Long Term PPI Use and Associated Complications - September 2014 Jessica Farrell, Pharm.D Co-Director Steffens Scleroderma Center Assistant ...

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Long Term PPI Use and Associated Complications - September 2014 Jessica Farrell, Pharm.D Co-Director Steffens Scleroderma Center Assistant ...
Long Term PPI Use and
  Associated Complications

               September 2014

            Jessica Farrell, Pharm.D
   Co-Director Steffens Scleroderma Center
    Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Practice
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences
Long Term PPI Use and Associated Complications - September 2014 Jessica Farrell, Pharm.D Co-Director Steffens Scleroderma Center Assistant ...
Do I take a Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI)?
   Currently, physicians are pre-        irritation, heartburn and other             ing them increasingly accessible
scribing proton pump inhibitors          symptoms. PPIs work by inhibiting           and commonly misused. For many
(PPIs) to treat patients for a variety   the proton pump in parietal cells           people, the use of a PPI, especially
of diseases or symptoms. PPIs are        (the cells that create stomach acid).       long term use, is not necessary and
commonly used to treat heartburn,        As a result of this inhibition, the         may promote unwanted side effects.
ulcers or gastroesophageal reflux        amount of stomach acid produced             For other patients, such as those
disease (GERD). GERD is a condi-         is decreased. PPIs are available            with Scleroderma, the utility of PPI
tion where stomach contents leak         in both prescription and over the           therapy vastly outweighs the side
back into the esophagus causing          counter (OTC) formulations, mak-            effect associated risks.

             Available as Prescription Only                                   Available Over the Counter
      Brand Name                  Generic Name                          Brand Name                  Generic Name
        Protonix®                  Pantoprazole                          Prilosec®                   Omeprazole
        Nexium   ®
                                   Esomeprazole                 Zegerid®                          Omeprazole and
        Vimovo   ®
                           Esomeprazole and Naproxen           		                                Sodium Bicarbonate

        Dexilant   ®
                                  Dexlansoprazole                        Prevacid®                   Lansoprazole
        Aciphex®                    Rabeprazole

What is Long-Term Use?                   – Side effects less commonly seen            from using these products, but
– PPIs have a variety of Food and          include alopecia, upper respira­           to better educate individuals on
  Drug Administration (FDA)                tory tract infection, increased            the safety and appropriate use
  labeled indications, most of             liver enzymes, abnormal vision             of these medications.
  which call for a short course            and hypomagnesemia
  of therapy. Self-treatment for           (low ­magnesium levels).
  Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease
  (GERD) with over the counter           What are Potential
  (OTC) PPI therapy is only recom-       Conditions PPIs
  mended for 2 weeks. Conversely,        can Effect?
  when prescribed by a physician,
                                         – Recently, PPIs have
  PPIs may be utilized for long-
                                           gained negative pub-
  term use if the benefit outweighs
                                           licity for the risks
  the risk. Although there is no
                                           associated with their
  definitive answer as to what
                                           long-term use. Through
  qualifies as long-term therapy,
                                           years of clinical experi-
  multiple sources have identified 1
                                           ence, drug studies and
  year as the cut off between short
                                           increased awareness to
  and long-term therapy. For cer-
  tain disease states, such as sclero-     the possibility of side
  derma, long term PPI therapy is          effects, PPIs have been
  recommended in order to avoid            associated with effects
  the complications associated with        on: vitamin/mineral
  gastric reflux.                          absorption, increased
                                           risk of bone fractures,
Common Side Effects                        pneumonia, enteric
of PPLs                                    infections, Clostridium
– Side effects most commonly               difficile­associated diar-
  associated with PPI use include          rhea and the formation
  headache, nausea, vomiting,              of gastric polyps. The
  diarrhea, dizziness, rash, anemia        goal of disclosing these
  and arthralgias; but are generally       possible side effects is
  well tolerated.                          not to deter patients

Long Term PPI Use and Associated Complications - September 2014 Jessica Farrell, Pharm.D Co-Director Steffens Scleroderma Center Assistant ...
Decreased Absorption                      It is very important to
of Important Vitamins/                    read product labels.
                                          From this Citrical ®      Supplement Foods
Minerals                                  label it can be seen
                                          that each serving (2    Serving Size: 2 tablets
– Calcium. PPIs affect the body’s
                                          tablets) is only 500 mg Servings Per Container: (Net Qty Contents/Serving Size [# tablets])
  ability to absorb calcium from          of elemental calcium.    		                          Amount Per Serving          % Daily Value
  the diet, as well as from calcium       Therefore to get the
                                                                   Vitamin D                   400 IU                      100%
                                          recommended daily
  supplements. By lowering the            amount of calcium, at    Calcium (elemental)         500 mg                      50%
  stomach acid levels, the abil-          least 4 tablets should   Sodium                      5 mg                        < 1%
                                          be taken every day.
  ity to digest the calcium and
  adequately absorb it into the body       vitamin B12 levels include ane-                      absence of gastric acid. The terms
  is decreased. Once your blood cal-       mia, fatigue, weakness, constipa-                    heme and non-heme, describe if
  cium levels are low, the body will       tion, loss of appetite and weight                    the iron is derived from hemo-
  attempt to correct this imbalance        loss.6 To prevent the development                    globin (the protein involved in
  in the only way it can, by taking        of these side effects, it is impor-                  oxygen transport). Heme iron is
  it from the bones. The longer the        tant to have B12 levels monitored                    found in animal foods that origi-
  body is low on calcium, the more         when on long term PPI therapy.                       nally contained hemoglobin, while
  calcium will be removed from the         • Low B12 levels may require                         non-heme iron comes from plant
  bone. This chain of events can             supplementation with oral                          foods. Patients undergoing long
  lead to osteoporosis and bone frac-        tablets, sublingual tablets or                     term suppression of gastric acid
  tures. Studies have found a link           fortified foods. If B12 levels do                  may be at risk for low iron levels
  between long term PPI use and              not normalize with oral supple-                    so it is important to have your
  the risk of hip fractures. Studies         mentation, vitamin B12 is                          iron levels monitored.1,3
  also show a correlation between            available as a monthly injection                   • According to studies, the
  higher dosages, and longer                 that bypasses gastrointestinal                       absorption of iron bis-glycine is
  duration of use towards overall            absorption.                                          not associated with decreased
  increased fracture risk.1,2,3          – Iron is an important part of                           absorption with changes in
  • Calcium Citrate is the best            many proteins and enzymes that                         gastric pH.4 Iron-bisglycine is
     option for calcium supplementa-       maintain good health. In addi-                         available in products known as
     tion for patients currently on a      tion it is an essential component                      Ferrochels, and Hemagenics.
     PPI. Calcium citrate does not         of oxygen transport in the blood.                      Also, the possibility of iron
     require an acidic environment to      Iron digestion and absorption can                      by injection is available for
     absorb the calcium in the diges-      be affected by PPI usage. Like                         patients not able to tolerate oral
     tive tract, while calcium carbon-     other vitamins and minerals, iron                      supplementation. Always con-
     ate does require stomach acid.        (specifically non-heme iron, 66%                       sult with your doctor or phar-
– Vitamin B12 is necessary for             of iron found in food), has mark-                      macist before starting a new
  proper red blood cell formation,         edly decreased absorption in the                       medication.
  neurological function, and DNA
  synthesis. It is also an essential
  factor in metabolism of fats and
  proteins. In order for the body to
  absorb vitamin B12, gastric acid
  is needed to release the B12 from
  food. There is also an association
  of decreased absorption in elderly
  populations. Therefore, patients
  utilizing long-term PPIs and/
  or elderly populations will have
  decreased absorption of B12 from
  food sources.1,3,4 To reduce the
  likelihood of low levels of B12, it
  is recommended to take B12 sup-
  plements or ingest B12 fortified
  foods to counteract malabsorption.
  Side effects associated with low

– Magnesium is an important              • To prevent bacteria from enter-       stomach acid and thus increase
  mineral in the body used to main-        ing the lungs, prop the bed up        the growth of bacteria. By making
  tain normal muscle and nerve             at night or sleep with multiple       the stomach less acidic, PPIs may
  function, and heart rhythm. In           pillows to elevate the upper por-     leave the door open for infections
  addition, magnesium supports             tion of your body. This will pre-     that may not have taken hold
  the immune system and improves           vent both heartburn and gastric       if the acid levels had been “nor-
  bone stability. Although rare,           acid from entering the lungs.         mal.”2 Recently in February 2012,
  PPIs have been linked with states        Also, there are multiple ways         the FDA added a special alert to
  of hypomagnesemia (low magne-            to prevent pneumonia including        the drug monographs of PPIs to
  sium levels), but the mechanism          washing your hands before eat-        include a possible increased risk
  is unknown at this time. Theories        ing and preparing foods, smok-        of C. diff-associated diarrhea. It is
  suggest that PPI-induced hypo-           ing cessation, and being vac-         reported that there is an estimat-
  magnesemia is likely due to              cinated. Always consult with          ed 1.4 to 2.75 fold increased risk
  gastrointestinal magnesium loss.         your doctor or pharmacist about       of developing C.diff-associated
  Symptoms of hypomagnesemia               the need for a vaccination.           diarrhea. Risk factors and most
  include fatigue, unsteadiness, par-                                            reported cases include elderly
  esthesia, tetany, cardiac arrhyth-    Enteric Infections                       patients, chronic or underlying
  mias, so it is important to monitor   – Enteric infections are defined         conditions, simultaneous use of
  patients’ magnesium level with          as an infection of the intestinal      broad-spectrum antibiotics (amox-
  prolonged use of PPIs.3                 tract and present with diarrhea,       icillin, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin).7
  • If you are experiencing low           abdominal discomfort, nausea,          • It is recommended to contact
    magnesium­levels, your physi-         vomiting and anorexia. Patients           your physician if patients expe-
    cian may advise you to take a         may be more susceptible to chol-          rience persistent watery stools,
    magnesium supplement in order         era and species of Shigella and           bloody diarrhea, abdominal
    to counteract the magnesium           Salmonella while under PPI ther-          pain/tenderness, nausea, loss of
    loss in the stomach. Always           apy due to small bowel bacterial          appetite, or fever while taking
    consult with your doctor or           overgrowth. This increased risk           PPIs. It is also advised to use
    pharmacist before starting a          can be attributed to the gastric          the lowest dose for the shortest
    new medication.                       acid suppression due to PPI ther-         duration.7
                                          apy. Normally, gastric acid would
PPI Associated Pneumonia                  destroy the majority of ingested      Gastric Polyps
– Pneumonia is a breathing condi-         bacteria and prevent infection.       – Gastric polyps are masses of
  tion caused by a bacterial infec-       Only a few cases of infections in       cells that form on the inside
  tion of the lung. It is an unpleas-     patients taking PPIs have been          lining of the stomach and are
  ant condition that affects millions     reported and a variety of case          considered rare. Gastric polyps
  of people each year and includes        studies argue against this risk.1       are typically asymptomatic and
  symptoms of cough, fever, shak-         • Even with conflicting evidence        very rarely progress to cancer-
  ing chills and shortness of breath.       there are still recommendations       ous tissue. One risk factor for
  Patients who use PPIs are at an           to avoid such infections. Taking      developing gastric polyps is the
  increased risk for pneumonia              extra care in making sure food        long term use of PPIs; as there
  and other upper respiratory tract         is not spoiled or contaminated.       has been an increased incidence
  infections.1 PPI use can lead to          Practicing not only proper            of polyps in recent years due to
  an increase in bacterial coloniza-        hygiene, but proper kitchen           increased usage of PPIs. This is
  tion of the stomach due to a less         hygiene (cleaning surfaces and        because when parietal cells (acid
  acidic environment. In addition,          utensils after contact with raw       producing cells) are suppressed
  PPI use may be associated with            meats). Avoiding sick or infected     by PPIs, hyperplasia (increase in
  pulmonary micro-aspiration and            individuals and frequent hand         the number of cells) can occur in a
  lung colonization. In other words,        washing are all ways to avoid         time dependent manner. In other
  during ventilation, materials from        enteric infections.                   words, the body will create more
  the gastrointestinal tract can                                                  cells because the previous cells
  enter the lungs and be deposited.     Growth of Gastric Bacteria                are not producing acid. Majority
  Therefore, patients using PPIs        – Clostridium difficile (C.diff) can      of polyps may not require treat-
  have more bacterial colonization        cause life-threatening cases of         ment; treatment is usually indi-
  leading to an increased risk of         diarrhea and conditions like coli-      cated only if polyps are cancer-
  bacteria entering the respiratory       tis and inflammation of the lining      ous or larger than 1cm. Antral
  tract.                                  of the colon. PPIs can decrease the     polyposis is often attributed to

Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori)
  infection, which has a decreased
  incidence since the widespread
  use of PPIs. However, it is not
  guaranteed that antral polyposis
  and H. pylori are seen together.
  PPI usage has been associated
  with a 4 fold increased risk of
  developing benign gastric polyps.
  Typically when PPIs are stopped
  for a period of months, gastric
  ­polyps will dissipate.5

Drug Interactions
– PPIs, like any other drug, can         Are Other Antacids/Acid                  minimize these unwanted effects.
  interact with other drug therapies     Suppressants Safe?                       Your healthcare professionals
                                         – Other over the counter prod-           are aware of these conditions and
  you may be taking. Although an
                                           ucts work to lower the amount          under their supervision, unde-
  interaction may exist, it may still
                                           of acid produced by the body to        sired side effects can be avoided.
  be safe for you to take the com-
                                           fight GERD, heartburn, ulcers,         If patients are indicated for the
  bination together. Talk to your
                                           etc. These antacid products            long term use of PPIs, following
  pharmacist about the risk of com-
                                           include Tums, Maalox, Gaviscon,        the above advice can help reduce
  bining these therapies.
                                           Mylanta, Pepto-Bismol and              possible adverse effects associated
  • PPIs may increase the effects
                                           Rolaids. Another class of acid         with this class of medication.
    of: amphetamines (Adderall),
    aripiprazole (Abilify), benzodiaz-     suppressing drugs are Histamine       Why am I taking a PPI
    epines (Xanax, Valium, Ativan),        H2-receptor antagonists (H2RA)
                                                                                 for the treatment of
    carvedilol (Coreg), cilostazol         which include Pepcid (famotidine),
    (Pletal), citalopram (Celexa),         Zantac (ranitidine), Tagamet
                                           (cimetidine) and Axid (nizatidine).   – In Scleroderma, esophageal dys-
    escitalopram (Lexapro), cyclo-
                                           In contrast to PPIs, antacids only      function can lead to severe compli-
    sporine (Neoral, SandIMMUNE),
                                           temporarily neutralize stomach          cations if not treated effectively.
    dexmethylphenidate (Focalin),
                                           acid and similarly H2RAs limit          Normally, the lower esophageal
    fluconazole (Diflucan), phe-
                                           acid secretion to a lesser degree       sphincter, or valve, acts as a gate
    nytoin (Dilantin), methotrexate
                                           than PPIs. Due to their lower           between the stomach and esopha-
    (Rheumatrex), pimozide (Orap),
                                           degree of acid suppression or neu-      gus which opens to allow food
    raltegravir (Isentress), saqui-
                                           tralizing, these drugs do not show      to enter the stomach and then
    navir (Invirase), tacrolimus
                                           the same long term effects as PPIs      closes promptly to prevent food
    (Prograf), vitamin K antagonists
                                           when considering osteoporosis,          from coming back up. In systemic
    (Coumadin, warfarin), voricon-
    azole (VFEND).                         decreased mineral bioavailability       scleroderma, the gate does not
  • PPIs may decrease the effects of:      or gastric polyps.                      close properly and the result is a
    atazanavir (Reyataz), bisphos-                                                 backwash of acid and a burning
    phonates (Fosamax, Boniva,           What should I do?                         sensation (heartburn) as food and
    Actonel), cefditoren (Spectracef),   – Discuss with your doctor your           acid return into the esophagus.
    clopidogrel (Plavix), clozapine        symptoms and overall need for           The acid may also injure the lin-
    (Clozaril), dabigatran (Pradaxa),      a PPI instead of alternative            ing of the lower portion of the
    dasatinib (Sprycel), delavir-          treatments with over the coun-          esophagus, causing scarring and a
    dine (Rescriptor), erlotinib           ter antacids and acid suppres-          narrowing (stricture) of the tube.
    (Tarceva), gefitinib (Iressa),         sants. Although there are issues        The addition of PPI therapy can
    indinavir (Crixivan), iron salts       with long term use, PPIs are an         decrease the risk of scarring and
    (ferrous sulfate, ferrous gluco-       effective and beneficial treat-         stricture formation. The benefit
    nate, ferrous fumarate, Iron),         ment for a variety of indications.      of using PPIs outweighs the risks
    itraconazole (Sporanox), mesa-         Patients and prescribers must           associated with PPI use. In gen-
    lamine (Asacol), mycophenolate         always weigh the risk vs. benefit       eral, the side effects associated
    (CellCept), nelfinavir (Viracept),     of medication use, as with all          with long-term PPI therapy can
    posaconazole (Noxafil), rilpi-         medications. Increased awareness        be prevented with proper monitor-
    virine (Edurant), tipranavir           of the possible side effects and        ing by your provider.
    (Aptivus), vismodegib (Erivedge).      precautions is important to help

1. Thomson A, Sauve M, Kassam N, Kamitakahara. Safety of the long-term use of proton pump inhibitors. World J
   Gastroenterol. 2010;16(19):2323-30.
2. Laria A, Zoli A, Gremese E, Ferraccioli GF. Proton pump inhibitors in rheumatic diseases: clinical practice, drug interac-
   tions, bone fractures and risk of infections. Reumatismo. 2011;63(1):5-10.
3. Ito T, Jenson R. Association of Long-Term Proton Pump Inhibitor Therapy with Bone Fractures and effects on Absorption of
   Calcium, Vitamin B12, Iron and Magnesium. Curr Gastroenterol Rep. 2010;12(6):448-57.
4. Jameson R Lam, Jennifer L Schneider, Douglas A Corley et al. Proton Pump Inhibitor and Histamine 2 Receptor Antagonist
   Use and Vitamin B12 Deficiency. JAMA. 2013;310(22):2435-2442.
5. Garcia-Casal MN, Layrisse M. The effect of change in pH on the solubility of iron bis-glycinate chelate and other iron com-
   pounds. Arch Latinoam Nutr. 2001;51(1 Suppl 1):35-6.
6. Alqutub AN, Masoodi I. A case of gastric polyposis in antral area of stomach following prolonged proton-pump therapy. Ger
   Med Sci. 2010;2(8):pii Doc19.
7. Office of Dietary Supplements. National Institute of Health. Dietary supplement fact sheet: Vitamin B12. Reviewed 2011
   June 24. [cited 2012 June 19] Available from: http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/VitaminB12-HealthProfessional/
8. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPIs) – Drug Safety Communication: Clostridium Difficile-
   Associated Diarrhea (CDAD) can be associated with stomach acid drugs. 2012 [cited 2012 June 19] Available from:

I’d like to thank Michael Sautter, PharmD. Candidate 2013 for his hard work on this project.

              The Scleroderma Foundation’s mission is three-fold:
a To help patients and their families cope with scleroderma through mutual support programs,
peer counseling, physician referrals, and educational information.
a To promote public awareness and education through patient and health professional semi-
nars, literature, and publicity campaigns.
a To stimulate and support research to improve treatment and ultimately find the cause and
cure of scleroderma and related diseases.

                                                  300 Rosewood Drive, Suite 105
                                                       Danvers, MA 01923
                                                       Phone: 978-463-5843
                                                        Fax: 978-463-5809
                                                 Info Line: 800-722-HOPE (4673)
                                                  Email: sfinfo@scleroderma.org
                                                  Website: www.scleroderma.org

                                      Text and logo © 2014, The Scleroderma Foundation, Inc.
                                                                                                           October 2014 – Rev. 1
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