Loughborough University Module Catalogue 2021/22 - For incoming ERASMUS+ and international exchange students

Page created by Tina Sandoval
Loughborough University Module Catalogue 2021/22 - For incoming ERASMUS+ and international exchange students
Loughborough University
Module Catalogue 2021/22
For incoming ERASMUS+ and international exchange students

Loughborough University Module Catalogue 2021/22 - For incoming ERASMUS+ and international exchange students
Welcome                                                     3
Applications and Learning Agreements                        3
Module Choice                                               3
Timetable Clashes and Changes to Your Learning Agreement    4
Sensitive Content                                           4

Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering                     5
Architecture, Building and Civil Engineering                6
Business and Economics                                      7
Chemical Engineering                                        12
Chemistry                                                   15
Communication, Media, Social and Policy Studies             16
Computer Science                                            18
Creative Arts                                               19
Design                                                      21
English                                                     23
Geography and Environment                                   25
Materials                                                   28
Mathematical Sciences                                       30
Mechanical, Electrical and Manufacturing Engineering        31
Natural Sciences                                            36
Physics                                                     37
Politics and International Studies                          39
Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences                         42
UNITECH Programme                                           45

Additional Contact Information                              46

Loughborough University Module Catalogue 2021/22 - For incoming ERASMUS+ and international exchange students
Welcome to Loughborough University!

We are delighted that you have chosen Loughborough for your study exchange. We strongly
believe in the benefits of international education and hope that your experience at
Loughborough is both enjoyable and rewarding.

This guide is intended to give you an overview of the application process for incoming exchange
students and, more specifically, to provide information which will assist you with your learning
agreement and module choice.

All incoming exchange students must complete an application form and learning agreement
which can be downloaded from the website:


Completed application forms and learning agreements should be submitted to Loughborough
University by the following deadlines:

   •   15 June 2021 (for Semester One and Full Year exchanges);
   •   15 November 2021 (for Semester Two exchanges).

In order to avoid any delay in processing your application, please ensure that it is signed off by
yourself, your home University and your respective School/Department Exchange Co-ordinator
at Loughborough University.

When you apply to Loughborough, you will be registered as an exchange student in a host
School/Department. This is the School/Department with which your home University has either
an ERASMUS+ or an international exchange agreement.

It is our expectation that you will participate in full credit-bearing modules whilst at
Loughborough (usually 30 ECTS credits per semester), but the requirements will vary according
to your chosen subject area. When completing your learning agreement, it is, therefore,
recommended that you contact YOUR respective School/Department Exchange Co-ordinator
and follow his/her advice.

Exchange students should normally choose modules from the host School/Department,
however registration on 'open access' modules provided by other Schools/Departments may be
permitted in exceptional circumstances. If you would like to take a module that is not taught by
your host School/Department, you must gain approval from BOTH your host School/Department
Exchange Co-ordinator AND the Exchange Co-ordinator from the School/Department in which
the module is taught.

Please bear in mind that, whilst we always try to accommodate the requests of our exchange
students, places are limited and may be subject to you meeting certain pre-requisites in your
chosen subject area. Additionally, as learning agreements are subject to the approval
of your respective School/Department Exchange Co-ordinator, we cannot guarantee that you
will be offered a place on your chosen modules.

Loughborough University Module Catalogue 2021/22 - For incoming ERASMUS+ and international exchange students
Loughborough University uses the following structure for its module coding:

Example: 21BSA053 – Organisations in the International Context

21    Academic year in which the course will run

BS    Two letter code of the School/Department that runs the module

A     The part (or year) of the degree programme in which the module runs:

                       Part A modules:        1st year
                       Part B modules:        2nd year
                       Part C modules:        3rd year
                       Part D modules:        4th year

053 Three number individual module code

A postgraduate programme at Loughborough is known as Part T, but the modules are identified
by a ‘P’, for example 20BSP029 - Marketing in the Organisation.

Please be aware that if you choose modules from across a range of years (e.g. some part A
and some part B modules), there is an increased chance that timetable clashes will occur, and
you will not be able to take all the modules requested in your initial learning agreement.

At Loughborough, the timetable is released near to the start of the semester, therefore it is
possible that we shall not be able to confirm if there is a ‘fit’ for all the modules you have chosen
until the first week of your studies. We do, however, allow all students a period of two weeks
after the start of the semester, in which to finalise their module choices BEFORE the final
details are confirmed with the Student Records Office.

We recommend that you have a few extra module choices in mind, so that if your first choice
modules are not available due to timetable clashes, you can opt to take others.

If you are required to change your module choices due to timetable clashes, you will need to
make the appropriate changes on your learning agreement and seek the approval of your home
University and the respective School/Department Exchange Co-ordinator at Loughborough.

Modules marked with the following symbol - † - are classed as having Sensitive Content. This
refers to any content that a student may find to be difficult, sensitive or challenging to think
about. Loughborough University is committed to providing an environment in which students
can study effectively and safely. It is also committed to freedom of speech and academic
freedom. If you are interested in a module with the † symbol but would like further information,
you can contact the respective School/Department Exchange Co-ordinator for further advice.

The scope of topics that are potentially sensitive will vary according to the nature of the subject
and the students taking that subject.

More information can be found here under the Academic Quality Procedures Handbook.

Please follow the guidance on the information sheet very carefully. If you apply to study
modules that are not permitted by your School/Department, your learning agreement may
be returned to you.
School/Department Exchange        Name: Dr Gang Zhou
Co-ordinator:                     Email: G.Zhou@lboro.ac.uk
                                  Telephone: +44 (0)1509 227210
Loughborough University           Number of credits:
general requirements:             The recommended number of ECTS per semester is
                                  30 ECTS credits (60 Loughborough credits). Students
                                  are advised not to exceed this recommendation.
Aeronautical and Automotive       Restrictions may apply based on your previous level of
Engineering general               experience in any given subject area. The Exchange Co-
requirements:                     ordinator will discuss the suitability of your module
                                  choices with you in more detail, if required.

                                  Exchange students can select from Part C and Part D
                                  modules or final-year project, but please note that
                                  21TTD013 - Aircraft Structural Analysis is NOT
                                  available to them.

                                  Research projects:
                                  Undergraduate and postgraduate (taught) students who
                                  wish to undertake a research project during their time at
                                  Loughborough can only do so by registering for an
                                  approved research project module.
Can I choose modules from         No, please choose all your modules from within
other Schools/Departments?        Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering.
Full details on the content and assessment methods for all modules can be found in the
University’s module catalogue http://lucas.lboro.ac.uk/epublic/wp5015.main.

Please follow the guidance on the information sheet very carefully. If you apply to study
modules that are not permitted by your School/Department, your learning agreement may
be returned to you.
School/Department Exchange        Name: Professor M Sohail Khan
Co-ordinator:                     Email: M.Sohail@lboro.ac.uk
                                  Telephone: +44 (0)1509 222890
Loughborough University           Number of credits:
general requirements:             The recommended number of ECTS per semester is
                                  30 ECTS credits (60 Loughborough credits). Students
                                  are advised not to exceed this recommendation.
Architecture, Building and        Restrictions to module choices may apply: many
Civil Engineering general         modules are taught year-long and not just one semester.
requirements:                     Most Part B modules are taught year-long. In Part C,
                                  there is a mixture of modules taught year-long or single-
                                  semester, and many will require students to have studied
                                  pre-requisites. Part D and Part T modules are taught

                                  After you have chosen your modules, you must contact
                                  the Exchange Co-ordinator so that he/she can check
                                  your selection and discuss their suitability. Modules
                                  listed in your initial learning agreement will not be
                                  approved without first contacting the Exchange

                                  Research projects:
                                  Undergraduate and postgraduate (taught) students, who
                                  wish to undertake a research project, can take
                                  21CVC002 - European Short Research Project.
Can I choose modules from         No, you must take all your modules in Architecture,
other Schools/Departments?        Building and Civil Engineering. The only exception is for
                                  French and Spanish native speakers who can take the
                                  module 21LAN011 - Oral English Language.
Full details on the content and assessment methods for all modules can be found in the
University’s module catalogue http://lucas.lboro.ac.uk/epublic/wp5015.main.

Please follow the guidance on the information sheet very carefully. If you apply to study
modules that are not permitted by your School/Department, your learning agreement may
be returned to you.
School/Department Exchange         Name: Dr Petros Vourvachis
Co-ordinator:                      Email: SBE.International@lboro.ac.uk
                                   Telephone: +44 (0)1509 228807
Loughborough University            Number of credits:
general requirements:              The recommended number of ECTS per semester is
                                   30 ECTS credits (60 Loughborough credits). Students
                                   are advised not to exceed this recommendation.
Business and Economics             Restrictions to module choices may apply, as most
general requirements:              modules have pre-requisites. The Exchange Co-ordinator
                                   will discuss the suitability of your module choices with
                                   you in more detail if required.

                                   Research projects:
                                   Undergraduate and postgraduate (taught) students who
                                   wish to undertake a research project during their time at
                                   Loughborough can only do so by registering for an
                                   approved research project module. If such a module is
                                   available to you, it will be listed in the table below.
Can I choose modules from          No, you must choose all your modules from within
other Schools/Departments?         Business and Economics. However, it may be possible
                                   for you to take a language module (worth 5 ECTS
                                   credits) in the School of Social Sciences. See

                                   Module(s) offered by another School/Department must
                                   be approved and signed off by the respective Exchange
                                   Co-ordinator BEFORE you return your final learning
                                   agreement to Business and Economics.

Exchange Student Module Options 2021/22:
We expect the following modules to be available for incoming exchange students in
2021/22. Please include a selection of the modules listed in this table on your learning

Please bear in mind that, whilst we always try to accommodate the requests of our
exchange students, places on the modules listed below may be limited and may be subject
to you meeting certain prerequisites in your chosen subject area. As such, we cannot
guarantee that you will be offered a place on the modules you choose, and choices
are always subject to approval by your Exchange Co-ordinator. Any queries regarding
module choice should be directed to him/her in the first instance.

Incoming exchange students registered in other Schools/Departments may be permitted to
choose some ‘open access’ modules in Business and Economics, but the approval of your
respective Exchange Co-ordinator will be required. For further details on the ‘open access’
modules, please contact the Exchange Co-ordinator for Business and Economics.

                              Modules ending with ‘B’ are second year modules and ‘C’ third year modules
                              Semester 1                                                          Semester 2
Module                                                        ECTS    Module                                               ECTS
                               Module Title                                                        Module Title
 Code                                                        Credits   Code                                               Credits
                        Organisational Behaviour
21BSA005                                                        5    21BSA008          Skills for Study and Employment       5
                 (not available with BSA505, BSA530)
21BSA010               Business in the Digital Age              5    21BSA016                  Principles of Finance         5
                Microeconomics for Financial Studies                            Macroeconomics for Financial Studies (not
21BSA020                                                        5    21BSA022                                                5
                      (not available with BSA060)                                      available with BSB023, BSA510)
                           Introduction to Law                                                   Principles of Law
21BSA025                                                        5    21BSA026                                                5
                      (not available with BSA026)                                        (not available with BSB025)
                         Principles of Marketing
21BSA055                                                        5    21BSA053 Organisations in the International Context     5
                      (not available with BSB030)
                            Financial Reporting                                                 The Marketing Mix
21BSA070                                                        5    21BSA057                                                5
                 (not available with BSA013, BSA525)                                     (not available with BSB030)
                                                                                            Economics for Business I
21BSA075          Introduction to Retail Management             5    21BSA065                                                5
                                                                                         (not available with BSB020)
                        Organisational Behaviour                                     Management of Human Resources
21BSA505                                                        5    21BSA506                                                5
                 (not available with BSA005, BSA530)                               (not available with BSB040, BSA510)
           Principles of Marketing for Sport and Leisure
                                                                                               The Leisure Market
21BSA520       (not available with BSA055(E), BSB030,           5    21BSA512                                                5
                                                                                   (not available with BSA020, BSA060)
                                                                                           Accounting for Managers
              Introduction to Accounting (not available
21BSA525                                                        5    21BSA526      (not available with BSA019, BSB005,       5
                    with BSA013, BSA070, BSB530)
                                                                                                 BSB070, BSB532)
            Financial Accounting for Sport (not available                           Behaviour in Sporting Organisations
21BSA540                                                        5    21BSA530                                                5
                    with BSA013, BSA070, BSA525)                                   (not available with BSA005, BSA505)
21BSB007                    Financial Reporting                 5    21BSB012        Information Systems Development         5
21BSB010          Business Information Management               5    21BSB015                     Company Law                5
             Macroeconomics for Business BSB550 (not
21BSB023                                                        5    21BSB024               International Economics          5
                         available with BSA022)
           Financial Management BSB550 (not available                                 Financial Markets and Derivatives
21BSB025                                                        5    21BSB027                                                5
                               with BSB550)                                                       Fundamentals
                Marketing (not available with BSA055,
21BSB030                                                        5    21BSB029                         Auditing               5
                             BSB520, BSB560)
21BSB035                    Sales Management                    5    21BSB052             International Management           5
           Human Resource Management (not available                               Accounting for Management Decisions
21BSB040                                                        5    21BSB070                                                5
                          with BSA506, BSB510)                                     (not available with BSB005, BSB532)
21BSB046                   Organisation Studies                 5    21BSB086       International Employment Relations       5
21BSB050                  International Business                5    21BSB087                Vocational Psychology           5
               Management Science Methods BSB572                                           Operations Management
21BSB120                                                        5    21BSB100                                                5
                       (not available with BSB572)                                 (not available with BSB125, BSB580)
                Retail and Service Operations BSB572
21BSB125                                                       10    21BSB105             Global Brand Management            5
                      (not available with BSB100)
                Data Analysis for Marketing Decisions                                   Data Analysis for Management
21BSB137                                                        5    21BSB110                                                5
                 (not available with BSB120, BSB110)                               (not available with BSB137, BSB572)
               Human Resource Management in Sports
21BSB510     Organisations (not available with BSA506,          5    21BSB127                    Digital Marketing           5
           Principles of Marketing for Sport and Leisure
21BSB520       (not available with BSA055(E), BSB030,           5    21BSB131                 Visual Merchandising           5
21BSB572                 Accounting for Business
                                                                5    21BSB132                      Retail Buying             5
           (not available with BSA013, BSA070, BSA525)
21BSC005                   Organisation Studies
                                                                5    21BSB135                 Consumer Behaviour             5
                 (not available with BSA052, BSC082)
21BSC007     Principles of Marketing (not available with                           Business Ethics and Corporate Social
                                                                5    21BSB150                                                5
                      BSA055(E), BSB030, BSB520)                                                  Responsibility
                         Accounting for Business
21BSB530                                                        5    21BSB512             Economic Analysis of Sport         5
           (not available with BSA013, BSA070, BSA525)
                                                                                 The Marketing Mix for Sport and Leisure
                           Organisation Studies
21BSB555                                                        5    21BSB522       (not available with BSB030, BSB562,      5
           (not available with BSA013, BSA070, BSA525)
             Principles of Marketing (not available with                         Accounting for Managers (not available
21BSB560                                                        5    21BSB532                                                5
                      BSA055(E), BSB030, BSB520)                                 with BSA019, BSA526, BSB005, BSB070)

Management Science Methods                                                Company Finance
21BSB572                                                      5       21BSB550                                             5
                    (not available with BSB120)                                         (not available with BSB025)
                                                                                  The Marketing Mix (not available with
21BSC005      Financial Reporting: Theory and Practice        5       21BSB562                                             5
                                                                                         BSA057, BSB030, BSB522)
               Management Accounting and Control                                         Operations Management
21BSC007                                                      5       21BSB580                                             5
                          Systems                                                       (not available with BSB100)
                                                                                 The Contemporary Business Environment
21BSC015                 Corporate Finance                    5       21BSB590                                             5
                                                                                   (not available with BSA053, BSB050)
                                                                                  Strategic Management Accounting and
21BSC017            Financial Risk Management                 5       21BSC009                                             5
21BSC030                 Corporate Governance                 5       21BSC014            Portfolio Management             10
                  Principles of Strategic Management
21BSC044    (not available with BSC055, BSC170, BSC565,       5       21BSC018             Behavioural Finance             5
               International Corporate Governance and
21BSC051                                                      5       21BSC019     Multinational Financial Management      5
21BSC063            Decision and Efficiency Analysis          5       21BSC042      Corporate and Wholesale Banking        5
                Technology in Business and Society (not
21BSC070                                                      5       21BSC045             Strategy in Banking             5
                         available with BSC520)
21BSC071                   Managing Big Data                  5       21BSC053          International Negotiations         5
              Leadership and Professional Development                              Global Strategic Management (not
21BSC089                                                      5       21BSC055                                             10
                      (not available with BSC575)                                available with BSC044, BSC565, BSC570)
             Advanced Interpersonal Skills (not available                        Business and entrepreneurialism in post
21BSC100                                                      5       21BSC059                                             5
                              with BSC575)                                                    conflict spaces
21BSC105    International Human Resource Management           5       21BSC064            Business Optimisation            5
21BSC110           Marketing Strategy and Planning            5       21BSC067       Simulation for Decision Support       5
21BSC115                International Marketing               5       21BSC072     Strategic Information Management        5
21BSC132                  Small Business Issues               5       21BSC080               Analysing Careers             5
21BSC165                  Business Forecasting                5       21BSC085      The Changing Work Organisation         5
21BSC180                   Retailing Logistics               10       21BSC117              Services Marketing             5
            Business Systems (not available with BSB010,
21BSC520                                                      5       21BSC124         Marketing Communications            5
                 Entrepreneurship and Innovation (not
21BSC522                                                      5       21BSC130           Business Programming              5
                    available with BSC132, BSC134)
            Fundamentals of Strategic Management (not                              Business Planning for New Ventures
21BSC565                                                      5       21BSC134                                             5
                available with BSC055, BSC570, BSC044)                                 (not available with BSC524)
              Strategic Management (not available with
21BSC570                                                     10       21BSC136        Enterprise Resource Planning         5
                       BSC055, BSC570, BSC044)
                                                                                             Retailing Strategy
                                                                      21BSC170     (not available with BSC044, BSC055,     5
                                                                                             BSC565, BSC570)
                                                                      21BSC194            Project Management               5
                                                                                   Entrepreneurship and Small Business
                                                                      21BSC524                                             5
                                                                                   Planning (not available with BSC134)
                                                                                     Leadership & Interpersonal Skills
                                                                      21BSC575                                             5
                                                                                       (not available with BSC100)

                   Information Management                                          Information Management
21ISB411     Knowledge, Data and Information Systems      5       21ISB412               Digital Resilience                5
              Information & Knowledge Management
21ISC027                                                  5
                    (not available with BSC097)
21ISC200              Information Architecture            5
                                 Year-Long Bussness Modules (i.e. taught over both semesters)
           Module Code                                      Module Title                                    ECTS credits
            21BSA007                      Skills for Study, Placement and Employment                             10
            21BSA012                            Financial Accounting Fundamentals                                10
            21BSA051                 Management Perspectives and Organisational Behaviour                        10
            21BSA081                               Quantitative Business Skills A                                10
                                                     Management Accounting
            21BSB005                                                                                             10
                                               (not available with BSB070, BSB532)

    Modules ending with ‘C’ are restricted to students that can provide evidence of a strong Economics academic background
                        Semester 1                                                            Semester 2
 Module                                                    ECTS      Module                                               ECTS
                          Module Title                                                         Module Title
  Code                                                   Credits      Code                                               Credits
21ECB136             Transport Economics                    10      21ECB035          The Economics of Social Issues       10
21ECC001        Developments in Microeconomics              10        21ECB039        Economics of Business Strategy       10
21ECC003          International Money & Finance             10        21ECC005             Industrial Economics            10
21ECC004       Financial Economics and Asset Pricing        10        21ECC017        The Economics of Social Issues       10
21ECC019               Transport Economics                  10        21ECC035     Central Banking and Financial Crises    10
21ECC020              Behavioural Economics                 10        21ECC119           Development Economics             10
21ECC031                International Trade                 10        21ECC139           Environmental Economics           10
21ECC101        Developments in Macroeconomics              10        21ECC141       Corporate Finance and Derivatives     10
                                                                             Research and Communication Skills for
                               Year-Long Economics Modules (i.e. taught over both semesters)
         Module Code                                       Module Title                                     ECTS credits
           21ECA001                                Principles of Macroeconomics                                   10
           21ECA002                                Principles of Microeconomics                                   10
           21ECA003                                        Data Analysis                                          10
           21ECA004                                    Quantitative Economics                                     10
           21ECA501                             Introduction to Macroeconomics                                    10
           21ECA502                               Introduction to Microeconomics                                  10
           21ECB001                               Intermediate Macroeconomics                                     10
           21ECB002                               Intermediate Microeconomics                                     10
           21ECB003                                Introduction to Econometrics                                   10
           21ECB004                            Introduction to Financial Economics                                10
           21ECB005                             International Economic Relations                                  10
           21ECB015                            Economics of the Financial System                                  10
           21ECB016                                History of Economic Thought                                    10
           21ECB037                                       Microeconomics                                          10
           21ECB501                               Fundamental Macroeconomics                                      10
           21ECB502                               Fundamental Microeconomics                                      10
           21ECC011                                Introduction to Econometrics                                   10
           21ECC012                                     Financial Economics                                       10
           21ECC013                             International Economic Relations                                  10
           21ECC014                            Economics of the Financial System                                  10
           21ECC038                                    Applied Econometrics                                       10

Language Modules                                                       Language Modules
                   Oral and Aural English Language Skills                                 Oral and Aural English Language Skills
                                    for                                                                    for
                   Native French and Spanish-Speaking                                     Native French and Spanish-Speaking
                                Students 1                                                             Students 2
 21LAN011                                                         5        21LAN012                                                   5
                   The aim of this module is to develop and                                 The aim of this module is to develop
                     improve the aural comprehension and                                   and improve the aural comprehension
                   fluency in spoken English for French- and                                 and fluency in spoken English for
                          Spanish-speaking students                                       French- and Spanish-speaking students.

 Please refer                                                              Please refer
                   French, German, Spanish or Mandarin                                        French, German, Spanish or
 to Language                                                               to Language
                                Chinese                                                           Mandarin Chinese
    Centre                                                        5           Centre                                                  5
   website                                                                   website
                   Beginner to advanced levels available                                  Beginner to advanced levels available
 (see below)                                                               (see below)

For information on module content, please see:

Business modules: https://lucas.lboro.ac.uk/epublic/wp5016.main?dept=BS&dept2=BS
Economics modules: http://lucas.lboro.ac.uk/epublic/wp5016.main?dept=EC&dept2=EC
Language modules: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/departments/phir/languages/

Please note that all modules are subject to pre-requisites, timetabling and capacity.

                                                        POSTGRADUATE MODULES
                              Semester 1                                                            Semester 2
 Module                                                         ECTS         Module                                                 ECTS
                              Module Title                                                            Module Title
  Code                                                         Credits        Code                                                 Credits
 21BSP020            Human Resource Management                  7.5         21BSP024              Business Economics                7.5
 21BSP021        Accounting and Financial Management            7.5         21BSP036                X-Culture project               7.5
 21BSP023               Operations Management                   7.5         21BSP040            International Marketing             7.5
                                                                                                   Small Business and
 21BSP029            Marketing in the Organisation              7.5         21BSP041                                                7.5
 21BSP032             Cross Cultural Management                 7.5         21BSP043              Business Forecasting              7.5
 21BSP033         International Business Environment            7.5         21BSP044        Services and Retail Management          7.5
                  Global Outsourcing and Offshoring of
 21BSP038                                                       7.5         21BSP045                Work Psychology                 7.5
 21BSP050          Foundations of Corporate Finance             7.5         21BSP046          Enterprise Resource Planning          7.5
                                                                                               Logistics and Supply Chain
 21BSP061           Innovation and Entrepreneurship             7.5         21BSP047                                                7.5
                 Human Resource Management: Theory
 21BSP450                                                       7.5         21BSP062              Brand Management                  7.5
                            and Practice
                                                                            21BSP064       Digital Marketing and Social Media       7.5
                                                                            21BSP068          Marketing communications              7.5
                                                                            21BSP424               Corporate Finance                7.5
                                                                                                 International Financial
                                                                            21BSP426                                                7.5
                                             Year-Long modules (taught over both semesters)
 21BSP030       Personal Development for Study and Employability                                                                    7.5

Please follow the guidance on the information sheet very carefully. If you apply to study
modules that are not permitted by your School/Department, your learning agreement may
be returned to you.
School/Department Exchange         Name: Dr Guido Bolognesi
Co-ordinator:                      Email: G.Bolognesi@lboro.ac.uk
                                   Telephone: +44 (0)1509 222505
Loughborough University            Number of credits:
general requirements:              The recommended number of ECTS per semester is
                                   30 ECTS credits (60 Loughborough credits). Students
                                   are advised not to exceed this recommendation.
Chemical Engineering               Restrictions to module choices may apply due to
general requirements:              timetabling restrictions and modules that have pre-
                                   requisites. The Exchange Co-ordinator will discuss the
                                   suitability of your module choices with you in more detail
                                   if required.

                                   Research projects:
                                   Undergraduate and postgraduate (taught) students who
                                   wish to undertake a research project during their time at
                                   Loughborough can only do so by registering for an
                                   approved research project module.
Can I choose modules from          It is recommended that you choose modules from within
other Schools/Departments?         Chemical Engineering.

                                   Module(s) offered by another School/Department may be
                                   available but MUST be approved by the member of staff
                                   responsible for the specific module, be approved and
                                   signed off by the respective Exchange Co-ordinator
                                   BEFORE you return your final learning agreement to
                                   Chemical Engineering.
Full details on the content and assessment methods for all modules can be found in the
University’s module catalogue http://lucas.lboro.ac.uk/epublic/wp5015.main.
Exchange Student Module Options 2021/22:

We expect the following modules to be available for incoming exchange students in 2021/22.
Please include a selection of the modules listed in this table on your learning agreement.

Please bear in mind that, whilst we always try to accommodate the requests of our exchange
students, places on the modules listed below may be limited and may be subject to you
meeting certain prerequisites for a particular module that you have selected. As such, we
cannot guarantee that you will be registered on the modules you choose, and choices are
always subject to approval by your Exchange Co-ordinator. Any queries regarding module
choice should be directed to him/her in the first instance.

Please be aware that if you choose modules from across a range of years (e.g. some Part A
and some Part B), there is an increased chance that timetable clashes will occur, and you will
not be able to take all the modules requested in your initial learning agreement. Modules
marked with an asterix - * - also have an increased chance of timetable clashes.

                           Semester 1                                                        Semester 2
  Module                                                     ECTS         Module                                        ECTS
                            Module Title                                                        Module Title
   Code                                                     Credits        Code                                        Credits
                                                              PART A
 21CGA001                Fluid Mechanics I                     5        21CGA002            Stagewise Processes             5
               Introduction to Chemical, Biochemical
 21CGA005                                                      5        21CGA006               Heat Transfer                5
                    Processes and Sustainability
 21CGA008                Thermodynamics I                      5
                                                              PART B
 21CGB013               Thermodynamics II                      5        21CGB017           Reaction Engineering I           5
 21CGB014           Instrumentation and Control                5        21CGB018             Plant Engineering              5
 21CGB022                 Fluid Mechanics II                   5        21CGB019             Particle Technology            5
                                                                        21CGB020     Process Systems Engineering            5
                                                                        21CGB021              Food Engineering              5
                                                              PART C
 21CGC051                Transfer Processes                    5        21GCC047       Chemical Process Control             5
 21CGC052             Reaction Engineering II                  5
                  Process Economics and Project
 21CGC053                                                      5
*21CGC059                   Data Analysis                      5
*21CGC824             Biochemical Engineering                  5
                   Environmental Protection and
 21CGC842                                                      5
                         Pollution Control
                 The Circular Economy in Chemical
*21CGC032                                                      5
                    and Biochemical Engineering
                                                          PART D (MEng)
                                                                                       Advanced Process Design
*21CGP060          Mixing of Fluids and Particles             7.5       21CGP006                                         7.5
                                                                                          and Optimisation
*21CGP083      Process Intensification and Integration        7.5       *21CGP010   Colloid Science and Engineering      7.5
*21CGP077           Drug Delivery and Targeting               7.5       *21CGP059      Chemical Product Design           7.5
                  Fundamentals of Biotechnology
*21CGP086                                                     7.5       *21CGP062          Downstream Processing         7.5
                     and Genetic Engineering
                                                                                           Advanced Biochemical
                                                                        *21CGP069                                        7.5
                                                                                           Clean Energy, Materials
                                                                        *21CGP070                                        7.5
                                                                                              and Sustainability
                                                                        *21CGP084   Technological Entrepreneurship       7.5

                                     Year-Long Modules (i.e. taught over both semesters)
              Module Code                               Module Title                                  ECTS Credits
                                                           PART A
               21CGA004                        Chemical Engineering Laboratory                               10
               21CGA007                                   Process Balances                                   10
                                                              PART B
               21CGB001                               Process Design and Safety                              10
               21CGB012                             Mass Transfer and Separations                            10

                                                         Language Modules
                           Semester 1                                                        Semester 2
                                                             ECTS         Module                                       ECTS
Module Code                  Module Title                                                     Module Title
                                                            Credits        Code                                       Credits
                  Oral and Aural Language Skills for                                  Oral and Aural Language
 21LAN011        Native French- and Spanish-Speaking           5        21LAN012    Skills for Native French- and       5
                             Students 1                                             Spanish-Speaking Students 2

                   Semester 1                                                   Semester 2
                                                      ECTS      Module                                ECTS
Module Code           Module Title                                              Module Title
                                                     Credits     Code                                Credits
                                                                           Advanced Process Design
*21CGP060     Mixing of Fluids and Particles          7.5      21CGP006                               7.5
                                                                              and Optimisation
                 Process Intensification                                     Colloid Science and
*21CGP083                                             7.5      *21CGP010                              7.5
                    and Integration                                              Engineering
                 Modelling of Chemical
*21CGP075                                             7.5      *21CGP059   Chemical Product Design    7.5
                  Engineering Systems
*21CGP077     Drug Delivery and Targeting             7.5      *21CGP062   Downstream Processing      7.5
                                                                           Clean Energy, Materials
                                                               *21CGP070                              7.5
                                                                              and Sustainability
                                                                           Advanced Biochemical
                                                               *21CGP069                              7.5

Please follow the guidance on the information sheet very carefully. If you apply to study
modules that are not permitted by your School/Department, your learning agreement may
be returned to you.
School/Department Exchange        Name: Dr Mark Platt
Co-ordinator:                     Email: M.Platt@lboro.ac.uk
                                  Telephone: +44 (0)1509 222573
Loughborough University           Number of credits:
general requirements:             The recommended number of ECTS per semester is
                                  30 ECTS credits (60 Loughborough credits). Students
                                  are advised not to exceed this recommendation.
Chemistry general                Restrictions may apply, based on your previous level of
requirements:                    experience in any given subject area. The Exchange
                                 Co-ordinator will discuss the suitability of your module
                                 choices with you in more detail if required.

                                 All module options from the first year (Part A) and the
                                 following modules from the third year (Part C) are NOT
                                 available to exchange students:

                                 21CMC010 - Environmental Chemistry
                                 21CMC017 - English Language 1
                                 21CMC018 - English Language 2
                                 21CMC026 - Investigative Projects

                                 Students should only take undergraduate modules
                                 from Part B or Part C and D or postgraduate modules
                                 (Part T) – you must not take a combination. (Please
                                 note if you are choosing postgraduate modules, you
                                 can only choose one option from 21CMP064 -
                                 Innovations in Analytical Science and 21CMP066 -
                                 Innovations in Medicinal Chemistry.)

                                 Research projects:
                                 It is recommended that you do NOT choose 21CMD001 -
                                 Research Project, as this module runs across Semesters
                                 One and Two and is worth 60 ECTS credits.
Can I choose modules from        No, you must choose all your modules from within
other Schools/Departments?       Chemistry.
Full details on the content and assessment methods for all modules can be found in the
University’s module catalogue http://lucas.lboro.ac.uk/epublic/wp5015.main.

Please follow the guidance on the information sheet very carefully. If you apply to study
modules that are not permitted by your School/Department, your learning agreement may
be returned to you.
School/Department                 Name: Professor James Stanyer
Exchange Co-ordinator             Email: SSHexchanges@lboro.ac.uk
                                  Telephone: +44 (0)1509 228875
Loughborough University           Number of credits: The recommended number of ECTS
general requirements:             per semester is 30 ECTS credits (60 Loughborough
                                  credits). Students are advised not to exceed this
Communication, Media,             Postgraduate modules are only suitable for students who
Social and Policy Studies         have already completed three years or more of degree
general requirements:             level study in any given subject area. The Exchange Co-
                                  ordinator will discuss and advise students on the suitability
                                  of studying a postgraduate module.
Can I choose modules from         Yes, you can take up to 10 ECTS credits per semester in
other Schools/Departments? another School/Department. However, module(s) offered
                                  by another School/Department must be approved and
                                  signed off by the relevant Exchange Co-ordinator
                                  BEFORE you return your final learning agreement to
                                  Communication, Media Studies, Social and Policy Studies.
Full details on the content and assessment methods for all modules can be found in the
University’s module catalogue http://lucas.lboro.ac.uk/epublic/wp5015.main.

Exchange Student Module Options 2021/22:

We expect the following modules to be available for incoming exchange students in
2021/22. Please include a selection of the modules listed in this table on your learning

Please bear in mind that, whilst we always try to accommodate the requests of our
exchange students, places on the modules listed below may be limited and may be
subject to your meeting certain prerequisites for a particular module that you have
selected. As such, we cannot guarantee that you will be registered on the modules you
choose, and choices are always subject to approval by your Exchange Co-ordinator. Any
queries regarding module choice should be directed to them in the first instance.

Module Code                                 Module Title                                          ECTS Credits
                                      Second Year Modules
 21CXB128                                   Political Psychology                                       5
 21CXB165                          Social Psychology and Communication                                 5
 21CXB360                               The Media in Global Context                                    5
 21CXB366                                   Promotional Culture                                        5
 21CXB367                                Communication and Sport                                       5
† 21SSB216                  Women and Crime: Victims, Offenders and Survivors                          5
                                          Third Year Modules
† 21CXC138                                  Forensic Psychology                                       10
† 21SSC024                                Gender, Sex and Society                                     10
 21SSC203                                  Understanding Policy                                       10
 21SSC238                                      Youth Justice                                          10

                            SEMESTER TWO - UNDERGRADUATE MODULES
Module Code                                 Module Title                                          ECTS Credits
                                      Second Year Modules
 21CXB164                                 Social Interaction                                           5
 21CXB175                            Psychological Disorders in Society                                5
 21CXB234                                Media, Culture and Crime                                      5
 21CXB317                                     Screen Cultures                                          5
 21SSB021                            Inequalities Across the Life Course                               5
† 21SSB023                                  Religion and Society                                       5
 21SSB026                           Globalisation and its Consequences                                 5
 21SSB036                                 Digital Lives and Society                                    5
                                          Third Year Modules
 21CXC357                                   Producing the News                                        10
 21SSC020                                     Race and Racism                                         10
† 21SSC022                              Health, the Body and Culture                                  10
 21SSC212                            Poverty, Pay and Living Standards                                10
† 21SSC239                                   Green Criminology                                        10

                             SEMESTER ONE – POSTGRADUATE MODULES
Module Code                                  Module Title                                         ECTS Credits
† 21CXP301                           Understanding Modern Media                                       7.5
 21CXP302                              Media and Cultural Industries                                  7.5
 21CXP304                         Introduction to Strategic Communication                             7.5
 21CXP306                        Social Media and Political Communications                            7.5
 21CXP323                                    Marketing Politics                                       7.5
 21SSP318                                    Digital Economies                                        7.5
 21SSP503           Researching Communication 1: Media Users and Cultural Institutions                7.5

                             SEMESTER TWO– POSTGRADUATE MODULES
Module Code                                  Module Title                                         ECTS Credits
 21CXP307                             Data, Power and Democracy                                       7.5
† 21CXP316    Media and Cultural Work: Inequality and Discrimination in the Creative Industries       7.5
 21CXP317              Researching and Communication 2: Texts and Digital Platforms                   7.5
 21SSP303                                Politics of Representation                                   7.5
 21SSP319                                     Digital Cultures                                        7.5

Please follow the guidance on the information sheet very carefully. If you apply to study
modules that are not permitted by your School/Department, your learning agreement may
be returned to you.
School/Department Exchange Name: Dr Dominik Freydenberger
Co-ordinator:              Email: D.D.Freydenberger@lboro.ac.uk
                           Telephone: +44 (0)1509 223188
Loughborough University           Number of credits:
general requirements:             The recommended number of ECTS per semester is
                                  30 ECTS credits (60 Loughborough credits). Students
                                  are advised not to exceed this recommendation.
Computer Science general          Restrictions may apply based on your previous level of
requirements:                     experience in any given subject area. The Exchange
                                  Co-ordinator will discuss the suitability of your module
                                  choices with you in more detail if required.

                                  Please note that the Department of Computer Science
                                  can only accept applications from students on
                                  international University-wide exchange programmes.

                                  Research projects:
                                  Undergraduate and postgraduate (taught) students
                                  who wish to undertake a research project during their
                                  time at Loughborough can only do so by registering on
                                  an approved research project module.
Can I choose modules from         It might be possible for you to take a minority of your
other Schools/Departments?        modules in another School/Department, but you will need
                                  to discuss it in advance with the Exchange Co-ordinator.

                                  Module(s) offered by another School/Department must
                                  be signed off by the respective Exchange Co-ordinator
                                  BEFORE you return your final learning agreement to
                                  Computer Science.

                                  If timetable clashes prevent you from taking all the
                                  modules that you select, we may permit you to make
                                  some changes. However, please note that the
                                  necessary arrangements will be made after you have
                                  arrived at Loughborough and the timetable has been
Full details on the content and assessment methods for all modules can be found in the
University’s module catalogue http://lucas.lboro.ac.uk/epublic/wp5015.main.

Please follow the guidance on the information sheet very carefully. If you apply to study
modules that are not permitted by your School/Department, your learning agreement may
be returned to you.
School/Department Exchange         Title and Name: Dr John Atkin
Co-ordinator:                      Email: J.Atkin@lboro.ac.uk
                                   Telephone: +44 (0)1509 228961
Loughborough University            Number of credits:
general requirements:              The recommended number of ECTS per semester is 30
                                   ECTS credits (60 Loughborough credits). Students
                                   are advised not to exceed this recommendation.
Creative Arts general              Restrictions may apply, based on your previous level of
requirements:                      experience in any given subject area. The Exchange
                                   Co-ordinator will discuss the suitability of your module
                                   choices with you in more detail if required.
Can I choose modules from          No, you must choose all your modules from within
other School/Departments?          Creative Arts.

                                   The only exception is Spanish-speaking students, who
                                   can take LAN011/LAN012 Oral and Aural English
                                   Language Skills for Non-Native Speakers (worth 5
                                   ECTS) in the Language Centre.

                                    You must take all your modules in Creative Arts on a
                                    specific programme in a particular year. This
                                    arrangement prevents you from having any timetable
Full details on the content and assessment methods for all modules can be found in the
University’s module catalogue http://lucas.lboro.ac.uk/epublic/wp5015.main.

Exchange Student Module Options 2021/22:

We expect the following modules to be available for incoming exchange students in 2020/21.
Please include a selection of the modules listed in this table on your learning agreement.

Please bear in mind that, whilst we always try to accommodate the requests of our exchange
students, places on the modules listed below may be limited and may be subject to your
meeting certain prerequisites for a particular module that you have selected. As such, we
cannot guarantee that you will be registered on the modules you choose, and choices are
always subject to approval by your Exchange Co-ordinator. Any queries regarding module
choice should be directed to him/her in the first instance.

                                               Semester One Compulsory Modules
 Module                                             Module Title                             Programme      ECTS
 Code                                                                                        Area          Credits

 21ACA612    Design Development for Textiles                                                 TEXT            20
 †21ACA921   Drawing: Discourses and Debates                                                 TEXT            10
 21ACA123    Introduction to Fine Art                                                        FA              20
 †21ACA921   Drawing: Discourses and Debates                                                 FA              10
 21ACA801    Visual Research in Practice                                                     GCI             20
 †21ACA921   Drawing: Discourses and Debates                                                 GCI             10
 21ACB621    Materials Processes and Conceptual Applications                                 TEXT            20
 21ACB930    Professional and Business Practice                                              TEXT            10
 21ACB113    Reflective Fine Art Practice                                                    FA              20
 †21ACB931   Contemporary Art and Theory                                                     FA              10
 21ACB803    Content and Context: Society, Culture and Economy                               GCI             20
 †21ACB932   Visual Culture: Histories and Theories                                          GCI             10
                                               Semester Two Compulsory Modules
 Module                                             Module Title                             Programme      ECTS
 Code                                                                                        Area          Credits

 21ACA613    Textiles: Process and Exploration                                               TEXT            20
 21ACA124    Developing Fine Art Practice                                                    FA              20
 21ACA802    Visual Methods in Practice                                                      GCI             20
 †21ACA922   Introduction to Modern and Contemporary Art and Design                          FA+TEXT+GCI     10
 21ACA802    Visual Methods in Practice                                                      GCI             20
 21ACB622    Sampling and Textile Manufacture                                                TEXT            20
 21ACB114    Locating Fine Art Practice                                                      FA              20
 21ACB804    Locating Practice: Interpreting Environments and Audiences                      GCI             20
                                   2nd year students must now choose one of the following:
 Module                                             Module Title                             Programme      ECTS
 Code                                                                                        Area          Credits

 21ACB938    Arts Management                                                                                 10
 †21ACB934   Fashion Theory                                                                                  10
 †21ACB935   Creative Dissent: Protest, Activism and Art                                                     10
 †21ACB937   Experiential Design: Body Adornments and New Technologies                                       10
 21ACB941    Creative Arts in Education                                                                      10
 21ACB942    Story Design for Creative Industries                                                            10

TEXT = Textiles: Innovation and Design
GCI = Graphic Communication and Illustration
FA = Fine Art

Please follow the guidance on the information sheet very carefully. If you apply to study
modules that are not permitted by your School/Department, your learning agreement may
be returned to you.
School/Department Exchange Name: Professor Serpil Acar
Co-ordinator:                     Email: B.S.Acar@lboro.ac.uk
                                  Telephone: +44 (0)1509 635700
Loughborough University           Number of credits:
general requirements:             The recommended number of ECTS per semester is
                                  30 ECTS credits (60 Loughborough credits). Students
                                  are advised not to exceed this recommendation.
Design general requirements: Restrictions may apply based on your previous level of
                                  experience in any given subject area. The Exchange
                                  Co-ordinator will discuss the suitability of your module
                                  choices with you in more detail if required.

                                   The modules offered by the Design School are based on
                                   prior learning of two or three years’ undergraduate
                                   education in Industrial/Product Design and/or
                                   Ergonomics (Human Factors). Acceptance on to Design
                                   School modules may require evidence of prior learning
                                   and design skills, including a portfolio of previous design

                                   Please note that 21DSC400 - Final Year Project
                                   (ERASMUS+) is a compulsory module.
Can I choose modules from          Yes, at the discretion of the School owning the module, if
other Schools/Departments?         it has no prerequisite modules, and if it fits in with your
                                   timetable. Your Design School modules must take
Full details on the content and assessment methods for all modules can be found in the
University’s module catalogue http://lucas.lboro.ac.uk/epublic/wp5015.main.

Exchange Student Module Options 2021/22:

It is expected that the modules listed in the table overleaf will be available to incoming
exchange students in 2021/22. Please include a selection of the modules listed in this table
on your learning agreement.

Please bear in mind that, whilst we always try to accommodate the requests of our
exchange students, places on the modules listed below may be limited and may be subject
to you meeting certain prerequisites in your chosen subject area. As such, we cannot
guarantee that you will be offered a place on the modules you choose, and choices are
always subject to timetabling and approval by your Exchange Co-ordinator. Any queries
regarding module choice should be directed to him/her in the first instance.

Semester One Compulsory Modules
Module Code   Module Title                                       ECTS Credits
21DSC400      Final Year Project (ERASMUS+)                          15
                                 Semester One Optional Modules
Module Code   Module Title                                       ECTS Credits
21DSC009      Industrial Design Studies 3                            15
21DSC201      Inclusive Design                                       15
                        Semester Two – LOUGHBOROUGH CAMPUS
Module Code   Module Title                                       ECTS Credits
21DSC123      Vehicle Safety by Design                               10
21DSC013      Sustainable Design                                     10
21DSC021      Design Research                                        10
21DSC124      Design for 3D Printing                                 10
21DSC203      Advanced Environmental Interaction                     10
21DSC203      Advanced Environmental Interaction                     10
21DSC204      Human Factors for Intelligent Systems                  10
                               Semester Two – LONDON CAMPUS
Module Code   Module Title                                       ECTS Credits
21LLP004      Design for Experiences                                 7.5
21LLP005      Design Futures                                         7.5
21LLP006      Service Design Strategy                                7.5
21LLP008      Collaborative Project                                  7.5
21LLP011      Service Design Innovation                              7.5
21LLP013      Design Strategy and Branding                           7.5

Please follow the guidance on the information sheet very carefully. If you apply to study
modules that are not permitted by your School/Department, your learning agreement
may be returned to you.
School/Department Exchange Title and Name: Dr Barbara Cooke
Co-ordinator                       Email: B.Cooke@lboro.ac.uk
                                   Telephone: +44 (0)1509 228955
Loughborough University            Number of credits:
general requirements:              The recommended number of ECTS per semester is
                                   30 ECTS credits (60 Loughborough credits).
                                   Students are advised not to exceed this
English general                    Restrictions may apply based on your previous level of
requirements:                      experience in any given subject area. The Exchange
                                   Co-ordinator will discuss the suitability of your module
                                   choices with you in more detail if required.
Can I choose modules from          No, you must choose all of your modules from within
other Schools/Departments?         English. However, it might be possible for you to take a
                                   language module (worth 5 ECTS credits) in the
                                   Language Centre. For further information, see
Full details on the content and assessment methods for all modules can be found in
the University’s module catalogue http://lucas.lboro.ac.uk/epublic/wp5015.main.

Exchange Student Module Options 2021/22:

We expect the following modules to be available for incoming exchange students in
2021/22. Please include a selection of the modules listed in this table on your learning

Please bear in mind that, whilst we always try to accommodate the requests of our
exchange students, places on the modules listed below may be limited and may be subject
to your meeting certain prerequisites for a particular module that you have selected. As
such, we cannot guarantee that you will be registered on the modules you choose, and
choices are always subject to approval by your Exchange Co-ordinator. Any queries
regarding module choice should be directed to him/her in the first instance.

                                       Semester One Part A
Module Code                                   Module Title                                    ECTS Credits
†21HTA102             Exploring Language & Linguistics (Introduction to Language) ©               10
 21HTA104         Analysing Poetry: Metre, Form and Meaning (Introduction to Poetry)©             10
 21HTA777                                    Narrative Forms                                      10
 21HTA200                          How to Do Things with Digital Texts                            10
                                        Semester One Part B
Module Code                                    Module Title                                   ECTS Credits
†21HTB008                                 Victorian Literature ©                                  10
†21HTB710           Love and Life in the Stuart Era (1603-1714) Renaissance Writing ©             10

                                            Optional Modules
†21HTB513                  In Loving Memory? Narratives of Loss, 1987-present                      5
 21HTB535                                    The Weird Tale                                        5
†21HTB517                                    America at War                                        5
 21HTB554                       Quests and Dragons: Legacies of Chivalry                           5
                                      Semester Two Part A
Module Code                                 Module Title                                      ECTS Credits
 21HTA701                    Theory That Matters: Critiquing Inequalities. ©                      10
 21HTA011                                  Writing in History ©                                   10
†21HTA001                                  Introduction to Film                                   10
 21HTA003            Elephants and Engines: Introduction to Creative Writing (© ECW)              10
                                        Semester Two Part B
Module Code                                  Module Title                                     ECTS Credits
†21HTB711                       Eighteenth-Century Literature © Pre 1800                          10
 21HTB712                               Modernisms © Post 1800                                    10
 21HTB001      From Fan Fiction to YouTube: Navigating the Digital Literary Sphere (© EDH)        10
              Interdisciplinary Modules. One 10 credit module can replace an English option
                                            Optional Modules
†21HTB518           The Weaker Vessel: Writing about Life in the Seventeenth Century               5
†21HTB510               Spaces and Hyperspaces of Language and Communication                       5
 21HTB503          Animal Tales: Non-human Animals in Literature, Philosophy and Film              5
                                              Arts Modules
 21ACB933                                    Material Culture                                     10
†21ACB935                       Creative Dissent, Protest, Activism and Art                       10
†21ACB937            Experiential Design: Body Adornments and the New Technologies                10
†21ACB934                                    Fashion Theory                                       10

Please follow the guidance on the information sheet very carefully. If you apply to study
modules that are not permitted by your School/Department, your learning agreement may
be returned to you.
School/Department Exchange Name: Professor Heike Jons
Co-ordinator                       Email: Sshexchanges@lboro.ac.uk
                                   Telephone: +44 (0)1509 228199
Loughborough University            Number of credits:
general requirements:              The recommended number of ECTS per semester is 30
                                   ECTS credits (60 Loughborough credits). Students are
                                   advised not to exceed this recommendation.
Geography and Environment          Postgraduate modules are only suitable for students who
general requirements:              have already completed three years or more of degree
                                   level study in any given subject area. The Exchange Co-
                                   ordinator will discuss and advise students on the
                                   suitability of studying a postgraduate module.
Can I choose modules from          Yes, you can take up to 10 ECTS credits per semester in
other Schools/Departments?         another School/Department.

                                   Module(s) offered by another School/ Department must
                                   be approved and signed off by the relevant Exchange
                                   Co-ordinator BEFORE you return your final learning
                                   agreement to Geography and Environment.
Full details on the content and assessment methods for all modules can be found in the
University’s module catalogue http://lucas.lboro.ac.uk/epublic/wp5015.main.

Exchange Student Module Options 2021/22:

It is expected that the modules listed in the tables overleaf will be available to incoming
exchange students in 2021/22. Please include a selection of the modules listed in this table
in your learning agreement.

Please bear in mind that, whilst we always try to accommodate the requests of our
exchange students, places on the modules listed below may be limited and may be subject
to you meeting certain prerequisites in your chosen subject area. As such, we cannot
guarantee that you will be offered a place on the modules you choose, and choices are
always subject to approval by your Exchange Co-ordinator. Any queries regarding module
choice should be directed to him/her in the first instance.

Semester One
Module Code                           Module Name                                ECTS Credits
                                  First Year Modules
 21GYA002                    Economic and Political Geography                        10
 21GYA004                    Economic and Political Geography                         5
 21GYA007                   Cartography, Digital Mapping & GIS                        5
 21GYA008               Global Environmental Change at Local Scale                    5
 21GYA101                          Earth System Science                               5
                                 Second Year Modules
 21GYB110                     Sustainable Urban Geographies                           5
 21GYB211               Globalization: Citizenship and Development                    5
† 21GYB224              Social Difference: Geographical Perspectives                  5
 21GYB311                              River Ecology                                  5
                                   Third Year Modules
 21GYC104                  Glacial Environments and Landscapes                        5
 21GYC110               GIS, Modelling and Flood Risk Management                      5
 21GYC226                       Employment, Work and Life                             5
† 21GYC309                         Geographies of Home                                5
                                 Postgraduate Modules
 21GYP002                         Financial Globalization                            7.5
 21GYP005                  Globalization: Key Debates and Issues                     15
 21GYP014         Children, Youth and Education: Space, Place and Politics           15
 21GYP025                            Research Design                                  5
 21GYP038     Doing Research with Young People in their Socio-Spatial Contexts        5
 21GYP041                     Lake Research and Management                           7.5
 21GYP042                    GIS for Environment Management                          7.5

                                  Semester One & Two
                                  Second Year Modules
  21GYB201                          Remote Sensing & GIS                             10
  21GYB210                              Globalization                                10
 † 21GYB220                            Social Difference                             10
  21GYB230                  Earth Surface Processes and Landforms                    10
  21GYB240            Environmental Systems and Resource Management                  10
  21GYB327               Geographical Research: Design and Practice                  10
                               Postgraduate Modules
  21GYP037           Professional Practice in Environmental Management                5

Semester Two
Module Code                        Module Name                                ECTS Credits
                              First Year Modules
 21GYA003                Quantitative Methods in Geography                         5
† 21GYA102                  Social and Cultural Geography                         10
† 21GYA104                  Social and Cultural Geography                          5
 21GYA110                       Environmental Hazards                              5
 21GYA112                       Environmental Hazards                             10
                              Second Year Modules
 21GYB113               Cultural Spaces and Digital Landscapes                     5
 21GYB212               Globalization: Economy and Innovation                      5
† 21GYB222    Social Difference: Post-Colonial and Post-Socialist Societies        5
 21GYB308                           Forest Ecology                                 5
 21GYB320                          Global Migration                                5
 21GYB400                        Exploring the Ice Ages                            5
                               Third Year Modules
 21GYC107                          Regional Worlds                                10
 21GYC108                         Climate and Society                             10
 21GYC200                Conservation: Principles and Practice                     5
 21GYC211                        Snow, Ice and Society                             5
 21GYC214                 Geographies of Children and Youth                        5
† 21GYC325            Mobilities, Transnationalism and Diaspora                   10
                             Postgraduate Modules
 21GYP001                    Research Design and Practice                         15
 21GYP009        Critical Perspectives on the Global Financial System             7.5
 21GYP044             Tools for River Research and Management                     7.5
 21GYP045          Research-informed Environmental Management                     7.5
 21GYP046             Geospatial Risk Modelling for Management                    7.5
 21GYP047                 Environmental Monitoring of Wind                        7.5

Please follow the guidance on the information sheet very carefully. If you apply to study
modules that are not permitted by your School/Department, your learning agreement may
be returned to you.
School/Department Exchange        Name: Dr Elisa Mele
Co-ordinator:                     Email: E.Mele2@lboro.ac.uk
                                  Telephone: +44 (0)1509 228595
Loughborough University           Number of credits:
general requirements:             The recommended number of ECTS per semester is
                                  30 ECTS credits (60 Loughborough credits). Students
                                  are advised not to exceed this recommendation.
Materials general                 Restrictions may apply based on your previous level of
requirements:                     experience in any given subject area. The Exchange
                                  Co-ordinator will discuss the suitability of your module
                                  choices with you in more detail if required.

                                  Research projects:
                                  Undergraduate and postgraduate (taught) students who
                                  wish to undertake a research project during their time at
                                  Loughborough can only do so by registering for an
                                  approved research project module.
Can I choose modules from         No, please choose all your modules from within
other Schools/Departments?        Materials.
Full details on the content and assessment methods for all modules can be found in the
University’s module catalogue http://lucas.lboro.ac.uk/epublic/wp5015.main.

Exchange Student Module Options 2021/22:

It is expected that the modules listed in the table overleaf will be available to incoming
exchange students in 2021/22. Please include a selection of the modules listed in this table
on your learning agreement.

Please bear in mind that, whilst we always try to accommodate the requests of our
exchange students, places on the modules listed below may be limited and may be subject
to you meeting certain prerequisites in your chosen subject area. As such, we cannot
guarantee that you will be offered a place on the modules you choose, and choices are
always subject to approval by your Exchange Co-ordinator. Any queries regarding module
choice should be directed to him/her in the first instance.

Module                                     ECTS
                  Module Title                       Semester                             Aim
  Code                                     Credits
21MPA016             Project                 10       1 or 2      Design and carry out an experimental investigation.
                                                                   Impart the skills required to undertake a technical
21MPB003   Materials Literature Survey       5        1 or 2
                                                                                     literature review.
                                                                 Discuss the needs of environment protection through
           Sustainability, Recycling and
21MPC101                                     5          1            environmental control of pollution, materials
              Environmental Issues
                                                                    sustainability, recycling, and controlled disposal.
                                                                 Discuss the importance of surfaces in engineering and
21MPC108       Surface Engineering           5          1         how they may be modified by suitable coatings and
                                                                  Analyse fundamental theory of mechanical, optical,
             Advanced Principles of
21MPC111                                     5          1        electronic and thermal properties, transformations in
                                                                             materials and defects in crystals.
                                                                    Describe the application of materials science and
                                                                 engineering in the context of particular industrial case
21MPC103     Industrial Case Studies         5          2
                                                                  studies and the associated issues of manufacturing,
                                                                          economic and legislative constraints.
                                                                 Discuss the properties, processing and applications of
21MPC114      Composite Materials            5          2          composite materials and the development of new
           Biomaterials 2 (Biomaterials                         Analyse the types of materials that can target delivery to
21MPC231                                     5          2
               for Drug Delivery)                                  specific organs/tissues and in specific timeframes.

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