Page created by Beatrice Daniel

                                                                             I N     N U M B E R S



     City Region                                                                                                                                     ST HELENS


     BUSINESSES BY STAFF                                                                                WIRRAL
     MICRO (0 TO 9 STAFF)                                                    44,235
     SMALL (10 TO 49 STAFF)                                                   7,520
     MEDIUM-SIZED (50 TO 249 STAFF)                                            1,760
     LARGE (250+ STAFF)                                                         290                              POPULATION (2020)
     TOTAL                                                                   53,810                                        1,564,015
                                                                        Source ONS                                           Source ONS

             COMPANY                                              LOCATION             TURNOVER £M       PRE-TAX PROFIT £M            EMPLOYEES                 YEAR END
      1      B&M RETAIL                                          LIVERPOOL                  4,085.0                      531.9                     3,378              MAR 21
      2      INEOS QUATTRO                                        RUNCORN                   3,553.7                  259.4                         3,542           DEC 20
      3      TJ MORRIS                                           LIVERPOOL                   2,791.5                 262.8                     25,279                 JUN 20
      4      VERY                                                LIVERPOOL                    2,317.1                     81.7                     3,075              JUN 21
      5      PRINCES                                             LIVERPOOL                   1,558.6                     45.3                      6,779              MAR 21
      6      PHOENIX HEALTHCARE DISTRIBUTION                      RUNCORN                    1,319.3                      15.5                     1,636              JAN 21
      7      BIBBY LINE                                          LIVERPOOL                    832.5                  (26.6)                        3,506           DEC 20
      8      MATALAN RETAIL                                      LIVERPOOL                     744.1                 (127.6)                       11,558             FEB 21
      9      SMURFIT KAPPA UK                                    LIVERPOOL                    682.1                       61.4                     3,753           DEC 20
      10     JAMES HALL                                         SOUTHPORT                     608.1                       8.4                      3,372          MAR 20

                                                                                                                                 Source Insider research, Experian MIQ 2022

     GROSS VALUE ADDED BY INDUSTRY (£m)                                                           OFFICE MARKET*
     5000                                                                                         CITY CENTRE HEADLINE RENT                                    £22 PER SQ FT

                                                              Manufacturing 0.0%                  OUT OF TOWN HEADLINE RENT                                    £14 PER SQ FT

                                                                                                  UNDER CONSTRUCTION                                                   0 SQ FT
                                                          Real estate activities 14.
                                                                                                  PRIME YIELD                                                             6%

                                                                                                                                      *As of Q4 2021 Source Avison Young

     3000                                          Wholesale and retail stra26.4%
                                                 repair of mo tor veh icle
                                                                                                  HE STUDENT ENROLMENTS by HE provider
                                                               Construction 38.8%
                                                                                                  THE UNIVERSITY OF LIVERPOOL                                          29,600
                                                                                                  LIVERPOOL JOHN MOORES UNIVERSITY                                     25,050
                                                                      nication 64.3%
                                                Information and commu                             EDGE HILL UNIVERSITY                                                 13,560

                                                                                                  LIVERPOOL HOPE UNIVERSITY                                             4,985
             2009   2010   2011   2012   2013   2014   2015    2016   2017    2018   2019         THE LIVERPOOL INSTITUTE FOR PERFORMING ARTS                            885
                                                                             Source ONS                                                                          Source HESA

                                                     P I O N E E R S

Innovation powerhouse
                               Businesses in the digital sector are set to benefit from
                                the expansion of the Sci-Tech Daresbury campus

With a target of creating 1,000 high-value
jobs in the next decade, a new cluster of
digital businesses is emerging at Sci-Tech
Daresbury. It is managed by the Science
and Technology Facilities Council (STFC),
the body which works in partnership
with universities, research organisations,
businesses, charities, and government to
create environments that enable research
and innovation to flourish.
   The cluster has plans to grow a critical
mass of 100 digital tech companies at
Sci-Tech Daresbury and a wider network                                                                Immersive tech at
of 300 companies over the next ten                                                                  Sci-Tech Daresbury
years. It will draw on the strengths and
assets of Daresbury, such as the Hartree           “As a technology           This will be a key component of the UK’s
National Centre for Digital Innovation            startup business,           advancement in the development and
(HNCDI), a collaboration with strategic         we were drawn to the          industrial application of key technologies
partner IBM Research, to support                                              such as data analytics, artificial intelligence
                                              region due to the facilities
startups and scale-ups make the most of                                       (AI) and quantum computing.
                                                    and networking
the opportunities in the region.                                                 The Digital Tech Cluster’s development
   Separately, HNCDI announced £172m                                          manager is James Bedford, who was
funding from the government with an                  Niamh Allen,             previously the head of investment strategy
in-kind contribution of £38m from IBM.               IoT Horizon              at Tech North. Bedford says the Digital
                                                                              Tech Cluster will build on the success of
                                                                              existing clusters in health, energy
                                                                              and space at STFC’s Harwell Science and
                                                                              Innovation Campus and Sci-Tech
                                                                              Daresbury. To establish the foundations of
                                                                              the cluster, Bedford says STFC consulted
                                                                              tech founders to understand their needs.
                                                                              The main themes were accessing business
                                                                              support; skills, recruitment and retention;
                                                                              finding the first customers and securing
  Hartree Centre                                                                 As part of the cluster, Bedford is
                                                                              planning to deliver workshops focused


                                                                  P I O N E E R S

                                                                                                    Sci-Tech Daresbury’s connection is IoT
                                                                                                    Horizon, a digital transformation
                                                                                                    specialist. Niamh Allen, sales and marketing
                                                                                                    director, says: “In the last 12 months and
                                                                                                    with support from the Growth Platform,
                                                                                                    IoT Horizon has accelerated sales growth
                                                                                                    by 75 per cent. As a technology startup
                                                                                                    business, we were drawn to the region
                                                                                                    due to the facilities and networking
                                                                                                       Allen says that since setting up in the
                                                                                                    region, the business has secured Future
                                                                                                    Innovation Funding to build a solution
                                                                                                    that monitors the safety and integrity of
                                                                                James Bedford       building materials and increased its staff
                                                                                                    number by 57 per cent.
     on intellectual property (IP), finance,          Expanding the campus                             John Downes, chief executive of property
     investment, understanding the value in a         Sci-Tech Daresbury’s position as a national   company Langtree and chairman of
     business and entering new markets. He            science and innovation campus at the          Sci-Tech Daresbury, says: “During 2021,
     says: “These are things that affect people       forefront of the UK’s flourishing science     we saw strong demand that was driven
     on day one of a business but also on day         and technology sector was further             not just by new arrivals to the site but also
     one thousand.” He gives the example              bolstered at the end of 2021 following the    by our ‘home for life’ ethos that supports
     of an investment-readiness workshop.             confirmation of planning approval for         existing tenants scaling up.
     There will be a session for those looking        Ultraviolet, the next phase of development.      “Our development programme for
     to raise their first round of funding, as well      Ultraviolet comprises a further            Sci-Tech Daresbury is underpinned by our
     as those going for their second or third         180,000 sq ft of grade-A office and           strong belief that in order to compete in
     round. There will also be sessions for           laboratory space, and will be located next    global markets we must ensure we have
     those looking for investors interested in IP     to Project Violet, a £17.8m three-building    the right facilities and environment that
     – “that makes it hyper-relevant”, he adds.       speculative office development which          supports the growth of science and
        As well as attracting businesses to           finishes construction this spring. Among      technology focused businesses and
     Sci-Tech Daresbury, Bedford says there           the companies already benefiting from         inspires collaboration and innovation.”
     are plans to collaborate with Halton
     Borough Council on programmes for
     local businesses.
        Another burgeoning community at
     Sci-Tech Daresbury is the Space Cluster,
     which received a boost through UK
     SpaceAgency funding in February.
     To establish the North West of England
     Space Cluster, STFC’s Daresbury
     laboratory secured £61,000 and plans
     to launch later this year. Overall, the
     global space economy is projected to
     grow from an estimated £270bn in 2019                                       A plot has been earmarked for the development of Ultraviolet
     to £490bn by 2030.


                                                               P I O N E E R S

                               Packaging up
                 Plans are progressing for the creation of new innovative centres of excellence

Work has begun on the £54m Glass                   UKRI grant to support the installation of     City Region Combined Authority and
Futures development in St Helens. The              a globally unique, experimental furnace       UKRI (UK Research & Innovation).
project, which broke ground in February            and infrastructure, capable of melting           Another project looking to solve
2022, sees the creation of the world’s first       30 tonnes of glass per day. Glass sector      big problems around packaging is the
openly accessible test and trial furnace           companies will also contribute a further      proposed National Packaging Innovation
facility, which will be used to deliver industry   £20m in resource, time and equipment to       Centre (NPIC). Supported by £110,000
and government-backed research and                 support the project.                          of pre-development funding, NPIC
development (R&D) projects focused on                 The 165,000 sq ft facility is expected     could help to make the UK a world leader
decarbonising glass production, and also           to complete in January 2023,                  in sustainable packaging and play
providing a platform for industry to trial         ready for fit-out. It is being delivered by   a significant role in helping to meet the
their own ideas on a state-of-the-art line,        Network Space Developments which              region’s environmental targets.
both collaboratively and individually.             is managing the project on behalf of             The initial funding is an important first
   The project was awarded a £9m grant             a partnership including not-for-profit        step towards the creation of a £60m
from the Liverpool City Region                     research organisation Glass Futures,          national centre that could put the UK at
Combined Authority and secured a £15m              St Helens Borough Council, the Liverpool      the forefront of the global £1trn packaging


                                                                  P I O N E E R S

     market and create more than 2,000
     R&D jobs across the wider supply chain.
     The project sponsor and operator
     is CPI (Centre for Process Innovation),
     which operates similar centres across the
     North East and Scotland.
        NPIC’s aspiration is to create an inter-
     nationally significant innovation centre
     to provide access to industrially relevant
     capabilities and expertise for packaging
     innovation, development and demonstration;
     facilitate collaboration across current and
     future packaging supply and value chains;
     and catalyse an ecosystem for growth                                                                        Centre for Process Innovation
     and productivity through disruptiveand
     market-creating innovation.                     global consumer products R&D                     centre being at IVV Fraunhofer in
        Activity at NPIC would focus on              headquarters, with the largest cluster of        Germany. The project has estimated
     cross-industry ‘grand challenges’ that are      packaging engineers in the UK.                   outputs of £663m GVA for the Liverpool
     too great in magnitude for a single stake-         Allied with this, the region’s universities   city region (£767m UK) and 2,000 jobs
     holder to address. Stakeholders include         possess expertise in materials science,          across the wider supply chain by 2041.
     private sector producers of packaging,          including an existing partnership with              Damian Mohammed leads on North
     academia and public sector innovation           Unilever in the Materials Innovation             West strategic partnerships at the CPI
     bodies such as UKRI and Innovate UK.            Factory, and packaging supply chain              and also sits on the Liverpool Enterprise
        Part of the strategic rationale for NPIC’s   partners are located across the region.          Partnership’s health and life sciences
     location in the Liverpool city region is the       The final project could be internationally    sub-board. He says: “The obvious thing
     presence of founding partner Unilever’s         significant, with the only comparable            when you talk about packaging innovation
                                                                                                      is about removing plastics and replacing
                                                                                                      them with alternatives. But it’s not just
       From innovation to invoice                                                                     what the product looks and feels like and
       Metro mayor Steve Rotheram has a vision for Liverpool city region to become                    doesn't degrade, it’s how can you make
       an innovation powerhouse. He’s backed the creation of LCR Ventures,                            that process more efficient.”
       a new company to help innovators turn their ideas into high-growth businesses                     Mohammed says a decision has not
       and good-quality jobs.                                                                         yet been made as to where the centre
          LCR Ventures is due to launch LYVA Labs in the spring of 2022 to create                     will be. It may locate at Port Sunlight with
       100 jobs. The initial £7.5m investment from the Liverpool Combined Authority                   Unilever or close to Glass Futures in
       will provide startup funding and commercial advice to help clinicians, academics               St Helens to make the most of the supply
       and entrepreneurs in the health and life sciences sectors. Funding packages of                 chain and clustering potential. He says
       between £25,000 and £250,000 will be invested with innovators to develop                       Liverpool city region having freeport
       prototypes, apply for R&D grants, shape their business plans and secure further funding.       status is another very attractive factor.
          Lorna Green, chief executive at LCR Ventures, says: “We are excited that LYVA                  In order to make NPIC a reality, the
       Labs will soon launch to support the vibrant health and life science innovation                centre will need significant funding
       community that exists in the Liverpool city region. The idea originally came from              from central government, in the order of
       the need to incubate and support clinical innovators in the NHS, but our ambitions             £20m, with further funding needed
       stretch beyond that. We are working to roll the model into other sectors.”                     from the Combined Authority and the
                                                                                                      private sector.


                                                            P L A C E

                                                                                                              Liverpool Waters CGI

           The power of place
                     The Liverpool city region is home to some of the UK’s largest-scale
                                and most ambitious regeneration projects

Wirral Waters is understood to be the       the wider masterplan. Working with Peel        Wirral Waters was designated Enterprise
UK’s largest urban regeneration project.    L&P and Wirral Council, PIC is the sole        Zone status in 2011 and has been supported
It is where Peel L&P is progressing a       investor for the development of a build-       by Homes England.
30-year strategy to transform a 500-acre    to-rent scheme comprising 500 one and             The build-to-rent development will use
brownfield site and former dockland into    two-bed apartments, with an affordable         a long-term regeneration lease
a thriving new community.                   housing component of 100 homes.                structure providing funding for Wirral
    In January 2022, Pension Insurance         The project will transform the brownfield   Council which would not have been
Corporation (PIC), a specialist             site into a sustainable location for local     available from traditional structures, at the
insurer of defined benefit pension funds,   and international businesses, creating         same time generating secure long-term
announced that it had completed a           more than 20,000 permanent jobs for the        income for PIC. Elsewhere on the site,
£130m investment in Wirral Waters One,      Liverpool city region, as well as offering     this spring will see Peel submit a planning
the cornerstone residential scheme within   a breadth of new housing opportunities.        application for the Maritime Knowledge


                                                              P L A C E

                                                                  Wirral Growth Company’s Birkenhead
                                                                  transformation gets the green light

     Building better
     Among the latest schemes to be
     endorsed by Liverpool Council is
     Hemisphere, a £35m, 116,000 sq ft
     building, delivering grade-A space
     for health, education, science and
     tech occupiers. The eco-friendly
     building will be delivered by Sciontec.
     Hemisphere, along with other key
     developments such as Festival
     Gardens, The Depot studios and
     Littlewoods Film Studios, forms part
     of Liverpool’s post-pandemic pledge
     to stimulate economic growth.
         More innovation-led development       Hub to transform the 19th century Hydraulic   grade-A office buildings in Birkenhead
     is in the pipeline. The Infection         Tower into a centre for excellence for the    town centre. Totalling 150,000 sq ft, the
     Innovation Consortium (iiCON) and         maritime sector.                              BREEAM Excellent-rated office buildings
     Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine        In March, the first 30 of 350 modular      have been forward-funded by institutional
     (LSTM) secured a £500,000                 homes will complete at East Float in          investor Canada Life Asset Management
     grant from the Wolfson Foundation         partnership with Urban Splash, with           and are due for completion in autumn
     in January that will support the          planning for the second phase due in          2023, with Morgan Sindall Construction
     development of state-of-the-art           the summer. Later on this year, work will     named as the contractor.
     Containment Level 3 laboratories          start on-site at Egerton Village, providing      One of the two five-storey office
     at LSTM. The new facilities will use      amenities to residents, students and          developments will be occupied
     next-generation artificial intelligence   workers around the Four Bridges and           by Wirral Council, with the other available
     and robotics for research and devel-      Northbank East areas. Meanwhile, by           for businesses to lease. Wirral Growth
     opment of new products, treatments,       the end of 2022, construction will start at   Company is a 50:50 joint venture
     and diagnostics for infectious diseases   MEA Park to create a centre for manu-         partnership between Wirral Council and
     that pose a global threat to human        facturing, logistics, R&D and large-scale     national urban regeneration specialist,
     health. The new labs are expected to      assembly and modular construction.            Muse Developments.
     be operational by early 2023.                Also on the Wirral, construction has          Across the Mersey, work is ongoing at
                                               begun on Wirral Growth Company’s two          Liverpool Waters, where Peel is intending


                                                                P L A C E

                                                   Wirral Waters and Four Bridges

                                                 eagerly awaited Shakespeare North
                                                 Playhouse due to open later this year.        Joining up the dots
                                                    Another project due to start on-site is    “LCR Connect is a £30m project to
                                                 Capital & Centric’s transformation            build a 212km full fibre core network
                                                 of the former Littlewoods buildings into      designed to underpin the Liverpool
                                                 a world-class destination for film            city region’s economic growth.
                                                 and TV. With funding secured at the end       This Gigabit-capable infrastructure
                                                 of 2021, initial remediation work will        will play a significant role in driving
                                                 begin on site in 2022.                        inward investment, helping to attract
                                                    In St Helens, the council has approved     major new companies, industries
                                                 draft plans for St Helens and Earlestown      and jobs, generating an estimated
                                                 town centre transformation. In February,      £1bn for the region’s local economy.
                                                 St Helens Council’s cabinet approved the         “It is an open-access wholesale
to submit a planning application for             final plans for the two town centres. The     network, meaning businesses have
infrastructure works at Central Docks,           English Cities Fund (ECF), a joint venture    a choice of service provider
the second of five neighbourhoods to             between Muse Developments, Legal              across many sector specialists.
be created at the famous Liverpool               & General and Homes England, is the           More than 200 approved partners
waterfront by the summer. Central Docks          council’s delivery partner.                   offer access to a wide portfolio
will create 3,800 new homes, around                 Both town centres are the subject of       of services including ultrafast
1.8 million sq ft of offices, 270,000 sq ft of   separate masterplan development               broadband and cloud services.
leisure and entertainment spaces                 frameworks, which set out multimillion-          “Although vital, this network is
and a five-acre public park.                     pound visions and principles for each.        about more than just broadband and
   On the leisure side, the early                   The plans include provision for parking    will encompass wider policies on
summer should see super-structure                provision in St Helens town centre            housing, transport, skills and energy.
work start at Everton Football                   that will cater for shoppers and night-time   Businesses can register their interest
Club’s new 52,888-seater stadium at              visitors alike, an “international hotel       at”
Bramley-Moore Dock. While the                    brand”, office space and new homes.           — Dave Hudson, business
Isle of Man Ferry Terminal is due to             At Earlstown, the developers will work        development director at ITS
complete in 2023.                                closely with traders on the right type        Technology Group, a joint-venture
   In Knowsley, Prescot has undergone            of weather-proof market space for the         partner of LCR Connect
something of a renaissance with the              historic Earlestown Market.


                                                               P OT E N T I A L

     “Turbo-charging Britain’s
       post-Brexit growth”
                       Liverpool is gearing up to submit its full business case for an LCR Freeport

     Liverpool, as the country’s biggest            rate relief, and local retention of business
     western-facing port, is a natural freeport     rates for local authorities hosting            The vision
     location. It was selected by the               the tax zones. In particular, there is an      l Increased trade through the Port
     Chancellor in his March 2021 Budget,           emphasis through the tax zones on              of Liverpool and other city region
     as one of eight places across England to       encouraging and supporting businesses          gateways, improving efficiency
     be granted Freeport status.                    that import, process, manufacture and          of flows and driving employment
        The LCR Freeport will be a multi-gateway,   re-export goods.                               growth.
     multi-modal freeport covering 300                 John Lucy, Liverpool City Region            l A globally significant cluster of
     hectares of land. This will include three      Freeport director, says England’s eight        maritime, manufacturing, logistics
     tax sites and strategically located customs    freeports are going to be the new hubs         and innovation activity.
     zones across all modes of transport,           of business and enterprise which will          l A central platform to attract
     linking to the primary customs zone at the     create thousands of jobs. He says:             inward investment .
     Port of Liverpool. It will take stretch        “Liverpool City Region Freeport will be a      l Regeneration in areas of depriva-
     from the western point at Wirral Waters        designated area covering 45km, centred         tionand sustainable job creation.
     to the eastern point of Port Salford.          on a mix of infrastructure including the       l A significant contribution in
        Imports can enter freeport customs          deep-water container terminal at the Port      rebalancing UK freight and logistics
     zones with simplified customs procedures       of Liverpool, multiple rail heads, other       activities to the North West.
     and do not have payable tariffs. Freeport      water-based access, and the airport.”          l Improved links to national,
     tax zones – at Parkside, St Helens; 3MG,          Lucy says the freeport will target          regional and city regional
     Widnes; and Wirral Waters – will benefit       automotive, biomanufacturing and               infrastructure assets.
     from a range of special regulatory and tax     pharmaceuticals and maritime. The full         l Support and enable Liverpool
     benefits. These include enhanced capital       business case will be submitted mid-April.     City Region’s net-zero strategies
     allowances, stamp duty and other buildings     Seed funding will be granted on completion     to improve air quality around the
     and land reliefs, employer national            of successful submissions and expected         region.
     insurance contributions relief, business       to be available to freeports mid-year.

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