Long Beach housing outlook for 2023 likely a mixed bag, city officials say

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Long Beach housing outlook for 2023 likely a mixed bag, city officials say
February 21, 2023

                                                                                                                                                   Brandon Richardson / Business Journal

Developers have broken ground on the long-stalled Silversands project at Cherry Avenue and Ocean Boulevard—the last vacant oceanfront property in the city.

Long Beach housing outlook for 2023
likely a mixed bag, city officials say
                                           year in Long Beach, such as the former       for two new affordable projects.           a total of 26,500 new homes by 2029.
By Alicia Robinson
                                           Broadway Block (now called Onni                 And the city Planning                       In the state’s last eight-year cycle,
                                           East Village), opening this summer           Commission recently approved               Long Beach had to plan for about
   Long Beach officials have               with 432 apartments, plus space for          a landmark development that                7,000 new units, Spindler-Ruiz said—
promised a focused effort to               businesses such as a grocery store and       will create 900 new apartments.            and the city only saw about 60% of
address a housing shortage that’s          coffee shop on the lower floors, and         Planning Bureau Manager Alison             that total get built.
exacerbated the homeless crisis, but       the 756-unit West Gateway, which will        Spindler-Ruiz said Mosaic, as the              Koontz said despite the demand
forces beyond the city’s control—          turn the World Trade Center parking          project is called, is “the largest         for new homes, interest rates that are
such as higher interest rates that         lot into a construction site in the          housing project, certainly, that I’ve      “wildly different” from a few years
could chill development—make               coming months.                               seen in my tenure,” and would add          ago and other factors outside the
2023 likely to be what Development            Four developments of apartments           almost as many units as there were         city’s control, such as a shortage of
Services Director Christopher              for lower-income families, with a            housing starts citywide last year.         construction workers, could slow the
Koontz called “a year of contrasts.”       total of more than 300 units, are               That’s all good news, but it won’t      production of new homes this year.
   A number of high-profile projects       slated to open this year, and the city       make up for the housing shortage               Gary Painter, a professor at
will get started or come online this       just awarded $6.1 million in funding         Long Beach and California as a whole       USC’s Sol Price School of Public
                                                                                        have been experiencing for years.          Policy, agreed that at least for the
                                                                                           According to city data, 2019            immediate future, developers will
                                                                                        was a record-breaking year with            likely be cautiously waiting to
                                                                       PRSRT STD        more than 1,200 building permits           see which potential projects will
BUSINESS JOURNAL                                                      U.S. POSTAGE
                                                                                        issued, and the next two years also        pencil out.
211 E. Ocean Blvd., Ste. 400                                             PAID           hovered around the 1,000 mark—                 “I think on net, whenever there
Long Beach, CA 90802                                                  Los Angeles, CA
                                                                      PERMIT NO. 447
                                                                                        but those came after several rather        is a shock in the economy—in this
                                                                                        anemic years, with 300 or fewer            case interest rates—builders, sellers,
                                                                                        permits issued in 2014, 2015 and           buyers all tend to pause, and we know
                                                                                        2018. (Complete 2022 data is not yet       pausing is not good for our housing
                                                                                        available, city officials said.)           market,” Painter said.
                                                                                           And now, as part of a state-mandated        However, he said, “I think by the
                                                                                        housing planning process, the city is      second half of the year, things will
                                                                                        also expected to figure out where to put   start moving again.”
                                                                                                                                                             Continued on page 3
Long Beach housing outlook for 2023 likely a mixed bag, city officials say
BUSINESS JOURNAL                                                                                                        3
                                                                                                 February 21, 2023
                                                                                                                                               SUBSCRIBE TODAY!                                     February 21, 2023

an edition of Long Beach Post                                                                     Vol. XXXVI No. 4                             LBBJ.com/subscribe
                                                                                                                                               Subscriptions: (562) 553-3391
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Residents push for more commercial uses,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    safety along Santa Fe corridor on Westside
                                                                                                                                               Editorial:     (562) 655-7678
                                                                                                                                               Advertising: (562) 912-0161
                                                                                                                                               Long Beach Business Journal                                                                    including Westside Elevate and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    By Brandon Richardson
                                                                                                                                               211 E. Ocean Blvd., Ste. 400                                                                   Westside Long Beach Alliance, and
                                                                                                                                               Long Beach, CA 90802                                                                           who also leads the Greater Westside
                                                                                                                                               Editorial Deadline:                                      As the city continues its work        Long Beach Business Association, said
                                                                                                                                                                                                    toward rezoning Santa Fe Avenue on        during the meeting.
                                                                                                                                               Two weeks prior to publication. Email press
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Long Beach’s Westside, residents are         One of the purposes of
                                                                                                                                               releases to editor@lbbj.com.                         urging staff to consider changes that     the rezoning is to encourage
                                                                                                                                               Advertising Deadline:                                will bring more commercial uses           community-serving commercial
                                                                                                                                               Wednesday prior to publication.                      than the city’s current proposal.         uses, including grocery stores,
                                                                                                                                               See editorial calendar at                                During a virtual community            pharmacies, banks and more. The
                                                                                                                                               lbbusinessjournal.com/advertise.                     meeting Feb. 9, city staff outlined       MU1-A zoning would allow for 100%
                                                                                                                                                                                                    the current zoning proposal that          residential projects.
                                                                  Steam rises as Barista Natasha Schachtell makes a                                                                                 is slated to go before the Planning          “If there is not a mandatory
                                                                  mocha at Good Time coffee shop.
                                                                                                                                                   LongBeachBusinessJournal                         Commission in March or April,             commercial component to more
                                                                  Thomas R. Cordova / Business Journal   ��������������������������������17                                                        which will be followed by City            of the designated zoning, it could                                                                   Thomas R. Cordova / Business Journal
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Council consideration in April or         further perpetuate the commercial         Motorists make their way through the Santa Fe St. and Hill St intersection in Long Beach.
                                                                                                                                                   LBBusinessJournal                                May. Part of the plan includes a new      inequities that the Westside currently
                                                                                                                                                                                                    zoning designation, MU1-B, which          experiences,” Bell said in a message to   you’re looking for foot traffic.”                  While more commercial tenants
Residents push for more                                             $21.25M by DPI Retail ����������������������12                                                                                 would require all new developments        the Business Journal Feb. 10.                While some residents pushed for             would be a win for people like Bell,
                                                                                                                                               Editor Hayley Munguia // Advertising Director        to include commercial components.            If the vision is realized and more     more commercial space, the purpose             Sanchez-Lopez said the city does not
commercial uses, safety                                                                                                                        Andrea Estrada // Visuals Editor Brandon                 Many of the parcels near the          commercial activity comes to the          of the rezoning is also to help the            anticipate many proposals for 100%
along Santa Fe corridor                                             Carnival announces rare                                                    Richardson // Assistant Editor Kat Schuster          intersections of Hill Street, Spring      Westside, though, residents also          city meet its state-mandated housing           commercial projects as there has been
on Westside ����������������������������������������������� 3      cruise to Tokyo ������������������������������������� 13                  // Columnist Tim Grobaty // Reporters
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Street, Wardlow Road and Willow           voiced concerns over crime and safety     production goals. According to                 a shift over the last several years in
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Street would have this new zoning         in the area. Susan Lopez noted the        the most recent Regional Housing               commercial development. Mixed-
                                                                                                                                               Laura Anaya-Morga, Fernando Haro Garcia,
                                                                                                                                                                                                    designation, according to city            surge in property crimes across the       Needs Assessment, Long Beach must              use developments that include both
                                                                                                                                               Cheantay Jensen, Tess Kazenoff, Magnolia
Mayor kicks off series of                                           Here’s why the city’s                                                                                                           planner Alejandro Sanchez-Lopez,          city since the onset of the coronavirus   approve the construction of over               residential and retail are more likely.
                                                                                                                                               Lafleur, Brandon Richardson, Alicia Robinson,        who led the meeting. Most of the          pandemic, which includes a recent         26,500 residential units between                   “The number of 100% commercial
forums to hear concerns from                                        COVID-era parklets                                                         Jason Ruiz // Lead Graphic Designer Candice          remainder of the Santa Fe corridor        string of break-ins into more than        2021 and 2029.                                 projects that (the city has approved)
business owners citywide ���������������� 4                        have disappeared ������������������������������� 13                       Wong // Graphic Designer Chanel Villanueva           would fall under the MU1-A zoning,        half a dozen restaurants.                    The zoning proposal identifies 36           over the last few years is less than
                                                                                                                                               // Publisher Emeritus George Economides
                                                                                                                                                                                                    which allows for any combination of          Another resident who identified        parcels along Santa Fe and Willow,             a dozen. So even if we allow for
                                                                                                                                                                                                    residential or commercial use.            themselves only as Ryan, a 3rd            totaling 10 acres for residential              it in theory, in practice we don’t
Sunstone signs 5-year                                               Long Beach Container Terminal                                              The Long Beach Business Journal is a publication         Following the presentation, staff     District resident, noted that             redevelopment that could provide 338           necessarily expect that to be the
extension to foster Long                                                                                                                       of Pacific Community Media. The Business             fielded questions from community          increased commercial uses for the         units, 205 of which are designated             case,” Sanchez-Lopez said.
                                                                    will reach ‘net zero’ emissions                                                                                                 members. Tony Bell, an outspoken          surrounding community should              as affordable, according to the staff              “That being said, … if we start to
                                                                                                                                               Journal is published every other Tuesday.
Beach startups ���������������������������������������� 5          by 2030, officials say ��������������������� 16                                                                                advocate for the city’s Westside,         go hand-in-hand with making the           presentation. Those units account for          see only commercial projects coming
                                                                                                                                               Reproduction in whole or in part without written
                                                                                                                                                                                                    asked if the new MU1-B designation        area safer and more walkable for          1.3% of the city’s RHNA requirement.           in, or we start to see a lot of our sites
                                                                                                                                               permission is strictly prohibited unless otherwise   could be expanded to areas farther        pedestrians.                                 The MU1-A zoning, which                     not developing as residential to the
Construction underway                                               How one man left gang life and                                             stated. Opinions expressed by perspective            away from the intersection along the         “Traffic speeds and pedestrian         will make up much of the area,                 units that we had projected, then
on Downtown section of                                              started his own                                                            writers and guest columnists are not necessarily     stretch of road.                          walkability are at odds,” Ryan said.      meanwhile, allows for developments             we have to proactively identify new
                                                                                                                                               the views of the Long Beach Business Journal.            “The Westside is disproportionately   “The higher the speed of traffic,         that are 100% commercial, which                sites and maybe adopt new policies
4th Street expected to                                              publishing company ������������������������� 16                                                                                residential and suffers from              the less likely it is that somebody’s     Sanchez-Lopez said is necessary, as            to make sure that we’re meeting our
last through March ������������������������������6                                                                                                                                                 commercial inequities,” Bell, who         going to feel safe walking. And the       some parcels are simply too small to           RHNA requirement,” he added. “So
                                                                                                                                                                                                    is part of several advocacy groups        safety of walking is paramount when       pencil out for residential developers.         it’s kind of a moving target.”
                                                                    Port of Long Beach continues
Ramser sells North Long                                             to see diminished cargo
Beach property leased to                                            volumes in January �����������������������������17
Dollar Tree �������������������������������������������������6                                                                                                                                     Housing Outlook                           city speed up the approval process        Opening in 2023                                   • RTHM: A project with 84 for-sale
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              for converting vacant commercial             • Onni East Village: A two-building         townhomes is also slated to include
                                                                    Have a Good Time at new                                                                                                         Continued from cover                      and office space to other uses,           complex (one high-rise, one mid-rise)          retail space with a sit-down restaurant.
LGB passenger volumes                                               Zaferia district coffee shop ���������17                                                                                                                                 including residential use.                will add 432 apartments, including a              • 26 Point 2: This project consists of
in December plummet                                                                                                                                                                                                                              More housing is vital, but city        small number of furnished units for            76 units of housing with supportive
                                                                                                                                                                                                        While the need for more housing       leaders need to consider whether          shorter-term stays.                            services for people experiencing or at
amid cancellations �������������������������������7                New health-conscious                                                                                                            is widely acknowledged, some in           projects will displace residents             • Anaheim and Walnut: This                  risk of homelessness.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Long Beach will be keeping a close        who won’t be able to afford the           4-story development will include 88
                                                                    restaurant, with meals
                                                                                                                                                                                                    eye on the details—especially where       higher rents in new developments,         affordable units above office space            Also of note
Salvation Army center                                               to-go, opens at former                                                                                                          it’s proposed.                            said Elsa Tung, land use program          and a health clinic.                              • Armory Arts Collective: A
offers rehabilitation,                                              Berlin Bistro location ���������������������� 18                                                                                   The city’s “inclusionary”             manager for Long Beach Forward.              • Seventh and Dawson: About 23              64-unit affordable complex is
addiction support ����������������������������������7                                                                                                                                              requirement—which mandates                (The nonprofit is one of several          for-sale townhomes with two-car                planned next to a former armory on
                                                                                                                                                                                                    that developers make up to 11%            consultants working with Long             garages, rooftop decks and balconies           Seventh Street that will be converted
                                                                    DLBA’s COO to step down                                                                                                         of units they build affordable for        Beach on rezoning the city core.)         should be available by year’s end.             to an arts-focused facility with
Southwest announces 3 new                                           amid restructure ��������������������������������� 18                                                                          lower-income families or pay into            In a city where more than 61% of                                                      performance space.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    a city fund—will help, but the city       residents are renters, any measures       Making progress                                   • Mosaic: A 900-unit development
destinations �������������������������������������������� 11                                                                                                                                       needs more homes at lower price           the city approves to encourage               • SilverSands: A hotel and                  that won Planning Commission
                                                                                                                                                                                                    points and higher-density projects        more development should be paired         condos at Ocean Boulevard and                  approval in January will be built
                                                                    Lawsuit shows 2nd finance
                                                                                                                                                                                                    should be spread around the city,         with tenant protections—such              Cherry Avenue is finally moving                at the northwest corner of Fourth
The Bungalow Kitchen will close                                     director left convention center                                                                                                 Downtown Long Beach Alliance              as rent control—to help reduce            forward on a site that’s been vacant           Street and Long Beach Boulevard.
temporarily and reopen as an                                        over spending concerns ���������������� 19                                                                                     CEO Austin Metoyer said.                  displacement, Tung said.                  since about 2014.                                 • ADUs: Second units (or granny
                                                                                                                                                                                                        “I think that has been the               “We cannot build our way                  • Third + Pacific: After the project        flats) made up more than 50%
immersive lounge �������������������������������� 11
                                                                                                                                                                                                    philosophy of the city historically,      out of the housing crisis—we’re           was stalled for changes, a multi-              of the city’s housing starts last
                                                                    Historic San Pedro Fish Market                                                                                                  that everything can go Downtown—          not building enough, we’re not            building complex will begin rising             year, and with preapproved plans
El Dorado Shopping Center                                           location to close when lease
                                                                                                                                                                                                    and I don’t think that can continue       building fast enough,” she said.          out of ground this year, bringing 271          coming that will speed up the
                                                                                                                                                                                                    to be the philosophy,” he said.              Here are some of the housing           apartments and nearly 13,000 square            process, the city could log as many
in East Long Beach sold for                                         expires next month��������������������������� 20                                                                                   Metoyer said he’d like to see the     highlights of the coming year:            feet of retail space.                          as 600 ADUs this year.
Long Beach housing outlook for 2023 likely a mixed bag, city officials say
4                                                                         BUSINESS JOURNAL                                                                          February 21, 2023                   February 21, 2023                                          BUSINESS JOURNAL                                                                                              5

    Mayor kicks off series of forums to hear                                                                                                                                                            Sunstone signs 5-year
    concerns from business owners citywide                                                                                                                                                              extension to foster
                                                                                                                                                     shared concern in terms of attracting
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Long Beach startups
                                                                                                                                                     new businesses anywhere in the city.
    Mayor Rex Richardson                                                                                                                             Van Fleet and The Merchant owner                                                           mutual mission of bringing diverse
                                                                                                                                                                                                        By Brandon Richardson
    held the first in a series                                                                                                                       Mike Gillespie noted that it took
                                                                                                                                                     them years to open their businesses
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                startups to Long Beach to create a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                thriving economic ecosystem.”
    of forums with business                                                                                                                          in Long Beach due to various delays                   Private capital investment              The original agreement ran
                                                                                                                                                     within the Development Services
    owners across the city on                                                                                                                        Department as well as with the
                                                                                                                                                                                                        company Sunstone Management
                                                                                                                                                                                                        and its nonprofit arm have
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                through 2022, and the extension will
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                now allow it to continue through
    Wednesday to hear their                                                                                                                          Health and Fire departments.
                                                                                                                                                         “People talk to each other,” Kelly
                                                                                                                                                                                                        announced an extension of the           2027. The renewed agreement was
                                                                                                                                                                                                        partnership behind Long Beach           signed on Feb. 2, less than two weeks
    concerns as part of his                                                                                                                          Bray, an independent contractor                    Accelerator, a program that aims to     after both groups joined the city
                                                                                                                                                     with the Bixby Knolls Business
    “100 Businesses in 100                                                                                                                           Improvement Association, said during
                                                                                                                                                                                                        foster new tech startups in the city.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           The partnership first began
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                and several other organizations in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                pledging to grow 100 startups in the                                                           Courtesy of Sunstone Management
    Days Tour.”                                                                                                                                      the forum. “I know one person who                  in 2020, which ultimately saw           city over the next five years. Dubbed    Sunstone Management CEO and managing partner John Keisler looks on as Long
                                                                                                                                                     told a friend if he wants to open a                the Sunstone Community Fund             “Launch Beach,” the initiative           Beach Accelerator Board Chair Wade Martin signs a memorandum of understanding,
                                                                                                                                                     business here, it’s not going to be easy.          investing millions of dollars in        includes city departments and will       extending a partnership between the two organizations for five years.
    By Brandon Richardson
                                                                                                                                                     I wonder how many (businesses) we’re               startup businesses that participated    see $25 million pumped into local
                                                                                                                                                     losing even before they start.”                    in the accelerator program, which       startups.                                Sunstone has invested about $4           an excellent collaboration, showing
       Dozens of Bixby Knolls business                                                                                                                   Richardson said his time working               provides education and coaching to         The accelerator program hosts         million and $5 million into Long         us what’s possible in building a
    owners gathered inside Lola’s                                                                            Brandon Richardson / Business Journal   in the private sector taught him                   the new companies.                      two cohorts per year, with startup       Beach Accelerator cohort companies.      next-generation, highly valuable
    Mexican Cuisine on the morning of           Long Beach Mayor Rex Richardson fields questions from Bixby Knolls business owners                   the value of “ease, speed and                         “The incredible team behind          founders receiving educational,            Each company has the                   P3 tech accelerator in the city of
    Feb. 15 for a question-and-answer           inside Lola’s Mexican Cuisine restaurant.                                                            predictability” for businesses                     the Long Beach Accelerator have         networking and mentorship                opportunity to participate in            Long Beach,” Andrea White-Kjoss,
    session with Long Beach Mayor Rex                                                                                                                entering a new market. He said his                 been crucial partners to Sunstone       opportunities. Upon acceptance into      “Demo Day” to pitch its concept to       managing director of the accelerator,
    Richardson regarding the state of           became even more of a speedway,”                   shops up here if we had more                      office is dedicated to improving city              Management,” Sunstone CEO and           the accelerator, each startup will       investors. Since 2021, the program       said in a statement. “The extension
    business in the city.                       Van Fleet said to the mayor. He noted              walking business, if we slow the                  processes in various departments to                managing partner John Keisler said      now receive a $150,000 investment        has graduated 29 companies that          of this relationship creates the
       The event is the first of seven or       that the temporary road diet, which                damn street down.”                                attract more businesses away from                  in a statement. “Over the next few      from Sunstone, up from $100,000          have earned over $4 million in           environment to build on those early
    eight similar meetings the mayor has        saw one lane on each side of the street                An increase in the city’s unhoused            other cities.                                      years, we look forward to continuing    for previous cohorts.                    revenue, according to Sunstone.          successes and make Long Beach a
    planned over the next few months            closed, helped while it was in place.              population was another focus of                       Following the event, Cohn said                 to work together to accomplish our         Since the start of the partnership,     “The past two years have been          global tech startup hub by 2030.”
    as part of his “100 Businesses in              In response, Richardson                         conversation, with Wylie Strout, a                it’s important for business owners
    100 Days Tour.” Future events               recounted his years-long effort as the             Laserfiche employee, saying it has                to feel like someone at city hall is
    will include businesses from other          9th District councilmember to get a                caused safety concerns in the area                listening to them, which is why he
    areas of the city as an opportunity         major overhaul of Artesia Boulevard                due to random, violent behavior by                pushed for Bixby Knolls to host the
    for owners to share their concerns          approved and funded—a $36 million                  those who have mental health or                   kickoff of the “100 Businesses tour.”                                                                                    - SPONSORED -
    directly with Richardson.                   project that broke ground last week.               addiction issues.                                 But answering some questions is not
       “Making sure that we have                He said the whole of Bixby Knolls                      Richardson noted his                          enough, according to Cohn.
    a mayor’s office that is able to            must come together, be on the same                 administration’s dedication to                        “We’ll stay on top of it,” Cohn
    engage ensures that there’s a flow          page and engage with the city’s                    putting homelessness on the                       said after the event. “It’s part
    of communication that goes from
    the public, the community, … to
                                                Public Works Department, especially
                                                Director Eric Lopez.
                                                                                                   forefront of its agenda, but he also
                                                                                                   said that when it comes to mental
                                                                                                                                                     of the (business improvement
                                                                                                                                                     district’s) responsibility to hold                     Local real estate brokerage, CART Group,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            sells commercial building in Naples
    the (City Council) and the city                Van Fleet said he is in favor                   health services, the city is almost               (officials) accountable.”
    management,” Richardson told the            of bringing back the road diet                     entirely at the will of the county.                   Van Fleet, for his part, said he
    Business Journal after the event.           permanently, including introducing                     “We have to work through the                  appreciates the face time with
       The main focus for business              bike lanes. Some residents and                     providers that LA County selects to               the mayor, but he echoed Cohn’s
    owners overall was safety, including        business owners, though, complained                operate within our city, and there’s              sentiment that words without action                        Commercial real estate has                     on SBA financing, transaction
    pedestrian safety on the street and         about a decrease in parking amid the               not a lot of requirements for them                mean nothing.                                           brought together a group of Long                  management, commercial contracts,
    business safety from break-ins.             road diet, Van Fleet said.                         to coordinate directly with our city,”                “The city has been known to                         Beach locals & lifelong friends.                  negotiation, liquor license transfers
       Dutch’s Brewhouse owner Jason Van           “Parking isn’t an issue. It should              Richardson said, adding that city staff           ‘listen to us’ but then forget all about                Johnathon Cardwell & Zach Marsh                   and overall resourcefulness to
    Fleet noted that cars frequently speed      be about saving lives,” he said. “And              is actively engaged with county and               (us),” he told the Business Journal                     work together as a real estate team               complete a transaction of this size.
    down Atlantic Avenue, which has             getting people back out walking                    state officials for better solutions.             after the event. “But I’m very excited
                                                                                                                                                                                                             at CART Group, Inc. Their friend,                    “We are thrilled to have sold this
    caused numerous serious accidents.          to support the restaurants and the                     The difficulty of working with                to work with someone new, who
       “During the pandemic, it just            stores. We could get more retail                   various city departments was another              possibly has some fresh ideas.”                         Joshua Sanchez, a high-end business               incredible building in Long Beach,” says
                                                                                                                                                                                                             manager also out of Long Beach, has               Johnathon Cardwell, the real estate
                                                                                                                                                                                                             teamed up with a partner to bring a               broker on the transaction.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             new restaurant concept to Naples.                    “Our team is dedicated to providing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                The building, located at 5716 E 2nd            the best possible experience for our
                                                                                                                                                                                                             St Long Beach, boasts 2,460 square                clients, and this sale is a testament to
                                                                                                                                                                                                             feet of prime restaurant space, full bar,         our commitment to their success.” –
                                                                                                                                                                                                             kitchen, and parking spaces, making it            Zach Marsh, real estate team lead.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             the perfect location for a new concept               With their impressive track
                                                                                                                                                                                                             looking to establish a foothold in this           record of successful transactions,
                                                                                                                                                                                                             bustling coastal city.                            CART GROUP is making a name for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                The building’s central location on             themselves in the Long Beach real                  CART Group, Inc DRE # 02060666
                                                                                                                                                                                                             2nd Steet, with easy access to PCH,               estate market. Whether you’re a first-             Johnathon Cardwell DRE # 01964805
                                                                                                                                                                                                             Naples, Belmont Shore, and a variety              time buyer or a seasoned investor,                 Zach Marsh DRE # 02036985
                                                                                                                                                                                                             of local amenities, makes it a desirable          they have the expertise and
                                                                                                                                                                                                             destination for everyone.                         experience to get the job done. If                 1 World Trade Center 8th Floor # 252
                                                                                                                                                                                                                The completed sale is a prime                  you’re looking for a dedicated and                 Long Beach, CA 90831
                                                                                                                                                                                                             example of the real estate team’s                 professional real estate team, look no             Office: (562) 676-4302
                                                           Brandon Richardson / Business Journal                                                                                                             capabilities. With technical knowledge            further than CART GROUP.                           Email: Broker@cartgroupinc.com
    Long Beach Mayor Rex Richardson, right, walks Atlantic Avenue in Bixby Knolls with                                                                          Brandon Richardson / Business Journal

    5th District Councilmember Megan Kerr and Bixby Knolls Business Improvement                    Long Beach Mayor Rex Richardson introduces himself Bixby Knolls business owners
    Association Executive Director Blair Cohn.                                                     during a forum.
Long Beach housing outlook for 2023 likely a mixed bag, city officials say
6                                                                     BUSINESS JOURNAL                                                                      February 21, 2023            February 21, 2023                                                   BUSINESS JOURNAL                                                                                                                                 7

                                                                                                                                                                                         LGB passenger                             Salvation Army center offers
                                                                                                                                              the city continues to experience high
                                                                                                                                              levels of rainfall, he added.
                                                                                                                                                 The project budget is $1.4 million,
                                                                                                                                                                                         volumes in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   rehabilitation, addiction support
                                                                                                                                              with $93,000 coming from the city’s
                                                                                                                                              Measure A funds and the remainder
                                                                                                                                              being paid for via a Measure M             December
                                                                                                                                              grant from the Los Angeles County
                                                                                                                                              Metropolitan Transportation                plummet amid                              By Tess Kazenoff
                                                                                                                                              Authority, Contreras said.
                                                                                                                                                 Residents passed Long Beach’s           cancellations
                                                                                                                                              Measure A sales tax increase                                                            When participants walk through
                                                                                                                                              in 2016 after it was marketed                                                        the doors of the Long Beach
                                                                                                                                              as a way to fund infrastructure            While several factors                     Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation
                                                                                                                                              improvements and public safety.                                                      Center, they begin a six-month
                                                                                                                                              From 2017, the first fiscal year the       contributed to the                        journey toward rehabilitation.
                                                                                                                                              sales tax was active, through July
                                                                                                                                              of last year, Measure A generated
                                                                                                                                                                                         low volume, airport                          Throughout the six months,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   participants of the program, which
                                                                                                                                              over $357 million. Of those funds,         officials said Southwest                  seeks to help men recovering from
                                                                                                                                              $52 million has gone toward                                                          drug or alcohol addiction, spend eight
                                                                                                                                              street repairs. The police and fire        canceling 166 flights over                hours a day working through the steps
                                                                                                                                              departments have received over
                                                                                                                                              $210 million. The remaining funds
                                                                                                                                                                                         10 days in December was                   of Alcoholics Anonymous, attending
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Bible classes, therapy and counseling,
                                                                                                                                              have been used for improving               the biggest.                              explained Captain Dan Garrett.
                                                                                                                                              city parks, buildings and other                                                         “My ultimate hope for the people
                                                                                                                                              infrastructure projects.                                                             that go through this program is that
                                                                                                                                                 The city’s streets, meanwhile,          By Brandon Richardson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   every man that comes through my
                                                                                                                                              continue to deteriorate faster than                                                  door can succeed and get his life                                                                                                       Tess Kazenoff / Business Journal

                                                                                                                                              they can be repaired at the current           Far fewer travelers passed through     right,” Garrett said. “I know we offer                   Captain Dan Garrett sits in his office in the Salvation Army facility.
                                                                                                                                              spending levels. Each street across        Long Beach Airport in December            and give what it takes to help a person,
                                                                                                      Brandon Richardson / Business Journal   the city has a condition score out of      than during the same month in             but it takes more on the individual                         Six men are currently in the third                     additional items such as snacks that
    A crew works on street improvements at the intersection of Fourth Street and Alamitos Avenue.                                             100 and, according to a July 2022 city     2019, according to city data. The         themselves to come through the                           phase, meaning they have found                            can be purchased at the Salvation
                                                                                                                                              memo, the average score was 58.            final month of last year even failed      doors, that they gotta want this as                      employment and are paying a small fee                     Army canteen, Garrett said.
                                                                                                                                                 At the time, Lopez said the city        to outperform December 2021—by            much as I want to give it.”                              to stay at the facility, while they work                     Funding for the program is

    Construction underway on                                                                                                                  would need to spend $81 million
                                                                                                                                              annually for five years to bring the
                                                                                                                                              average score up to 60. To bring the
                                                                                                                                                                                         nearly 17,000 passengers.
                                                                                                                                                                                            Usually bustling with holiday
                                                                                                                                                                                         travelers, airports experienced a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      After completing the first six
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   months, participants can apply for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   a second phase, or an additional
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            toward finding permanent housing.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Unlike many other rehabilitation
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            programs, everything from shelter,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      primarily through Salvation Army
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      thrift stores, which sells donated
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      goods including clothing, shoes and

    Downtown section of 4th Street
                                                                                                                                              city average up to 80, a designation       different kind of chaos to close out      six months, where they can work                          clothing, and daily meals are                             houseware. The Long Beach store is
                                                                                                                                              only 13% of city streets had seven         2022 when Southwest canceled              toward finding employment.                               entirely free to the men, apart from                      successful, consistently meeting its
                                                                                                                                              months ago, it would cost $1.77 billion.   nearly 20,000 flights nationwide. In                                                                                                                                                       Continued on page 12

    expected to last through March
                                                                                                                                                 The Public Works department has         Long Beach, the cancellations cost
                                                                                                                                              a five-year plan outlining 98 pending      the facility an estimated $500,000.
                                                                                                                                              Measure A projects through 2027,              “There are so many factors that
                                                                                                                                              including 61 park improvement              go into these monthly passenger
                                                                                                                                              projects, 23 public facility projects,     numbers, but the cancellation of 166
                                               street, according to Public Works           long-term payoffs.”                                nine right-of-way, water quality           outbound flights over a 10-day period
    By Brandon Richardson
                                               spokesperson Joy Contreras.                    The work on the sidewalks, curbs                and climate action projects, and 17        was the biggest factor in the dip for
                                                  Due to the scope of the work             and gutters will continue on the north             mobility projects, which include           December,” LGB spokesperson Kate
       Sidewalks and gutters have              being done, Public Works Director           side of the street up to Elm Avenue,               street improvements.                       Kuykendall said in an email to the
    become open trenches on the north          Eric Lopez acknowledged that                allowing eastbound traffic down                       When asked this week about              Business Journal on Feb. 7.
    side of Fourth Street between              businesses and residents in the area        Fourth Street, Contreras said. Then                the allocation of Measure A                   A total of 247,285 passengers
    Alamitos Avenue and Elm Avenue as          would be inconvenienced by some             work on the south side of the street               funding between public safety              traveled through the local airport,
    construction crews work to revamp          street closures.                            will commence from Elm to Alamitos,                and infrastructure, Lopez said             down a staggering 23% from the
    the stretch of road.                          “While there are short-term              allowing for westbound traffic.                    his department is “getting more            321,686 passengers in December
       In addition to sidewalk replacement     impacts, the long-term benefits                Once both sides of the street have              infrastructure dollars than we ever        2019. The 2022 figure was down 5.1%
    and new curbs and gutters, the project     way outweigh the month or so                been improved, the full stretch will               have out of Measure A.”                    from December 2021, when travel
    includes driveway replacements,            of inconvenience,” Lopez said.              be resurfaced.                                        “It’s a tug-of-war, but I really do     was quelled slightly by a surge in
    ADA compliant curb ramps, traffic          “Adequate water drainage, ADA-                 The work began last week and is                 feel that we’re having a meaningful        coronavirus cases.
    improvements and resurfacing.              compliant sidewalks and having a            expected to continue at least through              impact on our city’s infrastructure,”         December passenger volumes
       The work will add two more              roadway that is smooth to drive on,         March, Lopez said. The construction,               Lopez said. “We’re balancing all the       nationwide, meanwhile, were 7.2%
    parking spaces to that section of the      I think all those benefits have huge        however, could last through April if               different city needs.”                     below pre-pandemic levels, according
                                                                                                                                                                                         to U.S. Transportation Security

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          12-MONTH CD
                                                                                                                                                                                         Administration data. About 65.7

                                                                                                                                                                                         million passengers traveled through
                                                                                                                                                                                         U.S. airports, compared to nearly

    Ramser sells North Long Beach property leased to Dollar Tree
                                                                                                                                                                                         70.4 million during the same month
                                                                                                                                                                                         in 2019. Compared to 2021, U.S. air
                                                                                                                                                                                         travel was down 10% in December.

                                               RV and boat storage, self-storage and          Ramser Development acquired                     by Mark Repstad of Southland
                                                                                                                                                                                            Back in Long Beach, the airport’s
                                                                                                                                                                                         total passenger numbers for 2022                                                                         APY*
    By Tess Kazenoff
                                               industrial outdoor storage, according
                                               to a statement.
                                                                                           5117 Atlantic Ave. in 2019 as part of
                                                                                           a 1031 exchange, which is when an
                                                                                                                                              Commercial Real Estate.
                                                                                                                                                 “2022 was a fascinating and
                                                                                                                                                                                         as a whole were much higher than
                                                                                                                                                                                         the year prior, though they were still
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   New Money Only**
       A 1.25-acre retail property in              “Ramser Development Company             investment property is sold in order               chaotic year for commercial                below 2019 levels. A total of 3,242,831
    North Long Beach leased to a               is focused on growing its portfolio         to purchase another.                               real estate, and a pivotal time            passengers traveled through the                       Janet Nelson
    Dollar Tree was sold by Ramser             of core assets in 2023,” said Scott            The infill property was built in 1955           for Ramser Development where               airport last year, up 54.1% from 2021,
    Development Company, the                   Ramser, founder and chief executive         and renovated in 2016 and consists of              we took several measures to                data shows. The yearly total, however,       VP, Community Development Officer
    company announced on Feb. 8.               officer of Ramser Development               two free-standing buildings totaling               sharpen our business approach              remained 9.5% below 2019 levels.                249 E. Ocean Boulevard · Long Beach
       The sale of the property, located       Company in a statement. “While we           21,779 rentable square feet, along                 and improve overall operations,”              “Although passenger travel was                      562-436-9800 Ext. 5207
    at 5117 Atlantic Ave., represents
    a strategic move for Ramser
                                               are pleased with the performance of
                                               the Long Beach retail investment,
                                                                                           with 51 parking spaces.
                                                                                              Phil Ramming of Faris Lee
                                                                                                                                              added Ramser. “As market
                                                                                                                                              conditions shift and opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                                         unexpectedly impacted in December,
                                                                                                                                                                                         we are on track for a stronger
    Development, as the company plans          our firm is looking to redeploy             represented Ramser Development in                  arise in 2023, the company is              performance in the months ahead,”           *Annual Percentage Yield current as of 01/06/2023 for the 12-month CD. **Funds may not be transferred from existing International City Bank account(s) to fund new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     CD(s). Rates subject to change at any time. A penalty may be imposed for early withdrawal. Fees may reduce earnings and principle. Minimum deposit of $1,000
    to reallocate the proceeds into one or     the capital from this sale into our         the sale transaction, while the buyer,             well-positioned to execute on new          Airport Director Cynthia Guidry said        required to open CD. CD renews automatically to a standard rate in effect at the time of renewal unless instructed otherwise. See associate for details.
    more facilities in its core business of    primary investment strategy.”               a private investor, was represented                potential investments.”                    in an emailed statement.
Long Beach housing outlook for 2023 likely a mixed bag, city officials say
L O N G      B E AC H         B U S I N E S S               L I S T                                                                                             L O N G      B E AC H        B U S I N E S S             L I S T
                                       B L AC K         O W N E D       B U S I N E S S E S                                                                                                           B L AC K          O W N E D        B U S I N E S S E S

                                                                                 YEAR +                                                                                                                                                       YEAR +
LOGO   COMPANY + SERVICES                      WEBSITE + STREET ADDRESS          EMPLOYEES        LEADERSHIP                 PHONE + EMAIL                     LOGO   COMPANY + SERVICES                       WEBSITE + STREET ADDRESS       EMPLOYEES        LEADERSHIP                  PHONE + EMAIL
       company name:                           street address:                   year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:                            company name:                            street address:                year founded:    title(s):                   phone number:

       Lash Brow And Beyond                    3605 Long Beach Blvd. Suite 331 2017               Owner                      818-917-9032                             Ask Sharifah Consulting Services         Long Beach, CA 90802           1994             Business Consultant         562-822-0965
                                               Long Beach, CA 90807                                                                                                   service(s) provided:                                                                     name(s):                    website:
       service(s) provided:                                                                       name(s):                   website:

       Eyelash Extensions                                                                         Georgette Hubbard          lashbrowandbeyond.com                    Marketing, PR & Consulting                                                               Sharifah Hardie             asksharifah.com
       company name:                           street address:                   year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:                            company name:                            street address:                year founded:    title(s):                   phone number:

       CA Driving Detective Gloria Bradley     Long Beach, CA 90807              2020             Owner                      626-818-8920                             Southern California Black                111 W. Ocean Blvd. #441        1993             President of Long Beach     562-822-0965
                                                                                                                                                                      Chamber of Commerce                      Long Beach, CA 90802                            Area Chapter
       service(s) provided:                                                                       name(s):                   website:
                                                                                                                                                                      service(s) provided:                                                                     name(s):                    website:
       Driver Education Courses                                                                   Gloria Bradley             drivingdetective.com
                                                                                                                                                                      Business Networking Group                                                                Sharifah Hardie             blackchamberofcommerce.org
       company name:                           street address:                   year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:
                                                                                                                                                                      company name:                            street address:                year founded:    title(s):                   phone number:
       Crystal Clear Learning Foundation Inc. 909 Pine Ave.                      2020             Philanthropist/ECE         562-200-4848
                                              Long Beach, CA 90813                                Specialist/consultant                                               AmaraREPS, LLC                           115 Pine Ave. #330             2008             CEO                         562-263-7090
                                                                                                                                                                      service(s) provided:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Long Beach, CA 9080                             name(s):                    website:
       service(s) provided:                                                                       name(s):                   website:

       Nonprofit                                                                                  Crystal Cherie Jones       crystalclearlearningcenters.com          Marketing Agency                                                                         Amara Omoregie              amarareps.com
                                                                                                                                                                      company name:                            street address:                year founded:    title(s):                   phone number:
       company name:                           street address:                   year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:
                                                                                                                                                                      The SEO Queen                            235 E. Broadway Suite 800      2017             President and CEO           617-475-0964
       Crystal Clear Learning Center           909 Pine Ave.                     2019             CEO/Founder/ECE            562-479-5201                                                                      Long Beach, CA 90802
                                               Long Beach, CA 90813                               Specialist                                                          service(s) provided:                                                                     name(s):                    website:

       service(s) provided:                                                                       name(s):                   website:                                 SEO and Digital Marketing Company                                                        Zhe Scott                   seoqueen.com
       Day Care                                                                                   Crystal Cherie Jones       crystalclearlearningcenters.com          company name:                            street address:                year founded:    title(s):                   phone number:

       company name:                           street address:                   year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:                            Islands Beauty Supply                    1735 E. Anaheim St.            2020             CEO                         310-408-5031
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Long Beach, CA90813
       Village Treasures                       247 E. Broadway                   1997             Owner                      562-787-0899                             service(s) provided:                                                                     name(s):                    website:
                                               Long Beach, CA 90802                                                                                                   Beauty Supply Retail Store                                                               Micah Kirton                islandsbeautysupply.com
       service(s) provided:                                                                       name(s):                   website:

       Gift Boutique                                                                              H. Maxie-Viltz             villagetreasuresart.com                  company name:                            street address:                year founded:    title(s):                   phone number:

       company name:                           street address:                   year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:                            Fuller Management Corporation            200 Pine Ave. Suite 503        2010             Owner, Executive Director   562-269-8691
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Long Beach, CA 90802
       Beachrunners’ Inn Bed & Breakfast     231 Kennebec Ave.                 2003             Owners, Innkeepers         562-774-5140                             service(s) provided:                                                                     name(s):                    website:

       service(s) provided:
                                               Long Beach, CA 90803                               name(s):                   website:                                 Small Business Development/                                                              Kena Fuller                 fullerpros.com
       Lodging                                                                                    Patricia Reed & Courtney   beachrunnersinn.com
                                                                                                  Day Claverie                                                        company name:                            street address:                year founded:    title(s):                   phone number:

       company name:                           street address:                   year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:                            Ubuntu Institute of Learning             235 E. Broadway #800           2018             Executive Director          562-471-3404
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Long Beach, CA 90802
       GangTales Publications                  Long Beach, CA 90805              2020             CEO                        562-579-7022                             service(s) provided:                                                                     name(s):                    website:

       service(s) provided:                                                                       name(s):                   website:                                 Social Justice Training Nonprofit                                                        Leigh Lester                ubuntulearn.org
       Book Publishing Services                                                                   Stanley James II           gangtales.com                            company name:                            street address:                year founded:    title(s):                   phone number:

       company name:                           street address:                   year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:                            Bonnie Loves Travel                      400 W. Ocean Blvd.             2017             Owner                       951-388-7731
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Long Beach, CA 90802
       Extraordinary Banana Pudding            1208 Long Beach Blvd.             2019             Owner                      562-209-0107                             service(s) provided:                                                                     name(s):                    website:
                                               Long Beach, CA 90813                                                                                                   Full Service Travel Business                                                             Bonita Arlene Stewart       bonnielovestravel.com
       service(s) provided:                                                                       name(s):                   website:

       Restaurant/Pudding Shop                                                                    Toran Grays                extraordinarybananapudding.com           company name:                            street address:                year founded:    title(s):                   phone number:

       company name:                           street address:                   year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:                            Will Estate Group                        111 W. Ocean Blvd. Suite 400   2002             Real Estate & Mortgage      310-678-4808
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Long Beach, CA 90802                            Broker
       Axiom Kitchen Smoked Meats & BBQ        4137 Norse Way                    2022             Owner                      562-966-9292
                                               Long Beach, CA 90808                                                                                                   service(s) provided:                                                                     name(s):                    website:
       service(s) provided:                                                                       name(s):                   website:
                                                                                                                                                                      Real Estate & Mortgage                                                                   Will Hayworth               willestategroup.com
       Barbecue/Smoked Meats                                                                      Qiana Williams-Mafnas      axiomkitchenbbq.com
                                                                                                                                                                      company name:                            street address:                year founded:    title(s):                   phone number:
       company name:                           street address:                   year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:
                                                                                                                                                                      Craft+Light Creative Arts Studio         5614 E. 2nd St.                2019             Owner                       562-588-9407
       Tanjee Bakes                            Long Beach, CA 90805              2019             CEO                        310-756-8056                                                                      Long Beach, CA 90803
                                                                                                                                                                      service(s) provided:                                                                     name(s):                    website:
       service(s) provided:                                                                       name(s):                   website:
                                                                                                                                                                      Team Building Art Workshops                                                              Shelley Williams            craftandlight.org
       Desserts                                                                                   Tanjanique Esters          tanjeebakes.com
                                                                                                                                                                      company name:                            street address:                year founded:    title(s):                   phone number:
       company name:                           street address:                   year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:
                                                                                                                                                                      Haus of Mean-ager                        2201 N. Lakewood Blvd.         2021             Owner                       562-250-7777
       Native Sol                              2018 E. 4th St.                   2005             Co-Owner, Creative         562-987-0080                                                                      Suite D656
                                                                                                                                                                      service(s) provided:                                                                     name(s):                    website:
                                               Long Beach, CA 90814                               Director, Event Curator                                                                                      Long Beach, CA 90815
       service(s) provided:                                                                       name(s):                   website:                                 Candle Retailer                                                                          Maraya Quary                hausofmeanager.com
       Retail Shop                                                                                Tyrone Ward                instagram.com/nativesol                  company name:                            street address:                year founded:    title(s):                   phone number:

       company name:                           street address:                   year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:                            Dr. Karen Semien-McBride                 Long Beach, CA 90802           2017             CEO                         562-900-3175
                                                                                                                                                                      service(s) provided:                                                                     name(s):                    website:
       Royal Gourmet Cookies                   4445 Atlantic Ave.                2018             Owner & Head Baker         562-208-5802
                                               Long Beach, CA 90808                                                                                                   Executive Coaching, Personal                                                             Dr Karen Semien-McBride     mkcircle.com
       service(s) provided:                                                                       name(s):                   website:
                                                                                                                                                                      Life Counseling and Business
       Gourmet Cookies                                                                            Emerald Austin             royalgourmetcookies.com                  Strategy Coaching
       company name:                           street address:                   year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:                            company name:                            street address:                year founded:    title(s):                   phone number:

       Alliance for Young Women and Girls      3711 Long Beach Blvd. Suite 500   2014             Founder & Executive        323-795-5936                             Skinny Cookies Catering                  111 W. Ocean Blvd.             2012             Owner                       424-526-0728
                                               Long Beach, CA 90807                               Director                                                            service(s) provided:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Long Beach, CA 90802                            name(s):                    website:
       service(s) provided:                                                                       name(s):                   website:
                                                                                                                                                                      Catering                                                                                 Yevette Write               instagram.com/skinnycookies
       Career and Leadership Training                                                             Ja’net Young               alliance4ywg.org
                                                                                                                                                                      company name:                            street address:                year founded:    title(s):                   phone number:
       company name:                           street address:                   year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:
                                                                                                                                                                      Tranquility Hair Studio                  735 W. Pacific Coast Highway   2016             Owner                       562-480-7264
       LTN Services, Inc.                      111 W. Ocean Blvd. 4th Floor      2010             Owner-CEO                  877-855-8678                             service(s) provided:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Long Beach, CA 90806                            name(s):                    website:
                                               Long Beach, CA 90802
       service(s) provided:                                                                       name(s):                   website:
                                                                                                                                                                      Salon/Beauty Retailer                                                                    Keyonia Paramore            tranquilityhaircare.com
       Professional Business Services                                                             Chartae Richardson         itnservicesinc.com
                                                                                                                                                                      company name:                            street address:                year founded:    title(s):                   phone number:
       company name:                           street address:                   year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:
                                                                                                                                                                      BubblyMat Laundry                        1176 E. 10th St.               2019             Owner                       562-231-7262
       Sal’s Gumbo Shack                       6148 Long Beach Blvd.             2012             Owner/Operator             562-422-8100                             service(s) provided:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Long Beach, CA 90813                            name(s):                    website:
                                               Long Beach, CA 90805
       service(s) provided:                                                                       name(s):                   website:                                 Laundromat                                                                               Stacey Drake & John Drake bubblymat.com
       Restaurant                                                                                 Acelda Bevans              salsgumboshack.com                       company name:                            street address:                year founded:    title(s):                   phone number:
       company name:                           street address:                   year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:                            Master Barbering Academy                 408 E. 3rd St.                 2017             Owner, Director of          562-676-6454
       The Spurling Group Realtors             6621 Pacific Coast Highway #150 2017               Team Leader                562-208-5662                                                                      Long Beach, CA 90802                            Education
                                               Long Beach, CA 90803                                                                                                   service(s) provided:                                                                     name(s):                    website:
       service(s) provided:                                                                       name(s):                   website:

       Real Estate Agent/Consultant                                                               Richard Spurling           bestjourneyhome.com                      Vocational Barber College                                                                Teves Lee                   masterbarberingacademy.com
       company name:                           street address:                   year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:                            company name:                            street address:                year founded:    title(s):                   phone number:

       Long Beach Black News, Inc.             Long Beach, CA 90802              2022             Editor-In-Chief            562-822-0965                             Your Hair N More                         408 E. 3rd St.                 2015             Head Master Barber          562-326-6308
                                                                                                                                                                      service(s) provided:
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Long Beach, CA 90802                            name(s):                    website:
       service(s) provided:                                                                       name(s):                   website:

       Media                                                                                      Sharifah Hardie            longbeachblacknews.com                   Full-Service Salon & LASER Tattoo                                                        Teves Lee                   your-hair-n-more.business.site
                                                                                                                                                                      Removal/LASER Lipo
Long Beach housing outlook for 2023 likely a mixed bag, city officials say
February 21, 2023                                             BUSINESS JOURNAL                                                                                                       11
                                      L O N G      B E AC H         B U S I N E S S                L I S T
                                       B L AC K          O W N E D       B U S I N E S S E S

                                                                                   YEAR +
                                                                                                                                                                   Southwest announces 3 new destinations
LOGO   COMPANY + SERVICES                       WEBSITE + STREET ADDRESS           EMPLOYEES        LEADERSHIP                 PHONE + EMAIL
       company name:                            street address:                    year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             departure of JetBlue, the airport’s
                                                                                                                                                                   By Brandon Richardson
       Dotted Lines Tax Prep                    408 E. 3rd St. Long Beach, CA      2016             Licensed Bonded &          310-897-4952
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             previous top carrier, netted
                                                90802                                               Certified Notary /Tax &                                                                                                                                                                                  Southwest dozens of slots.
                                                                                                    Loan Signing Agent                                                Southwest Airlines continues its                                                                                                          American Airlines recently
       service(s) provided:                                                                         name(s):                   website:                            dominance at Long Beach Airport,                                                                                                          announced its departure from
       Business & Personal Tax Prep/Notary/                                                         Vonetta Mobley             dottedlinestaxprep.com              as it’s been awarded five more daily                                                                                                      Long Beach and relinquished three
       Loan Signing Agent on Duty
                                                                                                                                                                   flight slots, city officials announced                                                                                                    daily flights, which have not yet
       company name:                            street address:                    year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:
                                                                                                                                                                   Feb. 9. The carrier announced it will                                                                                                     been allocated to another carrier.
       Stewart Insurance Services               111 W. Ocean Blvd. Suite 400       2020             CEO/Owner                  877-922-0111
                                                Long Beach, CA 90802                                                                                               use the slots for new, returning and                                                                                                      Available slots are awarded based on
       service(s) provided:                                                                         name(s):                   website:
                                                                                                                                                                   expanded services.                                                                                                                        a waitlist.
       Life Insurance, Asset Protection                                                             Shawnda Stewart            stewartinsuranceservices.com           The carrier will begin daily,                                                                                                             The current waitlist, in order, is
       company name:                            street address:                    year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:                       nonstop service to Colorado Springs                                                                                                       Canadian airline Swoop, Utah-based
       Your Income Tax Preparer                 3643 Atlantic Ave. Suite 12        1982             Enrolled Agent             562-612-1102                        and El Paso beginning July 11 and                                                                                                         startup Breeze Airways, Hawaiian
                                                Long Beach, CA 90807
       service(s) provided:                                                                         name(s):                   website:                            Albuquerque beginning Sept. 5.                                                                                                            Airlines and Southwest. Companies
       Tax Preparation and                                                                          Jacquelyn Nordorf          yourincometaxpreparer.com           Southwest’s seasonal daily, nonstop                                                                                                       at the top of the list have the right of
       Resolution Advocate
                                                                                                                                                                   service to Maui, meanwhile, returns                                                                                                       first refusal.
       company name:                            street address:                    year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:
                                                                                                                                                                   March 9, and flights to Dallas will                                                                                                          Swoop already has been offered
       Stewicks Consulting Services, LLC        111 W. Ocean Blvd. Suite 400       2022             CEO/Owner                  310-625-4615                        increase to twice per day starting                                                                                                        flights at Long Beach numerous
       service(s) provided:
                                                Long Beach, CA 90802                                name(s):                   website:                            June 4.                                                                                           Brandon Richardson / Business Journal   times and declined. Breeze,
       Startups, Funding, Training,                                                                 Shawnda Stewart            stewicksconsultingservicesllc.com      “On top of offering one of the         A Southwest Airlines plane makes its final approach into Long Beach Airport.                    meanwhile, has previously accepted
       Strategic Planning
                                                                                                                                                                   easiest and most convenient travel                                                                                                        one daily slot, which was forfeited
       company name:                            street address:                    year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:
                                                                                                                                                                   experiences in the country, we now                                                                                                        months later for nonuse. The two
       Minuteman Press Long Beach               540 E. Broadway                    2002             Owner                      562-436-8500
                                                Long Beach, CA 90802                                                                                               offer more destinations for our              Thursday’s announcement is                 found daily service could be added                companies, along with Hawaiian,
       service(s) provided:                                                                         name(s):                   website:
                                                                                                                                                                   travelers than ever before,” Airport      the latest in a string of service             while remaining under the outlined                passed on the five slots awarded to
       Design, Printing & Marketing                                                                 Amlin Kotei                longbeach.minuteman.com             Director Cynthia Guidry said in a         additions by Southwest. Over the              threshold. City staff ultimately                  Southwest.
       company name:                            street address:                    year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:                       statement.                                past eight months, the company has            added five flights.                                  It is likely Southwest will pick up
       Dana Nickerson Speaks                    1111 W. Ocean Ave. Suite 441       2017             President                  424-393-8446                           Carriers at Long Beach now offer       announced service to Nashville, New              Of the now 58 daily allowable                  one or more of the available slots.
                                                Long Beach, CA 90802
       service(s) provided:                                                                         name(s):                   website:                            nonstop service to 22 cities across       Orleans, Salt Lake City, Orlando and          flights, Southwest holds 45, or 78%.                 “Southwest Airlines continues
       Inspirational Speaker/                                                                       Dana Monique Nickerson     dananickersonspeaks.com             the country—more destinations than        Kansas City.                                     The Texas-based air carrier first              to connect Long Beach to more
       Educational Consultant
                                                                                                                                                                   at any time in the airport’s 99-year         Under its strict noise ordinance,          arrived in Long Beach in 2016 with                places, demonstrating our airport’s
       company name:                            street address:                    year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:
                                                                                                                                                                   history, according to city officials.     Long Beach Airport previously                 four daily flights and has continued              economic value for tourism and
       BE University Global                     1111 W. Ocean Ave. Suite 441       2020             President                  424-393-8446                        The previous record was 19 nonstop        allowed 53 daily flights. Staff’s             to pick up as many slots as possible              business,” Mayor Rex Richardson
       service(s) provided:
                                                Long Beach, CA 90802                                name(s):                   website:
                                                                                                                                                                   destinations in 2011.                     most recent noise audit, however,             as they become available. The                     said in a statement.
       Personal Growth and                                                                          Dana Monique Nickerson     beuniversityglobal.com
       Development Training
       company name:                            street address:                    year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:

       Bouemai                                  Long Beach, CA 90805               2019             Owner                      562-347-7216

                                                                                                                                                                   The Bungalow Kitchen will
       service(s) provided:                                                                         name(s):                   website:

       Clothing Retail                                                                              Charles R. Stevens         bouemai.com
       company name:                            street address:                    year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:

       Fitness Identity Training
       service(s) provided:
                                                256 Elm Ave.
                                                Long Beach, CA 90802
                                                                                   2020             Owner
                                                                                                                                                                   close temporarily and reopen
                                                                                                                                                                   as an immersive lounge
       Personal Training Studio                                                                     Dwight Thurman             myfitnessidentity.com
       company name:                            street address:                    year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:

       Divine & Twined                          2501 E. Anaheim St                 2018             Owner                      562-754-5452
       service(s) provided:
                                                Long Beach, CA 90804                                name(s):                   website:

       Spiritual Goods & Maternal Wellness                                                          Tamara & Tracey            divineandtwined.com                                                           his original lounge-y, houseparty
                                                                                                    Robertson                                                                                                concept, complete with DJs and
       company name:                            street address:                    year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:                       Now that COVID-era                        multiple spaces to enjoy, he told the
       Fresh Off The Yacht Catering & Events    5224 Harvey Way                    2018             Chef Owner                 818-605-2895                                                                  Post on Feb. 9.
       service(s) provided:
                                                Long Beach, CA 90808                                name(s):                   website:
                                                                                                                                                                   restrictions have faded                      “We want to be an extension
       Caterer, Pop Ups,
       Private Chef Services
                                                                                                    Melissa Ramsay             experiencesaudade.com               away, Brent Bolthouse is                  of your living room,” Bolthouse
                                                                                                                                                                                                             said. “We want you to say, ‘Hey I’m
       company name:                            street address:                    year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:                       finally able to recast his                having a house party for 10 people—
       Divine Notary Services                   3243 E. 10th St.                   2017             Notary Public              562-257-8778                                                                  oh my god it grew to 25—let’s go to
       service(s) provided:
                                                Long Beach, CA 90804                                name(s):                   website:
                                                                                                                                                                   Long Beach restaurant as                  The Bungalow instead of destroying
       Notary Services                                                                              Demetria Jones             N/A                                 the airy cocktail hangout                 the house.’”
       company name:                            street address:                    year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:                                                                    The Long Beach location, he
       Carter & Carter, Inc.                    4000 Long Beach Blvd. Suite 223 2017                Real Estate & Mortgage     310-981-6032                        it was intended to be.                    says, will be the best version of The
                                                Long Beach, CA 90807                                Broker                                                                                                   Bungalow yet.
       service(s) provided:                                                                         name(s):                   website:                                                                         “It all is an evolution and we
       Real Estate Brokerage                                                                        Nekaya Carter              carterandcarterInc.com              By Kat Schuster                           learned a lot in Santa Monica. We
       company name:                            street address:                    year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:                                                                 learned a lot in Huntington Beach.
       Mr. Fries Man                            1009 E. Artesia Blvd.              2016             President, COO and Co-     562-269-0839                           Brent Bolthouse knows how to           They say, third time’s the charm,”
                                                Long Beach, CA 90805                                COO
                                                                                                                                                                   throw a good house party, having          Bolthouse said.
       service(s) provided:                                                                         name(s):                   website:
                                                                                                                                                                   garnered plenty of experience with           After opening the first two
       Restaurant                                                                                   Jo’Ron Green, Deven        mrfriesman.com                      Golden Globe parties and other soirees    locations, Bolthouse decided to bring
                                                                                                    Green, and Lamecia Brown
                                                                                                                                                                   in the Hollywood Hills. Eventually,       his vision to Long Beach.
       company name:                            street address:                    year founded:    title(s):                  phone number:
                                                                                                                                                                   he was able to take this talent and          Unfortunately, that decision
       At Their Side                            Long Beach, CA 90808               2014             CEO                        562-212-3715
                                                                                                                                                                   transform it into an immersive            happened in 2020. When the
       service(s) provided:                                                                         name(s):                   website:
                                                                                                                                                                   cocktail lounge: The Bungalow.            pandemic hit, the global crisis
       Healthcare Status Platform                                                                   Emily Woodman-Nance        attheirside.com
                                                                                                                                                                      On March 12, The Bungalow              slammed the brakes on plans to
                                                                                                                                                                   Kitchen within Long Beach’s 2ND           open anything, really, let alone a
                     It’s a new year, and the Long Beach Business Journal is busy bringing you all-new features like The List to keep you
                                                                                                                                                                   & PCH will temporarily close to,          place to imbibe.
                     informed and connected with your business community. Subscribe today to get 26 issues a year delivered to your home
                                                                                                                                                                   for the most part, nix the dining            So, in March 2021, Bolthouse
                     or office, plus unlimited digital access to the local business news you can’t find anywhere else.
                                                                                                                                                                   element. When it reopens this             and his business partner chef
                                                                                                                                                                   spring, he says it will finally reflect   Michael Mina created The Bungalow
                     SUBSCRIBE TODAY: lbbj.com/subscribe                        Ask us about group discounts! subscriptions@lbbj.com
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Continued on page 21
Long Beach housing outlook for 2023 likely a mixed bag, city officials say
12                                                              BUSINESS JOURNAL                                                                 February 21, 2023                   February 21, 2023                                                    BUSINESS JOURNAL                                                                                                        13

 El Dorado Shopping Center                                                          Salvation Army
                                                                                                                                                                                     Carnival announces rare cruise to Tokyo
                                                                                                                                  2021, Garrett still has a number of
                                                                                                                                  ideas to keep improving the facility,
                                                                                    Continued from page 7                         which at some point, could include
 in East Long Beach sold for                                                                                                      adding a transitional living space.
                                                                                                                                     “It was just amazing to watch the                                                                                                                Matt Lupoli said in an email Tuesday.          change during a seven-day voyage to

 $21.25M by DPI Retail
                                                                                    monthly goals, Garrett noted.                 men take ownership,” Garrett said.                                                                                                                      In a phone interview on Feb. 6,            the Mexican Riviera, according to a
                                                                                       Men are connected to the                   “You know, we treat this as if we’re a                                                                                                              Lupoli noted that the company has              cruisehive.com report.
                                                                                    Salvation Army through a variety              family. But we also understand and                                                                                                                  routes from California and Washington             The world’s largest cruise line in
                                                                                    of sources, including referrals from          know that we can’t do this without                                                                                                                  to Australia, but “it’s the first time we’re   the world, Carnival has operated
                                         value-add opportunity to lease up a        family members or churches, as well           them.”
 By Kat Schuster                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      going from Long Beach to that part of          out of Long Beach for two decades
                                         5,040-square-foot former restaurant        as the court and prison systems.                 While the Salvation Army                                                                                                                         the world,” he said.                           after moving across the bay from
                                         located on the hard corner at                 For Garrett, the mission of the            initially began in England in 1865,                                                                                                                     Ship maintenance is part of the            San Pedro in 2003. The company
    El Dorado Shopping Center, located   Norwalk Boulevard and Wardlow              Salvation Army is personal.                   it has since spread its mission across                                                                                                              itinerary scheduling across the                currently operates three ships out of
 in the East Long Beach area, was        Road, which has 40,000 cars per               “I’m one of them,” Garrett said.           the world, and the Long Beach                                                                                                                       Carnival fleet, which is planned years         the city: the Panorama, the Radiance
 sold for $21.25 million, a regional     day,” Hanley Investment Group              “Years and years and years of going           Salvation Army facility is one of 19                                                                                                                in advance, according to Lupoli.               and the Miracle.
 investment group announced Feb. 6.      Executive Vice President Kevin             into prison, selling drugs, doing what        rehabilitation programs throughout                                                                                                                  Rather than wasting a trip across the             Between the three ships, Carnival
    The 74,500-square-foot shopping      Fryman said in a statement. “The           I shouldn’t have been doing, and God          the Western territory.                                                                                                                              Pacific, the company opted to offer a          offers three-, four-, five-, six- and
 center currently rents spaces to        buyer could re-tenant the existing         pulled me out of that. And here today,           The need for a program like                                                                                                                      “truly unique” cruise, he said.                seven-day cruises to a variety of
 Grocery Outlet, Goodwill Store          building or execute a ground lease.”       he placed me in a position where I can        this has only grown over time;                                                                                                                          Carnival declined to comment on            locations, including Ensenada, the
 & Donation Center, Los Alamitos            The center holds a 10-year lease with   help those that were just like me.”           in recent years, Garrett has seen                                                                                                                   why one of its newest ships is slated          Mexican Riviera, Alaska and Hawaii.
 Kids Resale clothing store, Twice       Grocery Outlet that began in 2019 with        The last time Garrett stepped foot         men entering into the program at                                                                            Brandon Richardson / Business Journal
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      for maintenance. One possible reason              The company is set to add a
 Baked Gluten Free Baking Company,       10% increases every five years, which      on a prison yard was 1997, he said.           younger ages and with more severe                  The Carnival Panorama is headed to Japan for dry-dock maintenance that could
                                                                                                                                                                                     include receiving an updated paint job like the Radiance, which is pictured at the               is that Carnival’s entire fleets’ hulls are    fourth ship to the Long Beach fleet
 Benley Vietnamese Kitchen, AJ           demonstrates its “commitment to the        In 2017, Garrett and his wife, Taneya         needs, particularly as the opioid and              Long Beach Cruise Terminal.                                                                      being updated with a new red, white            in spring of next year with the Costa
 Appliance 4 Less and the Kick It Up     site,” Fryman said.                        Garrett, graduated from the Salvation         fentanyl epidemic has worsened                                                                                                                      and blue livery, or paint scheme.              Firenze. The ship is part of a new
 Dance school.                              “Investors see a flight to safety       Army college for officer training.            across the country, he said.                                                                    person, according to the company.                       Coming online in December 2019             concept called Carnival Fun Italian
    Hanley Investment Group Real         and security in the grocery sector,           When Garrett was appointed to                 “People are just coming in worse                By Brandon Richardson
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Most cruises end where they                      with an almost all-white hull, the             Style—a partnership with Italy-
 Estate Advisors, based in Orange        especially with value grocery retailers    the Long Beach location in 2018, the          than they were back before,” Garrett                                                            began, but that is not the case                     Panorama was the last ship delivered           based Costa Cruises.
 County, facilitated the sale for DPI    like Grocery Outlet,” he added.            building was in need of a wide range          said. “Now, they’re dealing with dual                 Carnival Cruise Line has announced        for repositioning sailings. With                    to the company before the fresh                   Last year, nearly 572,000 travelers
 Retail of El Segundo to Milan Capital      More than 513,000 residents with        of repairs, he said.                          diagnosis, more than just addicted                 an 18-day trek from Long Beach to            the ship set to be dry-docked,                      design was unveiled a month later              embarked and disembarked in
 Management of Orange, according         an average household income of                “It was really, really disturbing to       to drugs and alcohol, they’re now                  Tokyo, a rare transpacific crossing that     passengers must make other travel                   with the new Carnival Mardi Gras.              Long Beach aboard a Carnival ship,
 to a release sent to the Long Beach     $120,000 live within a 5-mile radius       me,” Garrett said.                            dealing with emotional aspects or                  will reposition the company’s vessel for     arrangements to return to Long                          Another reason for the impending           according to city spokesperson
 Business Journal.                       of the shopping center, according to          The building, originally a hotel,          mental illness.”                                   dry-dock maintenance.                        Beach or other final destinations.                  dry-dock could be that the ship                Jennifer De Prez. This year, the
    Milan Capital Management is          the news release.                          was constructed in 1922, and the                 While the Salvation Army facility                  The Carnival Panorama is slated to           After spending weeks in dry-dock,                already has developed a history of             company expects between 650,000
 a real estate investment company           El Dorado Shopping Center, built        Salvation Army moved into the                 is not a mental illness treatment                  depart Long Beach on Aug. 22, 2024,          the Panorama is scheduled for a                     mechanical troubles. In August                 and 700,000 vacationers, Lupoli said.
 that develops and manages both          in 1965 and renovated in 2003, sits        facility in 1988.                             facility and is unable to assist with              with stops in several Alaskan ports,         25-day journey from Singapore back                  2021, days after returning to service             The city of Long Beach,
 commercial and residential properties   on 7 acres at the intersection of             In 2020, Garrett embarked on a             more severe needs, it does offer the               including Ketchikan, Cruise Endicott         to Long Beach, with stops in Ho                     after 17 cruiseless months due                 meanwhile, collects $4.30 per
 throughout Southern California.         Norwalk Boulevard and Wardlow              lengthy effort to remodel the 101-            opportunity for rehabilitation, with               Arm Fjord, Sitka, and Icy Strait Point,      Chi Minh, Vietnam; Kota Kinabalu,                   to the pandemic, the Panorama                  Carnival passenger. In 2022, the
    “The property offered a rare         Road in Long Beach.                        bed facility, including relocating            a spiritual focus, Garrett said.                   before traversing the Pacific Ocean          Malaysia; Manila, Philippines; Guam;                experienced an issue that reduced              company paid a total of $2,459,000
                                                                                    a second-floor kitchen to the first              “They come in broken, not                       to the East Asian island country. The        Honolulu and Maui. Tickets for the                  the ship’s maximum speed and                   in passenger fees, which goes directly
                                                                                    floor, transforming the second floor          knowing who they are, and walking                  ship will then make stops in Kushiro         one-way return trip start at $1,359.                forced an itinerary change.                    toward supporting the Queen Mary
                                                                                    entirely into living quarters, plus           side by side with them, and watching               and Aomori before passengers                    “These are not the first Transpacific                Several months later in December,          and related debt as well as the city-
                                                                                    numerous repairs. Its new facility            them get to know themselves—then                   disembark in Tokyo.                          routes for us, but they are truly                   the ship experienced a similar issue,          owned dome that serves as the cruise
                                                                                    also includes a game room and two             you can see the life coming back                      Interior cabins start at $1,979 per       unique itineraries,” spokesperson                   which resulted in another itinerary            terminal, according to De Prez.
                                                                                    movie rooms for recreation.                   into them,” Garrett said. “Then, to
                                                                                       While remnants of its former life as       see them graduate, and then seeing
         STRUGGLING TO PAY?                                                         a hotel are still visible, the facility has
                                                                                    been vastly improved, Garrett said.
                                                                                                                                  them standing there blossoming
                                                                                                                                  like a beautiful flower, and then just

                                                                                                                                                                                     Here’s why the city’s COVID-era parklets have disappeared
                                                                                       “The mission of what we do is              seeing them taking hold of what they
                                                                                    a beautiful thing, but what (the              learned and going off into the next
                                                                                    remodel) does for the men is give             chapter in their life is just like, wow.”
                                                                                    them a whole different outlook                   “It’s a beautiful thing to see a man
                                                   ARE HERE                         and aspect on life,” Garrett said.
                                                                                    ”When we first moved in, one of my
                                                                                                                                  get his life right,” Garrett added.
                                                                                                                                  “Not just for himself, but for his
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   had applied, according to Joy
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Contreras, a spokesperson for Public

                                                                                    questions was, ‘Have you ever had             loved ones, his sons, his daughters,               A Jan. 31 deadline meant                      Works. Twelve of those applicants are
                                                                                    anything new?’ And the majority               his wife, to where now he can live                                                               in the Belmont Shore area, she said.
                                                                                    of (the men said) ‘No.’ Well I said,          life at a whole different level with               all temporary parklets                           The permanent process starkly
                                                                                    ‘You’ve got a whole brand new                 them. That’s just beautiful.”                      had to be removed. Some                       contrasts 2020’s Open Streets

                                                                                    facility to help get your life right.’”          The Long Beach Salvation Army                                                                 Program, under which businesses
                                                                                       While renovations were                     Thrift Store and rehabilitation center is          businesses, though, are                       could build parklets and expand
                                                                                    technically completed in September            located at 1370 Alamitos Ave.                                                                    outdoor dining with no fee attached.
                                                                                                                                                                                     applying to resurrect                            It now comes with a price tag, a
                                                                                                                                                                                     theirs, this time through                     long bureaucratic to-do list and a set
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of stringent construction guidelines.
                                                                                                                                                                                     a much more stringent                         To approve a permanent parklet,
                                                                                                                                                                                     and costly process.                           the city will consider a laundry list
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   of factors such as local speed limits,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   pedestrian safety and proximity to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   public utilities or storm drains, as
                                                                                                                                                                                     By Kat Schuster
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   detailed by the city’s original parklet
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   law adopted in 2018.                                                                                               Jake Gotta / Business Journal
                                                                                                                                                                                        In early February, residents                  Applicants will be required to                  All temporary parklets across the city have been removed, including the massive
                                                                                                                                                                                     may have noticed an abrupt                    post a public notice for 30 days,                  dining area in front of Legends in Belmont Shore.
                                                                                                                                                                                     disappearance of the many parklets            much like those posted when
                                                                                                                                                                                     that cropped up across Long Beach             applying for an alcohol license. Any               think,” Heather Kern, executive                and design. For businesses in
                                                                                                                                                                                     during the pandemic.                          opposition received would trigger                  director of the Belmont Shore                  areas like Belmont Shore, owners
      Scan here                                                                                                                                                                         All COVID-era outdoor dining               a hearing before the City Council,                 Business Association, told the Post.           will first be required to obtain a
                                                                                                                                                                                     areas had to be removed by Jan. 31,           but the council will have final say on             “I don’t even think we could get one           Coastal Zone development permit
      for more                                                                                                                                                                       as the city directs business owners           whether a parklet will be approved.                by summer.”                                    for parklets, which will cost an
                                                                                                                                                                                     to an entirely different application             Beginning March 1, applicants                      Parklet applications can cost               extra $6,200.
      information                                                                                                                                 Tess Kazenoff / Business Journal   process for permitting and                    will be able to post these notices, and            restaurants anywhere from $2,000                 City permits are nonrefundable,
                                                                                    The interior of the Salvation Army facility underwent about 18 months of                         constructing permanent parklets.              the wait will officially begin.                    to $4,000 depending on a number                but businesses are advised before
                                                                                    construction and renovation to better support its mission of providing rehabilitation.              As of Feb. 6, at least 21 businesses          “It will be a really long time I                of factors such as square footage              they submit whether their application
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Continued on page 21
Long Beach housing outlook for 2023 likely a mixed bag, city officials say Long Beach housing outlook for 2023 likely a mixed bag, city officials say Long Beach housing outlook for 2023 likely a mixed bag, city officials say
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