Boomer-Ferguson Elementary Faculty Handbook 2019-2020

Page created by Helen Neal
Boomer-Ferguson Elementary Faculty Handbook 2019-2020
Faculty Handbook

                   Be Respectful
                   Be Safe
                   Be Happy
Absences (Staff)
  ● For emergencies during the school day, please contact Angela to arrange
     getting a sub.
  ● Please put all absences in AESOP as soon as you know that you are going to
     be out. If an early morning emergency arises, please call Angela at
     336-717-1538 AND leave a message at the school. If it is after 6am, please
     begin calling subs to attempt to secure one yourself as it may be difficult
     for the office staff to do this during the morning routine.
  ● Your efforts to schedule doctor/dental appointments outside of
     instructional time and on optional teacher workdays will be greatly

Accidents (Staff)
  ● All staff injuries requiring more attention than routine first aid, must be
      reported on an accident form as soon as possible, but definitely within 24
      hours of the injury. Please, also, notify the principal regarding any injury.
      The forms are available with Angela Wentz.

Accidents (Students)
  ● Administer first aid for mild cuts and bruises. Bring the child to the office
      if you think the situation is serious enough to require medical attention. If
      you are unsure as to the severity of an injury, please call the nurse and/or
      parents to let them help make that decision. The person who is supervising
      the student at the time of the injury should complete an accident report
      for any injuries requiring more than routine first aid.

After-School Meeting Schedule

            Who?                        What do they do?                  When?

MTSS - Ballard, Duncan,            3-tiered problem-solving of   2nd & 4th Monday
Hartley, Hendren, Jolly, Miller,   behavior, attendance, and
Hubbard                            academics

SIT - Beard, Duncan, Hartley,      School Improvement            1st Wednesday
Nichols, Oakes, Hubbard            Planning and
Committees -                    PBIS - School-Wide Plan and    2nd Wednesday
PBIS - Church, Hendren,         Tier 1 Incentives
Cranfill, Parlier, Hubbard
Safety - Jolly, Minton,         Safety - Ways to improve our
Rutledge, Sutton, Wingler       processes & procedures

Yearbook/Reading & Math         Yearbook/Reading & Math
Incentives - Beard, Bishop,     Incentives - Help with
Duncan, Nichols, Romanish       yearbook, develop,
                                implement & monitor
                                school-wide incentives for
Social - Ballard, Colbert,      reading and/or math
Gentry, Hartley, Moore,
Douthitt, Wentz                 Social - Plan and execute
                                fun events for the staff,
                                bereavement gifts, showers,

Faculty Work Session/PD -                                      3rd Wednesday
All staff

KEEP OPEN                                                      4th Wednesday

Emergency only                                                 5th Wednesday

                              MTSS Dates (2nd & 4th Monday)
September 9 & 23                               February 10 & 24

October 14 & 28                                March 9 & 23

November 18 (3rd Monday)                       April 6 (1st Monday) & 27

December 9                                     May 11

January 13 & 27

                                SIT Dates (1st Wednesday)
July 31                                        January 16 Required Workday

September 4                                    February 5
October 2                                  March 4

November 6                                 April 1

December 4                                 May 6

                          Committee Dates (2nd Wednesday)
September 11                               February 12

October 9                                  March 11

November 13                                April 8

December 11                                May 13

January 8

                    Faculty Work Session/PD Dates (3rd Wednesday)
September 18                               February 19

October 16                                 March 18

November 20                                April 22 (4th Wednesday)

December 18                                May 20

January 15

Arrival (Staff)
   ● Staff members should arrive by 7:15am.
   ● Emergencies do arise before school. Please call the office and text or call
      Mrs. Hubbard if your arrival time will be later than your assigned time.
      (336-830-9767). Also, please find someone to cover for you until you arrive.
   ● Please clock in on TimeKeeper upon arrival to school. If a correction needs
      to be made to TimeKeeper, a clipboard is located in the front office to log
      the correction. This includes missed punches, leaving early, etc.

Arrival (Student)
● All staff not on duty in other locations should stand just inside the doorway
     of the classroom to monitor the hallway and greet students. This is a very
     important time to set the tone for the entire day and connect with students
     to get their day started well. Please put trash cans in the hall immediately
     after breakfast each morning.
   ● PreK parents will be entering the building through the side door except when
     there is bad weather. All other students should enter the building via the
     bus or car line through the front door. K-5 parents will not be coming in the
     building in the mornings after the first week of school.

   ● Teachers are expected to attend assemblies and sit near their classes to
     monitor for appropriate student conduct. Please wait to be called before
     taking classes to the gym.

Attendance (Student)
   ● Certified staff members are legally responsible for accurate attendance
     records. Please make certain to have taken attendance by 8:00 am each day.
     To be considered in attendance, a student must be present for at least
     one-half of the school day (11:45am).
   ● A note is required for every absence within three days of returning to
     school. Turn all notes in daily in your attendance folder. If a parent calls in
     an excuse for an absence, you will be notified by email for documentation in
     your records.
   ● Early departures will be handled through the office. Students will be called
     to come to the office when someone arrives to check them out early. Please
     send two students to the office with the student who is checking out. We
     need to avoid having students traveling alone in the hallways.
   ● Classroom teachers, please make contact with families when students are

Audiovisual Materials
  ● Any use of video and/or audio materials must be directly connected to the
      standard currently being taught. All copyright laws must be followed
      (Copyright Law P.L. 94-553). Please use the WCS Board Policy Parental
      Permission form to notify parents of movie ratings.

Box Tops
● Box tops will be collected quarterly and turned in to Lisa Gentry and
     Michelle Hartley.

Breaks when supervising students
   ● Please make sure students are appropriately supervised should the need
     arise for a restroom break when supervising students. Please use your
     planning or lunch time to make personal phone calls. Cell phones should not
     be used when supervising students except to award Dojo points.
   ● Students should not be left unsupervised at any time. This includes
     students working in the hallway unless you are actively monitoring both the
     hallway and the classroom. If at all possible, encourage students to take
     their restroom and water breaks during regularly scheduled whole class

Bulldog Bulletin
   ● You will be informed of weekly happenings via the Bulldog Bulletin each week
      sometime between Friday afternoon and Monday morning. There will also be
      a daily email with Notes and Reminders in case there are changes that need
      to be made to information shared in the Bulldog Bulletin. It is your
      responsibility to read email at least twice daily - before school and after

Bulletin Boards
   ● Bulletin Boards are very good instruments for creating a positive, inviting
       learning environment. Please use borders and work toward keeping student
       work displayed as much as possible. If fabric is used, it must be treated
       with a fire retardant. This treatment must be documented with the
       documentation kept on file in the office. Please ensure that work displayed
       is neat, orderly, visually pleasing, and only displays the student’s first name.
       Remove and replace posted items in a timely manner.
   ● Hallway Bulletin Boards are a shared responsibility
           ➢ Beside cafeteria door - Oakes
           ➢ Beside gym door - Oakes
           ➢ Beside Cranfill’s room - Cranfill
           ➢ Beside Bishop’s room - Bishop
           ➢ Across from Bishop’s room - Minton
           ➢ Beside guidance classroom - Oakes
           ➢ Short hallway #1 - Parlier/Sutton
           ➢ Short hallway #2 - PBIS Team
           ➢ Outside workroom - Church/Hartley
➢ Beside tutor room - Hendren
         ➢ Beside the art room - Ballard/Beard/Nichols
         ➢ Outside PreK - Colbert/Gentry

Bus Expectations
   ● Teachers, please discuss the following with students when teaching the PBIS
      School Bus Expectation Lesson:
         ○ In meeting the bus at a bus stop, students should…….
               ■ be on time to the bus stop.
               ■ stand back from the road on the side of the highway and in no
                  way interfere with traffic.
               ■ wait until the bus comes to a complete stop and look in both
                  directions before crossing the road.
               ■ cross the bus under the protection of the bus stop arm.
         ○ While on the bus…….
               ■ remain seated in assigned seat at all times.
               ■ maintain an acceptable noise level.
               ■ keep all items/belongings in backpack at all times. Items that
                  do not fit in the back pack, cannot go on the bus.
               ■ keep hands and feet off other students.
               ■ use language appropriate for school.
               ■ do not consume food or drinks.

   ● All students will be eligible for universal breakfast and lunch at no cost. In
      addition, students may purchase a la carte items. Parents who opt out of the
      universal lunch will be responsible for the full cost of a lunch. The pre-pay
      option will be available or parents can send money to school each week.
      Checks should be made to the school.
   ● Student responsibilities in the cafeteria include: cleaning tables, wiping
      seats clean, knowing their lunch number, picking up paper/food from the area
      around the tables, and cleaning up their spills.
   ● Supervision - Staff should monitor and provide assistance when needed.
   ● Parents may only take their own child from the cafeteria for lunch after
      signing in the office to receive a visitor pass.
   ● Teachers, if there is not a TA available for duty, please remain in the
      cafeteria with your students.
   ● The use of carbonated beverages to accompany lunch or outside food is
● No outside food from a restaurant is allowed to be brought into the
   ● Meal prices

                          Students Adults

             Breakfast    $1.50      $2.75

             Lunch        $2.40      $4.25

Classroom Management
   ● Helping children develop self-discipline and learn how to behave properly in
      any given situation is one of the most important components of a good basic
      education. Hands should never be placed on a student. Belittling or use of
      sarcasm should never be used when disciplining a child or at any other time.
   ● Good behavior on the part of all students is a school-wide goal. Teach your
      students the PBIS matrix and reward them frequently when they meet
   ● Plan to use class time effectively. The teacher who begins class promptly
      and provides meaningful activities for the entire time period reduces
      discipline problems tremendously.

Classroom Safety
   ● During each school year, we are inspected by county fire and health
      officials, as well as, an insurance inspector. The following guidelines
      regarding classroom cleanliness and safety are to be followed:
         ○ The following items are prohibited in classrooms:
                 ■ Any regular household appliances such as coffee makers,
                    microwaves, toaster ovens, lamps, refrigerators, etc.
                 ■ Plug in air fresheners
                 ■ Live Christmas trees
                 ■ Christmas tree lights
         ○ All cloth coverings on windows, bulletin boards, etc. must be treated
             and documented.
         ○ When looking at classroom walls, no more than 25% of the wall space
             should be covered with paper.

Class Schedules
● Please mount and post your daily schedule outside your classroom door. Also,
     include a copy of this in your emergency lesson plans. Please inform the
     office of any changes to the daily schedule or the location of your class
     during the day.

Community Relations
  ● We are dependent on our community for both moral and financial support.
     Therefore, it is advisable that we conduct ourselves in a manner that
     promotes good public relations. How we present ourselves both in public and
     at school will have either a positive or negative impression on the community.
     WCS Policy 7300 addresses this aspect of being an employee of Wilkes
     County Schools.
        ○ Avoid exaggerating school issues.
        ○ Talk about the good things happening at our school.
        ○ Promote “goodwill”. Please refrain from speaking negatively about
           the school or a staff member in the community.

   ● It is essential that a high level of confidentiality be maintained at all times
      with information regarding students. This information includes grades, test
      scores, exceptionalities, disabilities, behavior, discipline, and all cumulative
      folder information. See FERPA regulations in the WCS Policy section.

Copiers, Die Cutters, and Laminators
   ● Replace die cutters to the appropriate storage place.
   ● Proper training is important in effectively operating machines. If you do not
      know how to operate the copiers, laminator, and/or die cut devices, please
      ask for assistance.
   ● The copier in the workroom is for teacher use. Staff may use the office
      copier if the other one is not available. However, please reserve this for
      making only a few copies at a time and avoid using it for large printing jobs.
   ● Please avoid sending students to the office to have copies made for you.
      Part of effective planning is making sure that all materials are ready for
      classroom use either prior to leaving school the day before or before
      students arrive on campus (7:20am) each morning.
   ● Please avoid sharing your copier code with anyone.
Copyright Policy

   ● Please be aware of the County Adopted Copyright Policy (Copyright Law
     P.L. 94-553) in the policy section. You are held responsible for violations
     of this law. Do not copy from texts that are copyrighted.

Crisis Intervention
   ● Various staff members are trained to deal with a student in crisis without
       leaving bruising or marks on the student.

Cumulative Folders
  ● Cumulative folders contain confidential information that must be
      safeguarded at all times. These folders are not to be removed from the
      office, taken home, or left unattended. Students and volunteers should not
      have access to cumulative folders or any other confidential student

Daily Schedule
7:20am -            Student arrival begins through 7:50am
7:50am -            Morning bell - Any student getting to the classroom after this
time must
                    Report to the office for a tardy slip before going to the
classroom. Please
                    train students and visitors to the building to be silent and
prepare for the
                    morning news when this bell rings.
7:55am -            Morning announcements - All staff/visitors should listen.
8:00am -            Student instruction begins
3:00pm -            All classes should be in the classroom and ready to listen in case
there are
                    afternoon announcements.
3:05pm -            Car riders dismissed; PreK-2 escorted to buses by teacher
3:07pm -            3-5 bus riders dismissed
3:20pm -            Car line ends - Send remaining students to the office.

Data Meetings/PLCs
  ● Data meetings with grade level teachers will be held on Day 3 and on days
     Ms. Kristy has guidance classes (every other Wednesday).
● Some things these meetings may include
       ○ Tools 4 Teachers
       ○ VIK
       ○ Year at a glance
       ○ Unit planning - learning targets & assessment aligned to learning
       ○ Schoolnet use in 3-5
       ○ Other NCDPI Resources
       ○ Istation
       ○ Moby Max
       ○ Data Analysis
       ○ IE Planning

Departure - Staff
  ● Certified staff are expected to remain at school until 3:45pm unless prior
     arrangements have been made with Mrs. Hubbard.

Distribution of Non-School Related Materials
   ● Non-school related materials cannot be distributed by staff, community
      businesses, churches, etc. directly to students without approval from the
      district level. Materials can be made available for students to pick up at his
      or her own will.

Dress Code
   ● You are a professional and this should be reflected in your dress. Anyone
      entering the building should be able to distinguish the staff from visitors,
      volunteers, and students. Jeans appropriate for the workplace (no holes or
      ragged hems) may be worn on Fridays, preferably with a school shirt.

EC Referrals
   ● Please refrain from telling a parent that you feel a child should be evaluated
     for the Exceptional Children’s program. Any student ultimately referred for
     evaluation must have documentation of classroom interventions which were
     not effective prior to even being considered for evaluation.

  ● Email will be utilized as a primary form of communication between the office
      and the classroom. Please check your email, at a minimum, before school and
      after school each day.
Emergency Lesson Plans
  ● Please complete at least two days of emergency lesson plans to give to
     Angela Wentz by September 13th. Please include class lists, detailed daily
     schedule/routines as well as plans that are meaningful and easy to
     implement, not just busy work.
  ● Include a list of students and their modes of transportation.

Energy Conservation
   ● Please shut down computers, and turn off all electronic items daily.
   ● SmartBoard projectors should be turned off when not in use in order to
      conserve the very expensive bulb.
   ● Doors and windows should be closed when the heating or air conditioning is
      being used in the building.
   ● Turn off lights in all areas when the area is not in use.

Field Trips
   ● Field trips can and should be a valuable learning experience for every child.
      Each trip will correlate and reinforce specific topics of instruction included
      in the North Carolina Essentials Standards or Standard Course of Study.
   ● A member of the school staff must accompany all groups. All field trips
      should be approved by the principal before scheduling in Travel Tracker or
      requesting money from students.
   ● A completed permission form is required for students to participate.
      Handwritten notes and verbal permission over the phone cannot be accepted.
   ● Students may be signed out from the teacher by a parent at the end of the
      field trip.
   ● Parents, volunteers, and siblings are not allowed to ride the bus with classes
      of students.
   ● Please utilize approved parents as chaperones. Notify parents of the
      opportunity well in advance and clearly state costs and expectations at that
      time, including parent means of transportation. Students cannot be left
      unattended by a school employee (even with a parent volunteer assigned to a
      small group) at any time.
   ● To avoid being “in the red”, adequate funds must be collected to cover the
      cost of all field trips. Be sure to include taxes, admission fees, parking,
      mileage, drivers, etc. when determining field trip costs.
● Please contact parents of students who have not paid for a trip to determine
     if they need assistance or if they do not want their students to go on the
   ● It is expected that every effort will be made to contact parents to ensure
     that they send in a permission form even if they cannot pay for the field
     trip. We cannot deny field trips as they are considered a part of the
     curriculum, not a reward or punishment.

   ● Any food brought in from parents for class activities must be store-bought
     and in a sealed package. Please be mindful of food allergies and always check
     ingredient lists and abide by food orders at all times even if a student or a
     parent claim otherwise. The official food order from a physician always
     trumps both the parent’s and the student’s word.
   ● Please monitor the storage of food in the classroom to prevent remains of
     food that may invite pests into the classroom. Use sealed containers for
   ● If staff members wish to purchase items from the faculty vending machines
     for their own children, please do so when all other students have left the
   ● Please refrain from sending students to purchase items from vending
     machines or to use a microwave.

Grading and Reporting
   ● Grades should be based upon the student’s level of mastery of curriculum
      standards. All grades will be using standards-based grading.

  ● According to WCS Board Policy, the following amounts of time are
     appropriate for homework:
        ○ Kindergarten - 15 minutes
        ○ 1st grade -      20 to 30 minutes
        ○ 2nd grade -      20 to 30 minutes
        ○ 3rd grade -      30 to 45 minutes
        ○ 4th grade -      45 to 60 minutes
        ○ 5th grade -      45 to 60 minutes
  ● Please keep in mind that time for completion is different for every student
     and should be taken into consideration in making assignments.
  ● Classrooms
        ○ It is very important for each teacher to maintain a reasonable
           standard of classroom neatness. Students can be taught that the
           classroom neatness is a priority and that they are expected to be an
           important part of keeping the room neat and clean. Books and
           personal property should be placed in desks or cubbies before
           students are dismissed from the room. Students should also be
           responsible for making sure that trash is picked up and disposed of
           properly. Begin the school year by making this a part of your daily
           classroom routines and procedures. The custodians work hard to
           maintain a clean building and you should teach your students to be
           responsible community helpers by picking up their items off the floors
           daily. Your room’s cleanliness and neatness can have an impact on
           students’ ability to concentrate and learn, as well as, leaving an
           impression on visitors to your classroom.
        ○ Minor spills within your classroom or in the hallway are to be cleaned
           up by an adult or student as appropriate. Please reserve calling for
           custodial help for the more major clean-up jobs.
        ○ Please place trash cans outside classroom doors by 8:15am each
           morning and back out into the hallway by 3:20pm each afternoon.
        ○ Before students are dismissed, ask them to place chairs on top of
           desks and make sure all large pieces of trash are picked up so the
           custodians can efficiently clean all floors in a timely manner.

   ● Restrooms
        ○ Please check student restrooms before and after use by your
           classroom. Be mindful of the number of students sent into the
           restroom at one time, as well as, keeping potential problems separated
           during restroom visits.

   ● Workrooms/Common Areas
       ○ Please also be mindful of the neatness and cleanliness of common
          areas such as workrooms, the lounge, and faculty restrooms. Always
          clean up after yourself and put items away after use.
       ○ Please do not send students to these areas unsupervised.

Inclement Weather
● Closed
     ○ Usually this means that schools will not be open for any school
        personnel. However, you may wish to call the school to see if anyone is
        on campus. This would usually be the result of extremely hazardous
        conditions that would make it unlikely that the principal or custodian
        can get to school to open the building.
● Delays/Early Dismissals
     ○ Should there be an announced delay to the start of school, unless
        otherwise indicated, staff should arrive at regular time. However,
        staff members may delay arrival to ensure safety as long as it is prior
        to student arrival. Please advise someone in the office and Mrs.
        Hubbard if you will be late on the morning of a delay.
     ○ In the event of an early dismissal due to inclement weather, an
        announcement will be made regarding staff dismissal time. This will
        usually be shortly after all students have been dismissed for the day.
● No Day
     ○ No instructional personnel or ten-month personnel will be required to
        work. You may, however, use this day to make up any other “bad
        weather” day you owe. You should call prior to coming to see if the
        building is open.

● Optional Teacher Workdays
    ○ Any closing of school due to weather conditions will be announced over
        the local radio/television stations and School Messenger. Please use
        caution when travelling and only do so when it is safe. You will be
        notified as to what time the building will be open. On optional days
        called because of hazardous weather, your options are as follows:
            ■ Use half of an annual leave day if you have accumulated an
               excess above the 10 that are built into the calendar each year
            ■ Make-up the half day after the end of the contract year and by
               June 30th - only in emergencies and pre-approved by the
            ■ Use pre-approved trade time
            ■ Take a day without pay

● Individualized Education Plans
     ○ Each teacher who serves a student with an IEP will be asked to sign
         that you have received a copy of the student’s IEP including required
         modifications and/or accommodations.
Internet use by Students
   ● Students must have a signed Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act
      (COPPA) form on file before accessing the internet. Students are not
      allowed on the internet unsupervised at any time. Please monitor your
      students for inappropriate activity.

   ● Staff members will be issued keys to their classrooms and fobs to access
     other entrances. Keep classroom doors locked at all times. Fobs will not
     work after 6pm each day. KEYS MAY NOT BE DUPLICATED for any reason
     except by maintenance staff.

Lesson Plans/Lesson Delivery

   ● Please complete lesson plans in an Electronic format by 6pm each Sunday
   ● Please include the standard (number and text) and clear learning targets
     related to the standards.
   ● Lesson plans/lesson delivery should include posting and sharing learning
     targets with students, revisiting them throughout the lesson, and a
     formative assessment at the end of the lesson that matches the learning
   ● Lesson delivery should include a random way to call on students. Ask a
     question, give all students think-time, randomly call on students to answer.
   ● Lesson plans/lesson delivery should include all the components of PIPA
     (Purpose, Instruction, Practice & Assessment. See this link for more

  ● Staff mailboxes are located in the teacher’s lounge and should be emptied
  ● PONY mail is located in the conference room. A schedule of pick-up and
     delivery dates is posted on the wall beside the collection box.
  ● PONY mail will only be picked up on Thursdays this year.

Maintenance Requests
  ● Please submit maintenance needs via email to Mrs. Hubbard. Please include
      the room# and the specific needs.
  ● Any medication prescribed or otherwise, shall be brought to the school
     office by a parent or guardian. Students cannot transport medication. All
     medications given during the school day require authorization signed by the
     student’s physician and the student’s parent/guardian. Medicine should be in
     an original pharmacy-labeled bottle with the pharmacy’s address and phone
     number, the student’s name, the prescribing physician’s name, and directions
     for proper use. Forms and a daily medicine log will be kept in the medical
     logbook in the Nurse’s Office. A parent/guardian may come to school to give
     any medication they feel is needed for their child. No student shall
     transmit to or receive from another student medication either prescribed or

Meetings during School
  ● Grade level PLCs/Data Meetings will be held during planning times on Day 3
     and Guidance Day (every other Wednesday) in the Data Room. Please plan to
     arrive on time with all materials so as to make the most efficient use of our
     time together.

  ● All money collected from students should be receipted and turned in to the
     office daily. Money should not be kept in classrooms or the media center

Morning Announcements
  ● Please train students to be silent when the bell rings at 7:50am to be ready
      for the morning announcements at 7:55am. Students and teachers will
      observe a moment of silence for quiet reflection at the beginning of each
      school day. Following the moment of silence, the Pledge of Allegiance will be

Office Referrals
  ● In accordance with PBIS, teachers will use a Google Form to record minors.
      Majors will be handled by the office. Teachers should utilize PBIS
      interventions to manage student behaviors to the extent possible. Call the
      office for help with extraordinary circumstances.

Parent Communication
● Please communicate with parents on a regular basis. Be sure that “good
     things” are reported as well as those things that are “not so good.”
     Document all parent contact. This contact log will need to be turned in at
     the end of the school year for Title I documentation.
   ● Weekly reports of progress or work for the week should be sent home for
     parents to review to track student progress.
   ● Parent Conferences
        ○ 1st quarter - Every student
        ○ 2nd quarter - Invite all parents, but required with at-risk students
        ○ 3rd quarter - Every student
        ○ 4th quarter - Invite all parents, but required with at-risk students

Parental Involvement Leave
   ● Parent involvement leave must be arranged with the principal in advance in
      writing via email. Please include in the email arrangements for coverage of
      supervision and/or duties.

   ● Staff parking is at the side of the building. It is first come, first served.
      There are no assigned spaces, except for the Teacher of the Year and the
      TA of the Year.

   ● Each classroom is permitted to have two parties per year during the school
      day. These two parties must be within the last hour of the day. A “special
      snack” provided by parents is permitted for student birthdays so long as it
      does not take any more time than the classroom’s usual snack time. WCS
      Board Policy does not permit birthday parties for individual students. All
      refreshments are to be store-bought and arrive in the original sealed

Personal Leave
   ● Certified staff members may use up to 5 days of personal leave per year. If
      these days are used on student days, the cost of the substitute teacher will
      be deducted from the teacher’s pay. Requests to use personal leave must be
      made via email to the principal at least five school days in advance of the
      absence or the request may be denied. Personal leave cannot be granted
      on a required workday.
   ● Teachers are expected to plan, organize, and supervise physical fitness
      activities weekly. “Free” play may be as a part of the lesson plan, but
      designed activities are a better choice. Stay near the children as they play.
      Children should be instructed in the proper use of equipment, as well as,
      safety, the rules of fair play, and to share. The Healthy Active Children
      policy requires that students be engaged in organized physical education
      activities with direct teacher instruction, participation and supervision both
      with the PE teacher and with the classroom teacher for 150 minutes a week.
      Rotate areas of the playground including the track, open playing areas, paved
      areas, play structures, etc. Include activities that can be used inside during
      bad weather.

   ● The retention of a student is a difficult decision for all involved. The
     teacher must always keep the best interest of the student in mind. Early
     communication with parents is an essential component in the retention
     process. Retention should not be a surprise to anyone. Failure to complete
     homework is not a means for retention to occur. It is ultimately the decision
     of the principal to promote or retain students.

  ● Please give your support and energy to help our PTO as much as possible.
    They sponsor many events for our students and for fundraising purposes to
    support you and the students. Without our PTO, BFES would not have many
    of the necessities and extras that we have come to enjoy! Thank a PTO
    member when you see one. They work very hard for you!
  ● Certified staff members should plan to attend all PTO meetings, Open
    House, Fall Festival, Bingo and any event where students are involved. Trade
    time can be documented for attending these events.

Public Relations
   ● It is important to get the positive things happening with BFES students out
       into the community. Please take photos to be shared with the local
       newspaper, WCS monthly newsletter, Dojo, etc.

   ● All purchases, financial commitments, orders for goods, merchandise or
      services require the prior approval of the principal. Make sure to sign and
return all packing slips to the administrative assistant for proper purchasing
      procedures. The practice of faculty/staff members ordering items and
      reselling them or acting as an agent for selling them to students without
      going through the proper channel is prohibited. No employee in the school is
      allowed to collect money from students for any purpose that has not been
      approved or deemed appropriate by the Board of Education. The PTO
      Executive Committee will approve all purchases utilizing PTO funds. Any
      items purchased with monies from PTO and/or grant monies are property of
      BFES and should stay here when a staff member leaves.

Required Workdays
   ● Required workdays are built into the calendar to provide an opportunity for
      various professional development/collaboration opportunities that may be
      required by the district or warranted due to school-wide data. Please plan
      to be at school on required workdays from 8am - 4pm.

  ● All employees must carefully review the Critical Incident Response Plan
     (Orange). Every classroom must have their Critical Incident Response Plan
     placed on the back of the door to be used by anyone supervising the room at
     any given time.
  ● Panic buttons are located in the front office and the teachers’ lounge.
     Windows in doors are to remain uncovered except during a lockdown
  ● An emergency folder with specific directions for maintaining a safe, orderly
     environment at all times should be located on the back of the classroom
     door. Included should be fire drill, evacuation, and lock-down procedures.
     While considering the confidentiality of all students, the teacher must
     address the needs of students with special needs or health plans.

   ● One of the keys to an effective and efficient school year is scheduling that
     is conducive to maximizing time allotted for student learning.
   ● Please ensure that you have your class to specials and I/E on time and that
     they are picked up on time. Being on time shows respect for colleagues and
     the curriculum they teach. Our instructional time must always be intentional
     in all areas of the curriculum.
School Nurse
   ● Amanda Jolly will be at BFES on Wednesdays. If you have a need for her,
      please call or text her. Use discretion with student names and/or medical
   ● Teachers are responsible for picking up and re-supplying the classroom first
      aid kits. First aid supplies kept in the first aid area and in the medicine
      cabinet are to be used by teachers and assistants. If a student needs
      additional first aid attention, let the office know immediately.
   ● The nurse will also provide teachers and bus drivers with copies of student
      medical plans as required.

Sickness (Student)
   ● Please attempt to handle this at the classroom level, if at all possible. If a
      child asks to call a parent, please talk with the parent yourself. Let the
      parent decide whether or not the student needs to be picked up or medicine
      brought to school. The school nurse will be available on Wednesdays for
      assistance, if needed.
   ● If you think a child has a fever take their temperature.
          ○ If they have a fever, contact the parents.
   ● If the child is obviously sick, contact the parent. Let the office know what
      action you have taken. Many times a parent calls and wants to know about a
      sick child because “someone from the school called.”
   ● If a child is persistently sick and wants to go home a little too much, let the
      school counselor know and we will try to find out what the problem might be.
   ● Emphasize hand-washing, healthcare, etc. so we can prevent unnecessary
      spreading of germs. Use the nurse for classroom instruction, if needed.
   ● Be alert to potential health issues such as lice so proper procedures can be
   ● Be sure to handle blood, secretions, vomit, etc. properly - Bloodborne

Student Engagement
   ● It is expected that students will be kept in the classroom engaged in
     intentional academic activities as much as possible. Please avoid sending
     students to deliver materials or notes to other classrooms without having
     made arrangements with the receiving party in advance. This applies, as well,
     to sending students to the office. Please make every effort to take care of
     such needs during your planning or before or after school.
Student and Parent Handbook
   ● The student/parent handbook is located in the student calendar as well as on
     the school’s website. Please make certain that parents return the page that
     requires their signature.

Student Supervision
   ● Teachers should ensure that students are supervised at all times.

Specials Rotation - Media Day will include both book exchange and technology
instruction. The only “double” special day will be every other Wednesday for
   ● Day 1 - Music (Wingler)
   ● Day 2 - PE (Rutledge - will become Cochran in October)
   ● Day 3 - PE (Rutledge - will become Cochran in October)
   ● Day 4 - Art (Romanish)
   ● Day 5 - Media (Duncan)
   ● Day 6 - PE (Rutledge - will become Cochran in October)
   ● Every other Wednesday - Guidance during computer lab time.

Support Classes (PE, Art, Music, Media, Guidance, EC, etc.)
   ● Classroom teachers are asked to escort all students as a total group.
     Students should be supervised by an adult at all times.
   ● Any changes to specials classes will be announced by the principal ahead of
   ● PBIS procedures will be followed in these classrooms.
   ● These teachers should be sure to have contact information for all students
     should a parent contact be necessary due to behavior.
   ● Classroom teachers are asked to communicate with support teachers if their
     regular schedule is interrupted or if a particular student is in need of a little
     extra support on a particular day.
   ● Classroom teachers are asked to ensure that students have had adequate
     restroom breaks so as to not necessitate the need to use the restroom
     during specials classes.

Telephone Use
   ● If you receive a call on the school phone and it is an emergency, we will
      come to your classroom and get you. All other incoming calls will be
      forwarded to your voicemail. Cell phone calls should not be made when you
are supervising students. This includes bus/car duty, recess, etc. Cell
      phones should only be used for calling or texting in the case of an
      emergency. Please limit the use of cell phones to during planning and lunch
      except to award Dojo points.

Trade Time
   ● All trade time must be approved in advance by the principal and must be
     documented with Angela in half or whole hour increments. Certificates will
     not be issued for school-based events.
   ● Trade time cannot be given for after school meetings or parent conferences.
   ● Trade time cannot be traded for any part of a student-day or a required
   ● Below are guidelines used by WCS for awarding trade time:
         ○ Workshops beyond the school day/calendar
         ○ PTO meetings and events after school day
         ○ Sponsor- clubs, Science Olympiad, EBOB (except when a stipend is
         ○ Any activity that requires attendance at an evening event
         ○ Riding bus to monitor
         ○ *Required faculty meetings are part of the work day and do not earn
            trade time.

   ● Please post a list of students and their mode of transportation near the door
     of your classroom.
   ● A change in transportation must be accompanied by a note from the
     parent/legal guardian. Give these notes to Angela Wentz first thing in the
     morning to ensure that appropriate arrangements are made. This applies to
     the following situations:
        ○ Going home with another student on a different bus
        ○ Getting off the bus at a different stop - This actually requires at
            least 24 hour notice to clear through the transportation department
        ○ Going home with another student in a car
        ○ Being picked up by anyone other than those listed on the information
        ○ Students going home with each other must have a note from both sets
            of parents/guardians
        ○ Any changes in transportation should be approved through the office.
Two o’clock days/Leaving as soon as the kids leave days
  ● As a courtesy, each certified staff member may utilize 2 two o’clock days
      and 2 “leave as soon as the kids leave” days during each semester of school.
      You will need to arrange coverage for your students or any duties you may
      have during those times. If you need to leave before 2:00pm or if you have
      exhausted all of these courtesies, you will need to take a half sick day or
      make other arrangements. As salaried employees of the state of North
      Carolina, it is expected that we are “on the clock” for 7.5 hours each school
      day. Please plan to be at school from 7:15am - 3:45pm each day unless
      arrangements have been made with Mrs. Hubbard via email.

Two-Way Radios
  ● Please take radios when taking your class to recess or outside for any
    reason. Please keep radios turned off when in the classroom.

Video/Photograph Permission
   ● Student confidentiality is to be maintained at all times. We must have
      written documentation from a parent to photograph or videotape their child.
      These permissions are to be kept inside the cumulative folder.

   ● Parents must check with the office before visiting a classroom during the
       school day. Verification may be asked for identification purposes. All doors
       should remain locked and closed at all times.

  ● Optional workdays
       ○ 3 hours and 45 minutes
       ○ Trade time can be used.
       ○ When there are two optional work days in succession, a whole day may
          be worked to account for both of the days. Working a full day on an
          optional workday cannot be used to bank time for future optional
       ○ Please utilize the sign-in sheet to indicate your intentions for these
  ● Required workdays
       ○ 8am - 4pm
       ○ Trade time cannot be used.
○ The use of annual leave or personal leave must be discussed with Mrs.
  Hubbard in advance. There will, many times, be professional
  development or work that needs to be completed on these days. Plan
  to work on these days.
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