Listening and responding - Morrisons Corporate

Page created by Peter Hayes
Listening and responding - Morrisons Corporate
Listening and
     Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC
   Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19
Listening and responding - Morrisons Corporate
Contents                                     Strategy and approach                  Our focus areas                     Why it matters            Performance summary                   Assurance

                                                                                               About this report

This is Morrisons 13th Corporate                                                                                                                                                  Strategy and approach
                                                                                                                Our focus areas
Responsibility Report. It reports                                                                                                                                 About this report                                             2

on our corporate responsibility                                          Supporting             Authenticity,     Reducing, reusing and     Reducing waste
                                                                                                                                                                  We are food makers and shopkeepers                            3
                                                                                                                                                                  Farm to fork sustainability                                   4
programme progress and activity                                        British farmers      provenance and safety   recycling plastic        and emissions
                                                                                                                                                                  Chief Executive introduction                                  5
from the previous financial year.                                                                                                                                 2018/19 customer insight survey                               6
                                                                                                                                                                  What we’ve achieved in 2018/19                                8
This Report should be read together with our
                                                                                                                                                                  Understanding our changing world                              9
2018/19 Annual Report and Financial Statements,
                                                                                                                                                                  Our corporate responsibility strategy                        10
which can be found at:                                                                                                                       Working towards a global agenda                               11

Selected KPIs within this year’s Report have                                                                                                                                           Our focus areas
been independently assured by our auditors                                  p   12                     p   14                     p   16           p   18         Supporting British farmers                                    12
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP using ISAE 3000                                                                                                                        Ensuring food safety, quality and provenance                 14
(revised). The assurance statement can be found                                                                                                                   Reducing, reusing and recycling the plastic we use           16
on page 41 of this Report.                                               Reducing                    Our                     Sourcing      Supply chain working
                                                                                                                                                                  Reducing operational general waste and carbon emissions      18
                                                                        food waste               colleagues                 responsibly         conditions
Why corporate responsibility matters                                                                                                                              Reducing food waste                                          20
to Morrisons                                                                                                                                                      Looking after our colleagues                                 22
It’s about doing the right thing for our customers,                                                                                                               Sourcing responsibly                                         24
colleagues, suppliers, shareholders, society and                                                                                                                  Ensuring fair working conditions for workers in our          26
                                                                                                                                                                  supply chain
the environment. Doing so ensures we remain an
efficient and competitive business.                                                                                                                               Making it easier for our customers to live healthier lives   28
                                                                                                                                                                  Making a positive difference to the communities we serve     30
Creating a meaningful corporate responsibility
programme ensures transparency amongst our                                                                                                                                    Why it matters to Morrisons
                                                                            p   20                     p   22                     p   24           p   26
stakeholders and adds value to our business.                                                                                                                      Ongoing engagement with our stakeholders                     32
If you would like to comment on our corporate                                                                                                                     Embedding sustainability into our business                   33
responsibility programme, the report itself or any                                                Healthy
of the issues we highlight, please drop us a line at                                              eating                   Communities                                            Performance summary                                                                                                                                             Our focus areas in detail                                    34

                                                                                                                                                                  Assurance statement                                          41
                                                                                                                                                                  KPIs assured and basis of preparation                        43

                                                                                                       p   28                     p   30

Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                                                            2
Listening and responding - Morrisons Corporate
Contents                                     Strategy and approach                Our focus areas               Why it matters                    Performance summary             Assurance

                                                                       We are foodmakers and shopkeepers

We are a British born and bred,
value-led grocer. We have grown
from a market stall to the UK’s fourth
                                                                                                    18                                                              4.8%
largest supermarket group with
494 stores. We’re both food makers                                                                                                            494
and shopkeepers, which makes us                                                                                                                                        LFL

                                                                       Established in                                                                             sales increase
different from our competitors.                                                                  manufacturing
Our focus on fresh food is supported by our
‘farm to fork’ business model. We buy many of our
fresh products directly from farmers and fishermen,                    1899                                         distribution
                                                                                                                                                                                            underlying profit
                                                                                                                                                                                               before tax
process through our own manufacturing sites and
abattoirs and distribute through our own network,

the only British supermarket to do so. This gives us
more control over the provenance and quality of

the food we sell in our stores. We have more skilled
specialists on hand to prepare fresh food in store                                                                            trained butchers, bakers
than any other retailer, with over 9,000 fully trained                                                                            and fishmongers

craftspeople including butchers, bakers, fishmongers                                                                                                                  customers in store
                                                                                                                                                                     and online each week
and cheesemongers.
Every week, 12 million customers pass through                                       colleagues
our doors and shop online, and more than 100,000
colleagues across the business work hard each day
to deliver a great service. Our aim is to give our
customers more of what matters to them, offering
great quality food at low prices.

Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                                            3
Listening and responding - Morrisons Corporate
Contents                                     Strategy and approach                        Our focus areas                            Why it matters                            Performance summary                        Assurance

 Our value chain      Chief Executive introduction        Customer insight survey       Highlights      Global context    The SDGs     Strategy

                                                                                          Farm to fork sustainability
                                                                                                                   How we create value

                                                                                                                         What we rely on

                                                                                                                 Our value chain
                                                          18                                                                                                                                           75%
                                                    We own 18 fresh food                                                                                                                         of store colleagues
                                                    manufacturing sites                                                                                                                              are from the
                                                       across the UK                                                                                                                                  local area

                     Buy                                                   Make                                                Move                                                Sell                                            Consume

We work with thousands of suppliers both               We own 18 fresh food manufacturing sites             Products are moved through our national           Our skilled butchers, bakers, cheesemongers         Our colleagues work hard to minimise waste
in the UK and internationally to source food           across the UK, including our own abattoirs,          distribution network of 1,450 trailers from       and fishmongers provide a unique Market             every day. It makes commercial sense and
commodities as well as finished products.              where 8,000 skilled colleagues process and           manufacturing sites to our stores.                Street experience for our customers, selling        we know that our customers really care
We set high standards for the products we              create the fresh products our customers              Our stores are serviced by seven regional and     fresh British produce on our counters.              about this too.
buy to ensure they are sourced and produced            see on our shelves.                                  one national distribution centres.                The specialists are on hand to advise customers     At the outset of any product design, detailed
responsibly, to a high quality with safety always      Owning our own manufacturing sites gives             Through the use of state-of-the-art technology    on how best to store, prepare and cook the          consideration is given to the lifecycle of a
in mind.                                               us greater control of waste, makes the               in our lorries, route optimisation, increasing    food we sell and will prepare only the amount       product and its packaging so that it is fit for
We’re committed to buying fresh British                supply chain shorter and creates efficiencies,       trailer size and planning we are able to reduce   that customers need, which helps to reduce          purpose but also minimises materials, uses
produce where possible and directly from               minimising our environmental impact and              miles and the environmental impact of our         food waste in the home.                             recycled content where possible and can be
UK farmers and suppliers, contributing to the          ensuring authenticity, provenance and safety         products and services, as well as getting fresh   Our store colleagues reflect the local              easily recycled.
UK economy. We work with our suppliers to              of our products.                                     products into our stores faster.                  community we serve, with 75% of colleagues          We provide recycling facilities for our
keep them sustainable.                                                                                                                                        from the local area. We support and train our       customers at the front of our stores and car
Through our Wonky Veg range, we’ve relaxed                                                                                                                    colleagues to ensure they provide the best          parks and provide information on packaging
cosmetic specifications on fresh fruit and                                                                                                                    customer service and can build fulfilling careers   to customers on how to reduce food waste
vegetables helping suppliers to reduce                                                                                                                        within the organisation.                            in the home.
on-farm waste.                                                                                                                                                                                                    Any edible unsold food within our stores
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and sites is effectively redistributed to our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  partner organisations.

Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                                                                                                4
Listening and responding - Morrisons Corporate
Contents                                     Strategy and approach                    Our focus areas                       Why it matters                         Performance summary                    Assurance

 Our value chain      Chief Executive introduction       Customer insight survey    Highlights   Global context   The SDGs    Strategy

                                                                 Listening and learning from our customers

                                                                   The Morrisons turnaround is well on track with            We remain committed to providing clear and                Our innovative For Farmers range, where part of
                                                                   growth in sales, profit and customer satisfaction.        accurate labelling to our customers so they can make      the retail price goes directly back to farmers, has
                                                                   This is underpinned by our core purpose: to make          informed choices that are right for them. We know         generated an additional £12m income for farmers
                                                                   and provide food we’re all proud of, where everyone’s     just how important this is for customers who wish to      since it launched in 2015.
                                                                   effort is worthwhile, so more and more people can         avoid certain ingredients, which is why we have gone      In our stores, we continue to develop ‘Morrisons
                                                                   afford to enjoy eating well.                              beyond current legislative requirements to ensure         Makes it’ as a standalone brand, which is authentically
                                                                   This core purpose guides everything we do. It is          that all of our in-store produced products that           British fresh food, made by our skilled team of food
                                                                   integral to our Corporate Responsibility programme,       are pre-packed contain allergy advice on the label.       makers. We have ‘Morrisons Makes it’ fresh items
                                                                   which is responding to the issues that matter most        We’ve also developed new eLearning allergen               across all of Market Street and have expanded our
                                                                   to our customers.                                         modules for all colleagues in store.                      range of locally sourced products with another 140
                                                                   Our annual customer insight survey provides               ‘Reducing, recycling and reusing plastic’ now forms       local foodmakers selling their products in our stores.
                                                                   valuable feedback on corporate responsibility issues      one of our ten key focus areas for the Corporate          Listening and responding doesn’t stop at our survey.
                                                                   and helps us to shape our approach. The top three         Responsibility programme. Our ambition is to be           It’s what we do everyday as we continue to offer
                                                                   issues are unchanged from last year and demonstrate       a leading corporate in the fight to keep plastic in the   great value and quality products to our customers.
                                                                   the fundamental and enduring importance to our            economy and out of the environment, to be a beacon        As a result, we have developed new and popular
                                                                   customers of food safety, supporting British farmers,     of good practice for other companies, and to help         ranges over the last year such as our Too Good to
                                                                   and reducing plastic waste. The full results of this      more and more customers live their lives with less        Waste boxes, V Taste vegan range and Little Kitchen,
                                                                   survey can be found on page 6 of this Report.             reliance on plastic.                                      our healthy and balanced children’s ready meals.
                                                                   Food safety is our paramount concern. Being both          Over the last year, 9,000 tonnes of Morrisons             Thank you once again to all colleagues for making
                                                                   a fresh food manufacturer and a retailer means            branded plastic packaging has been eliminated             this happen.
                                                                   we have more control and traceability of our              or made widely recyclable. We removed 174m plastic
  “Listening and responding                                        supply chain than our competitors. We’re driving          produce bags for loose produce, replacing them
                                                                                                                             with paper bags. We also introduced a paper carrier
                                                                                                                                                                                       David Potts
  is what we do everyday as                                        continuous improvements in food safety across
                                                                   our manufacturing operations through our Culture          bag option to stores. This bag is sustainably sourced,
                                                                                                                                                                                       Chief Executive

  we continue to offer great                                       of Excellence audit programme, which has now              made in the UK and has a lower carbon footprint than
                                                                                                                             our reusable plastic bags. We estimate this move will
  value and quality products                                       completed its third year.
                                                                                                                             avoid an estimated 1,300 tonnes of plastic a year.
      to our customers.”                                                                                                     We continue to be British farming’s biggest direct
                                                                                                                             supermarket customer. We sell 100% Morrisons
                       David Potts                                                                                           branded fresh meat, milk and eggs in our stores.
                      Chief Executive                                                                                        Our commitment to British farming was recognised
                                                                                                                             at the 2018 Food and Farming Awards where we were
                                                                                                                             awarded Retailer of the Year.

Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                                                                          5
Listening and responding - Morrisons Corporate
Contents                                     Strategy and approach                  Our focus areas                        Why it matters   Performance summary            Assurance

 Our value chain      Chief Executive introduction       Customer insight survey   Highlights   Global context   The SDGs   Strategy

                                                                                     Listening to our customers
                                                             Listening and responding is central in helping to determine where we focus
                                                   our responsible business work. For the fourth year running we asked our customers for feedback.

We ask for feedback from our customers
                                                                       The top 10 issues that matter most to our customers                                                                     1
on various responsible business issues.
In early 2019, 4,000 customers were asked                                                                                                                 “Maintain and improve where
to complete our online survey.                                          1   ENSURING FOOD SAFETY                                                            possible all present standards,
                                                                                                                                                            keeping to honest labelling and
In the exercise, customers were shown several                                                                                                               environmental health standards.”
sets of statements and with each set they are asked                    =2   SUPPORTING BRITISH FARMERS
to select the options they consider to be the most
and least important. This provides each statement                      =2   REDUCING PLASTIC PACKAGING
with a score out of 100 based on its importance.
                                                                                                                                                              Morrisons customer
This year, we reviewed the list of issues in our
survey to ensure that we are using customer friendly                    4   ENSURING ANIMAL WELFARE
language. We also included three new issues:                                                                                                              2
Helping farmers to reduce their emissions; selling                      5   SELLING BRITISH PRODUCTS                                                      “The paper bags have been
vegan and plant-based products; and providing
accessible environments for customers with
                                                                                                                                                            a great introduction, keep it up
additional needs.                                                       6   REDUCING PACKAGING WASTE                                                        and continue decreasing the
The top 10 issues most important to our customers
                                                                                                                                                            amount of unnecessary plastic
have remained relatively consistent with our 2017/18                                                                                                        particularly for fruit and veg.”
                                                                        7   TRADING FAIRLY WITH SUPPLIERS
survey results. Ensuring animal welfare and selling
British products have moved up two places and
trading fairly with suppliers moving up three places.                   8   REDUCING FOOD WASTE                                                               Morrisons customer

                                                                        9   SELLING LOCALLY SOURCED PRODUCTS

                                                                       10   LOOKING AFTER EMPLOYEES

                                                                            0		105	210

                                                                                                                                                                        regular customers
                                                                                                                                                                          were surveyed
                                                                                                                                                                           (7,001 2017/18)

Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                               6
Listening and responding - Morrisons Corporate
Contents                                      Strategy and approach                       Our focus areas                               Why it matters                        Performance summary                 Assurance

 Our value chain      Chief Executive introduction       Customer insight survey        Highlights        Global context    The SDGs      Strategy

                                                                                           Listening to our customers
                                                                                                                           The top issues

                       1                                                  =2                                                      =2                                              4                                             5
               ENSURING                                             SUPPORTING                                             REDUCING                                         ENSURING                                      SELLING
              FOOD SAFETY                                         BRITISH FARMERS                                      PLASTIC PACKAGING                                 ANIMAL WELFARE                              BRITISH PRODUCTS

 Robust processes and clear labelling                  Working closely and supporting their                    Helping customers to live with less plastic      High standards within our supply chain       Increasing the amount of British products
 Trust is really important to our customers.           businesses                                              Customers want to see less plastic in our        There has been increased scrutiny of         we offer
 They expect us to be transparent                      Our customers are passionate about                      stores and on our products. They continue        practices in the meat and dairy sector in    By buying homegrown products
 with the products we sell, producing                    supporting British farming. They believe              to be concerned with the environmental           recent years. Our customers want to know     customers are reassured that
 them to the highest standards.                             in the high production standards                   and health impacts                               that the meat and dairy products they buy    it has been produced to
 Following the recent Pret a Manger                           of British products, they want to                of plastics and                                  have been produced to high animal welfare    high standards and they
 case on allergen labelling,                                   support the local economy, reduce               want us to                                       standards, where all farm animals are well   are supporting the
 customers rightly want clear and                               food miles and keep supply chains              do more.                                         cared for and treated with compassion        British economy.
 transparent labelling. They also                               short and transparent. They care                                                                throughout their lives. They are also
 want clear traceability back                                   about British farming and they want                                                             concerned with animal testing on products.
 to source.                                                     the British farming industry to thrive.

                      6                                                     7                                                       8                                             9                                           10
             REDUCING                                             TRADING FAIRLY                                             REDUCING                                   SELLING LOCALLY                                LOOKING AFTER
          PACKAGING WASTE                                         WITH SUPPLIERS                                            FOOD WASTE                                 SOURCED PRODUCTS                                  EMPLOYEES

 Using only what is necessary and recycling            A good working relationship                             Ensuring good food is never wasted               Supporting the local communities             Happy, engaged colleagues provide great
 Customers want it to be fit for purpose,              Customers want to know we are acting                    Customers want us to reduce food waste           and businesses surrounding our stores        customer service
 recyclable and made from recycled material            as a responsible retailer, treating suppliers           and where possible redistribute edible           Our customers want us to stock their         Customer service is driven by our
 wherever possible. They want us to reduce             fairly and with respect. They expect us to              surplus to those that need it. They want         favourite local products and brands.         colleagues. Providing them with the right
 the amount of packaging waste in our                  pay a fair price for the products we buy and            us to work with our suppliers to help            They want us to source as locally as         training and support, treating them fairly
 operations and in their homes.                        ensure a good working relationship.                     them reduce farm waste, through process          possible and give them the option to         and with respect has a positive impact on
                                                                                                               improvement or by selling new products           purchase products which support small        their engagement and their interaction with
                                                                                                               such as ‘Wonky Veg’ . They are increasingly      suppliers and the local economy.             customers and ultimately the service they
                                                                                                               interested in ‘nose-to-tail’ eating. They also                                                give our customers.
                                                                                                               want us to help them reduce food waste
                                                                                                               in their homes.

Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                                                                                       7
Listening and responding - Morrisons Corporate
Contents                                     Strategy and approach                  Our focus areas                        Why it matters          Performance summary       Assurance

 Our value chain      Chief Executive introduction       Customer insight survey   Highlights   Global context   The SDGs   Strategy

                                                                               What we’ve achieved in 2018/19

    CIWF                                                                                                                                     V Taste                          1,300
   Good Egg
                                                                reduction in operational
                                                                                                                given to farmers
                                                                                                                                                   vegan range
                                                                                                                                                    launched                   tonnes of plastic saved
                                                                                                                                                                          following the launch of our paper
                                                                   carbon emissions                        through For Farmers range                                                 carrier bag
    for our free range                                              (2005 baseline)                           since launch in 2015
    egg commitment

   173m                                                           100%
                                                                                                        of the
                                                                                                                                             £3.6m                               3.4m
                                                                                                                                                                           meals donated to charities and
     plastic produce                                       fresh British Morrisons branded                                                   raised for charity partner
                                                                                                                                                                            community groups through
      bags removed                                               meat, milk and eggs                                                                CLIC Sargent
                                                                                                       Food and Farming                                                     surplus food redistribution
       from stores                                                sold in our stores                                                               (2017/18: £3m)
                                                                                                            Awards                                                             (2017/18: 1.5m meals)

           £5.5m                                                2.45bn                               9,000
                                                                                                         tonnes of plastic
                                                                                                                                                      81%                         140
      donated to local causes through                              calories removed                   removed or made widely                           recyclable              new local food makers
          Morrisons Foundation                                  from Morrisons branded                    recyclable from                          Morrisons branded             selling products
             (2017/18: £10m)                                           products                         Morrisons branded                          plastic packaging                in our stores

Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                                          8
Listening and responding - Morrisons Corporate
Contents                                     Strategy and approach                       Our focus areas                       Why it matters                           Performance summary                  Assurance

 Our value chain      Chief Executive introduction       Customer insight survey       Highlights   Global context   The SDGs   Strategy

                                                                              Understanding our changing world

It’s important that we recognise
                                                                       Regulatory requirements                                  Climate change and                                         Population growth
and respond to the global challenges                                                                                            resource scarcity                                          and urbanisation
                                                                       The EU Non Financial Reporting Directive
and trends that society faces.                                         requires companies to disclose relevant, useful          Climate change is a direct result of human                 The world’s population is expected to reach over
From climate change and the finite resources of our                    information that is necessary to understand              activity, from population growth, demand and               nine billion people by 2050. It is also predicted
planet upon which we all depend on, to the human                       their development, performance, position                 consumption patterns increasing emissions into             we will see a shift in the way the world lives,
rights of workers who produce the products we sell,                    and the impact of their activity. These include          the atmosphere. It is already affecting the way            moving from rural areas in favour of urban.
we understand the role we can play as a responsible                    environmental; social and employee matters;              we live today, we see this through severe weather          These changes could have potential impacts
business to respond to these challenges.                               respect of human rights; and anti-corruption             patterns, rising temperatures and sea levels causing       environmentally, socially and economically.
                                                                       and bribery matters. The Modern Slavery Act              food and resource scarcity and devastation                 Business impact:
                                                                       requires commercial organisations supplying              to communities.                                            • Food security
                                                                       goods or services to prepare and publish an                                                                         • Increased agricultural production
                                                                                                                                Business impact:
                                                                       annual Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.          • Security of food supply                                  • Industrial adaptation
                                                                       Business impact:                                         • Loss of food quality through changing climate patterns   • Pressure on finite resources
                                                                       • Financial repercussions                                • Food price inflation                                     • Price increases
                                                                       • Reputational impact                                    • Loss of livelihoods for Morrisons suppliers              • Greater number of customers
                                                                       • Stakeholder scrutiny and engagement                    • New markets                                              • Increase in store openings
                                                                                                                                • Changing buying habits

 Human rights                                                          Increasing transparency                                  Demand for responsible goods                               Data security
 As a business, we are accountable for ensuring                        Our stakeholders rightly expect us to be                 Customer awareness and demand for responsibly              Customer and colleague privacy is extremely
 that the human rights of the people that                              transparent about how we operate. They want              made goods continues to grow. It’s our                     important. They rightly want to know exactly
 make and sell our products are protected.                             access to our policies on topical issues and             responsibility to ensure that the decisions we take        what kind of information we collect and how
 This includes fair working conditions, health and                     information on how strategic decisions are made          about how we operate and where we buy from                 it’s used. It’s important that we are transparent
 safety in the workplace, equal treatment and                          and how we are responding to business challenges.        are made with care. It’s about taking responsibility       about the data we keep, and the policies and
 respect for the diverse communities in which                          Business impact:                                         for as many stages of the production and supply            procedures we have in place in order to ensure
 we operate.                                                           • Reputational impact                                    chain as we are able to control or influence.              information security.
 Business impact:                                                      • Stakeholder scrutiny and engagement                    Business impact:                                           Business impact:
 • Reputational impact                                                 • Change in productivity                                 • Poorly managed supply chains and                         • Legal repercussions
 • Exploitation of vulnerable workers in our                                                                                      management systems                                       • Reputational impact
   supply chain                                                                                                                 • Illegal activity                                         • Poorly managed management systems
 • Liability for illegal activity                                                                                               • Security of supply                                       • Cost implications
                                                                                                                                • Poor quality goods                                       • Robust management systems
                                                                                                                                • Greater transparency

Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                                                                           9
Listening and responding - Morrisons Corporate
Contents                                     Strategy and approach                   Our focus areas                            Why it matters                          Performance summary       Assurance

 Our value chain      Chief Executive introduction       Customer insight survey    Highlights      Global context    The SDGs   Strategy

                                                                            Working towards a global agenda
                                                                                   Collaboration is the key to ensuring sustainable change.

 Why is it important?
                                                                                      Our focus areas                                             Our focus areas                              Our focus areas
 The UN Sustainable Development Goals officially                                      • Communities                                               • Helping British suppliers                  • Helping British suppliers
 came into force in 2015. The Goals universally                                       • Our colleagues                                            • Sourcing responsibly                       • Sourcing responsibly
 apply to all and aim to end all forms of poverty,
 fight inequalities, and tackle climate change on a
 global scale. These Goals can’t be realised without
 participation from all sectors including business.
 We recognise the importance of these Goals
 and the true value of collaboration in order to                                      Our focus areas                                             Our focus areas                              Our focus areas
 create change.                                                                       •   Helping British suppliers                               • Reduce carbon and waste                    •   Healthy customers
 At Morrisons, we want to address these global                                        •   Sourcing responsibly                                                                                 •   Reduce carbon and waste
 challenges in a meaningful way that is relevant and                                  •   Healthy customers                                                                                    •   Reduce food waste
                                                                                      •   Communities                                                                                          •   Sourcing responsibly
 aligned to our business strategy. We’ve reviewed
 our focus areas and ensured we are aligned to as
 many Goals as possible. As the use of the Goals
 develops we will adapt and build connections
                                                                                      Our focus areas                                             Our focus areas                              Our focus areas
 so that we stay connected to best practice
                                                                                      • Authenticity, provenance                                  • Supplier working conditions                • Helping British suppliers
 where possible.
                                                                                        and safety                                                • Our colleagues                             • Sourcing responsibly
                                                                                      • Our colleagues                                                                                         • Reduce carbon and waste
                                                                                      • Healthy customers

                                                                                      Our focus areas                                             Our focus areas                              Our focus areas
                                                                                      • Our colleagues                                            • Communities                                • Helping British suppliers
                                                                                                                                                  • Our colleagues                             • Sourcing responsibly
                                                                                                                                                  • Supplier working conditions                • Reduce carbon and waste

                                                                                      Our focus areas                                             Our focus areas
                                                                                      • Our colleagues                                            • Reduce carbon and waste
                                                                                                                                                  • Reduce food waste

Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                                                         10
Contents                                     Strategy and approach                   Our focus areas                            Why it matters             Performance summary    Assurance

 Our value chain      Chief Executive introduction       Customer insight survey    Highlights   Global context   The SDGs       Strategy

                                                                         Our Corporate Responsibility strategy
                                        This Report provides details on our progress against our ten key focus areas, the challenges and opportunities
                                                and how we are aligning to our customer insight survey results and towards a global agenda.

               Supporting                                Authenticity, provenance                          Reducing, reusing and                       Reducing waste                   Reducing
             British farmers                                   and safety                                    recycling plastic                          and emissions                  food waste


      Working with our suppliers to                            Traceability and integrity                      Changing the way we                  Reducing operational impact    Following the food waste
    keep them competitive, profitable                           of the products we buy.                     use plastics on our products              and creating efficiencies.   hierarchy to reduce, reuse
            and sustainable.                                                                                   and in our operations.                                                     and recycle.

                        p  12                                              p   14                                       p   16                                  p   18                        p   20

           Looking after our                                            Sourcing                           Supply chain working                   Helping customers to live        Supporting local
              colleagues                                               responsibly                              conditions                             healthier lives              communities

           Train, engage and retain                       Working with our suppliers to                    Protection of workers’ rights           Helping our customers to make   Supporting causes that
         our people to provide great                  improve how they source their products                  and good relationships                     healthier choices.        matter to our customers
              customer service.                             with sustainability in mind.                          with suppliers.                                                      and colleagues.

                       p   22                                              p   24                                       p   26                                  p   28                        p   30

Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                                            11
Contents                                     Strategy and approach                   Our focus areas                        Why it matters                        Performance summary                    Assurance

 Supporting British      Food safety      Plastics    Carbon and waste   Food waste    Our colleagues   Source responsibly    Supplier working conditions   Healthier lifestyles   Communities

                                                                                      Supporting British farmers

We know our customers care about                                                           OUR COMMITMENTS AND PERFORMANCE SUMMARY
buying affordable British products.                                                                                                                                                     Our approach
British farming is also essential to our                                                                                                                                                We buy animals and whole crops direct from

                                                                                                                                                                                        British farmers.
business as it keeps supply chains
short and efficient.                                                     CIWF Good Egg                                                                                                  Owning our own abattoirs, manufacturing and

It’s important that we support suppliers
                                                                            Award                                                                                                       packing facilities enables us to utilise the whole
                                                                                                                                                                                        animal and all of the crop, meaning farmers get
to create affordable and high quality                                                                                                     Donated to                                    a fair price and we’re reducing waste.
products for our customers. 100% fresh                                                                                                 farmers through                                  Our Farming Programme also works with
Morrisons branded meat, milk and eggs                                                                                                 For Farmers range                                 producers to promote profitable, responsible

                                                                                                                                                                                        farming through collaboration and supply
are sourced from British farms.                                                                                                          (2017/18: £9m raised)
                                                                                                                                                                                        chain initiatives.

                                                                                         own brand                                         Retailer
                                                                                      fresh meat, milk                                of the Year at the                                  “We are delighted that Morrisons will

                                                                                          and eggs                                    Food and Farming                                      be investing in Arla UK 360 across its
                                                                                                                                                                                            entire Arla milk supply meaning around
                                                                                                                                           Awards                                           200 farmers will benefit from their
                                                                                                                                                                                            additional support.”
 UN Sustainable Development Goals alignment
                                                                                                                                                                                          Arthur Fearnall
                                                                                                                                                                                          Board of Directors, Arla
                                                                                                                                      All own brand
                                                                                                                                  fresh shell eggs will be
 Customer insight survey 2018/19 ranking
                                                                                                                                     cage free by 2022
   2    SUPPORTING BRITISH FARMERS (2017/18: 2nd)                                                                                      and ingredients by 2025
   4    ANIMAL WELFARE (2017/18: 6th)

   5    SELLING BRITISH PRODUCTS (2017/18: 7th)




Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                                                                         12
Contents                                     Strategy and approach                         Our focus areas                          Why it matters                          Performance summary                      Assurance

 Supporting British      Food safety      Plastics    Carbon and waste         Food waste     Our colleagues    Source responsibly     Supplier working conditions    Healthier lifestyles     Communities

                                                                                            Supporting British farmers

2018/19 activity                                                   Red Tractor standards                                             Antibiotic use in farming                                    We have upgraded our bolt-on audits for Red
                                                                   All Morrisons branded fresh meat and milk is assured              The UK livestock industry has reduced the amount             Tractor Pork to include a requirement to provide
Morrisons farming programme                                                                                                                                                                       more enrichment materials above the current Red
                                                                   to Red Tractor standards which is the largest                     of antibiotics it uses by 40%. In our own supply chain,
We buy directly from 3,500 British farmers and                     food standards scheme in the UK covering animal                   as of 2019, no pigs coming to our abattoirs for our          Tractor standard.
growers and we’re the only retailer with our own                   welfare, food safety, traceability and environmental              fresh pork range have received a ‘critically important
livestock buyers. This gives us unique insight into the                                                                                                                                           Dairy beef
                                                                   protection. We are also members of the Red Tractor                antibiotic’; other species groups only use ‘critical’
issues affecting farm production.                                                                                                                                                                 Working with farmers, we process reared dairy bulls
                                                                   Boards for Poultry and Produce, contributing to the               antibiotics as a treatment of last resort. We monitor
                                                                                                                                                                                                  through our abattoirs, preventing calves being killed
Our farming programme covers a broad range of                      ongoing development of standards for these species.               antibiotic use in all species groups.
                                                                                                                                                                                                  at birth or exported live for continental veal markets.
issues to keep British products competitive and farm                                                                                 We stand by the Responsible Use of Medicines in
                                                                   360 scheme                                                                                                                     We have placed over 20,000 cattle on farm since the
businesses sustainable. We meet supply chain farming                                                                                 Agriculture Alliance’s definition of routine use of
                                                                   We are the first retailer to sign 100% of our fresh                                                                            scheme started in 2016. We are taking part in a best
groups in each sector regularly to discuss practical                                                                                 antibiotics and have asked our supply chain to ensure
                                                                   milk supply to Arla UK’s 360 scheme, committing                                                                                practice project for dairy beef rearing with the Royal
issues affecting suppliers and their concerns for                                                                                    they are not routinely using antibiotics when they are
                                                                   to supporting high standards in animal welfare,                                                                                Agricultural University and run a ‘best practice’ birth
the future.                                                                                                                          not needed.
                                                                   environmental management, staff development                                                                                    to finish working group with our milk supplier, Arla,
Local Foodmakers and regional ranges                               and business resilience. The programme includes                   We are members of the British Retail Consortium’s            calf company Buitelaar, Woodheads and Morrisons.
Our Local Foodmakers campaign searches for the                     veterinary support and mentoring as well as delivering            working group on antimicrobial resistance and                Recognition
best local suppliers and their products to stock in                best practice standards in grazing, recycling of farm             the IGD’s Strategic Steering Group for controlling           Our activity to promote, support and strengthen
our stores. This allows customers to buy more local                waste and using artificial intelligence in animal care.           antibiotic use in the food supply chain.                     British farming was recognised by our receiving
food which is made within 35 miles of their local
                                                                   Sponsorship                                                       Shorthorn beef                                               ‘Retailer of the Year’ at the Food and Farming Awards
store. The campaign has introduced 140 new Local
                                                                   For the second year running, we supported #Farm24                 The British Shorthorn was once a protected rare breed.       at the House of Commons in November 2018.
Foodmakers and 680 new products to Morrisons
                                                                   online and through our social media channels. This                We found from our research that the meat eating              We received a ‘Good Egg Award’ from Compassion
stores across the UK.
                                                                   year the event received over five million impressions             quality of this breed was high. By offering to pay           in World Farming in June 2018 for our work in bringing
We continue to promote regional ranges from                        on the day in its aim to increase awareness of the                a premium for the British Shorthorn, this encouraged         forward our commitment to only use eggs from
South West beef to Yorkshire pork and Welsh lamb                   British farming industry.                                         farmers to invest in it. Shorthorn beef is now well          hens not grown in cages. We also moved into Tier 2
to Scottish mackerel. We have opened business                                                                                        established in our ‘Best’ range and we continue              in the 2018 Business Benchmark for the Farm Animal
opportunities for breeds and farm areas as part of                                                                                   to work with the society to grow breed numbers.              Welfare survey.
our Best ranges including Hampshire pork, Dartmoor                              PROMOTING BRITISH FARMING                            We met a large group of our Shorthorn producers
lamb and ‘Bee Friendly’ Yorkshire eggs. We worked                                                                                    in Autumn 2018 to work through the challenge of
with Traditional Norfolk Poultry to launch a new                       We continue to sell 100% fresh British own brand              antibiotic recording and measurements for the sector.
Marbury Red turkey for Christmas 2018.                                 meat and milk in our stores throughout the year.
                                                                       Supporting British farming contributes                        Animal welfare
                                                                       to the UK economy, it means we’re                             Environmental enrichment                                                        WHAT’S NEXT
                                                                       closer to source allowing us to secure
                                                                                                                                     Environmental enrichment materials help animals
                                                                       the best suppliers creating brand                                                                                                         Continued environmental
                                                                       integrity and trust amongst our
                                                                                                                                     and birds express their normal rooting and nesting
                                                                                                                                     behaviours. We have started research trials in the                        enrichment work into 2019-20
                                                                                                                                     broiler and laying hen sector to explore which                             Relaunch of regional ranges
                                                                                                                                     enrichment materials would work better for birds,
                                                                                                                                     in what quantities and why.                                             Continued Local Foodmaker events

Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                                                                                    13
Contents                                     Strategy and approach                      Our focus areas                        Why it matters                        Performance summary                  Assurance

 Supporting British      Food safety      Plastics    Carbon and waste      Food waste    Our colleagues   Source responsibly    Supplier working conditions   Healthier lifestyles   Communities

                                                             Ensuring food safety, quality and provenance

It is a priority that our products and                                                        OUR COMMITMENTS AND PERFORMANCE SUMMARY
services meet stringent food safety and                                                                                                                                                    Our approach

                                                                                                                                                  3rd year
legal standards.                                                                                                                                                                           We set high standards for our own brand

This significantly reduces risk and meets                                All labels on our                                                                                                 suppliers, manufacturing sites and stores to
                                                                                                                                                                                           ensure the delivery of safe and legal products
customer expectation for quality and value.                            pre-packed in-store                                                                                                 that meet the demands of our customers.
We must source from suppliers we know                                  produced products                                                        of Culture of                              All manufacturing sites of Morrisons own
and trust, providing clear transparency and                              contain allergy                                                   Excellence programme                            brand food and drink must meet our food
                                                                                                                                                                                           manufacturing standard and maintain
traceability back to source.                                           advice on the label                                                   in manufacturing                              certification against the British Retail
                                                                       (excluding single ingredient                                                                                        Consortium (BRC) Global Standard for Food
                                                                            unprocessed meat)                                                                                              Safety, which is internationally recognised.

                                                                                                                                                 supplier visits
                                                                                                                                                by our ‘at source’
                                                                                                                                                produce experts

 UN Sustainable Development Goals alignment

 Customer insight survey 2018/19 ranking
                                                                                 4th year
   1    ENSURING FOOD SAFETY (2017/18 1st)
                                                                                  below FSA’s
                                                                               retailer target on
   15   ACCURATE PRODUCT LABELLING (2017/18: 16th)
                                                                             campylobacter levels                                         Allergens training
                                                                                                                                            rolled out to all
                                                                                                                                          colleagues in store

Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                                                                        14
Contents                                     Strategy and approach                      Our focus areas                         Why it matters                           Performance summary                      Assurance

 Supporting British      Food safety      Plastics    Carbon and waste      Food waste    Our colleagues    Source responsibly     Supplier working conditions     Healthier lifestyles     Communities

                                                             Ensuring food safety, quality and provenance

2018/19 activity                                                   International ‘at source’ teams                               In 2018, we responded to FIIN recommendations                 Audits were completed at all 18 manufacturing sites
                                                                   We have a team of ‘at source’ produce experts                 to up-weight our surveillance testing of organic              with a 10% increase in colleague engagement seen
Traceability to farm                                                                                                             products, oils, rice, wine and coffee.                        from 2017 to 2018 and the overall score increasing
                                                                   helping us to work more effectively with farmers
Every fresh Morrisons branded meat product can                     in Spain, Chile, Holland, South Africa and Peru.                                                                            year on year from 71 to 72%.
be traced back to source. Unique codes on packs                                                                                  Acrylamide
                                                                   In 2018/19, our ‘at source’ team conducted over                                                                             All sites are now working on their 2019 action plans
refer to the manufacturing site where it was                                                                                     Acrylamide is a chemical substance formed when
                                                                   5,000 supplier visits.                                                                                                      to further improve their site’s food safety and
processed and the farms that supplied the livestock.                                                                             starchy foods, such as potatoes and bread, are
                                                                   Recipe management                                             cooked at high temperatures above 120°C. We have              quality culture.
Campylobacter                                                                                                                    updated our Technical Policy for Acrylamide Control,
                                                                   All Market Street recipes are being entered onto                                                                            BRC Standard Version 8 which launched 1st February
Since 2013, we have been working hard to reduce                    Morrisons’ Recipe system. As well as improving                to reflect legislation that came into force in April          2019 now also includes a clause covering food safety
campylobacter levels in fresh own brand chicken.                   the control of recipes, the system increases the              2018, and have verified that affected suppliers comply        culture and sites are required to be taking action to
We have worked with our suppliers to implement                     robustness of the process to ensure allergens present         with the new standards. We have worked with                   improve. Having been auditing, measuring and putting
a detailed Campylobacter Action Plan which has                     are correctly declared on product labels. It also             stakeholders in Market Street and Cafe to ensure we           actions in place to drive improvement since 2016 our
successfully reduced campylobacter levels in                       provides nutritional content and full ingredients lists       are meeting legal duties and can show that acrylamide         sites are in a great place to demonstrate compliance
our chickens.                                                      for each product.                                             levels are as low as reasonably achievable.                   to this new clause.
Overall for 2018 only 0.4% of our chickens had the                                                                               Horizon scanning
                                                                   The Food Industry Intelligence Network (FIIN)                                                                               Morrisons Supplier Microbiology Forum
higher levels of contamination from a total of 498
                                                                   We are active members of the expert Technical                 We maintain an active horizon scanning programme.             Our group of food safety experts, brought
chickens tested.
                                                                   Steering Group which evaluates the ‘big picture’              Since January, this scrutiny has identified issues in         together from of our supply base and our own
                                                                   of all participant’s testing activity, addresses              the industry including fraudulent treatment of low            in-house expertise, have continued to share best
                                                                   the vulnerability of specific categories and issues           grade tuna to upgrade its visual appearance, illegal          practices, identify industry issues and emerging
                                                                   formal recommendations for increased vigilance.               pesticides in tea, celery leaf in parsley and undeclared      microbiological risks.
                                                                                                                                 sugar addition to apple juice. This has allowed us
                                                                                                                                                                                               The forum has developed several valuable guidance
                                                                                                                                 to determine our exposure to the issue and take
                                                                                                                                                                                               documents for our suppliers on practical food safety,
                                                                                                                                 corrective action.
                                                ALLERGEN INFORMATION                                                                                                                           including determination of safe shelf lives and on
                                                                                                                                 Safe and legal compliance in store                            maintenance and monitoring of factory hygiene,
 We have seen significant increased          All of our in-store produced products    We have also developed a new               We are working with the Food Standards Agency                 which have been well-received by our supplier base.
 awareness of allergens amongst our          that are pre-packed contain allergy      simplified procedure for managing          (FSA) on Regulating our Future, which is a strategy
 customers and colleagues as a result        advice on the label (excluding single    allergens which has been introduced        to improve the way food businesses are regulated.
 of the high profile Pret a Manger           ingredient unprocessed meat).            into store staff rooms. Within our         The current model of food inspections is one size
 case in 2018.                               We have developed a new eLearning        Bakery department, ‘What Good
                                                                                                                                 fits all. The FSA wants a flexible, risk-based approach
                                             module for our stores on Allergens       Looks Like’ modules have been
                                                                                                                                 that is fit for the future and takes into account the
                                             and Unauthorised ingredients.            introduced to help prevent
                                                                                                                                 changes in the food industry, such as online retailers                      2019/20 AND BEYOND
                                                                                      mis-labelling incidents.
                                                                                                                                 and food delivery services.
                                                                                                                                                                                                        All Morrisons Market Street products,
                                                                                                                                 Culture of Excellence
                                                                                                                                                                                                     made in store will be entered on to the recipe
                                                                                                                                 We ran the Culture of Excellence Audit programme                                management system
                                                                                                                                 for the third year in manufacturing to access our
                                                                                                                                 current food safety and quality culture and drive                 Continued work to reduce campylobacter levels
                                                                                                                                 continuous improvement.

Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                                                                                  15
Contents                                     Strategy and approach                    Our focus areas                        Why it matters                        Performance summary                   Assurance

 Supporting British      Food safety      Plastics    Carbon and waste    Food waste    Our colleagues   Source responsibly    Supplier working conditions   Healthier lifestyles   Communities

                                                      Reducing, reusing and recycling the plastic we use

Plastic has many useful properties                                                          OUR COMMITMENTS AND PERFORMANCE SUMMARY
across a number of industries. In food                                                                                                                                                   Our approach

retail, it can play an important part in                                                                                                                                                 We have a responsibility to do the right
protecting and prolonging the shelf life of                              PEFC certified reusable                                                                                         thing for our customers. It’s important we’re
a product, helping to significantly reduce                                  paper carrier bag                                                                                            moving towards a circular plastics economy
                                                                                                                                                                                         model; reducing, reusing and recycling
food waste.                                                                launch announced                                              plastic produce                                 where possible.
However, we know our industry needs                                                                                                       bags removed                                   Our ambition is to be a leading corporate
to urgently change the way it produces,                                                                                                                                                  in the fight to keep plastic in the economy
                                                                                                                                                                                         and out of the environment, to be an example

uses and disposes of plastic. By 2050, there                                                                                                                                             of what good looks like to other corporates
will be more plastic in the ocean than fish.                                                                                                                                             and to help more and more customers live
Stakeholder pressure to act on plastic                                                                                                                                                   their lives with less reliance on plastic.
continues to grow. The Government’s                                                                                             tonnes of unrecyclable
recent 25 year Environmental Plan and
Waste and Resources strategy has a clear
                                                                                                                              polystyrene removed from
focus on plastic waste and producer                                                                                           Morrisons branded products

 UN Sustainable Development Goals alignment                               tonnes of plastic
                                                                       removed or made widely
                                                                                                                                                                                           “Morrisons’ work to reduce plastic
                                                                                                                                                                                             is a great example of how well the

 Customer insight survey 2018/19 ranking
                                                                                                                                                                                             company is serving its stakeholders and
   2    REDUCING PLASTIC PACKAGING (2017/18 3rd)                                                                                                                                             contributing to the UK Plastics PACT.”
                                                                                                                                                                                           Marcus Gover
   6    REDUCING PACKAGING WASTE (2017/18: 4th)
                                                                           Morrisons branded                                                                                               CEO, WRAP
                                                                          plastic packaging is
        ENCOURAGING RECYCLING (2017/18: 15th)

                                                                          recyclable by weight

Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                                                                     16
Contents                                     Strategy and approach                         Our focus areas                           Why it matters                             Performance summary                       Assurance

 Supporting British      Food safety      Plastics    Carbon and waste         Food waste      Our colleagues   Source responsibly      Supplier working conditions      Healthier lifestyles       Communities

                                                      Reducing, reusing and recycling the plastic we use

2018/19 focus                                                      branded suppliers on suitable alternatives to plastic             Tackling marine litter                                            External recognition
                                                                   straws on cartons.                                                Abandoned, lost and discarded fishing gear constitutes            Morrisons was ranked the best for recyclable
Over the last year, 9,000 tonnes of Morrisons brand
                                                                   In 2018/19 we trialled increasing the number of loose             around 10% of all marine litter and continues to be               packaging by the consumer group Which? following
primary packaging has been removed or made
                                                                   fruit and vegetables on Market Street in three stores.            a challenge for the fishing sector. We continue to                an investigation into the recyclability of plastic
widely recyclable.                                                                                                                   be supporting members of the Global Ghost Gear                    packaging at supermarkets.
                                                                   Working with WRAP and Defra, we’ve analysed
UK Plastic PACT                                                    the overall environmental impact of this initiative.              Initiative which is helping to understand this issue and          In July 2018, The British Growers Association
Morrisons was a founder member of the UK Plastics                  In addition to this trial, we’ve also have removed                are engaging with stakeholders to help understand how             published a survey on the packaging of fresh produce
PACT, a collaborative commitment which joins up                    plastic wrap from fresh swede, British summer season              we can introduce best practice in our supply chains.              in UK food retail. The survey used data from British
all stakeholders in the plastics system – businesses,              cucumbers, asparagus and rhubarb.                                                                                                   Grower’s Produce View market intelligence survey
Government, local authorities, environmental                                                                                                                                                           providing an independent overview of fresh fruit
organisations, and the wider public to ensure that                                                                                                                                                     and vegetable packaging type by category and
all plastic packaging will be recyclable, reusable or                                              HELPING OUR CUSTOMERS TO REDUCE AND RECYCLE                                                         retailer. Findings from this survey revealed Morrisons
compostable by 2025. Within the Plastics PACT we                                                                                                                                                       over-trades in loose compared to its share of
                                                                       Recycling information                    Carrier bags                             Reuse and refill                              the market.
are active members of Single Use Plastics, Citizens
                                                                       Currently, 81% of Morrisons branded      Alongside the removal of the             To help our customers reduce
Engagement and Reporting working groups.                                                                                                                                                               Morrisons was placed 2nd out of 10 UK supermarkets
                                                                       products are recyclable by weight.       5p plastic carrier bag, which has        single use plastic on Market Street,
Details of our Plastics PACT commitments can be                        ‘Widely Recycled’ Morrisons branded      removed 192m plastic bags per year,      customers are able to bring their own         in a survey conducted by the Environmental
found on page 35.                                                      products have increased by 3%.           in early 2019 we also announced          reusable containers to our Butchery           Investigation Agency and Greenpeace on supermarket
                                                                       We have also seen a reduction in         the launch of our paper carrier bag      and Fishmonger counters.                      plastics. The survey, believed to be the largest ever
Reducing the amount of plastic we use on                               ‘Recycle with carrier bags at larger     option. These bags are 100% PEFC                                                       conducted among UK retailers, ranks supermarkets
our products                                                                                                                                             We are trialling an initiative where
                                                                       stores’ by 3% following our decision     accredited, suitable for reuse and can                                                 based on the volume of single-use plastic packaging
                                                                                                                                                         customers can use refillable/reusable
25% reduction by 2025                                                  to remove single use carrier bags        ultimately be recycled at kerbside.                                                    they put into the market, their targets to reduce
                                                                                                                                                         containers at our Nuts, Seeds and
We announced our target to reduce own brand primary                    from our stores. For a full breakdown                                                                                           plastic packaging, and their approach to tackling
                                                                                                                Loose produce paper bags                 Dried Fruit in two stores.
plastic packaging by 25% by 2025 against a 2017 baseline.              of our plastic use, please refer to                                                                                             plastic pollution across their supply chains.
                                                                                                                We have removed plastic bags             We offer customers the option to
We will achieve this through a variety of methods                      page 35 of this Report.                  for loose fruit and vegetables and       refill their water bottles in our stores
including packaging optimisation, ‘right-weighting’                    It is a requirement that all own brand   replaced them with paper bags in         and have installed drinking fountains
or removal of unnecessary materials and innovation                     packaging must now carry On Pack         all stores. This removes 174m plastic    into our new stores to make this even
as well as concentrated and compressed packaging.                      Recycling Label (OPRL) labelling to      bags, which is the equivalent of 269     easier. We promote this service in our
In 2018/19, we achieved a 5% like-for-like reduction in                help our customers to easily identify    tonnes of plastic.                       stores and on the mobile app, Refill.
plastic use.                                                           what can and can’t be recycled.          Reverse vending machines                 #LeedsByExample
Removing problematic plastics                                          We’ve also introduced new front-         We are trialling reverse vending         We were part of a behaviour change
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         WHAT’S NEXT?
                                                                       of-pack recycling logos for plastic      machines for plastic bottles and
We have removed expanded polystyrene across                                                                                                              initiative called #LeedsByExample,
                                                                       packaging suitable for products that     drinks cans in three of our stores.                                                           Continued removal of problematic plastic
all Morrisons branded food and drinks products.                                                                                                          which aimed to increase recycling of
                                                                       can either be recycled at kerbside or    Customers receive Morrisons More                                                                         to complete target
During 2019, we will continue to phase out remaining                                                                                                     on-the-go food and drink packaging
                                                                       at recycling points in store.            card points or can choose to donate
black plastic, expanded polystyrene and rigid PVC                                                                                                        in the city of Leeds. Findings from                      Reduction of unnecessary plastic
across all our products.                                                                                        the cash alternative to our charity      this initiative will be shared with
                                                                                                                partner, CLIC Sargent for each           Government to see how the most                     To increase visibility of OPRL on our products
We no longer sell boxed plastic straws or provide free                                                          container brought back.                  successful elements can replicated
plastic drinking straws to our customers in our cafes                                                                                                    into other UK cities and towns.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Increase recyclability and recycled
or barista bars. This has removed over 65m plastic                                                                                                                                                                     content in our products
straws from our stores. We’re working with Morrisons

Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                                                                                         17
Contents                                     Strategy and approach                    Our focus areas                        Why it matters                        Performance summary                    Assurance

 Supporting British      Food safety      Plastics    Carbon and waste    Food waste    Our colleagues   Source responsibly    Supplier working conditions   Healthier lifestyles   Communities

                                         Reducing operational general waste and carbon emissions

Climate change significantly affects                                                        OUR COMMITMENTS AND PERFORMANCE SUMMARY
our business through its impacts on                                                                                                                                                      Our approach

agricultural yields, food prices and supply.                                                                                                                                             We were the first major supermarket to be
                                                                                                                                                                                         awarded the Carbon Trust standard in 2008
It’s important that we minimise                                                                                                                                                          based on a range of activity at the time which
environmental risks to our business,                                                                                                                                                     we continue to this day.
protect natural capital and create                                                                                                   store waste diverted                                Reducing our impact is part of good
efficiencies. As a food maker it is also                                                                                                 from landfill                                   shopkeeping. It makes sense not only from
                                                                                                                                                                                         an environmental perspective, it also ensures
important that we show respect and
                                                                                                                                                                                         efficiency throughout our operations.
value for the food we serve to our
customers, whilst operating efficient
supply chains.                                                                                                                    Energy efficient fridge

                                                                                       45%                                        doors fitted in new and
                                                                                                                                    refurbished stores
                                                                         reduction in operational
                                                                            carbon emissions
                                                                                  (2005 baseline)

 UN Sustainable Development Goals alignment

                                                                            Continued rollout
                                                                           of CO2 refrigeration
                                                                                                                                                                                           “Corporates have a significant role to
 Customer insight survey 2018/19 ranking                                                                                                                                                     play on climate change. It’s good to see
                                                                                                                                                                                             that Morrisons have taken a long term
   5    REDUCING PACKAGING WASTE (2017/18: 4th)                                                                                                                                              view and are now looking to align their
                                                                                                                                                                                             carbon emissions to climate change by
   15   ENCOURAGING RECYCLING (2017/18: 15th)                                                                                                                                                following a science based pathway.”
   21   REDUCING OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT (2017/18: 18th)
                                                                          Voltage optimisation                                                                                             Mark Reynolds
                                                                         and LED lighting rollout                                                                                          Carbon Trust

Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                                                                      18
Contents                                     Strategy and approach                         Our focus areas                             Why it matters                             Performance summary                        Assurance

 Supporting British      Food safety      Plastics    Carbon and waste         Food waste      Our colleagues   Source responsibly        Supplier working conditions       Healthier lifestyles     Communities

                                         Reducing operational general waste and carbon emissions

2018/19 activity                                                   Trim control                                                        Logistics                                                        • New fleet investment: This year we have replaced
                                                                   We have installed trim heat control boxes to our                    Within logistics, we are undertaking a number                      50 units with the latest Euro 6 technology, these
Voltage optimisation and LED                                                                                                                                                                              new units have shown a much-improved miles
                                                                   frozen cases in six stores, with a plan to rollout to               of activities designed to reduce the distance we
We are rolling out voltage optimisation units                      a further 200 stores in 2019/20. Trim heaters have                  travel and the fuel we burn while delivering food to               to the gallon. Over two thirds of the fleet is now
and LED lighting upgrades across retail, logistics                 been fitted to frozen food cabinets of both full and                our stores.                                                        equipped with this latest technology.
and manufacturing. We have installed voltage                       half glass door cabinets. The heaters reduce power                                                                                   • Network efficiency: Between sites, we have
optimisation units at 46 stores where we are achieving                                                                                 These initiatives include:
                                                                   consumption when installed, reducing the demand                                                                                        awarded the transport operations for our National
approximately 4% savings in electricity consumption.               for heat around the frozen glass doors.                             • Trip reduction: By increasing the use of Double                  Distribution centre to Eddie Stobart Ltd. Working in
We have also upgraded lighting from fluorescent                                                                                          Deck trailers and maximising the vehicle fill on our             partnership we have been able to increase the
to LED or improved lighting control in 46 stores.                  Remote monitoring                                                     Extended Length trailers we have been able to                    efficiency of inter-depot transport leading to better
Additionally, LED lighting is upgraded through our                 We have set up two remote functions to control                        reduce the number of trips we make to stores to                  use of trucks and trailers on the roads.
store fresh look programme.                                        energy usage across our refrigeration and heating                     deliver the same volume. We continue to be the
                                                                   ventilation and air conditioning systems in retail.                   largest operator of extended trailers in the UK and            Waste in stores
Refrigeration                                                                                                                            are actively seeking partners who operate similar              We aim for zero waste direct to landfill in our
                                                                   The teams use real-time data and asset alarms to solve
34 stores across the estate now have fridges fitted                issues quickly, have close control of performance and                 assets to support our operations.                              stores. We operate a strong reduction and recycling
with doors to reduce energy consumption, with                      usage and trial new ways to save energy. This allow us              • Driving styles: By using our vehicle telematics                programme treating waste as a resource and work
estimated energy savings of around 30-40%. We will                 to move towards predictive maintenance and remove                     system we have improved the average miles to                   with our waste contractors to maximise reprocessing.
continue to rollout fridges with doors in new and                  wasted effort for our colleagues.                                     the gallon of our drivers by reducing harsh braking,
refurbished stores where possible. Alongside fridge                                                                                                                                                     2018/19 store waste and recycling breakdown
                                                                                                                                         acceleration and engine idling time.                           Material                                            Tonnes
doors, we replaced full refrigeration with more
efficient equipment in 21 stores as part of our store                                                                                                                                                   Card                                                 102,921
refurbishment programme. We also have 26 stores                                                                                                                                                         Confidential paper                                       535
                                                                                                                    SCIENCE-BASED TARGET
with full CO2 refrigeration.                                                                                                                                                                            Mixed plastics                                        6,797
                                                                       We need to take urgent action            Our stakeholders want us to continue         way to reduce operational impact           Animal by-product (ABP)                                4,357
Shelf edge technology                                                  on climate change.                       to reduce our impact and align to            and demonstrates our commitment            Light tubes                                                1
We have installed shelf edge technology in five                                                                 science-based metrics. Following the         to contribute to the global goals set      Oil                                                   4,002
                                                                       According to the UN, without
of our stores. Devices are fitted to open fronted                      significant action the increase in the   success of our reduction target to           out in the Paris Agreement in 2015 to      Other recyclables                                          3
fridges, one of the largest energy using appliances                    world’s average surface temperature      reduce operational carbon emissions          keep a global temperature rise this        Diverted trade waste                                 55,725
in store. The device is an aerodynamically-profiled                    is likely to surpass 3 degrees           by 30% by 2020 (2005 baseline), which        century well below 2 degrees above         Total recycled/reprocessed waste           (99.5%) 174,341
blade drawing the cold air curtain back into the                       centigrade this century.                 has seen a reduction of 45%, we have         pre-industrial levels and to pursue
                                                                                                                                                                                                        Landfill                                     (0.5%)    1,003
fridge, reducing cold-air spill, energy consumption                                                             been working with the Carbon Trust           efforts to limit the temperature
                                                                       We are already seeing the effects                                                                                                Total waste produced                                175,344
and improving aisle temperatures. We are expecting                                                              to set a science-based target.               increase even further to 1.5 degrees.
                                                                       of climate change in every country,
energy savings of between 10 – 15% through the use                                                              A carbon emissions target is defined         From a business case perspective
                                                                       Oceans are warming, snow and ice
                                                                                                                                                             it also makes sense, as it builds                                 NEXT STEPS
of this technology. Trials are in place to monitor the                 have diminished and sea levels have      as science-based if it is in line with the
success of this technology with the view to installing                                                          scale of reductions required to keep         resilience for our business, creates
                                                                       risen. As a result, we continue to                                                                                                                Science based target launch
across our estate.                                                                                              global temperature increase well             efficiencies and drives innovation.
                                                                       see extreme weather conditions,
                                                                       loss of biodiversity and wildlife and    below 2°C compared to pre-industrial         We will announce further details of                   Continued CO2 refrigeration installation
                                                                       increases in food insecurity typically   temperatures. We believe that setting        our new target on our website later
                                                                                                                a science-based target to reduce our         in the year.                                  Improved supplier relationships: control over usage
                                                                       affecting the world’s poorest regions.
                                                                                                                direct emissions creates a meaningful                                                        and trialling new ways to reduce consumption

Wm Morrison Supermarkets PLC Corporate Responsibility Report 2018/19                                                                                                                                                                                              19
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