M1 Upgrade to smart motorway Junctions 13 to 16 - Highways England

Page created by Lance Barnes
M1 Upgrade to smart motorway Junctions 13 to 16 - Highways England
Upgrade to smart motorway
          Junctions 13 to 16
M1 Upgrade to smart motorway Junctions 13 to 16 - Highways England
Junctions 13                                                   About smart                            Public information
to 16                                                          motorways                              exhibitions
We are improving the busy 37.9 km                              Smart motorways are a technology       You can find out more about the
(23.6 miles) stretch of the M1                                 driven approach to the use             plans for junctions 13 to 16 at these
between Junction 13, just south                                of our motorways, increasing           exhibitions. Highways England
of Milton Keynes and Junction 16                               capacity and relieving congestion      and design and construction
near Northampton by upgrading it                               while maintaining safety. Smart        consultants will be available to
to an ‘all lane running’ (ALR)                                 motorways help make journey            discuss the scheme and answer
smart motorway.                                                times more reliable.                   your questions.

Advance works are scheduled to
begin in January 2018 with work on
                                                               Exhibition venues
the main scheme starting in spring
                                                               Holiday Inn                            Collingtree Village Room,
2018. It will be open early
                                                               Milton Keynes Central,                 High Street,
in 2021.
                                                               500 Saxon Gate,                        Collingtree,
                                                               Milton Keynes,                         Northamptonshire,
This means there will be:
                                                               MK9 2HQ                                NN4 0ND
„„ An additional lane for traffic
   increasing capacity to reduce
                                                               „„ Friday 29 September, 2pm – 8pm      „„ Saturday 7 October, 11am – 3pm
„„ More technology on the road to                              Brogborough Village Hall,
   manage incidents.                                           Ridgeway Road,
„„ More reliable journeys.                                     Brogborough,
                                                               MK43 0YA

                                                               „„ Saturday 30 September, 11am – 3pm

                              It is important for drivers to
             understand the different types of technology
                  and features used on smart motorways
M1 Upgrade to smart motorway Junctions 13 to 16 - Highways England
What smart motorways include
                                                   Variable mandatory speed limits
                                                   „„ Speed limits will be s et to smooth traffic flows.
                                                   „„ The limits will be clea rly displayed on overhead gantries
                                                       and roadside signs.
                                                   „„ Signs will be used to inform drivers of conditions on the
                                                       network and when va riable speed
                                                       limits are in place.

                                                                                                                                                       All lane running
                                                                                                                                      The hard shoulder will be permanently
Emergency                                                                                                                               converted into a traffic lane on most
roadside telephones                                                                                                                sections of the motorway. Drivers should
„„ There will be an emergency telephone                                                                                           obey all signs, including speed limits and
    in each emergency area.                                                                                                         lane closure instructions and should not
„„ This will connect you to Highways                                                                                                           stop on the motorway except
    England’s Regional Control Centres                                                                                                                      in an emergency.
    and will pinpoint your

Emergency areas
EAs provide an area of relative safety following
a breakdown. There will be 38 new EAs on this
scheme. Motorway Service Areas and hard
shoulders on slip roads can also be used.
At 60mph EAs are every 75 seconds
apart on average.
                                                                                                                                             monitoring technology
                                                                                                            We will use technology to detect and monitor congestion on the
                                                                                                         motorway and will set appropriate speed limits to manage incidents
                                                                                                               and smooth traffic flows, making journey times more reliable.
M1 Upgrade to smart motorway Junctions 13 to 16 - Highways England
Where will this                                  A45        A5
                                                                                                                                                 Safety, red sign
section of smart                                                                                                                                 and incidents

motorway be?
                                                                       16                                                           A508

                                                                                                                                                 You will see red     symbols on a   Incident management is controlled

                                                                   M1                SOS
                                                                                          SOS                                                    gantry sign over the motorway or    by teams in our control centres:
The map shows where the new                                             SOS
                                                                                                                                           A43   at the side of the motorway:        „„ Incidents will be detected by
section of smart motorway                                          A43                          SOS
                                                                                                                              A45                „„ We use a red       symbol to         traffic sensors, CCTV or calls
will be.                                                                     SOS

                                                                                                                                                     show that a lane is closed          from the public.
                                                                                                        Collingtree A428
                                           Towcester                                                     NN4 OND
                                                                                                                                                     because of an incident or       „„ The control centre will set
                                                                                                                                                     people working on the road.         signs to protect incidents
                                                                                                                                                 „„ Red       also provide access        and clear an access route

 All lane running                                   A508

 This scheme will have no hard

                                                                                                                                                     for emergency services.             for emergency vehicles.
 shoulder between junctions 13
 and 16. There will be four lanes
                                                                       SOS                 SOS                                                   „„ Driving in a lane with a red     „„ Control centre staff will monitor
 permanently open for use by road                                      SOS                 SOS                                                           symbol is dangerous and         traffic conditions throughout
 users. Emergency Areas (EAs)                                                                                            Olney
 will be available.                                                      SOS
                                                                                                                                                     drivers must not use it.            each incident, ensure signs are
                                                                         SOS                                           A509                                                              set to manage traffic, and will

                                                                        SOS                 Newport                                                                                      reopen lanes as soon as it is
 Emergency areas                                                                            Pagnell
 There will be 38 new EAs within      Milton                            SOS
                                                                                           SOS                                                                                           safe to do so.
 the M1 junction 13 to 16 smart                                  A509                       SOS
                                        MK9 2HQ                          SOS
 motorway scheme. Motorway                                                          14
 Service Areas and hard shoulders                                             SOS
 on slip roads can also be used.                                                                        SOS

 The EAs are positioned              Bletchley
 approximately where shown with                                                                               SOS

 this symbol SOS .                                                                        SOS
                                                                                            SOS                           A421
 Exhibition venue locations                                                                                           MK43 OYA
 Our exhibitions are being held                            A5

 in Collingtree, Milton Keynes
 and Brogborough.

                                    © Crown copyright and database rights 2017 OS 100030649
M1 Upgrade to smart motorway Junctions 13 to 16 - Highways England
What to do if you                                              Our contact details
break down                                                     We have several ways you
                                                               can contact us to discuss
If you need to stop in an
                                                               the M1 junctions 13 to 16 smart
emergency on a smart motorway:
                                                               motorway scheme.
„„ Use an emergency area,
    motorway service area or leave
    at the next junction. If that is
                                                               0300 123 5000
    not possible, try to get your
    vehicle off the carriageway, if it
    is safe to do so.
If you have to stop in a live lane:
„„ Put your hazard warning lights
                                                               Mailing Address:
    on to help other drivers see
                                                               M1 J13 to 16 Project Team
    you and help our control room
                                                               Highways England
    staff spot you on CCTV.
                                                               5 St Philips Place
„„ If you are in the left hand lane
                                                               Colmore Row
    and it is safe to do so, exit the
    vehicle via the left hand door.
                                                               B3 2PW
    Wait behind the barrier
    if possible.
„„ If you cannot exit the vehicle,
    do not feel it is safe to do so
    or there is no other place of
    relative safety, remain in the
    vehicle. Keep your seat belt on
    and dial 999.

              As soon as Highways England is alerted, our
                Regional Control Centre will close lanes to
             protect you and your vehicle until help arrives
M1 Upgrade to smart motorway Junctions 13 to 16 - Highways England
Space for your notes
M1 Upgrade to smart motorway Junctions 13 to 16 - Highways England
If you need help accessing this or any other Highways England
information, please call 0300 123 5000 and we will help you.

                             © Crown copyright 2017.

                             You may re-use this information (not including logos)
                            free of charge in any format or medium, under the terms of the
                           Open Government Licence. To view this licence:
                           visit www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/
                           write to the Information Policy Team, The National Archives, Kew,
                           London TW9 4DU, or email psi@nationalarchives.gsi.gov.uk.

                           This document is also available on our website at www.gov.uk.

                          If you have any enquiries about this publication
                          email info@highwaysengland.co.uk or call 0300 123 5000*.

                         Please quote the Highways England publications code PR76/17.

                         Highways England creative job number BHM17_0197_MGW.

                        *Calls to 03 numbers cost no more than a national rate call to an 01 or 02
                        number and must count towards any inclusive minutes in the same way as 01
                        and 02 calls. These rules apply to calls from any type of line including mobile,
                        BT, other fixed line or payphone. Calls may be recorded or monitored.

                         Printed on paper from well-managed forests and other controlled sources.

                                Registered office Bridge House, 1 Walnut Tree Close, Guildford GU1 4LZ
                                   Highways England Company Limited registered in England and
                                        Wales number 09346363

                         Visit us online at

M1 Upgrade to smart motorway Junctions 13 to 16 - Highways England M1 Upgrade to smart motorway Junctions 13 to 16 - Highways England
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