M&A-Process | Teaser - Expression of Interest - Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn Group Munich, November 2021 - FalkenSteg

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M&A-Process | Teaser - Expression of Interest - Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn Group Munich, November 2021 - FalkenSteg
Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn Group

M&A-Process | Teaser – Expression of Interest

Munich, November 2021

                                            © Falkensteg Corporate Finance GmbH 2021   1
M&A-Process | Teaser - Expression of Interest - Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn Group Munich, November 2021 - FalkenSteg

This document ("Teaser") has been prepared by Falkensteg Corporate Finance GmbH ("FalkenSteg") on behalf of Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn
Group (“Frankfurt-Hahn"; "Principal"). The recipient of the document is informed that FalkenSteg exclusively represents the interests of
the Principal in the context of a potential acquisition of, an interest in the equity and/or assets/business of Frankfurt-Hahn.
The information is subject to changes, updates, additions, corrections and extensions. This document does not purport to be complete
with respect to any information that may be required by the recipient. The provided document does not create any obligation to the
Principal to provide further or additional information. Nor does this document create any obligation to correct any information that
proves to be false or inaccurate.
This teaser does not constitute an offer or invitation to buy and sell any assets, shares or parts of the company described in this
document and is not intended to form the basis of any contract.
Under no circumstances should the recipient, its agents, its employees or its advisers contact the Company's management,                                              Expression
employees, customers, representatives or suppliers. The only exception to this rule shall be written permission from
Falkensteg Corporate Finance GmbH, which may be granted upon receipt of an appropriate signed confidentiality agreement.
                                                                                                                                                                      of Interest
Expression of Interest                                                                                                                                                – Phase I –
The submission of a correct expression of interest and the conclusion of a non-disclosure agreement ("NDA") are
prerequisites for participation in the further sales process. After signing the NDA the interested parties will subsequently
be provided with further information on the transaction object and the sales process.
The submission of a late expression of interest does not lead to exclusion from the process. However, there will be no
adjustment of the sales process or the deadlines and any disadvantages resulting from the delay will be borne solely by
the interested party. Costs incurred by an interested party are to be borne by the respective interested party, even if
the sales process is aborted.
The seller reserves the right to change the sales process at any time and without giving reasons, in compliance with
the principle of equal treatment. The sole decisive criterion for the selection of the successful bidder(s) will be the
submission of the economically best offer, taking into account the transaction security.

                                                                                                                                           © Falkensteg Corporate Finance GmbH 2021   2
M&A-Process | Teaser - Expression of Interest - Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn Group Munich, November 2021 - FalkenSteg

                                       © Falkensteg Corporate Finance GmbH 2021   3
M&A-Process | Teaser - Expression of Interest - Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn Group Munich, November 2021 - FalkenSteg

About Airport                      Frankfurt-Hahn as rare cargo and passenger airport in Germany without any night flight
Frankfurt-Hahn                     restrictions up for sale with opportunity of reorganization in insolvency proceedings

Shareholder structure              Frankfurt Hahn Airport – IATA HHN                                             Location
•   HNA Airport Group
    (82.5%)                        • HHN as airport for 24/7 global cargo operations and low-cost                Favorably located between several metropolitan areas…
•   Federal state of Hessen          international travel passenger movements
                                   • Located centrally in Europe connecting different hubs in
Flight operations                    Germany, Luxembourg and France for cargo and travel
                                                                                                                     Essen                                                                                  Berlin
•   24/7 operation permission      • Existing airline network with low-cost carriers and small and                Cologne
    for cargo flights                medium sized cargo airlines offering increasing utilization rates
•   Congestion free airport with   • Full-service portfolio including duty free shopping and MRO                         Wiesbaden             Frankfurt a.M.                                  Frankfurt a.M.
    no slot restrictions                                                                                                                    Mainz
                                     services in one hand offered from Hahn group of companies                                                                                                  Stuttgart
•   Approval for up to full-load                                                                                    Hahn
    Code E aircrafts               ► Sales process out of the insolvency proceedings as opportunity                Airport
•   Code F approval for              to reorganize the infrastructure and service spectrum
    B748 and A124
                                   Infrastructure capacities                                                     …within two hours of approx. 14.5 million potential customers
Technical data (extract)

•   3,800m x 45m runway with       • Up to 150,000 aircraft movements p.a. (max. 40 per hour)                                         Cologne
                                                                                                                                                                                      < 45 minutes / 40 km
    expansion space                                                                                                                      Bonn
                                   • Terminal capacity for 5.6 million pax p.a.                                                                                                       1.5m inhabitants
•   Total airport area: 396                                                                                                           Koblenz
    hectare                        • >7,500 parking lots in associated car parking area                                                                  Wiesbaden
                                                                                                                                                                                      < 60 minutes / 60 km
•   14 check-in counters and                                                                                                                           Mainz            Frankfurt     2.5m inhabitants
    12 gates
                                   • Cargo warehouses with approx. 45,000 sqm of warehousing                       Bastogne

                                                                                                                                                                                      < 90 minutes / 100 km
•   Approx. 20 independent         • Approx. 300,000 - 500,000 tons total cargo capacity                              Luxembourg
                                                                                                                        Thionville                   Mannheim                         7.5m inhabitants
    parking positions                                                                                                                              Ludwigshafen
                                   • Facilities for special shipments (e.g. perishables, living animals, etc.)        Metz
                                                                                                                                      Kaiserslautern                    Heidelberg    < 120 minutes
                                                                                                                                     Saarbrücken                                      14.5m inhabitants

                                                                                                                                                          © Falkensteg Corporate Finance GmbH 2021                   4
M&A-Process | Teaser - Expression of Interest - Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn Group Munich, November 2021 - FalkenSteg

 Transaction focusing on all assets of operational entities of the Frankfurt-Hahn Group                                                                          Insolvency proceedings
 Asset Deals on entity levels as most likely transaction structure*)
                                                                                                                                                                       Preliminary trustee:
                                                                                                                                                                       Dr. Jan Markus Plathner
 Company and Transaction Structure
                                                                                                                                                                       (Brinkmann & Partner)
                                                                        Airport Group Ltd.                                                                             District Court:
                                                                                                                                                                       Bad Kreuznach

                                                                                                                                                                       Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn GmbH
                                                                                                                                       100%                            File number: 3 IN 67/21
Federal State Hessen                                                   Airport Group GmbH                                                                              Application Date: 19.10.2021

                                                                                                                                                                       HHN Aviation Security GmbH
       17.5%                                                             82.5%                                                                                         File number: 3 IN 68/21
                                                                                                                                                                       Application Date: 19.10.2021

                                                                                  100%            100%                                                                 HHN Airport Technology GmbH
                                                                                                                                                                       File number: 3 IN 69/21
                                                                                                                                                                       Application Date: 19.10.2021
                                                       Flughafen              HHN Aviation    HNA Airport                        HHN Airport
                Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn Group

                                                 Frankfurt-Hahn GmbH         Security GmbH   Services GmbH                    Technology GmbH                          HNA Airport Services GmbH
                                                                                                                                                                       File number: 3 IN 70/21
                                                                                                                                                                       Application Date: 19.10.2021

                                                                                                                                                                       JFH Jet Fuel Hahn GmbH
                                                                                                                                                                       File number: 3 IN 71/21
                                                                                                                                                                       Application Date: 19.10.2021
                                                       Jet Fuel
                                                     Hahn GmbH                                                                                                         HNA Airport Group GmbH
                                                                                                                                      Transaction scope                File number: 3 IN 80/21
                                                                                                                                                                       Application Date: 18.11.2021

               insolvent                                                                       *) If requested execution via Insolvency Plan remains reserved   © Falkensteg Corporate Finance GmbH 2021   5
M&A-Process | Teaser - Expression of Interest - Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn Group Munich, November 2021 - FalkenSteg

Economically and logistically popular hub developed from US Air Base to public private partnership

                                                           Entry Federal state Hessen                                       2016:
                                                                      Fraport: 65%
                                                                                                                                                                                 Feb. 2021:
                                                                                                                  Initiation of international                             HNA files for insolvency –
                                                                     State RP: 17.5%
                                                                    State HE2): 17.5%                                  M&A process for                                    Takeover by Chinese state
        1993:                                                                                                      privatization of RP stake
   Converting US. Air
   Base Hahn to civil

                                                                                                                                                                                                       19. October 2021:
                                                                                                                                                                                                     Insolvency application:
                                  1995:                                                                                                                                                              Frankfurt-Hahn GmbH
                         Flughafen Hahn GmbH
                              Fraport: 73.06%
                          Federal State RP1): 26.94%

                                                                                                                                                HNA Airport Group takes
                                                                                                                                                  over shares of RP
1) RP = Federal state Rhineland-Palatinate                                                  Takeover shares of
2) HE   = Federal state Hessen                                                              Fraport by State RP

                  Source: SWR, Handelsblatt, Frankfurter Allgemeine, Handelszeitung, WELT                                                                                  © Falkensteg Corporate Finance GmbH 2021            6
M&A-Process | Teaser - Expression of Interest - Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn Group Munich, November 2021 - FalkenSteg

Frankfurt-Hahn Airport as growing 24/7 cargo destination focusing on large aircrafts
Popular regional airport for classic vacation destinations in Europe for medium-sized passenger aircrafts

Infrastructure Frankfurt-Hahn                                                     Share of passenger vs. cargo volume                                          Multidisciplinary site utilization
                                                                                  YTD Sep 2021 | Volume in TU (1 pax = 100 kg cargo)

     3,800m runway for passenger and cargo                            Passenger     20.5%                                        79.5%      Cargo   Approach from popular vacation
     aircraft                                                                                                                                       destinations in Europe

     Size cargo / pax                                                                                                                               Resident training center of the police
     aircraft:               Code E Aircraft        Code F Aircraft                                                                                 Rhineland-Palatinate

     4 warehouses for air cargo handling with                                                                                                       6 catering and hotel businesses in the
     separate truck access road                                                                                                                     passenger terminal

     2 large hangars for aircraft maintenance                                                                                                       1,200 parking spaces in three parking
     with based MRO group*                                                                                                                          areas (short-, mid-, long-stay)

                                                                            Terminal              Cargo                       Maintenance

                        Cargo hangars                                                              Airport overview                                                      Runway

        Source: Destatis, *) Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul                                                                                            © Falkensteg Corporate Finance GmbH 2021   7
M&A-Process | Teaser - Expression of Interest - Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn Group Munich, November 2021 - FalkenSteg
Impact of Corona pandemic leads to upswing in cargo and downturn in                                                                                             Ranking German airports by passenger and cargo
passenger business                                                                                                                                              volume in 2020

Passenger volume 2004-2020                                                                                                                                      Rank        Airport                                               Passenger/Year
in million PAX
                      4.01 3.94                                                                    Covid-19                                                             1   Frankfurt am Main                                           18,768,601
              3.70              3.79
       3.08                                                                                                                                                             2   Munich                                                      11,112,773
2.75                                            2.89 2.79
                                                          2.67          2.67 2.61
                                                                   2.45           2.47
                                                                                            2.09                                                                        3   Düsseldorf                                                   6,577,392
                                                                                                                                    0.44                 0.45
                                                                                                   1.50                      0.37
                                                                                                                                                                        4   Berlin Tegel                                                 5,870,756
                                                                                                                 0.20 0.22
                                                                                                          0.44                                    0.13
                                                                                                                                           0.03                        16   Frankfurt-Hahn                                                 436,862

2004          2006         2008          2010         2012         2014        2016         2018          2020   Q1 Q2 Q3           Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3
                                                                                                                       2020                       2021

Freight volume 2004-2020
in k tons                                       286                                                                                                             Rank        Airport                                                    Freight (in t)
                                         229                                                            233                                                            1    Frankfurt am Main                                           1,952,627
 191                           179 175                                                      179 171
                                                                                                                                    233                                2    Leipzig/Halle                                               1,383,485
                                                             153                                                                                         202
              123 125                                              133                127
       107                                                                                                                   162
                                                                                                                                                  136                  3    Cologne/Bonn                                                   863,410
                                                                          80    73                                    106
                                                                                                                 42                                                    4    Frankfurt-Hahn                                                 232,998

2004          2006         2008          2010         2012         2014        2016         2018          2020   Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3                                  5    Munich                                                         158,456
                                                                                                                       2020                       2021
                 Source: ADV                                                                                                                                                                © Falkensteg Corporate Finance GmbH 2021              8

Overview historical key-financials Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn GmbH
Transaction security preserved of complying to EU Commission’s requirements

Profit & Loss Statement 2016 – 2020                                                                                    Balance Sheet (Assets) 2016 – 2020
in kEUR                                                                                                                in kEUR

Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn GmbH              FY2 0 1 6        FY2 0 1 7    FY2 0 1 8       FY2 0 1 9        FY2 0 2 0    Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn GmbH        FY2 0 1 6      FY2 0 1 7      FY2 0 1 8      FY2 0 1 9     FY2 0 2 0
Sales                                      3 2 ,2 1 4      3 4 ,8 7 4    3 2 ,0 8 2      2 8 ,1 4 2      2 3 ,6 9 0    Fixed assets                         9 8 ,2 2 6     9 4 ,7 7 8     8 5 ,3 1 1     7 7 ,8 2 9    7 1 ,4 2 4
Own work capitalized                              62               69            22               5               1      Intangible assets                     4,476          4,416          4,028          3,652         3,287
Other operating income                         5,765           4,031      11,959          10,343             5,541       Tangible assets                     93,691         90,308         81,233         74,127        68,086
Total                                      3 8 ,0 4 1      3 8 ,9 7 3    4 4 ,0 6 3      3 8 ,4 8 9      2 9 ,2 3 3      Financial assets                          59             53             51             50            50
Cost of materials                           16,418          17,281        16,849          15,512          13,513
Personell expenses                          16,969          16,955        17,049          16,580          15,739       Current assets                        1 1 ,9 5 6     1 2 ,0 1 7     2 0 ,7 6 4     2 3 ,5 3 0   1 5 ,0 0 6
Depreciations and amortization                 9,138           8,890         8,401           7,983           7,799       Inventories                              918            860            663            748          761
Other operating expenses                       7,940        11,578           5,586           4,804           4,267       Receivables and other assets           5,374          9,261        14,524         17,799       13,765
EBIT                                     (1 2 ,4 2 4 )   (1 5 ,7 3 0 )   (3 ,8 2 1 )     (6 ,3 9 0 )   (1 2 ,0 8 5 )     Cash                                   5,665          1,896          5,577          4,982          480
Financial income                            (1,293)         (1,381)       (1,247)         (1,257)         (1,086)      P repaid expenses                          619            630            137              96         381
Taxes                                          (378)             (69)          (72)          (109)           (129)     Surplus from offsetting                        -              -              -            54           48
Net inc ome                              (1 4 ,0 9 5 )   (1 7 ,1 8 1 )   (5 ,1 4 1 )     (7 ,7 5 5 )   (1 3 ,3 0 0 )   Assets                              1 1 0 ,8 0 1   1 0 7 ,4 2 5   1 0 6 ,2 1 3   1 0 1 ,5 0 9   8 6 ,8 6 0

Operating subsidies 2010 – 2020                                                                                        Transaction security by process structure
in kEUR
                                                                                       9,983                           • Transactions of subsidized infrastructure projects in- and outside insolvency
                                                                                                                         proceedings may open potential risks under EU competition regulations
                    8,000        8,000
  6,705                                                                                                                • Governmental portfolio companies with additional demands on the transaction process
           5,300                                                                                                         and transparency
                                                                                                  3,285                ► To ensure transaction security, the transaction shall be carried out within the
                                         2,229      2,545       2,666     2,300                                          framework of an open, transparent and unconditional bidding procedure in accordance
                                                                                                                         with EU Commission’s requirements / EU courts
  2010     2011      2012        2013    2014       2015        2016      2017         2018       2019        2020

                                                                                                                                                                            © Falkensteg Corporate Finance GmbH 2021                9

                            © Falkensteg Corporate Finance GmbH 2021   10
Intention to sale                                                                                              Invitation for submitting an
                                                                                                               “Expression of Interest”

Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn Group (“Frankfurt-Hahn") as the holding and operating entities of the assets          Invitation for tendering – entry to the sales process
of Frankfurt-Hahn Airport.
On October 19th, 2021, the management of Flughafen Frankfurt-Hahn GmbH and its group/sister                    Interested parties intending to participate in the official
companies filed for insolvency with the local court of Bad Kreuznach. Dr. Jan Markus Plathner, attorney-       transaction process for a purchase of the assets / operations of
at- law from the law firm Brinkmann & Partner, was appointed as the provisional insolvency                     Frankfurt Hahn Airport are invited to submit an “Expression of
administrator. Currently the business operations of airport Frankfurt-Hahn are continued fully operating.      Interest” at the latest by
The assets of Frankfurt-Hahn are to be sold to one or several investors in the course of an open,                                    20 December 2021, 10 a.m. GMT
transparent and unconditional tender procedure. Investors have the option to purchase all assets, units
to be defined or single assets. The most economically advantageous tender(s) will be accepted. The sole        The Expression of Interest must be addressed to one or both of
decisive criteria for the selection of the successful bidder or successful bidders will be the submission of   the following contact partners:
the best economical offer taking into account transaction security.
A possible liability of the acquirer(s) for aid recovery claims is to be avoided by conducting a structured
bidding process in accordance with the requirements of the EU Commission / the European courts
framework of international tenders. Financing and third-party liabilities are to remain with the insolvent
company. The takeover of assets in the context of one or several asset deal(s) is intended to enable
potential investors to make a fresh start free of legacy financial burdens.
                                                                                                                   @Jonas Eckhardt                              @Florian Weingärtner
Note: Subsequent reference processes were executed according to the same EU-standard                               +49 (0) 177 829 0406                         +49 (0) 171 405 9532

• Commission of 28.05.2015, Beschluss C(2015) 3513 final –Flughafen Zweibrücken                                    Jonas.eckhardt@falkensteg.com                florian.weingaertner@falkensteg.com

• Commission of 22.07.1998, ABl. L 103/19(25) – Société de Banque Occidentale
• EuGH, judgment of 24.04.2004, C-277/00 – SMI                                                                   For the content requirements please refer to the next page.
• EuGH, judgment of 02.09.2021, C-647/19-P – Nürburgring

                                                                                                                                             © Falkensteg Corporate Finance GmbH 2021            11
Requirements on the Expression of Interest                                                  Notes on the transaction process

Expressions of interest must be in writing in English or German. They must include the      Currently the European Union and the European General Court are reviewing the
following information:                                                                      legality of state aid amounts granted to Airport Frankfurt-Hahn (inter alia European
                                                                                            Commission decisions of 1 October 2014 (SA.32833), 31 July 2017 (SA.47969) and 13
•   Name                                                                                    September 2019 (SA.43260).
•   Address                                                                                 A potential liability bore by the purchaser or purchasers for state aid recovery is aimed
•   Contact details of the interested party                                                 to be avoided through the implementation of this open, transparent, unconditional and
•   Contact person                                                                          non-discriminatory bidding proceedings according to EU Commission's / European
•   as well as, upon request, a current excerpt from the commercial register and a copy     courts’ requirements.
    of a valid identification document                                                      The submission of a correct Expression of Interest and the conclusion of a non-
                                                                                            disclosure agreement ("NDA") are prerequisites for participation in the further sales
Expressions of interest on behalf of third parties (including intermediaries or             process. After signing the NDA the interested parties will subsequently be provided with
consultants) are permissible if written, suitable proof of representation of the agent is   further information on the transaction object and the sale process.
provided and the relevant interested party is disclosed.
                                                                                            The submission of a late Expression of Interest does not lead to exclusion from the
                                                                                            process. However, there will be no adjustment of the sales process or the deadlines and
                                                                                            any disadvantages resulting from the delay will be borne solely by the interested party.
                                                                                            Costs incurred by an interested party are to be borne by the respective interested party,
                                                                                            even if the sales process is aborted. The seller reserves the right to change the sales
                                                                                            process at any time and without giving reasons, in compliance with the principle of
                                                                                            equal treatment.
                                                                                            The sole decisive criterion for the selection of the successful bidder(s) will be the
                                                                                            submission of the economically best offer, taking into account the transaction security.

                                                                                                                                          © Falkensteg Corporate Finance GmbH 2021   12

For indicative interest in the process please contact FalkenSteg exclusively

                            @Jonas Eckhardt                                @Florian Weingärtner

                            +49 (0) 177 82 90 406                          +49 (0) 171 40 59 532

                            jonas.eckhardt@falkensteg.com   Download VCF   florian.weingaertner@falkensteg.com Download VCF

                                                                                                                  © Falkensteg Corporate Finance GmbH 2021   13
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