Management of Energy and Resource - Saving Innovation Projects at Agri-Food Enterprises - TEM ...

Page created by Beatrice Santos
TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 751‐756, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM102-32, May 2021.

 Management of Energy and Resource
 - Saving Innovation Projects
 at Agri-Food Enterprises
 Andriy Semenov 1, Ihor Kuksa 2, Iryna Hnatenko 3, Tetiana Sazonova 4,
 Lesya Babiy 5, Viktoriia Rubezhanska 6
 Classic private University, Zhukovskogo str. 70B, 69121, Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine
 Kharkiv National Agrarian University named after V.V. Dokuchaiev,
 p/o Dokuchaievske – 2, Kharkiv district, Kharkiv region, Ukraine
 Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Nemyrovycha-Danchenka str. 2, 01011, Kyiv, Ukraine
 Poltava State Agrarian Academy, Skovoroda str. 1/3, 36003, Poltava, Ukraine
 Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, prospect Pobedy,
 54/1, 03057, Kyiv, Ukraine
 Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Gogol str. 1, 92700, Starobilsk, Ukraine

 Abstract – The concept of innovative projects and and resource-saving projects at agricultural
effective management of modern enterprises in the enterprises are formulated.
world of agri-food sector requires a comprehensive
adaptation of the management system to ensure energy Keywords – Dynamics of financing, Energy and
and resource consumption in order to achieve resource saving innovations, Innovations diffusion,
competitiveness of enterprises. Since market economy Management, Model, Principles, Project.
tendencies encourage the spread of active policy of all
resources types saving, one of the directions of which is 1. Introduction
energy and resource-saving strategy for the
development of any socially oriented business entity. In In modern conditions of agri-food enterprises
this regard, the purpose of the study is to economically functioning new tasks of production, logistic and
model the process of assessing the dynamics of managerial character are solved, providing
financing measures for the development and development and introduction of innovative methods
implementation of innovative energy and resource- as adaptive response to challenges of external
saving projects in the agri-food sector.
 environment that leads to adaptation of the specified
 Based on the construction of the above model, the
main directions of management of innovative energy enterprises to new conditions, and it also provides
 growth of economic indicators. At the same time, in
 the framework of effective management of their own
DOI: 10.18421/TEM102-32 innovative projects, the efforts of managers in agri- food enterprises should be aimed at ensuring energy
 and resource consumption at a competitive level, as a
Corresponding author: Viktoriia Rubezhanska, market economy due to competition is potentially
Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, energy and resource efficient [8], [10]. Any
Starobilsk, Ukraine. innovative project on energy and resource-saving in
Email: the agri-food sphere has to meet this requirement.
Received: 22 October 2020. In general, energy and resource-saving is the
Revised: 11 March 2021. optimization and economical use of all types of
Accepted: 16 March 2021. energy and material resources by the company based
Published: 27 May 2021. on the introduction of scientific and technological
 © 2021 Viktoriia Rubezhanska et al; progress and effective management of innovation,
published by UIKTEN. This work is licensed under the the main economic result of which is additional
Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial‐NoDerivs income from reducing production costs [1], [5], [6].
4.0 License. It is possible to ensure a high level of energy and
 resource-saving at agri-food enterprises by carrying
The article is published with Open Access at out organizational and economic measures in the areas, shown in Fig.1.

 TEM Journal – Volume 10 / Number 2 / 2021. 751
TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 751‐756, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM102‐32, May 2021.

 Organizational and economic measures of analysis of the activities of medium and small
 energy and resource-saving at agri-food agricultural enterprises in China found that the
 enterprises introduction of eco-innovation in the production
 process of these enterprises helps to increase
 ‐ reduction of illiquid stocks of
 productivity [4]. The article by Choi, Thangamani,
 material resources in warehouses Kissock proposes a matrix as the principle, with
 of enterprises;
 ‐ organization of logistic control
 regard to resource-saving innovations efficiency to
 Reduction of over the level of raw material losses optimize the choice of projects in order to improve
 during the production process;
 ‐ development of marketing
 the efficiency of use and conservation of resources in
 resource use programs to optimize the cost of industry [2]. The research work of McAdam, Dunn is
 material resources; devoted to the study of promising development of
 ‐ accounting for compliance of the
 horizontal innovation networks based on resource
 Directions of energy and resource-saving at agri-food enterprises

 planned volumes of resource costs
 with the actual. conservation within the networks of artisanal
 bakeries in the agri-food sector of the United
 Kingdom [9]. The results of the study by Stroud,
 Evans, Weinel demonstrate that with the help of
 ‐ planning the replacement of
 certain types of raw materials,
 economic design and modularity, it is possible to
 Combinatorics equipment, innovative analogues; implement economic innovations in Indian agri-food
 of resource ‐ uninterrupted development of the
 project of effective management of
 enterprises that create value with less resources [11].
 substitution and
 innovative projects on energy and In the article by Ting the analysis of energy saving at
 use of secondary
 resource saving;
 ‐ purposeful and uninterrupted
 the enterprises-manufacturers of paper is carried out,
 financing of innovative projects on measures on the state support of energy and resource
 energy and resource saving. saving at the specified enterprises by introduction of
 innovative technologies in manufacture are offered
 [12]. Dobes et al. developed a new comprehensive
 - modernization of production
 tool ("EDIT Value Tool") for the initial diagnosis of
 technologies aimed at minimizing companies to assess resource efficiency and identify
 environmentally hazardous
 and secondary waste; potential sources of funding for innovative projects
 implementation - organization of production to optimize energy and resource conservation in
 of effective processing of certain types products
 management at from secondary raw materials and agricultural enterprises in Central Europe [3].
 all stages of
 waste from production of other
 Paying tribute to the above scientific works, it
 innovative - establishing global relations with should be noted the need for further research aimed
 other enterprises in order to
 optimize the use of production
 at determining the conditions for intensifying the
 waste or disposal of hazardous raw innovative activities of agri-food enterprises in the
 field of energy and resource-saving. In this regard,
 the purpose of the article is to economically model
 Figure 1. The Main Directions of Energy and Resource- the process of assessing the dynamics of financing
 saving at the Enterprises of Agri-food Sphere measures for the development and implementation of
 innovative energy and resource-saving projects in the
 The implementation of the main measures shown agri-food sector.
in Figure 1 will reduce the cost of agri-food
enterprises by saving the resources needed for 3. Research Results and Discussion
production by using the results of progressive
structural changes in the agri-industrial sector and the It is believed that the management of energy and
development of non-traditional and renewable energy resource-saving technologies at agri-food enterprises,
sources. first of all, depends on the rapid modernization of
 equipment and technologies of the production
2. Literature Review process based on the use of scientific and
 technological progress. In this case, the main role in
 The works of many scientists are devoted to the ensuring the stable operation and development of
study of specific features of the organizing effective innovative activities of agro-industrial enterprises is
management process of energy and resource saving played by the actual level of intensity of the flow of
projects. Thus, He, Liao, Bi proposed a structure for resources required for production activities, which
optimizing management decisions on investments in reflects the following equation of innovation
energy saving measures in the process of diffusion (1):
construction companies under budget constraints [7].
Geng, Lai, Zhu based on a hierarchical regression or , (1)

 752 TEM Journal – Volume 10 / Number 2 / 2021.
TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 751‐756, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM102‐32, May 2021.

where – the innovation modernization level of The late term of diffusion of innovations is
a particular economy of the world, industry or sector calculated as (5):
of the economy;
 - the level of all investment resources of the ∗ min ∗ , (5)
enterprise for the implementation of the innovation where ∗ and ∗ – the late term of innovations
project; diffusion of the previous and the following period,
 – the level of available investment resources respectively.
used in the economic activity of the enterprise; In this case, the beginning of the innovation project
 – the level of attracted investment resources by should be accompanied by the investment of a certain
the enterprise from outside for the implementation of amount of funds for resource conservation …і ,
the innovation project. and during the process …і innovation will need to
 Taking into account that attract additional funds …і . In case of
characterizes the degree of absorption of innovations successful implementation of the innovation project
diffusion by the enterprise ( , it is obtained the at the initial or later stage of innovations diffusion
following (2): due to energy and resource-saving, the agri-food
 enterprise will receive income …і , and in
 1 → case of unsuccessful implementation and low
 management efficiency the agri-enterprise will
 → 1 , (2) accumulate losses, which will lead to the curtailment
 where - the relative rate of maximization of the of the innovation project and its non-profit.
innovation results perception that is equal to: Assume that in the period …і the agricultural
 , where і - parameters of the enterprise will accumulate profits that it received in
innovation diffusion speed. the course of operating activities at a certain stage of
 Given the above mathematical transformations, the the innovation project for the innovations diffusion.
equation for determining the level of modernization Then in the process of economic and mathematical
of innovations will look like (3): modeling of estimating the dynamics of financing
 measures for the development and implementation of
 , innovative energy and resource-saving projects in
 (3) agri-food enterprises, we can use the hypothesis that
 Thus, in terms of market relations, the positive the amount of investment in these innovations will be
dynamics of the level of financial performance directly dependent on the accumulation of funds in
indicators in agricultural enterprises determines the projects realized during the term …і . Under such
possibility of introducing energy and resource-saving conditions, the structure of the process of
innovations in their production processes. In order to implementation of energy and resource-saving
analyze the effectiveness of measures for the innovation projects for the innovations diffusion in
development and implementation of innovative term …і can be represented by the following
projects of energy and resource-saving in agri-food mathematical expressions (6-10):
enterprises, it is advisable to build an economic and
 . …і
mathematical model for assessing the dynamics of . …і
investment in the innovation diffusion. (6)
 Suppose that at a certain agri-food enterprise at a . …і
particular time …і measures are taken to . …і
implement energy and resource-saving innovations in (7)
production activities . …і . Moreover, the . …і
initial start of innovation in time is always calculated …і
at the mark equal to 0.
 Then the initial effect of the start of innovations . …і …і ∗
diffusion in the enterprise is calculated as (4): …і
 ∗ …і
 max , (4)
 …і …і
 where , and – the initial effect of the …і …і
innovations diffusion start in the enterprise relative to
the previous period and the period following it;
 – duration of work.

 TEM Journal – Volume 10 / Number 2 / 2021. 753
TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 751‐756, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM102‐32, May 2021.

 …і In the case of entering into the calculation system
 …і the indicator of the final payback of the project
 …і …і and operating
 % …і : 1
 …і % …і
 expenses …і , the
 . …і …і
 ∗ …і
 condition for implementing the effectiveness of the
 …і (10) innovation project for the innovations diffusion
 ∗ . …і , aimed at energy and resource conservation will be as
 follows (13):
 where: . - a general set of measures for the
implementation and realization of energy and …і …і ∗ 1 …і ∗
resource-saving innovative projects, including: ∗ …і …і 0. (13)
 . - a set of successfully implemented measures
and . - a set of unsuccessfully implemented The need to introduce payback indicators of
measures; innovative resource-saving project ( ) and operating
 and - coefficients of harmony, reflecting the costs ( ), necessary for its development and
level of speed of energy and resource-saving implementation, into the process of economic and
innovative projects; mathematical modeling is due to the cost of current
 - profitability from energy and resource- activities ), including reimbursement interest
saving; on the loan. In this case, the values of the final
 – investments attracted in the process of payback of the project and operating costs are
diffusion for the implementation of an innovative interdependent. However, deductions by cost
project on energy and resource conservation, elements from operating activities are inversely
consisting of the initial financing of the project at the proportional to the payback ratio. In particular, the
start stage ( ) and systematic attraction of systematic increase in accounts payable or increase
additional funds of investors during the in wages significantly reduces the level and payback
implementation of the innovation project ( ); period of the innovation project over time …і . It is
 - coefficient of harmony of innovation project also important to note that in case of a significant
implementation; increase in operating costs (including loan
 - the final profit received from the settlements or an increase in income tax), the income
implementation of the innovative project of energy from resource-saving in the process of implementing
and resource-saving; an innovative project will have a zero threshold. This
 % - the amount of funds allocated for costs in the leads to the inexpediency of further development,
process of implementing an innovative project realization and implementation of energy and
(wages, accounts payable, income tax, etc.); resource-saving innovations in the production
 - depreciation costs in the process of innovative process at the agri-food enterprise.
project realization of the agri-industrial enterprise. Thus, taking into account the mathematical
 expression (13), the process of uninterrupted
 Taking into account all the mathematical
 investment attraction for the implementation of an
equations, the process of attracting investment to the
 innovative project on energy and resource-saving in
innovative energy and resource-saving project in
 term …і can be reflected as follows (14):
 …і can be represented as follows (11):
 …і …і …і
 , then: …і
 1 …і ∗ 
 …і …і % …і ∗ (14)
 1 …і To further substantiate the economic-mathematical
 …і . …і (11) model, we will consider in the process of operational
 In this case, for the positive dynamics of financing activity invariant in terms of …і such indicators as
the innovative project on energy and resource-saving, , , , , , , and as a result, the
the following condition (12) must be met: solution of the system of equations (6-10) will look
 like (15):
 …і % …і ∗ 1
 …і …і 0. (12)

 754 TEM Journal – Volume 10 / Number 2 / 2021.
TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 751‐756, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM102‐32, May 2021.

 Given the above, it is believed that to improve the
 . …і . exp ∗ management of innovative projects for energy and
 resource-saving in agri-food enterprises, it is
 necessary to take measures such as: increasing the
 1 ∗ ∗ ∗ harmonization of innovative projects by effectively
 allocating operating costs from current activities
 while developing a financing mechanism which
 ∗ …і ,
 would minimize investment risks and ultimately
 (15) ensure the payback of the innovation project; search
 for reserves and accumulation of funds in the process
 where . - a set of management actions at the of innovative projects implementing with increasing
initial stage of realization and implementation of an interest rates on loans, increasing income tax for
innovative project on energy and resource-saving. agri-food enterprises; reduction of risks due to the
 In this case, taking into account the mathematical accumulation of funds from the use of energy and
expression (14), the condition of positive dynamics resource-saving innovations in entrepreneurial
(> 0) of operating costs for an innovative project on activity, which will provide an opportunity to return
energy and resource-saving will be as follows (16): foreign investments and interest on them in a timely
 ∗ 1 ∗ ∗ ∗
 4. Conclusion
 (16) As a result of the study, it was concluded that the
 Based on the equation of the condition of attracting harmonization of strategic management of economic
funds positive dynamics to an innovative project for entities requires the introduction of energy and
energy and resource-saving in the process of resource-saving innovations in the production
operational activities (16), the critical cost of an activities within agri-food enterprises, which is the
innovative project ( ) will be (17-18): main condition for their stable operation and
 competitiveness. Reduction of operating costs, their
 planning, rational use of labor and material resources
 …і provide a quick payback of innovative projects of
 …і 1 ∗
 …і agri-food enterprises in a market economy. It is
 believed that only those enterprises will be
 1 ∗ 1 , competitive that use in their current activities the
 (17) practice of resource-saving innovation from the
 standpoint of a fundamentally new perspective
 through the reduction of production operating costs
 and accumulation of cash reserves. Our hypothesis
 1 ∗ 1 formed a new view on the need to solve the focal
 (18) problems of the resource use process and proved the
 need to implement integration measures in the current
 Based on the equation (18), it can be noted that for
 economic activity aimed at harmonizing innovative
the second condition, the critical value of operating
 projects. Thus, the mathematical calculation of the
costs will be . Therefore, this indicator
 process of implementation with regard to innovative
is directly proportional to the indicators of the total
 projects aimed at energy and resource-saving, as well
payback of the innovation project, which is
 as their effective management, is a necessary
determined by the ratio of the coefficients of
 condition for economic growth for agri-food
innovation projects harmony φ / γ.
 enterprises in market conditions.

 TEM Journal – Volume 10 / Number 2 / 2021. 755
TEM Journal. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 751‐756, ISSN 2217‐8309, DOI: 10.18421/TEM102‐32, May 2021.

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