Page created by Matthew Salinas

         Section                                                                       Content
      Background                UNICEF in Ecuador works to Support the promotion and defense of children and
                                adolescent rights. During the third trimester of 2018, the Cooperation Program Ecuador
                                – UNICEF 2019-2022 was signed, which has been elaborated in collaboration with key
                                allies, statal counterparts, civil society, international cooperation, and the United Nations
                                This program seeks to promote the rights of child’s and adolescents in two fundamental
                                pillars; Equity and growing up without violence, which includes the initiatives of each
                                individual program such as Education, Health and Nutrition, Social Policy, Child
                                Protection and WASH with an intersectoral approach.

                                To achieve multiple objectives related to these initiatives UNICEF requires a collaborated
                                work with its Implementing Partners. IPs are a key ally for UNICEF, and they work with
                                different agreements prioritizing areas and scope of work. However, to comply with
                                UNICEFs audit standards, constant monitoring and evaluation are required from a third-
                                party vendor. TPV are required to evaluate different aspects of these agreements and
                                present complete and detailed informs to guarantee a successful and harmonized
                                relation complying with United Nations standards.

                                UNICEF Ecuador Country Office is looking for one or more suppliers with experience in
                                auditing and assessments related to accounting, reporting, procurement, and internal
                                controls. In order to sign a Long-Term Agreement for 2 years.

                                Description of the assignment and deliverables

                                As part of the United Nations System, UNICEF follows the rules and regulations that
                                govern these multilateral institutions. Among those regulations the HACT framework is
                                based on a Risk Management Approach that requires assurance activities and financial
                                management capacity assessments.

                                Within those activities and the purpose of this bidding process is to identify a supplier
                                that will deliver:

                                          Micro assessments: Review of an implementing partner’s financial
                                          management capacity, including accounting, procurement, reporting and internal
                                          controls. UNICEF will request about 10 Micro assessments on 2021-2022.

                                          Spot Checks: Review of financial records related to the management of the
                                          partnership with UNICEF. UNICEF will request about 20 Spot checks on 2021-

                                          Administrative / Financial Capacity Development: Capacity development to
                                          reinforce financial and management controls. The number of administrative and
                                          finance capacity development activities will depend on the results of the micro

                                          HACT Audits: Objective is to provide UN Agencies with a reasonable assurance
                                          on the appropriate use of funds provided to the partner in accordance with the
                                          reporting requirements of the UN agencies, the Implementing partner
                                          agreement(s), program document, work plans and budgets. UNICEF will request
                                          about 4 HACT audits on 2021-2022.

                                          Management Letters: A management letter is meant to communicate
                                          observations, findings and recommendations related to deficiencies in internal
                                          control identified by the third-party service provider. The number of management
                                          letters will depend on the results of the spot checks and HACT audits.

                                Specific terms of reference for each of the deliverables stated above are annexed
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to this document.

                                If more information is needed please refer to the UNDG HACT Framework:
                                UNSDG | Harmonized Approach to Cash Transfers Framework

                                Location and Duration

                                The service will be required in Ecuador, mostly Quito, Manta, Ibarra, Esmeraldas and

                                UNICEF is looking to have a long-term agreement – LTA (time bounded) with the supplier
                                for two years with a possibility of one more year extension depending on performance
                                of the supplier.

                                A long-term agreement is a non-binding arrangement which do not constitute a
                                commitment to buy. But secure the availability of the service required with an agreed
                                framework of terms and conditions.

                                It is important to state that UNICEF has the right to enter into LTAs with more than one
                                supplier and the right to split the award of contracts/purchase orders towards LTAs
                                among the LTA/LTAS holders if this is in UNICEF’s best interest;

                                The supplier should note that LTAs entered will be considered non-exclusive, that the
                                estimated quantities are based on forecasts of needs, and that issuance of LTAs do not
                                constitute a commitment from UNICEF’s side to place any purchase order/contract
                                towards the LTA/LTAS.

                                The resulting LTA or LTAS may be shared with other UNICEF offices and/or UN
                                Organizations, and therefore result in Purchase Orders/contracts issued by other offices
                                under the same terms and conditions.

   Type of Contract             Local Long-Term Agreement and Local Corporate Contracts

      Reports and               HACT procedures will be requested from different Program Assistants and will be
       approval                 approved by Program Officers.

     Qualification              The bidder should be a duly registered company, with qualified / certified personnel,
     requirements               and not less than five years’ experience.

                                The third-party service provider is subject to relevant ethical requirements provided in
                                the Institute of Internal Auditor’s Code of Ethics together with national requirements,
                                which may be more restrictive.

                                The service provider should have experience in performing similar engagements
                                applying relevant standards. The service provider should employ staff with recognized
                                professional qualifications and suitable experience, including experience in undertaking
                                engagements of similar size and nature to this proposed.

                                CVs of all members of the engagement team should be provided to the contracting
                                agency. The CVs should include details on relevant engagements carried out by the
                                engagement team,
                                Including ongoing assignments indicating responsibilities assumed, relevant
                                Qualifications and experience in undertaking engagements of similar size and nature.

                                United Nations (and agency-specific, if any) procurement policies should be used for
                                procurement of third-party service providers.

        Proposal                The proposal must consist of a technical and a financial offer. The technical offer must
      presentation              explain the proposed methodology, including design, sampling, and proposed
                                schedules. In addition, the proposal must contain a review of the profiles of the work
                                team and their expertise in similar research projects.
                                The financial proposal must break down the costs of every HACT item separately.

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1.   Micro assessments
                                            2.   Spot Checks
                                            3.   Administrative / Financial Capacity Development
                                            4.   HACT Audits
                                            5.   Management Letters

  Payment Method                UNICEF pays 15 days after the reception of the approved deliverables.
      Vendor                    The company that’s interested in Bidding should present the following
   Qualification                documents:

                                Due to the type of work UNICEF may require with your company, we inform that we will
                                perform an additional Evaluation as part as our internal procedure.

                                In these terms we appreciate you present the following:

                                A) General documents

                                      •     Tax ID Certificate (Copia del RUC).

                                      •     Bank Note (Certificado bancario).

                                      •     Financial Documents (2018-2019 and 2019-2020)

                                                 o     Estados financieros auditados 2019 y 2020.

                                B) Legal constitution of the company and the designation of the legal representative.
                                   (Copia de la constitución de la empresa y nombramiento de Representante Legal).

                                C) UNGM registration number, if you are not already registered please do so at a basic
                                   level at:

                                Please note that the subscription to the platform is free and it is not mandatory to
                                    submit any type of payment

                                D) We remind you of the UNICEF Policy on Conduct Promoting the Protection and
                                   Safeguarding of Children, especially Sections 4.2 and 6.1 that establish the

                                “4.1: UNICEF civil society partners, suppliers or vendors (including corporate consultants
                                and contractors, and academic or research institutions), UNICEF corporate partners,
                                and UNICEF National Committees are expected to ensure that their personnel report all
                                reasonable suspicions that a UNICEF staff member or non-staff personnel, or a UNICEF
                                individual consultant or contractor, has engaged in conduct that is prohibited under this

                                6.1: UNICEF will promote the adoption by UNICEF’s commercial vendors and suppliers
                                of robust policies for the protection and safeguarding of children. UNICEF will regard the
                                adoption of such policies as a positive factor when selecting vendors and suppliers
                                (revise el siguiente link)


                                All the requested documentation should be presented as an annex to the technical
     Evaluation of              Technical proposal will have a score of 70 points. The minimum score for an offer to
      proposals                 advance to the evaluation of the financial proposal is 50/70. The merits of technical
                                proposals will be assessed looking at the following elements: a brief outline of the
                                bidders understanding of the terms of reference and the scope of work. It must also
                                include a clear description of the qualifications of key personnel that will be involved in
                                carrying out the assignment, the experience that the bidder and key personnel have in
                                similar assignments within the UN, Government or other development partners and a

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narrador de office o cualquier otra aplicación similar.
statement of the understanding of the HACT Framework. Proposals will be evaluated
                                according to the following grading system:

                                (Note: Only proposals which receive a minimum of 50 points under the technical
                                evaluation will be considered technically compliant)

                                The grading will have the following weights:

                                  # Evaluation criteria                                                    Maximum
                                  1 General organization profile and Capability.                              15

                                  2 Experience and Expertise supported by                                       20
                                    examples of similar services provided
                                  3 Overall Response to the Terms of Reference                                  15

                                  4 Qualifications of key personnel                                             20

                                      Maximum Score                                                             70

                                The financial proposal will be qualified with 30 points. The lowest financial proposal will
                                be awarded 30 points and the rest of proposals will have a related mathematic
                                calculation of points.

                                Supplier should complete the following chart: (notes could be included in order to make
                                clarifications if needed).
                                Please include travel cost, UNICEF will not pay separate any other cost related to the

                                                                                              Cost per               Cost per hour
                                                                                              hour in                other Ecuador
                                                                                              Quito                  Locations
                                                                                                                     except Quito
                                  Micro assessment (Presential)
                                  Micro assessment (Virtual)
                                  Spot-check (Presential)
                                  Spot-check (Virtual)
                                  HACT audit
                                  Administrative /financial capacity
                                  Management letters

    Questions and               This tender will have a question and answer process that will be carried out as follows:
                                Date: Thursday 10th of June of 2021 at 09:00 am (Quito-Ecuador Local time)

                                It is recommended to have your doubts prepared ahead. This session Will be held
                                primarily on Spanish. However, we are open to have English conversations.
    Tender process              Tender Launch: 03/06/2021
     relevant dates
                                Q&A Session: 10/06/2021 09:00 a.m.


                                Deadline: 25/06/2021

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General                  Companies interested in Bidding for this solicitation should submit all the required and
   requirements for             relevant information and downloadable links in the following form:
     submission                 Please consider that technical and financial offer should be two (2) separate files and
                                can be submitted as WeTransfer or Google Drive links.
                                The first file, which must contain the technical proposal should include the main
                                company files, experience, certificates, registers, and legal information. (This
                                proposal should not contain any type of cost, price, or referential amounts). And
                                the second file should include the commercial offer.
                                Both files should be saved in a non-editable format (PDF or JPG), and the access to
                                these files should be protected by a password.
                                Files should preferable be named indicated the solicitation reference number and
                                vendor name, for example RFPS2021- 9167297-VENDOR NAME-Technical
                                Proposal.pdf and RFPS2021- 9167297-VENDOR NAME-Commercial offer.pdf
                                File names should avoid special characters like accent marks and others.
                                Protected files should be uploaded to WeTransfer or Google drive independently
                                before deadlines.
                                Each file should have a different password and they should be uploaded to the form.

                                Any proposal that fails to comply with these requirements will not be accepted or
       Proposal                     1. Open the form

                                      2. Select the solicitation number, and submit the different data requested, TAXID,
                                         Company Name, Contact name, telephone number, contact email in each
                                         specific field:

                                      3. Create the technical proposal and upload it to WeTransfer, Google Drive o
                                         WinRAR. (Must be in a non-editable format PDF, JPG and protected by a
                                         password). Please put the download link in field #7 of the form. Please
                                         remember prices or referential values are not permitted.

                                      4. Create the technical proposal and upload it to WeTransfer, Google Drive o
                                         WinRAR. (Must be in a non-editable format PDF, JPG and protected by a
                                         password). Please put the download link in field #8 of the form

                                      5. In case you need to include any annex please follow procedure 3 or 4 and put it
                                         under field #9 of the form.

                                      6. Please include the password for the Technical offer in field #10 of the form.

                                      7. Please include the password for the Technical offer in field #11 of the form.

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