A Timeline of Innovation - in Durham Region

Page created by Ryan Mccoy
A Timeline of Innovation - in Durham Region
A Timeline of Innovation
     in Durham Region
A Timeline of Innovation - in Durham Region
Here in Durham Region,
we’re not just innovating;
we’re innovating to solve
big problems.
A Timeline of Innovation - in Durham Region
We’re focused on solving some of the
world’s biggest challenges, and building
a robust innovation ecosystem that
translates research and development
assets into jobs and investment.
The world needs products, services and business models that will
create value in new ways, while reducing social and environmental
impacts. This change won’t be driven by a few heroic entrepreneurs
or innovative geniuses, nor will it be driven solely by investors.
It will take all of these players, and more, working together.

Durham Region’s foundation of solving important challenges began
with early settlement, as immigrants founded local businesses
that would grow to be some of the largest and most successful.

Since 1864, when Robert McLaughlin started his journey to transform
human mobility, businesses in Durham have committed to improve
lives—not just for local residents—but also for the world.

Today, by supporting innovators in everything from artificial
intelligence to electric and autonomous mobility, and from clean tech
to agri-tech, life sciences, health, and creative industries, our business
ecosystem is evolving so that Durham’s innovators continue to lead
global solutions.

We’re confident our innovation community will continue to change
the world.

                                    A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   3
A Timeline of Innovation - in Durham Region

       McLaughlin Carriage Co.
       Colonel Robert Samuel McLaughlin
       settles in Darlington Township (now
       known as Clarington), and launches a
       business manufacturing horse-drawn
       sleighs and carriages. By the turn of
       the century, his Oshawa facility is
       one of the largest carriage factories
       in the world.
       Image courtesy of Oshawa Public Libraries,
       Local History Collection.

               A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   4
A Timeline of Innovation - in Durham Region
1866                                    1884                                       1892

Newcastle Foundry and                         The Holstein Association of          Pedlar Metal Roofing
Machine Manufactory                           Canada                               Company
Daniel Massey establishes the                 The Holstein Association of          George Pedlar expands his
Newcastle Foundry and Machine                 Canada is founded locally. Members   father’s hardware and metal
Manufactory, and in 1866, Hart                include legendary operations         stamping business to become the
Massey appears at the International           such as Roybrook in Whitby and       Pedlar Metal Roofing Company,
Exposition in Paris, France, where            Hannover Hill in Scugog; farms       based in Oshawa. The operation
he wins first place honours for the           that have made a lasting impact on   became the largest sheet metal
Massey Self Binder—which cut a                dairy farming around the globe.      factory in the British Empire,
section of oats in 55 minutes. The                                                 with warehouses in Montreal,
company went on to become the                                                      Winnipeg and Calgary, Sydney,
largest manufacturer of agricultural                                               Australia, Auckland, New Zealand
implements in the British Empire,                                                  and Cape Town, South Africa.
now known as Massey Ferguson.                                                      Image courtesy of Oshawa Public Libraries,
                                                                                   Local History Collection.
Image courtesy of the Newcastle Village and
District Historical Society Archives.

                                                                                     A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   5
A Timeline of Innovation - in Durham Region
1892                                         1894                                        1904

Schofield Woolen Mills                       The Oshawa Railway                           Canada Dry Pale Ginger Ale
Schofield Woolen Mills is established        Construction begins on the Oshawa            Robert McLaughlin’s eldest son, John
in Oshawa. Nationally recognized             Railway to connect the Grand Trunk           J. McLaughlin of Enniskillen, creates
for exceptional quality, Schofield           line at Oshawa’s northern end                Canada Dry Pale Ginger Ale. The
innovative woolen products were              with the port. By 1911, the railway          company quickly expanded to become
found in nearly every town and city          offered passenger, express and               worldwide by the 1930s. Canada Dry
in Canada for the next 50 years.             freight service to every part of             is still popular today and produced in
Image courtesy of The Thomas Bouckley        town, and was a primary feature              countries around the globe.
Collection, The Robert McLaughlin Gallery,   in promoting the businesses and
                                             “natural advantages and resources of
                                             Oshawa” to prospective investors.
                                             Image courtesy of Oshawa Public Libraries,
                                             Local History Collection.

                                                                                            A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   6
A Timeline of Innovation - in Durham Region
1907                                          1918                                      1940s

McLaughlin Motor Car                         General Motors of Canada                     The Rockex
                                             Sam and George McLaughlin                    Professor and electrical engineer,
Robert McLaughlin & Sons rebrands            become the first executives of               Benjamin deForest “Pat” Bayly,
as McLaughlin Motor Car Company,             General Motors of Canada, after              invents an offline one-time tape
eventually selling the carriage              the merging of their company                 cipher machine called the Rockex
business to make way for automobile          McLaughlin Motor Car Company                 at the secret military intelligence
production at their Oshawa plant.            with Chevrolet and General                   base Camp X, located between
Image courtesy of The Thomas Bouckley
                                             Motors. General Motors of                    Whitby and Oshawa. The Rockex
Collection, The Robert McLaughlin Gallery,   Canada built their first offices on          was a solution to slower existing
                                             Richmond street in Oshawa.                   equipment, and handled transatlantic
                                             Image courtesy of The Thomas Bouckley        communications quickly and
                                             Collection, The Robert McLaughlin Gallery,   securely during World War II.

                                                                                            A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   7
A Timeline of Innovation - in Durham Region
1941                                     1960                                        1967

Defence Industries Limited               The Oshawa Harbour                           Durham College is Founded
                                         Commission is Formed
The largest shell-filling plant in the                                                Durham College has become
British Commonwealth, Defence            The port is the only seaway-                 known as a leading post-secondary
Industries Limited, is established       depth harbour on Lake Ontario                destination and was named one of
in Ajax to provide supplies for          between Toronto and Montreal. On             Canada’s Top 50 Research Colleges
the Allies in World War II. More         average, Oshawa’s port handles               for six straight years, from 2012 to
than 2,300 women from across             $23 million dollars worth of cargo           2018. Today, Durham College enrolls
Canada worked in the munition            annually, from salt and steel                more than 13,000 full-time students,
factory. The contributions of            products to asphalt and grain.               including 1,900 international
women at this Ajax facility later        Image courtesy of The Thomas Bouckley
                                                                                      students from 75 countries.
inspired the award-winning               Collection, The Robert McLaughlin Gallery,
television series “Bomb Girls”.
Image courtesy of The Town of Ajax
– Ajax Archives.

                                                                                        A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   8
A Timeline of Innovation - in Durham Region
1971                                   1974                                       1978

Pickering Nuclear Generating                 The Region of Durham                   Pre-hospital Cardiac Care
Station                                                                             Services in Oshawa
                                             The Region of Durham is established.
The Nuclear Generating Station               It is one of several new regional      Oshawa becomes the first city in
in Pickering begins operations,              governments in the Province of         Ontario to provide pre-hospital
starting the facility’s run as               Ontario, and includes the cities of    cardiac care services. The program
one of the largest and safest                Oshawa and Pickering, towns of         allowed paramedics to obtain
nuclear stations in the world.               Ajax and Whitby, the municipality of   faster diagnoses in the field, and
Image courtesy of Keith Beaty/Toronto Star
                                             Clarington, and townships of Brock,    prepared emergency staff at the
via Getty Images.                            Scugog and Uxbridge.                   hospital to respond—ultimately
                                                                                    saving more patients and reducing
                                                                                    the impacts of heart attacks.

                                                                                      A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   9
A Timeline of Innovation - in Durham Region
1980s                                    1986                                         1988

Northern Dancer                         CANDU Reactor                                 Colpitts Design Inc.
Edward Plunket Taylor, a                The CANDU reactor proven at                   Colpitts Design Inc. is founded
businessman, philanthropist and         Ontario Power Generation’s Pickering          in Uxbridge. The company
race horse breeder, produces            and Darlington Nuclear Generating             specializes in rapid prototype
Northern Dancer at Windfields Farm      Stations is listed as one of Canada’s         design and manufacturing; building
in Oshawa. By the 1980s, Northern       top ten engineering achievements              products for the medical, garden,
Dancer was the first Canadian bred      of the previous 100 years by a jury of        automotive and film industries.
horse to win the Kentucky Derby,        Canadian engineering professionals.           Today Colpitts Design works
the first animal to be inducted into    Image courtesy of Frank Lennon/Toronto Star   with Ontario Tech University’s
the Canadian Sports Hall of Fame,       via Getty Images.                             automotive program and creates
and was the most sought-after sire in                                                 props for Hollywood blockbusters.
the world. Today, nearly every horse                                                  Credits include work for films such
competing in the Kentucky Derby is                                                    as X-Men, Robocop, Batman vs
a descendant of Northern Dancer.                                                      Superman and Suicide Squad.
Image courtesy of Tony Leonard,
Canadian Museum of History.

                                                                                        A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   10
1988                                  1998                                     1998

Fly Away Home                           Omachron Group of                       Lakeridge Health
William “Bill” Lishman, an award-                                               Lakeridge Health is formed when
winning sculptor, filmmaker,            Wayne Conrad, a scientist based in      Durham-area hospitals are merged
inventor, naturalist and public         rural Clarington, founds Omachron       to create a leading health system
speaker, pioneers ultra-light           Group of Companies. Today, Conrad       focused on improving the overall
aviation in Canada, becoming the        holds close to 600 patents, including   wellness of one of fastest growing
first person to lead the flight of      a space-age water treatment             areas of Ontario. Today, Lakeridge
geese with an aircraft, eventually      system that NASA adopted for the        Health has five hospitals, four
conducting the first aircraft-led       International Space Station.            Emergency Departments, and more
migration of birds from his home        Image courtesy of NASA/Roscosmo.
                                                                                than twenty community healthcare
in rural Scugog in 1993. He made                                                locations, a dedicated team of
a short film about the migration                                                more than 5,400 employees, 760
for PBS Television Network                                                      physicians and 1,500 volunteers.
that was eventually optioned
for the 1996 Academy Award
winning film, Fly Away Home.
Image courtesy of the Lishman family.

                                                                                  A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   11
2003                                        2006                                      2010

Ontario Tech University                      Search Engine People (SEP)                The Clean Energy Research
                                                                                       Laboratory (CERL)
Ontario Tech University opens its            After launching in 2001 with a focus
doors as Ontario’s first laptop-             on Search Engine Optimization, in         The Clean Energy Research
based university, and has continued          2006 the Search Engine People (SEP)       Laboratory (CERL) opens at Ontario
to evolve into a tech-focused                become a full-service agency and          Tech University. CERL houses the first
institution that embeds the latest           are named the first-ever Canadian         lab-scale demonstration of a copper-
technology into its teaching and             Partner in the Google Partner             chlorine cycle for thermochemical
learning practices, administrative           Program. Today SEP is recognized          water splitting and nuclear hydrogen
processes and innovative research            as one of the best SEO and digital        production. Hydrogen is a clean
projects. Today, Ontario Tech is             marketing companies in Canada.            energy carrier of the future and
ranked first in Canada in cross-sector       Founder Jeff Quipp eventually             potentially a major solution to the
research among undergraduate                 became a founding board member            problem of climate change.
universities, and draws in more than         of the Spark Angel Network, an
10,000 full-time students, including         angel investing group focused on
more than 1000 international                 tech start-ups in Durham Region.
students from 65 countries.                  Image courtesy of Search Engine People.
Image courtesy of Ontario Tech University.

                                                                                         A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   12
2010                                     2010                                 2011

Trent University Durham GTA          Spark Centre                         ACE Climatic Wind Tunnel
Trent University opens a campus      The Spark Centre is founded          The state-of-the-art ACE Climatic
on Thornton Road in Oshawa,          in 2010, and in 2012, Durham’s       Wind Tunnel is operational. The
building upon forty years of Trent   Regional Innovation Centre locates   world-class facility, which can
education programs available         in downtown Oshawa. Spark Centre     simulate weather from a blizzard to
in Durham Region. Today, Trent       supports start-ups by providing      a hot day in Arizona, is used by big
University Durham GTA offers         commercialization and services       automakers to test vehicles. With
undergraduate degrees, masters       to innovative and technology-        its moving ground plane, it is one of
degrees and post-graduate            based entrepreneurs. By 2019,        the most technologically advanced
programs to nearly 2,000 students.   Spark grows into a 9000-square       facilities of its kind in the world. ACE
                                     foot innovation space and begins     is also able to simulate a broad range
                                     graduating clients to the new 1855   of environments, and testing has
                                     tech accelerator in Whitby.          included housing, bridges, product
                                     Image courtesy of Spark Centre.      packaging and even athletes.
                                                                          Image courtesy of ACE Climatic Wind Tunnel

                                                                            A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   13

       W. Galen Weston Centre for Food (CFF)
       Durham College opens the W. Galen Weston Centre for Food (CFF) in Whitby,
       one of Canada’s first culinary education facilities to bring the concept of
       “Field to Fork” to life. CFF is focused on local food, regionalism, sustainability
       and wellness, and it plays a leading role in providing students with hands-on
       experience of the full cycle of production: farming, preparing, serving and
       celebrating food.

                                                  A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   14
2013                                   2016                                       2017

ByBlacks.com                           Darlington Nuclear                     Durham College AI/Hub
                                       Generating Station
ByBlacks.com, the top-ranked                                                  Durham College launches
Black Canadian online magazine is      The World Association of Nuclear       the AI/Hub, a first-of-its-kind
founded, and in 2020, they receive     Operators names Darlington             applied research centre focused on
a Heritage Canada grant to grow        Nuclear Generating Station in          how “narrow AI”—such as machine
their business. The website promotes   Clarington one of the safest and top   learning, decision support, natural
Black Canadian entrepreneurs and       performing nuclear stations in the     language processing and automation
serves as a hub where viewers          world—for the third time in a row.     to recommend strategic options—
can stay educated about topics                                                can make decisions autonomously.
surrounding the Black community.                                              Image courtesy of Durham College.

                                                                                A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   15
2017                                        2017                                        2018

360insights                             Autonomous Vehicle                           smartARM
                                        Innovation Network (AVIN)
360insights is named one of the                                                      Ontario Tech University student
                                        at ACE
Best Places to Work in Canada                                                        and his teammate from University
by the Great Place To Work              Ontario Tech University’s                    of Toronto win the Imagine Cup—
Institute. Proudly located in Whitby,   ACE Climatic Wind Tunnel is                  Microsoft’s annual innovation
360insights has innovated a software    named a key hub within the                   competition—for their invention,
platform for large manufacturers to     Ontario Autonomous Vehicle                   the smartARM, a prosthetic
launch and execute flexible incentive   Innovation Network (AVIN).                   robotic hand. The competition
programs. By 2020, 360insights          ACE provides accurate sensing                saw more than 40,000 student
is one of the largest global            technologies and reliable machine            competitors register and 49 teams
Channel Incentives Management           learning techniques to improve               from 33 countries qualify for the
(CIM) providers in the world.           urban traffic management,                    Imagine Cup World Finals.
                                        design and connectivity.                     Image courtesy of smartARM.

                                        Image courtesy of ACE Climatic Wind Tunnel

                                                                                      A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   16

Building Youth Capacity (BYC)
Brock Youth Centre rebrands their organization as Building Youth Capacity
(BYC) to reflect services in Durham’s three northern municipalities.
The organization provides innovative programs and services to
improve the social and economic well-being of youth, and encourage
entrepreneurship. Success stories include a virtual hackathon that resulted
in the outcome of a youth mental health app going into development.

       Life-Saving Medical Isotope
       Darlington Nuclear announces planned production of the life-saving
       medical isotope molybdenum-99 (Mo-99)—used for patients who
       need skeletal, brain and organ imaging to detect and diagnose harmful
       diseases—continuing OPG’s decades long commitment to supply the
       world with valuable radioactive isotopes.
       Image courtesy of Ontario Power Generation.

                                                     A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   18
2019                                     2019                                      2019

Electric Vehicle Strategy               Innovation in Cancer Care              Canada’s First Biogas Plant
                                        in Ontario
Trent University Durham GTA campus                                             Oshawa Power and Utilities
students in the Communications          The R.S. McLaughlin Durham             Corporation (OPUC) partners with
and Critical Thinking program           Regional Cancer Centre at              ZooShare—an energy co-operative
begin work on an Electric Vehicle       Lakeridge Health wins a Cancer         with more than 600 members—
strategy with the Municipality of       Quality Council of Ontario 2019        and begins building Canada’s
Clarington. The project looks at best   Quality and Innovation Award for       first biogas plant at the Toronto
practices for the adoption, use and     significant contributions to quality   Zoo to convert organic waste to
maintenance of electric vehicles and    and innovation in the delivery         renewable energy and fertilizer.
electric vehicle charging stations.     of cancer care in Ontario.

                                                                                 A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   19

       Canadian Technical Centre (CTC) McLaughlin Advanced
       Technology Track
       Construction begins on GM’s McLaughlin Advanced Technology Track, named
       after GM Canada’s founder and visionary Colonel Sam McLaughlin. Situated on
       55 acres, south of GM’s Oshawa operations, the track will be used to support
       the testing of advanced GM vehicle software and technologies that will enable
       a future vision that is self-driven, all-electric, and highly connected.
       Image courtesy of General Motors Canada.

                                                  A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   20
2019                               2020                                        2020

1855 Whitby                             Pivoting During COVID-19                Centre for Cybersecurity
1855, Durham Region’s innovation        Manufacturers across Durham
accelerator is founded in downtown      Region retool to join the fight         Durham College launches its fourth
Whitby. Initiated and funded by the     against COVID-19. From face             applied research centre, the Centre
Town of Whitby and Jason Atkins,        shields produced in collaboration       for Cybersecurity Innovation,
President and Chief Executive Officer   between Ontario Power Generation        which offers current and aspiring
of 360Insights, 1855’s goal is to       and Ontario Tech University, to         cybersecurity professionals, as
accelerate the growth and scale-        local sun porch manufacturer Sun        well as public and private-sector
up high potential tech companies.       Space creating retail protective        organizations, access to applied
Founding members include Spark          equipment, companies large and          research services and leading-
Centre graduates MobileXCo, a           small innovate solutions. Of note, a    edge education in cybersecurity
quickly accelerating marketing          General Motors production facility in   to prepare for the ever-changing
technology (MarTech) company.           Oshawa is retooled to manufacture       and complex threat landscape.
Image courtesy of 1855.                 face masks for Health Canada.

                                                                                  A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   21
2020                                    2020                                       2021

Kendal Hills Farm                      Axcessiom Technologies                   Intelligent Community
In response to the COVID-19            Axcessiom Technologies, founded          The Intelligent Community Forum
pandemic, local farm Kendal            at Ontario Tech’s Brilliant Incubator,   (ICF), names the Region of Durham
Hills launches a virtual farmers’      receives federal funding to continue     as one of the Smart21 Communities
market, collaborating with more        to develop their facial landmark         of the Year. The ICF recognizes
than 30 other farms to deliver         recognition technology that makes        communities around the world for
local goods and produce direct         driving more accessible for those        successfully developing innovative
to consumers. Modelled on a            using adaptive technology.               solutions that create inclusive and
typical farmers’ market, the project                                            prosperous communities.
collates orders and ships to homes
across the Greater Toronto Area.

                                                                                 A Timeline of Innovation in Durham Region   22
We’re confident our innovators will
solve the world’s next big challenge.
Invest Durham is committed to working with others who share our vision of building a modern innovation economy in
Durham. Collaboration between industry, post-secondary institutions, government and innovation centres, alongside
a robust talent pipeline, positions Durham Region to be at the forefront of innovation in Canada—and the world.

An opportunity to join this innovation community awaits your business in Durham Region.

Durham Region is the eastern anchor of the Greater Toronto Area’s (GTA) tech ecosystem. Durham Region
is made up of eight local area municipalities, including the cities of Oshawa and Pickering; the towns
of Ajax and Whitby; the Municipality of Clarington; and the townships of Brock, Scugog and Uxbridge.

We’re confident our team will be able to help you.

                                        The Regional Municipality of Durham               1-800-706-9857
                                            Durham Region, Ontario, Canada                investdurham@durham.ca
                                        605 Rossland Road East                            InvestDurham.ca
                                        Whitby, Ontario L1N 6A3                           LINKEDIN-IN TWITTER INSTAGRAM
Download a digital copy of this booklet at InvestDurham.ca/innovation
If this information is required in an accessible format, please contact
Economic Development and Tourism at 1-800-706-9857, ext. 2619.
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