Magnetic methods and the timing of geological processes

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             Magnetic methods and the timing of geological processes
       Instituto Oceanográfico da Universidade de São Paulo, Fisica, Geoquimica e Geologia,
                Praça do Oceanográfico 191, São Paulo, São Paulo 05508-120, Brazil
             John Hopkins University, Earth and Planetary Sciences, 3400 N. Charles Street,
                                  Baltimore, Maryland 21218, USA
                     Department of Geology, Western Washington University, 516 High St.,
                                    Bellingham, Washington 98225, USA
          University of Hawaii at Manoa, Hawaii Institute of Geophysics and Planetology,
                                  Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA
                                *Corresponding author (e-mail:

              Abstract: Magnetostratigraphy is best known as a technique that employs correlation among
              different stratigraphic sections using the magnetic directions that define geomagnetic polarity
              reversals as marker-horizons. The ages of the polarity reversals provide common tie points
              among the sections, allowing accurate time correlation. Recently, magnetostratigraphy has
              acquired a broader meaning, now referring to many types of magnetic measurements within a stra-
              tigraphic sequence. Many of these measurements provide correlation and age control not only for
              the older and younger boundaries of a polarity interval, but also within intervals. Thus, magnetos-
              tratigraphy no longer represents a dating tool based only on the geomagnetic polarity reversals, but
              comprises a set of techniques that includes measurements of all geomagnetic field parameters,
              environmental magnetism, rock magnetic and palaeoclimatic change recorded in sedimentary
              rocks, and key corrections to magnetic directions related to geodynamics, tectonics and
              diagenetic processes.

Discovery of geomagnetic reversals                               motions of the ocean floor. The oceanic magnetic
                                                                 anomalies are related to the magnetization of the
Over the past century numerous methodologies                     oceanic basalts that cool down while spreading
have been developed to detect time variations of the             from mid-oceanic ridges, and can be used in combi-
geomagnetic field and environmentally significant                nation with geomagnetic field polarity sequences
magnetic properties in rocks. These methods com-                 from rocks found on land to further develop a
prise measurements of natural remanence, magnetic                globally extensive GPTS (Heirtzler et al. 1968).
susceptibility, demagnetization and induced artifi-              Opdyke (1972) first integrated magnetostratigra-
cial magnetizations. Brunhes (1906) and Matuyama                 phy and biostratigraphy for Plio-Pleistocene marine
(1926) were among the first to recognize that old                sediments, and since that time biostratigraphic
rocks have inclination values that are very different            information has been increasingly used for corre-
from today’s values, and sometimes of opposite                   lation of the observed polarity sequences in sedi-
polarity to the present-day magnetic field. Accord-              mentary rocks with the appropriate part of the
ing to Matuyama (1926), these changes represent                  radioisotope-calibrated GPTS. Subsequently, Alva-
reversals in the polarity of the ancient geomagnetic             rez et al. (1977) recognized sets of magnetic polar-
field. Cox et al. (1963) recognized that these polar-            ity reversals within the Cenozoic Gubbio (Italy)
ity reversals were global events, and that, by com-              sedimentary sequence. William Lowrie studied the
bining palaeomagnetic and geochronologic data, a                 geological and physical processes that permit
sequence of geomagnetic field reversals could be                 pelagic sediments to keep magnetization and defined
constructed. This led directly to the development                the magnetostratigraphy of those Italian sections
of the Geomagnetic Polarity Time Scale (GPTS).                   (Lowrie et al. 1982), allowing the scientific commu-
    Vine & Matthews (1963), using data acquired                  nity to build and further refine the GPTS (Cox et al.
during marine cruises, recognized that magnetic                  1963; Heirtzler et al. 1968; LaBreque et al. 1977;
anomalies had a symmetrical pattern with respect                 Berggren et al. 1985; Cande & Kent 1992, 1995;
to the mid-ocean ridges, and that there was a rela-              Huestis & Acton 1997; Singer et al. 2002; Channell
tionship between geomagnetic field reversals and                 et al. 1995; Malinverno et al. 2012; Ogg 2012).

From: Jovane, L., Herrero-Bervera, E., Hinnov, L. A. & Housen, B. A. (eds) 2013. Magnetic Methods and the
Timing of Geological Processes. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 373, 1– 12.
First published online April 25, 2013, # The Geological Society of London 2013.
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2                                                            L. JOVANE ET AL.

                          TimeScale Creator chart

                  Standard Chronostratigraphy              Polarity
    Ma      Period         Epoch         Age/Stage
     0                     Holocene        Tarantian                            50                                            C22
                                            Ionian           C1
     1                                                                          51
           Quaternary                      Calabrian
                          Pleistocene                                                                                         C23
     2                                     Gelasian          C2                 52

     3                                                                          53                 Eocene       Ypresian
     4                     Pliocene                                             54
                                           Zanclean                                                                           C24
     5                                                       C3                 55

     6                                                                          56
     7                                                                          57
                                                            C3B                                                Thanetian
     8                                                       C4                 58

     9                                                                          59
                                           Tortonian        C4A
    10                                                                          60                             Selandian      C26
    11                                                       C5                 61

    12                                                                          62
                                                            C5A                                                               C27
           Neogene                        Serravallian      C5AA
    13                                                                          63
                                                            C5AB                                                 Danian
                                                            C5A                                                               C28
    14                     Miocene                                              64
                                           Langhian         C5A
    15                                                                          65                                            C29

    16                                                                          66
    17                                                                          67                                            C30

    18                                                                          68                            Maastrichtian
    19                                                      C5E                 69
    20                                                                          70
    21                                                                          71
    22                                                      C6B                 72
    23                                                                          73
    24                                                                          74

    25                                                      C7A                 75
    26                                                       C8                 76

    27                                                                          77                            Campanian
    28                                                                          78
                          Oligocene                                                                                           C33
    29                                                       C10                79

    30                                                       C11                80

    31                                     Rupelian                             81

    32                                                       C12                82
    33                                                                          83

    34                                                       C13                84
    35                                                       C15                85
    36                                                       C16                86
                                                                                                                                    Cretaceous Normal Super-Chron ("Cretaceous Quiet Zone")

    37                                                                          87                             Coniacian
    38                                                                          88

    39                                     Bartonian                            89
    40                                                                          90

    41                                                       C19                91                              Turonian
    42                     Eocene                                               92

    43                                                                          93
    44                                     Lutetian                             94

    45                                                                          95

    46                                                                          96
    47                    TimeScale Creator chart            C21                97

    48                                                   Geomagnetic            98
                  Standard Chronostratigraphy              Polarity
    49                                     Ypresian                             99
    Ma      Period         Epoch         Age/Stage                                                  Early        Albian
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                            MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHY: ONLY A DATING TOOL?                                              3

    Today, geomagnetic reversals are routinely             demonstrates the occurrence of reversals (Glatzma-
recognized along stratigraphic sections composed           ier & Roberts 1995; Kuang & Bloxham 1997). The
of sedimentary (marine or continental) or volcanic         main theory relates reversals to internal fluid
materials. To determine a polarity stratigraphy, the       instability of the Earth’s outer core. In this region
sediment or rock must first contain a record of the        of the core, convective movements and complex
geomagnetic field that is generally acquired at            vortices are created within tangent cylinders, that
the time of emplacement. In order to measure the           is, cylinders that are pretended coaxial movements
original magnetization that records the geomagnetic        in relation to the Earth’s rotation axis, and tangent
field polarity at the time of formation of the rock,       to the inner core/outer core boundary with their
sample direction must be measured in the field             projection on Earth surface at 79.18 latitude. The
(i.e. in situ). The capacity of a rock to maintain its     thermal and compositional convection processes at
own magnetic field and resist demagnetization is           the core-mantle boundary influence the geodynamo
related to the coercivity of its magnetic minerals.        with long-term variations (.105 years) of intensity,
There are different ways by which rocks can                inclination and declination (Olson et al. 2010). This
record a natural remanent magnetization (NRM) in           organized motion evolves chaotically with the mag-
the presence of an external magnetic field (e.g. the       netic field produced by the electromagnetic dynamo
geomagnetic field; Kodama 2012): (1) thermorema-           growing, decaying and occasionally flipping in
nent magnetization (TRM) is acquired when a rock           the opposite direction (Gubbins & Bloxham 1985,
cools down below the Curie temperature of its mag-         1987; Bloxham & Jackson 1992; Olson & Aurnou
netic minerals; (2) chemical remanent magnetiza-           1999; Jackson et al. 2000; Hulot et al. 2002;
tion (CRM) is acquired when a new magnetic                 Aurnou et al. 2003; Wardinski & Holme 2006). The
mineral grows after the rock is formed and estab-          geomagnetic reversals occur on the entire globe,
lishes its own magnetization; (3) viscous remanent         also near the tangent cylinder and polar regions
magnetization (VRM) is attained in an ambient              (Jovane et al. 2008). There are also other theories
field for magnetic relaxation during time; (4) iso-        to explain reversals, for example, one in which geo-
thermal remanent magnetization (IRM) occurs in             magnetic reversals are linked to extraterrestrial
nature when rocks are struck by lightning and are          impacts (Muller & Morris 1986).
submitted to a magnetic field larger that their coer-
civity; and, the most important in sediments, (5) det-
rital remanent magnetization (DRM) is acquired             Magnetostratigraphy and the geomagnetic
when depositional magnetic grains align themselves         polarity time scale
with the geomagnetic field as they are settling
through the water column or are in unconsolidated          At its most fundamental level, magnetostratigra-
sediment. Depositional magnetic grains deposited           phy documents the geological record of polarity
on the seafloor are then able to lock in and retain        changes of the geomagnetic field. The individual
the original magnetization in the direction of the         normal (black) and reversed (white) (Fig. 1) polarity
geomagnetic field during the initial consolidation         intervals are known as chrons and typically range
of sediments (Tauxe et al. 2006; Tauxe & Yamazaki          in duration from 10 kyr to 10 Myr. The transition
2007). However, in some deep-sea sediments, a              from a reversed-polarity chron to a normal-polarity
time delay of magnetization has been occasionally          chron and vice-versa is very short (+5 kyr). This
observed and is attributed to very low sedimenta-          allows a numerical age to be assigned to each rock
tion rates and delayed lock-in below the sedi-             unit containing a polarity reversal within a strati-
ment –water interface (Verosub 1977; Suganuma              graphic succession. Since polarity reversals effec-
et al. 2011). This magnetization acquired near             tively occur simultaneously over the whole surface
but not directly at the time of deposition is referred     of the Earth, they can be used for global time corre-
to as post-depositional remanent magnetization             lation. Shorter periods of opposing polarity within
(pDRM). There are also some conditions in which            a chron are called, depending on duration, ‘sub-
magnetic crystals produced by magnetotactic bac-           chrons,’ ‘microchrons’ and ‘cryptochrons’ (Cande
teria may record the geomagnetic field (Petersen           & Kent 1992). Longer periods with dominant sin-
et al. 1986; Housen & Moskowitz 2006; Vasiliev             gle polarity are called ‘superchrons’ or ‘mega-
et al. 2008; Yamazaki 2009; Roberts et al. 2011,           chrons,’ also depending on duration (Opdyke &
2012; Jovane et al. 2012).                                 Channell 1996).
    The cause of the geomagnetic field reversals is            Chrons are conventionally labelled and named
still unknown, although geodynamical modelling             after the corresponding seafloor spreading magnetic

Fig. 1. Example of the GPTS for the past 100 million years, from TSCreator 5.0 ( Courtesy of
J. Ogg. (2012).
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4                                              L. JOVANE ET AL.

anomaly number (Cande & Kent 1992). Chron num-                Such geomagnetic excursions have been
ber is usually suffixed by the letter n or r, depending   reported in geological recorders such as lava flows
on whether the dominant magnetic polarity is              of various ages in different parts of the world as
normal or reversed, and is prefixed, for instance,        well as from deep-sea, lake sediment and sedimen-
by the letter C for Cenozoic, or M for Mesozoic           tary rocks. This type of geomagnetic feature gener-
(Gee & Kent 2007). The most recent reversal of            ally are observed to start with a sudden and often
the geomagnetic field occurred 781 kyr ago and is         fairly smooth movement of the virtual geomagnetic
the boundary between Brunhes (C1n) and Matu-              poles (VGP) toward equatorial latitudes. The VGP
yama (C1r) Chrons. Other normal and reversed              may then return almost immediately, or it may
chrons, Gauss (C2n) and Gilbert (C2r), contain dis-       cross the equator and move through latitudes in
tinctive subchrons, such as the Olduvai Subchron          the opposite direction before travelling back again
(C1r.2n) within the Matuyama Chron. The GPTS is           to resume a near-axial position. The term ‘excur-
continually updated to provide the most accurately        sion’ was defined to describe a VGP movement of
known ages for the chron boundaries (e.g. Fig. 1).        more that 408 from the geographic pole for inter-
    Vector component diagrams (Zijderveld 1967)           mediate pole positions that end up with a return of
are used display stepwise demagnetization data.           the Earth’s field to its pre-existing polarity (Barbetti
When a series of rock layers shows the same sign          & McElhinny 1976). During an excursion, the
of inclination of the characteristic remanent magne-      dynamo does not establish itself in the opposite
tization (ChRM), it is called a magnetozone (or           polarity. Defined in this way, excursions are dis-
magnetostratigraphic unit), because within this           tinguished from secular variation (when the VGP
interval a single polarity is constant. Magnetostrati-    colatitude is 108 , u ,408) and from short polarity
graphy correlates magnetozones to the GPTS.               episodes, which is a term applied when the opposite
Namely, inclination, declination and intensity of         polarity (u is ,408 or .1408) persists sufficiently
the ChRM for each sample are examined through             long for at least one oscillation in the strength of
a principal component analysis (PCA) of demagne-          the main dipole (about 104 years, Jacobs 1984).
tization steps (Kirschvink 1980). Demagnetization             Several short and almost complete changes in
can be accomplished in different ways for different       geomagnetic inclination have occurred within the
magnetic components. Stepwise thermal (TH) and            present-day Brunhes Chron. These rapid and global
alternating field (AF) demagnetizations are the           geomagnetic events are called ‘excursions’ or
most popular methods. Chemical and pressure               ‘aborted reversals’ (Lund et al. 2006; Laj & Chan-
demagnetization methods can also be applied to            nell 2007). Among these excursions, the Laschamp
erase unwanted secondary components.                      (40– 41 ka), Blake (c. 115–120 ka) and the Prin-
    The calculated PCA inclination values some-           gle Falls (c. 211–218 ka) are the most impor-
times do not represent the true inclination of the        tant geomagnetic events because they have been
geomagnetic field at that time of the formation or        widely documented (e.g. Valet & Meynadier 1998;
deposition of the rock unit (Butler 1992; Tauxe           Guyodo & Valet 1999; Valet et al. 2008). Because
2010). This problem is related to geological              excursion events have been recognized further
factors that can be resolved using other magnetic         back in time (e.g. Handschumacher et al. 1988;
methods. These factors may be related to diagenetic       Sager et al. 1998; Tivey et al. 2006), we can infer
compaction or rotation of tectonic plates and tilt of     that they occurred probably also during older
structural blocks.                                        chrons. These excursions, sometimes called tiny
                                                          wiggles (e.g. Lanci & Lowrie 1997), cannot yet be
                                                          used as time constrain.
Beyond classical magnetostratigraphy
                                                          Relative palaeointensity
Dating with other recorded features of the geomag-
netic field can also be undertaken, as follows.           The Earth’s magnetic field can be simplified as a big
                                                          dipole with the poles at the geographical poles,
Excursions and aborted reversals                          which is called the geocentric axial dipole (GAD).
                                                          The behaviour of the geomagnetic field is complex
It is very well known from palaeomagnetic records         and is related not only to the GAD but also to
today that, in addition to polarity changes, the          other components that change at different time-
Earth’s magnetic field has experienced changes            scales: years (secular variation), millennia (excur-
from its regular near-axial configuration for brief       sions) and millions of years (reversals) (Gee &
periods of time without establishing, and perhaps         Kent 2007).
not even approaching, a reversed state of the palaeo-        Several short and almost complete changes in
field. These types of behaviour are called geomag-        geomagnetic inclination have occurred within the
netic excursions or ‘aborted reversals’.                  present-day Brunhes Chron. These rapid and
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                              MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHY: ONLY A DATING TOOL?                                                     5

global geomagnetic events are called ‘excursions’             palaeointensity. Measurements of palaeointensity
or ‘aborted reversals’ (Lund et al. 2006; Laj &               in different geological sequences (e.g. lava flows,
Channell 2007). An important long-term (105 year)             or marine or lake sediments) show a consistent
variation of spherical parameters (inclination, decli-        pattern, allowing the reconstruction of a relative
nation and intensity) of the geomagnetic field is the         palaeointensity curve for the past 2 myr (Fig. 2;
secular variation (Valet et al. 2008), which includes         Sint-2000; Valet et al. 2005). Sint-2000 is a stack
geomagnetic jerks, westward drift and palaeointen-            curve of independent palaeointensity records from
sity. Geomagnetic jerks are abrupt changes in one             various latitudes for the last 2 myr. It is possible
of the geomagnetic components related to inner                to date a geological sequence by correlating the
core flow patterns or major earthquakes (Mandea               reference Sint-2000 intensity record to the palaeoin-
et al. 2000; Florindo et al. 2005). The secular vari-         tensity record of the studied sequence. This is poss-
ation, which is not constant and uniform on the               ible only when the magnetic minerals along the
Earth, is mainly related today to a westward drift            section are relatively uniform (King et al. 1983;
of about 0.28 per year since 1400 AD, and an east-            Valet & Meynadier 1998), and when the magnetic
ward drift from 1000 to 1400 AD (Dumberry &                   intensity has been previously normalized for the
Finlay 2007). The variation in intensity of the geo-          concentration and grain-size of magnetic material
magnetic field through geological time is known as            (thus ‘relative’), which may be climatically driven

                                                                               Relative paleointensity
                                                                      arbitrary units             arbitrary units
                                         0                    0                               0
                                  Blake 0.1
                          Iceland Basin
                           Pringle Falls 0.2                 0.2                            0.2


                                         0.4                 0.4                            0.4
               Calabrian Ridge, Tarrafal 0.5
                              Big Lost                                                      0.6
                                         0.6                 0.6
                                         0.8                 0.8                            0.8
                          Kamikatsura 0.9
                           Santa Rosa                                                         ODP Sites 983-984
                       Upper Jaramillo 1.0                    1

                               Punaruu 1.1
                        Cobb Mountain 1.2                    1.2

                                         1.4                 1.4
                                         1.6                 1.6

                        Upper Olduvai
                                         1.8                 1.8

                        Lower Olduvai
                                        2.0                   2
                                  Age (ka)                 Age (ka)      Sint-2000

Fig. 2. Polarity column showing the position of the successive excursions and reversals with respect to the fluctuations
of dipole field intensity derived from the composite Sint-2000 record and from ODP sites 983 (red line) and 984 (blue
line) in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean (arbitrary units increasing toward right) (Guyodo & Valet 1999; Valet et al.
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6                                              L. JOVANE ET AL.

(e.g. Valet & Herrero-Barvera 2000; Channell et al.        by geomagnetic components at the time of depo-
2002; Yamazaki 2008). It is worth noting that severe       sition or solidification (Tauxe 2010). Consequently,
declines in relative intensity coincide with geomag-       magnetic susceptibility may not be isotropic, giv-
netic reversals and excursions (Fig. 2; Valet et al.       ing different values when measured in different
2008).                                                     directions. In such cases, the anisotropy of magnetic
    Another application is the scatter of inclination      susceptibility (AMS) is calculated as a tensor by
and declination on a sphere, or angular dispersion         comparing the magnetic susceptibility values in
(S) (e.g. Jovane et al. 2008). S is related to latitude,   three perpendicular directions, which produce a
with higher values near the poles, and may indicate        matrix representing the ellipsoid of the magnetic
the geomagnetic stability of core vortices (Olson &        susceptibility (e.g. Hrouda 1982). This ellipsoid
Aurnou 1999; Aurnou et al. 2003).                          of the magnetic fabric can be spherical, oblate
                                                           (flattened) or prolate (cigar-shaped) providing in-
Tectonics and deformation                                  formation, for example, on the direction of a palaeo-
                                                           current (e.g. Ellwood & Whitney 1980) or lava flow
While palaeomagnetic data have been used for a             (e.g. Stacey 1960; Ellwood 1978), strain patterns
long time to examine plate-scale to regional/local         (e.g. Goldstein 1980), fabric/structure of granites
tectonic and structural problems (e.g. Irving 1963,        (e.g. Ellwood & Whitney 1980) and the degree of
Beck 1981; Van der Voo 1988), a number of                  compaction of strata studying the relation between
recent studies have combined magnetostratigra-             inclination shallowing and oblation of the fabric
phic and palaeomagnetic analyses to examine                (e.g. Tan & Kodama 2002).
timing and temporal variations in structural pro-
cesses. This approach is made possible by the              Environmental magnetism
collection of more samples per site (or single geo-
logical bed) and more sites than is typical for stan-      Environmental magnetism is used to identify
dard magnetostratigraphic studies (e.g. Zhao et al.        and characterize magnetic mineralogy, and pro-
2001; Liu et al. 2003; Titus et al. 2011). This tech-      vides constraints for interpreting palaeomagnetic
nique has the potential to test velocity models of         results and in understanding the factors that control
plate-margin and fault-zone deformation that are           environmental change. Environmental magnetic
based primarily on Global Positioning System               measurements are inexpensive, rapid and non-
(GPS) data (e.g. McCaffrey 2005). GPS defor-               destructive, and provide fundamental information
mation studies utilize short (decades at most)             on the size, abundance and composition of magnetic
time-series of GPS displacement data and their pre-        minerals (Verosub & Roberts 1995; Kodama 2012;
dictions of vertical-axis rotation can be compared         Liu et al. 2013). These measurements can be per-
with observations obtained from palaeomagnetic             formed along a sedimentary sequence at high-
data (e.g. Titus et al. 2011).                             resolution and include (1) magnetic susceptibility,
    Magnetic inclination and declination track the         and artificial remanences; (2) anhysteretic remanent
position of palaeopoles through geological time            magnetization (ARM); (3) isothermal remanent
(Irving 1956). A reconstructed sequence of palaeo-         magnetization (IRM) and back-field isothermal
poles for a plate is known as an Apparent Polar            remanent magnetization (BIRM); and (4) coerci-
Wander Path (APWP). We define the APWP                     tive-dependent parameters (S-ratio and ‘hard’ IRM
through study of ChRM, which points to the VGP             referred to as HIRM).
of the original position of a rock at the time it was          Low-field magnetic susceptibility (x ¼ nor-
formed. APWPs of the major tectonic plates have            malized for weight, k ¼ normalized for volume)
been reconstructed through much of Phanerozoic             represents how much magnetization (m) a material
time (e.g. Besse & Courtillot 2002; Kearey et al.          retains when a magnetic field (H ) is applied
2009), but there are still large uncertainties in the      (Table 1). Thus it is a complex parameter reflecting
APWPs of minor plates and in reference poles               the sum of magnetic materials, such as ferromag-
(McElhinny & McFadden 2000).                               netic sensu lato (e.g. magnetite), antiferrimagnetic
    Magnetic anisotropy studies can help define            (e.g. hematite) and non-magnetic materials, such
shallowing effects related to diagenetic compaction,       as paramagnetic (e.g. silicates or clays) and diamag-
flow direction during deposition or cooling and            netic (e.g. quartz or carbonate). Results from low-
deformation of rocks owing to tectonic stresses.           field magnetic susceptibility must be interpreted
The larger datasets generated from these studies           with caution since it can be related to numerous
can be utilized to test and resolve other important        processes.
aspects of how sedimentary rocks record the geo-               Anhysteretic remanent magnetization activates
magnetic field. The inclination, declination and           only the finest magnetic minerals, frequently
intensity of the DRM of sedimentary magnetic               single domain (SD) grains, which do not have a
grains, and the TRM of lava flows, can be affected         domain wall and are uniformly magnetized. It is,
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                             MAGNETOSTRATIGRAPHY: ONLY A DATING TOOL?                                                7

         Table 1. Units and conversions in the Système Internationale d’unités (SI) and the old CGS

                                                                      CGS                             SI

         Energy                                           107 erg                            1 joule (J)
         Force (F)                                        105 dyne                           1 Newton (N)
         Current (I )                                     0.1 adamp                          1 ampere (A)
         Magentic Inducion (B)                            104 gauss (G)                      1 Tesla (T)
         Magnetic Field (H )                              4p × 1023 oersted (Oe)             1 A m21
         Magnetic Moment (M )                             103 emu                            1 A m2
         Magnetization/volume (m)                         1023 emu (¼G cm23)                 1 A m21
         Magnetization/mass (J )                          1 emu g21 or G cm23 g21            1 A m2 kg21
         Magnetic susceptibility/volume (k)               Dimensionless                      Dimensionless
         Magnetic susceptibility/mass (x)                 1023 cm3 g21                       1 m3 kg21

         From Butler (1992) and Collinston (1983).

consequently, a proxy for the concentration of fine             sequences can be evaluated as time series and
magnetite of eolian, biogenic or impactoclastic                 related to palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental
origin, or from other environmental processes. Iso-             change. In particular, palaeoclimate change at
thermal remanent magnetization activates all mag-               105 –106 year scales – often resolved in the sedi-
netic grains up to saturation (also called SIRM or              mentary record – has been strongly modulated by
Mrs) that is usually at 1 T or 900 mT (Table 1).                astronomically forced insolation (e.g. Berger 1988;
IRM, therefore, is the main proxy for magnetic con-             Laskar et al. 2004, 2011; Table 2). The record of
centration. The ratio between ARM and IRM                       astronomical forcing frequencies in palaeomagnetic
(ARM/IRM900) provides a proxy for magnetic                      proxies can be used as a tool to perform astronomi-
grain size. Then, smaller IRMs can be applied back-             cal tuning and develop continuous timescales along
wards to IRM, which are called back-field IRM                   stratigraphic sequences (Hinnov & Hilgen 2012).
(BIRM), to produce IRM ratios that supply infor-
mation on magnetic composition. These are the
so-called S-ratios (King & Channell 1991) and                   Organization of this special volume
HIRMs (imparted at 300 and 100 mT, respectively).
They are calculated as, for example, S-ratio300 ¼               Following three conference sessions entitled ‘Mag-
BIRM300/IRM900, S-ratio100 ¼ BIRM100/IRM900,                    netostratigraphy: not only a dating tool’ and pre-
HIRM300 ¼ (IRM900 + BIRM300)/2 or HIRM100 ¼                     sented at the AGU Meeting of Americas (Foz de
(IRM900 + BIRM100)/2 to indicate the different                  Iguaçu, Brazil) in 2010 and AGU Fall Meetings
responses of high-coercivity magnetic minerals. The             2010, 2011 (San Francisco, USA), we decided to
presence of hematite can be determined with the                 assemble the presentations into a Special Publi-
proxy IRM900@AF120 mT for the concentration                     cation entitled Magnetic Methods and the Timing
of hematite by AF demagnetizing the IRM900                      of Geological Processes. In this volume, we
step at 120 mT (Larrasoaña et al. 2003). Liu                   present research that includes innovations in classi-
et al. (2007) also proposed the L-ratio (IRM900 +               cal magnetostratigraphy and emerging techniques
BIRM300)/(IRM900 + BIRM100) to define how the                   that use sequential rock magnetic measurements to
hardness of hematite can affect HIRM and the                    define chronology in stratigraphy. We introduce
S-ratio.                                                        applications that use magnetic direction and geo-
    Environmental magnetic records obtained by                  magnetic polarity reversals to infer geodynamo
finely sampled measurements along sedimentary                   processes, tectonics, diagenesis and climate change.

Table 2. Periods and relative amplitudes of the main astronomical forcing cycles for 0 – 10 Ma (Laskar et al.
2004; Hinnov & Hilgen 2012). The frequencies and relative amplitudes change over different time intervals,
and relative amplitudes change additionally as the result of climatic filtering

Astronomical parameter                                          Period in kiloyears (relative amplitude)

Orbital eccentricity        405 (1.0)              131 (0.43)         124 (0.56)          99 (0.48)           95 (0.74)
Obliquity (tilt)           53.04 (0.34)          40.80 (1.0)        40.11 (0.33)       39.45 (0.42)        29.75 (0.16)
Precession index           23.61 (1.0)           22.33 (0.87)       19.07 (0.45)       19.12 (0.69)        16.44 (0.08)
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8                                              L. JOVANE ET AL.

Finally, we present examples of astronomical forc-         in press). Finally, VGP trajectories measured on the
ing of environmental magnetism in the sedimentary          Lower Cretaceous Serra Geral volcanic sequence
record, and their utility in defining high-resolution      are interpreted to indicate anisotropy in the Earth’s
timescales.                                                interior (Caminha-Maciel & Ernesto 2012).

Part 1: integrated magnetostratigraphy                     Part 4: palaeoclimatic change from rock
When integrated with biostratigraphy, cyclostrati-         magnetic proxies
graphy, chemostratigraphy and geochronology,               The studies in this section resolve astronomical
magnetostratigraphy provides valuable timescale            timescales of palaeoclimatic change using rock
information. In this section, modern integrated            magnetism stratigraphy evaluated from a wide
magnetostratigraphy is demonstrated with marine            variety of marine environments: Plio-Pleistocene
Cenozoic studies. New Oligocene–Miocene magne-             marginal marine, Cretaceous carbonate platform,
tostratigraphy from the equatorial Pacific pinpoints       Permian lower slope and basinal carbonates,
the Oligocene –Miocene transition at the base of           Permo-Carboniferous glaciogenic rhythmites, and
C6Cn.2n, and identifies three new excursions (Gui-         Ordovician shallow shelf limestone/mudstone.
dry et al. 2012). New work is presented on the             The Plio-Pleistocene study astronomically tunes a
Eocene climatic optimum interval (50–55 Ma) and            magnetic susceptibility series from a sedimentary
Late Eocene –Oligocene transition into the Ceno-           section in northern Italy that otherwise exhibits no
zoic icehouse (c. 33.5 Ma) from Integrated Ocean           cyclicity (Gunderson et al. 2012). The Cretaceous
Drilling Progam sites and Italian sections (Firth          study (Hinnov et al., this volume, in press) finds
et al. 2012; Savian et al. 2013; Jovane et al. 2013),      that ARM cyclicity is independent from host car-
and a composite integrated magnetostratigraphic            bonate platform cycles in northeastern Mexico; the
sequence from Italy is provided for the entire             former is linked to a precession-forced eolian
Palaeogene Period (Coccioni et al. 2012).                  dust flux and the latter to much lower frequency sea-
                                                           level fluctuations. Ellwood et al. (2012a) develop
Part 2: dating tectonic processes with                     obliquity-tuned ‘floating timescales’ for magnetic
magnetic methods                                           susceptibility variations along Middle Permian sec-
                                                           tions, Texas, to assess sedimentation rates and dur-
The evolution of palaeomagnetic declination in             ations of geological events. Franco & Hinnov
Chinese continental stratigraphy reveals block             (2012) evaluate anisotropy of magnetic suscepti-
rotation, uplift and basin infilling related to the Cen-   bility in Brazilian Permocarboniferous glacial
ozoic India–Asia collision, as discussed by three          rhythmites as a palaeoclimate indicator. Finally,
papers in this section (Yan et al. 2012a, b; Fang          the cyclic Ordovician Kope Formation, USA, is
et al. 2012). The timing of these declination              evaluated for astronomical frequencies through
changes is constrained by magnetic reversal strati-        analysis of a composite high-resolution magnetic
graphy. A fourth paper (Zhao et al. 2013) analyses         susceptibility series (Ellwood et al. 2012b).
tectonic-driven sedimentation change in the Nan-
kai Trough, Japan, with the assistance of integrated       We gratefully acknowledge the review of G. Acton, M.
magnetostratigraphy.                                       Ernesto, A. Malinverno and X. Zhao.

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