Page created by Melvin Hoffman
Mah Tovu  
 NOV. 19, 2021                             Č          VOLUME LXXVI
TO FEB. 25, 2022          CHANUKAH • 5782 •           No. 2
Shaare Zion Beth-El
     5575 Côte St-Luc Rd.
    Montreal, Qc H3X 2C9
        Tel: 514-481-7727
                                                                           Cantor Adam Stotland
       Fax: 514-481-1219
                                                   Chanukah 5782
         Adam Stotland (x230)
                 Ritual Director
 Asher. A. Tannenbaum (x237)
                                                                         ne of the core messages of Chanukah is we
                                                                         must rebuild. We’ve lost not only one temple
                                                                   but two temples. Even more, we have lost count of
                 Rabbis Emeriti           the atrocities waged against us. Being evicted from our homes and lands, our
          Rabbi Ronnie Cahana             synagogues and institutions burnt to the ground and millions upon millions
    Rabbi Lionel E. Moses, D.D            brutally murdered. Even the memory of our dead is often challenged as our
                own fabrication. The adversity and the hardship the Jewish people have over-
                     Peter Yaffe          come is second to none. What is our response to this history? How on earth
           Associate Parnasim             do we continue to live on?
                 Neil Bernstein
              Sergio Moskovitz            We light Chanukah candles.
                 Choir Director
           Shimon Radu (x239)
                                          Chanukah has long been one of the most celebrated holidays in our history.
                 We love to gather around with loved ones and light the candles, sing some of
            Executive Director            our holiday favourites and indulge in some fried treats. I think at the heart of
      Myriam Bensimon (x227)                the holiday we are tapping into a much deeper connection. We are physically
                 Co-Presidents            doing what we often say we should and what we would all aspire to do more,
                     Gilla Geiger
          Morton J. Mendelson             to bring more light to the world. To light a candle is to declare; I know the world
              gets dark, but I am here to spark a flame and make it better. There is no coinci-
             1st Vice-President
            Susan Abramowitz              dence that we always light candles as the sun is setting whether it is Shabbat, a
               Vice-Presidents            holiday, or a yahrzeit. It is our mandate as the Jewish people to bring light and
                  Wendy Rapps
             Howard Schwartz
                                          holiness to this world through mitzvot and maasim tovim, good deeds towards
                      Treasurer           our fellow person. One of the ways we are consistently reminded of this is to
                    Jimmy April           light candles.
                   Ken Adessky            I hope you’ll join me in lighting the first candle together on the main entrance
       Communications Officer              plaza (Côte St-Luc Road) on Sunday November 28th at 5:30pm. We’ll light,
Rosanne Puritz Shpayer (x223)             sing some holiday favourites, and indulge in some fried treats but most impor-
                    Bookkeeper            tantly we will bring more light into this world.
           Roni Porter-Pritikin            Chag Sameach,
         Program Coordinator
     Adam Luxenberg, Ext 226              Cantor Adam Stotland
 Building Operations Manager
                  Gershon Katz,          CONTENTS

           Of Blessed Memory
   Rabbi Maurice S. Cohen z”l        2 Cantor’s Message                    9 Program Coordinator’s             18 Family Page
     Rabbi Allan M. Langner z'l                                                Message
                                     3 Ritual Director's Message                                               20 “Gelty” Pleasure
       Cantor Hyman Gisser z'l
                                                                           11 What is Chanukah?                    Cake Recipe
     Cantor Solomon Gisser z”l       4-6 Service Times
                   Lou Burko z”l                                              Karen Knie Cahana                21 Sponsorships
                                     5 Shabbat & Chanukah
                                                                           13 Learning Opportunities
                                        Candles                                                                22-24 Donations
                                                                           14-15 Chanukah @SZBE
                                     7 Co-Presidents' Message                                                  25-26 Yahrzeit Donations
         @shaarezionbethel                                                 16-17 B'nai Mitzvah Club
                                     8 Executive Director's
                                                                                                  CONTENT COORDINATOR: ROSANNE PURITZ
                                                                                                  DESIGN: RITA BAUER

                                    SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION   2   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
Reverend Asher Tannenbaum
              The Ritual Corner

              A    s we enter our 20th month of living with COVID, it seems that
                   people have a more positive outlook and are looking to the future
              with hope and determination.
After a super busy month of Tishrei of celebrating all the High Holidays, we look
back with satisfaction and a sense of accomplishment. We all know that we benefited
from having Rabbi Howard Markose with us in our community. His leadership, per-
sonality and teaching was greatly appreciated.
Starting this week, we have the opportunity to continue to learn with Rabbi Markose
in his bi-weekly class on ZOOM. In addition, Rabbi Adina Lewittes offering a 4-part
series which began November 11th.
We had a very busy month of October with many Bnai Mitzvah celebrations in our
Sanctuary. Our daily Minyans are getting stronger – there is always room for more
attendees. Note that we serve a healthy, nutritious breakfast six days a week.
And on Shabbat morning, there is a delicious Kiddush for everyone.
For me, the pandemic has created more time for me to read – not necessarily books
but to catch up on what is happening in the Jewish world. In the month before the
High Holidays, there was a series of articles in the Forward entitled “18 Questions
About God”. COVID has often been compared to a biblical plague which leads us to
the questions, Did God send it? Do Jews still have faith? – and the reality is that many
are on the fence. There is no doubt that 2020 and 2021 has prompted people to think
about the powers beyond us and to events that defy explanation. In the period before
Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we are supposed to recognize our mistakes, vow
to make changes and apologize to those we have hurt. This process is called “Chesh-
bon HaNefesh” or an accounting of the soul. We must hold ourselves accountable
and at the same time, God is evaluating us. Many of us struggle with whether we
have an unseen protector, navigator, parent, enforcer, architect who is watching,
steering or evaluating our lives. In a poem about God called “Where Will I Find You?”
written by the Spanish physician Yehuda HaLevi who died in 1141, the writer asks,
“who could fail to search for You?” The poem continues “I sought your nearness.
With all my heart I called You. And in my going out to meet you, I found You coming
toward me.”
And the reporter added. “Maybe when we fail to search, we fail.”
I will share more in future articles.
As we enter the new month of Kislev, in which we celebrate the holiday of Chanukah,
I wish you and your families a healthy and warm winter and looking forward to seeing
more of you in shul.

Schedule of Services
Friday, November 19                                                     Sunday, December 5- 7th Day of Chanukah
   7:30 am      Shacharit                                               Rosh Chodesh Tevet
   4:01 pm      Candle Lighting                                            8:30 am      Shacharit
   4:15 pm      Mincha-Kabbalat Shabbat                                    5:00 pm      Light 8th Chanukah Candle
Shabbat, November 20- Parshat Vayishlach                                   6:00 pm      Mincha-Ma’ariv
   9:30 am       Shacharit                                              Monday, December 6- 8th Day of Chanukah
Bar Mitzvah: Brian Weinstock                                               7:30 am       Shacharit
Sunday, November 21                                                        6:00 pm       Mincha-Ma’ariv
   8:45 am      Shacharit                                               Tuesday-Thursday, December 7-9
   6:00 pm      Mincha-Ma’ariv                                             7:30 am       Shacharit
Monday-Thursday, November 22-25                                            6:00 pm       Mincha-Ma’ariv
   7:30 am      Shacharit                                               Friday, December 10
   6:00 pm      Mincha-Ma’ariv                                             7:30 am       Shacharit
Friday, November 26                                                        3:52 pm       Candle Lighting
   7:30 am      Shacharit                                                  4:00 pm       Mincha-Kabbalat Shabbat
   3:56 pm
   4:00 pm
                Candle Lighting
                Mincha-Kabbalat Shabbat
                                                                        Shabbat, December 11- Parshat Vayigash*
                                                                           9:30 am       Shacharit               ♫♪
Shabbat, November 27- Parshat Vayeshev*                                 Sunday, December 12
Shabbat Mevarchim HaChodesh Tevet
   9:30 am     Shacharit              ♫♪                                   8:45 am
                                                                           6:00 pm
Sunday, November 28- Erev Chanukah                                      Monday, December 13
   8:45 am      Shacharit                                                  7:30 am       Shacharit
   5:00 pm      Light 1st Chanukah Candle after                            6:00 pm       Mincha-Ma’ariv
   6:00 pm      Mincha-Ma’ariv                                          Tuesday, December 14- Fast of the 10th of Tevet
Monday-Thursday, November 29-December 2- Chanukah                          6:03 am       Fast Begins
   7:30 am      Shacharit                                                  7:30 am       Shacharit
   5:00 pm      Light Chanukah Candles after                               4:46 pm       Fast Ends
   6:00 pm      Mincha-Ma’ariv                                             6:00 pm       Mincha-Ma’ariv
Friday, December 3- 5th Day of Chanukah                                 Wednesday-Thursday, December 15 & 16
   7:30 am      Shacharit                                                  7:30 am       Shacharit
   3:45 pm      Light 6th Chanukah Candle                                  6:00 pm       Mincha-Ma’ariv
   3:53 pm      Light Shabbat Candles                                   Friday, December 17
   4:00 pm      Mincha-Kabbalat Shabbat                                    7:30 am       Shacharit
Shabbat, December 4- Parshat Miketz- 6th Day of Chanukah                   3:53 pm       Candle Lighting
Rosh Chodesh Tevet                                                         4:00 pm       Mincha- Kabbalat Shabbat
   9:30 am      Shacharit                                               Shabbat, December 18- Parshat Vayechi
   5:15 pm      Light 7th Chanukah Candle                                  9:30 am       Shacharit
                                                                        Sunday, December 19

                Choral Shabbat
                                                                           8:45 am       Shacharit
                                                                           6:00 pm       Mincha-Ma’ariv
                                                                        Monday-Thursday, December 20-23

                                                                           7:30 am       Shacharit
                                                                           6:00 pm       Mincha-Ma’ariv
                                                                        Friday, December 24
                                                                           8:45 am       Shacharit
                                                                           3:57 pm       Candle Lighting
                                                                           4:15 pm       Mincha-Kabbalat Shabbat
                                                                        Shabbat, December 25- Parshat Shemot
                                                                           9:30 am       Shacharit
                                                                        Sunday, December 26
                        November 27, 2021                                  8:45 am
                                                                           6:00 pm
                         December 11, 2021                              Monday, December 27

                           January 15, 2022                                8:45 am      Shacharit
                                                                        Bar Mitzvah: Noah Flanders
                                                                           6:00 pm      Mincha-Ma’ariv
   We are looking forward to welcoming back members of                  Tuesday-Thursday, December 28-30
    the choir for Shabbat services. Under the direction of                 7:30 am       Shacharit
   Shimon Radu, the choir will join Cantor Stotland for the                6:00 pm       Mincha-Ma’ariv
   Torah service and Mussaf where we will hear cantorial
      classics as well as some contemporary standards.                  *Choir at Services
                                 SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION   4   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
Friday, December 31                                                     Tuesday-Thursday, January 18-20
   7:30 am      Shacharit                                                  7:30 am        Shacharit
   4:02 pm      Candle Lighting                                            6:00 pm        Mincha-Ma’ariv
   4:15 pm      Mincha- Kabbalat Shabbat                                Friday, January 21
Shabbat, January 1- Parshat Vaera                                          7:30 am        Shacharit
Shabbat Mevarchim HaChodesh Shevat                                         4:27 pm        Candle Lighting
   9:30 am     Shacharit                                                   4:30 pm        Mincha-Kabbalat Shabbat
Sunday, January 2                                                       Shabbat, January 22- Parshat Yitro
   8:45 am      Shacharit                                                  9:30 am        Shacharit
   6:00 pm      Mincha-Ma’ariv                                          Sunday, January 23
Monday, January 3                                                          8:45 am        Shacharit
Rosh Chodesh Shevat                                                        6:00 pm        Mincha-Ma’ariv
   8:30 am     Shacharit                                                Monday-Thursday, January 24-27
   6:00 pm     Mincha-Ma’ariv                                              7:30 am        Shacharit
Tuesday-Thursday, January 4-6                                              6:00 pm        Mincha-Ma’ariv
   7:30 am      Shacharit                                               Friday, January 28
   6:00 pm      Mincha-Ma’ariv                                             7:30 am        Shacharit
Friday, January 7                                                          4:37 pm        Candle Lighting
   7:30 am      Shacharit                                                  4:45 pm        Mincha-Kabbalat Shabbat
   4:09 pm      Candle Lighting                                         Shabbat, January 29- Parshat Mishpatim
   4:15 pm      Mincha-Kabbalat Shabbat                                 Shabbat Mevarchim HaChodesh Adar 1
Shabbat, January 8- Parshat Bo                                             9:30 am     Shacharit
   9:30 am      Shacharit                                               Sunday, January 30
Sunday, January 9                                                          8:45 am        Shacharit
   8:45 am      Shacharit                                                  6:00 pm        Mincha-Ma’ariv
   6:00 pm      Mincha-Ma’ariv                                          Monday-Thursday, January 31-February 3
Monday-Thursday, January 10-13                                          Rosh Chodesh is Tuesday & Wednesday
   7:30 am      Shacharit                                                  7:30 am       Shacharit
   6:00 pm      Mincha-Ma’ariv                                             6:00 pm       Mincha-Ma’ariv
Friday, January 14                                                      Friday, February 4
   7:30 am      Shacharit                                                  7:30 am        Shacharit
   4:18 pm      Candle Lighting                                            4:47 pm        Candle Lighting
   4:30 pm      Mincha-Kabbalat Shabbat                                    5:00 pm        Mincha-Kabbalat Shabbat
Shabbat, January 15- Parshat Beshalach- Shabbat Shira*                  Shabbat, February 5- Parshat Terumah
   9:30 am      Shacharit
Sunday, January 16
                                         ♫♪                                9:30 am
                                                                        Sunday, February 6

   8:45 am      Shacharit                                                  8:45 am        Shacharit
   6:00 pm      Mincha-Ma’ariv                                             6:00 pm        Mincha-Ma’ariv
Monday, January 17- Tu B’Shevat
   7:30 am      Shacharit                                                                                  Continued on next page
   6:00 pm      Mincha-Ma’ariv

 Candle-lighting for Shabbat and Chanukah

        HOLIDAY               DATE             CANDLE
                                            LIGHTING TIME
                                                                #       1   Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha’olam
                                                                            asher kideshanu bemitzvotav vetzivanu
                                                                            lehadlik ner shel Shabbat.
        FIRST             Sunday                 After
   CHANUKAH CANDLE      November 28            5:00 pm

                        Mon,Nov 29-
                        Thurs,Dec 2
                                               5:00 pm          2+3
                                                                        2    Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha’olam
                                                                             asher kideshanu bemitzvotav vetzivanu
                                                                             lehadlik ner shel Chanukah.

                            December 3
                                         Chanukah 3:45 pm
                                          Shabbat 3:53 pm
                                                                        3    Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha’olam
                                                                             she’asah nissim l’avoteinu bayamim hahem
                                                                             bazman hazeh.
  CHANUKAH CANDLES           Saturday           After
   AFTER HAVDALAH           December 4         5:15 pm

                            December 5
                                               5:00 pm
                                                                        4    Baruch Atah Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha’olam
                                                                             shehecheyanu vekiyimanu vehigiyanu
                                                                             lazman hazeh.

                                 SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION   5   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021

Monday-Thursday, February 7-10
   7:30 am       Shacharit
   6:00 pm       Mincha-Ma’ariv
Friday, February 11
   7:30 am       Shacharit
   4:57 pm       Candle Lighting
   5:00 pm       Mincha- Kabbalat Shabbat
Shabbat, February 12- Parshat Tetzaveh
   9:30 am       Shacharit
Mincha-Ma'ariv Havdallah-
Bar Mitzvah: Oliver Rinzler
Sunday, February 13
   8:45 am
   6:00 pm
                                                                                     SO YOU THINK
                                                                                    YOU CAN DAVEN
Monday-Thursday, February 14-17
Tuesday is Purim Katan
   7:30 am       Shacharit
   6:00 pm       Mincha-Ma’ariv
Friday, February 18
                                                                                          9:30 am on Mondays
   7:30 am       Shacharit                                                  with Reverend Asher Tannenbaum
   5:07 pm       Candle Lighting                                         Have you always wanted to try leading services
   5:15 pm       Mincha-Kabbalat Shabbat
                                                                          from the bimah but were a little shy and felt
Shabbat, February 19- Parshat Ki Tisa
   9:30 am       Shacharit
                                                                              that you weren’t quite up to speed?
Sunday, February 20                                                                Then this class is for you!
   8:45 am       Shacharit                                                                 Register online
   6:00 pm       Mincha-Ma’ariv                                      
Monday-Thursday, February 21-24
   7:30 am       Shacharit
   6:00 pm       Mincha-Ma’ariv
Friday, February 25
   7:30 am       Shacharit
   5:17 pm       Candle Lighting
   5:30 pm       Mincha- Kabbalat Shabbat

      Shabbat Dinner
             December 3, 2021
                              Guest speaker
                Rabbi Adina Lewittes                                                  A Deeper
                      3:50 pm Candle lighting                                       Understanding
                                                                                      of Prayer
                              Chanukah and Shabbat
                      4:00 pm Service
                      5:00 pm Cocktail
                      5:45 pm Dinner                                             with Cantor Adam Stotland
                                                                                        Every Monday at 8:30 am
                                  $25 Members
                                  $36 Non-members                         A Deeper understanding of our Prayers.
                                  $10 Age 6-13                              Where do these prayers come from?
                                  Free Kids 5 and under
                                                                            Who wrote them, why do we say them
                                                                                 and what do they mean?

                                                                                        Zoom links can be found
                   Register online at                                                   in the weekly email or at
                                 SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION   6   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
Co-Presidents’ Message
                                Stronger together

T    ishrei is a month of beginnings – Rosh Hashanah marks the New Year and Sim-
     chat Torah the start of Beresheet. Tishrei 5782 also marked the first time that a
substantial number of SZBE members worshipped in person in our building. The
month also marked the beginning of a relationship between our congregation and
two outstanding rabbis: Rabbi Howard Markose who led meaningful High Holiday
services in the sanctuary and remained with us throughout the month; Rabbi Adina
Lewittes who joined us for an inspirational Shabbaton in which she shared her pro-
found insights into Torah.
The next month is referred to as Mar (bitter) Cheshvan, because it has no holidays.
Yet, Cheshvan was not bitter at SZBE. Due to falling temperatures, all services were
moved indoors, and Shabbat attendance gradually increased over the month. We
also ramped up our programming and started or resumed five classes:
    • A Deeper Understanding of Prayer - Cantor Adam Stotland;
    • So You Think You Can Daven - Reverend Asher Tannenbaum;
    • Rashi’s Revolution: Examining the Commentary of Rabbi Shlomo Yitzchaki -
      Rabbi Howard Markose;
    • Jewrisprudence: Exploring the Frontiers of Modern Jewish Law - Rabbi Adina
      Lewittes; and
    • Beginners’ Hebrew conversation – Aviva Fuchs.
In addition, the congregation initiated the search for a new rabbi, about which you
will hear more, hosted a Town Hall featuring the two candidates for the Hampstead
mayoral race, and again benefitted from an outstanding Shabbaton led by Rabbi Le-
The current month, Kislev, brings the darkness of long nights, but also the light of
the Chanukah Menorah, light that reminds us of our long, rich, indomitable heritage
as Jews. Thankfully, as we emerge from the challenges of the last 20 months, we can
also see that light as a beacon of hope. At SZBE, we will continue to serve you, our
congregants, whether you show up in person, as increasingly more people are doing,
or you participate virtually, no matter where you happen to be.
We wish you all the best for a Chanukah filled with light, joy, and hope.
Gilla Geiger
Morton J. Mendelson

              SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION   7   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
Myriam Bensimon
          Executive Director

          C     hanukah, also known as Chag Ha’Urim (Festival of Lights), is
                a joyous holiday as we recall the miracle of our ancestors by il-
luminating our Chanukiyot for eight nights. We share gifts and meals with
family and friends and we celebrate by putting our Chanukiyot in the windows
to spread light unto the world.
This year, more than any other, I appreciate the light that Chanukah emits. It
reminds me that the Covid pandemic is weakening. As people start taking
breaths of fresh air outside their homes, at SZBE we have also begun to turn
on our Sanctuary lights, inviting people back to shul for services, simchas and
food-to-go. It has been wonderful seeing our Sanctuary slowly filling up with
smiling faces as people feel comfortable returning to some form of normalcy.
SZBE is making plans to fully re-open in the near future and we are making
changes to create a new and inviting environment for all. We have generated
more legroom between our pews in the Sanctuary for a more comfortable ex-
perience. We are excited to welcome back our young families with a kiddie
play area at the back of the Sanctuary equipped with a play mat and toys.
Our Shabbatots program on Friday morning is also resuming in our reception
hall with Cantor Stotland. Our Rabbi Search Committee is newly formed and
will be hard at work to find a new rabbi for SZBE in the coming year. As well,
SZBE continues to bring new and innovative programming ideas for members
and non-members of all ages and interests.
Even through the pandemic, we have been behind the scenes making sure the
shul you left when the doors were shut two years ago, would become an even
better place for you once our doors reopened. As we flick the switches upward
and our building once again fills with light, we look forward to sharing with
you new programs, new ideas, new hopes and new beginnings.
Chag Chanukah Sameach

Adam Luxenberg
           Program Coordinator

Shalom everyone,
I have been the Program Coordinator at Shaare Zion Beth-El Congregation
since May 2021 and I want to thank everyone for the very warm welcome I
have received so far.
I am extremely excited to be a part of this wonderful family! With the merger
of Shaare Zion and Beth-El Congregations, we have the potential to become
the most vibrant synagogue in the city.
One of the themes of the Holiday of Channukah is the concept of “reded-
ication”. The Second Temple was rededicated on the Holiday of Chanukah.
One can look at this theme and compare it to our Shul. The merger of both
congregations brings an opportunity of rededication and of re-commitment
to our faith and our mission. I have been entrusted to help rededicate this
“Makom” (place) and to help make it special for you and your families now
and for the future.
If you have any programming ideas or anything that you would like to dis-
cuss, I am always open and would love to hear from you.
You can reach me at (514) 481-7727, Ext.226 or at
Wishing you all a Chag Chanukah Sameach
and a beautiful holiday season!

    Remembrance Day Shabbat
    Each year on November 11th we commemorate the veterans who fought for our
    country and lost their lives in our defense. At Shaare Zion Beth-El, it has
    become tradition to hold a Remembrance Day Shabbat on the Shabbat prior
    to Remembrance Day.
    This year, we are proud to have had two special guests in our building who,
    not only joined services and received Aliyot, but who also allowed us to hear
    and share in their experiences as veterans of our great nation. Thank you to
    Dr. Bill Novick, member of SZBE and a WWII veteran, and to David Asher, Naval
    Commander for joining us on this memorable Shabbat morning.

Shaare Zion
                                    BOOK CLUB
                                             Beth ˜El
                                                                    A brother and a sister orphaned in a remote cove on
                          Monday Dec. 13, 2021                      Newfoundland’s harsh and austere coastline manage
                                 7:30–8:45pm                        to survive for and because of each other. The seed for
                                                                    this novel is an historical event of two siblings who
                                                                    managed to eke out an existence in 18th-century New-
                             The Innocents                          foundland after losing their family to illness. A stark
                                                                    raw beauty is backdrop for the two pre-adolescents to
                            by Michael Crummey                      learn the survival skills and temptations that underlie
                                                                    and threaten human endurance.
                                                                    Moderator: Susan Raymer

                         Monday Jan. 24, 2022                       Judy Batalion, who grew up in Montreal, uncovers and
                                7:30–8:45pm                         explores the courageous actions of Jewish women in
                                                                    Poland who transformed experience in youth groups
                           The Light of Days                        into resistance cells–smuggling, bribing, and killing
                                                                    Nazis, but also sheltering and nursing fellow Jews.
                         The Untold Story of Women                  Batalion adds the names of some of these women to
                             Resistance Fighters                    the historical record of the Holocaust.
                              in Hitler’s Ghettos                   Moderator: Norm Spatz
                               by Judy Batalion

                         Monday Feb. 28, 2022                       The third memoir by best-selling author Doyle advises
                                                                    women to listen to their intuition and break free of
                                7:30–8:45pm                         whatever cages them.
                                                                    The story follows Doyle’s divorce from her first hus-
                                                                    band, whose infidelities she had forgiven in an earlier
                                 Untamed                            memoir, and her remarriage to a woman.
                              by Glennon Doyle                      The book inspired some, disturbed others.
                                                                    Moderator: Joyce Rappaport

         DATE                                          BOOK & AUTHOR                                    MODERATOR
                                                 The Midnight Library                                     Marsha
 Monday, Apr. 11, 2022                                   by Matt Haig                                    Lustigman
                                              Memories after My Death:                                      Irene
 Monday, May 16, 2022                       The Story of Joseph 'Tommy' Lapid
                                                        Yair Lapid
                                            The Slaughterman’s Daughter                                     Linda
 Monday, June 20, 2022                                 by Yaniv Iczkovits                                  Shohet

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                    SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION    10   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
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                                                                                                                                                  What is Chanukah?
                                                                                                                                                          What are the
                                                                                                                                                      True Chanukah Gifts?
                                                                                                                                             What is Chanukah?
                                                                                                                                              While this sounds like a rather silly, rhetorical question for a shul bulletin, it’s a very old
                                                                                                                                              and deep query. In Shabbat 21ba, the Gemara asks, Mai Chanukah—What is Chanukah?
                                                                                                                                              and why are lights kindled on Chanukah?
                                                                                                                                               Mai Chanukah? A Celebration of Miracles
                                                                                                                                               As you might expect, the Talmud, the Al HaNissim prayer and the Maccabees text,
                                                                                                                                               from which the history is drawn, have different opinions as to which miracle we are
                                                                                                                                               emphasizing. So, ultimately, do we light the menorah to commemorate the miracle
                                                                                                                                                of the Maccabean military victory, the civil war triumph against assimilation, the leap
                                                                                                                                                of faith to rededicate the Temple or that a one-day jar of oil lasted eight days?
                                                                                                                                                 The answer is: Yes! All of the above.
                                                                                                                                Jewish holidays are, by design, multifaceted, over time, context and circumstances to spark rel-
                                                                                                                     evancy and maintain their vitality. Our festivals live and breathe, so that we can be oxygenated by them. The
                                                                                                                     holidays also yield treasure if we celebrate with reflection, curiosity and questions and mine the essential
                                                                                                                     values that can enrich us in the current moment.
                                                                                                                     Mai Chanukah? A Festival of Light in the Season of Darkness
                                                                                                                     We are all working so hard to keep our flames lit through the challenges and uncertainties of the pandemic.
                                                                                                                     Seasonally, we experience the longest days of darkness, while the seeds are lying dormant in the dark earth
                                                                                                                     until spring. Chanukah comes just at this liminal moment to bolster our hopes and remind us that the light will
                                                                                                                     return, the plant world will blossom again and we will re-emerge. Thus, Chanukah urges us all to bring light,
                                                                                                                     warmth, optimism and faith into our own lives and that of each other to prepare for that emergence.
                                                                                                                     Mai Chanukah? A Holiday of Reflection
                                                                                                                     Of all the festivals in our calendar, Chanukah actually builds in the time and space to reflect, not to pray, but
                                                                                                                     to introspect. All of us, regardless of gender or age, are required to be present for the chanukiyah lighting
                                                                                                                     and then sit in enjoyment, in reflection, in togetherness while the candles burn. How radical that we have this
                                                                                                                     contemplative practice, which demands that we sit for eight nights in a row in the presence of the lights. Do
                                                                                                                     we reflect on the miracles and wonders in our midst? Do we meditate on the beauty of belonging? Do we
                                                                                                                     think about the power of light to dispel the dark? What lessons do we draw from the Chanukah story? What
                                                                                                                     questions do we ask?
                                                                                                                     Mai Chanukah? A Holiday of Rededication
                                                                                                                     Chanukah actually means dedication—and it is at this time of the year that

                                                                                                                     we can choose to dedicate ourselves to our own self-care, as well as com-
                                                                                                                     munity care—to bringing wholeness back to our world. Through devotion,
                                                                                                                     perseverance, and commitment, we experience our power and our spirit.
                                                                                                                     To what will you dedicate yourself?
                                                                                                                     Mai Chanukah? What will Chanukah be for you this year
                                                                      Manuscript on parchment from:

                                                                                                                     You can follow the script when you light the Chanukiyah by reciting the brachot or you can try to open your
                                                                                                                     heart to their meaning. The first bracha bonds you with all Jews everywhere and through time in this practice
                                                                                                                     of bringing light into our world. The second bracha touches G-d’s Mystery that abounded in miracles for our
                                                                                                                     ancestors in ancient days and in our times, bayamim hahem bazman hazeh. And finally on the first night, we
                                                                                                                     add the third shehechayanu bracha, which simultaneously humbles and elevates us to this special and un-
                                                                                                                     precedented moment in our life. By asking ourselves this fundamental question, What will Chanukah be for us
                                                                                                                     this year? we can blow life into our gift of Chanukah.
                                                                                                                     On behalf of Rabbi Ronnie Cahana and our family, I wish you increasing light and joy.

                                                                                                                                                                                                  Karen Knie-Cahana
                                                                                                                     Chanukah Sameach! Chag Urim Sameach!

                                                                                                                                 SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION     11   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021

                                          A Friday morning program
                                          for tots with music, challah
                                         and well-deserved down-time
                                               for moms & dads.
                                          Join Cantor Adam Stotland
                                         inside our spacious Social Hall
                                            Select Fridays at 11:30 am

To Join our Facebook Group:
                                                                                  $10 for non-members                                                               Free for members

                   SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION   12   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
                     O     N PR
                  NO            O                                 Rabbi Howard Markose

             R                                                    Rashi's


                                                                  Examining the Contrib-
                                                                  utions of the Torah's Most
     Shaare Zion Beth-El Congregation is proud
                                                                  Famous Commentator
to offer a 10-session Hebrew AP (Afternoon Program)
              for children aged 10-12 not                         A 15-session course.
            attending Hebrew day school.                          Every second Tuesday at 1:00pm
                                                                  In the upcoming sessions we will continue to study
           Every second Monday                                    elect sections of the Torah along with the commen-
     January 10 through March 14, 2022                            tary of Rabbi Shlomo Yitzhaki who lived in France in
                4:30-6:00 PM                                      the 11th century CE. The sources will be presented in
                                                                  both Hebrew and English.
     The focus of the program will be on
                                                                  All are invited to Zoom in and engage in what prom-
          Hebrew reading, Shabbat                                 ises to be some very stimulating Torah study!
            and Jewish Holidays.
The course will be led by our Program Coordinator
  Adam Luxenberg with appearances by Cantor
     Adam Stotland and our Shinshin, Nir Alfasi.                  Rabbi Adina Lewittes
       A snack will be served each session.
               Cost: Members $100
               Non-members $180                                   A four-session exploration
    Deadline to register is December 31st, 2021                   of the frontiers of Jewish law
        For information and registration:                         facing the modern world.
   Adam Luxenberg at                         Thursdays at 7:30pm
             or (514) 481-7727,Ext.226.
                                                                  Remaining sessions
     All Covid-19 protocols will be adhered to.
                                                                  November 18th : Cremation and Natural Organic
                                                                  Reduction (Human Composting): Are alternative burial
                                                                  practices permitted by Jewish law?

                                                                  December 2nd : Religious hierarchies: In a post-Tem-
                                                                  ple culture that strives for equality and justice, do the
                                                                  designations “Kohen/Levi/Yisrael” continue to hold
                 ADULT BEGINNERS                                  meaning?
                                                                  December 9th: Yom Tov Sheni: Is observing a "second
  Want to know how to say more than SHALOM                        day of Yom-tov" in the diaspora still mandated in the
  to your Israeli friends?                                        21st century? Is the practice a matter of Jewish law or
  This class is designed for those who want to                    custom, and how does that inform the discussion?
  learn basic vocabulary and phrases in order to                  What are the risks and rewards of reverting to one day
  help you start on your Hebrew speaking jour-                    as the festivals are observed in Israel?
          Classes will take place on Zoom.
         For information and registration:                                      To Register for both the above
       Adam Luxenberg 514-481-7727 #226                                              online programs visit:

                          SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION   13   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
Chanukah has
Never Been Brighter!
Candle Lighting
& Fun for the Entire Family

November 28th
outside our Main Entrance
Let’s join together
as a congregation
to light the first candle
of Chanukah.
Join Cantor Stotland
and Reverend Tannenbaum
for lighting, a short sing-a-long
and some tasty latkes.
Services immediately following at 6:00pm.

             SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION   14   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
Chanukah Party
for kids, parents&grandparents
                      Sunday, November 28, 2021
                  Join us for the amazing NOCHUM SHOW
                     and some tasty Chanukah treats
                    Space is limited • Covid protocols will be adhered to
                     Register at

Chanukah Party for Young Adults
        December 4th at 8:00pm
  Calling all those in their twenties!
 We are HAVING a Chanukah party just for you
           Help plan an exciting evening.
        Contact Adam Luxenberg to find out how!

Ma za l Tov !                     B’nai Mitzvah                                         cuy kzn

                                      Eve Balinsky
                                      Daughter of Jessica Yaffe and Ronald Balinsky,
                                      sister of Caleb and Dahlia.
                                      Granddaughter of Susan and Joseph Balinsky,
                                      Ginny Fisher Yaffe and Stephen and France Yaffe.
                                      Great granddaughter of Rose Yaffe.
                                      Eve is currently attending Akiva School.
                                      Shabbat, Mincha-Ma'ariv
                                      October 9, 2021

                                      Brian Perry Weinstock
                                      Son of Melanie and Adam Weinstock,
                                      brother of Sophie and Jason.
                                      Grandson of Bernice and Mickey Mendelsohn,
                                      Alisa and Lawrence Weinstock.
                                      Brian is currently attending Herzliah High School.
                                      November 20, 2021

                                      Oliver James Rinzler
                                      Son of Tiffany Pinchuk and Larry Rinzler,
                                      brother of Lucy and Bradley.
                                      Grandson of Annuta and Alan Pinchuk
                                      and the late Sara and David Rinzler.
                                      Oliver is currently attending Lower Canada College.
                                      Shabbat Mincha-Ma'ariv
                                      February 12, 2022

           Your Event On-Screen
          Share your Simcha with far-away friends and family.
          LIVE-STREAMING is available at Shaare Zion Beth-El
  for all lifecycle events like Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah, weddings, bris and baby namings.
                       Several Live-Stream packages are available.
               Please call Rosanne for more details at 514 481-7727 ext.223

                                                          ROSH      5782 -5782
                                                               HASHANAH    2021- 2021

                    Our B’nai Mitzvah club has resumed this year and we look forward to
                    our fourth session on December 2nd at 6:30pm at Shaare Zion Beth-
                    El for a latkah making competition and a delicious dinner. We would
                    like to invite our Bar and Bat Mitzvah students and their families to
                    join us for this great evening. Please confirm your attendance by
                    emailing Adam Luxenberg:

Our 2022 Bnai Mitzvah families enjoyed a Pizza and Packing evening at MADA as part of our
BMC (Bnai Mitzvah Club) program, learning to give back to the community at the same time
               as having fun and getting to know each other a little better.

                                                     ROSH      5782 -5782
                                                          HASHANAH    2021- 2021
Family Page
BIRTHDAYS                                                            Elly and Marty Gross
Howard Shaffer                                                       on the marriage of their granddaughter Corissa Goldman
on his 88th birthday                                                 to Jonah Palevsky
Edna Janco                                                           Suzanne Reisler and Loren Litwin
on her 85th birthday                                                 on the marriage of their daughter Allyn Litwin
                                                                     to Adam Greenwald
Megan Schneiderman and Scott Chisling                                WEDDING ANNIVERSARY
and Naomi and Mark Schneiderman                                      Pauline and Reuben Richman
on the birth of a daughter and granddaughter                         on their 66th wedding anniversary
Jena Maddie Chisling                                                 Mireille and Murray Steinberg
Hester and Simon Witenoff                                            on their 60th wedding anniversary
on the birth of a grandson Max Aubrey Witenoff
Marilyn and Leo Weiss
                                                                     In honour of Harvey Toulch
in honour of the birth of a great-granddaughter
                                                                     celebrating 50 years as a lawyer
Capri Winslow Gertler
Linda Gewurz
on the birth of a granddaughter Maeva Ruby Gewurz
Barbara Gillman Rosen
on the birth of a granddaughter Elah Eden Sapir
on the birth of a grandson Doron Maor Alpern
Cheryl and Elliot Coltin                                                     Shaare Zion Beth-El Congregation
on the birth of a granddaughter Miriam Sadie Rose Moore                      extends heartfelt condolences to:
Elly and Marty Gross                                                                         Herman Adessky
on the birth of a great-granddaughter Alexie Goldman                              on the loss of his brother Bob Adessky
B’NAI MITZVAH                                                                                Sheela Springer
                                                                               on the loss of her husband Martin Springer
Linda Shohet                                                                                 Cheryl Jacobson
on the Bar Mitzvah of her grandson Joshua Braude in Toronto
                                                                              on the loss of her mother Sara Bella Jacobson
ENGAGEMENTS AND MARRIAGES                                                                     Carol Jacobson
Lynda and Max Fried                                                           on the loss of her mother Sara Bella Jacobson
on the marriage of their daughter Tammy Fried                                                  John Lechter
to Craig Grossman                                                                on the loss of his brother Morty Lechter
                                                                                            Esther Copelovitch
Beverly Kramer-Magil
                                                                               on the loss of her daughter Marla Udashkin
on the engagement of her son Eric Magil to Lisa Alinauskas
                                                                                            Stuart Copelovitch
Donna and Stuart Copelovitch
                                                                                 on the loss of his sister Marla Udashkin
on the recent marriage of their daughter Chelsea
                                                                                              Michael Unruch
to Zachary Goldstein
                                                                                  on the loss of his mother Sonia Unruch
Debi and Jeffrey Shapiro
and Betty and Bernard S. Shapiro                                                 The family of the late Lorraine Caplan
on the engagement of their daughter and granddaughter                                         Aron Gonshor
Danielle to Lawrence Frankel                                                     on the loss of his mother Chana Gonshor
Lynda and Harry Glick                                                                        Robert Joseph
on the engagement of their granddaughter                                          on the loss of his father Milton Joseph
Jamie Glick to Josh Yardeni                                                                      Ida Pencer
                                                                                on the loss of her husband William Pencer
                                                                                                Gary Pencer
             If you would like to announce
                                                                                 on the loss of his father William Pencer
         a family simcha or a special achievement,
                                                                                               Marsha Ross
      please contact Rosanne at 514-481-7727 ext 223
                                                                                on the loss of her sister Diane Ruckenstein

                             SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION   18   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
oject at Shaare Z
           Pr                 ion
         d                        B



                                                                          Top: Jeff Nashen and Elliot Levine
                                                                      Bottom: Cheryl Nashen and Hannah Levine
                                                                       Over 400 challahs have been distributed.

        Edna Janco, Cheryl Nashen, Dan Janco                                    Joe Segal and Jeff Nashen

       The Challah initiative, spearheaded by former Board Member, Cheryl Nashen and her husband,
       Jeff continues to gain momentum and has become a favourite and tasty treat for our members.
       Featured in the photos are some of our most recent Challah recipients. Cheryl and Jeff, with
       the help of a few volunteers, have managed to distribute over 400 Challahs since they began
       their initiative.

       Thank you to Brenda Adessky and Mark Rabinovitch for their continued help with deliveries
       and an extra special thank you to Joe Segal for all the effort and tireless weekly commitment.

                               Thank you to these Challah Fund Sponsors
         Joan Morris                             Pauline and Reuben Richman              Marlene and Jeff Fellen
         Diana Fellen and Joseph Segal           Lynda and Harry Glick                   Phyllis Goldberg
         Alana Soiferman and Stuart Shiveck      Vita and William Novick                 Heather Trestan
         Rona and Seymour Greenspoon             Brenda and Ken Adessky                  Marian and Mark Segal
         Rona Katz and Stephen Kucer             Lynn and Morrie Weinberg                Ruth and Chuck Dixter
                                                 Dina and Gerry Silverman

                          SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION   19   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
‘Gelt’y Pleasure Cake
                       Eve Rochman, Zera Café

   oil-wrapped chocolate coins are customary to be enjoyed on Hanuk-
   kah. The word gelt is the Yiddish word for money, and children were
   often given coins to donate during the holiday with the intention of
teaching them about charity and giving. In modern day, it’s common for
children to enjoy the chocolate coins as a traditional Hanukkah food and
gift bags of them to friends and family. Also, it is customary to eat foods
that are “hidden” to symbolize the hidden miracles.
INGREDIENTS                                                                     INSTRUCTIONS
2 cups granulated sugar                                                         Preheat the oven to 350°F.
1¼ cups vegetable oil                                                           Lightly grease two 9-inch layer pans and line them
3 eggs                                                                          with parchment paper circles.
2 teaspoons vanilla extract                                                     In a large mixing bowl, blend the sugar and oil. Add
2½ cups all-purpose flour                                                        the eggs and vanilla and combine until the mixture
½ teaspoon salt                                                                 is well blended.
1½ teaspoons baking soda                                                        In a separate bowl, stir together the dry ingredients.
1½ teaspoons baking powder                                                      Fold them into the wet, and mix, drizzling in the cola
¼ teaspoon ground cinnamon                                                      as the mixture blends. If using an electric mixer, use
1 cup unsweetened cocoa                                                         the slow speed and mix for about 3 minutes, scrap-
powder, sifted                                                                  ing the sides and bottom once to incorporate all the
                                                                                ingredients. This is a thin batter.
1½ cups warm, flat cola soda
                                                                                Bake on the middle rack of the preheated oven for
CHOCOLATE ICING                                                                 35 to 40 minutes, until the cake springs back when
½ cup chocolate chips, melted                                                   lightly touched.
and cooled
                                                                 Chocolate Icing
2 Tablespoons vegetable shortening
                                                                 In a bowl, cream together the melted chocolate, shortening,
¾ cup (1½ sticks) unsalted butter                                   butter, and vanilla with the cocoa and 1 cup of the confection-
   or unsalted margarine                                            ers’ sugar.
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
                                                                 Add the remaining confectioners’ sugar and whip on high speed,
¾ cup unsweetened cocoa powder, sifted                             adding a bit of water, cola, or half and half to get a light, fluffy
3 to 4 cups confectioners’ sugar, sifted                           consistency.
½ cup water, cola, or half and half                              If you’re not frosting the cake right away, re-whip before using,
TOPPING:                                                            adding additional warm water, a tablespoon at a time, to
Colored sprinkles                                                   achieve the right consistency.
20 to 30 gold-colored chocolate coins
                                                                 To Decorate
Miniature decorative plastic dreidels                            Place one layer on a cardboard circle. Ice it with about 1/2 inch of
                                                                 Cover with the second layer, and cut out a round piece as illus-
                                                                   trated below ( keep it to plug the hole) s:
                                                                 Fill the hole with coins, plug the hole and then ice the cake (top
                                                                    and sides) with the remaining icing.
                                                                 Coat the sides with colored sprinkles.
                                                                 Place a couple of miniature dreidels in the center if you wish.

                                                                Hidden Chanukah Gelt cake adapted from Marcie Goldman,
                                                                a treasury of Jewish Holiday Baking
                                                                Marcy Goldman, renowned pastry chef, baker and cookbook author,
                                                                shared the recipe for her magnificent cake from her latest cookbook: A
                                                                Treasury of Jewish Holiday Baking, The 10th Anniversary Edition (White-
                                                                cap). Photos © Miriam Szokovski

                             SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION    20   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
FA                      Breakfast-To-Go Sponsors

Elaine Levi and Stephen Rapps                                            Debbie Hurwitz Cooper and Darla Hurwitz Scott
in memory of their father Sam Rapps                                      in memory of their father Harry Hurwitz
Mike O’hana                                                              Sam Mahler
in memory of his father Maurice Ohana                                    in honour of his mother, Regina Mahler’s 100th birthday
Marilyn and Stephen Goodman                                              Marcie and Martin Scheim
in memory of her parents Bea and Jack Sheiner                            in honour of the Bat Mitzvah of their granddaughter
and his mother Ruth Goodman                                              Gabriella Bloom
Suzanne Grant                                                            Riva and Andy Toeman
in honour of the new Shaare Zion Beth-El Board of Directors              in memory of her mother Brenda Gertel
Hester and Simon Witenoff                                                and his mother Anne Toeman
in honour of the birth of a grandson Max Aubrey Witenoff                 Sheri Liebovitch and Tom Liebmann
Sharyn and Bernard Sepinwall                                             in honour of the Bar Mitzvah of their son Joey Liebmann
in memory of her father Sydney Weinstein                                 Hester and Simon Witenoff
in memory of his sister Rosalind Sepinwall                               in memory of her father Sam Lieberman
Gary D. Shapiro                                                          Joyce Rappaport and Rabbi Lionel Moses
in honour of the wedding Aufruf of his son Robert Shapiro,               in memory of her father Joseph Rappaport
and Elyssa Boublil                                                       Lynn and Morrie Weinberg
Hyman Adessky                                                            in memory of his father David Weinberg
in honour of the end of Shloshim for his brother Bob Adessky             Kathryn and Harold Stotland
Naomi and Mark Schneiderman                                              in memory of her parents Helen and Douglas Melanson
in honour of the babynaming of their granddaughter                       Jessica and Eric Choueke
Jen Maddie Chisling                                                      in memory of their father David Choueke
Reverend Asher Tannenbaum                                                Ellen Gross and Earl Eichenbaum
in honour of his 62nd birthday                                           in memory of her father Stanley Gross
                                                                         Cheryl and Elliot Coltin
                                                                         in honour of the birth of a granddaughter
                                                                         Miriam Sadie Rose Moore

                         b^                   Kiddush-To-Go Sponsors

Susan and Earl Ralph, Linda and Peter Nobel,                             Sam Mahler
Pamela and Robert Joseph, Reva and Andrew Toeman                         in memory of his father Izak Mahler
in honour of the Simchat Torah Honourees                                 Zipora Gisser
Essie Vineberg and Yair Szlak                                            in memory of her husband Cantor Hyman Gisser
in honour of the Bar Mitzvah of their son Jonah Szlak                    Tikvah Nissenbaum
Elana and Sean Gilman                                                    in memory of her father Moshe Shoshany
in honour of the wedding Aufruf of his brother Eric Gilman               Sandy and Seth Dalfen and family
and Kelly Whitlock                                                       in memory of his father Ben Zion (Bunny) Dalfen
Beverley and Morton Mendelson                                            Hester and Simon Witenoff
in memory of her father Berl Katz                                        in honour of his Bar Mitzvah Anniversary
Beverley and Morton Mendelson                                            Scott Rozansky
and Gilla Geiger and Kenny Grover                                        in honour of his brother Shawn Rozansky
in honour of Scholar in Residence Rabbi Adina Lewittes                   leading Ma’ariv services
Lynda and Max Fried                                                      Micol and Charles Grubsztajn
in honour of his 82nd birthday                                           in honour of the Bar Mitzvah of their son Ben
                                 SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION   21   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
BELLA AND LEW BACKLER FUND                                                   Eileen and Harvey Grossman
  In memory of her parents Dora and Jack Altman                              Faygie and Michael Covens
  In appreciation of High Holiday honey cake                                 Helen Peletz and Family
      Bella and Lew Backler                                                  Randa Helfield and Scott Sebastien
                                                                         In appreciation
BEINHAKER FAMILY FUND                                                        Annette Goldenberg
  Mazel Tov to Susan Ralph                                                   Miriam Cohen
  being honoured Eshet Chayil                                            In appreciation of the office staff
     Anita and Ezra Beinhaker                                                Alyne Freedman
RABBI RONNIE CAHANA FUND                                                 In gratitude to Gilla Geiger
  In appreciation and In honour of                                           Debbie Siemiatycki
  Rabbi Ronnie Cahana on his birthday                                    In appreciation of Dr. Jack Rothstein
      Katie Wong                                                             Myra Shuster and Robert Leibner
      Anat Benor                                                         In appreciation of the honey cake initiative
  In appreciation of Murray Pinsky                                           Reva and Seymour Samberg
      Max Konigsberg and family                                              Hessa and Allan Becker
                                                                             Diana Fellen and Joseph Segal
                                                                             Gloria Herman
  In appreciation
                                                                             Lois and Bill Shubert
      Danielle Chafetz and Michael Kizner
  In appreciation of the High Holiday services
                                                                             Eileen Yudelson
  and honey cake distribution                                                Patsy Rudner
      Barbara Berger                                                         Diane Yancovitch
  In appreciation of Reverend Asher Tannenbaum                           In memory of Marla Udashkin
      Selma Almaleh                                                          Marilyn and Elliot Godel
                                                                         In appreciation of Cantor Adam Stotland
GRACE AND JESSE DIXTER YOUTH FUND                                        and Reverend Asher Tannenbaum
  In honour of Linda Shohet on the Bar Mitzvah                               Sheela Springer
  of her grandson Joshua Braude in Toronto                               In honour of the birth of their
      Ruth and Chuck Dixter                                              great-granddaughter Capri Winslow Gertler
MIRIAM AND IRVING EKLOVE                                                     Marilyn and Leo Weiss
MUSIC AND CANTORIAL FUND                                                 Wishing Shanah Tova to the Jewish Community
                                                                             Jean-Pierre Cloutier
  In appreciation
                                                                         Wishing a Refuah Shlema to Mimi Yazer
      Shirley & Avrom Gossack
                                                                             Brenda and Ken Adessky
MAX FRIED FUND                                                           In appreciation of the clergy for a meaningful
  In honour of Lynda and Max Fried on the                                High Holiday service
  upcoming marriage of their daughter                                        Marilyn Hayes
  Tammy Fried to Craig Grossman                                          In appreciation of Cantor Adam and Yahel
      Barbara and Joel Engel                                             Stotland, Reverend Asher Tannenbaum, Gilla
                                                                         Geiger and Kenny Grover, Elise Levinoff and
                                                                         Jason Tanny, Beverley and Morton Mendelson
  In memory of Bob Adessky
                                                                         and Roz Hailpern and Bill Fraiberg for their
     Beverley and Morton Mendelson
                                                                         warm welcome and hospitality
     Gilla Geiger and Kenny Grover
                                                                             Rabbi Howard and Judy Markose
     Marilyn Hayes                                                       In honour of the engagement of his
  In memory of Sydney Godel                                              granddaughter Arianne Wiseman
     Elaine and Neil Zeidel                                                  Howard Shaffer
  In memory of Martin Springer                                           In honour of their 66th wedding anniversary
     Andree Naimer                                                           Pauline and Reuben Richman
     Barbara and David Pearl                                             In appreciation of Torah Honour
     Lisa Levin                                                              William Star

                            SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION   22   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
In honour of Susan and Brian Kasner                                  In honour of his brother Shawn Rozansky
  on the birth of a new grandson                                       leading Ma’ariv services
  In honour of Max Kasner                                                  Scott Rozansky
  on the birth of a new nephew                                         In honour of Rosanne Puritz on her new position
      Shaare Zion Beth-El Family                                       as Communications officer
  In appreciation                                                          Susan Puritz
      Sylvia Quint                                                     In memory of his parents
  In appreciation                                                      Hermona and Shlomo Shpayer
      Judy and Joseph Kaback for?? (oct 10)                            In memory of her father William Puritz
  In appreciation of Morrie reading the Haftarah                           Rosanne Puritz and Itzhak Shpayer
      Lynn and Morrie Weinberg                                      HELAINE AND ARTHUR PERVIN FUND
ELLY & MARTY GROSS FUND                                                In memory of Anne Segal
  In honour of the birth of their great-granddaughter                  In memory of Victor Herscovitch
  Alexie Goldman                                                       In memory of Eli Moscovitz
  In honour of the marriage of their granddaughter                        Helaine and Arthur Pervin
  Corissa Goldman to Jonah Palevsky                                 ANN AND JACK ROSENBLATT FUND
MIZZI AND JULES JANCO YOUTH FUND                                       In memory of their mother and mother-in-law
  Wishing a Refuah Shlema to Danny Janco                               Sylvia Chernin
    Celia and Zave Aberman                                                Linda and David Rosenblatt
    Dina and Gerry Silverman                                        ELKA AND ARCHIE SHAIKOVITZ
  In honour of Hannah and Elliot Levine                                In honour of Bram Levine and Simone Karlin
  on their 50th wedding anniversary                                    celebrating their anniversary
  In honour of Hannah and Elliot Levine                                In honouor of their granddaughter Gabrielle
  on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Shai                            celebrating her first birthday
      Barbara and Joel Engel                                               Barbara and Saul Levine
  In memory of Rhoda Frank
                                                                    BETTY AND BERNARD S. SHAPIRO
  In honour of Laura Pesner celebrating
  her 98th birthday
                                                                    FAMILY ENDOWMENT FUND
      Hannah and Elliot Levine                                         In memory of Martin Springer
  In honour of Hannah and Elliot Levine                                In memory of Marla Udashkin
  on the Bar Mitzvah of their grandson Shai                            In memory of Abe Dichter
      Goldie and Shelly Weinstein                                         Debi and Jeffrey Shapiro
                                                                       Mazel Tov to Susan Ralph being honoured
MINYAN AND KIDDUSH FUND                                                Eshet Chayil on Simchat Torah
  In memory of Marla Udashkin                                          Mazel Tov to Andrew Toeman being honoured
  In memory of Saul Singer                                             Chatan Beresheet on Simchat Torah
  In memory of Brian Byer                                              In memory of Chana Gonshor
      Lois and Harvey Toulch                                              Cheryl Stein and Gary D. Shapiro
  In honour of the Bar Mitzvah                                         In memory of Lisa Kokin
  of their grandson Samuel Lann                                           Debi and Jeffrey Shapiro
      Harriet and William Star
  In memory of Anne Toeman
                                                                    DINA AND GERRY SILVERMAN FUND
                                                                       In appreciation of Ron Dimentberg
      Riva and Andrew Toeman for? (Sept 15)
                                                                           Dina and Gerry Silverman
  In honour of Lynda and Max Fried on the upcoming
                                                                    MAX STEINBERG FUND
  marriage of their daughter Tammy to Craig Grossman                   In memory of William Pencer
      Gloria Bruner                                                       Marilyn Hayes and Sidney Schwartz
  In appreciation
      Debbie Hurwitz and Marty Cooper                                                                continued on next page…

                            SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION   23   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
Donations, continued                                                 Yahrzeit Fund
TORAH RESTORATION FUND                                            Myrna and Hyman Adessky
  In appreciation of Cantor Adam Stotland                         in memory of his brother Bob Adessky
  and Reverend Asher Tannenbaum for the                           Alta Abramowitz
  wonderful High Holiday services                                 in memory of her mother Muriel Abramowitz
  In appreciation of Torah Honour                                 Selma Almaleh
  Mazel Tov to Andrew Toeman being honoured                       in memory of her mother Rifka de Toledo
  Chatan Beresheet
      Anna and Aron Gonshor                                       Carol Aronoff
                                                                  in memory of her parents Molly and Rubin Ptack
  In appreciation of Reverend Asher Tannenbaum
  and receiving an Aliyah                                         Shoshana and Daniel Bilek
      Calvin Kalman                                               in memory of his mother Lea Bilek
  Mazel Tov to Susan Ralph being honoured Eshet Chayil            Samuel Bordo
      Gloria April                                                in memory of his parents Ella and Joseph Bordo
      Marion Lazar Usher and Michael Usher                        Jerry Browman
  Mazel Tov to Robert Joseph being honoured                       in memory of his mother Sarah Browman
  Chatan Torah
                                                                  Alex Brzezinski
  Mazel Tov to Andrew Toeman being honoured
                                                                  in memory of his father Israel Brzezinski
  Chatan Beresheet
  Mazel Tov to Peter Nobel being honoured                         Helen Brzezinski
  Chatan Maftir                                                   in memory of her father Israel Brzezinski
  Mazel Tov to Susan Ralph being honoured                         Alice Cohen
  Eshet Chayil                                                    in memory of her husband Leonard Cohen
      Vita and William Novick                                     Claire Dalfen
      Suzanne Grant                                               in memory of her husband Bunny (Ben Zion) Dalfen
  Mazel Tov to Robert Joseph being honoured
                                                                  Janice Davis
  Chatan Torah
                                                                  in memory of her husband Edward Davis
  Mazel Tov to Peter Nobel being honoured                         in memory of her sister-in-law Mona Davis
  Chatan Maftir
      Charlotte and Howard Schwartz                               Eleanor Diamond
                                                                  in memory of her mother Ruth Diamond
  In honour of Micol and Charles Grubsztajn
  on the Bar Mitzvah of their son Ben                             Sheldon and Lana Dorfman i
      Ellen and Earl Eichenbaum                                   n memory of his parents Mary and David A. Dorfman
  In appreciation of Aliyah                                       Arlene and Ralph Druckman
      Seymour Greenspoon                                          in memory of her father Issie Farovitch
  In appreciation of Reverend Asher Tannenbaum                    Bina Ellen
      Yakim Almaleh                                               in memory of her father Margolese
                                                                  in memory of her mother Bessie Margolese
                                                                  Barbara and Joel Engel
                                                                  in memory of her mother Ruth Shnider
                                                                  Farla and Saul Ettinger
                                                                  in memory of his brother Marvin Ettinger
                                                                  in memory of his father Sam Ettinger
                                                                  in memory of his mother Ida Ettinger
                                                                  in memory of his son Stephan Ettinger
                                                                  in memory of her father Louis Mayers
                                                                  Rosa Finestone
                                                                  in memory of her husband David Finestone
                                                                  Marvin Fisher
                                                                  in memory of his mother Hilda Fisher
                                                                  Lynda Fried
                                                                  in memory of her brother Alan Pesner

                          SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION   24   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
Orit and Irwin Fried                                                  Muriel and Paul Krychman
n memory of her father John Grunberg                                  in memory of his father Saul Krychman
Bernard Friedman                                                      Sandra and Stephen Lash
in memory of his father Joseph Friedman                               in memory of his mother Gloria Lash
Roslyn Frosst                                                         Ann Lassner
in memory of her father David Marosh                                  in memory of her father Philip Glazer
in memory of her mother Phyllis Marosh                                in memory of her mother Rhoda Glazer Hockenstein
Barbara Gillman Rosen                                                 Melanie Malus Abramowitz
in memory of her father Harry A. Gillman                              in memory of her father Norman Malus
in memory of her mother Dorothy Lapedis Gillman                       Rochelle Malus
in memory of her husband Jack Rosen                                   in memory of her father Albert Schultz
in memory of her grandfather Frank Gillman                            in memory of her husband Norman Malus
in memory of her grandfather Hyman Lapedis
in memory of her grandmother Bessie Gillman                           Rochelle Margles Bick
in memory of her uncle Benny Gillman                                  in memory of her husband Michael Bick
                                                                      in memory of her father Phillip L. Margles
Zipora Gisser
in memory of her father Israel Shapira                                Ann Shirley and Israel Mass
in memory of her husband Hyman Gisser                                 in memory of her father Irving Mass
in memory of her father-in-law Moshe ben Zion and mother-             in memory of her mother Esther Albert
in-law Sarah Golda Gisser Zipora Gisser                               in memory of their son David Mass
in memory of her brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law Shragai           in memory of his father Joseph Mass
Faivel Gisser, Meyer Gisser, Chava Gisser, Miriam Reizel              Beverley & Morton Mendelson
Gisser, Sarah Golde Gisser, Baruch Mordecai Gisser                    in memory of her mother Paula Katz
Lynda and Harry Glick                                                 in memory of his aunt Madelaine Levine
in memory of his father Max Glick                                     Audrey Miller
Nancy and Gerald Goldenberg                                           in memory of her father Larry Walfish
in memory of his sister Carol Goldenberg-Isaacson                     in memory of her mother Elaine Walfish
in memory of her mother Eunice Linetsky                               Gerald Naimer
Marilyn and Stephen Goodman                                           in memory of his sister Evelyn Boyaner
in memory of his sister Reicha (Ricky) Wald                           in memory of his father Jack Naimer
                                                                      in memory of his wife Yvette Naimer
Sari Greenbaum
in loving memory of her mother Rebecca Ginsburg                       Mildred Nathanson
                                                                      in memory of her grandfather ben Zion Schwartz
Stella Greenberg                                                      in memory of her mother-in-law Zina Nathanson
in memory of her brother Percy Carman
                                                                      Shaindi Nitkin
Gail and Paul Gross                                                   in memory of her father Max Nitkin
in memory of her mother Musia Shirin
                                                                      Ilana Perlman
Eileen and Harvey Grossman                                            in memory of her parents Sandra and Allan Perlman
in loving memory of his father Philip Grossman
in loving memory of his mother Dora Grossman                          Sharon and Peter Pinsler
                                                                      in memory of her mother Freda Appel
Orit Grunberg Fried
in memory of her father John Grunberg                                 Stanley Plotnick
                                                                      in memory of his daughter Lisa Plotnick
Marilyn Hayes
in memory of her daughter Lisa Plotnick                               Susan Puritz
                                                                      in memory of her husband William Puritz
Linda and Allan Israel                                                in memory of her father Edward Hyman Leckner
in memory of her father Irving Reimer                                 in memory of her mother Shirley Leckner
in memory of his father Hy Israel
in memory of his mother Ida Israel                                    Rosanne Puritz and Itzhak Shpayer
in memory of his sister Beverly Israel                                in memory of his father Shlomo Shpayer
Leona and Eddie Jasnoch                                                                               continued on next page…
in memory of his daughter Brenda Jasnoch Weitz

                              SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION   25   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
Yahrzeit Fund                         continued
Marlene Rabinovitch                                                    Rosemary and Michael Shapiro
in memory of her mother Nell Cutler                                    in memory of his father Moses Shapiro
in memory of her father Phil Cutler                                    Linda Shohet
in memory of her husband Gerald Rabinovitchin memory of                in memory of her father Abraham Jacob Perley
her daughter-in-law Janice Rabinovitch                                 in memory of her father-in-law Eliahou Shohet
Wendy and Stephen Rapps                                                in memory of her mother-in-law Rachel Shohet
in memory of her father Eddie Davis                                    Lois and Bill Shubert
Susan Raymer                                                           in memory of her father Max Routtenberg
in memory of her father Joseph Raymer                                  in memory of his mother Clara Shubert
in memory of her mother Goldie Raymer                                  Debbie Siemiatycki
in memory of her grandfather Chaim Raymer                              in memory of her beloved father Mordechai ben Eliezer
in memory of her grandmother Naomi Raymer
in memory of her grandfather Moras Pinsky                              Dina and Gerry Silverman
in memory of her grandmother Lessa Pinsky                              in memory of her father Ilya Seleker
Pauline Richman                                                        Philip Singer
in memory of her mother Anita Hershcovitch                             in memory of his father Samuel Singer
Pauline Richman                                                        in memory of his mother Sophie Singer
in memory of her sister Yettie Burah                                   Julius Spivack
Sandra Riff                                                            in memory of his brother Issie Spivack
in memory of her father Samuel Silver
                                                                       Mireille and Murray Steinberg
Marvin Rosenbloom                                                      in memory of her father David Elnecave
in memory of his mother Paula Rosenbloom                               in memory of her mother Gisele Elnecave
Sheila Roth Berger                                                     Marjorie and Gerry Stober
in memory of her father Morris Roth                                    in memory of her father Morton Stober
Patsy Rudner                                                           Bernard Stotland
in loving memory of her husband Edward Rudner                          in memory of his father Moe Stotland
Sue Rusk                                                               George Szeben
in memory of her father David Rubin                                    in memory of his father Steven Szeben
in memory of her mother Ethel Rubin
                                                                       Rachel Teicher
Stanley Sager                                                          in memory of her husband Michael Teicher
in memory of his grandmother Ella Abramowitz
                                                                       Lora Tombari and Jeffrey Minuk
Victor Salem                                                           in loving memory of his mother Merle Minuk
in memory of his wife Linda Salem                                      in loving memory of her parents Anna and Aldo Tombari
Kitty Samberg                                                          in loving memory of his brother Morley Minuk
in memory of her nephew Ian Samberg                                    Lois and Harvey Toulch
Jack Schachter                                                         in memory of his dad Israel Toulch
in memory of his mother Bluma Schachter                                in memory of her mom Laura Carpman
in memory of his father David Schachter                                Jose-Renee Trudeau
Nina Schiff                                                            in memory of her mother Minette Trudeau
in memory of her mother Potencia Tobias                                Mayme and Richard Vineberg
Joseph Segal                                                           in memory of his father Edward Vineberg
in memory of his mother Florence Segal                                 Gail Walfish
in memory of his wife Ghita Segal                                      in memory of her father Larry Walfish
Bernard Sepinwall                                                      Lynn and Morrie Weinberg
in memory of his mother Esther Sepinwall                               in memory of his mother Riva Weinberg
Howard Shaffer                                                         in memory of her aunt Estelle Steinberg
in memory of his wife Sandra Kass                                      Marilyn and Leo Weiss
in memory of his wife Frances Shaffer                                  in memory of his mother Janet Weiss
in memory of his brother Stephen Shaffer
                                                                       Eileen Yudelson
Judy and Jack Shaicovitch                                              in memory of her husband Marvyn Yudelson
in memory of his mother Sybil Shaicovitch
in memory of her mother Ann Neiman
                               SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION   26    CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
Karen Cahana
                With a background in Jewish Studies,
                Social Work, Family Therapy and Con-
                flict Resolution, Karen Cahana will be
                available by appointment to provide
                confidential direct social work and
                pastoral services about psychosocial
                issues or concerns you may be facing.
                For those unable to come, she will
                make Bikur Holim visits in homes, hos-
                pitals and residences.
           If you wish to meet with Karen,
       please call the office 514 481-7727 x223

                 Reverend Asher Tannenbaum is available to say Kaddish
for the eleven-month period and Yahrzeit observances on behalf of those who cannot attend services.
                               Please contact him to make arrangements
                                          514-481-7727 x 237

                     Eternal Gardens
                                                                                   Beautiful and spacious,
                                                                                   located in a natural and
                                                                               pleasantly groomed setting
                                                                              in the heart of Beaconsfield.
                                                                                        Consider the needs
                                                                                         of your loved ones
                                                                                           by pre-planning
                                                                                        your resting place.
                                                                                       We are here to offer
                                                                                       you and your family
                                                                                             peace of mind.
                                                                                               For information
                                                                                              Contact Rosanne
                                                                                          514-481-7727 ext 223

                      SHAARE ZION BETH-EL CONGREGATION   27   CHANUKAH 5782 - 2021
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