Lost in Time Face to face with the Cretaceous - College Magazine | Fall/Winter 2018

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Lost in Time Face to face with the Cretaceous - College Magazine | Fall/Winter 2018
College Magazine |   Fall/Winter 2018

Lost in Time
Face to face with
the Cretaceous
Lost in Time Face to face with the Cretaceous - College Magazine | Fall/Winter 2018
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Reflecting the mission of the college,
                                                                                                                                                                           St. Norbert College Magazine links the institution’s past and present by
                                                                                                                                                                                   chronicling its academic, cultural, spiritual and co-curricular life.


In Print                                                                                                                                                                Online
Vol. 50, No. 3, Fall/Winter 2018                                                                                                                                        A sampling of related content available at snc.edu/magazine.
                                                                         Cover Story
                       Page 7                                                                                                                                                                      Involved: There are 109 student
                       A new Wellness by Design initiative                                                                                                                                         orgs active on campus, this year. We
                       at St. Norbert is meeting the needs of                                                                                                                                      spoke with a few of them at September’s
                       today’s college students – a generation                                                                                                                                     Involvement Fair (page 9).
                       that is increasingly attuned to the
                       importance of emotional wellness,                                                                                                                                           In the beginning: It’s a new year on
                       say campus professionals.                                                                                                                                                   campus (page 11), the place never looked
                                                                                                                                                                                                   better, and we’re looking forward to
                                                                                                                                                                                                   sharing it with you!
                       Page 10
                       Joy Pahl (Business Administration)                                                                                                                                          In the hands of the experts: Revisit
                                                                                                                                                                                                   some of our most notable buildings via our
                       can’t claim to feel joyous all the time, but                                                     Page 16                                                                    student-led virtual tours (page 12).
                       fortunately she says her extreme optimism
                       “can pass for joyfulness in a pinch.” It’s an                                                    My Room/His Room:
                       interesting thing, says Joy-with-a-capital-J,                                                                                                                               Installed: When the seventh abbot of
                       to be named for an emotion!
                                                                                                                        Burke 215                                                                  St. Norbert Abbey (page 14) was blessed
                                                                                                                                                                                                   at his Installation, he found a unique way
                                                                                                                        They’re both SNC-educated. They like to
                                                                                                                                                                                                   to honor those who had held the sacred
                                                                                                                        think about things. And they have both,
                                                                                                                                                                                                   trust before him.
                                                                         Page 18                                        in different eras, fitted their tall frames
                                                                                                                        happily into one of the smallest spaces on
                       Page 13                                           Unpacking a Plesiosaur                         campus: Burke 215. One, a history and
                                                                                                                                                                                                   In pieces: Rebecca (Schmeisser)
                       “If it isn’t a struggle for beauty, what are we                                                                                                                             McKean ’04 (Geology) and Riley Hacker
                                                                                                                        political science major, has the world at his
                       struggling for?” – Brandon Bauer (Art)            When Rebecca (Schmeisser) McKean                                                                                          ’17 talk about their discoveries (page 18)
                                                                                                                        feet and will graduate this year. The other
                                                                         ’04 (Geology) discovered a plesiosaur fossil                                                                              and the painstaking work of finding out
                                                                                                                        is now a college president – president of
                                                                         in Grand Staircase-Escalante National                                                                                     more about fossils unlike any ever seen.
                                                                                                                        this very institution, in fact.
                                                                         Monument, she knew that it was unlike
                                                                                                                                                                                                   In hockey futures: Spencer Carbery ’06,
                                                                         anything else so far found in the Tropic
                                                                         Shale. Now, after three years of diligent                                                                                 head coach of the Hershey Bears, is one of
                                                                         work on the shoulder section – three years                                                                                many hockey alums now taking lessons
                                                                         of toil over bone fragments little larger      Page 23                                                                    learned at St. Norbert into the future of his
                                                                         than dust – McKean is finally face to face                                                                                sport (page 26).
                                                                         with her find once more. She is beginning      Cradle of Coaches
                                                                                                                                                                                                   In the ‘60s: Athletes of the 1960s (page
                                                                         work on the skull.                             The collegiate sports landscape is                                         27) huddle up to share memories.
                                                                                                                        littered with coaches who pursue
                       Departments                                       On our cover: Rebecca McKean at work           positions at bigger schools or higher                                      In living color: As a new mural (page
                                                                         in the field. Photo courtesy McKean.           NCAA divisions only to find they had
                         6    Guest Editorial                                                                                                                                                      34) takes shape in the Bush Art Center,
                                                                                                                        things pretty good where they were.                                        many hands join in the work.
                         7    News of St. Norbert                                                                       That’s not the case at St. Norbert,
                                                                                                                        where the coaching carousel stops
                       27     Alumni of St. Norbert                                                                     intentionally for many of those who lead
                                                                                                                        the Green Knights’ athletics programs.          Keep an eye open throughout this edition for
                       34		   Connection                                                                                                                                more links to content on the web. Follow us
                                                                                                                                                                        on your favorite social media channel, too.
                                                                                                                                                                        Just search for St. Norbert College.
Lost in Time Face to face with the Cretaceous - College Magazine | Fall/Winter 2018
Small matters
      Cute critters, faculty children, mud
      and water: It’s all in the name of
      science. When Adam Brandt (Biology)
      and his students trap small mammals
      as part of a long-term biodiversity
      study at the abbey pond, he invites
      his colleagues to bring their children
      out to watch the fun. Here’s Brandt
      talking to his daughter Lily in com-
      pany with other young scientists
      Emilia (left) and Lucy (right), the
      children of Erik Brekke (Physics).

4   St. Norbert College Magazine | Fall/Winter 2018   snc.edu/magazine   5
Lost in Time Face to face with the Cretaceous - College Magazine | Fall/Winter 2018
In My Words / Lee Reid
                                                                                                                                                           OF ST. NORBERT COLLEGE

                                    Let me level with you                                                                                                    #1 CONCERN
                                                                                                                                                           Sixty-one percent
                                                                                                                                                                                      Wellness initiative for a healthy campus
                                                                                                                                                           of college students
                                                                                                                                                           nationally head to their
                                                                                                                                                                                          As mental health issues are finally
                                                                                                                                                           campus counseling          losing their remaining stigma, changes in
                                        A few weeks before I first joined the Informational    Rather, let’s dig in to analyze and improve the process.”   center due to anxiety,     attitude are especially noticeable among
                                    Technology Services team at St. Norbert, I met the             A culture of no blame opens up ideas, lowers            according to the           today’s college students. A study by the
                                    division directors Krissy, Scott, Ravi and Rob. It was     feelings of vulnerability and starts to build trust. We     American Psychologi-       Center for Collegiate Mental Health
                                    over lunch. I gave a little talk about plates and bowls,   start to listen better, we get excited about making         cal Association. Other
                                                                                                                                                           reasons for their visits
                                                                                                                                                                                      revealed a 30 percent jump in the number
                                    and I think the group was puzzled a bit by my analogy      small improvements, we’re not afraid to experiment,                                    of college students across the country
                                                                                                                                                           include depression
                                    – except for Rob who was busily enjoying his burger.       we don’t get down when things go awry, and we start         (49 percent), stress       seeking counseling services over a seven-
                                    The lunch was nice and somehow, later on, I learned        to transform our precarious plates into safe bowls.         (45 percent), family       year period, from the 2009-10 school year
                                    I’d got the job.                                           It’s the same safe environment, in fact – one that          concerns (31 percent),     through 2014-15. And that’s despite the
                                        The talk goes like this: The name of the game is       welcomes diversity of perspective, critical thinking,       academic perfor-
                                                                                                                                                                                      fact that college enrollment during this
                                    Plates & Bowls, and the goal is for a team of three to     experimentation and hands-on learning – that our            mance (28 percent)
    Lee Reid, chief informa-                                                                                                                               and relationship           time increased just 5.6 percent.
                                    lower a plate of six marbles through a hole in the floor   students have always experienced in their classrooms.                                      That’s a sign that today’s students are
                                                                                                                                                           issues (27 percent).

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    N E W S O F S T. N O R B E R T
    tion officer and vice
                                    to a basement where a dinner table is set below each       We become more effective, together, in working                                         much more aware of emotional wellness
    president of information
    technology services, ini-       hole. To achieve this they each use a short fishing        toward our goals.
                                                                                                                                                                                      than previous generations, say campus
    tially joined the ITS team in   pole, fishing line, and a 9-inch plate with three evenly       Along the way, inevitably we drop a few marbles.
                                                                                                                                                                                      professionals. The college’s approach to
    the spring of 2016. Prior to    spaced holes drilled around the rim. Each player ties      In the IT world, these are the times where the inter-
    joining SNC, Reid’s career
                                                                                                                                                                                      investments in wellness was recently the
                                    their fishing line to the plate and then the team places   net connectivity is down, deadlines are missed and
    spanned 33 years with IT                                                                                                                                                          focus of a cover-lined article in Healthy
                                    the marbles to begin the task. The first team to lower     systems don’t perform well. We run over to try and          What is TAO
    and engineering teams.                                                                                                                                                            Campus, a publication of the American
    Lee holds four U.S. patents
                                    the plate of marbles to the waiting table without          restart the technology in a classroom, only to find we      self-help?                 College Health Association.
    and several certifications,     dropping any of the marbles wins.                          don’t have the right tools. We launch a few ideas; for      Therapy Assisted               The stigma around mental health has
    having worked at Gen-               Oh, and the players are blindfolded.                   all those that help move the college forward, there are     Online (TAO) Self-Help
                                                                                                                                                                                      decreased over the years, and St. Norbert,
    eral Motors, IBM and                How can you win such a game? Success, I believe,       some that don’t pan out so well.                            offers materials and
    three startup firms on                                                                                                                                 interactive modules to     like other colleges, is also seeing a higher
                                    lies in the level of experience and, more notably, trust       But we have colleagues to help us with their feed-
    numerous assignments                                                                                                                                   assist with a variety of   demand for on-campus counseling and             devotes resources to all of these wellness     Eight Dimensions
                                    among the team members. A team that trusts one             back – both when we get it wrong and when we get
    that encompassed                                                                                                                                       health concerns such       related services. And St. Norbert is well-
                                    another to maintain the delicate balance that is           it right. They help us to learn how to be better; and                                                                                  dimensions, it will focus on the emotional,    of Wellness
    robotics, control systems,                                                                                                                             as stress, anxiety,        positioned to help.
    networking, software            required, that uses the right amount of communi-           we’re especially grateful for the times when they trust     anger management,                                                          environmental and physical dimensions          The USSAMHSA says
                                    cation among players and manages to compensate             us to be a supporting partner in their success at SNC.                                     The college has always viewed the           during the next three years, responding        wellness encompasses
    development and enter-                                                                                                                                 communication, and
    prise architecture. Reid        for shortfalls during the competition will have the        Working together, we in IT can develop the tech they        evaluating alcohol and     health and wellness of its students as          to a survey of SNC students that showed        eight dimensions:
    has a bachelor’s degree         same confidence in lowering a plate of rolling marbles     need and the services to keep it useful, and build up       drug use. The site         critical to their success and core to its own   those were the most critical.                  n Emotional: life skills,
    in mechanical engineering
                                    as if it were a bowl of marbles.                           our partnership as we define what’s our best “next” for
                                                                                                                                                           is available 24/7 to       mission. Over the years, St. Norbert has            Two enhancements already in place:           satisfying relationships
    from Kettering University                                                                                                                              students, faculty and      updated its programs and facilities to offer                                                   n Environmental:
                                        I love this analogy. And, although, three years in,    the college. We as a college can refine and streamline                                                                                 The campus will become 100 percent
    and a master’s in compu-                                                                                                                               staff.                                                                                                                       stimulating, pleasant
    ter engineering from the        the team still often looks at me as if I’d lost my own     our processes so we can keep our focus clearly on                                      students healthier food, better workout         tobacco-free from Jan. 2, 2019, and the
    University of Michigan,         marbles, I think it has a lot to do with our work here     our mission to create the best possible learning                                       facilities, financial-wellness services and     St. Norbert community can now access           n Financial: positive
    Ann Arbor.                      at St. Norbert.                                            environment for our students.                                                          spiritual-wellness programs, among other        Therapy Assisted Online (TAO) Self-Help           finances
                                        One of the first things we need to do, in order to         So, back to my lunch with the ITS directors. As we                                 enhancements.                                   in addition to the full range of on-campus     n Intellectual: recog-
                                    help our teams transform from lowering plates to           parted, I think we all pondered how things might pan                                       This fall, St. Norbert unveiled its         counselling and psychological services.           nizing abilities, growing
                                    lowering bowls, is create a “no-blame” environment.        out. Well, the team has gotten used to my fondness                                     new Wellness by Design initiative. The          TAO offers educational materials and              knowledge and skills
                                                                                                                                                                                      initiative, several years in the making,                                                       n Occupational:
                                    That’s a key principle of the lean-process approach        for analogies, and I still haven’t lost my marbles. And                                                                                modules to help users learn strategies
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        enrichment from work
                                    we’re beginning to adopt at the college. That’s where a    all the while, we’ve continued to build up the sides of                                is based on the eight dimensions of             and skills that foster wellness.               n Physical: healthy diet,
                                    team says to itself, “If there’s something not working –   those plates, starting to form them into bowls – into                                  wellness identified by the United States            “We’re trying to make the healthy             sleep and activity
                                    some service we provide that is not meeting the needs      vessels that can do the job more easily and more                                       Substance Abuse & Mental Health                 choice the easy choice,” says Chrystal         n Social: healthy
                                    of our faculty, students and staff – let’s not blame.      successfully.                                                                          Services Administration (USSAMHSA):             Woller (Health & Wellness). “We want to           connections, support
                                                                                                                                                                                      emotional, environmental, financial,            prepare students to adopt healthy lifestyles   n Spiritual: expanded
                                                                                                                                                                                      intellectual, occupational, physical,           as a foundation for optimal health after          sense of purpose and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        meaning in life
                                                                                                                                                                                      social and spiritual. While the college         graduation.”

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Lost in Time Face to face with the Cretaceous - College Magazine | Fall/Winter 2018
Noted / Pinnacles of Achievement                                                                        Involvement Fair / Sights High

                                 Homeward bound                                Newly decorated for services to France
                                                                               Tom Conner (Modern Languages & Literatures), has been recognized
                                                                               by the government of France as a chevalier (knight) in the Ordre des
                                                                               Palmes Académiques (Order of Academic Palms). The order, established
                                                                               in 1802 by Napoleon Bonaparte, is France’s highest national order for
                                                                               distinguished academics and figures in the world of culture. Conner
                                                                               receives the decoration this fall at the French Consulate in Chicago.
                                                                                  Conner is being recognized for his service over more than three                                             Strength in numbers
                                                                               decades to “promote French language and culture in the United
                                                                                                                                                                                              Daijah Brown ’22 shows her power at
                                                                               States” as well as for his pioneering work in the former French colony
                                                                                                                                                                                              the ROTC booth on Involvement Fair day.
                                                                               of Cambodia. The citation accompanying the decoration also includes
                                    Paul Tutskey ’74 had no doubt              mention of his extensive service to the profession and of his two most
                                                                                                                                                                                              There are 109 student orgs on campus
                                 which band he hoped to see on the                                                                                                                            this year, so it was a busy afternoon for
                                                                               recent books (on André Gide and on the Dreyfus Affair).
                                                                                                                                                                                              our video team as they tried to keep up.
                                 marina stage this summer. And the
                                 fact that the artists were based at some      Author                    Palgrave Studies          vative and civic          “We thought they left
                                 distance from De Pere was no deterrent        St. Norbert faculty       in Globalization &        responsibility, along     no written records.
                                 to the Knights on the Fox sponsor.            members break new         Embodiment.               with service as an        Now, we’re untangling
                                    New York-based duo The Guthrie             ground in their fields                              inspiration and role      the truth,” says author
                                                                               with a crop of new        Advocate                  model to the Filipino     Daniel Cossins.
                                 Brothers were wrapping up a cross-
                                                                               books that includes       Cole Johnson              people.”                  Hyland, a long-serving
                                 country tour that had taken them to                                                                  Boyer, who served
                                                                               “Mary, Mother             ’21 and Jason                                       member of the SNC
                                 21 states in the last 12 months. And                                    Salisbury (Emmaus         as a visiting professor   faculty along with
                                                                               of Martyrs: How
                                 the De Pere gig July 31 would be a form       Motherhood Became         Center) traveled to       at the University of      her husband, Bill,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            N E W S O F S T. N O R B E R T
N E W S O F S T. N O R B E R T

                                 of homecoming: Jock Guthrie ’75 and           Self-Sacrifice in Early   Washington, D.C.,         the Philippines, is the   now teaches at
                                 his brother Jeb are both alumni of the                                  as members of             author of “Sundays        St. Andrew’s
                                                                               Christianity” (2018),
                                                                                                         the recent Student        in Manila” (2012), a      University in Scotland.
                                 former Abbot Pennings High School             an examination
                                                                                                         Ambassador                travel memoir. He
                                 on campus, where they played for the          of notions of early
                                                                                                         Leaders Together          writes a monthly          Next generation
                                                                               Christian mother-
                                 Friday-night dances of their era. Jock                                  summit group called       column for ViaTimes
                                                                               hood by Kathleen                                                              At this year’s
                                 stayed on to major in English at the          Gallagher Elkins          by Catholic Relief        Newsmagazine, a
                                                                                                                                   Philippine-American       national MathFest,
                                 college.                                      (Theology & RS),          Services. They
                                                                                                                                   publication out of        Allison Gerk ’20
                                    Tutskey would serve as emcee for           published by Feminist     met with staff of
                                                                                                                                                             earned the Janet L.
                                                                                                         Sen. Ron Johnson,         Chicago.
                                 his friends at the Simon & Garfunkel          Studies in Religion.                                                          Andersen Award for
                                                                               “The Importance           Sen. Tammy Baldwin
                                 tribute concert, which was designated                                                             Ultimate discer           Outstanding Student
                                                                               of Organizational         and Rep. Mike
                                 as Alumni Night in the popular outdoor                                  Gallagher to advocate     Nicely calculated
                                                                                                                                                             Exposition & Research
                                                                               Knowledge:                                                                    in Mathematical
                                 summer series.                                An Exploration            for maintaining           moves served Seth
                                                                                                         funding for poverty-      Meyers (Math)             or Computation
                                                                               of Knowledge
                                                                                                         reducing international    well on his way           Biology for her work
                                 Bump, set, spike                              Management in the
                                                                               Trenches” (2018), a       development               to the American           on “Columnaris
                                                                                                         and humanitarian          Ultimate Disc League      Disease and the
                                                     Men’s volleyball is the   rigorous study for
                                                                                                         assistance.               championship title        Population Dynamics
                                                  newest program to be         both academics
                                                                                                                                   in August. Meyer’s        of Infected Fish,” and
                                                                               and practitioners
                                                  added to the Green                                     Friend                    professional ultimate     Bao Van ’19 was
                                                                               by Jamie O’Brien
                                                  Knights slate of varsity     (Schneider School),       Bob Boyer (English,       disc team, the            recognized with a
                                                 sports. The Green             is published by                                     Madison Radicals,         national Pi Mu Epsilon
                                                                                                         Emeritus) is to be
                                               Knights will begin compe-       Common Ground             inducted into the         overpowered the           speaker award for
                                                                               Publishing; and           Chicago Filipino          Dallas Roughnecks         his presentation
                                 tition next year as an associate member
                                                                               “Queering Trans-          Asian American Hall       20-16 in Madison,         on “Common
                                 of the Northern Athletics Collegiate                                                              Wis., for the No. 1       Configurations in
                                                                               cultural Encounters:      of Fame as a Friend
                                 Conference. An emerging sport at the                                                              spot.                     Rank-3 Simple
                                                                               Bodies, Image, and        of the Filipino. The
                                 NCAA Division III level, men’s volleyball     Frenchness in Latin       award honors high-                                  Matroids on Small
                                 was sponsored at 94 institutions during       America and North         achieving friends of      Expert                    Number of Elements.”
                                 the 2018 season, with at least nine           Africa” (2018), an        the community for         Research by Sabine        Mark Nichols ’20
                                 schools adding the sport for the 2019         interdisciplinary         accomplishments           Hyland, former            was also accepted
                                                                               approach by Luis          in their own fields,      associate professor       to present at the
                                 campaign. “Men’s volleyball is quickly
                                                                               Navarro-Ayala             and for their work        of anthropology at        conference, on
                                 growing at the Division III level, as well                                                                                  “Examples of Graphs
                                                                               (Modern Languages         in promoting the          St. Norbert, is includ-
                                 as in recruiting areas in Green Bay, the      & Literatures), is pub-   positive image of the     ed in a recent New        that Admit No Normal
                                 Fox Valley and metro Milwaukee and            lished by Palgrave        Filipino. It recognizes   Scientist cover story     Nonabelian Sylow
                                 Chicago,” says Tim Bald (Athletics).          Macmillan in the series   “uncommon, inno-          on how to read Inca.      P-Subgroup.”

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Lost in Time Face to face with the Cretaceous - College Magazine | Fall/Winter 2018
Personally Speaking / Joy Pahl                                                                                                                                Gallery / Move-In Day

                                                                                                                                                                                               Home away from home
                                                                                                                                                                                               Teddy bears, photographs and other

                                                       Making a name for yourself                                                                                                              reminders of home filled the duffel bags,
                                                                                                                                                                                               totes, backpacks and boxes that were
                                                                                                                                                                                               carried into residence halls as incoming

                                                                      e all have one: the name that was bestowed    my name on them somehow. I try to oblige!                                  new students made St. Norbert College
                                                                      upon us at birth. Those parents of ours           Some might view this as an unreasonable expec-                         their home. Parents, veteran students,
                                                                                                                                                                                               faculty and staff – and even a few furry
                                                                      didn’t know anything about us yet, and        tation. “You cannot possibly be joyful or joyous all the                   friends – were on hand to make the first day
                                                       still they carried out some kind of decision-making          time! Come on!” This is true. I am not. That would                         of college life run smoothly for the largest-
                                                       process to arrive at a label for us. Of course the name      be humanly impossible; however, I do tend to be                            ever class of first-year students.
                                                       selected would have to carry meaning, because this           extremely optimistic, and this (fortunately) can pass
                                                       given name would be part of this new person’s                for joyfulness in a pinch. In fact, I am lucky that a
                                                       identity … forever. This word would be hurled at,            friendly smile can often suffice. But here’s the twist:                         It’s a new year on campus, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    place has never looked better,
                                                       whispered to and cooed to this person thousands of           I think that the expectations others have of me help                       and our cameras were there to record it.
                                                       times over the course of her life. But how to decide?        me live up to my name because, before people                               snc.edu/magazine
                                                       What do we know of this little lump?                         encounter me, they are already anticipating some
                                                             Some parents take the “Junior” path. I’m not           kind of positivity, so they treat me positively.
                                                         sure if all of these parents envision Jack Jr. to be the       Who can resist that? Well, maybe some. I distinctly
                                                        younger essence of Jack Sr., but I think there might        remember the first time I met someone else with the
                                                       be certain expectations riding on his name. Other            name Joy. I was 16 years old, and I was playing in a
                                                            parents take the unique route – “we want our            summer basketball league against girls from various

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               N E W S O F S T. N O R B E R T
N E W S O F S T. N O R B E R T

                                                                 child to be the only one in her class to have      small towns around the Mankato, Minnesota, area.
                                                                  this name.” The uniqueness strategy can be        Other Joy was not only not joyful, she was downright
                                                                  effective, but it can also backfire. Where did    negative! I have to admit, her behavior was so upset-
                                                                  all of these Olivias come from, anyway? Of        ting to me that it put me off my game. Other Joy was
                                                                 course, there are always parents who are quite     tarnishing the name – my name! Of course, being the
                                                                happy to stick to traditional names associated      optimist I am, I chalked up Other Joy’s crabby attitude
                                                                with certain character traits depicted in the       to her having a bad day; it couldn’t have anything to
                                                              Baby Names books. One can only speculate              do with her normal disposition, after all!
                                                             that these parents are hoping their child                  So much brings me joy: having a conversation with
                                                             will possess those same character traits.              my husband that only the two of us can appreciate;
                                                                  And then there are parents, like mine, who        watching and listening to our two children thoroughly
                                                               went for emotion. How does a baby end up             enjoy one another’s company; reading the work of a
                                                               being named for a feeling? According to my           student who has made a fascinating insight; sharing
                                                              parents, it went like this: One day, when my          a favorite story with friends, family or students and
                                                              mother was tending to her 4-year-old son, Jay,        knowing that they really get it; unexpectedly hearing
                                                             who was running circles around his 8-month-old         from an old friend or a former student because they
                                                            baby brother, Jon, a call came in: “Congratulations,    want to share something with me; making an amazing
                                                           Mrs. Stevens. You’re expecting!” Was this news           curling shot (and it doesn’t matter if I am the deliverer
                                                           met with jubilation? Quite the opposite – which          of the stone, the skip calling the shot or one of the
                                                          would not surprise any busy young mother. By              sweepers of the stone, it all brings me joy).
                                                       the time she gave birth, my mother was convinced                 Two of the most joyful people I know are my father
                                                       that this child would most certainly be another boy,         and my daughter. And their names are Bill and Chloe.
                                                       so when she and my father learned it was a girl, the         These two amazing individuals manage to spread joy
                                                       name Joy presented itself. (After all, the name Shock        around, even without an emotional name as a cue!
                                                       was a bit edgy for 1963, plus it didn’t have three letters   I cannot imagine either one of them being any more
                                                       and begin with a “J”).                                       joyful with different names. But still, the way I see it,
                                                           So, what is it like to be named for an emotion? Do       my parents gave me a great gift when they bestowed
                                                       people treat a person named Joy differently than they        my name. They gave me a leg-up on joyfulness.
                                                       treat other people? As a social scientist, I should study
                                                                                                                    Joy Pahl, associate professor of business administration, is director of
                                                       this, perhaps. However, I have not, so I will simply         International Business & Language Area Services. She joined the faculty
                                                       share my observations. Yes – I think when people             in 1998. An avid curler, she has taken youth and SNC teams to national
                                                       meet me, they have an expectation that I will spread         success.

                10               St. Norbert College Magazine | Fall/Winter 2018                                                                                                                                             snc.edu/magazine 11
Lost in Time Face to face with the Cretaceous - College Magazine | Fall/Winter 2018
Noted / On Instagram: Humans of St. Norbert                                                                                                                                                                    Treasure / The Rilke Portfolio
                                 Big-ticket ticker        conductive ballistics
                                 When student             gel? “Ah, yes,” says
                                 researchers set          Olson. “No such
                                 about developing         thing exists. A major                  stnorbert
                                 a lab exercise to        part of their research
                                 model the process        is to figure out how
                                                          to create one. In
                                 of cardiac defibrilla-
                                                          fact, that’s what they
                                 tion, their shopping
                                                          are working on right
                                 list posed a problem.
                                 They needed a
                                 model of a human
                                 torso created out of
                                 electrically conduc-
                                 tive ballistics gel,
                                 as well as real AED
                                 units for testing –
                                 all big-ticket items.
                                 major Claire
                                 ’19 reached out          The work of
                                 to a number of           tattoo artist Rick
                                 companies asking         Harnowski – master-
                                 how a team like          pieces that have
                                 theirs might acquire     been featured in

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          N E W S O F S T. N O R B E R T
N E W S O F S T. N O R B E R T

                                 old, out-of-service      museums, galleries
                                 AED units. Cardiac       and media around
                                 Life responded with      the world – can
                                 a donation of 10         currently be seen in     178 likes
                                 units – enough to        the art galleries on
                                 equip an entire lab      campus.                  stnorbert Humans of St. Norbert: “There is a big stigma surrounding it.
                                 with two left over          Harnowski, a          Everyone thinks: ‘Oh you teach in urban Milwaukee, it’s going to be tough
                                 for testing/spares.      leading proponent        there, you got some tough kids. Or, you’ve got your work cut out for you,
                                                          of tattoo regulation,
                                     Michael Olson                                 good luck.’ I will agree that it is a tough job, but these kids are so much more
                                 (Physics) says:          is known for his
                                                          imaginative custom       capable than society gives them credit for – even though they are in an urban
                                 “I think this is an
                                                          pieces. Among his        setting and even though they may not come from the best home lives, even
                                 excellent example
                                 of self-advocacy,        clients are former       though they may be underprivileged in a variety of ways. My experience with
                                 something we are         Green Bay Packers        the Center for Urban Teaching has taught me that these kids really are capable.
                                 always trying to         Donald Driver and        It’s really about building that relationship and showing them that they matter,
                                                          Charles Woodson.
                                 promote with our                                  that you love them and that Christ loves them. Once they see that other
                                 students. Moreover,                               people believe in them, they are more motivated to do great things. I’ve seen
                                 the seniors are pro-     Virtually there
                                                                                   the great things my students can do both in the classroom and outside. I’ve
                                 viding mentoring for           You’ll find
                                 a promising first-year         yourself in        seen the great things they can accomplish. As we continue to do this and
                                 student.”                expert hands if you      spread awareness for teaching in an urban setting, my hope is that someday
                                     Rosenberger is       choose to revisit        that stigma will be erased and those kids can be seen as equal to the rest of
                                 working with her         some of the most         the students because they are just as capable and just as smart as any other
                                 project partners         notable buildings        student.” – Laura Riegg ’20
                                 Alexis Puyleart          on campus via our
                                 ’19 (see p. 15) and      student-led virtual
                                 Leah Zimmer ’22 –        tours. Leading the       bobbischlenvogt Yes Laura!!!!
                                 both physics majors      way are the same                                                                                                     Brandon Bauer
                                 – to not only draft      SNC student tour         margaretbentley5593 You go girl! Teaching is hard gig ANYWHERE! I have                      Associate Professor of Art
                                 an official thank-you    guides who orient        done it for almost 40 years. Still love it…
                                 letter but also make     prospective students                                                                                                     It’s wonderful that we have this portfolio by Ben Shahn. What’s              It would be wonderful to see the complete series displayed in an exhi-
                                 a plan to keep the       to campus. They get                                                                                                  really nice about lithography as a process is that you can have both a       bition, to be able to walk through and experience the poem and his work
                                 company informed         rave reviews and           The campus is getting to know itself just a    they’re passionate about, you can kind     painterly and a graphic sensibility in the work. That blue in the center     both spatially and sequentially. Shahn defines the sort of beauty we see
                                 of their progress as     play a key role in         little bit better through the every-Thursday   of hear … oh, this is going to be good!”   of Print XVI becomes a real focal point, and then he has those little        here and at other points in the portfolio as a source of strength through
                                 the year goes on.        bringing in the next       Humans of St. Norbert posts. Says social-      Humans of St. Norbert runs on the          points of gold for the stars with these delicate lines that radiate out. …   hard times. If it isn’t a struggle for beauty, what are we struggling for?
                                     Oh, and the          new class. snc.edu/                                                                                                  It demonstrates his wonderful abstract sensibility. Even this dark at the
                                                                                     media correspondent Kyra Kronberg ’20:         St. Norbert College Facebook, Instagram
                                 human torso created      magazine                                                                                                             bottom is almost like an emotional weight that you see expressed as          Brandon Bauer uses art as a space for critical and ethical inquiry,
                                                                                     “Once people start talking about what          and Twitter accounts.
                                 out of electrically-                                                                                                                          human figures in other pieces in the portfolio.                              discourse and dialogue. He joined the St. Norbert faculty in 2011.

                                    overset text
                                 St. Norbert College Magazine | Fall/Winter 2018                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         snc.edu/magazine 13
Lost in Time Face to face with the Cretaceous - College Magazine | Fall/Winter 2018
Norbertine Now / New Center for Spirituality                                                                                                                                                                    Farewells / Passages
                                 During the Solemnity
                                 of St. Augustine this
                                                                                                                                                                                Battery-powered summer                                                                         PRESIDENT EMERITUS
                                 August, the Rev.                                                                                                                                                                                                                              THOMAS MANION                             1934-2018
                                 Frater Patrick
                                 LaPacz ’09 was                                                                                                                                                                                                                              St. Norbert College
                                 ordained to the                                                                                                                                                                                                                             bade farewell to its fifth
                                 priesthood.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 president at a funeral
                                     Frater Jordan                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Mass that brought him
                                 Neeck ’11 professed                                                                                                                                                                                                                         home to campus once
                                 Solemn Vows, form-                                                                                                                                                                                                                          more. President
                                 ing a mutual lifelong                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Emeritus Thomas
                                 commitment to the                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Manion, who died
                                 canonical life between                                                                                                                                                                                                                      June 26 at the age of 84,
                                 himself and the entire
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             was laid to rest after a
                                 professed community.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             service at Old St. Joe’s.
                                 Neeck was also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             During Manion’s presidency, 1983-2000, SNC saw an
                                 ordained to the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             expansion that was reflected in the rigor of its educa-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             tional offerings, the updating and expansion of campus
                                     Frater Johnathan
                                 Turba and the Rev.
                                 Peter Ambting
                                                             All are welcome in this place                                                                                                                                                                                   facilities, the focus on international education, the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             success of its athletics programs and the institution’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             outreach to the business community. Both Manion and
                                 (Parish) professed             St. Norbert Abbey’s new northeast entrance is          also plan to hold community receptions, celebrations
                                 Simple Vows, commit-                                                                                                                                                                                                                        his wife, Maureen – a member of the college’s political
                                 ting themselves to the
                                                             now officially open to the De Pere community and          and other special events, which previously were not          Most college students pull all-nighters.   funded each year by the NSF. She was          science faculty 1983-2012 – devoted themselves to

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             N E W S O F S T. N O R B E R T
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                                 traditional vows of         beyond. The renovated northeast corner of the             feasible.                                                Few do so in a national laboratory, con-       one of eight students to be accepted out      improving the college’s profile and reputation. Manion’s
                                 poverty, chastity and       abbey, under construction for about a year, now              Pichler is pleased to see that the abbey and                                                                                                       view of the college’s destiny was unwavering: “The
                                                                                                                                                                                ducting high-stakes experiments using          of hundreds of applicants nationwide to       college’s vision is to be a first-ranked, quality institution
                                 obedience. (Poverty         serves as the building’s main entrance and provides       the center are becoming all-inclusive with these
                                 reflects simplicity of
                                                                                                                                                                                billion-dollar equipment.                      a program that assisted Ralph Wheeler,        – the best Catholic college in the Midwest,” he said.
                                                             easy access to the Norbertine Center of Spirituality      additions. “It was so difficult watching people who
                                 life, chastity opens the                                                                                                                           In addition to taking part in an           professor of computational chemistry             Manion is survived by his wife and his children
                                                             (NCS) while also reinforcing an important tenet           have mobility issues [walking] up the steps of the old
                                 avowed to growth in                                                                                                                            extremely competitive National Science         at Northern Illinois University (NIU).        Gregory, Marcy O’Malley (Michael O’Malley, both
                                                             of the mission of the Norbertine order: radical           [center] entrance,” he says. “The elevator goes to all                                                                                                formerly of International Education), Andrew; Margaret
                                 the Holy Spirit in union                                                                                                                       Foundation (NSF) program, Alexis               Coincidentally, Wheeler and Mauro were
                                 with others, and obe-       hospitality.                                              floors and opens up the possibilities for inclusivity                                                                                                 Close ’87, Christine Manion Reiss ’88, Victoria
                                                                                                                                                                                Puyleart ’19 spent part of her summer          already working together, members of a
                                 dience makes them              The remodel strengthens the order’s capacity           when welcoming people here.                                                                                                                           and Thomas III ’98 (Jennifer Pishko ’99). His
                                 attentive to God’s will.)
                                                                                                                                                                                conducting round-the-clock experiments         five-person team researching electrolytes,    grandchildren include Mary Close ’15 and Michael
                                                             to be inclusive and welcoming to churchgoers and             “There is such a great collaboration between
                                     Simple Vows pre-                                                                                                                           at the Argonne National Laboratory.            a component of ion batteries.                 O’Malley ’19.
                                                             visitors, no matter their level of ability or mobility.   the college, the abbey and the center. With this
                                 cede Solemn Vows,                                                                                                                                  Puyleart is partnering with Nick               This summer, Puyleart and her newest
                                                             The reimagined space includes an elevator, a              space, groups from [St. Norbert College] that have
                                 typically by three                                                                                                                             Mauro (Physics), who has received              professor headed to Argonne for two
                                 years.                      reception hall with two new conference rooms,             come here for years, students, faculty, [the] board                                                                                                     WOODY WILSON                             1942-2018
                                                             the Cloister Art Gallery, the abbey’s main office         of trustees, will be able to enjoy a new, fresh place    approval from the Department of Energy         experiments: one 48-hour experiment in
                                                             and the spirituality center.                              to gather as they connect to the hospitality and         to use the high-tech X-Ray machine at          which Puyleart took the 12-hour 2 a.m.
                                 Abbatial blessing                                                                                                                              Argonne National Lab in Illinois. It’s one     shift, and one 24-hour experiment when        The college mourns the
                                                                The center currently sees more than 10,000             communio of the Norbertines.”                                                                                                                         loss of Woody Wilson,
                                       When the Rev.         visitors and hosts hundreds of events each year,             When visiting the abbey, guests can find the          of few places in the world that has the        Puyleart worked straight through.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             assistant basketball
                                       Dane Radecki          but those numbers are anticipated to continually          church by walking through the main entrance and          equipment Mauro needs for experiments              “Being able to do research for a few      coach. Wilson devoted
                                 ’72 was blessed as                                                                                                                             in a research initiative that, ultimately,     hours is one thing, but being able to fully
                                 seventh abbot of
                                                             increase as they offer more workshops, multi-day          then the chapter room. The church’s front entrance,                                                                                                   his career to teaching life
                                                             retreats, conferences and other popular programs.         which faces the cemetery, will be open at Mass times     will contribute to improved batteries.         immerse yourself in the field that you        lessons and the funda-
                                 St. Norbert Abbey in
                                 June, Jerry Turba              Tony Pichler M.T.S. ’94, director of the NCS,          throughout the year.                                         “It’s really hard to get beam time on      love and the field that you’re studying       mentals of his sport to
                                                                                                                                                                                these things,” Mauro says. “More to the        for 24 hours straight, with multi-million-    “just help kids get better.”
                                 ’74 was on hand to          says: “The largest spaces we had were the Killeen            The need for renovations on the Webster                                                                                                            He is survived by his wife,
                                 capture moments             Room and the Abbey Chapter Room. The Killeen              Avenue side of the building has been a long time         point, it’s a really unique experience.        dollar equipment, it was huge,” Puyleart
                                 both splendid and                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Joanne, who recently
                                                             Room seats approximately 50 people comfortably            coming, with talk of adding an elevator starting         These are 24-hour-a-day experiments,           says.                                         retired from the education
                                 sacred. snc.edu/
                                                             yet some of our programs have drawn over                  in the mid-2000s. After some thorough planning           and so the preparation that goes into              Mauro adds: “It was challenging, and      department at SNC.
                                                             100 people. The new space, with two new large             and a generous gift from an anonymous donor,             these things is very intense. It’s not like    it was stressful. And it was great, and it
                                                             conference rooms that each hold over 100 people,          construction kicked off last summer.                     research in a lab here where you can           was terrible. And it was fun, and it was
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               BEVERLY ALLEN                            1926-2018
                                                             adds to the programming options that we have. We             Since the abbey was originally built in 1959 as       screw up three times, screw up four            exhausting. But at the end of it, she did
                                                             will no longer need to limit what we currently offer.”    a home for members and seminarians of the order,         times. … You only have 24 hours.”              really well.
                                                                                                                                                                                    Before Mauro, the newest member of             “It’s science on a scale most students    St. Norbert College remembers Beverly Allen, instructor
                                                                The new conference rooms can seat 180 and              there was much to be done to ensure the new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             in library science and catalog librarian. Allen played a
                                                             150 people and also include a small kitchen and           facilities met the growing needs of everyone in the      the physics faculty, arrived at St. Norbert,   don’t get to experience. You simply do
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             key role in facilitating the introduction of women under-
                                                             accessible bathrooms. The hope is to invite larger        community, from laypeople to administrative staff        Puyleart had already been accepted to          not get these experiences very often. So,     graduates at St. Norbert and is also remembered for
                                                             groups within the parish, from the diocese and from       to the Norbertine priests who are its permanent          one of the handful of Research Experi-         to be able to capitalize on them is super-    numerous roles on the SNC stage. She is survived by
                                                             the community to use the space. The Norbertines           residents.                                               ence for Undergraduates programs               important.”                                   her son, John.

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Lost in Time Face to face with the Cretaceous - College Magazine | Fall/Winter 2018
My Room/His Room
                                                                                                     a junior in high school, GMS was up but               Burke didn’t have any lounges and we           SCHMUDLACH: I have an on-campus
                                                                                                     nothing was in it yet.                                didn’t have a Campus Center then, so           job in the library. It’s a great place to study,
                                                                                                                                                           there was a lot more hanging out in the        don’t get me wrong! But I actually go to the
                                                                                                     BRUESS: When I graduated, Cofrin                      residence halls than there is today. It was    Pennings Room off the church atrium to
                                                                                                     Hall was not here, Bemis was not here,                common to see five or six people hanging       study. I’ve gone in there maybe three dozen
                                                                                                     and of course the Mulva Library and                   out in the rooms and all sorts of chaos        times and only had other people in there
                                                                                                     the new residence halls were not here.                going on in the halls. Good memories!          maybe three times. It’s super chill in there.
                                                                                                     Last summer, the Class of 1957 was here

                                                        BURKE 215                                    celebrating their 60th. Carol and I were
                                                                                                     talking to a table of people. [Bruess is
                                                                                                     married to Carol (Sessler) Bruess ’90,
                                                                                                                                                           SCHMUDLACH: This past year was the
                                                                                                                                                           first year I had my turntable on campus. I
                                                                                                                                                           got into vinyls because my friends collect.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          BRUESS: What are you excited about for
                                                                                                                                                                                                          your senior year?

                                                                                                     who also lived in Burke.] They were having            Half of my collection, bands like Asia, are    SCHMUDLACH: I only have to take three
                                                                                                     trouble navigating on campus because of               part of my dad’s collection and I get good     classes for the last two semesters in order
                                                           They’re both SNC-educated. They like      all the new buildings! I understand. Half             use out of it. I tend to lean toward heavier   to finish both of my majors. I’m looking
                                                       to think about things. The inventories        of the meetings I’m going to I don’t know             music when listening to CDs or digital,        forward to getting more work experience.
                                                       of their dorm-room furnishings in both        where they are. It’s kind of amazing!                 so having many of my vinyls fall into the      I’m working in the library, I’m working
                                                       cases include a basketball, a turntable.                                                            easy-listening category provides a nice        for athletics. I do the filming for volleyball
                                                       They make the most of their educational       SCHMUDLACH: The first two years I was                 selection, especially for my guests.           and basketball. When you watch it on
                                                       opportunities, and ascribe great value to     rooming with people and then last year                    The misconception about introverts is,     the computer, that’s usually me doing the
                                                       them. They appreciate the changes they’ve     I went to a single room in Burke 215.                 they can’t do any social interaction. If you   camera work.
                                                       seen on campus over the time they’ve          The room itself was small. It was kind of             need to survive, you’re going to do social
                                                       known it. They’re both above average                                                                                                               BRUESS: How aware are you that this is
                                                                                                     tough in the early going. When you have               interaction. It’s part of how we’re wired.
                                                       height. And they have both, in different      a roommate, they’re always there if you                                                              the most fun time of your life? Once you
                                                       eras, fitted their tall frames happily into   need something. I counteracted that by                BRUESS: I grew up more of an introvert,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          graduate, the pressures are different.
                                                       one of the smallest spaces on campus:         inviting people over to my room or going              but I’ve watched my preferences evolve
                                                                                                                                                                                                          SCHMUDLACH: I’m aware of [that]. I’m
                                                       Burke 215. One, a history and political       to their place to hang out. A single room is          a bit. When you recharge, you’re doing
                                                       science major, has the world at his feet                                                                                                           just pushing it away and trying to keep it at
                                                                                                     very nice because you don’t have to worry             it solo. For someone like you who’s really
                                                                                                                                                                                                          bay for a while. It’s going to be interesting,
                                                       and will graduate this year. The other is     about rowdy roommates. If there’s a mess              good at interacting with other people and
                                                                                                                                                                                                          but in a way I’m looking forward to it.
                                                       now a college president – president of this   in the room, the mess is yours. There are             can function well, you and I are what I call
                                                       very institution, in fact. Mike Dauplaise     pros and cons to both.                                performance introverts. You can turn it on
                                                                                                                                                                                                          BRUESS: I think it’s really good that you’re
                                                       ’84 sat down with Nicolas Schmudlach                                                                when you need to.
                                                                                                                                                                                                          holding off. I also think it’s important
                                                       ’19 and Brian Bruess ’90 as student and       BRUESS: I chuckle when I hear you                         Do you study much in your room?
                                                                                                                                                                                                          to fully immerse yourself in the college
                                                       president chatted about life on campus        describe the room as small. I had a
                                                                                                                                                                                                          experience because it is so unique.
                                                       from their shared residential viewpoint.      roommate when I lived in Burke 215.                   SCHMUDLACH: No, I have established in
                                                                                                                                                                                                          It never happens again, even in grad
                                                                                                     At the time, students could make their                my mind that my room is the hangout spot       school. It’s such a precious time. I love
                                                       SCHMUDLACH: I lived in Madelaine/             own lofts and we constructed a single                 and the sleeping spot. I can’t do anything     how thoughtful you are about your own
                                                       Lorraine as a freshman and 3M as a            loft across the top of the room that was              productive in my room. It’s a black hole of    experience and not taking it for
                                                       sophomore. That was the river end of          no more than 16 inches from the ceiling.              turn-off-the-brain!                            granted and trying to get the
                                                       campus. Now I find that I’m on the south      Underneath we had a small couch and                                                                  most out of it. It’s really a
                                                       end of campus, and given my majors, I         a beanbag chair. We also had 4-foot-tall              BRUESS: Students have to find the space        model approach.
                                                       never go past GMS [Gehl-Mulva Science         cabinet speakers for our stereo, and we               that works. I’m always curious about
                                                       Center]. I remember when I toured here as     didn’t have video games or computers.                 where that is.

                                                       You and I are                                 Dennis M. Burke Hall underwent a significant renovation in 2018 that
                                                                                                     converted most its double-occupancy rooms to singles. The renovation

                                                       what I call
                                                                                                     project includes redecoration of its beloved colonial-style fireplace lounge,
                                                                                                     traditional home of the Wednesday-night Burke Hall Mass. A newly
                                                                                                     furnished lounge on the lower level provides another place for hanging

                                                       performance                                   out with friends.
                                                                                                        Burke, completed in 1942 in a classical style that makes it a true icon
                                                                                                     on campus, was first named Residence Hall and then (more imaginatively)

                                                       introverts. – Brian Bruess                    Berne Hall. In 1979, it was renamed after the college’s second president.

16   St. Norbert College Magazine | Fall/Winter 2018                                                                                                                                                                                    snc.edu/magazine 17
Lost in Time Face to face with the Cretaceous - College Magazine | Fall/Winter 2018
Unpacking a
                          plesiosaurBy Rachel Mueller ’14

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The original

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Plesiosaurs swam
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             in the oceans of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             205 to 66 million
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             years ago.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             These 35-footers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             with snake-like
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             necks and small-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             er heads used
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             their sleek form to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             chomp on schools
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             of fish.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The 15-footers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             with larger heads

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ate bigger fish,
                                                                      onfirming a new species is not something that   finally face-to-face with her find. She is beginning      [many times] before and found nothing, but to see            turtles and
                                                                      happens in a lightbulb moment, and no one       work on the skull.                                        that skull in such beautiful condition was so exciting.”     squid, and were
                                                                      knows this better than Rebecca (Schmeisser)                                                                  After three arduous years brushing, cleaning and          more agile and
                                                            McKean ’04 (Geology).                                                                                                                                                            hydrodynamic.
                                                                                                                      Patience and paleontology                                 putting together the fossils in the first of her plaster
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Their compact
                                                                It’s been six years since McKean spotted some            It was the summer of 2012 and McKean was               jackets, the one containing the plesiosaur’s shoulder        bodies with
                                                            particularly interesting bone fragments while             at work in Southern Utah. It was hot, it was              area, McKean is ecstatic that she’s now able to start        muscular front
                                                            surveying the Grand Staircase-Escalante National          uncomfortable and, after several unsuccessful trips       the same process with the skull this fall. Excavating        and back paddles
                                                            Monument in Southern Utah. … Five years since             to the desert, she began to think she was not going to    a complete skull of any specimen is something to             helped them dart
                                                            her plesiosaur was finally excavated from the             find a fossil worth her time. Then, she noticed some      celebrate, says McKean, since it’s the part that’s           through the water.
                                                            Tropic Shale, its bones packed into two large             bone fragments sitting in an area behind a ridge she’d    widely regarded as the most reliable path to species         Weight:
                                                            plaster jackets, one small jacket and several bags of     never explored before.                                    identification.                                              Plesiosaurs tipped
                                                            fragments. … Four years since she was able to bring          Pieces of bone on the ground aren’t uncommon              But the entire process requires the utmost patience,      the scales at 1,000
                                                            it to St. Norbert, where the science faculty was still    and typically don’t lead to a fossil find, but once       both in the field and in the lab, and discovering a fossil   pounds.
                                                            dispersed pending the remodeling of the old John R.       McKean located intact vertebrae, and the skull within     worthy of excavation isn’t all that easy either.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Still with us?
                                                            Minahan Science Building. … Three years since she         the hill slope shortly thereafter, she knew she’d found      McKean’s trips require a prospecting permit that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             These “fierce
                                                            was finally able to open the first jacket in her new      the remains of a prehistoric carnivorous marine           allows her to collect anything on the surface or a few       dolphins” are akin
                                                            state-of-the-art prep lab.                                reptile from the Cretaceous Period: a 92.5 million year   inches beneath the ground. When researchers find             to the mythic Loch
                                                                This fall, after three more years of diligent work    old plesiosaur.                                           specimens larger or deeper than that, they need to           Ness Monster.
                                                            on the shoulder section – three years of toil over           “You just never know what you’re going to get in       apply for a separate excavation permit in order to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Images courtesy Dan Varner
                                                            bone fragments little larger than dust – McKean is        any given field season,” says McKean. “I’ve been out      remove the fossil. This tends to take a full year to         and Rebecca McKean

18   St. Norbert College Magazine | Fall/Winter 2018
Now in 3D!              process, so the discovery site itself can’t be disturbed.   former science building at St. Norbert. Because of the                                                                                                                                  Path to
        McKean has               “It can be nerve-wracking because you don’t have        fragility of the specimens, McKean decided to go to                                                                                                                                     paleontology
     experimented with       eyes on your site for a whole year,” says McKean. “You      Arizona in 2014, load up the two plaster jackets (one                                                                                                                                   Sara Schreder-
     creating digital        worry about big storms that may come through, or            containing the shoulder and the other the skull) and                                                                                                                                    Gomes ’19 vividly
     3D images of her                                                                    drive them back to Wisconsin herself. Meanwhile,                                                                                                                                        remembers the
                             further erosion, or even poachers who could steal the
     plesiosaur and others                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       moment she
     from the Museum         fossil.”                                                    work continued on the new science center with its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 developed a
     of Northern Arizona         It wasn’t until the summer of 2013 that McKean’s        geology prep lab. McKean had to be patient a little                                                                                                                                     desire to study
     with photogrammetry,    plesiosaur was finally excavated, with help from            while longer.                                                                                                                                                                           paleontology. It
     using photography       Allison Shackelton ’14 and Shannon Fasola ’14                                                                                                                                                                                                       was SNC Day in
     to map and measure                                                                  Putting the puzzle pieces together                                                                                                                                                      2015, and she
                             with Dave Gillette and volunteers from the Museum
     objects. With help                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          was regaling her
                             of Northern Arizona (where McKean currently                     By the time McKean finally cracked open the
     from Erik Brekke                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            visiting family
     (Physics), she has      partners as a research associate). The excavation           first jacket in 2015, it had been almost three years                                                                                                                                    with tales about
     printed 3D models       of this particular specimen presented a unique              since she first laid eyes on her plesiosaur. Revealing                                                                                                                                  her fascinating
     of these images with    challenge. It lay in thick shale near the bottom of a       the fossils once more, in her brand new lab, was                                                                                                                                        geology class while
     his department’s 3D                                                                 exhilarating. “To have this space is enormous for me.                                                                                                                                   walking through
                             cliff where a car-sized boulder had fallen to rest upon
     printer.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    the Gehl-Mulva
                             it. While sections of the skeleton a few feet from the      I had a modified setup that worked, but it was so
        She plans to                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Science Center.
     bring them into the     boulder were fractured, the skull fossil underneath         cramped,” she says. “I designed this new space for my
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 When they came
     classroom so her        was in pristine condition.                                  research. I have the ventilation, the surgical lights, the                                                                                                                              upon Rebecca
     students can work           “We later learned this actually improved the            table that’s hydraulic – all the bells and whistles of a                                                                                                                                McKean diligently
     with model fossils      quality of preservation by preventing expansion             prep lab that a big research institution has. I would’ve                                                                                                                                working in her
     without having to                                                                   not been able to work on these fossils here if GMS                                                                                                                                      lab, the professor
     travel to a digging     of the shale during weathering,” says Gillette. “The
                                                                                         [the Gehl-Mulva Science Center] hadn’t been built.”                                                                                                                                     stopped to explain
     site or use the lab.    boulder’s weight kept the ground compressed.”                                                                                                                                                                                                       what she was
                                 The field team had to tunnel far enough beneath             With the plaster jacket opened, the fossil                                                                                                                                          doing – sparking
                             the boulder to make a plaster jacket around the             preparatory work began. The work includes carefully                                                                                                                                     Gomes’ curiosity
                             skull. Fortunately, the boulder didn’t shift, the bones     removing pieces of rock and bone from the jacket,                                                                                              Rebecca McKean at work in her GMS lab.   in learning more
                                                                                         piece by piece, cleaning them with toothbrushes and                                                                                                                                     about the history
           Rebecca           remained undamaged and the team safely removed
                                                                                         dental picks, and then gluing the pieces back together.                                                                                                                                 of life on Earth.
           McKean ’04        the fossil, which constitutes about 25 percent of a
                                                                                                                                                      has been published. She photographed bones from            right now she’s taking bags of fragments, cleaning              Alison Shackelton
     (Geology) talks about   complete plesiosaur skeleton. (It’s incredibly rare to          McKean, with the help of St. Norbert geology
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ’14, who helped
     the moment of                                                                       students (including her Introduction to Paleantology         several plesiosaurs from the Museum of Northern            them up and putting them together to try and identify
                             find an entire fossil of any species, explains McKean,                                                                                                                                                                                              excavate the
     discovery in 2012.                                                                  class), recently finished examining the contents of the      Arizona and generated 3D models so that she could          what we have,” says McKean. “She’s getting that                 plesiosaur in
     snc.edu/magazine        and most complete fossils on display are composites
                                                                                         first jacket. Its contents were fractured and weathered      undertake comparative work on campus.                      knowledge and making huge progress.”                            2013, is in a Ph.D.
                             of several skeletons.)
                                                                                         due to erosion. This jacket contained part of the ple-           After McKean officially identifies the species and        Schreder-Gomes spends hours in the lab cleaning              program studying
                                 The plaster jackets were then transported to the                                                                                                                                                                                                fossil hippos. And
                                                                                         siosaur’s chest, one shoulder, the humerus, the              publishes her research, the fossil will be transferred     the fossils and putting them together, but when she
                             Museum of Northern Arizona for safekeeping for an                                                                                                                                                                                                   Riley Hacker
                                                                                         scapula, a coracoid and several vertebrae and ribs.          to the Museum of Northern Arizona as required by           finds the perfect fit, she says it’s like no other feeling.
                             additional year while work began on remodeling the                                                                                                                                                                                                  ’17 (below) is
                                                                                         (The coracoids are two large bones that stretched            her permit. Museum staff there catalogue fossils of           “When I work in the lab I get a little awe-struck            now in grad
                                                                                         across the plesiosaur’s chest and helped them man-           all kinds and manage them so they are accessible by        just thinking that I have the privilege of being one            school studying
     The first more-complete long-necked                                                 euver their huge wing-like front flippers, or paddles.)      other paleontologists.                                     of the first people to handle this specimen in around           Cretaceous fish.
     plesiosaur was discovered by early                                                      “When you find tiny pieces that fit, they lock into          Along with shared time in the field, McKean            90 million years,” says Schreder-Gomes. “It has its
     paleontologist Mary Anning                                                          place and it’s so satisfying,” says McKean. “I’m really      regularly incorporates hands-on experiences inside         ups and downs. Sometimes I’ll spend an hour in the
     (1799-1847). An image                                                               pleased with how the first jacket turned out.”               and outside the classroom. It’s a chance to introduce      lab and only find one or two bone fragments that fit                    As an
     of Anning’s fossil find                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             undergrad,
                                                                                             This fall she has started on the second jacket,          St. Norbert students to the hands-on processes of          together. Other days, I’ll find five or six.”
     hangs in Rebecca                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Riley Hacker ’17
     McKean’s office.                                                                    which contains the full plesiosaur skull. It’s too early     paleontology.                                                                                                              was able to pros-
                                                                                         to confirm whether or not this plesiosaur is a new               Some of her upper-level students also work in her      Coming full circle                                              pect a Utah site for
                                                                                         species – but it doesn’t resemble anything else that         lab during the semester. They discuss taphonomy               As a St. Norbert alum, McKean knows first-hand               discovery, find a
                                                                                         has been found so far in the Tropic Shale, which is          (the study of fossilization), talk in detail about         the immense benefit she and other faculty can bring             fossil fish, excavate
                                                                                                                                                      preservation, and open plaster jackets to clean fossil     to their students.                                              it, identify it as a
                                                                                         compelling in itself.
                                                                                             “I love the prep work because it’s fulfilling,”          pieces. McKean also advises students on their own             “How cool it’s been for me to be an alum to come             old Xiphactinus
                                                                                         McKean says. “These bones are 92.5 million years old.        undergraduate research projects, which might involve       back here as a professor and contribute to those same           audax, and present
                                                                                         It’s amazing because they were in the ground for that        examining specimens that they themselves have found        types of student experiences that I was fortunate               on his findings at a
                                                                                         long, and I’m the first one to see them since.”              while working in the field in Utah with their professor.   to have as an undergrad,” says McKean. “Tim [Tim                national Geological
                                                                                             As the work proceeds, McKean compares her                    Sara Schreder-Gomes ’19, a geology student             Flood] and Nelson [Nelson Ham] were my professors               Society of America
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 conference. snc.
                                                                                         reconstructed fossil with other specimens that have          who’s graduating this December, is currently assisting     when I was here and strongly emphasized field-based             edu/magazine
                                                                                         been discovered: first, with others from the same            McKean with fossil prep work.                              learning, which had a huge impact on me.”
                                                                                         rock formation; then, with others on which research              “Sara asked if she could get more experience, so          McKean has worked hard to provide similar

20   St. Norbert College Magazine | Fall/Winter 2018
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