold it before
I went to Germany in the late 80’s and bought my second boat, a Caliber 28, when I was stationed at Ft Monroe and
sold it in 2020. I am left with my quirky lobster boat, Last One III.

Our volunteers are the lifeblood of the club. Until I was on the Board, I didn’t realize the great efforts a dedicated
corps of volunteers accomplished, mostly behind the scenes. We recognize that our club has many volunteers, but
we always have a need for volunteers in some of the less glamorous aspects of the club, and if you are so moved,
we would like to enlist you and your talents to help with the club. How can you volunteer? Glad you asked! Very
shortly we will be sending a membership information update form for the Dockline as well as for the new club
management/accounting software so that we have correct information for billing purposes. Part of the information
gathering will include interest in volunteering. Please indicate what you may be interested in helping or talent or
experience you may have that can be beneficial to the club.

We have many events and projects planned for 2022 and we hope that you can participate in our events and
appreciate our projects to make the club your first choice for recreation and dining.

I look forward to seeing you around the club and perhaps hoisting a beverage at the bar.

Happy New Year and Fair Winds and Following Seas.

JANUARY 2022                                                                                           PAGE 3

                                              Manager’s Report
I hope everyone had a safe and Happy New Year! We are looking forward to 2022 and all it has to offer. Be on the
lookout for dates of annual events and some new happenings we hope you will enjoy.

We have received several inquiries regarding an updated version of the Dockline, which will be printed in the Spring
and distributed later this year. We need your help getting our information up to date. Please complete and return
the Member Information Update Form that is being sent by email as a fillable pdf that you can reply and return. If
you prefer a paper form, you will find one included with your billing statement. It is very important that you provide
current contact information, specifically the billing email address. As we transition to new accounting software in
February, sending out billing statements by email will soon follow. We will keep you updated in the process, and you
will be made aware in advance of this change as we progress. Your cooperation will assist us in a smooth transition.

I am happy to announce that beginning Monday, January 3rd, the Dockside Lounge will be open for regular dining
service. We will open at 11:30 a.m. for lunch and will continue serving all day, offering a 2 for $20 special on
Mondays from 5-8 p.m. Join us on Wednesdays in January, where you can warm up with a soup and potato bar.

Upcoming events for January, which all require reservations, begin with a Wine Tasting on Thursday, the 13th.
Saturday, January 15 we will have Trivia Night, followed by the Birthday Bash on Thursday, January 20. Back by
popular demand, on Saturday, January 29 we will have Comedy Night with a Prime Rib and Seafood Buffet. What a
great start to a New Year!

I would like to thank all the members who contributed to the employee holiday fund. The employees were very
thankful for the contributions. I look forward to seeing everyone around the club.

Best Regards,

Richard Ash
Club Manager
                                             P&L November 2021

                                        37° 01’ 12.52” N 76° 20’ 38.43” W
PAGE 4                                                                                                       MAINSHEET

                                               Sailing Center Report
I also want to congratulate Lee Fairchild for receiving the 2021 Commodore’s Award. Lee has been a crucial proponent of
adult sailing and has undertaken massive responsibilities to help fellow members get on the water. Lee also spends a lot of
time working on the club’s Sonar fleet and making sure the boats are ready to sail. Very well deserved!

Winter Opti sailing with Coach Tino Galan has been going strong despite some very cold days. Our kids are training
hard to work towards their goals for next summer. Hampton Yacht Club has been asked by the USODA to host a repeat
Team Race National Championship for 2022 as well as the US Sailing Area C Qualifier for the Sears, Bemis, and Smythe
Trophies. If these events are finalized, I will once again need the help of the village!

I can add at this time that HYC will be hosting the ILCA Masters National Championship from September 8-11. The
Laser event should be a lot of fun, and if you are over the age of 30,- you qualify to compete! If you have been thinking
about laser sailing, this will be an excellent opportunity to have a lot of fun! The master’s event allows sailors to swap rigs
as needed for breeze strength. The Brady Sailing Center coaches are available if you want to improve your game! So, as
Henry Amthor would say, “dust off the old exercise bike!”

Maxwell Plarr, Sailing Director

                                            37° 01’ 12.52” N 76° 20’ 38.43” W
JANUARY 2022                                                                                                             PAGE 5

                                                       Big Boat Racing

                                         HYC CUP REPORT
      Emerging from the pandemic, the 2021 season was a good one for HYC Big Boats with 35
    boats competing in at least one of our eight HYC CUP events…lots of great racing and close
  competition. But, in the end, the championship itself was no contest as Neil and Lis (like Lebron
    & Bumps, no last name required) obliterated the field in their Melges 24 rocket-ship, Danger
    Paws. The dynamic duo won five of the eight races (including sweeping Boat of the Regatta
   honors at both SBRW 2021 and the Hampton Sprints) on the way to their third HYC CUP in the
                                        six years of the event.
   Finishing second was last year’s HYC CUP winner, Alan Bomar, in Roundabout. Alan wrapped
  up second place by cruising to his second straight “horizon job” victory in the 44th Gaboon Race.
                          Phil Briggs finished third for the CUP in Feather.

                Here’s how the Top Big Boats finished for the HYC CUP Championship:
           Place		       Boat		             Skipper			                         Points
           1		          Danger Paws		       Neil Ford/Lis Biondi		                   25
           2		          Roundabout		        Alan Bomar			                        16
           3		          Feather		           Phil Briggs			                       15
           4		          Callinectes		       Ben Cuker			                         12
           5		          Wind Dancer		       Paul Clifford			                     11
           6		          Bad Habit		         Bob Archer			                        10
           “		          Wairere		           Peter Hunter			                      “
           “		          Meridian XI		       Sledd Shellhorse		                   “
           9		          Diablo			           Greg Cutter			                        9

  January 29, HYC will host a Murphy Racing Rules Clinic from 9:00 – 3:30. Done in a “Rules Made
   Easy” style, the clinic will feature a complete look at the Part 2 Rules (When Boats Meet) using
   situations and scenarios that occur every day on the race course to show the purpose and intent
          of the rules in an easy, understandable way. See sign-up information on next page.
                          Respectfully submitted, John McCarthy (Sail Captain)

    Come on out and enjoy some relaxed winter racing on the club Sonars. Racing is every Sunday
   from January 9 through the end of March. Come on your own or as a group. We meet at noon at
                                                                        the Sailing Center.
                                                                Register here on the club website.
                                                                   Other Sonar events for 2022
                                                            Hospice One Design Regatta - April 9 & 10
                                                                   Sonar Family Race - June 12
                                                                  Double Handed Race - June 26
                                                              HYC Annual One Design - Date TBD
                                                                 Sunfish Challenge - September 17
                                                                 Women’s Regatta – September 24       Neil Fo
                                                                                                              rd and
                                                 ut re ad y         Sonar Regatta  - October 8          HYC Cu Lis Biondi w
                                        un da bo                                                                 p in Da         on
                                                                                                                         nger Pa the
                                ge t Ro
                     and crew              BOON Race!
     Alan Bomar
       for th ei r re pe at win of the GA                    Fall One Design  Regatta - October 1 & 2                           w s

                                             37° 01’ 12.52” N 76° 20’ 38.43” W
PAGE 6                                                                                        MAINSHEET

                      MURPHY RACING RULES CLINIC
                     January 29, 2022 Saturday (0900 – 1530)

                           Hampton Yacht Club, Hampton, Virginia
                                      In-Person. . . .not virtual.

                     A complete look at the PART 2 Rules (“When Boats Meet”)
                                 Presented by John McCarthy

                       •    Right of Way Rules - who has it. . . and what does it mean
                       •    Proper Course - how to sail it. . . and how to use it.
                       •    Rounding Marks – who gets room, how much, for how long
                       •    Obstructions – boats. . . plus tugs, spuds, & barges
                       •    Special Section on Starts & Finishes – yup, including barging

              Presented in John’s unique “Rules Made Easy” style;
              Interactive discussion of situations you encounter every race;
              Understand concepts, not memorize rules;
              In-person instruction allowing discussion and socializing with friends;
              Great for both skippers and crew.

 Call Lin at 757-850-4225 or email and provide the
 following information:

  Name:_____________________________________________________________PHONE #:__________________________
  Address:_________________________________________ City: __________ Email:______________________________

 One low cost of $30 for the day includes:
    •   Materials (course notebook)
    •   LUNCH (deli fixin’s lunch with chips, cookies, and beverage)
    •   Refreshments (coffee, tea, pastries, munchies at check-in and breaks throughout the day)
    •   Plus, a better understanding of the rules you use all the time!

 More info: contact John or Lin McCarthy - email OR phone (757) 850-4225.
  Please make check payable to: Lin McCarthy, Murphy Clinics
  To Register by mail - mail above form and payment to:
    • Murphy Clinics, C/O Lin McCarthy, 4401 Chesapeake Ave, Hampton, VA 23669

                                     37° 01’ 12.52” N 76° 20’ 38.43” W
JANUARY 2022                                                                                              PAGE 7

                                                  Casual Cruisers
As I write this, suddenly its Christmas. Where did 2021 go? Our year was filled with many ups and downs. We
planned 14 cruises, but with the COVID Pandemic cancelling events, Mother Nature messing up weekend plans,
and a change in venue for the Shuck and Suck event in Cape Charles taking all the slips at the Cape Charles City
Marina, only four of those scheduled cruises actually happened. We may not have gotten many of the cruises in,
but the ones that we did were epic. The 4th of July cruise saw more than 20 boats sail over to Cape Charles for a
spectacular holiday weekend. It was one of the best cruises to the Eastern Shore, all culminated with the cruisers
taking over the outside seating area of the Cape Charles Distillery and enjoying morning libations as we made up
the reviewing stand for the Parade. Our weekend at Pirates Beach (Little Bay) rocked. The Cruise Captains had a
little something for everyone. Great weather, games on the beach, and of course a bonfire every evening for all to
relax, cook, and then dance the night away under the stars. I have heard it said that our DJ has already procured a
sound bar which will coax all the cruisers around the fire to dance into the wee hours; sailors’ midnight, that is. We
ended the year with our traditional Holiday lights event in Norfolk. No parade once again this year, and the lighting
of the buildings was not very well synchronized, but it was still the largest turn out yet. Sailors doing what sailors do
on Friday, Docktails on Saturday, all which culminated with the Shangri-La crew slinging French toast, eggs to order
and Bloody Mary’s to fortify one and all for the transit home. I cannot thank enough those that volunteered to be
Cruise Captains. You did a fantastic job this year, and I look forward to getting back out this year.

It is not too early to start thinking about cruising in 2022. Please volunteer to Captain a cruise! Ask any of the
captains from years past how easy it is. The Cruise Planning Party is on March 5th (mark your calendars). This year,
we plan to meet in person, where Chef and the staff at HYC will once again stun us all. This meeting, although a
social event, is to plan a variety of cruises. Start putting together lists of where we want to visit, especially for the
long cruise. What are your cruising ideas? For example, “I would love to cruise once again to Baltimore to go to
an Orioles game, anchor at Chippoke Park, spend the weekend in Mobjack Bay, or anywhere else on the Bay.” All
ideas are welcome, and because of our wonderful Cruise Captains, I have learned about so many great places along
the Bay. Your ideas, and of course volunteering a small amount of your time to be a Cruise Captain, is what makes
our cruising group so successful. If you prefer, especially if you are like me where you may forget before our group
planning cruise, e-mail me your ideas. We already have two cruises scheduled: the 4th of July in Cape Charles (e-mail
me if you would like to attend) and, of course, Pirates Beach. Still, there are many weekends which are available, and
word on the street is that serious planning is already underway for a weekend at the Oozlefinch Brewery.
Regardless of whether you spend your time on a sailboat or powerboat, come on out. All can be Casual Cruisers.

Time to get underway,

S/V Modus Vivendi
(757) 635-1846

                                         37° 01’ 12.52” N 76° 20’ 38.43” W
PAGE 8                                                                                                 MAINSHEET

                             Norfolk Grand Illumination Cruise Nov 2021
The 10th edition of the Grand Illumination Parade Cruise has traditionally closed the door on the end of the
sailing season. As in years past, this event has brought together boats, both power and sail, from many of the area
clubs for a raucous final event of the sailing season. This year, there were over 17 boats from Hampton Yacht
Club, Broad Bay Sailing Association, and Norfolk Naval Sailing Association. While in years past, the cruisers have
been entertained by the myriad of Grand Illumination parade floats that usually fill the Norfolk downtown streets,
unfortunately this year COVID put the kibosh on this year’s parade.

But no worries, since our illustrious and industrious cruisers made the Crock Pot Challenge the hit of the weekend.
With the crock pot cookoff, there were over 20 crock pots filling the Norfolk’s Waterside seawall with all manner
of chilis, stews, and even a few homemade hot brews. These fantastic stews, brews, chilis, dips, and warm libations
helped to fend off the slight early winter chill. To top it off, our chef-in-residence, Christina Ritger, walked off the
stage with the grand prize: a large bottle of fine wine, donated by Kim & Chris Schott.

After the lighting of the downtown waterfront buildings, the cruisers reassembled at Shangri-La, Jean & Jerry
Pattenaude’s HUGE catamaran, continuing to ring in the season with countless friends and more hot libations.

Sunday morning brought many of the cruisers up early to cheer on the half marathoners with loud encouraging
shouts and words of affirmation. As has become Grand Illumination cruise tradition, the Pattenaudes hosted the
phenomenal morning breakfast, with Charles cooking the best French toast this side of Waffle House!

Jonathan Romero
S/V Tempo

                                             Wet Slip Electric Use
1. Cold weather is here and it’s time to review the practical side of winter electric use. It boils down to this:
   Electrical use should be limited to maintaining ONLY enough heat on board to ensure no damage to
   vulnerable components on board. Keeping the boat nice and warm so you can have it at comfort level when
   you visit requires far more power than the dock electrical system is designed to provide.
2. Individual boat power consumption is periodically monitored. Excessive consumption could result in receipt
   of that dreaded form letter that says “… your observed usage exceeds the category of consumption you have
   selected and… ”

                                            Commodore’s Tree 2021
On December 20th, Boys and Girls Clubs of the Peninsula (BGCVP), alongside Commodore Leigh Chapman
and Rose Hobart, Youth Sailing Virginia Board Member and Chair of the Learn to Sail Committee, donated the
Commodore’s Christmas Tree to a family in need. Thank you to all of the HYC members who contributed to this
new Holiday tradition. Contributions of gift cards and ornaments were accepted through December and donated
along with the tree. We look forward to continuing this tradition and hope to see even more donations next
Holiday season!

                                         37° 01’ 12.52” N 76° 20’ 38.43” W
JANUARY 2022                                                                                          PAGE 9

                                           2022 Upcoming Cruises

                                   4th of July Cruise – Cape Charles, July 2-5

 This is a cruise that requires marina reservations before the Holidays. If you would like to cruise over with us and
 have not already done so, e-mail me that you would like a slip reservation. As of today, I have already heard from
approximately 20 boats that plan on attending. Cape Charles is always a great time, and we are ready to get back out
 and enjoy the charm this Eastern Shore town has to offer, from wine tastings, gift shops, ice cream, and a parade
                       with all the small-town charm, which I hope to enjoy from the Distillery.

                              Labor Day Weekend, Pirates Beach, September 2-5

  Thank you once again to the Pattenaudes and Schotts for volunteering to be Cruise Captains. We are looking
 forward to cruising again this year to Pirates Beach on Labor Day weekend. We have had such a good time here
                                  over the last few years. Why would we change?

                             Norfolk Grand Illumination Cruise, November 18-20

Cruisers make sure to mark your calendar for the third weekend in November 2022 to salute the end of next year’s
cruising season in high style. Make sure to make your reservation by early October, because this cruise started off
with only 2 boats, but has morphed into one of the signature cruising events of the Southern Bay. We are looking
        for 18-20 boats to make the 2022 Grand Illumination Parade Cruise even better than this past year.

                                          Sonar Frostbite Racing

                                                 Starts January 9th!

  Come on out and enjoy some relaxed winter racing on the club Sonars. Racing is every Sunday from January 9
     through the end of March. Come on your own or as a group. We meet at noon at the Sailing Center.
                                     Register here on the club website.

                                           Other Sonar events for 2022
                                    Hospice One Design Regatta - April 9 & 10
                                           Sonar Family Race - June 12
                                          Double Handed Race - June 26
                                      HYC Annual One Design - Date TBD
                                         Sunfish Challenge - September 17
                                         Women’s Regatta – September 24
                                            Sonar Regatta - October 8
                                     Fall One Design Regatta - October 1 & 2

                                        37° 01’ 12.52” N 76° 20’ 38.43” W
PAGE 10                                                 MAINSHEET

    HALLOWEEN PARTY                        CHRISTMAS PARTY

 ROCKFISH TOURNAMENT                          AWARDS NIGHT

                                              OYSTER ROAST

                37° 01’ 12.52” N 76° 20’ 38.43” W
JANUARY 2022                                                                                             PAGE 11

   Membership Meeting
                      featuring guest speaker
                                  Stephen M. Mallon
                                            Hampton Yacht Club Member
                            Director of the Downtown Hampton Development Partnership

     You may already know DHDP for its role in running the Downtown Docks, the Lighted Boat Parade, and many
       other waterfront events. Come to the January Membership Meeting and learn more about DHDP’s efforts to
     promote Hampton’s downtown, the exciting new construction underway there and the big plans for the future of
                                          our waterfront and commercial hub.

                                       Monday, January 10, 2022, at 7:30pm.

   Trivia N

   January 15, 2022
   Reservations Required
     Game begins at 7p.m.
      prizes for winner

                                       37° 01’ 12.52” N 76° 20’ 38.43” W
PAGE 12                                                                      MAINSHEET

  Wine Tasting                                  Comedy Night
      January 13, 2022                                    January 29, 2022
         6:30 - 9p.m.                                      dining at 6p.m.
   reservations required                                 comedy at 7:30p.m.
                                                       reservations required

     menu featuring:                                 buffet featuring:

             smoked salmon
                                                         oyster chowder
               paired with
             prosecco brut                                   pasta salad

       mini apricot brie bites                                   hake kiev
             paired with
       imagery estate winery,                                    potatoes
      chardonnay california

                                                        vegetable du jour
           chicken with morels
              and tarragon
                paired with                               spiced salmon
          imagery estate winery,                          over coconut
           pinot noir california                         cauliflower rice

          beef short rib                                 prime rib carved
           paired with
      imagery estate winery,
  cabernet sauvignon califiornia

           chefs surprise                                        dessert
            paired with
              chloe,                                   apple brown betty
   red blend no. 249 north coast

                             37° 01’ 12.52” N 76° 20’ 38.43” W
January 2022
   SUNDAY                     MONDAY                     TUESDAY                  WEDNESDAY                   THURSDAY                      FRIDAY                    SATURDAY
                                                                                                                                                                                      1              MONDAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                 11:30A.M. - 9P.M.
                                                                                                                                                              BREAKFAST BUFFET 8 - 11A.M.
                                                                                                                                                               CLUB CLOSING AT NOON         NO FOOD SERVED AFTER     8P.M.
                                                                                                                                                                   BAR UNTIL 12P.M.
                                                                                                                                                                    MADNESS RACE                    TUESDAY
                                                                                                                                                                                             DOCSIDE LOUNGE CLOSED
                    2                           3                         4                          5                         6                          7                           8       WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY
DOCKSIDE LOUNGE DINING       11:30A.M. - 8P.M.                                     11:30A.M. - 9P.M.         11:30A.M. - 9P.M.      11:30A.M. - 9P.M.        DOCKSIDE LOUNGE DINING         NO FOOD SERVED AFTER 9P.M.
    11:30A.M. - 3P.M.         BAR UNTIL 9P.M.        BUSINESS OFFICE CLOSED        BAR UNTIL 10P.M.          BAR UNTIL 10P.M.       BAR UNTIL 10P.M.             11:30A.M. - 9P.M.
    BAR UNTIL 6P.M.        TWO FOR $20 5 - 8P.M.                              SOUP & POTATO BAR 5 - 8P.M. PIZZA NIGHT 5 - 9P.M. COMMODORE’S DINING 6 - 9P.M.    BAR UNTIL 10P.M.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   9A.M. - 6P.M.
                                                                                                                                                                                            NO FOOD SERVED AFTER     3P.M.
                    9                         10                         11                        12                        13                         14                          15
DOCKSIDE LOUNGE DINING        11:30A.M. - 8P.M.                                  11:30A.M. - 9P.M.          11:30A.M. - 9P.M.         11:30A.M. - 9P.M.        DOCKSIDE LOUNGE DINING
    11:30A.M. - 3P.M.         BAR UNTIL 9P.M.        BUSINESS OFFICE CLOSED      BAR UNTIL 10P.M.           BAR UNTIL 10P.M.          BAR UNTIL 10P.M.             11:30A.M. - 9P.M.
                                                                                                                                                                                               WEDNESDAY - FRIDAY
    BAR UNTIL 6P.M.        TWO FOR $20 5 - 8P.M.                            SOUP & POTATO BAR 5 - 8P.M.  PIZZA NIGHT 5 - 9P.M.    COMMODORE’S DINING 6 - 9P.M.    BAR UNTIL 10P.M.                6P.M. - 9P.M.
                         BOARD MEETING 5:30P.M.                                                         WINE TASTING 6:30 - 8P.M.                                   TRIVIA NIGHT
                         MEMBERSHIP MEETING 7:30P.M.                                                                                                                                          A LA CARTE BREAKFAST
                   16                         17                         18                        19                        20                         21                          22         SATURDAY - SUNDAY
                                                                                                                                                                                                  9A.M. - 11A.M.
DOCKSIDE LOUNGE DINING       11:30A.M. - 8P.M.                                   11:30A.M. - 9P.M.            11:30A.M. - 9P.M.       11:30A.M. - 9P.M.        DOCKSIDE LOUNGE DINING
    11:30A.M. - 3P.M.         BAR UNTIL 9P.M.        BUSINESS OFFICE CLOSED      BAR UNTIL 10P.M.             BAR UNTIL 10P.M.        BAR UNTIL 10P.M.             11:30A.M. - 9P.M.
    BAR UNTIL 6P.M.        TWO FOR $20 5 - 8P.M.                                                           PIZZA NIGHT 5 - 9P.M.
                                                                                                          BIRTHDAY BASH 6 - 9P.M.
                                                                                                                                  COMMODORE’S DINING 6 - 9P.M.    BAR UNTIL 10P.M.
                                                                                                                                                                OYSTER BAR 6 - 8P.M.              NOTES:
                   23                         24                         25                        26                        27                         28                          29
DOCKSIDE LOUNGE DINING       11:30A.M. - 8P.M.                                     11:30A.M. - 9P.M.         11:30A.M. - 9P.M.         11:30A.M. - 9P.M.        DOCKSIDE LOUNGE DINING
    11:30A.M. - 3P.M.         BAR UNTIL 9P.M.        BUSINESS OFFICE CLOSED        BAR UNTIL 10P.M.          BAR UNTIL 10P.M.          BAR UNTIL 10P.M.             11:30A.M. - 9P.M.       ____________________
    BAR UNTIL 6P.M.        TWO FOR $20 5 - 8P.M.                              SOUP & POTATO BAR 5 - 8P.M. PIZZA NIGHT 5 - 9P.M.    COMMODORE’S DINING 6 - 9P.M.    BAR UNTIL 10P.M.         ____________________
                                                                                                                                                                    COMEDY NIGHT            ____________________
                                                                                                                                                                 MURPHY RACING CLINIC
                   30                         31                                                                                                                                            ____________________
  BREAKFAST 9 - 11A.M.    DOCKSIDE LOUNGE DINING                                                                                                                                            ____________________
DOCKSIDE LOUNGE DINING       11:30A.M. - 8P.M.                                                                                                                                              ____________________
    11:30A.M. - 3P.M.         BAR UNTIL 9P.M.                                                                                                                                               ____________________
    BAR UNTIL 6P.M.        TWO FOR $20 5 - 8P.M.
                                                                 37º 01' 12.52" N 76º 20' 38.43" W
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