Page created by Marcus Schwartz
                         MARCH 2019 \ ISSUE 170 \ $9.00

           RURAL WASTE
                A ONE-STOP
             SHOP SOLUTION                 ENERGY
       TAKING THE                          A RESOURCE
                                           NOT RUBBISH
          LEAD ON
P L ATIN U M                              SILVER
                                          ADSTAFF PERSONNEL
               AUCKLAND COUNCIL
               aucklandcouncil.govt.nz    AURECON NZ

                                          CIVIC CONTRACTORS
GO L D                                    civcon.co.nz

                                          FOODSTUFFS NZ
               3R GROUP
               3R.co.nz                   GEOFABRICS NZ

               EARTHCARE ENVIRONMENTAL    manco.co.nz
                                          OJI FIBRE SOLUTIONS
               ENVIRONZ                   OMARUNUI LANDFILL

                                          PATTLE DELAMORE PARTNERS

               O-I NEW ZEALAND            pdp.co.nz

               o-i.com                    PLASBACK

                                          PROGRESSIVE ENTERPRISES
                                          SCION RESEARCH
                                          SIMS RECYCLING SOLUTIONS

               TONKIN + TAYLOR            mwhglobal.co.nz
                                          THE PACKAGING FORUM

               visy.co.nz                 veolia.com/anz

                                          WASTENET SOUTHLAND
               WASTE MANAGEMENT NZ
               wastemanagement.co.nz      WSP OPUS

         Paul Evans \ +64 9 476 7172
           paul@wasteminz.org.nz              TAKING THE LEAD ON LEAD
                                              Graham Aveyard advocates for
                                              action rather than another cycle
           Nic Quilty \ +64 9 476 7167
              nic@wasteminz.org.nz            of concern and reaction about the
                                              health effects of lead.
    Jenny Marshall \ +64 9 476 7164
          jenny@wasteminz.org.nz              14
                                              ONE-STOP WASTE SHOP
          CJ Dooner \ +64 9 476 7162          Fraser Scott, Simon Andrew and Isla
               cj@wasteminz.org.nz            Hepburn report on successful steps
                                              towards addressing the significant
Sarah Pritchett \ +64 21 0825 4060            rural inorganic waste issue.
  Justine Robinson \ +64 9 476 7163           IDEAL COFFEE
         justine@wasteminz.org.nz             IdealCup co-owner Stephanie Fry on
                      EDITOR, REVOLVE
                                              how her company is helping cafes
       Kim Mundell \ +64 21 655 917           and corporates divert thousands of
            wasteminz@gmail.com               disposable coffee cups from landfill.
               SUB-EDITOR, REVOLVE
                       Julie O'Brien          23
              wasteminz@gmail.com             ENERGY FROM WASTE

                      DESIGN, REVOLVE         Holger Zipfel and Hana Kirk explain
Leanne Lassman \ +64 21 267 3885              why waste is a resource to be used,
  leanne@electrichedgehog.co.nz               not wasted.

                         T +64 9 476 7162
             PO Box 305426, Triton Plaza      26
                        North Shore 0757      DIY GARAGE SALE
     Unit 2, 5 Orbit Drive, Rosedale 0632     A DIY Garage Sale in Cambridge

                             New Zealand
                                              diverted tonnes of construction
                     wasteminz.org.nz         waste from landfill, raised thousands
                                              for a local primary school and
  WasteMINZ is the leading professional       brought the community together.
  body for waste management, resource
        recovery and contaminated land
management in New Zealand. We deliver         31
     value to our members through the         CADMIUM CONCERNS
   shaping and sharing of policy and the      A lack of New Zealand data on soil
 development of industry good practice.
                                              cadmium concentrations that
 WasteMINZ publishes revolve magazine
   four times a year, it plays a vital role
                                              might pose a risk to agriculture led    REGULARS
                                              to recent research to address this
  in ensuring our members are up-to-                                                  02 MEMBERS
  date with the latest in industry news,      issue. Jo-Anne Cavanagh describes
  policy and legislative changes as well      the study.
                                                                                      04 FROM PAUL’S DESK
          as innovations and advances.                                                05 YOUR BOARD
 revolve magazine is a forum for positive                                             07 NEWS BITES
       sector debate and discussion. The
     articles contained in revolve do not
                                                                                      09 MOVERS & SHAKERS
       necessarily represent the views of                                             36 FROM THE REGIONS
   WasteMINZ or the WasteMINZ Board.                                                  38 SECTOR GROUPS
                                                                 THERE IS NO
              ISSN 2324-5417 (Print)
            ISSN 2324-5425 (Online)  
                                                                 KNOWN SAFE
                                                                 BLOOD LEAD

                                               10                LEVEL.
PAUL'S DESK                                                                                          Paul Evans
                                                                                                CEO, WasteMINZ
Talk to me                                                                                paul@wasteminz.org.nz
+64 9 476 7172

This is my last column in revolve       needed. WasteMINZ has been central
after seven years as part of the        to this; I think we can all be proud.
WasteMINZ team.                             If there’s something that I’m
    It seems somewhat surreal           disappointed about, it’s the rate of
to be leaving, as this job has been     change. It’s still a slowly-slowly risk-
such a massive part of my life; it’s    averse approach. While I understand
taught me plenty and, importantly,      this to a degree, I think that as a
it has given me the opportunity         nation we need to be brave.
to meet some amazing and                   We have some incredible
passionate people. It has been an       challenges ahead, and we need to
                                                                                   WASTEMINZ HAS AN
absolute privilege to be part of the    step up and meet these. We need to         IMPORTANT ROLE TO
WasteMINZ journey. I’ll miss the        quit tinkering around the edges, quit      PLAY IN THE FUTURE
organisation, its members and, of       talking about the same old things          OF AOTEAROA.
course, the outstanding team.           and take some action.                      WE HAVE A REAL
    I would like to sincerely thank        No action will be perfect, and
                                                                                   OPPORTUNITY TO
our Chair, Darren Patterson, and        we may get some things wrong
Paul Bishop before him, for their       along the way, but I think it’s far
                                                                                   MAKE A DIFFERENCE
support of me and commitment            better than not acting and living
                                                                                   — LET’S NOT
to the sector as a whole. My thanks     with regret. We should all be putting      SQUANDER IT.
extends to all the Board members        vested interests to one side and
who have made my time here so           thinking about what is truly the best
incredibly positive, and my team —      approach for Aotearoa.
who I wish I could take with me (but        WasteMINZ’s new chief executive
I promise I won’t!).                    Janine Brindson will be starting at
    In seven years, the landscape       the end of March. She has many
has changed a huge amount. Our          challenges ahead, but with the
sector’s issues are at the forefront    support of a passionate Board, an
of the public’s mind, politicians are   amazing team and a mandate from
engaging in a meaningful way and        our members, I’m confident that
we are beginning to see movement        WasteMINZ will continue to flourish
towards the systemic change that is     under her leadership.

3 1 ST ANNUA L CONFE R E NCE                  2 3 - 2 6 SEPT EMB ER | H AM I LTO N

BOARD                                                            Parul Sood
                                                           WasteMINZ Board

The start of a new year is always a
good time to look ahead, identify
                                              Being part of WasteMINZ creates
                                          a forum for us to come together —
                                                                                       HOW TO
challenges and opportunities, set         for councils, the community sector           CONTACT
new goals, try new things and start       and the private sector to collaborate
to do things differently.                 in partnership to develop new                YOUR BOARD
    Auckland has set a goal to be a       solutions to fill the current recovery
                                          infrastructure gaps.
Zero Waste City by 2040. That’s only
21 years away. That means each                We have a lot going for us — our
year we need to plan, take positive       diversity is our strength. Our differing
action and move purposefully              opinions and perspectives, technical
towards that target. Around the           expertise and knowledge drawn from
country, other local councils are         unique experiences and a variety of
working equally hard to make              local contexts give us the opportunity
headway on waste reduction.               to share ideas, aggregate wisdom,
    Under the Waste Minimisation          make collective decisions and co-
Act, local authorities are mandated       create and design new services.
with the serious responsibility              With WasteMINZ as a launchpad,
of supporting our communities             working together, the private sector,
to reduce the amount of waste             community sector and councils can
generated and disposed of.                successfully transition New Zealand
    Central government has begun          to a circular economy.
to drive change through legislation           As a sector, we can deliver the
such as the ban on microbeads and         benefits: long-term cost savings,
single-use soft plastic bags. But there   increased local job opportunities,
are still many fronts that we need        technical innovation and a reduction
to tackle in order to make further        in the amount of harmful waste
headway on waste minimisation.            produced, thereby turning down the
    As a sector, we have some smart       dial on climate change.                      left-to-right top, middle, bottom
thinking to do to develop nationwide          So, I’d encourage you to let 2019        Darren Patterson CHAIR
waste minimisation infrastructure         be the year to really step up and get        darren@pattersonenvironmental.co.nz

that helps New Zealand to deal with       involved. If you’re interested in doing      Simonne Eldridge DEPUT Y CHAIR
its own waste onshore. Having a           more, get involved with one of our           seldridge@tonkin.co.nz

robust resource recovery industry         WasteMINZ sector groups that are             Wayne Plummer
would reduce our current reliance         continuing to drive change in organic
                                                                                       Parul Sood
on the vagaries of international          materials, product stewardship,
markets and create the resilient          contaminated land management,
                                                                                       Ian Stupple
local, closed-loop system we need         disposal to land and societal
for the future.                           behaviour change.

                                                                                     MARCH 2019 \ WASTEMINZ.ORG.NZ \         5
Plastic ranks                           Hartland received a $999,808 grant
                                        from the Ministry of Business,
                                                                                  Unitec lecturer Terri-Ann Berry
                                                                                  says, “We realised we’re looking
as Kiwis’ top                           Innovation and Employment to              at vast volumes of contaminated
concern                                 undertake the two-year project.           soil and products that need to go

                                        Project details: 			                      somewhere, and was there a better
The build-up of plastic in the
                                        bit.ly/cadmiuminsoil                      way of managing this?”
environment is the top concern of
New Zealanders when it comes to                                                   Find out more:

environmental and social issues,
                                        Australia’s new                           bit.ly/asbestosheaps

                                        waste policy
new research shows. The latest
Colmar Brunton Better Futures           misses the mark                           Queensland
report surveyed 1,000 New                                                         waste levy will
Zealanders in December 2018 on a
                                        Australia’s new National Waste Policy
                                        acknowledges the importance of
                                                                                  be $75 per tonne
wide range of environmental and
                                        a circular economy, but is largely a      The state’s waste levy was approved
social issues.
                                        missed opportunity, writes University     by the Queensland Parliament. Most
Read the full research: 		                                                        waste to landfill will attract a levy
                                        of Technology Sydney senior research
bit.ly/betterfuturesreport                                                        of $75 per tonne from 1 July 2019.
                                        consultant Jenni Downes.
                                                                                  Read the Environment Minister’s
Love Food Hate                          Treading the circular path:
                                                                                  statement: bit.ly/levystatement
Waste saves                             bit.ly/notsocircular
                                                                                  Sir Michael has spoken!

14,000 tonnes of                        Storm in a                                Sir Michael Cullen’s tax working
food waste                              coffee cup?                               group has recommended a swathe
                                                                                  of changes to New Zealand’s tax
Our latest Love Food Hate               Buoy Cafe at Westhaven Marina
                                                                                  system. While everyone’s focus
Waste research has shown that           in Auckland is reducing waste by
                                                                                  was on the capital gains tax,
households who have heard of the        not allowing takeaway cups to be
                                                                                  there was also a very significant
Love Food Hate Waste campaign           used by people not taking coffee
                                                                                  recommendation for the waste and
have decreased their food waste to      away. However, there was a heated
                                                                                  recycling sector, that is, to “Expand
landfill by 27.1 per cent. This means   confrontation when a woman
                                                                                  coverage and rate of Waste Disposal
that at least 14,000 tonnes of food     objected to being told she couldn’t
                                                                                  Levy”. This has the potential to
waste has been diverted directly as a   have a takeaway coffee cup if
                                                                                  fundamentally change our sector.
result of the campaign.                 she stayed on-site. Her rationale
                                                                                  See the recommendations:
Find out more about our research:       was that the porcelain cup might
bit.ly/lfhwresearch                     smudge her lipstick.

Study hopes to
                                        Find out more:                            National Party
                                                                                  moots container
end speculation
                                        Are asbestos                              deposits
around cadmium
levels in soil                          ‘compost heaps’                           The National Party has released an

                                        the way of the                            environment discussion document
A new study into the environmental
impact of cadmium (Cd) could help
                                        future?                                   which states that “National
                                                                                  proposes introducing measures to
farmers reduce their fertiliser usage   A team of researchers at Unitec           see either by a container deposit
and prevent build-up in soils and       believes it has come up with a            scheme in association with existing
waterways. Waikato University           biological way of breaking down           kerbside and recycling programmes
geochemistry senior lecturer Adam       asbestos and making soil safe again.      is introduced, or by the beverage

                                                                                MARCH 2019 \ WASTEMINZ.ORG.NZ \           7
sector itself be responsible for
                                           98 per cent
 ensuring through initiatives they
 set up, that 90 per cent of beverage
                                           of household
 containers are saved from being           e-waste heads
 sent to landfill”. Given that the         to landfill
 establishment of a container
                                           As much as 98 per cent of New
 deposit scheme is Green Party
                                           Zealand’s household electrical
 policy, does this mean there could be
                                           and electronic waste may end up
 bipartisan support?
                                           in landfills, according to recent
 Read the full discussion document:
                                           research. “Unless we consider
                                           prioritising e-waste for product

 What to do                                stewardship, the risks of detrimental
                                           effects caused by e-waste will
 with unclaimed                            continue to rise, and New Zealand
 medication?                               could become a literal dumping
                                           ground for inferior and end-of-life
 $40 million worth of unclaimed
                                           electronic goods,” says report author
 prescription medicine is dumped
                                           Vicktoria Blake.
 in landfills each year. In most
 countries, unclaimed drugs are            Read her research:
 incinerated, but in New Zealand,          bit.ly/ewasteresearch
 there's no country-wide policy for
 disposing of medicines.


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                                                                                        WELCOME TO OUR
                                                                                         NEW MEMBERS
          EMILY JASMINE                           DARNELLE TIMBS                                 WSP Opus
Emily joined Ruapehu District Council        Darnelle started as the waste
 in June 2018 as waste minimisation       minimisation facilitator for Gisborne                CORPORATE
  educator. This new role supports        District Council in April last year. She              EHS Support
 Ruapehu District Council’s vision of     comes from an eclectic background,
                                                                                             SMALL BUSINESS
being zero waste by 2040. Emily has         with a Masters in Social Science,
enjoyed working in a variety of fields,      and in recent years focused on                      Civil Share
 including landscape management,            sustainability projects and event
                                                                                               DBO Solutions
     agriculture, arboriculture,            management. Driven by concern
horticulture and community health.           for the impact of waste on our                Earthquake Commission
  This role combines her passion of         environment, notably plastics in                       Eroad
  working with communities with           the oceans, she is grateful to return
  caring for Papatūānuku. Beeswax           to her hometown of Gisborne to
                                                                                               Lincom Group

 wrap workshops were well received           work on waste minimisation in                       OfficeMax
 in 2018 and this year she is hoping      Tairāwhiti. She mostly enjoys being
                                                                                              Plateau Compost
  Boomerang Bag workshops will            able to engage with the community
 be popular. If you have established        to work on the many and diverse                    Renew Energy
  a Boomerang Bag group, please           challenges and opportunities for the
           contact her at                 region. Darnelle can be contacted at
 emily.jasmine@ruapehudc.govt.nz.             Darnelle.Timbs@gdc.govt.nz.                  Scrap Metal Association

                                                                                             Simken Land Works

                                                                                             Sustainability Trust

                                                                                                  Tetra Pak

                                                                                            TNZ Growing Products

                                                                                              Vac-U-Digga NZ
         MILLIE PORTER                            VICTORIA MOYLE
                                                                                              Waste to Energy
Millie joined Upper Hutt City Council      Victoria Joined the South Taranaki
 in the newly created role of waste        District Council this year as waste                 INDIVIDUAL
 minimisation officer in December          minimisation officer for increased
                                                                                                Shaun Bowler
   last year. She has a Bachelor of           focus on sustainability in the
 Science in Environmental Studies           district and the implementation                    Lynette Ellison
  and Development Studies, and a             of the Waste Management and                        Clive Murden
  Bachelor of Arts in International           Minimisation Plan. She has a
                                                                                                 Jodie Olson
   Relations and French. She has             Bachelor of Science focused in
 worked for a few start-ups – most         geography and is just starting her                  Hayden Smith
recently CoGo (previously Conscious         career within local government,
 Consumers). Millie is motivated to       which is fueled by her passion for the
better educate communities about          environment and sustainability. She                  Emma Foukles
the waste industry and the impacts         has a special interest in integrated               Elizabeth Peters
  of their consumption. She loves           geography and consumer habits.
sharing ideas and can be contacted            Victoria can be contacted at
   on millie.porter@uhcc.govt.nz.             victoria.moyle@stdc.govt.nz.

                                                                                     MARCH 2019 \ WASTEMINZ.ORG.NZ \   9
                  ABOUT LEAD
           Graham Aveyard from Environment
           Canterbury wants key organisations
             to break the cycle of concern and
           reaction to the health effects of lead
               in paint by taking action now.
                                                   Despite accepted widespread

                                                understanding from the 1950s that
                HE GREEKS identified it as      lead paint was the cause of serious
                early as the second century     childhood illness, it took until
                BC; the Romans knew it as       the 1960s and 1970s for lead to
                morbi metallici. In 1656, its   eventually be reduced in paint from
     health impacts were “rediscovered”         as much as 50 per cent to 1 per cent
     by Samuel Stockhausen, a German            and, more recently, to less than
     physician.                                 0.1 per cent. Higher concentrations
        The use of internal household           of lead in domestic paint is still used
     paints containing lead during the          in countries such as India or the
     19th century increased domestic            Philippines.
     childhood exposure. Before this
     time, lead had been predominantly          Long-lasting
     an occupational hazard.                    health impact
        Toxicity to children from lead          New Zealand is estimated to have
     paint was identified in Australia          250,000 weatherboard properties of
     in 1897, an important step in the          an age where lead paint would have
     understanding of childhood lead            been used. Maintenance, removal,
     poisoning. Subsequently, in 1909,          repair or general deterioration is
     white lead interior paints were            likely to have contaminated the
     banned in France, Belgium and              surrounding area to the extent that
     Austria.                                   analysis routinely confirms lead
                                                concentrations in the soils sufficient
                                                to impact human health.

Annual notifications of cases in
                                         New Zealand are typically between
                                                                                    THERE IS NO
                                         100 and 200. The process is limited        KNOWN SAFE
                                         to people who have sought medical          BLOOD LEAD
                                         care and who, on investigation, have       LEVEL.
   Ingested lead can be stored in        been identified to exhibit raised
bone within the body and gradually       blood lead (>10µg/dL).
released over many years; the half-         Those identified are
life of lead within bone is 10 to 25     predominantly working-age males,
years. Once lead has entered the         of white New Zealand/European
body in great quantities, a person       backgrounds (more than likely to be
can be affected for much of their        due to occupational exposure). The
early life. Lead can be released again   greatest number of those affected
from the bone during pregnancy           are painters/decorators, showing
and can affect the foetus.               that, once removed, lead paint
   Lead is not required in the           presents a significant hazard to
human body. There is no known safe       those in close contact with it.
blood lead level. We know young             While there are examples of
children absorb four to five times as    significant childhood exposure,
much ingested lead as adults from a      these seem to be limited in
given source, most probably due to       number, and we don’t have the
their rapid growth and development.      evidence base to link these with
This coincides with the maximum          exposure to soil rather than to
period of development of the brain,      internal or external lead paint
the primary organ to suffer long-        removal. As a result, there is a lack
term damage from absorption of           of clear national understanding
the metal.                               on the burdens of lead within the
   It is difficult to quantify the       population which urgently requires
impact on public health, due, in         investigation.
part, to limited data on those              The cycle of ‘concern’ and
affected, and the lack of obvious        ‘reaction’ to this issue never seems
symptoms even in those with              to get broken. As a result, we return
blood lead levels above the action       time and again to act to protect our
level set by public health services      children from entirely preventable
in New Zealand, Australia and the        impacts on their health from paint.
United Kingdom.

                                                                                 MARCH 2019 \ WASTEMINZ.ORG.NZ \   11
Limitations to                                    homes as potentially contaminated.             actual harm from ingestion of the
                                                  The issue continues to remain in               contaminant — from a variety of
current regulations
                                                  the too hard basket, where it has              sources and often in unremarkable
Some contaminated land
                                                  resided ever since HAIL was defined.           circumstances — which actually
professionals consider revision
                                                     The real concern is much                    affects exposed individuals.
of the National Environmental
                                                  more straightforward and rather
Standard for Assessing and
                                                  more pragmatic. In New Zealand                 Breaking the cycle
Managing Contaminants in Soil to
                                                  there are 1.84 million residential             The solution requires a combined
Protect Human Health (NESCS) and
                                                  properties being subject to around             and coordinated effort between the
Hazardous Activities and Industries
                                                  20,000 territorial district consents,          Ministry of Health, Ministry for the
List (HAIL) to be the solution.
                                                  meaning that if every consent                  Environment, regional and district
   The NESCS relies on a site
                                                  had an NES (Contaminated Soil)                 councils and the public health
having a contaminative historic
                                                  component, it would take 100 years             services of district health boards. No
land use to drive remediation
                                                  to address each of the 250,000                 one can address this issue alone. So
triggered by consented
                                                  properties potentially affected by             what could be done?
development. There are lesser
                                                  lead paint contamination. Clearly,                Even though the RMA and
used regulatory powers such as
                                                  we need to find an approach that               NESCS won’t necessarily deliver
building codes or the Health Act;
                                                  delivers far shorter term and real             change within an acceptable
however, declaring the property
                                                  outcomes.                                      timeframe, HAIL does provide a
contaminated and adding it to a list
                                                     Lead is a good deal more than               backstop catch-all Category I: “Any
of contaminated sites provides no
                                                  a contaminated land issue; most                other land that has been subject
immediate solution.
                                                  of the time as professionals we are            to the intentional or accidental
   However softly the message
                                                  dealing with nuances of risk or the            release of a hazardous substance
is delivered, the attitude of
                                                  “significant possibility of significant        in sufficient quantity that it could
contaminated land and consenting
                                                  harm”. Lead is more in your face               be a risk to human health or the
professions is to shy away from
                                                  as a risk than this; we can point to           environment.”
declaring and registering 250,000

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This should be sufficient to       advice and options for managing
address cases of higher probability    or removing the source. Education
of existence of hazard, whereas        campaigns targeted to locations
regulation such as the Health Act      of greatest risk could also start to
could deal with situations where       address the less visible cases of soil
paint is literally falling off old     contamination.
timber properties. In addition, any       Much of the above is only a
site investigation prompted by         first response using existing rules,
other HAIL uses should also address    powers or opportunities. In time, a
the potential for risk from historic   more robust regulatory approach is
lead paint removal or deterioration.   required. However, we can’t wait for
    Increased focus should be          a solution to appear miraculously
directed through medical services      from the depths of that too hard
to those people occupying property     basket while we wait for something
that is likely to pose a threat and    more specific to be developed.
on increased numbers of blood
lead tests from non-occupational       Time to ‘take the lead’
patients (particularly children)       I completed a dissertation on the

exhibiting possible symptoms. This     impacts of lead paint as a degree

would provide a greater number of      project and have spent 32 years

cases with which to understand the     of my career in its shadow. I have
                                                                                Graham Aveyard is science team leader
exposure thresholds more fully.        decided that I am not willing to         – contaminated land for Environment
                                       leave this for the next generation to     Canterbury. Prior to that, he worked
    Councils supporting DHB                                                       as an environmental health officer
public health teams should also        resolve and let the cycle begin again.    – contaminated land health risk for
follow up on notified cases of         This is why, I believe, along with        Auckland Council and is a former UK
                                                                                 environmental protection manager
raised blood lead levels to provide    many fellow professionals, that we
                                                                                  and environmental health officer.
                                       should be ‘taking the lead’.

              Fraser Scott, Simon
           Andrew and Isla Hepburn
             report on the success
              of a project tackling
             the serious inorganic
            rural waste problem in
                  New Zealand.

    N 2018, CHINA effectively shut       Identifying current                           Farmers listed numerous
                                                                                    reasons for not using existing
    its doors to post-consumer           practice and
                                                                                    services, including a lack of
    plastics. The go-to solution for
                                         barriers to change
    recycling plastics disappeared                                                  incentives to do so, a lack of
                                         The New Zealand Rural Waste
almost overnight, causing what                                                      awareness that such services
                                         Minimisation Project was initiated
is the greatest shake-up in the                                                     existed and a concern over the
                                         by Environment Canterbury to
international waste industry in                                                     economic viability and continuity
                                         understand the reasons for this and
recent memory.                                                                      of such services. However, the main
                                         facilitate an industry-led response
   Plastic waste has become a                                                       reasons for not using alternative
                                         to it. The project was undertaken
cause célèbre in New Zealand, and                                                   services were simply that they were
                                         by True North Consulting with
much attention has been focused                                                     perceived as too expensive and too
                                         communications support from
on the likes of supermarket bags as                                                 inconvenient.
                                         Cherry Red Consulting.
a source of waste that we are now                                                      Further research with farmers
                                            The project initially focused
struggling to deal with. However,                                                   suggested that how farmers wished
                                         on creating a risk framework
you have to get out of the cafes and                                                to deal with waste split them into
                                         for prioritising farm wastes.
supermarkets and visit the farms,                                                   two distinct groups with differing
                                         Perhaps unsurprisingly, plastics,
orchards and vineyards to see one                                                   service needs and expectations.
                                         agrichemicals and used oil were
of the most concerning sources of                                                   Farmers producing high volumes
                                         identified as the top priorities for
waste in New Zealand.                                                               of waste tended to be more
                                         further work.
   Inorganic rural waste in New                                                     comfortable paying for an on-farm
                                            It was then necessary to build
Zealand is a serious problem.                                                       collection service. Convenience was
                                         an understanding of rural waste
Research undertaken in Canterbury,                                                  considered more important than
                                         management in New Zealand.
Waikato and the Bay of Plenty                                                       cost avoidance.
                                         Farmers were asked about the
suggested that up to 10 tonnes of                                                      Farmers with lower volumes
                                         methods currently employed to
plastics, chemicals, treated timber                                                 of waste tended to be more willing
                                         dispose of farm waste. Eighty per
and other non-natural wastes                                                        to drop waste off at a secondary
                                         cent said that burning, burying or
are produced annually by New                                                        location to avoid paying significant
                                         bulk storage of waste was a key
Zealand farms. Where does it go?                                                    transportation costs. Cost
                                         method used to deal with waste.
Unfortunately, most of it is burned,                                                avoidance was considered more
                                            Yet, protecting the environment
buried in farm pits or stored in often                                              important than convenience.
                                         and the legacy of the land were
precarious conditions on farms.                                                        This realisation suggested that
                                         also high on farmers’ agendas.
                                                                                    service delivery to farmers needed
                                         Attention was therefore focused on
                                                                                    to be two-tier in order to encourage
                                         determining what was preventing
                                                                                    more off-farm waste management,
                                         farmers from pursuing more
                                                                                    with a drop-off option and an on-
                                         sustainable forms of farm waste
                                                                                    farm collection option.
                                                                                       Farmers also tended to be
                                                                                    strong in their desire to deal with
                                                                                    everything all at once. Dealing
                                                                                    with separate companies or
                                                                                    organisations for each discrete
                                                                                    waste stream was typically viewed
                                                                                    as an annoyance, whereas being
                                                                                    able to only deal with wastes
                                                                                    from certain manufacturers or
                                                                                    brands with a service provider was
                                                                                    considered even more frustrating.

                                                                                MARCH 2019 \ WASTEMINZ.ORG.NZ \           15
One-Stop Shop                                MOST INORGANIC                         organisation with a board that

   concept                                      RURAL WASTE IS
                                                                                       represents a cross-section of

   The concept of a One-Stop Shop for                                                  farming organisations and with

   farm waste emerged relatively early
                                                BURNED, BURIED                         a mandate to address persistent

   in the project as farmers articulated
                                                IN FARM PITS OR                        farm waste issues, Agrecovery was
   different aspects of an ideal service        STORED IN OFTEN                        well placed to expand from its core
   that offered flexibility, a commitment       PRECARIOUS                             agrichemicals and agrichemical
   to understanding the farmers’ needs          CONDITIONS ON                          containers programmes to offer
   and the ability to deal with all major       FARMS.                                 a more comprehensive service to
   waste streams simultaneously.                                                       farmers.
                                                By providing a regional focus within
      The One-Stop Shop model
                                                a specified and predictable time
   became anchored around regional                                                     Pilot events a success
                                                window, a region would be ‘blitzed’
   Pop-Up Recovery Events. These                                                       Agrecovery was active in assisting
                                                and farmers could plan and
   events were conceived as an                                                         in the development of the model
                                                prepare appropriately. By making
   opportunity for farmers willing                                                     design and, working in partnership
                                                the events and accompanying
   to transport waste to bring a                                                       with Territorial Authorities
                                                service delivery regular (perhaps
   wide range of waste streams to a                                                    in Matamata and Geraldine,
                                                twice a year) and rationalising
   convenient location and drop them                                                   Agrecovery hosted two pilot events
                                                service delivery in this way,
   off at low or no cost.                                                              to test the model in May 2018.
                                                significant costs savings for both
      Concurrently, the service                                                           The events were evaluated by
                                                the service provider and farmers
   provider would coordinate on-farm                                                   the project consultants and by
                                                could be enjoyed.
   collections for farmers with higher                                                 Agrecovery as being very successful
                                                   It was determined that the
   volumes of waste, particularly                                                      and farmer feedback was particularly
                                                organisation best placed to
   soft plastics and agrichemical                                                      strong. The combined total waste
                                                deliver the One-Stop Shop model
   containers, or agrichemicals that                                                   collected from the events was:
                                                was Agrecovery. As a non-profit
   were unsafe to transport.

Infinitely recyclable glass

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•   5,000 kg of agrichemical                        Every interviewed attendee                      implementing the One-Stop Shop
     containers and drums                       liked the idea of a One-Stop Shop                    model, Agrecovery aims to deliver
 •   2,782 kg of unwanted                       approach to rural recycling. Most                    strong and sustainable benefits
     agrichemicals                              attendees were strong in their                       for farmers and growers, and for
 •   5,342 kg of unwanted oil                   support for the idea and stressed                    New Zealand. Key to successful
 •   2,030 kg of fertiliser bags                the importance of making the                         deployment around New Zealand
 •   4,000 kg of silage wrap.                   events regular.                                      will be strong local partnerships
 In total, 87 registered participants                Agrecovery now intends to                       with territorial authorities that have
 contributed approximately                      further pilot and deploy the new                     a desire to address rural waste issues
 19,100 kg of waste products for                model throughout 2019 and 2020.                      in their districts.
 diversion from potentially harmful             This will include identifying and
 disposal practices.                            developing markets for post-
                                                consumer agricultural plastics. By

   Fraser Scott is the managing director of           Isla Hepburn is a senior scientist at           Simon Andrew is the general manager for
  Christchurch-based business consultancy,          Environment Canterbury, specialising             Agrecovery and holds an MBA and BA (Hons)
      True North Consulting. He led and            in contaminated land and waste issues,               from Victoria University of Wellington.
   undertook the New Zealand Rural Waste             and has 14 years’ experience working            Simon is passionate about farming and New
            Minimisation Project.                   in consultancy, not for profit and local         Zealand produce having grown up on a farm
                                                 government. She is the current convenor of          and been involved in the primary industries
                                                  the regional council special interest group             on a professional basis for 15 years.
                                                       for contaminated land and waste.

The solution
to the pollution!


sheets are made from                      is available in a standard

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            YOUR COFFEE

IdealCup co-owner              AST YEAR WAS A PRETTY            Internationally, headway was
                               compelling one in the world   made at the United Nations COP24
Stephanie Fry                  of waste. We observed so      conference. Remember COP24
is excited about               much change — some not        president Michał Kurtyka taking his

helping cafes and     for the better.                        “giant leap of celebration” after the
                                                             Paris Agreement work programme
corporates around        New Zealand’s recycling systems
                                                             was approved? A joyous moment
                      began to crumble, with piles of
the country divert    destination-less plastic being         perhaps, but not all are on board. A
thousands of          hoarded with few or no new options     heck of a lot of commitment is still

disposable coffee     for processing, either here or         needed from global powerhouses.
                      offshore.                                 As we reflect on 2018, at
cups from landfill.      Our government declared a           IdealCup we are excited that we are
                      future ban on single-use plastic       working in this space and that we
                      bags, only to have some retailers      are leading and creating change
                      replace single-use bags with other     in our industry by sharing our
                      plastic bags.                          continued passion, energy, products
                                                             and programmes.

We launched CupCycling™ in
                                                                                       TOP : IdealCup co-owner Steph Fry in
                                        Motueka, where we live, 18 months              Dunedin talking CupCycling™ with
                                        ago. We wanted to do more than                 Dunedin City councillor and Breeze
                                                                                       radio host Damian Newell.
                                        just sell a reusable product, and we
                                        realised we had the perfect solution           BELOW: NZ Post cafe Kanteen
                                                                                       CupCycling™ tally board.
                                        to make change and a positive
                                        impact in our community.
                                           Our vision was to roll out
                                        Cupcycling™ in Motueka as a fully
                                        funded social enterprise project,
                                        and we hoped other regions around
                                        New Zealand would see the amazing
                                        results and benefits of the system
                                        and want to join. Motueka embraced
   We’ve been working in this
                                        the rollout, and in a year we had
space for almost 15 years and it’s
                                        diverted 16,000 cups from landfill in
incredible that after fighting the
                                        our little town.
sustainability fight and working
                                           Late in 2017, the amazing team
tirelessly to support positive change
                                        at Keep it Green Cromwell reached
for so long, seemingly overnight the
                                        out to say they had seen what was
world appears to have woken up to
                                        happening with CupCycling™ in
the desperate need for us to make
                                        Motueka and that they wanted in.
change now, to ensure we have a
                                        We rolled out Cromwell CupCycling™
planet with a positive future for
                                        with great success.
generations to come.
                                           Then we were contacted by the
   The image of a turtle with a
                                        wonderful team at Love Titirangi.
plastic straw stuck in its nose sure
                                        They too were excited by what they
sparked awareness and provoked
                                        had seen in the media, and they also
a public outcry to ban the use of
                                        wanted in. During 2018, we rolled
plastic straws. More and more
                                        out CupCycling™ in Titirangi, Upper
individuals are up in arms about
                                        Hutt City, Golden Bay, Richmond,
waste, and there is a greater and
                                        parts of Waikato and Wellington, as
growing awareness that we all need
                                        well as in British Columbia, Canada.
to make change ... and fast!

Cup reuse system                        IN ONE YEAR,
One of the key areas of success in      MOTUEKA DIVERTED
2018 for our IdealCup business was
                                        16,000 SINGLE-
the engagement with and uptake of
our cup reuse system, CupCycling™.
                                        USE COFFEE CUPS
   Customers pay a small one-
                                        FROM LANDFILL,
off bond to borrow a reusable           WHILE KANTEEN,
CupCycling™ cup from a participating    THE CAFE AT THE
cafe and can then return the used       BASE OF THE NZ
cup to any participating CupCycling™    POST HEAD OFFICE
outlet and get a clean cup with their
                                        IN WELLINGTON,
next drink ... and around and around
they go.
                                        DIVERTED MORE
                                        THAN 10,000 IN FIVE

                                                                                MARCH 2019 \ WASTEMINZ.ORG.NZ \      19
Park Road Kitchen is one of six
                                                                                  cafes in Titirangi participating in
                                                                                  CupCycling™ as part of the Love
                                                                                  Titirangi initiative.

                                                                                      A number of other large
                                                                                  corporate businesses are now
                                                                                  considering implementing
                                                                                  Corporate CupCycling™ in their
                                                                                  organisations. It’s a cost-effective,
                                            We’ve developed a data                tangible, easy-to-implement,
                                         collection system so cafes can           successful and measurable system
                                         report their weekly tally of cups        for any business that is serious
   We’re excited to be kicking off       diverted from landfill and we, in        about diverting single-use products
2019 with a CupCycling™ roll-out in      turn, can report that data to our        from its waste stream.
Dunedin in February, with Thames,        stakeholders. It’s crucial that we are       We’re beyond excited about the
Southland, Whakatane, Tauranga,          able to demonstrate the measurable       opportunities we are working on in
Queenstown, Wanaka, Waipa,               impact CupCycling™ is having in a        2019 and about the partnerships
Carterton and more set to join the       community or region and provide          we are forging with amazing New
movement this year.                      stakeholders with accurate data and      Zealand organisations that want to
   We have been proactive in             reporting.                               make positive, sustainable change
garnering regional stakeholder buy-         CupCycling™ isn’t just for cafes      and support a unique, New Zealand-
in wherever possible. It’s a great way   in a town or city, however. We have      made product and business, run by
for local councils and community         now developed the programme              honest people who want to do the
boards to assist cafe owners to get      for the corporate environment. It’s      right thing. It’s in our DNA and if it’s
CupCycling™ underway in their            particularly effective for businesses    in yours too, why not get in touch?
town or city. We’ve been fortunate       where staff frequent on-site cafes.
to receive funding from a number         We call this Corporate CupCycling™.
of councils and community boards            In June 2018, we rolled out
that see the merit in supporting         Corporate CupCycling™ at Kanteen,
the movement in their respective         the cafe at the base of the New
regions. It’s a win-win-win – for the    Zealand Post head office building in
retailers, the stakeholders and the      Wellington. In less than five months,
environment.                             more than 10,000 single-use cups
                                         had been diverted from landfill.
                                                                                      Stephanie Fry co-owns and manages
                                         Having read about the success at
                                                                                       IdealCup and Celcius Coffee with her
                                         NZ Post, Fonterra contacted us, and         husband Nick. Award-winning company
                                                                                       IdealCup was the first to design and
                                         we’ve now successfully rolled out
                                                                                   manufacture a New Zealand-made reusable
                                         Corporate CupCycling™ at Fonterra’s       cup, and provides leadership with its vision
                                         head office in Auckland.                    for a cleaner, greener Aotearoa by giving
                                                                                   Kiwis the option to reuse, and reduce waste
                                                                                  in our landfills, via the CupCycling™ initiative.

                                                                                              Facebook @idealcup
                                                                                        Instagram @idealcupnewzealand
                                                                                      Facebook | Instagram @cupcyclingnz


                                                   O C E S S IN G                                               LA

                    I C C O MP                                                       LLECTION                                        S PLA N T
               AN                                                               CO                                             GA



                                 Composting                                                            Gas to Energy
                    O D UCE          Garden and kitchen                                  D OR C
                                                                                                             Residual waste            R
                                                                                                                                    ECT ICITY
                                       organic waste                                OL            O                            EL


                                                     NS U M ER                                                      LLECTION
                                              CO                                                               CO

                                                     ED P R O D
                                                                        Recyclables such                             COVERY
                                                 L                                                              RE
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                                       R EC

                                                                           plastic and


                                                                                    AN           U

If you would like to know more about our services, visit www.environz.co.nz or call 0800 240 120.
        E TO BE USED

Harrison Grierson                          Proven Energy from Waste                The status quo is
                                        (EfW) technology generates
engineering                                                                        unsustainable
                                        clean resources from residual
                                                                                   Landfilling our waste is a short-term
solutions manager                       waste. It is the vital piece of the
                                                                                   solution. It is recognised as the least
Holger Zipfel                           waste treatment puzzle for New
                                                                                   preferred disposal method for waste
                                        Zealand to achieve a long-term
and Hana Kirk,                          sustainable green solution to waste
                                                                                   in terms of risk to human health and

a graduate                              management.
                                                                                   the environment. It contaminates
                                                                                   rangi (air), whenua (land) and wai
mechanical                                                                         (water) due to methane emissions
                                        Clean and green?
engineer with the                       New Zealand is lagging behind other
                                                                                   and leachate discharge. Although

company, explain                        developed countries when it comes
                                                                                   methane can be captured, landfills
                                                                                   are not a closed system, and
the benefits of                         to waste management practices. Our
                                                                                   pollution cannot be controlled for
                                        clean, green reputation is at stake.
proven Energy                              Compared to other OECD
                                                                                   the entire lifetime of a landfill.
from Waste (EfW)                        countries, we are 1.7 times the
                                                                                       None of the materials sent to

technology.                             average for total annual greenhouse
                                                                                   landfills are converted into reusable
                                                                                   material, and comparatively little

                                        gas emissions, 1.4 times for
                                                                                   energy is produced.
    NCREASINGLY WE ARE facing           municipal waste generation and
                                                                                       In 2000, combustible
    the effects of climate change       1.3 times for municipal waste to
                                                                                   waste landfilling was banned
    and the rapid growth of urban       landfills. In 2015, we collected 1.5
                                                                                   in Switzerland. After 18 years,
    living. Our everyday living is      million tonnes of domestic kerbside
                                                                                   decommissioning of contaminated
laden with consumption. This is very    waste. Of this, 1.1 million tonnes
                                                                                   landfill sites is still in progress and
difficult to avoid and carries a huge   of untreated waste was landfilled
                                                                                   has been estimated to cost more
environmental cost. Among other         and only 25 per cent of domestic
                                                                                   than NZ$7.5 billion. The first fully
things, sea levels are rising and       kerbside waste was recovered.
                                                                                   decommissioned site in Kölliken
plastics are polluting our oceans.
                                                                                   alone cost NZ$1.4 billion.

                                                                               MARCH 2019 \ WASTEMINZ.ORG.NZ \            23
Creating energy
from waste
Proven Energy from Waste (EfW)
technology generates clean                                             6                                             9

resources from residual waste. To
achieve New Zealand’s zero waste                                                                     8
                                                     2         3
aspirations, the lifespan of resources
must be maximised, then recycled                                                   7
and repurposed at the end of each
service life. While there will always
be a percentage of waste that is
not recyclable, this can be used
to generate energy in the form of
electricity and heat.
   There is a linear trend in
New Zealand of GDP increase
and municipal waste produced
per capita. EfW provides the
                                             1		 Tipping hall                    7		 Energy utilisation: the plant
technological support required for
                                                                                       can be configured to three
immediate advancement and is a               2		 Waste bunker                          main concepts: Electric
stepping stone toward a circular
                                                                                       Power, Combined Heat and
economy. It provides a solution              3		 Feed hopper: waste fed into           Power, and Combined Cold
to the limitations set on recycling               combustion chamber by
                                                                                       and Power.
complex materials. As our inferior                waste crane.
quality plastics are exported                                                    8		 Flue gas treatment: flue
to emerging countries, we lose               4		 Grate combustion:                     gas pollutants produced
control and pass on responsibility,               optimised waste feeding
                                                                                       from waste combustion are
potentially allowing waste to end up              combustion control system
                                                                                       cleaned before discharge
polluting the environment or being                which integrates flue gas
                                                                                       into the environment. Fly
incinerated inadequately.                         recirculation and bottom
                                                                                       ash washing (optional)
   EfW technology can eliminate                   ash handling.
                                                                                       removes or immobilises fly
the need for landfill and the export                                                   ash contaminants. Effluent
of inferior plastics. Adopting this          5		 Bottom ash treatment: this
                                                                                       treatment: flue gas and
approach would enable New                         inert bottom ash consists of
                                                                                       fly ash treatment residue
Zealand to take responsibility for                non-combustible material,
                                                                                       removes contaminants,
all waste produced by managing                    where metals and minerals
                                                                                       such as heavy metals and
waste domestically, simultaneously                can be recovered, which is
                                                                                       ammonia. Contaminants
converting it to clean energy.                    environmentally beneficial
                                                                                       such as mercury or zinc
                                                  and can be made profitable.
                                                                                       can be recovered for
EfW – the Swiss
example                                      6		 Ammonia injection:                    recycling.

                                                  nitrogen oxide generated
Switzerland has a well-established
                                                  during combustion is
                                                                                 9		 Stack
resource management system
                                                  converted into harmless
with 100 per cent recovery of all
                                                  nitrogen and water.
waste material. Of the total waste
produced, 52 per cent is sustainably
repurposed, and the residual 48
per cent is recovered through EfW.
This demonstrates EfW technology
can work well in collaboration with
recycling efforts.

EfW facts                                                                            Jones, G. Do ‘waste to energy’ plants
                                                                                     discourage recycling? Waste Management
EfW plants are controlled, closed
                                                                                     World, Nov–Dec 2018
systems enabling complete
                                                                                     Eunomia. (2017). The New Zealand
monitoring and treatment of by-
                                            It creates opportunities to              Waste Disposal Levy: Potential impacts of
products. They are engineered to
                                         work with tangata whenua and will           adjustments to the current levy rate and
suit feedstock, preferred energy                                                     structure.
                                         support stronger communities and
utilisation and environmental                                                        bit.ly/OECDGreenhouseGasEmissions
                                         partnerships. EfW will drive a shift
regulations. Energy, heat, precious
                                         toward sustainable lifestyles leaving       bit.ly/OECDMunicipalWaste
metals, CO2, inert ash and aggregate
                                         our rangi, whenua and wai in the            bit.ly/LowEmissionsEconomy
can be captured from this process.
                                         best possible condition for future          NZ Productivity Commission. (2018).
EfW is a well-developed and
                                         generations.                                Low-emissions economy.
established technology integrated
in many developed countries. Air         Conclusion                                  bit.ly/SwissContaminatedSite
pollutant emissions are less than        Tangata whenua believe that
that of road traffic.                    everything and everyone is
                                                                                     OECD. (2017). Environmental Performance
   The feedstock for EfW is residual     interconnected, and therefore               Reviews: New Zealand 2017
waste, which no other technology         should be valued and cared for.
                                                                                     RNZ. New Zealand’s role in the Malaysian
can sustainability treat. This is        The well-being of the people is             plastics dumping ground. 23 Sept 2018
material that is either contaminated     directly related to the well-being          bit.ly/EPAAirEmissions
or has reached the end of its service    of all natural resources. Using
life (plastic significantly degrades     residual waste and converting
each time it is recycled and has a       it into beneficial resources
finite lifetime). With the aid of EfW    sustainably aligns with the roots
technology, what is perceived as         of New Zealand culture and our
waste can be utilised and converted      clean, green reputation. Adopting
into beneficial resources.               the EfW approach will enable New
                                         Zealanders to take responsibility of         Hana Kirk is a recent University of Auckland
Sustainable natural                      all our waste produced by managing              mechanical engineering graduate. She
resources for future                     this sustainably.
                                                                                       has provided in-depth insight for Energy
                                                                                         for Waste opportunities for Auckland,
generations                                                                             and researched the economic effects of
Apart from the evident                   Harrison Grierson is a leading               integrating EfW technology and increasing
                                                                                       the landfill levy. Hana is part of Harrison
environmental and economic               New Zealand-owned engineering               Grierson’s Engineering Solutions team, where
benefits, there are social, cultural     and design consultancy providing              she has developed a passion for creating
and technological benefits to EfW.                                                   sustainable living environments, and utilising
                                         professional services in the
                                                                                         what is perceived waste as a resource.
   These key benefits underpin the       market sectors of water and the
recent Renew Energy Ltd proposal         environment, land and buildings,
for a state of the art EfW facility      utilities and transport throughout
to be built in the Buller District,      Australia, New Zealand and the
where it predicts an increase in full-   South Pacific. In business for 134
time employment opportunities.           years, Harrison Grierson has nine
The EfW facility will be a catalyst                                                    Holger Zipfel is the engineering solutions
                                         offices across New Zealand.
                                                                                      manager at Harrison Grierson, leading the
for collaboration and co-location        Visit harrisongrierson.com                  Building Services and Mechanical & Electrical
of businesses that can utilise EfW                                                      Teams. He has returned to New Zealand
                                                                                      after working in Switzerland implementing
facility by-products for industries
                                                                                       EfW technologies in England and Ireland.
such as hydroponic farming, food                                                       Having lived in Germany and Switzerland,
processing and construction                                                          Holger has experienced an integrated waste
                                                                                         management system in action, where
products’ manufacturing.                                                             waste reduction, reuse, recycling and energy
                                                                                            recovery are common practice.

                                                                                 MARCH 2019 \ WASTEMINZ.ORG.NZ \                 25
                                 DIVERTS 15 TONNES
                                  FROM LANDFILL
A bright idea to turn products destined for landfill into bargains for
     DIY enthusiasts raised $11,000 for a local primary school.

           GIANT DIY GARAGE Sale        industry, also struggling with         Council and managed by volunteers
           in Cambridge has saved       construction “leftovers”, were quick   from Cambridge East School.
           nearly 15 tonnes —           to jump on board.                         When the doors closed, the
           around 13 skip bins — of        Around 15 local firms got           volunteers banked $11,000 into
construction waste from landfill.       involved, donating products            the school’s fundraising account,
   In the process, it’s raised          ranging from kitchen sinks to          and Rob May Builders director Jono
$11,000 for a local primary school      paint, GIB board and boxes of          McCullough was left smiling.
and has kicked off an idea that looks   small goods like doorknobs. Some          “We try not to be wasteful, but
set to roll out across the country.     were brand new, and others were        there are always some leftover
   The idea of turning products         end-of-line products or simply no      products at the end of each build.
destined for landfill into bargains     longer needed.                         These materials are either thrown
for DIY enthusiasts came from              Instead, all were put up for sale   out or stored to be used at a later
Cambridge-based Rob May                 during a giant DIY Garage Sale         date,” McCullough said.
Builders and was supported by           hosted by Shaw’s Wire Ropes at their      “We’ve been looking at better
Waipā District Council. Others          massive undercover premises. The       ways to manage this, but there are
involved in the construction            sale was promoted by Waipā District    always some products that slip

Bargain-hunters Steph and
                                                                Glen Curin joined the crowds
                                                                at the DIY Garage Sale in
                                                                Everything including the
                                                                kitchen sink was up for grabs!

                     through the cracks. This event was         between the local building industry,
“IT’S AMAZING TO     great because we’re finding new            council and Cambridge East School,
SEE HOW OUR          uses for our waste, keeping material       not only to pull off a great event
LOCAL COMMUNITY      out of landfill and supporting a           but to help educate the community
TOOK HOLD OF         local school in the process. It was a      that there are other options for

THIS ONE IDEA.       win-win all round.”                        waste.”

RETHINKING HOW       Bargain hunters
                                                                   Nor did the event blow Fraser’s
                                                                modest budget, which comes
WE RECYCLE OUR       The community agreed. On the day           from the government’s waste
PRODUCT HAS          more than 500 bargain hunters              minimisation fund. The Council
BENEFITED NOT JUST   poured through the sale, many              spent $6,200 on the event, only just
A LOCAL SCHOOL       leaving with bargains and all doing        surpassing the estimated $5,000 it
BUT THE PEOPLE       their bit for waste minimisation. Any      would have cost for local companies
                     products left over were donated to
AND FACILITIES OF    Habitat for Humanity.
                                                                to dump the goods at a landfill.

THIS BEAUTIFUL          Waipā District Council’s waste
                                                                   “Facebook was key in terms
                                                                of marketing. We reached almost
TOWN. WE’RE          minimisation officer Sally Fraser          40,000 people, and a quick
LOOKING FORWARD      was thrilled by the success of             30-second video we made was
TO A BIGGER AND      the event, which saw everything            viewed more than 5,000 times,”
BETTER EVENT NEXT    “including a couple of kitchen sinks”      she said.
YEAR.”               taken away and reused.                        “Local media were also
                        “There’s truth to the saying            interested and ran quite a few
                     that one person’s trash is another         stories, which was great. I think if
                     person’s treasure and we really            you lived in Cambridge or the Waipā
                     saw that at this event. It was just        district, the DIY Garage Sale was
                     so good to see the collaboration           hard to miss.”

                                                             MARCH 2019 \ WASTEMINZ.ORG.NZ \         27
Angela Stockley and Gord Thomas
were two of those grabbing

                                          Along with Rob May Builders,
                                       she’s identified the ‘factors for
   McCullough said the event           success’ to make similar events hum.
identified a community need and           “You need a well-known and
opportunity that could easily be       well-respected local from within
replicated in towns across the         the building or construction
country.                                                                      Then, as the morning moved on, we
                                       industry to lead it, and that
   “It’s amazing to see how our                                               changed again to ‘make-an-offer’.
                                       company should choose where the
local community took hold of this                                             This was about moving stuff on so it
                                       money goes because it gives them
one idea. Rethinking how we recycle                                           could be useful elsewhere.”
                                       a personal stake in the event going
our product has benefited not just                                               Waipā has already offered
                                       well,” she said.
a local school but the people and                                             to share its knowledge and
                                          “You need an organisation
facilities of this beautiful town.                                            templates developed for the event
                                       that is genuinely interested in
We’re looking forward to a bigger                                             with anyone interested. With a
                                       minimising waste; this isn’t about
and better event next year.”                                                  Cambridge event locked in again
                                       just getting rid of stuff. You need
                                                                              for next year, Fraser is hoping an
                                       volunteers who are happy to
Factors for success                    manage the event on the day. And
                                                                              industry leader on the western side
Fraser, meanwhile, has been helping                                           of the Waipā district will step up to
                                       it’s a good idea to get the local
spread the word so that councils                                              the plate.
                                       council involved because they use
nationwide can help stimulate local                                              In the meantime, the DIY Garage
                                       their channels to help promote the
interest in doing something similar.                                          Sale has already won accolades
                                       event and spread the word.”
   “Construction and demolition                                               from Wellington. Associate Minister
                                          You also need to be realistic,
waste makes up an estimated 11.5                                              for the Environment Eugenie Sage
                                       she said.
per cent of all waste in the greater                                          said wasting good, usable products
                                          “We priced everything the night
Waikato region — around 26,000                                                was “not the Kiwi way”.
                                       before, and we weren’t greedy.
tonnes of product each year. Across                                              “The DIY scheme is a fantastic
                                       On the day, we reassessed how
the country, the numbers are huge.”                                           example of making recycling a
                                       things were going and at one point,
                                                                              snap rather than a headache. The
                                       dropped everything to half price.
                                                                              leadership Waipā is showing is a
                                                                              great contribution to this shift to
                                                                              more sustainable thinking.”

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