Tectonic evolution of Kutch sedimentary basin, western India
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J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020)129 86 Ó Indian Academy of Sciences https://doi.org/10.1007/s12040-019-1337-9 (0123456789().,-volV)(0123456789( ).,-volV) Tectonic evolution of Kutch sedimentary basin, western India K CHANDRA MOULI1, P CHANDRASEKHAR1,*, D P RAO1 and V K DADHWAL2 1 NationalRemote Sensing Centre, Indian Space Research Organisation, Hyderabad 500 037, India. 2 Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology (IIST), Thiruvananthapuram 695 547, India. *Corresponding author. e-mail: chandrasekharpatibandla@gmail.com MS received 8 July 2019; revised 1 November 2019; accepted 15 November 2019 Lithological variations, circular spectral anomalies, geological structures such as folds, faults, lineaments and shear zones of Kutch sedimentary basin were interpreted using IRS-LISS III satellite data. Aero- magnetic data was also interpreted qualitatively and quantitatively and a number of anomalous magnetic zones, faults, lineaments and domal structures were mapped. Magnetic basement depths and thickness of sediments were also computed. A number of alternate basement ridges/highs/uplifted blocks and depressions/lows/downthrown blocks were delineated. The information obtained from satellite remote sensing and aeromagnetic data were then integrated and the results were compared with published literature on gravity, magnetic (ground), magnetotelluric and seismic data, and also with Beld geology and well data. Structural controls in spatial domain (latitude, longitude and depth) were derived by establishing spatial relationship among different geological structures with reference to the geological time scale. Numerous horst and graben structures (ridges and sub-basins) as well as a number of master faults were delineated which serve as vital information with regard to hydrocarbon prospects and earthquake vulnerability, respectively. Based on the information obtained from this integrated study, a conceptual tectonometamorphic model along with sedimentation and igneous activity (ophiolitic and basaltic) has been constructed which has a significant bearing on the sequence of events that occurred during the deformational history of Kutch sedimentary basin resulting into the present day tectonic conBguration. Keywords. Fold; fault; lineament; IRS-LISS III satellite data; aeromagnetic data; tectonic conBguration. 1. Introduction common platforms for collection of data has brought in significant changes in geological Regional geological understanding is essentially mapping. Multispectral sensors onboard satellites required not only for the exploration and provide images of high quality having huge exploitation of natural resources but also for the- potential for mapping lithology, geological struc- oretical/research/modelling purpose. Convention- tures such as folds, faults, fractures, lineaments ally, geological mapping is done by carrying out and shear zones and geomorphology, which serve Beld survey based on the observation of rock as the vital information in the context of geological exposures, analysis of the vertical sections of earth exploration (Rao et al. 1992, 1996; Chandrasekhar cuttings and well logs. The advent of remote et al. 2009, 2011; Sreedhar Ganapuram et al. 2009; sensing technology employing satellites as the most Chandrasekhar 2010; Masoud and Koike 2011;
86 Page 2 of 15 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020)129 86 Seshadri and Chandrasekhar 2013; Ganguly and Seshavataram 2016; Thakkar and Amal Kar 2017; Mitran 2016; Seshavataram 2016; Al-Nahmi et al. Chandrasekhar et al. 2018). Lithological sequence 2017; Thakkar 2017; Das et al. 2018). This is and major geological structures like faults and fold possible because of the synoptic view oAered by the systems were mapped by geological and geophysical satellite imagery and the unique capability of investigations and reported in the above literature. establishing spatial relationship among different Few major structural zones surrounding and within geological/structural features. On the other hand, Kutch region were also named. the utility of aeromagnetic data for geoscientiBc Therefore, in the process of studying Kutch applications and research studies was discussed at basin, enormous wealth of geoscientiBc information length, demonstrated and documented by several has been generated and documented. The early authors over the last few decades (Rama Rao and works were primarily based on theoretical models, Murthy 1978; Hinze and Zietz 1985; Reddy et al. Beld geological surveys and ground geophysical 1988; Reid et al. 1990; Cowan and Cowan 1991; investigations. The studies based on theoretical Zonenshain et al. 1991; Reeves 1992, 1994; Blakely models could bring out major sets of faults and their 1995; Mathew et al. 2001; Ramachandra et al. 2001; intersections. Geological surveys on ground could Anand and Rajaram 2002; Prasanti Lakshmi and also map only a limited number of structures such Ram Babu 2002; Rajaram Mita and Anand 2003; as major faults, few lineaments and parts of linea- Colin Reeves 2005; Rajaram et al. 2006; Rajendra ments/structures. All the lineaments and struc- Sarma et al. 2006; Murthy 2007; Aitken and Betts tures could not be mapped during Beld surveys, 2008; Akintayo et al. 2014; Chandrasekhar et al. perhaps as they get obscured by soil/vegetation 2018). Integrated interpretation of the above two cover. Hence, the continuity of faults, their inter- data sets would yield reliable information on the section and the relationship with other geological surface as well as the subsurface geology, struc- features could not be established. Geophysical ture and tectonics (Chandrasekhar et al. 2011; investigations such as gravity, magnetic (ground), Chandrasekhar and Seshadri 2013). magnetotelluric and seismic methods of prospecting The sedimentary basin of Kutch in Gujarat state were also conducted in Kutch basin. As these has a great economic and tectonic significance in terms methods are ground-based, the data was acquired of oil and gas reserves (Seshavataram 2016; http:// along the available road networks. As a result, the www.dghindia.org/17.aspx; https://www.google.co. geophysical coverage is non-uniform. Hence, the in/?gfe˙rd=cr&ei=TDJ5VcuuCerI8AeLrLmoCg geoscientiBc information generated so far is inade- &gws˙rd=ssl#q=Kutch++geological+maps) and quate to explain the subsurface geological structure earthquake vulnerability (http://www.imd.gov.in/ and tectonic framework of the basin to the required section/seismo/static/seismo-zone.htm), respec- details of constructing a subsurface geological tively. This region falls in Zone V of the Seismic model. Therefore, an attempt is made in the present Zonation Map of India (http://www.imd.gov.in/ study to interpret space-borne IRS-LISS III and section/seismo/static/seismo-zone.htm) indicating airborne magnetic data by mapping basement highest risk for earthquake occurrence and is the only structures and computing sediment thickness, for such zone outside the Himalayan seismic belt in India. the Brst time, having complete and uniform cover- Hence, a thorough understanding of the subsurface age for the whole basin and to integrate the results geological structure, deformational history and the for generation of a conceptual tectonometamorphic tectonics of the basin is an essentially required sci- model, which can explain the sequence of events entiBc outcome. Kutch is a western marginal peri- that could have triggered in the poly-phase defor- cratonic rift basin in India that is oriented E–W at the mational history of the basin resulting into the periphery of the Indian Craton. This region is geo- present day horst and graben structures hosting logically well known for its Mesozoic and Tertiary huge Tertiary and Mesozoic sedimentation. sedimentation over the crystalline basement and also vulnerable for earthquake occurrence and hence is extensively studied by a number of researchers in the past (Biswas 1971, 1974, 1981, 1982, 2005, 2012; 2. Geology and physiography Biswas and Deshpande 1973, 1970, 1968; Deshpande 1982; Sylvester 1988; Merh 1995; NRSA Tech Rep The stratigraphy of Kutch basin comprises strata 1998; Ravi Shanker 2001; Kusala Rajendran et al. ranging in age from Lower Jurassic to Holocene 2001; Gaonkar 2003; Sumer Chopra et al. 2010; and the complete sequence is exposed only in the
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020)129 86 Page 3 of 15 86 Kutch mainland (Biswas and Deshpande 1970; All the hill ranges and the intervening low grounds Bgure 1). The older Mesozoic sequence is exposed of Kutch region run almost parallel, which is the in Pachham, Khadir, Bela and Chorar islands to characteristic feature indicating that the topogra- the north of Kutch mainland, whereas the strata of phy is controlled by the geological factors such as intermediate age of Mesozoic sequence are in the folding, faulting and lithology to a larger extent. ‘Wagad Highland’. The Tertiary rocks are exposed in the peripheral plains of these ‘Highlands’. Palaeocene (Palaeogene) rocks are deposited 3. Methodology mainly in the southwestern coastal plains of Kutch mainland whereas Neocene (Neogene) rocks extend Indian Remote Sensing Satellite (IRS 1C) data of into much interior crossing the eastern boundary of LISS III sensor having 23.5 m spatial resolution has the basin. The extensive Cows of Deccan Traps been procured from the National Remote Sensing representing volcanic activity in this region had Centre (NRSC) Data Centre (NDC) of the Indian terminated the Mesozoic sedimentation during Space Research Organisation (ISRO) in digital Late Cretaceous to Early Palaeocene times (Biswas format (as a part of the project work for Directorate 1982). The Kutch region consists of the embay- General of Hydrocarbons (DGH), New Delhi) for ment between Nagar Parkar uplift in north, carrying out the geological interpretation of Kutch Kathiawar uplift in south, Radhanpur–Barmer basin (http://bhuvan.nrsc.gov.in). The raw data arch in east and a sloping platform featured by was mosaiced for clipping the boundaries of the parallel E–W oriented uplifts (Highlands/Islands) study area and geo-rectiBed with the help of topo- at the center, surrounded by ‘residual depressions’ graphic maps. Image enhancement techniques such (plains of Great and Little Rann). Six major uplifts as linear stretch, edge enhancement and haze namely, Pachham, Khadir, Bela islands, Chorar removal were applied to the raw data for feature hills, Wagad highlands and Kutch mainland occur extraction. Resistant formations usually form in three sub-parallel trending E–W lines (Biswas prominent ridges because of their resistance to ero- 1982; Ravi Shanker 2001). The basin is Blled up sion. The acidic rocks/sedimentary rocks show with sediments ranging in age from Middle Jurassic brighter tone and have distinct appearance, whereas to Holocene. Deccan Trap lava Cows of Late Cre- the maBc rocks are manifested in darker tone. The taceous to Early Palaeocene age divide the Meso- carbonates–carbonate facies rocks and meta-argil- zoic and Tertiary stratigraphy of the Kutch region lites exhibit darker tone in relatively low lying areas. (http://www.jsce.or.jp/report/12/Indian/Report/ Different rock types were distinguished and mapped PDF/indo3.pdf). based on their diagnostic spectral signatures, as Stratigraphic sequence Coastal sands, Mud flats, Rann sediments, Alluvium, Residual deposits – Holocene Miliolite (Aeolian) - Pleistocene Marine to Fluviomarine beds - Eocene to Pliocene --------------------------------------------Unconformity-------------------------------------------------- Laterite - Palaeocene Basalt and associated intrusive massive rocks - Upper Cretaceous to Palaeocene -------------------------------------------Unconformity-------------------------------------------------- Marine to Fluviomarine beds - Lower Jurassic to Middle Cretaceous -------------------------------------------Unconformity-------------------------------------------------- Basement - Archaean and Proterozoic
86 Page 4 of 15 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020)129 86 Figure 1. Geological map of the study area (source: Biswas and Deshpande 1970). the electromagnetic signal is sensitive to the also mapped from satellite data based on terrain composition and form of a rock type. Subsequently, morphology, tonal variations, smooth texture and other geological features such as folds, faults and drainage anomalies. Geological interpretation of lineaments were interpreted based on the image ele- IRS-LISS III data is presented in Bgure 2. The data ments such as tone, texture, pattern, association, processing, analysis and interpretation of satellite shape, size and shadow and the geotechnical (terrain) data was carried out using PCI-GEOMATICA and elements such as land use, land cover, vegetation and ERDAS IMAGINE softwares. drainage. ‘Faults’ were interpreted from satellite The regional aeromagnetic data Cown at an data based on the anomalous truncations or oAsets of altitude of 5000 ft above mean sea level by NRSC/ formations, sharp topographic breaks (linear scarp ISRO for DGH along N–S Cights with a Cight line faces), dislocations of the linear anomaly trends, spacing of 2000 m was used in the present study. alluvial fans and alluvial cones along linear scarp face Diurnal corrections were applied to the onboard data and abrupt truncation of fold patterns along a line by selecting the appropriate reference magnetic level. (Mikhailov 1987; An and Sammis 1996) whereas The differences in the magnetic Beld values at the ‘lineaments’ were interpreted as anomalous features points of intersection of each of the tie lines with due to their characteristic tonal variations, spatial those of the Cight lines were then corrected during relationship with other geological units and linear tie-line corrections for removing the eAects of alignment of streams/water bodies/vegetation. The monthly shift in magnetic levels and the residuals geomorphic anomalies appearing in the form of fol- leftover after diurnal corrections. Tie-line corrected ded structures were interpreted based on the identi- data was then corrected for the earth’s model Beld, Bcation of trends of anomalies, trend lines, tone and i.e., International Geomagnetic Reference Field drainage pattern. Numerous curvilinear anomalies, (IGRF) for enhancing the crustal magnetic anoma- fold patterns and circular spectral anomalies were lies, gridded with a grid cell size of 400 m (1/5 of the
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020)129 86 Figure 2. Geological structures and tectonic trends interpreted from IRS-LISS III satellite data. Page 5 of 15 86
86 Page 6 of 15 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020)129 86 Cight line spacing) and contoured with a contour intrusions usually produce domal structures in the interval of 20 nT. IGRF corrected aeromagnetic sedimentary strata and all such ‘intrusions’ were images (grey image and pseudo colour image) were identiBed by magnetic methods (Rama Rao and also generated for improved and reliable interpreta- Murthy 1978; Ghosh and Ramesh Acharya 2006; tion of the geological features (Bgure 3), as there is no David and Leigh 2013). Basement depths for each limitation of contour interval when the data is in and every structure interpreted from aeromagnetic image form (Willian and Willian 1987; Surya- and remote sensing data as well as the same structure narayana et al. 1992; Milligan and Gunn 1997). As at different locations were also computed using the aeromagnetic data comprises information from aeromagnetic data by means of quantitative inter- subsurface geological strata lying at different depths pretation techniques (Rao and Babu 1984; Reid et al. in the earth’s interior and is reCected as a cumulative 1990). Computed basement depths were also vali- eAect, the IGRF corrected data was then subjected to dated with the help of the interpretation software regional–residual separation and computation of (Radhakrishna Murthy 1992) developed exclusively second vertical derivatives (SVD) in order to for the well-deBned and unclustered magnetic emphasize the contributions of relatively shallow anomalies and also with the well data provided by features as well as to resolve the overlapping DGH during the project work. A number of alternate anomalies (Boyd 1969; Babu Rao et al. 1987; Berger basement ridges/highs/uplifted blocks and depres- et al. 2004; Boyd and Isles 2007; Anudu et al. 2012). sions/lows/downthrown blocks were delineated Dislocations of the linear anomaly trends or abrupt (Chandrasekhar et al. 2018). The data processing, changes in the anomaly type and pattern or changes analysis and interpretation of aeromagnetic data in the background level of the magnetic Beld were were carried out using indigenously developed identiBed and used for demarcating ‘faults’. The software of NRSC/ISRO. linear features without clear dislocations, magnetic The results obtained from the interpretation of gradients and alignment of anomalies were inter- satellite remote sensing (XY/spatial/lateral) and preted as ‘magnetic trends’ or ‘lineaments’. Igneous aeromagnetic data (Z/vertical/depth) were then Figure 3. Aeromagnetic images of the study area: grey image (top); pseudo colour image (bottom).
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020)129 86 Page 7 of 15 86 Figure 4. Aeromagnetic (residual) contours and tectonic trends superimposed on IRS-LISS III satellite data. integrated (Bgure 4) and analyzed in conjunction region. They encompass centers of Mesozoic depo- with the published literature on gravity, magnetic sition, which are representative of median massif. (ground), magnetotelluric and seismic data inter- Satellite data interpretation has brought out a new pretation (Misra et al. 2003; Mishra et al. 2004, 2005; dimension that the median massif is also broadly Chandrasekhar et al. 2005, 2011; Nagarjuna and Rao segmented. The segmented uplifts were displaced 2019). The methodology followed is presented in the and oriented in E–W direction, because of the eAect form of a Cowchart in Bgure 5. of later strike-slip and thrust faults along the northern margin of Kutch mainland and further north. Later, this ancient platform is subjected to 4. Results and discussion simple shear stress in NE–SW or ENE–WSW direction. The main characteristic feature of geo- Kutch is a western marginal peri-cratonic rift basin synclinal regime is reduction in areas and expansion that is oriented E–W at the periphery of the Indian of platforms. These crustal movements might have Craton. All the possible geological structures (mi- been conditioned by emplacement of magma, dis- nor, major and mega) and litho units of the basin turbances of isostatic equilibrium, displacements were mapped in this study, which could bring out a and rotation of large parts of this continent. The number of new geological features such as folds, geological features interpreted from remote sensing faults, circular spectral anomalies and shear zones, and aeromagnetic data are genetically connected and augmented existing geology significantly. with linear folded and ruptural deformations (also Numerous horst and graben structures were also supported by Mikhailov 1987; Chandrasekhar et al. mapped by deriving the latitude, longitude and 2005). The tectonic deformation had started with depth data, as mentioned above. Spatial analysis of vast ancient platform of crustal region of gneissic all the above geological features was carried out and rocks. The total structural framework is understood their inter-relationship and relative displacements and explained in terms of development of the faul- were established. The basin conBguration as ted, folded and ruptural structures in geosynclinal observed from satellite data indicates a broad syn- environment resulting in genetically connected clinal structure covering the whole sequence of rocks horizontal and vertical movements, analysis of the resting on the basement with its axial trace/uplift mechanism of deformation in each stage and its running in NE–SW direction. Two major faults were inCuence on the formation of sedimentation and interpreted from satellite data (shown as AZ in magmatism. The basin had undergone intense Bgure 2). They are extending parallel to the direc- folding and faulting as understood from the number tion of axial trace, from SW corner to NE corner, of faults, their inter-relations and relative dis- right up to Pacham island in the Kutch mainland placements resulting into rift basins and ridges in
86 Page 8 of 15 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020)129 86 Figure 5. Methodology Cowchart. the early and middle stages of deformation and together as compound faults to form major faults intense folding and cross folding in the terminal at different stages, primarily in two directions – stages of deformation with concomitant magma- one at smaller angle (S1-sympathetic) to the tism. The whole Kutch region had experienced both applied shear direction, and the other at acute horizontal and vertical tectonics in the geosynclinal angle (S11-antithetic). Later, they had displaced environment. Hence, the interpreted structures each other. S1 faults are interpreted as strike-slip were explained initially with emphasis on fault faults. The curvilinear strike-slip fault develop- structures, then on fold structures and so on. ment and the angle between S1 and S11 faults are controlled by the pattern of shearing stress, 4.1 Structures of the faulted region mechanical properties of crystalline rocks and the previous structural regime. As the simple faults The structures of the faulted region are divided grow into compound faults, tensile structures like into three different categories as follows: shear zones were also developed. S1 fault segments were linked up either through S11 faults or tensile 4.1.1 Orthogeosynclinal stage structures. The compound faults exhibit many (horizontal tectonics) bends. The faults and fault segments inside a compound fault had stepped both right laterally This phase characterizes mainly horizontal move- and left laterally. When a right step (releasing ments. Analysis of satellite data shows that the step) is created, the fault walls were pulled apart development of major faults was started with the forming ‘pull apart basins’ called ‘rhombochasm’ in development of minor faults, and these then welded parallel to the strike-slip faults such as Kutch
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020)129 86 Page 9 of 15 86 mainland depression and Wagad depression. The characteristic feature of magnetic basement) as left step (restraining step) had developed where evidenced from aeromagnetic data interpretation the fault walls were pushed together to form the (Chandrasekhar et al. 2018) and also supported by uplifts. S1 strike-slip faults are trending in nearly the interpretation of magnetotelluric data (Nagar- E–W direction, except in western part (Kutch juna and Rao 2019). The same can be expected, main land) where they were observed in NNW or even, in all the blocks of Kutch region. These NW direction because of the inCuence of the pre- subsidence zones (rhombochasms) developed in vious synclinal structure, whereas S11 faults are orthogeosynclinal stage have become centers for steep dipping oblique faults trending in NE–SW later sedimentation processes in epigeosynclinal direction at an acute angle to the strike-slip faults. stage. The present pattern of distribution of sedi- It is also observed that tensional faults were mentary basins representing the subsidence blocks developed in NW–SE direction. The intersection of (rhombochasms) show strike-slip faults on either the fault segments S1 and S11 had divided the side, trending in E–W direction as shear faults or whole Kutch region into parallelogram faced or oblique faults in NE–SW direction. The whole rhombohedron blocks. Hence, all these blocks were Kutch region, based on this study, may be bounded by the strike-slip faults or shear faults on divided into Kutch mainland area (Nakhtarana– all the sides and based on the structural relation- Lakphat, Katrol, Bhuj and Samakhiali blocks), ship, some of the blocks have gone down (graben) Banni–Lakhadia area (Banni basin, Basement when the releasing step conditions were satisBed ridge and Lakhadia block), East Banni–Wagad and have gone up (horst) at restraining bends. area (East Banni, Wagad and north Wagad blocks) These blocks are referred to as subsidence blocks/ and Island belt area (Pachham, Khadir, Bela and rift blocks/rhombochasms and horsts/ridges/ Chorar blocks) (Chandrasekhar et al. 2018). uplifted blocks (Type I). Sylvester (1988) and Kusala Rajendran et al. (2001) were also opined on ‘the strike-slip tectonics and the resulting struc- 4.1.2 Epigeosynclinal/orogenic stage tures’ and ‘the occurrence of compressional regime (vertical tectonics) leading to concealed folds/faults/Cexures’, respec- tively. Basement depths and thickness of sediments This regime is mainly characterised by vertical computed from aeromagnetic data clearly supports movements (Chandrasekhar et al. 2018). Ravi this observation (Chandrasekhar et al. 2018). Shanker (2001) also opined on the major faulting The length of the graben/depression reCects the and rifting structures. The eAect of Brst set of amount of horizontal displacement and the grabens strike slip faults and high angle faults could result are characterised by greater depths relative to in ‘rhombochasms’ as described above. Later, the areal dimension. Depending on the depth of the intersection of the second set of strike slip faults S2 basement and spacing between two parallel faults and high angle faults S20 (mapped from the present and overstep, the basin could be either rhombic in study) have played a key role in vertical tectonics. shape (Island belt zone) or parallelogram shaped During this stage, the earlier formed depression in with two sedimentation centers (Kutch main land) orthogeosynclinal stage which got Blled up with or pull aparts at terminal extension fractures Mesozoic sediments was subjected to deformation (Wagad area) or series of parallel fault coalescence resulting in the upliftment of the formations to a basins (Wagad area). Apart from the strike-slip mountainous relief. The mountainous portions in faults shown in the maps (Bgures 2 and 4), two the central part of Kutch basin – Kutch mainland more strike-slip faults could also be expected to arch (extending from Anjar and passing through exist, one along the exposed Deccan trap rocks if south of Bhuj, Ukhead and Rawapar, up to Lakh- the displaced formations including Deccan Traps pat) and in the south of Wagad and Island belt to pre-Mesozoic times are rearranged, and the were the results of the above. This deformation had other one along the continental margin. The also resulted in a variety of structures in the whole extensive emergence of magmatic activity in both region; largest of them were depressions and ele- eAusive and intrusive forms is the characteristic vations (Bgure 2). In the central part of the feature in the development of geosynclinal region. depression, smooth and gently sloping brachy- As the ophiolitic magma activity is conBned to formed anticlines and synclines (apart from the the deep-seated faults along the subsidence, the dome-shaped folds) are observed which reCect the basement has become heterogeneous (which is a block displacement of the basement. Sylvester
86 Page 10 of 15 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020)129 86 (1988) and An and Sammis (1996) also proposed between S21 and S11 indicating a gradual rotation the possibility of similar kind of structures based (Bgures 2 and 4). An and Sammis (1996) also on their laboratory studies. Hence, the squeezed up proposed similar kind of scenario. These conjugate pallial substance along the major strike-slip faults set of faults are not only bounding earlier formed (S1 and S2) had formed well-exposed linear and depression, but also cut across them (intra-basin folded ridges in general, followed by subsidence faults). S2 faults are trending in ENE–WSW blocks or depressions on either side, as evidenced direction, whereas S21 faults are in NW–SE to from remote sensing and aeromagnetic data, NNW–SSE directions. The study has brought out respectively (Chandrasekhar et al. 2018). The the development of a wide shear zone in NW–SE majority of the platform folds (originated in direction in the western most part of Kutch orthogeosynclinal stage) developed on the base- mainland, along the eastern contact of basaltic ment gradually die-out upwards along the section rocks with Mesozoic sediments. This could be the in sedimentary mantle. This kind of regularity typical example of reaction of competent (Deccan becomes particularly apparent in the local eleva- Trap) and incompetent (sedimentary) formations tions, which function as traps for deposits of oil and to deformation stage. Along the restraining steps gas, perhaps indicated by the circular spectral (formed by the intersection of fault segments S2 anomalies (Bgures 2 and 4). Apart from the base- and S21), sediments got uplifted, whereas along ment structures, other folded structures have also releasing steps, sediments have gone down. Maxi- developed within the sedimentaries during further mum displacement, sometimes, can be expected deformation. Hence, the separation of platform near the middle of the fault segments and can go to folds from the younger ones, according to their zero at the end of the fault, probably in all the form and size is of significance in relation to uplifted blocks. Type II pull-apart basins (Sylve- hydrocarbon prospects. It is well known that oil ster (1988) had proposed such models) and narrow and gas cannot get into the structural trap prior to and linear rift structures formed along the formation. Thus, the time of emergence of an restraining steps all around the uplifted blocks got enclosed elevation determine the beginning of the linked-up and, as a result, large compound basins accumulation of hydrocarbons. The duration of were formed along fault trace as the fault dis- synsedimentary folding, its enhancement and placements were increased further. During the two slackening control the different phases related to phases of deformation (magmatic and amagmatic), the presence of hydrocarbons. The region of epi- extrusive magmatism was predominant in the area platform activation (uplifted areas such as Kutch resulting in the formation of basalts during mag- mainland and Wagad area) can be divided into two matic phase. This magmatism can be expected to types. The Brst one is accompanied by magmatism follow the major tectonic discontinuities such as S1 after ending of sedimentation processes and the strike-slip faults. These basalts are well exposed in second one is amagmatic. Tectonic movements the western part, i.e., Kutch mainland whereas in were characterised by a marked prevalence of the other areas, it might have been covered by later intensive elevations and block displacements of the sediments though they were not abundant. Hence, folded basement resulting in a middle and high this magmatic activity is conBned mainly to the mountainous relief in the areas separated by large subsidence zones separating older Mesozoic sedi- depressions. During the upliftment of geosynclinal ments from the later and younger Tertiary sedi- regions, longer and linear rifts with narrow width ments and also served as a basement for Tertiary were formed under extensional regime, transverse sedimentation (Chandrasekhar et al. 2018). Later, to the direction of strike-slip faults, all along the all the sediments along with basaltic rocks were uplifted blocks. These rift structures, in general, subjected to deformation during amagmatic phase are the result of emergence of squeezed-up pallial by vertical tectonics producing a variety of folded substance from considerable depths. Considering and faulted structures. The development of narrow the fault mechanism responsible for upliftment of linear rift structures around these uplifts were the sedimentaries within the rhombochasms, noticed in Kutch mainland at the western portion another set of conjugate faults (S2-strike-slip of basaltic rocks hosting Tertiary sedimentation sympathetic and S21-shear faults/high angle obli- (Madh Series-9), at the eastern portion of Wagad que faults – antithetic) were formed. S21 faults (Khari Series-4) and in the eastern side of Kutch could have rotated S11 faults, as evidenced by the mainland and Bhachau and Anjar (Madh Series-9), development of smaller faults and lineaments in respectively. The analysis of remote sensing and
J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020)129 86 Page 11 of 15 86 aeromagnetic data had revealed that the develop- was also seen indicating the presence of strike-slip ment of the initial rift near the uplifted margins fault and also formation of scarp faces, alluvial fans must have followed up by parallel or ramifying rift and alluvial cones along the margins (e.g., Kutch (subsidence) structures, whose degree and extent of mainland fault). The folded structures on the subsidence is lesser than that of the primary one. periphery of the subsidence blocks have often linear The same was noticed in almost all the zones in the constitution and in the central part, brachy formed area hosting Tertiary sedimentation. In addition, and block folds were observed. The fold structures the displacements in these rift structures indicate have different orientations due to cross folding, progressive deformation. These rift structures have though predominant axis is mostly E–W. Folds resulted in either ‘lazy Z’-Wagad zone (NE portion associated with strike-slip faults are typically of Bgures 1 and 2) or ‘lazy S’-Kutch mainland arranged in enechlon pattern, oblique to the prin- (western portion of Bgures 1 and 2), which are the cipal direction of shear and are important for typical ones of Type II basins, as evidenced by the hydrocarbon exploration as they form prospective shape, size, trend, disposition and orientation of traps (e.g., folds associated with the northern Madh and Khari series. strike-slip fault of Kutch main land). Enechlon folds were distributed in a relatively narrow and 4.1.3 Deltaic depression (Little Rann) persistent zone or adjacent to a master strike-slip fault. In addition, it is also observed that these fold Apart from the above, another important feature patterns were distributed in very narrow zones noticed in the area is triangular or delta shaped conBned by two major strike-slip faults. This ene- depression called ‘Little Rann’ (Bgures 2 and 4). chlon pattern is most predominant along S1 or S2 The interpretation of IRS-LISS III data clearly trending strike-slip faults, though to a smaller shows this feature is bounded by E–W strike-slip extent they are also found with high angle faults. fault on southern side, NE–SW trending fault on The presence of these enechlon folds represents the west and NW–SE trending fault on eastern side, shortening component of the bulk strain. In three respectively. Hence, this triangular depression dimensions, the axial surfaces of enechlon folds in might have originated in a similar manner either the sedimentary sequence over the rigid basement due to the upliftment of the surrounding blocks on must have been nearly vertical, but higher in the three sides leaving the residual depression or by the overburden as they Catten upwards and twisted subsidence along the three faults. The sporadic away from the strike of the fault and plunge away Mesozoic exposures within the basin were also from the displacement zone (Sylvester (1988) also folded with E–W axial trends. From the above suggested this kind of pattern). Satellite data analysis, it is clear that different folded and faulted interpretation has shown that the enechlon folds structures were originated during the two stages of are excellent indicators of structural development, deformation and fault segmentation is a common as they reveal the following about the associated phenomenon where major faults were formed by faults and related structures: (i) strike-slip fault the coalescence of the simple ones. Tectonic exists either laterally or at depth, nearby, (ii) the depressions were formed where the fault segments direction of slip of the interpreted fault is in are parallel to the plate slip-vector (releasing bends the over-stepping direction of folds, and (iii) the – transtension/divergent strike-slip) and uplifts expected orientation of related faults. The direc- occur where the fault segments are oblique to the tion of horizontal movement on the strike-slip fault plate slip-vector (restraining bends – transgres- is revealed by the stepping-dependant-thrusting sion/convergent strike-slip). From the orientation and strike-slip faulting, which implies mechanically of individual blocks, especially in the island belt layered crust. It was observed that the folding was area it appears that all the blocks got rotated extended progressively farther away from S2 faults clock-wise about the vertical axis because of the with increasing displacement over time. This has continuous shearing stress (Bgures 2 and 4). resulted in largest amplitude folds were at depth near the fault and the most recent folds were away from the fault and near to the margins of the 4.2 Structures of the folded region deformation zone, probably represented by the circular spectral anomalies. New folds were also Numerous fold structures were also mapped from developed during Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs, satellite data. Abrupt truncation of fold structures when tectonic movements were increased, as
86 Page 12 of 15 J. Earth Syst. Sci. (2020)129 86 evidenced by circular anomalies (Bgure 2). Circular subsidence were accompanied by fracturing of the shaped anomalies could also arise due to the earth’s crust into separate lumps that moved at quite subsidence along normal faults (along the axial different rates and sometimes in different directions. zone of folded structure) or due to the areas of The distinction in the velocities of the individual parts inversion, which are of gravitational origin, and during orthogeosynclinal and epigeosynclinal stages expected to be connected with the Cotation of the became responsible for the disintegration of geosyn- earth’s crust of relatively lighter sediments such as clinal region into depressions and uplifts producing mud saturated with gas in salt plains. present day relief of the surface, which is the charac- teristic of geosynclinal regions. On the completion of geosynclinal processes, the emergence of folded region 4.3 Evolution of events in place of geosyncline was transformed into platforms. The causative environment for hydrocarbons The analysis of spatial and relational development of and earthquakes is essentially governed by the the structural regime had revealed the evolution of subsurface geological structure and tectonics. This Kutch basin, sequentially, as follows: The geological study has revealed that the sedimentary basin of evolution had initiated sometime in the Triassic period Kutch is comprised of a number of sub-basins, with breaking up of Gondwana land and subsequent ridges and master faults. The basins are important geological history is related to northward drift of the for hydrocarbon prospects, while the master faults Indian subcontinent. Mesozoic and Cenozoic tecton- are significant with regard to earthquake vulnera- ism related to the breaking up of the western conti- bility. Based on this integrated study, the following nental margin and subsequent drift had mainly four locations are recommended for hydrocarbon controlled the geological evolution. The drift motion exploration (Chandrasekhar et al. 2018): (i) Banni and the counter-clockwise rotation could induce and Samakhiali basins and north Bhuj depression; strike-slip movements. The rifting occurred within the (ii) Tertiaries adjacent to strike-slip fault on the weak zone of the mid-Proterozoic mobile belt by the western side of Nakhtarana at a distance of 30 km; reactivation of the pre-existing faults. The deposi- (iii) fold pattern parallel to northern boundary tional history and Deccan volcanism, which rest on the strike-slip fault of Kutch mainland on north of southwesterly extending Proterozoic rocks are part Nakhtarana at a distance of 25 km approximately; and parcel of this major tectonic phenomenon. The and (iv) numerous folds developed parallel to Kutch rift basin originated in Triassic–early Jurassic strike-slip faults in Mesozoic sediments of the period had formed along a reactivated movement of northwestern portion of Anjar at a distance of 15 Delhi–Aravalli trend which swings to E–W direction km to the west of Bhachau (Bgures 2–4). The in this region and had become an ideal site for Mesozoic study could also reveal that the reactivation of and Cenozoic sedimentation. The other major struc- E–W and ENE–WSW strike-slip faults and their tural trends outside the study area are Nagar Parkar intersection with high angle oblique faults oriented uplift, Allah Bund and Sindri lake in north, Kathiawar in NW–SE and NE–SW directions could have uplift (Saurashtra horst) in south and Radhan- triggered the major earthquake of Bhuj on 26th pur–Barmer arch in east, respectively. The fold and January 2001 (Chandrasekhar et al. 2018). All the fault patterns mapped from satellite data clearly epicenters of the aftershocks were falling in the indicate that the earth crust of this part had undergone central portion of Kutch main land, which had different phases of tectonic events since Proterozoic earlier undergone intense tectonic activity. The period. The main process is geosynclinal development stress that perhaps could have caused this major in different stages in certain successive order, though earthquake may be due to the Indian plate pushing irregular in time and space. As such stage had devel- northward into Eurasian plate, resulting into re- oped, a comprehensive sedimentation and volcanism activation of this portion of Kutch once again and were localised in individual troughs (NRSA.AD.44. subsequent re-adjustment of the basement blocks. TR-1/1998). The basic folding is formed at the end of each stage and the most intensive magmatism is also found to be correlated with the end of each stage. The 5. Conclusions geosynclinal areas were transformed ultimately to platform regime and were subjected to horizontal and All the possible surface and subsurface geological vertical movements in which vertical movements have structures of Kutch sedimentary basin were map- high velocities and amplitudes. The elevations and ped by interpreting satellite remote sensing and
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