Little Sitopia Community - ZHICHUAN QIN 201448238 - The Virtual LSA

Page created by Jonathan Holt
Little Sitopia Community - ZHICHUAN QIN 201448238 - The Virtual LSA
Little Sitopia Community
Tea Research
                                                Production Progress in Asia

  1                                                                                                                                                               Quality: grading and classification The
                                                                                                                                                                factors affecting tea quality can be distin-
                                                                                                                                                                             guished as follows:
                                                                                                                                                                      Genetic: tea quality is determined
                                                                                                                                                                 primarily by the genetic properties of the
                                                                                                                                                                 tea plant/bush: China type, Assam type
                                                                                                                                                                                  or hybrid.
                                                                                                                                                                     Environmental: the quality of tea is
                                                                                                                                                                 affected by elevation (high altitude), soil
 Tea trees grow in the            Workers select and gather      After the harvest, the           Then black teas are pro-                                          and climate (including temperature,
       plantation                        tea leaves            leaves are first withered           cessed in either of two                                      humidity, sunshine duration, and rainfall).
                                                                by blowing air on them.           ways, CTC (crush, tear,                                            Field operations: pruning, fertilising,
                                                                                                     curl) or orthodox.                                         shading and plucking also play an import-
                                                                                                                                                                  ant role in determining the quality and
                                                                                                                                                                               flavour of tea.
                                                                                   Kenyan tea remains most popular on the
                                                                                                 British market
                                                                                   The largest tea supplying country to the
                                                                                  United Kingdom remains Kenya, accounting
                                                                                          for 43.3% of all tea imports.





consumer-packaged tea to
the United Kingdom (14%).
India, Sri Lanka and China
   are the only developing
        countries that
supply consumer-packaged
 tea to the United Kingdom
 in relevant volumes. India                                                     The rise in popularity of tea between the 17th and 19th centuries had major social, political, and economic implica-
and Sri Lanka both account                                                     tions for the Kingdom of Great Britain. It defined respectability and domestic rituals, supported the rise of the British
          for 4% and                                                          Empire, and contributed to the rise of the Industrial Revolution by supplying both the capital for factories and calories
  China accounts for about                                                       for labourers. It also demonstrated the power of globalisation and its ability to transform a country and reshape its
 2% of imports of consum-                                                         society. Tea remains a popular drink in Britain in the modern day, and is still considered an important part of the
      er-packaged tea.
                                          EUROPE                                                                                     British identity.
                                                                               In both the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland, drinking it is so varied that it is difficult to generalize. While
                              LEADING SIX SUPPLYING CONTRIES TO               tea is usually served with milk, it is not uncommon to drink it black or with lemon, with sugar being a popular addition
                                                                               to any of the above. Strong ordinary tea (such as English Breakfast tea), served in a mug with milk and often sugar,
                               THE BRITISH REA MARKET IN TONES                  is a popular combination known as builder's tea. It is often accompanied with sandwiches, crumpets, scones, cake
                                                                                              and/or biscuits, with a popular British custom being dunking or dipping the biscuit into it.
Program Idea
Site Analysis
                Bus Routes            site                              Harold Cohen Building
                Pedestrian Routes
                                                                      Victoria Gallery & Museum
    England     Bus Stations          the police station

                                      domitory/teaching building
                Restaurant/Bar/Cafe                                Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral


                   Brownlow Hill St
                                                                       Department of Electrical
                                                                     Engineering and Electronics,
                                                                        University of Liverpool
Strreet Elevation
   The West Face

     Harold Cohen Library    EE(Existing Building)

   The South Face

       Victoria Gallery & Museum                     EE(Existing Building)
Victoria Gallery & Museum
     opened in                                                                                                                        Architectural style                      Construction started
                                    1938                            1970                        2008
   December 1892                                                                                                                      Gothic Revival                           1889
                                                                                                                                      Town or city Liverpool                   Completed
                                                                                                                                      Country England                          1892
                                                                                                                                      Coordinates 53.4062°N                    Design and construction
                                                                                                                                      2.9667°WCoordinates:                     Architect
                                                                                                                                      53.4062°N 2.9667°W                       Alfred Waterhouse

The building housed       The contents of the             The administration moved      to coincide with Liver-
lecture rooms, staff      library were moved out of       from the Victoria Building    pool being European
offices, common rooms     the Victoria Building. The      into the Senate House.        Capital of Culture, the
and, on the top floor,    former library became the                                     building was convert-
the Tate Library.         Tate Hall which was used                                      ed into the Victoria
                          for exhibitions, formal                                       Gallery and Museum.
                          events and as an exam-
                          ination room.
                                                                                                                                  the north elevation of Victoria Building

Gothic Revival
The Gothic Revival was paralleled and sup-             Far more persuasive and influential expo-                  John Ruskin
ported by "medievalism", which had its roots           nents, however, were Eugène-Emmanuel Vio-                  He had an abiding confidence in           monster, there germinating into a blossom;
in antiquarian concerns with survivals and             llet-le-Duc in France and John Ruskin in En-               the natural, untutored instinct for       anon knitting itself into a branch, alternately
                                                                                                                                                            thorny, bossy, and bristly, or writhed into
curiosities.                                           gland, who gave to the movement a moral and                rightness and beauty in the
                                                                                                                                                            every form of nervous entanglement; but
As "industrialisation" progressed, a reaction          intellectual purpose. The second half of the               average person: "all men have             even when most graceful, never for an
against machine production and the appear-             19th century saw the active and highly pro-                sense of what is right in this            instant languid, always quickset; erring, if at
ance of factories also grew. Proponents of the         ductive period of the Gothic Revival. By then,             matter, if they would only use            all, ever on the side of brusquerie.’
picturesque such as Thomas Carlyle and                 the mere imitation of Gothic forms and details             and apply this sense; every man
Augustus Pugin took a critical view of industri-       was its least important aspect; architects were            knows where and how beauty                 --From “The Stones of Venice”
al society and portrayed pre-industrial medie-         intent on creating original works based on the             gives him pleasure, if he would
val society as a golden age.                           principles underlying Gothic architecture and              only ask for it when he does so,
                                                       deeply infused with its spirit.                            and not allow it to be forced
With developing archaeological interest, a
                                                       Beauty – aspiration towards God expressed in orna-         upon him when he does not
new and more earnest turn was given to the
                                                       mentation drawn from nature, his creation                  want it."
movement—a turn that coincided with the reli-
                                                       Life – buildings should be made by human hands, so         ‘The Gothic ornament stands out in
gious revivals of the early 19th century and           that the joy of masons and stonecarvers is associated      prickly independence, & frosty forti-
that manifested itself in a spate of church            with the expressive freedom given them                     tude, jutting into crockets, & freezing
building in the Gothic style.                                                                                     into pinnacles; here starting up into a
                                                                              --From “The Lamp of Memory”
Existing Building Analysis
8hs                                                                        Daylight             New Use Idea                                             Renovation Idea
                                                              BLOCK A
1hs                                                                                   N

                                                                                                                                                      The special shape creates a bumpy effect on
                           15                                                                       The greenhouse can be on
                                                                                                                                                      the facade and increases the duration of
                                                                                                    the south side of the Block A.

                                                              BLOCK B, C


                                                                                          Block B faces the street in the south, can be formal           The south facade of Block B can be
                                                                                          learning areas, offices. But the other facets, as well as      covered with glass wall.
                                                                                          Block C, are barely exposed to sunlight and serve as
                                               BLOCK A                                    learning areas.

                                               BLOCK B

                                               BLOCK C

                                               BLOCK D
                                                              BLOCK D

      Block A-Vertical farming, Informal learning
      area, Tea room
      Block B-Shop, Store, Restaurant, Open
      Garden, Formal learning area
      Block C-Office, Formal learning area
                                                                                              Block D faces the street in the south, ground floor        Dig an atrium in the middle of the blockd to
      Block D-Formal Learning area                                                            can be a shop. The other space can be learning             solve the lighting problem.
Ventilation and Structure

          Ventilation          New Use Idea                                                               Renovation Idea


                                                                                                                                                           Upper Unoccupied
                        N                                                                     N

                                                                                                                                                           Lower   Occupied

                                                                                                                 Displacement ventilation

                                                                                                  Considering the ventilation needs during the epidemic
                            Toilets, kitchen can not be located in the tuyere, also can           period, the system can be installed in the room to the
                            not be in the place with strong sunlight.                             south of Block A.


                        N                                                                 N

                                                                                                       New structure of the greenhouse
                            The curving greenhouse space extends out of the existing
                            building, requiring the addition of new structural support.
Function of Existing Building

Formal Learning   Laboratory/   Office/ Meeting   IT Room      Store/ Shop
    Space          Workshop          Room

 Block A-Ground Floor                                   Block A-First Floor                            Block A-Third Floor                     Block A-Forth Floor

Block D-Ground Floor                                                          Block B,C-Second Floor                         Block B-Third Floor
Aesthetic Concept
Gothic constructions & patterns representing the Naturalism
 Deconstructing the Naturalist Spirit
 of the Victoria Building

The architect uses botanical patterns and
Gothic arches, Windows, gables and spires
to interpret naturalism. By deconstructing the
naturalistic spirit of the Victorian building, I
have abstracted these elements into Spaces
of different sizes or inside muscles or
arrangements. And used to disrupt and reor-
ganize the spatial order of existing buildings

Beauty – aspiration towards God expressed in
ornamentation drawn from nature, his creation
Life – buildings should be made by human
hands, so that the joy of masons and stone-
carvers is associated with the expressive free-
dom given them

     --Adapted from “The Lamp ofMemory”

The arch line, or curved shape of the arch,
serves as its moral character, with the forces
of gravity and weight from above being temp-
tations for the arch to stray from its intended
function. To protect the arch from these temp-
tations, the voussoirs, or the particular stones
of the arch, act as its protection against ruin.
The connection between man and arch is as
follows: “if either arch or man expose them-
selves to their special temptations or adverse
forces, outside of the voussoirs or proper and
appointed armor, both will fall.”

                 --Adapted from “Foundation”
Naturalistic Element in Facade
    the overall shape of Block A


            arch in the          a windows on                                               Then cut the massing with the shape   the sourth face            the west face
                                                First, the arch is used to generate a
         Victoria Building        the facade                                                 formed by the outer contour of the
                                                                                                 window to obtain the skin.

        the facade of Greenhouse in Block A

                                                                     Think about possible
                  three windows                  Rearrange the        space in three-di-     greenhouse outer skin
                   on the facade                  monomer.            mensional space

                                                                                                                                            the South Face

    the facade of Block B

                                                                                               the sourth face

                                                                                                                                            the West Face
Naturalistic Element in The Interior
 a part of Block D

 interior wall of semi-open learning area and the stair ofexhibition area in Block A


                                                                      interior wall of        the stair ofexhibition area
                                                                    semi-open learning

 the greenhouse in Block A

                                                                                                              or            +
Agricultural Activities and Architecture
                                                                                             cucumber        hearts of
                                                                                            sandwiches        lettuce

                                                                            egg and cress


                                                                                                   Petticoat Tails

    My project aims to build a community. It has a
  multi-storey vertical farm and tea room with DIY
   afternoon tea as the main activity. My concept is
  to use the process of DIY afternoon tea as a way                                          Victoria
   for people to communicate with agriculture and                                           sponge
                         others.                                           scones jam                           Berry
                                                                             clotted                           Tartlets
After studying the food and traditional decorations in afternoon tea, I      cream
  analyzed the ingredients. They can be roughly classified into three
 categories. One is plants can be used or eaten without processing
  after picking and washing. Like strawberries in Victoria Sponge or
                              roses in a vase.
The second category is foods that require a short amount of time to
process, like cooking. In this category there is letture and cream. The
processing of this kind of food needs to be extended later if it is put
into DIY activities. There is also a special food. Jam Jam is not a food    Fresh
           that can be processed right away, but it can still be.           roses
The third type of food is one that requires a lot of processing. In this                                   arranging
 case, it is the flour used to make bread. The process from wheat to
 flour is a DIY activity that cannot be completed in this community.
Plant in The Architecture
 Proportion of people that likes fruits and vegetables                                                Plant Arrangement
                              0.0           0.2              0.4            0.6         0.8     1.0

 The hottest floral in UK for 2020

   Black Baccara                      Caramel                                  Limonium
       Roses                         Carnations                                Beltlaard

       Menton                        Butterfly                              Limonium sinu-
    French Tulips                   Ranunculus                                atum Sinuet
                                                                            Honey Apricot

 The Planting Characteristics of The Plants



 Cucumber                                                                all       Strawberry
                   sunny no                                          less/solide
                   A shape

                                sunny and         all day sunlight
                                  shade                trelises
       Blueberry                                                            Raspberry
Plant Indoor

                       Pick fruits   and
Plant in Greenhouse    vegetab       les
( tasks of staffs or   whenever      and
volunteers)            wherever      you

 Plant Outdoor
Existing Building and Demolition

                                            In the ground floor, part of
                                            the facade facing the street
                                            was retained as a corridor
                                            connecting the external space
                                            and the internal space.

                            Ground Floor

                                           All the supporting structures,
                                           including the walls enclosing
                                           the columns, were retained.
                                           And the stairs are basically

       Existing Structure

                            South Face
New Street Elevation
Section   1:250
     Ground Floor                                                                                                                             1:250
            N                                                                              Lecture Room
                                                                                                                  Seminar Room
                                                                                                                                           Lecture Room

                                                                                                                   Open Learning

                                                                                                                                                    Seminar Room
                                                                                         Seminar Room

            Reading Space
Reseption                                                                Open Learning
                                       changing room                                        female               Open Garden

                                                       c h i l d cleam
                                                       room room                                male

                            Exhibition Area
        Lobby                                                            Lobby

                   Shop                       kitchen

                                                                                                                  Office           Store       Restaurant
                                               Open Bar                                                   Cafe

Plan                                                                                                                                                1:250
     First Floor

                                                                                     Lecture Room


                                                                       Pantry Room             Lobby

                                                                       Seminar Room
 Seminar Room    Seminar Room
                                                        Seminar Room               Clean Romm/
                                                                                   staff changing
                                                                        Class Room       room
                                Seminar Room

                                    Class Room
Reading Room                                                                                        storage    Store         Offuce            IT Room     Store   Offuce

                                                                                           Seminar Room       Seminar Room      Seminar Room
Plan                                                                                                                                                                                                             1:250
   Third Floor


                       Open Learning Area                                       Seminar Room
Seminar Room

                                                                                                                                    Staff changing room
 Seminar Room
                                                                                                                                                           Bar                                                      Workshop
                       Toilet                                                                                         Toilet
                                                                                                                                                                            Lobby                                                   Office
                                                                                                                                  Cleaning room                                               Laboratory
                                            Tea Room      DIY Kitchen

                                                                                                                                      Print Room
                                                                                                                   Seminar Room                                                                                                Meeting Room
   Greenhouse                                                                            Greenhouse
                                                                        Tea Room(open)
                Tea Room(open)                                                                                                                            Office   Office   Office   Office       Office   Office   Office
Plan                                          1:250
Fifth Floor


         Open Garden and Open Learning Area
Detail section
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