Interdisciplinary academic league of mental health: expanding the formation and the practice in the field of psychosocial care - Revistas ...
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Silva JVS, Santos Jr CJ, Santos Complementary formation LDL, Barbosa VMS, et al through the Interdisciplinary academic league of Mental Health HEALTH TEACHING THEMES Interdisciplinary academic league of mental health: expanding the formation and the practice in the field of psychosocial care John Victor dos Santos Silva1 , Claudio José dos Santos Júnior2 , Larissa Dandara Lima dos Santos3 , Vívian Mayara da Silva Barbosa4 , Thyara Maia Brandão2 , Mara Cristina Ribeiro2 ABSTRACT Basis: The interdisciplinary academic league of mental health (LAISME in Brazilian Portuguese) constitutes a place of knowledge and critical reflection in the area of mental health that aims to expand the formation and the practice of psychosocial care. Objective: To report the experience of bachelor students in the creation, organization, and accomplishment of activities through a league of mental health as a strategy to expand the knowledge about the psychosocial care area. Method: it is a descriptive study developed through reporting experiences of a mental health league from a public university in the northeast of Brazil, in the period from 2016 to 2019. Result: From the developed activities, the league benefited broader learning and closeness with the scenarios and actors of the mental health, besides enabling the development of abilities as the scientific production, the events’ organization, the work along with the community in actions of health-promoting. Conclusion: the experience of integrating the LAISME provided to the students a broader closeness with the psychosocial care area, besides benefiting the development of abilities in the development of events and teamwork. It is important to stress the importance of encouraging strategies as the academic leagues as a way of establishing learning experiences, research, and ex- tension of interdisciplinary coexistence. Key words: Mental health, Mental health services, College education, Curriculum INTRODUCTION lop several practice activities in determined areas of knowledge. These activities developed by the The academic leagues are known as non- league are in general classes or courses of quali- -profit students’ entities, associated with Univer- fication and are verified by several professors or sities (IES in Brazilian Portuguese) which have professionals, which dominate or perform in the the support or coordination of professors or pro- area of interest of the academic league. Some of fessionals of the institution. They can be constitu- the leagues benefit from the accomplishment of ted from diverse forms: by the professional cate- practice in the assistance of several health care gory, destined to students of a specific course; by services, besides contributing to the development a specificity, within some professional categories; of researches and actions in the community2. or broader, being from a general area of know- By being an extracurricular activity, the ledge, having the participation of students from academic leagues host in its objectives the the- several courses and professional categories, whi- ory discussion, practice, and research about the ch is the case of the Interdisciplinary Academic proposed theme in an inseparable way in order to League of Mental Health1. complement the curricular learning. In the deve- These leagues constitute an option for the lopment of several activities of these areas, the students to deepen their knowledge in regards to student benefits from the professional and in- determining themes and as a strategy to deve- terdisciplinary experience that is essential to the 1 Universidade de São Paulo (USP). Escola de Enfermagem de Ribeirão Preto. Programa de Pós-graduação em Enfermagem Psiquiátrica, Ribeirão Preto (SP), Brasil. 2 Universidade Estadual de Ciências da Saúde de Alagoas. Centro de Ciências da Saúde, Maceió (AL), Brasil. 3 Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Maceió. Maceió (AL), Brasil. 4 Universidade Federal de Alagoas. Escola de enfermagem, Maceió (AL), Brasil. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) 2021;54(2):e-174130
Complementary formation through the Interdisciplinary academic league of Mental Health scenarios that form their learning context, espe- The present study brings information about cially in mental health while contributing to the the creation, organization, and actions developed assistance in this area3. The motivation to parti- by the Interdisciplinary Academic League of Men- cipate in an Academic League may emerge from tal Health (LAISME). A non-profit student’s enti- several factors. It can be a curiosity to know or ty, associated with the Pro-Rectory of Extension to get closer to determining subjects. The moti- (PROEX in Brazilian Portuguese) of a University vation can be in order to deepen the knowledge in the Brazilian Northeast, and that has the aim of some themes, by the opportunity of practice in to promote activities and actions of bachelor’s health assistance, or even by the little emphasis extension in the Mental Health and Psychosocial and deepening in determining areas in the sub- care area in the perspective of Psychiatric reform jects and bachelor’s courses, which allows that and having as a referential the public policies of the student complements its formation through health and education. activities developed in the league, providing new The league provides annually twenty va- experiences4. cancies to students, which happens from the Besides all opportunities that the leagues participation of the student in the introductory may provide to the students, they can be places course and subsequently in the selection test, in for the students to practice teamwork, respect, which the students with higher punctuation be- leadership, problem-solving, and broader contri- come members. Students of health area courses butions to the academic field. Examples are the of the university and/or similar areas that belong execution of events, seminars, in order to discuss to the institution and other institutions of supe- with the academic community and in general, the rior education from Alagoas can fill the spots of issues that have been debated in the course of the LAISME. the developed activities5. The members also take part in education One of the areas little explored in the ma- actions in health at schools and institutions; they jority of the bachelor’s courses is mental health. also visit the mental health services, besides the This motivates the students from several univer- events that are performed by the LAISME in the sities to participate in academic leagues, exten- year, like seminars, meetings, symposiums in the sion projects, events, or courses as a way of clo- celebration dates as in the anti-asylum move- seness or deepening in the theme and guarantee ment, yellow September, worldwide mental heal- a broader practice and knowledge about the care th, among others. to the people who need this kind of attention6. The student that attends the league re- Therefore, the objective of this study is to mains twelve months, he/she had to follow the report the experience of bachelors in the creation, remaining rules and development of activities to organization, and accomplishment of activities remain as a member. After twelve months, the through a mental health league as a strategy of members receive certification for the time they expanding the knowledge about the psychosocial dedicated to the league and new members are care area. select for the next twelve months. For receiving the certification, the participants need to achieve 75% of attendance in the league’s activities along METHODS the twelve months. The materials utilized by the LAISME in It is a descriptive study with experience its meeting and activities are materials of the reports, which benefits the reflections about the University or bought through fundraising events practice and perceptions developed in the pro- by the league. The LAISME has the support of fessional and academic sphere, above all in the health institutions, non-profitable institutions, context of interdisciplinary experience at SUS7. and other leagues to develop of its activities In addition to the reports, we utilized information and actions. The meeting records, the projects about the league. and the reports of the developed events as well 2
Silva JVS, Santos Jr CJ, Santos LDL, Barbosa VMS, et al as other registration instruments of the activi- Figure 1: Logotype used by the Interdisciplinary Academic ties of the league are part of the data source League of Mental Health in the construction of this report, the materials were classified in chronological order and from constant reading, we established the principal topics described in the study. RESULT The creation of LAISME The LAISME came up through the interest of the University students to know more about Source: the Mental Health and Psychosocial area. The cre- ation of the league allowed the members to have After the introductory course, the LAISME a broader contact with the themes along with organized the selection test for the students that their learning at the university. In some courses, would be part of the new members of the lea- mental health is a short subject or an integrated gue. The test was also taken in November 2016, topic in other subjects and it barely includes the offering 20 vacancies for students from all are- relevance of the work developed and the existing as. Through the first test, we selected students policies about the services, the work and mental from the courses of nursing, phonoaudiology, health care. The opening of the league approxi- physiotherapy, occupational therapy, psychology, mated the students to the professionals of the medicine, social service, law, social communica- area and expanded the horizons about the forma- tion/journalism, and biology. The students spent tion in this theme. a year developing activities and actions for the LAISME was founded in July of 2016, throu- league. The LAISME cares about the interdiscipli- gh the creation of its regulation and registration in nary formation and it comprehends that working the pro-rector of extension, having as member’s in mental health demands the contribution of se- directors and student founders from the course of veral health professionals and other areas that nursing, medicine, occupational therapy and pho- carry out an important role in mental health care. noaudiology. The first event performed by LAISME was the I Introductory course, which happened Organization of the league and developed in November of 2016, with the theme “The In- actions terdisciplinary care in the child mental health”. It started in the cycle of 2016-2017 of the league, After selecting new members, along with with ninety-nine people among students and pro- the directors (founder members), we started to fessionals of several areas and formations, which articulate to organize and carry out several activi- attended and acclaimed the event, initiating the ties in the league. The activities started in Febru- LAISME. The event had the intention to have an ary 2017 along with the scientific meetings. interesting theme for everybody, mainly the stu- In the year 2017, we performed 10 scienti- dents of the universities; since it was through the fic meetings, one each month, in which the mem- course, the selection of new members for the le- bers had the participation of professors and heal- ague was performed. th professionals that taught classes, workshops, Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) 2021;54(2):e-174130 3
Complementary formation through the Interdisciplinary academic league of Mental Health and pieces of training about the most diverse the- ders, Self-care practice, integrative and comple- mes in mental health. The themes were Psychia- mentary practices, among others. tric Reform, Public Policies in Mental Health, Men- Besides professionals and professors, tal Health in Basic Care, matrix-based in mental some meetings, organized and managed by the health, substance dependency, population at the league’s members, benefited the autonomy of streets, reduction of damage, Psychosocial Care its students in the interaction and construction network, Psychosocial care centers, Mental Disor- of knowledge. Chart 1: Number of members of LAISME per graduation course and cycle Number of members Description of member’s course Cycle Cycle 2017-2018 2018-2019 Bachelor of Biology 1 - Bachelor of Communication/Journalism 1 - Bachelor of Laws 1 - Bachelor of Nursing 3 4 Bachelor of Physiotherapy 1 2 Bachelor of Audiophonology 2 3 Bachelor of Medicine 1 2 Bachelor of Psychology 4 4 Bachelor of Social Service 3 3 Bachelor of Occupational Therapy 3 4 Total 20 22 Source: Elaborated by the authors, 2020 The league also carried out 2017 a techni- aim was to bring the perception of self-care for cal visit to a Teaching Hospital of Psychiatric Care everybody, comprehending that there are several in the state, which belongs to the University. The internal and external factors, which can lead any aim of the visit was that the members could know person to develop a mental disorder. the psychiatric assistance of the hospital to make All the members of the league performed it possible to compare the psychiatric area. The the organization of these events. All the members psychiatric hospital is located in the assistance participated in the whole process for each event, center along with the care of the services after with the dissemination activities, fundraising, in- the psychiatric reform that recommends the care viting speakers, establishing communication with within the community, as it is examples the Psy- the external community that wanted to be part of chosocial Care Centers (CAPS). The visit was an the events, with the ergonomics of the events pla- enriching moment that provided the students a ces and several activities. These events allowed moment of reflection about the two assistance the students to practice the work team, besides models to the person with mental disorders. inserting them in several scenarios that provided Along the cycle of 2017-2018, the LAISME them with personal and collective abilities. was also the protagonist of several mental health The league members also took part in several events in the state. In the year 2017, we car- local, regional, and national events, taking the ex- ried out three events: the I conference of Mental perience of the league to the events while presen- health, Human Rights, and The anti-asylum pro- ting scientific papers. Members presented papers ject, which alluded to May 18, the National day in the first Congress of Mental Health of the state; of Anti-Asylum Project. The second one was the I they formed a round-table discussion about the Conference about Suicide Prevention, which ha- extension in mental health. In the VII Academic ppened to discuss the issues about suicide during Congress of the University, in which the members the Yellow September. At last, the I Symposium had the opportunity to make presentations about of Worldwide Mental Health Day, in which the developed activities by the league; in the IV Brazi- 4
Silva JVS, Santos Jr CJ, Santos LDL, Barbosa VMS, et al lian Congress about Mental Health and substance guese). This interaction with other leagues from dependency, in João Pessoa, a large group of the the institution reinforces the integral speech that team participated and presented scientific papers. the Health System (SUS in Brazil) recommends This participation of the league in other activi- that all must be involved in promoting health. ties and events contributes for the students to sha- After the conclusion of the cycle 2017-2018, re their experiences in the league and comprehend some founder members and directors decided to the perception of other students about the area, quit the activities of LAISME, which lead the ma- benefiting an enriching exchange of knowledge. nagement to select, within the new members, some of them to be part of the director members that are responsible for all the organization and Chart 1: Events performed by LAISME from 2016 administration of the activities of LAISME. At the to 2019. end of the cycle, the other members received a Eventos realizados pela LAISME Ano certification for the time they stayed and contri- I Introductory Course of LAISME 2016 buted to the activities of the league. This period I Conference about Mental health, Human Rights with the students benefited the progression of 2017 and Anti-Asylum movement both parts, both for the directors and the mem- I Conference about Suicide Prevention 2017 bers who worked for a year and contributed to the I Symposium of the WorldWide Mental Health Day 2017 development of the LAISME events. II Introductory Course of LAISME 2018 At the beginning of 2018, the league star- II Conference about Mental Health, Human Ri- ted planning the schedule for the activities of the 2018 ghts and Anti-Asylum movement cycle from 2018 to 2019. They initiated the orga- II Conference about Suicide Prevention 2018 nization of the II Introductory Course in May of II Symposium of the Worldwide Mental Health 2018 2018 with the theme “Actual Overview of Mental Day II Conference of Mental Health Nursing 2019 Health: Where are we heading?” to perform a new III Introductory Course of LAISME and III Confe- 2019 selection exam for other students to become part rence about Suicide Prevention of the league and to contribute with new activi- Source: elaborated by the authors, 2020. ties, actions, and events. The selection exam was performed in May of 2018 and it selected students The LAISME also performed some activities of the following courses: Nursing, Occupational and meetings with other leagues of UNCISAL, such Therapy, Physiotherapy, Medicine, Social Service, as the Academic League of the Health Education and Psychology. In June of 2018, the members of (LAEDS in Brazilian Portuguese) and the Academic LAISME took part in the 2nd Congress of Mental League of Public Health (LASP in Brazilian Portu- Health, presenting papers. Figure 2: Members of LAISME. On the left are the members from the cycle of 2017-2018 and on the left are the members from the cycle of 2018-2019. Source: archive of the authors, 2020. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) 2021;54(2):e-174130 5
Complementary formation through the Interdisciplinary academic league of Mental Health The new cycle activities started in July of fessors and professionals to learn the main sub- 2018, with the collaboration of all the new mem- jects, which could be discussed in the event, this bers for the planning of the news cycle. Along the was an opportunity to invite these professionals year 2018, with the collaboration of the manage- and professors to present some content with the ment team and the members, the second editions members of the league. of the events of the LAISME happened. Before so many changes that are part of In 2019, besides the events, the league or- the health formation, the extension activities are ganized the first edition of the Nursing Conferen- great opportunities to contribute in a meaning- ce in Mental Health, especially for students and ful way in the curricular complementation of the nurses, technicians, and nursing auxiliaries. Be- students8. sides, the members and the management team From the formal point of view in the health contributed and took part in the 3rd Alagoas Con- area, there is a clear effort to modify the traditio- gress of Mental health, through paper presenta- nal model of organization care to the user and the tions and conferences. community, historically centered on the disease Along the three years of the league’s exis- and the hospital service. It was for the search of tence, we performed several activities, actions, reaching this transforming profile that the seve- and events that provided the students, the foun- ral university courses of this area changed their ders, and those who worked for the league during national curricular guidelines (DNC in Brazilian the cycles contact with professionals and public Portuguese), proposed changes to the formation health services. We also provided contact with models, with the perspective of approximating other students from several institutions for the the professional’s health skills profile to the ne- exchange of experience, allowing the autonomy cessities of the services, of the communities and of the students in several scenarios, stimulating the work processes9,10. interdisciplinary teamwork. It is in this sense that the actual DCNs of the courses of the health area discusses a curri- cular reformulation based on the most frequent DISCUSSION health needs of the community, suggesting the development of attitudes focused on community The creation, organization, and develo- agreements and valuing methodologies that be- pment of the actions through LAISME, while nefit the integration among the teaching, the re- complimentary activity and parallel to the cur- search, the extension, and assistance9,10. riculum activities of the graduation created the Some authors11 warn about the necessity of opportunity of a broader contact with the area. promoting teaching, research, and extension prac- It made possible the teaching and research de- tices at the universities, which can benefit new velopment, implementing extension actions, attitudes of the future professionals in regards to and it promoted the establishment of connec- mental health assistance. Before these reflections, tion among the students, professors, professio- we realize the importance of adopting different nals, and the community, it allowed a scenario formation courses and of the autonomy of the acti- of integration and further development about ve and complementary methodologies in the cons- the Psychiatric Reform and its basis, as it con- truction of the teaching and learning process of the tributed for the permanent education and the future health professionals, which is the case of consolidation and encouragement of the inter- the leagues’ constitution, like the Interdisciplinary disciplinary teamwork. Mental Health League quoted here. Organizing the events developed by LAIS- Other authors12 emphasized the importan- ME was a challenge for all people involved, for ce of the academic leagues for the formation in the necessity of knowing about the assistance in health, focusing on the professional qualification mental health and the assistance in the city. For and the expansion of the look about the care this purpose, the students got in touch with pro- process benefitted with the practice of these 6
Silva JVS, Santos Jr CJ, Santos LDL, Barbosa VMS, et al groups – quality so much needed to the Mental their families, which expanded the knowledge of Health work. the participants in the area. Following the same The proposal of contributing with the appro- perspective, the activities of LAISME also were ximation of the bachelors with the mental health opportunities to a new conception of mental he- area, an area that has not been explored as a alth and assistance in this work field, discussing work field by the professors of the mental health political-based approaches to the organization of area, is explored by the league. This aspect is the care network. shared by some authors13 that affirm the parti- The approaches of Mental Health and Psy- cipation of the students in academic leagues in- chosocial Attention based on the Psychiatric Reform creases the interest of the students in the area, with the referential of public policies of restructu- making the students closer with the reality and ration of the mental health assistance network in with the developed functions by the professionals the health systems of Brazil discussed by the le- in their areas of practice. ague are coherent to what some authors discuss. The motivation to the active interaction They talk about the importance of the professional with the community, the reinforcement of the for- formation, reorientation of attitudes, and reorga- mation with the social needs, the implementation nization of the formation process in health for es- of didactic activities aiming to develop the crea- tablishing political, ideological principles that are tivity, the self-learning, and the criticality of the part of the anti-asylum movement ideology15,16. scientific were aspects developed along with the It is known that the several mental health actions of LAISME. assistances at RAPS from SUS are also responsi- LAISME benefitted broader learning and ble for the formation of several students and pro- closeness of the students of several health cou- fessionals, mainly from the health area and other rses and related areas, with practical perfor- areas, qualifying people to work, to the assistan- mances and experiences in the mental health ce and the care of mentally ill people16,17. area. Besides, it provided linked relationships These services have teams composed of and knowledge about compounds of the region’s professionals from several areas, acting through psychosocial care, the development of skills the perspective of inter-branch professions and with scientific production and the organization interdisciplinary, allowing the students to have of events, and the work with the community to opportunities of practicing, either with extension promote health. projects or classes, to expand the development of These several opportunities are responsible knowledge in the area of mental health, mainly in for the development of new skills, by other au- the inter-branch professions18,19. thors3. These authors reinforce that the leagues Besides, the interdisciplinary perspective of are not limit to deepen the knowledge in a speci- the league is a benefit for the reason it allows the fic area, valuing the academic and personal for- integration of several university courses in the mation and contributions to the society, either by health area. It allowed the students to obtain the offering a more capable professional to the servi- practical knowledge of concepts as the responsi- ce, or for the development of actions to promote bility of care, the range of the human being, the health and social transformations executed by the importance of forming teams, health promotion, academic leagues. the necessity of creating therapeutic connections, The mental health area is known to be one and the assistance integrality. of the branches with more rooted prejudice for- Likewise, we mention the contribution of mulated by the community. A study14 performed the early contact with the professionals that in- with participant students of an extension in men- tegrate the multi-professional team of RAPS, res- tal health demonstrated that the participation of ponsible for benefiting the exchange of knowledge the students contributed to the deconstruction of the students with the team about the functions and reformulation of the formulated concepts un- and activities developed and the contact with the til the first contact with mentally ill people and structure of RAPS. Medicina (Ribeirão Preto) 2021;54(2):e-174130 7
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