Local Health Network News: April 2021 In this issue: Brighton and Hove CCG

Local Health Network News: April 2021 In this issue: Brighton and Hove CCG
4/6/2021                                              Brighton & Hove Health Network News: April 2021

                This is your monthly newsletter to keep you up to date with what is       View this email in your browser
                happening in Brighton & Hove

                Local Health Network News: April 2021

                In this issue:
                        COVID-19: all the latest information
                        Vaccination update
                        Help to get to your vaccination appointment
                        Sussex hospitals merger
                        Get involved: Stroke ambassador
                        Bowel cancer awareness month
                        Prescription delivery service
                        Have your say: Impact of COVID-19 on the LGBTQ community

                COVID-19 update

                With further plans to ease lockdown restrictions due this month, people in
                Brighton & Hove should continue to follow national guidance. The
                Governments roadmap out of lockdown sets out a four step plan to return to
                normal life. From 12 April non-essential retail will open along with libraries,
                community centres and indoor leisure facilities.
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Local Health Network News: April 2021 In this issue: Brighton and Hove CCG
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                All the latest information and advice about coronavirus in Brighton & Hove on
                the City Council webpages. Information includes:

                        Latest coronavirus figures in Brighton & Hove
                        Updates on council run services
                        Support with the delivery of essential goods

                Keep up to date with the latest on the COVID-19
                vaccination programme

                The NHS in Sussex continues to make good progress with the roll out of the
                COVID-19 vaccination programme. The total number of vaccinations given
                across Sussex is now over 850,000.

                A local GP has produced a video explaining why it is important for people
                with a learning disability to get their vaccination. The video also features
                Nicola who tells us what it was like to get her vaccination. In addition the
                Director of Midwifery from East Sussex Healthcare offers some reassuring
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Local Health Network News: April 2021 In this issue: Brighton and Hove CCG
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                messages to women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant.

                If you have a question about the Sussex COVID-19 vaccination programme
                please take a look at our frequently asked questions. If you can’t find the
                answer, please contact us by email at sxccg.vaccineenquiries@nhs.net or by
                calling our vaccine enquiry phone line 0800 433 4545 (open 9am – 4pm,
                Monday to Friday).

                Help to get to your vaccination

                Brighton and Hove residents who have no means to get to their COVID-19
                vaccination appointment are now able to book a free return journey to help
                them attend. You will need to book your vaccination appointment first and then
                call 0300 303 8060 between 10:00-13:00 and 14:00-17:00 Monday to Friday.
                Once you are through to a travel coordinator you will be asked the following

                        Do you have access to transport to attend your vaccine appointment?
                        Do you have a family member, friend or carer who can help with
                        transport? They do not have to be in your bubble as per government

                If both of these options are not available the travel coordinator will arrange
                transport for you, including any additional needs such as wheelchair-friendly
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                All transport providers have signed up to a COVID-19 safety policy to ensure
                that all precautions are in place for a safe journey.

                Welcome to University Hospitals Sussex

                Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals have joined up with Western Sussex
                Hospitals to form a new NHS Foundation Trust: University Hospitals Sussex
                NHS Foundation Trust.

                University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust is one of the largest
                acute trusts in the UK and provides a wide range of clinical services to people
                in West Sussex, Brighton & Hove and parts of East Sussex.

                The Trust, which formed on 1 April, will provide more than 1.5 million outpatient
                appointments, A&E visits and surgery cases every year and employ nearly
                20,000 staff across seven hospitals.

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Local Health Network News: April 2021 In this issue: Brighton and Hove CCG
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                Do you have lived experience of stroke?

                Last month we let you know that the Sussex Commissioners are looking for a
                person with lived experience of stroke to help make sure stroke services are
                the best they possibly can be.

                The NHS Long Term Plan set outs the ambitions for the NHS over the next 10
                years, identifying stroke as a clinical priority. Integrated Stroke Delivery
                Networks (ISDN) will bring people and organisations together to deliver the best
                possible care for their population by delivering the commitments for stroke as
                outlined in the Long Term Plan.

                We are looking for Ambassador(s) who have lived experience of stroke; either
                through personal experience or through supporting a family member or friend,
                who will help us to shape local stroke services.

                If this opportunity is of interest please read the full role description and
                complete the application form and return it to us by Friday 23 April.

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                Raising awareness of bowel cancer

                Bowel Cancer UK, the UK’s leading bowel cancer charity, will be raising
                awareness of the disease during April. The charity supports and funds
                research, provides information, education and support to patients and their
                families and campaigns for early diagnosis and access to the best treatment
                and care.

                Major advances in treatments and bowel cancer screening programmes in
                recent years have led to early diagnosis and treatment.

                Symptoms to look out for include:
                • A persistent and unexplained change in bowel habit
                •    Bleeding from your bottom and/or blood in your poo
                •    Unexplained weight loss
                •    Extreme tiredness for no obvious reason
                •    A pain or lump in your tummy

                Regular bowel cancer screening is offered to men and women every two years
                between the ages of 60 to 74. This is a simple home test kit which can detect
                small changes. If the test finds anything unusual, you might be asked to have
                further tests to confirm or rule out cancer. Bowel cancer is the fourth most
                common type of cancer so it is important to find it at an early stage, when it is
                easier to treat

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                Pandemic Delivery Service

                People who have been told to self-isolate by NHS Test and Trace can now get
                their prescription medicines delivered to their home if they are unable to
                arrange for these to be collected.

                All community pharmacies are required to ensure people who have no other
                way to get their prescribed medication have access to a free delivery service
                during their 10 day isolation period. You will need your NHS Test and Trace
                reference number (an 8 character mix of letters and numbers) when requesting
                the service from your local pharmacy.

                This service will be available run until 30 June 2021.

                Have your say: Switchboard survey

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                Switchboard, working in partnership with Sussex NHS Commissioners and
                Brighton and Hove City Council have launched a survey to find out what the
                impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has been on the LGBTQ community in
                Brighton & Hove.

                The findings of this research will help local NHS council services to better plan
                for the future and ensure services meet the needs of all LGBTQ people locally.

                It should take around 10 minutes to complete the survey and when you have
                completed it you can choose whether to be entered into a prize draw for the
                chance to win one of four vouchers. The survey will close on Friday 30 April.

                Read the latest news from our partner
                        Brighton and Hove City Council
                        Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS Trust
                        Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust
                        Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

                Small bites
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                        The next meeting of the Primary Care Commissioning Committee in
                        common takes place on Tuesday 12 May between 1.00pm and 3.40pm.
                        Watch out for the new look newsletter next month.

                     We want to make sure these bulletins cover the information you want to hear about.

                   Please tell us what you think or if you have any ideas of what you would like to see in
                                                        future issues.

                           For all other news stories please visit the Brighton & Hove CCG website.

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