MADE - Confidunstria Alto Milanese

Page created by Vernon Fisher
MADE - Confidunstria Alto Milanese
MADE – Confidunstria Alto Milanese

Affrontare il New Normal con la trasformazione digitale

       Fabrizio Ferro
       Presales Director, SER - PTC

                                                                                                  courtesy of PTC

  15/07/2020                      MADE: Affrontare il New Normal con la trasformazione digitale            1
MADE - Confidunstria Alto Milanese
Affrontare il New Normal con la trasformazione
Made – Competence Center I4.0
Covid & Digitalizzazione
Tecnologie a disposizione & ripresa
     -       Progettazione
     -       Fabbrica
     -       Manutenzione & service

Il fattore umano
                                                                                 courtesy of PTC

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MADE - Confidunstria Alto Milanese
Cosa facciamo

 Orientamento                         Formazione                                      Progetti
➢ Seminari di introduzione I4.0         ➢ Teaching in Factory                    ➢ Strategia I4.0

➢ Visite Aziendali                      ➢ Training                               ➢ Progetti di Innovazione

➢ Webinar e Workshop                    ➢ Train the Trainers                     ➢ Demo e Test

➢ Tour al Competence Center                                                      ➢ Scouting Tecnologico

➢ Demo specifici Isole Tecnologiche                                              ➢ Validazione progetti I4.0

                                                                                 ➢ Consulenza Tecnologica

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MADE - Confidunstria Alto Milanese
Cosa facciamo

 Orientamento                           Formazione                                                         Progetti
➢ Seminari di introduzione I4.0            ➢ Teaching in Factory                                      ➢ Strategia I4.0

➢ Visite Aziendali                         ➢ Training                                                 ➢ Progetti di Innovazione

➢ Webinar e Workshop                       ➢ Train the Trainers                                       ➢ Demo e Test

➢ Tour al Competence Center                                                                           ➢ Scouting Tecnologico

➢ Demo specifici Isole Tecnologiche                                                                   ➢ Validazione progetti I4.0

                                                                                                      ➢ Consulenza Tecnologica

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MADE - Confidunstria Alto Milanese
Isole Tecnologiche
      Gestione del patrimonio
      informativo: Cyber‐Security                                                              Virtual Design e
      industriale e Big Data                                                                   sviluppo di prodotto

      energetico -
      Monitoraggio e                                                                            Processo 4.0: Digital
      controllo remoto real-                                                                    Twin di processo, Lean
      time dell’impianto                                                                        4.0 e Logistica
      & Manutenzione 4.0,

     Gestione della qualità
     in linee discrete
                                                                                                Robotica collaborativa e
     Smart Additive
                                                                                                Intelligent Worker
     Manufacturing e
                                                                                                Assistance Systems
     Tracking di prodotto
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MADE - Confidunstria Alto Milanese
MADE per le IMPRESE nel post-Covid

            ORIENTARE                                INFORMARE                                           ENTRARE IN CONTATTO

                                                                                                           SUPPORTO IMPRESE
        MADE 4 WEBINAR                             MADE 4 FUTURE

• MADE 4 Webinar: Divulgazione       •      MADE 4 Future: Rubrica                                •      Sul sito MADE c’è un’area
  tecnica con i partner MADE.               bimensili con opinion leader                                 dedicata al «Supporto
  Approfondimenti tematici                  del mondo istituzionale,                                     Imprese Post-Covid19» per
  settimanali sui nuovi scenari di          economico e aziendale su temi                                fronteggiare la situazione
  Industria 4.0.                            di politica industriale.                                     corrente (breve-medio termine)
•                                                                                                        in ottica di riapertura e
                                                                                                         imparare dall’esperienza Covid
                                                                                                         per governare «il nuovo

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Covid & Digitalizzazione
MADE - Confidunstria Alto Milanese
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MADE - Confidunstria Alto Milanese
How digital transformation can help restart

                                                                                                  Smart Connected Processes
     Smart Connected                                                                              Enable Breakthroughs in
 Products Drive Critical                                                                          Operational Effectiveness and
   Product and Service                                                                            Fast Decisions Making
        Differentiation    PRODUCTS                 PEOPLE                      PROCESSES

                                 Smart Connected People Makes
                                Workforce Productivity and Quality
                                   Soar while ensuring Safety                                                 courtesy of PTC

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Digital capabilities examples        Flexibility &          Remote support & Fast
             Informed decisions                                                                Design reviews
                                    Remote design                  reskill

             Better quality and                                   Supply chain                                   courtesy of PTC
                                  Remote monitoring                                                 Efficiency
               safer workers                                      consolidation
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Enable digital thread across the company
                      Customer Service
                      Focused on improving customer
                      satisfaction through innovative services,                                                 Customer Operations
                      increased uptime, reduce truck rolls, and                                                  Focused on value-added services through
                      quicker time-to-resolution if failure occurs                                               remote intelligence, customer enabled self-
                                                                                                                 service, automated replenishment, and data
                              IIoT & AR                                                                          driven product/operator recommendations
Corporate/CXO                                                                                                                          IIoT & AR
Focused on creating new business
models, modernizing the workforce
while increasing shareholder value

    IoT Digital dashboards

                                                                                                                 Manufacturing & Supply Chain
                                                                                                                 Focused on optimizing plant, asset and
                                                                                                                 worker productivity to increase throughput,
                                                                                                                 ensure quality, compliance and worker
                                                                                                                 safety, and reduce operating costs.
     Focused on accelerating time to market                                                                                     IIoT & AR
     with optimized designs, real-time
     simulation and virtual collaboration which                                     Sales & Marketing
     will close the loop from design to                                             Focused on giving “Voice of the Product” for
     production                                                                     customer usage and consumable
                                                                                    replenishment while providing inspiring product
                   CAD & PLM                                                        demonstrations through 3D experiences

                                                                                                                                               courtesy of PTC
                                                             PRODUCTS | PEOPLE | PROCESSES

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Digital thread example

                Process plan is created with work instructions,
                               tools, assets, etc.

                 Process plans are available to OA as baseline
                               for work orders

                 Work orders created and assigned based on
                          available process plans

                  Users access and interact with active work

                                                                            Scan QR codes to AR experiences to view and
                                                                                     interact with work orders

     Process Plans                                        Operator Advisor
    Work Instructions                                   Customer Application

                                                                                                               Mobile Operator Advisor
                                                                                                                     AR Templates        courtesy of PTC

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Digital thread and change

                    Process plan is changed and approved

                 New version of the process plan is available
                       with its associated operations

                 New work order is created based on the new
                              PPLAN version

                  Existing work orders reflect original work
                     instructions – no authoring needed

                                                                            No change in AR templates or access to work
                                    Change                                              order visualization

                                                        Operator Advisor
     Process Plans                                         Customer
    Work Instructions                                     Application

                                                                                                               Mobile Operator Advisor
                                                                                                                    AR Templates         courtesy of PTC

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Digital thread and closed loop
                                             User launches a work order

                                           QR code(s) for AR experience(s)

                                         User scans a QR code with a mobile

                                         AR experience of the selected work
                                           order or operation is launched

                                          User views and interacts with the
                                                  presented content

                                          User’s display controlled by step’s
                                          content (aids, tools, prompts, etc.)
         Operator Advisor Customer                                                              Mobile Operator Advisor
                Application                                                                           AR Templates
                                         Operator view reflects current state
                                              across all users/devices

                                                                                                                          courtesy of PTC

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Tecnologie a disposizione & ripresa -
CLOUD & Saas

                                                                               courtesy of PTC

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Emerging technologies
                                                Artificial intelligence
 3D printing                                     (including machine                                     Digital design,          High performance
  (additive                  Advanced                  learning)                                        simulation, &           computing/Next-gen         Internet of things
manufacturing)               materials                                         Blockchain                integration                computing            (networks & sensors)

                 Advanced            Advanced robotics           Biotechnology /            Cybersecurity             Energy storage         Interface of things
                 analytics              & cognitive             Biomanufacturing                                                               (AR/VR/Mixed
                                        automation                                                                                           reality, wearables,
                                                                                                                                            gesture recognition)

                                    Acceleration of tools for product design
Tecnologie a disposizione & ripresa –
Key business goals IN manufacturing

      Reduce                                    Maximize                                                 Increase
  Operational Costs                          Revenue Growth                                           Asset Efficiency

  Lower labor costs                         Increase service levels                                  Improve asset utilization

  Decrease material costs                   Improve throughput
                                                                                                     Reduce capital
  Cut cost of quality                       Drive speed and agility on
                                            the factory floor
  Reduce overhead and                                                                                Decrease inventory
  supply chain costs                        Build a flexible workforce that
                                            adapts to the future of work
                                                                                                     Reduce changeover times
  Lower safety and compliance risk
                                                                                                                           courtesy of PTC

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Digital Manufacturing solutions
                  ENTERPRISE                                    INTELLIGENT                                                       DIGITAL
              OPERATIONAL                                           ASSET                                                      WORKFORCE
              INTELLIGENCE                                    OPTIMIZATION                                                    PRODUCTIVITY

Provides real-time manufacturing               Enables real-time monitoring, diagnostics,                    Empowers manufacturing workforces with
performance management to reduce               and predictive and prescriptive analytics to                  actionable, augmented intelligence to
manufacturing costs and increase flexibility   avoid unplanned downtime while                                improve productivity and quality while
and agility of manufacturing networks.         maximizing asset utilization.                                 avoiding safety and compliance risk.

 Real-time Production Performance               Asset Health Monitoring                                          Digital Manufacturing Work Instructions
                                                Predictive Maintenance                                           Augmented 3D Manufacturing Work Instructions
 Enterprise Plant Benchmarking
                                                Digital Maintenance Work Instructions                            Augmented Expert Guidance

                                                Augmented 3D Maintenance Work                                    Augmented Remote Assistance

                                                                                                                                                 courtesy of PTC

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Un esempio recente – IMA GROUP

                                                        • Monitoraggio in real-time delle condizioni operative
                                                          delle macchine e delle linee di produzione.
                                                        • Comprensione del modo in cui l’evoluzione dei vari
                                                          parametri incide sull’efficienza
                                                        • Miglioramento dei processi con decisioni corrette e

             La scalabilità e l’apertura di DNA MAP è totale. L’end-user può accedere all’intero set
             delle informazioni real-time generate dalle macchine servendosi di un’ampia gamma di
             dispositivi e indipendentemente dal luogo in cui si trova.

                 Martina Stefanon, Business Development Director for Service Innovation, IMA Group

                                                                                                   courtesy of PTC

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Tecnologie a disposizione & ripresa –
Key business goals for service LEADERs

 Improve Customer                                                               Improve Service
                                  Drive Service Revenue                                                         Reduce Service Costs
    Satisfaction                                                                   Efficiency

Reduce customer downtime          Introduce service models                  Reduce incident frequency and       Lower warranty costs
Meet and beat SLAs                Increase product up-sell                                                      Eliminate service truck rolls
                                                                            Improve knowledge transfer and
Empower customers to triage       Increase renewals and minimize            training                            Reduce lost time incidents
issues                            churn
                                                                            Improve technician efficiency       Reduce compliance costs
Improve part identification and   Optimize consumables sales
availability                                                                                                    Reduce training costs

                                                                                                                                      courtesy of PTC

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Service optimization solutions

                    SERVICE                                                                                                      FIELD SERVICE
                   VISIBILITY                                                                                                      EFFICIENCY
                   (Remote                                                                                                         (Technician
                                                                 (Remote Service)
                  Monitoring)                                                                                                       Efficiency)

Provides real-time visibility to assets in the   Remote diagnostics and interaction with assets            Empowers technicians with the right
field to avoid unplanned downtime.               to speed service delivery without the high cost           information and tools to improve
                                                 of sending a technician.                                  first-time-fix rates and time-to-resolution.

   Real-time Product Monitoring                      Remote Diagnostics                                             Augmented Remote Assistance

   Combine IT/OT Data For Situational Analysis       Remote Access And Control                                      Augmented 3D Work Instructions

   Condition-based Service Alarm/Alerting            Remote Software Management                                     Augmented Expert Capture

                                                     Predictive Service                                             Business Process Integration
                                                                                                                    With FSM/CRM
                                                     Customer Remote Assist

                                                     Customer Self Service                                                                           courtesy of PTC

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Il “fattore umano”
Address the skills gap & Enable The future of work

              IMPROVE        • Challenge: Attracting and retaining workers despite negative perceptions
              KNOWLEDGE      • Solution: Eliminate routine tasks and leverage workers “soft” skills with real-
              TRANSFER         time data and up-to-date information

                                        • Challenge: Skills shortage combined with greater product
                                          complexity and customer demands
                     BUILD NEW
                     SKILLSETS          • Solution: Capture and scale domain knowledge to guide new
                                          technicians and enable a flexible and agile workforce

                                 • Challenge: Inefficient methods of communicating relevant information in
                                   real-time and in-context
                                 • Solution: Connect workers with domain experts with and deliver real-time
                                   data and up-to-date work instructions to increase workforce productivity

                                                                                                       courtesy of PTC

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               BOEING & IOWA STATE                                        SRI
               30% faster                                                 47% faster
               simulated wing                                             comprehending
               assembly                                                   training instructions
               Source: AREA                                               Source: SRI
                                                                                                  courtesy of PTC

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