Maghull High News Aspire Achieve Enjoy

Page created by Bruce Zimmerman
Maghull High News Aspire Achieve Enjoy
Maghull High News
                                        Aspire Achieve Enjoy

Hello and welcome to Maghull High School News.       We              Exciting News for MHS
hope you all have a wonderful summer break and              We are one of only 277 schools in the country which
would like to take this opportunity to remind you that      have been successful in being selected for the
the return date for existing students is Wednesday 6        government’s two billion pound Priority Schools
September. New year 7 and year 12 will start on             Building Programme 2 and we are delighted to be
Tuesday 5 September.                                        able to announce that we are looking forward to a
                                                            complete rebuild of our main block. Work will
              Ryan Wilson C2C                               commence in the autumn term this year and we
                                                            expect to move into our new building in January
                                                            2019. The layout of our site means that there will be
                                                            no disruption to our students’ learning during the
                                                            project; we will continue to use the existing building
                                                            during construction and this will only be demolished
                                                            after we have moved into the new build. With a new
                                                            school hall, dining room, dedicated performing arts
                                                            suite, two floors of classrooms and other facilities, the
                                                            new building promises to be impressive. We have
                                                            waited a long time for this opportunity to arise and
                                                            we can’t wait to see our school transform.

                                                                             Visiting Artist
We are extremely proud of the efforts of Ryan Wilson in
year 8 who has been working hard to raise much
needed funds for the Alzheimer’s Society. Ryan has
recently completed a coast to coast cycle ride and had
this to say about his journey, "We set off from Whitby
at 6am on Weds 31 May, passing through Bedale,
Aysgarth and Ingleton for refreshment breaks before
cycling through Lancaster and on towards Southport,
where we arrived at 8.20pm. The whole journey was
158 miles, of which I completed approximately 100
miles, due to being run off the road by a farm vehicle. I
managed to fix up my wounds and carry on once I had
made sure there was no lasting damage to the bike. It
was a thrilling experience". What an amazing
achievement! In an effort to support Ryan with his
                                                            On Friday 9 June the artist Faith Bebbington delivered
fundraising, the school council charities group have
                                                            a sculpture workshop to a group of year seven stu-
been busy thinking of things they can do to contribute
                                                            dents. The students had the opportunity to see some
to this very worthy cause. They recently raised over
                                                            of Faith's artwork and then create their own birds
seventy pounds from a cake sale to contribute towards
                                                            which were made from wire, newspaper and tape.
the charity and are hopeful of future donations as we
                                                            We think you will agree, the outcomes are excellent
approach the end of term. If you are able to contribute
                                                            for one day’s hard work. Well done to all budding
in support of Ryan’s efforts, you can text "RHCC66 £5"
                                                            artists who took part and thank you to Miss Jones for
to 70070. Thank you for your support.
                                                            organising the visit.
Maghull High News Aspire Achieve Enjoy
RMVT Visit                                            Holocaust Survivor

Our relationship with the Royal Marine Visibility
Team continues to strengthen and once again our
pupils were commended for their positive
commitment and excellent conduct during their              On June 20, John Corbett from the Holocaust
recent visit. Year ten students who participated           Educational Trust came to host workshops with all
displayed fantastic resilience and determination           students who will be going to Poland on the Krakow
during the physical element, despite horrendous            and Auschwitz trip so they were able to learn about
weather including strong winds and torrential rain.        pre-war life for Jewish people within countries such as
Before the physical element, students listened to a        Germany, Austria and Poland. It was a very
presentation delivered by the Royal Marines on             informative session for all involved. In the afternoon,
what it takes to be part of the toughest elite force in    Harry Bibring, an Austrian Jewish man, came to
the world. Students were enthused and asked many           Maghull High from his home in Watford to talk to our
questions. The Royal Marine Commando Visibility            students about his experiences as a once affluent
Team encouraged students to take on board what             Jewish boy. He went from being educated at a palatial
had been discussed in the presentation and the             grammar school with a love of speed skating, to having
demands of the physical aspect and to put these            to move schools and no longer being allowed to attend
disciplines into place in normal everyday life,            his beloved ice rink once the Nazis arrived in his home
including school. Karl Mogan said “The day was very        city of Vienna. In order for Harry’s life to be saved, his
good and I enjoyed the physical activity session even      parents took the difficult, but brave decision to place
though it was tough out there with the weather. I          him on the Kindertransporten, the train that saved
have a clearer understanding of the requirements           over 6,000 Jewish children by eventually bringing them
needed to be in the Royal Marines and what it takes        to the UK. His story was fascinating. Thank you to
to do their job and that the skills embedded in them       Miss Cordingley for organising the trip and visit and
during training lead on to positive opportunities in       well done to all who attended the workshops. We look
civilian life". Well done to all students who took         forward to hearing all about the trip next issue.
part; you were fantastic ambassadors for the school.

Year 12 UCAS Day
At the end of June, our year 12 students visited the annual UCAS exhibition at the University of Liverpool. This
event has always been very successful in the past and this year proved no different, with many of our sixth
formers gaining a valuable insight into university life. Students spent time talking to tutors, lecturers and cur-
rent university students, asking questions regarding course choices and career pathways. Some students also
attended subject taster sessions whilst others sat in talks about student finance and extra-curricular life. The
actual process of applying through UCAS will before the end of term.

Dates for the diary
Thursday, 17 August - A level results day
Thursday, 24 August - GCSE results day
Tuesday, 5 September - Term starts for year 7 and 12
Wednesday, 6 September - Term starts for everyone else
Thursday, 14 September - Presentation Evening
Wednesday, 20 September - Open Evening
Saturday, 7 October - Open Morning
Maghull High News Aspire Achieve Enjoy
Chinese exchange                                        Luke Hinton—Dot Art

                                                                We are delighted to announce that Luke Hinton
Last week we welcomed sixteen students and four staff from      from year 9 recently came second in the Dot Art
our Chinese partner school Minggang High School. Our            competition. Nine hundred students entered
guests enjoyed a highly enjoyable and busy week full of new     work and to be runner up from that number of
experiences, including working with our year ten and Miss       entrants is wonderful. Luke will now have the
Perry to analyse chemicals and making souvenir tote bags        honour of seeing his artwork exhibited in St
with Miss Garnett using screen printing.                        George's Hall and Liverpool Lime Street Station
They sampled fish and chips in a seaside cafe in New            over the summer. As well as this, John Moores
Brighton, played crazy golf at Southport and paid a visit to    University were so impressed with Luke’s artistic
Crosby beach. They also visited Edge Hill University where      talent, they have offered him a scholarship in the
they were the guests of the Confucius Institute and on their    future, should he go on to do a degree in art with
last morning we introduced them to the delights of an           them. Congratulations Luke! We look forward to
English afternoon tea. Working with year seven students and     seeing more of your work in the future.
some of our sixth form who had previously visited them in
China, Mrs Crompton expertly led them through scone and         Miss Jones would like to take this opportunity to
jam tart creation, as well as allowing them to sample the       thank everyone who has supported the art
delights of cucumber and beef and horse radish sandwiches.      department in their efforts this year from
Thank you to all staff involved, especially Mr Hurst, Mr        everything to donating newspapers and
O’Thy, Mrs Turner and Mrs Wallis.                               hairdryers to walking up the four flights of stairs
                                                                to admire the GCSE and A level exhibitions.

Millionaire Club reading reward
On Friday 9 June our librarian, Mrs Christian, took sixteen pupils from years 7, 8 and 9 on a reward trip to the
Jump Warehouse trampolining park in Southport. Those who attended had qualified by reading an astounding
19,663,342 words between them! They enjoyed numerous activities whilst there, including a group session of
trampolining, Walk the Wall, It’s a Knock-out, basketball and Bell Tower. On the way back to school, students
enjoyed a lunch out. Many thanks to Mrs Christian for arranging the trip and to Mrs Wallis who drove the mini-
A reminder to all students that it is important that you maintain good reading habits over the summer holiday, in
order to continue to develop your vocabulary and comprehension skills.

Prom Celebrations
The final day of June saw the celebrations of year 11 and year 13 at their prom events. Year 11 gathered at
Aintree Racecourse for an evening of food, special awards and dancing. As is the case every year, students and
their families had gone to great lengths to ensure that everyone was wonderfully turned out and our students
looked amazing. Best dressed awards went to Tony Chan and Lois Newall. The year 13 event was held at the
Hard Day’s Night Hotel where almost every student from the year group enjoyed a three course meal followed
by a quick fire quiz and then dancing late into the night. Staff reported that the atmosphere at both evenings
was fantastic and everyone had a wonderful time. Thank you to staff who organised these special events.
Maghull High News Aspire Achieve Enjoy
Geography News                                         Goodbye Mr Vaughan

What have Harry Potter and the Maghull High School
geography department got in common? The answer is
                                                              One of our deputy headteachers Mr Vaughan will be
our recent year nine fieldwork trip which took place on 5
                                                              retiring at the end of this year and we would like to
July. A group of forty students visited the film location
                                                              take this opportunity to wish him well. Mr Vaughan
of the camping and fight scenes from the movie The
                                                              has given thirty six years of service to the school
Deathly Hallows. The day was spent carrying out a river
                                                              since starting at the Old Hall site on the first of
study on Gordale Beck, before walking to Gordale Scar
                                                              September 1981. Born in Oswestry, Shropshire, Mr
to look at the collapsed cavern system. The final stop
                                                              Vaughan gained a degree in geography from the
for the day was a visit to the impressive limestone
                                                              University of Salford and then completed his
pavement on Malham Cove. A great day was had by all
                                                              teacher training post grad at the university of Keele.
in this stunning Karst landscape.
                                                              During his time at Maghull, he has held many posts
On Friday 7 July, year ten geographers enjoyed a trip to
                                                              of responsibility encompassing both the academic
Bowness in the Lake District. Students had to employ
                                                              and pastoral sides of school life. More recently, as
several data collection methods to investigate the
                                                              deputy headteacher, he has been responsible for
impact of tourism on the area, in preparation for the
                                                              assessment and reporting, as well as examinations
new GCSE Skills Paper 3 examination. Thank you to the
                                                              and school events among other things. Mr Vaughan
geography team for organising both trips and to all
                                                              will be missed by students and colleagues alike and
students involved who were a credit to themselves and
                                                              we would like to thank him for his loyalty and
the school.
                                                              service to the school. We wish him a long and
Finally, the geography department would like to thank
                                                              happy retirement, although rumour has it that he
the following geography ambassadors for helping out at
                                                              already has several work projects lined up and won’t
our Open Morning: Jack Furlong, Rhys Linacre, Chas
                                                              be taking it too easy.
Connor and Ben Evans-Risley. Well done boys!

                   Mr Stenson                                              Intake Day 2017
                                                              We were thrilled to welcome our new year seven
                                                              students for the day on Thursday 22 June. Students
                                                              from over thirty primary schools attended that day
                                                              and many of them took our advice and came in on
                                                              the bus. There were a number of nervous faces as
                                                              we greeted them at the gates and that was just the
                                                              parents! Students had the chance to meet their
                                                              form group and tutor, as well as other key pastoral
Mr Stenson is also retiring this year after starting at the   staff. They were treated to a performance of ‘Big
Old Hall site in September 1976. He gained his degree in      School’ by the Open The Door Theatre Company and
Economics from Salford University and his PCGE from           attended several lessons. They unanimously agreed
the university of Keele. Mr Stenson has taught a variety      at the end of the day that their fears and anxieties
of subjects over the years, including economics,              from the morning had completely gone. Thank you
government and politics, business studies, maths and          to the many parents who came to the meeting that
more. He has also been heavily involved in running            evening and gave us such wonderful feedback about
football teams across the school and is a lifelong fan of     their day. We look forward to them starting with us
Everton. Have a wonderful retirement Mr Stenson.              in September.
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