Log Sheet MARCH 2021 High School Sailing at GYC - Gulfport Yacht Club

Log Sheet MARCH 2021 High School Sailing at GYC - Gulfport Yacht Club
Official Publication of Gulfport Yacht Club             MARCH 2021


                         Log Sheet
                                              High School Sailing at GYC


Log Sheet MARCH 2021 High School Sailing at GYC - Gulfport Yacht Club
                                                           Proposed Members:
      GYC 2021 Governing Board                              Vanessa Pierce Rodriquez                  Michael Marvar
                                                               5525 S. Galvez Street               8001 Carl Legett Road
                   Flag Officers                              New Orleans, La 70125                 Gulfport, MS 39503
Commodore                John Watson Galloway            Sponsor: George & Sandra Boddie           Sponsor: Will Van Kirk
Vice Commodore           Stephen Simpson
Rear Commodore           Skipper Kalil                            Edward Davis                        Nancy Fant Timko
Fleet Captain            Brian Sullivan                          113 Hano Road                         1016 2nd Street
Fleet Surgeon            Tony Rizk                           Madisonville, La 70447                  Gulfport, MS 39501
Treasurer                Hal Kaigler                      Sponsor: Howie & Jamie Hobbs            Sponsor: Buddy Hammett
Secretary                Paul Terrell
Past Commodore           Barry Cottrell

            Board Members                                                        Sign up for
Two Year             One Year                                                    the GYC
Harry Hewes          Joey Beattie
                                                                                 Text Blast!
Finley Ward          Courtney Collier-Borzik
                                                                                 Text GYC
William Van Kirk     John Freeman IV
                                                                                 to 51660
Johnny Atherton      Margaret Murdock

Standing Committees       Chairperson
Sailing                   Steve Nolte
By Laws and Rules         Paul Terrell                          Find Your Member Number and Win $50!
Committee Boat            Steve Nolte
Docks and Piers           Justin McGuffee               Along with the missing Parrot, members also have the chance to
Entertainment             Jennifer Sanders               win. We have hidden someone's member number within this
History                   Michael Hage                        publication. It will look something like this, #0810.
Finance                   Dan O’Neal
House                     Patrick Sanders
Insurance                 Eric Warren
Long Range Capital        Dan O’Neal
                                                                        GUEST POLICY REMINDER
Ladies Auxiliary          Lisa Fagan
Log Sheet                 Samson Vasquez                 GUESTS ARE ONLY ALLOWED ONE VISIT PER MONTH,
Property & Maint.         Pearce Hopkins                AND NO MORE THAN SIX TIMES PER YEAR. GUESTS ARE
Membership                Mike Cassady
Powerboat                 Johnny Marquez                 REQUIRED TO SIGN IN AS THEY ENTER THROUGH THE
Swim Team                 Christine O'Bannon
                                                                     HEALTH CHECK-IN AREA.
                 Ladies Auxiliary
President               Lisa Fagan
Vice President          Darla Goodfellow
Secretary               Ruthie Kennedy
Treasurer               Karen Vickery
Parliamentarian         Camille Williams
Chaplin                 Judy Seicshnaydre                                                  This Facebook group is strictly for
               Contact Information                                                         Gulfport Yacht Club members
           PO Box 600 39502 Gulfport, MS                                                   and their immediate family only.
           800 East Pier 39501 Gulfport, MS
   Telephone: 228-863-6796 FAX: 228-863-9843                                               This group will allow two way
 www.gulfportyachtclub.org info@gulfportyachtclub.org                                      communication between the
General Manager: Steve Chatelain           Ext 301                                         staff & membership and be-
Executive Chef :   RJ Jones                Ext 305                                         tween the members. Also, allow-
Reservations/Event Planning:               Ext 306
                                                                                           ing members to share their ideas,
Sailing Director:  Samson Vasquez   228-323-1336
                   samsonvasquez@gmail.com                                                 experiences, & pictures.
                                                                                                Please click here to join!
Log Sheet MARCH 2021 High School Sailing at GYC - Gulfport Yacht Club
GYC Upcoming Member Events
March                             (Click on the event for more information)
Thursday, March 18th              GYC Thursday Night Trout Tournament 3:00pm-8:00pm
Saturday, March 27th              GYC Work-Day - Boat ramp & fishing cleaning station.
Thursday, April 1st               GYC Thursday Night Trout Tournament 3:00pm-8:00pm
Friday, April 2nd                 “Kid’s Night Out”, Babysitting on the 3rd floor (RSVP Required)
Sunday, April 4th                 Easter Egg Hunt, Pictures with the Easter Bunny, & Brunch
Mon-Tue, April 5-6                US Sailing Level 2 Instructor Course
Wed-Fri, April 7-9                Spring Sailing Camp - 10am-4pm
Saturday, April 10th              GYC Crawfish Boil (RSVP Encouraged)
Saturday, April 10th              Gulf Coast High School Sailing Championships at GYC
Thursday, April 15th              GYC Thursday Night Trout Tournament 3:00pm-8:00pm
Thursday, April 22nd              Happy Hour Pickers - Open Jam/Mic Night 6pm
Thursday, April 29th              GYC Thursday Night Trout Tournament 3:00pm-8:00pm
Wednesday, May 5th                Cinco de Mayo Fiesta 6:00pm
Friday, May 7th                   “Kid’s Night Out”, Babysitting on the 3rd floor (RSVP Required)
Sunday, May 9th                   Mothers' Day Champagne Brunch (RSVP Required)
Saturday, May 29th                GYC Opening Day Flag Raising Ceremony & Boat Parade
Saturday, May 29th                Ship Island Rendezvous (hamburgers & hot dogs for Members
Sunday, May 30th                  52nd Annual Race for the Case

                                            Gulfport Yacht Club—Quick Links
                                    GYC Membership Application
                                         (Page 1 http://su1.co/app1 2 http://su1.co/app2)
                                    Members-Only Facebook Group - Only invite Current Members
       Pot of Gold                  Fish Cleaning Station Donation Form - http://su1.co/gycfcs
                                    Summer Sailing Camp Sign Up Form - http://su1.co/gycsc
                                    Spring Break Sailing Camp Form - http://su1.co/GYCSP
    Every Friday Night
                                    Swim Team Sign Up Form - http://su1.co/gycswm
         8:00pm                     Thursday Night Trout Tournaments - http://su1.co/trout

                                 Find the Hidden Parrot
    The Winner will receive a
   credit on their GYC Account   Somewhere in this Log Sheet we have lost our Parrot. YOU MUST
   Must be Present to WIN        email info@gulfportyachtclub.org by March 5th and the let us
                                 know where you found it. We will randomly draw one winner
                                 each month. Prizes will range from GYC Food &
                                 Beverage Credit to free Dinners.
     The Pot grows every
                                 20+ members found the parrot! Greg Pietrangleo was
    week in which there is
                                 the lucky winner and will receive a $50 credit to his
         no winner!
                                 account! Who will find it this month?
Log Sheet MARCH 2021 High School Sailing at GYC - Gulfport Yacht Club
From the GYC Bridge
                                                                         Commodore’s Report
                                                                              John Watson Galloway

February was the coldest month our area has seen in quite       March 25th. It will be nice to wind down the week enjoying
a while. I hope everyone was safe and escaped property          a cocktail, while listening to good music. I hope to see you
damage. The Coast fared much better than our neighbors          there!
to the north and west, and I believe the Club was spared as     With the hard work and dedication of the Restoration
well.                                                           Committee, the renovation of the club continues to
The GYC Super Bowl Party was a fun event, despite the           progress. This month the carpet on the second floor will be
lackluster game. There was a good crowd, with many new          replaced with wood laminate. Headway is also being made
faces; particularly for a Sunday night game without the         on the pump house which is the first step in repairing the
Saints playing. I missed the last few of these parties and it   pool. Additionally, the pool fence and new decking have
felt good to be back. It’s definitely hard to beat the          already been ordered and will be replaced upon arrival. I
comradery and free chili dogs.                                  know everyone is looking forward to enjoying the restored
                                                                club this summer.
One thing however, that does beat free chili dogs, is
lobster, even if you have to pay for it! The Valentine’s        This month in the Log Sheet you’ll see a list of business
Dinner was one of the best times I’ve had at the club in        owned by club members. Whenever possible, please
quite a while. My lobster was huge, and I actually got full     patronize them. Is your business missing from the list? Let
eating it. Hats off to the chef, because the meal was           us know and it will be added.
delicious! The evening was a success, with around 80            The club staff is working every day to make the GYC a safe
members dining. Because the event was so popular, the           place for all the members during the COVID-19 pandemic,
House Committee is considering a similar event, in a few        but we must do our part. Adhere to the precautions in
months, serving a different and equally delicious specialty     place to prevent spreading the virus. Please wear your
item.                                                           mask when not at your table or the bar! Let’s take care of
As I was talking to members at the Valentine’s dinner, I was    each other and keep the club safe for us all. Monitor the
asked why I haven’t been to the club to eat on Friday night     Mississippi State Department of Health website to see
this year. Jokingly, I replied, “I’m here this Friday, and      when       vaccines      are     available    for     you,
besides it’s only February.” I told her it’s challenging with   www.covidvaccine.umc.edu, or call 877-978-6453.
three children ages 5 and younger, but I will make more of
                                                              See you at the Club!
an effort to be present on Friday nights. Do not fear
however, I’m at the club regularly and it is a part of the
territory that I very much enjoy. Not to mention, I would
love to win the Pot of Gold drawing!
                                                              John Watson Galloway, GYC Commodore
Speaking of a pot of gold, that brings us to the March             Day 1

events. Our House Committee has planned a Saint Patrick’s                               SAVE THE DATE:
                                                                                     GYC Crawfish Boil
Day buffet for the evening of Wednesday, March 17th. It’s
always fun to see what Irish cuisine the chef prepares for
the occasion.       Later in March, the Entertainment                                      Saturday,
                                                                                                 April 10th
Committee is hosting a Happy Hour Pickers on Thursday,
Log Sheet MARCH 2021 High School Sailing at GYC - Gulfport Yacht Club
Sailing Director Samson Vasquez
                                    S a i l i n g
This summer at the GYC Sailing Camp each participant will       2021 GYC Regatta Schedule
get a Free Membership to US Sailing! Yes, that is correct.      April 10th             Gulf Coast High School Champs
The camper will get full access to all of US Sailing’s re-      May 30th               Race for the Case
sources and content. We also will be using their new cool       June 12th              New Orleans to Gulfport Race
                                                                June 13th              Two Against the Coast
Skill Up App.
                                                                June 18th-20th         GYA Challenge Cup
“Skill Up is the new digital platform for instruction at US     June 25th              Gulfport to Pensacola Race
Sailing member organizations. With a mobile app for in-         July 21st-Aug 1st      Weatherly Regatta
                                                                August 7-8             Gulf Coast Sportboat Champs
structors and students, and a website dashboard for pro-
                                                                August 21-22           Galloway Regatta
gram directors and leaders, Skill Up provides paperless,        September 18-19        Alfonso Jr. Regatta & Sutter Cup
touch-free connection for everyone at your program.
                                                                Spring Sailing Camp:
The Skill Up App brings US Sailing’s instructional resources
                                                                Wednesday-Friday 10am-4pm $150 For ages 6 and
to the fingertips of instructors and students. Built to sup-    up. April 7th-9th (Click Here)
port US Sailing’s skill development curriculum, the Skill Up
                                                                Summer Sailing Camp:
App provides US Sailing members with access to:
                                                                Sessions are two weeks, four days a week. Monday-
Skill Tracking - As students learn, Instructors record their    Thursday. 9am-4pm $395 for Members. $495 for Non-
new skills in the app. The student's skill progress is saved    Members. Limited to 20 Sailors per session: The GYC
                                                                Member sign up period is March. Open enrollment for
by US Sailing, and accessible to students and parents
                                                                non-members will start on April 1st. All spots will be
through the app. When a student changes classes or starts       on a first come first serve basis. For ages 6 and up.
at a new organization, their skill progress automatically       (Click Here)
stays with them.                                                     Session 1  Session 2           Session 3
Instructional Resources - Including a library of drills,             June 7-10 June 21-24           July 5-8
                                                                     June 14-17 June 28-July 1      July 12-15
games, activities, sample lesson plans, and a lesson builder
tool for instructors.“
                                                                     THURSDAY SPECKLED TROUT
                                                               GYC has some Thursday evening Speckled Trout tour-
                                                               nament scheduled for the Spring. $15 per person. The
                                                               two heaviest speckled trout will split the pot 70/30
                                                               (GYC Credit towards their account). Guests are wel-
                                                               come. Boats must have at least one GYC member
  HELP WANTED: The GYC Junior Activities                       aboard and everyone on the boat must register. Dock
 Committee is looking for some more volun-                     fishing is allowed as well.
 teers! We need help with planning and exe-                    March 4th - March 18 - April 1st - April 15th - April 29th
 cuting the Easter Egg Hunt, Halloween Par-                      Fishing will start any time after 3 p.m. and participants
      ty, And Christmas Gift Exchange.                           must be in line for weigh in by 7:30 on March 4th and
Please, contact Samson Vasquez at 228-323                       8:00 p.m. on March 18th. The weigh in deadline will be
 -1336 or info@gulfportyachtclub.org to be                       pushed back as we move later into the spring and the
          added to the GYC team!                                    days get longer so watch for updates. Click here.
Log Sheet MARCH 2021 High School Sailing at GYC - Gulfport Yacht Club
Ladies Auxiliary’s Report                       General Manager’s Report
                                                         Steve Chatelain, General Manager
         Lisa Fagan, President

                                  It’s is very refreshing to see the members out using the club again.
Coming Soon…                      Our Annual Valentines Lobster Dinner was a great success. Our
New memories to be made…          Sunday Brunch, Wednesday Pasta and Friday Night Dinner are
                                  slowly but definitely building back up. I would like to recognize and
                                  congratulate Chef RJ Jones and Lilli Nolte they have both stepped
                                  up to the plate and are delivering quality product and services to
                                  our membership. They are a great addition to our GYC Team!
                                  The Interior Restoration of the Club is moving along smoothly. The
                                  completion of the interior painting is nearly completed. Starting
                                  Monday March 15 the interior flooring project of the entire 2nd
                                  floor will start. During this phase of the project we will need to
                                  close down accordingly to provide the time needed by the Contrac-
                                  tor to complete the job correctly, efficiently and safely for our
                                  members. We tentatively have a reopening date of Friday, April
                                  2nd. We will offer a few curbside services with a pop up bar during
                                  this short construction phase. Sunday Fried Catfish March 21 and
                                  28, Spaghetti and Meatballs To-Go Wednesday March 24 and 31.
                                  Thank you for your continued support and patience during this
                                  The 2021 Membership drive continues. Former GYC Members in
                                  good standing and any Immediate Family of a current GYC Member
                                  can join with no initiation fee obligation, this is a $2,000 savings.
                                  The joining member will be obligated to pay annual dues
                                  (prorated) upon being accepted. The new member will also receive
                                  a $50 food and beverage credit per month and the Primary Spon-
                                  soring GYC Member will receive a credit up to $500 (depending on
                                  the membership category) on their 2022 dues. If you need more
                                  information or an application please let me know.
                                  Somewhere hidden in this Log Sheet is a random member number
                                  selected by a blind drawing. If you find the number and it’s yours
                                  please, call me with the location and win a $50.00 F/B credit on
                                  your GYC account. In February the hidden number was located on
                                  page 6, Congratulations Kathryn Platt for located your number!!
                                  I look forward to seeing you at the club soon!

                                  Steven Chatelain
                                  GYC General Manager
Log Sheet MARCH 2021 High School Sailing at GYC - Gulfport Yacht Club
2021 Swim Team Information                                                            Membership Committee
                                                                                          Michael Cassady, Chairman
The Gulfport Yacht Club Swim Team Sign-Up Form. You
must pre-register each child by filling out the form. http://
                                                                     GENEROUS $$$ INCENTIVES FOR
su1.co/gycswm                                                    SPONSORING A NEW OR FORMER MEMBER!
 Dates: May 17th through June 25th, 2021. The afternoon         Former GYC Member in Good Standing:
sessions start first on May 17th. Then, adding the morning      $2,000 Initiation Fee Waived
                                                                Required to pay Annual Dues (Prorated based on the Month
sessions on June 1st.
Cost: Sponsor Fees for all non-members +$75                     $50 Food & Beverage credit each month they are members
                                                                through December 2021. The Primary Sponsoring Member
Skimmers - Ages 3-8. $145.00                                    will receive a $500 credit on dues for 2022, limited to a credit
Junior Skimmers - Ages 9-10 years old. $70.00                   of 4 new members ($2,000 credit)
Senior Skimmers - Ages 11-up. $35.00
                                                                Immediate Family Special:
GUIDELINES FOR SWIM CLASSES                                     $2,000 Initiation Fee Waived
Skimmers 3-8 year-olds: (Thirty-nine 30 min sessions) Chil-     Required to pay Annual Dues (Prorated based on the Month
dren who have NOT taken or mastered basic water survival        $50 Food & Beverage credit each month they are members
skills or safety. Swim Lessons will be taught focusing on       through December 2021. The Primary Sponsoring Member
basic water survival skills, water safety, and introducing      will receive a $500 credit on dues for 2022, limited to a credit
                                                                of 4 new members ($2,000 credit)
basic swimming strokes. Children will be broken into small
                                                                BYC Special:
groups of 6-12 according to swimming ability and ages.
                                                                A member in good standing from Biloxi Yacht Club. $1,000
Mornings: 9:00am-9:30am (June 1-June 25)                        initiation fee upon joining, plus a $50 per month credit for
Afternoons: 5:00pm-5:30pm (May 17-June 25)                      ten (10) months. Can pay dues monthly or annually.
                                                                Non-Resident: Special (Outside of Harrison County)
Junior Skimmers 9-10 year-olds: (Thirty-nine 45 min ses-
                                                                $2,000 Initiation Fee
sions) Children who have mastered basic water survival          Dues $1,650 can pay annually or monthly $144.37/month
skills and safety of any age. Swim lessons will review basic    The Primary Sponsoring Member will receive a $250 credit on
water survival skills and safety and teach basic stroke in-     dues for 2022, limited to a credit of 8 new members ($2,000
struction. Children will be broken up into small groups of 6-
                                                                Resident: (35 years of age and Older)
12 according to swimming ability and ages.
                                                                $2,000 Initiation Fee
Mornings: 9:30am-10:15am (June 1-June 25)                       Dues $2,200.00 annually or monthly with a 5% fee $192.50/
Afternoons: 4:15pm-5:00pm (May 17-June 25)                      month
                                                                $50 Food & Beverage credit each month they are a member
Senior Skimmers 11+: (Thirty-nine 45 min sessions) Chil-        through December 2021. The Primary Sponsoring Member
dren must be able to jump in the deep end and swim the          will receive a $500 credit on dues for 2022, limited to a credit
                                                                of 4 new members ($2,000 credit)
length of the pool independently and safely. Basic and ad-
vanced stroke instruction with an emphasis on stroke im-        Junior: (21 to 35 years of Age)
                                                                As By-Law is written, 10% of the set Initiation Fee ($200) is
provement, endurance, flip turns, starts, finishes, dives.      required when joining. The balance of $1,800 is due by De-
Mornings: 10:15am-11:00am (June 1-June 25)                      cember 31, the year that the primary member turns 35 years
Afternoons: 3:30pm-4:15pm (May 17-June 25)                      old. 75% of Annual Dues $1,650 can pay annually or monthly,
                                                                monthly $144.37/month
Link to GYC Swim Team Google Calendar                           The Primary Sponsoring Member will receive a $250 credit on
Link to Medical Form                                            dues for 2022, limited to a credit of 4 new members
                                                                Note: If the primary sponsoring member would like to transfer,
See you at the pool,                                            split or give a portion of any incentives offered to the new member
Christine O'Bannon                                              it is his/hers right to do so. They simply need to let the office know
                                                                after the member has been voted in and accepted.
GYC Swim Team Coach
Log Sheet MARCH 2021 High School Sailing at GYC - Gulfport Yacht Club
Buildings & Ground Committee Report
                                     George Pearce Hopkins IV, Chairman

Below are some updates of the work being done around the club. With the insurance settled up we can get
moving on creating at better GYC.
   Interior Paint - Should be nearing completion.
   Interior Floor - on the schedule to start with rip out of carpet in the Ballroom any March 15th.
   Walls - Michael Hage has formed a committee to strategically place all of the pictures/flags/plaques
    back up on the wall.
   Doors - Still leaking with wind driven rain. William Vankirk ordered some astragals as a test. Donnie
    installed them on the east Chart Room doors last week. If they work, we will order more for the other
    doors. $60/door. Good news though, the new flooring is vinyl and glued down, shouldn’t get damaged
    by water.
   Roof - Mandal’s completed their inspection. Roofing panels on the east and south side were damaged
    and remain loose. They said they are waterproof up to about 50-60 mph winds, anything higher than
    that, leaking and further damage to the roof will occur. Repairs should start in 2 weeks.
   Deck - Full deck board replacement in progress. A lot of stringers were rotten and broken loose. Krause
    is refastening everything down with new materials and replacing stringers as needed. Using a similar
    composite deck board by Timbertech, material was ordered last Friday 2/12, could be up to a 10 week
    procurement time. Once received, Krause projects approximately 2 weeks to get all new boards in-
   Anchor bar - Will rebuild at same location but will be bigger, more rectangular. Krause will also run
    conduit under the deck to allow electric and network cables to run to the bar.
   Pool House - It is painted and looks ready to go! Framing, siding, and new fiberglass door installed, the
    old doors were steel and a maintenance nightmare.
   Stairs by pool house should be knocked out any day now. Pool house framer is doing them. Cost in-
    cluded in the pool house work.
   Exploring potential options to protect pool plumbing below the pool deck.
    We either need to decide on something for aesthetics or structure, it will
    be hard to accomplish both at a reasonable budget.                                         Never too
   Pool Fence - paperwork signed to order fence material on 1/28, supposed                    young to
    to be a 8 week procurement time for the fence sections to be fabricated.                   help out!
    Once they come in, will be 1-2 weeks for installation. Project cost estimat-
    ed at $37k.
Thank you for you patience though these dusty times. It will be worth it!

George Pearce Hopkins IV                                                         The 5th generation of GPH’s
                                                                               getting his hands dirty at GYC!
Log Sheet MARCH 2021 High School Sailing at GYC - Gulfport Yacht Club
Powerboat Committee Report
                                                 Johnny Marquez, Chairman
After an arctic blast, it feels like spring is finally approaching, and we are ready to kick off some power boat events.
We will be cranking up the Thursday evening speckled trout tournaments on March 4th and have scheduled addi-
tional tournaments for March 18th, April 1st, 15th and 29th. Fishing will start any time after 3 p.m. and partici-
pants must be in line for weigh in by 7:30 on March 4th and 8:00 p.m. on March 18th. The weigh in deadline will
be pushed back as we move later into the spring and the days get longer so watch for updates. The cost for the
tournaments is only $15 per man and all entries are paid back in a 70/30 split for first and second. These tourna-
ments are intended to be fun events so slip out from work a little bit early or come after work.
The weather delayed our completion of the updates to the fish cleaning station, boat launch and piers for the
launch but work is resuming, and you can expect to see a complete facelift by the end of March. We will be repur-
posing the boards from the club deck and using them to update the finger piers at the ramp. New retractable hos-
es and water on both sides of the ramp will also be a nice update for our boaters on those busy days. Many thanks
to all of the members who have continued to donate and volunteer for this effort.
Mark your calendar for upcoming Rendezvous with an early Chandeleur trip on April 23-25 and our annual Ship
Island Rendezvous on May 29th.
Tight Lines!                                    GYC WORK DAY - March 27th at 8:30am
Johnny Marquez                                    Come join us in fixing up the boat ramp & fish cleaning station!

                  GYC Member Owned Businesses
     All Signs                                      Maritime Design Solutions
     McGuffee A/C & Heating                         Matthews Brother Marine              Check out our website
     The Cotton Patch                               Bin 605
     S.F. Alman                                     L & M Liquor
     The Chimney’s                                  Estes Tire
     Rock’n Roll Sushi                              Ulku Logistics
     E.G Warren State Farm                          Wee Ones Child Care
     Educate & Celebrate                            Murphy Electric
     Gulf Coast Drone Company                       Set Sail Yacht Services
                   Want to be added to this list? Send an email to
Log Sheet MARCH 2021 High School Sailing at GYC - Gulfport Yacht Club

                               Dine with us on
                                 For Dinner

Gulfport Yacht Club                                                                                                 PRSRT STD
                                                                                                                           U.S. POSTAGE
   Billing: PO BOX 600, Gulfport, MS 39502                                                                                 Permit #135
  Shipping: 800 East Pier, Gulfport, MS 39501                                                                            Gulfport, MS 39502

                                                                               Address Service Requested


                      Did you know that the Gulfport Yacht Club started We are writing to you today to ask for help. To help us get back on
                      a 501.3(C) Foundation back in 2011? The Gulf       track in accomplishing our goals for 2021. www.SaveSailing.org
                      Coast Sailing Foundation is an IRS approved
                                                                                                 Goals for 2021:
                      foundation that is allowed to accept tax
                      deductible donations. It was an idea we had to  Build Foundation Membership. We need 100 $50 foundation
help support the newly formed High School Sailing Teams and               memberships annually to help cover our fixed costs.
promote national & international competition to a younger age
                                                                        Work out an agreement with the City Council for an area and
                                                                          slips in the City Harbor. (The Mayor and Harbormaster are in
Since then, we have been working to build a fleet of boats to support     support!)
the needs of the foundation. The fleet currently consists of a
                                                                        Find a Foundation Van or Truck to haul boats and equipment.
Beneteau First 40.7 sailboat, C&C 36’ sailboat, Albin 27’ motorboat,
                                                                          Know anybody willing to donate a truck?
Soveral 26’ sailboat, (2) inflatable RIB motorboats, (6) Flying Junior
Sailboats, (2) Laser sailboats, and a Finn sailboat.                    Build up our donations for another Nautical Flea Market!

                                   MARCH 2021 - GYC Hours of Operation
                                Mondays        Tuesdays    Wednesdays      Thursdays         Fridays         Saturdays          Sundays

     Chart Room Drinks       11am - 1:30pm       Closed     3pm - 10pm       Closed       11am - 10pm       11am - 9pm        11am - 9pm

   Chart Room Breakfast          Closed          Closed        Closed        Closed          Closed         8am - 11am           Closed

     Chart Room Lunch        11am - 1:30pm       Closed        Closed        Closed      11am - 1:30pm     11am - 1:30pm 11am - 1:30pm

    Chart Room Dinner            Closed          Closed    6pm - 8:30pm      Closed        6pm - 9pm           Closed            Closed

            Pool                 Closed          Closed        Closed        Closed          Closed            Closed            Closed
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