Linking Arms & Holding The Line - Celebrating the Frontlines of Environmental Conservation Movement Building & Actions for 40 Years! - Friends Of ...
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If your browser does not render page correctly, please read the page content below // FREE SUMMER NEWS 2019 PHONE: 250-725-4218 Linking Arms & Holding The Line Celebrating the Frontlines of Environmental Conservation Movement Building & Actions for 40 Years! Arya Touserkani / Surfrider Pacific Rim Volunteer Friends of Clayoquot Sound and Surfrider Pacific Rim partnered to host Hands Across the Sand to kick off the week of Global Climate Strike actions in May. Participants locked hands and arms to spread out across the shore of Clayoquot Island to promote the movement to #ENDFOSSILFUELSUBSIDIES. WHAT’S UP in this issue Assessing the Wild Salmon Emergency The Green New Deal & Global Climate Strike August Deadline for Imperial Metals Charge Remembering Meares Island
Big Wins for Environmental Justice Youth Climate Strike Invites Adults to Step Up for September 20th #GlobalClimateStrike T he youth of the world are declaring a climate emergency We’re asking adults to and demanding climate step up alongside us… action. Having organized global days of actions in March and we need everyone. May with millions participating, It is time for all of leading youth climate strikers are us to unleash mass asking for all adults to join a global general strike on September 20th, resistance… if we 2019 before the UN summit at which demand change in nations are being urged to declare numbers we have a Jared David much stronger ambitions to tackle the climate emergency. Learn more about chance. Youth climate strikers at the Global Climate Strike in Vancouver. climate action in Canada on Page 5. - Greta Thunberg, Youth Climate Strike Leader Steelhead’s Kwispaa LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) Project Deactivated O ver the winter, Steelhead and export facility on Sarita Bay in of Clayoquot Sound partnered with LNG submitted a project Barkley Sound, next door to Clayoquot the Barkley Sound Alliance to oppose description to the Canadian Sound. Their proposal sought to export the project, advocating for cumulative and BC environmental 24 million tons of liquid natural gas environmental assessment. Months later assessment agencies for the Kwispaa per year at full build-out, requiring Steelhead announced a halt to the project LNG project . Steelhead proposed the six to seven LNG carrier ships weekly. citing investor uncertainty. See Page 4 to 730 hectare natural gas liquefaction In defense of climate justice, Friends read about the Green New Deal. 17 Salmon Farms Being Phased Out from Broughton Archipelago I n the Broughton Archipelago at of B.C. announced that by 2022 all the north end of Vancouver Island, salmon farms will require local First 17 salmon farms will be closed or Nations consent as well as federal moved to create a safer migration Department of Fisheries and Oceans path for wild salmon by 2022. Years (DFO) licensing in order to operate. of advocacy and direct action by In Clayoquot Sound, DFO is currently the Kwikwasut’inuxw Haxwa’mis, involved in a first-ever marine ‘Namgis and Mamalilikulla First Nations ecosystem risk assessment for wild prompted the agreement with the salmon through the Clayoquot Sound federal and provincial governments, Salmon Roundtable which Friends and two Norwegian salmon farm of Clayoquot Sound are engaging in. FOCS corporations, Marine Harvest and Read more about the Wild Salmon Cermaq. Previously, the Government Emergency on Page 3. FOCS in solidarity with Wild Salmon Warriors at the Swanson Island Occupation in the Broughton Archipelago. Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations Launch Tribal Parks Allies Certification O ver the winter, the Tla-o-qui- become Allies and participate in the people around the world to support the aht First Nations launched shared stewardship of the territory. leadership of Indigenous Nations who are the Tla-o-qui-aht Tribal Parks The Tla-o-qui-aht say that Heshook Ish protecting 80% of ecosystems globally. Allies Certification Standard. Tsawalk (everything is one and all are Read more about Tribal Parks on Page 7, This invites businesses operating in interconnected). It is the responsibility and check out the Tribal Parks Allies website Tla-o-qui-aht Tribal Parks territory to of environmentally conscientious to learn more: 2 KEEP IT WILD!
Assessing the Wild Salmon Emergency ruled that DFO is failing to consider the health of wild salmon and violating the Fisheries Act by not meeting “the precautionary principle” for protection. Strickland gave DFO four months to undertake a risk assessment and come up with a new policy to ensure that farmed salmon are not transferring PRV to wild salmon. At the deadline on June 4, Jonathan Wilkinson, the Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, announced that DFO will finally require testing PRV for all salmon farms. FOCS Currently there are 130 Tla-o-qui-aht Tribal Parks Guardians with George Quocksister Jr., a salmon farm monitoring specialist, using underwater salmon farms in B.C. with 20 located cameras to view and independently assess both farmed salmon and wild fish inside the open net pens of Creative Salmon, where piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) was previously confirmed by Dr. Kristi Miller within Tla-o-qui-aht territory. in Clayoquot Sound. But salmon farms are not the only possible source of A Deadly Virus: Piscine Orthoreovirus (PRV) I PRV transmission. After inspecting the n a recent study, Department of Fisheries and liver, weakening the wild salmon. fish processing plants in 2018, the B.C. and Oceans scientist, Dr. Kristi Miller, Early in 2019, Canada’s Ministry of Environment’s laboratory found that migratory Chinook salmon are Federal Court overturned the results confirmed the presence of PRV. at risk of disease from exposure to the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Of the 109 fish processing plants in B.C., high levels of piscine orthoreovirus (PRV) (DFO) policy permitting fish farms to 28 have provincial permits under B.C.’s occurring on salmon farms. PRV causes red transfer salmon farm hatchery smolts Environmental Management Act to blood cells in Chinook salmon to rupture, to ocean net pens without screening release “bloodwater” effluent into ocean spreading toxins that damage the kidney for PRV. Justice Cecily Strickland waters, including Lions Gate in Tofino. Deadly Parasites: Sea Lice Infestations F ish farms in Clayoquot Sound have effectively become breeding grounds for sea lice, putting an entire generation of wild salmon at risk. In the last year, half of Cermaq’s 14 salmon farms in Clayoquot Sound reported sea lice levels at or above the threshold that requires chemical treatment under the federal licence. When will the Minister of Fisheries and Ocean, Jonathan Wilkinson, and the Department of Fisheries and Ocean step up to protect wild salmon? Read the sea lice monitoring update . These crisis level conditions are unacceptable! Sea Lice Monitoring Update F By Mack Bartlett or another year out-migrating with some individuals having 20, 30 wild juvenile salmon in Clayoquot and 50 lice on them. Sound have been put at risk by sea Research conducted on lice infestations. Juvenile salmon in sea lice induced mortality found Clayoquot Sound migrate from their natal approximately 1 louse per gram streams beginning in the early spring. of fish can be lethal. Studies in BC In May at our continual juvenile salmon found 1-3 lice correlated to 60-98% monitoring sites, we found that there was lice induced mortality on salmon fry. a major spike in sea lice prevalence and Lower levels of sea lice can impact Mack Bartlett abundance on smolts. We observed 70- predator avoidance and the ability 100% prevalence of infected salmon and we to feed effectively, reducing chance Sea lice monitoring in Clayoquot Sound revealed a 70-100% were seeing a weekly average of 3 and 12 of survival and ultimately leading to infection rate in wild juvenile salmon during the sensitive lice per fish during May at these locations, decreased population productivity. out-migration period in the spring of 2019. KEEP IT WILD! 3
The Vision for a Green New Deal L et’s be real, the climate crisis is moving beyond our control. This other pieces of legislation, new programs here. Climate changing pollution level of change is indeed a matter and institutions, and a huge mobilization and environmental destruction of survival, and it will take historic calling on the creativity and participation have exacerbated systemic leadership and ambition to get of all of us. injustices, and states of emergency there. But it is also an unprecedented We know that when the are becoming commonplace. Current opportunity to build justice in state perceives an emergency, rapid global, federal, and provincial climate prosperity: a Green New Deal for all. transformations occur. Banks are saved, change plans and agreements fall A Green New Deal is a vision auto companies are bailed out. We have disastrously short of what is necessary. of rapid, inclusive and far-reaching the ability to build a 100% renewable But scientists are crystal clear about transition, to slash emissions, economy based on public ownership and what it will take: the next decade protect critical biodiversity, meet the dignified, well-paying work. We know that must see “rapid, far-reaching and demands of the multiple crises we the federal government, in collaboration unprecedented changes in all aspects face, and create over a million jobs with Indigenous Nations and all other of society”. in the process. It would involve the levels of government, has the capacity We have until 2030 to cut full implementation of the United to pull this off. But we also know that our emissions in half while protecting Nations Declaration on the Rights only the people - in a deep, wide, and our remaining cultural and biological of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) transformational process - can give it the diversity. Otherwise, we face including the right to Free, Prior and legitimacy and true diversity it needs to catastrophic impacts and this crisis Informed Consent (FPIC), dozens of succeed. We call on all politicians and political parties to respond to the demands of the people with a Green New Deal: • Beginning with the foundational rights and sovereignty of Indigenous communities, and implementing UNDRIP, FPIC, and the 94 Calls to Action from Canada’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission. • Ensuring that solutions are universal and far reaching as we transform our systems of transit, energy, housing, agriculture, and public services, and that we’re creating dignified work that can support families. • Making all our communities healthier, reconnecting, and feeling safe again. • All of society heeding the call from young people, and coming together with a plan to sustain this generation and the seven that come after it. A Green New Deal must lift us all, together. Learn more @ Something to consider... IN THE CANDIAN ELECTION THIS OCTOBER, VOTE FOR GREEN & DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATES WHO TAKE THE CLIMATE CRISIS MORE SERIOUSLY. 4 KEEP IT WILD!
Y outh all over the world are rising in the Canadian government at the UN and no purchase of the unceded the millions to demand the world’s Climate Summit in Paris. territories from the Indigenous Nations nations protect our Earth home Considering the plastic within B.C., Canada has no legal and the web of life that sustains industry uses 8% of the global oil jurisdiction under International Law to us all by taking bold and immediate action supply, 600,000 more barrels of oil even permit the pipeline and will face to avoid catastrophic climate collapse. per day means more plastic marine continued court challenges. Because the world’s scientists are clear: we debris. In Clayoquot Sound, the In B.C. hundreds have already have less than 11 years to cut our emissions pipeline would also mean 400 tankers been arrested to stop the Trans in half while protecting our remaining a year traveling past Long Beach Mountain pipeline, and thousands more cultural and biological diversity. Otherwise, putting communities and ecosystems are lined up. An entire generation is we face catastrophic impacts and the at greater risk of catastrophic oil spills. growing up with Extinction Rebellion climate crisis moving beyond our control. With increased summer temperatures, mindsets. If politicians like Trudeau Purchasing the proposed Trans western red cedars, salal bushes, and continue to disregard the climate Mountain pipeline is an example of mountain rivers are drying, rainforests emergency, movement based direct Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau are burning, glaciers are melting, and actions inspired by “war in the woods” lacking moral clarity and blundering in the orcas and salmon are struggling. and the Clayoquot Blockades over 25 the wrong direction. Instead of making Politically, legally, and on years ago will only continue to grow. urgent and meaningful investments in the ground the proposed Trans green jobs, energy efficiency, sustainable Mountain pipeline transportation, and renewable energy was doomed projects, Trudeau has led the Government before Trudeau led of Canada in committing billions in the Government taxpayer funds toward expanding of Canada in pipelines for liquified natural gas (LNG) approving it and tar sands extraction - the most in 2016. The carbon intensive energy on the planet. pipeline still has The Canadian government needs to no consent from wake up to the climate emergency and entire Indigenous #ENDFOSSILFUELSUBSIDIES. Nations, major The Trans Mountain pipeline municipalities expansion breaks Canada’s commitments including to Indigenous rights and reconciliation, Vancouver, while declaring a war on the climate Burnaby, and and coastal ecosystems. The pipeline Victoria, and the Marnie Recker and tanker project proposes to release Government of 100 million tonnes of carbon annually, British Columbia. Tla-o-qui-aht Chief Moses Martin speaking beside FOCS Campaigner Jeh negating climate commitments made by With no treaties Custerra at the No Pipelines Solidarity Rally in Tofino. KEEP IT WILD! 5
You Deal With It: Landslides from Logging in Hesquiaht Harbour On November 3rd, when 94 millimetres of rain fell within 24 hours, we witnessed a total of 9 landslides into 3 salmon bearing streams, and 2 lakes around Hesquiaht Harbour. From the time the landslides happened until today there has been no assistance from the federal or provincial governments for the restoration of our critical salmon bearing streams. We contacted the federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans, the provincial Ministry of Forests and Natural Resources, the federal Member of Parliament, Gord Johns, and the provincial Member of the Stephen Charleson Legislative Assembly, Scott Fraser. We heard repeatedly that there is no process to report or deal with a landslide that Debris around Hesquiaht Lake from the historical logging that destabilized mountain slopes and caused numerous impacts critical wild salmon habitat. landslides over the winter near Hesquiaht Harbour. Since industrial logging began A by Josh Charleson Hesquiaht Harbour has been taken in Hesquiaht territory these levels of t the northern end of advantage of by numerous logging government have accumulated wealth Clayoquot Sound, the big companies including Interfor, Mamook, from logging, licensing, and stumpage rain events this past winter Isaak, Western Forest Products, fees. Yet who is left to clean up this mess devastated the territory and MacMillan Bloedel. The mass after our trees have been taken and our of Hesquiaht First Nations. The rain deforestation that has occurred in streams destroyed by industrial logging? events hit Hesquiaht territory hard Hesquiaht territory has effectively “I don’t know Hesquiaht, you deal with it,” due to the history of industrial logging destabilized our, once forested, is not an acceptable answer. in Clayoquot Sound. Since the 1950’s mountain slopes. Environmental Protection Laws at Stake as Deadline Looms to Charge Imperial Metals T his August marks 5 years mining operations. Within Clayoquot protection laws, Imperial Metals share since Imperial Metals’ Mount Sound, Imperial Metals holds price is being propped up by Indigenous Polley mine disaster. To date, the mining rights to assess the Nations, taxpayers, and future generations. Imperial Metals has not been development of a gold mine, called the The shares are further inflated by Imperial held accountable for causing 25 billion Fandora project within the unceded Metals holding mining rights in Clayoquot litres of toxic mining waste to flood territory of Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations, Sound with no jurisdiction or consent. into Hazeltine Creek, Quesnel Lake, and as well as an open-pit copper mine Imperial Metals shareholders and the Fraser River watershed. All within on Catface Mountain in Ahousaht executives have been held accountable at the territory of the Secwepemc First First Nation’s unceded territory. Both their Annual General Meeting (AGM) by Nation, the area is one of the largest Nations are adamant that mining will Friends of Clayoquot Sound in solidarity salmon spawning grounds in the world. not be allowed in their territories. with Indigenous land protectors from Legal charges under Canada’s Fisheries In the last year, Imperial Secwepemc, Tla-o-qui-aht, and Ahousaht Act remain a possibility until August 4, Metals share price has doubled from territories. For 2019, Imperial Metals 2019. So what’s at stake here? $1.27 to $2.63, meaning that their moved their AGM online to avoid and No charges, fines or penalties mining operations are becoming remove their public accountability. Now, means Imperial Metals gains greater more lucrative for investors. With it’s time for the federal government to step potential to expand their unsustainable no enforcement of environmental up and charge Imperial Metals. 6 KEEP IT WILD!
Celebrating the 35th Anniversary of the Meares Island Tribal Park Declaration FOCS Archives The late Robert Martin Sr (Nuukmiis), Hereditary Chief of the Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations, in regalia celebrating the victory of Meares Island Tribal Park with Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations members. By Nora O’Malley, reprinted with permission from T he 35th anniversary of the Meares Indigenous stewardship and control to log, or to have unsustainable land Island Tribal Park Declaration of 1984 of the land, is always the best hope use that goes against tourists’ wishes. was celebrated over the Easter long for the future. People who know who As First Nations that are landowners weekend. they are, know where they live, know and trying to guide the land vision, Chief Moses Martin, elected Chief where their ancestors come from, it’s in our economic interests to come of Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation, was also the are always going to be better for together to help deliver it.” elected chief 35 years ago. In April 1984, he their region than people who either Tofino Mayor Josie Osborne declared Meares Island in Clayoquot Sound invade or extract resources for profit.” was invited to speak at the celebration. near Tofino a “Tribal Park” during a blockade Tla-o-qui-aht First Nations’ “This community couldn’t be what to stop Canadian forestry company MacMillan Natural Resources Manager, Saya it is if it wasn’t for the work of the Bloedel from logging the area’s ancient Masso, told the crowd that Tribal people in this room and so many forests. Parks is a vision for Tla-o-qui-aht others who have fought and who “35 years ago. It seems like yesterday. territory, which includes creating have passionately advocated for the I remember so vividly that day we all stood space for old growth, salmon ways that we need to be in synergy up and said, ‘No,’” Martin told the audience at restoration, and cultural gathering with this land,” said Osborne. She a community potluck event hosted by the Tin areas. reflected on the totem pole raising Wis in Tofino. “We need to get value for ceremony that took place at Anchor “We need to continue to do that,” trees standing,” Masso said. “Tourism Park in downtown Tofino in September he said. “We need to support each other in as an economic industry is ‘in’. We to honour First Nations Chiefs. Learn trying to protect this beautiful place that can’t have countervailing pressures more @ we call home.” As a result of the Tribal Park Declaration of 1984, the old-growth forest that exists on Meares Island remains standing to this day and protected for future generations. Michael Mullin, long time resident of Tofino and Friends of Clayoquot Sound Founder and Board Member, gave a speech during Friday’s celebration. Mullin took part in the anti-logging protests and was there for the birth of the historical Tribal Park Declaration. “This Tribal Park vision should be Jeh Custerra a model for the entire region. With climate change upon us, the worst thing we can be doing is be cutting down forests,” said Mullin. Thank You to this group who stood in solidarity to protect Meares Island old growth forest from logging in 1984. “It has become very clear that enlightened They came together again for a nostalgic photo during the 35th anniversary celebration on April 19 in Tofino. KEEP IT WILD! 7
Support the Wild! Friends of Clayoquot Sound is a grassroots organization advocating protection for the ancient temperate rainforest ecosystems of Clayoquot Sound. We are part of an international movement calling for a shift of consciousness in the way humans relate to the Earth. We need your support to continue to educate and inspire people. Please send in your donation today to help protect one of the most spectacular places on Earth. Visit our website to find more ways to help: Send your donation to: Friends of Clayoquot Sound Box 489, Tofino, BC, Canada V0R 2Z0 Ph: 250-725-4218 Office: 1160 Pacific Rim Hwy, Tofino // Sustain Our Legacy! Join our Wilderness Team by becoming a monthly donor! Since 1979, Friends of Clayoquot Includes annual membership. Sound have relied on donations from people who love this place. Monthly donation: $15 $25 $35 Other We have immense gratitude for our donors, who are the true Credit card (please write details below) sustainers of our work to protect Direct debit to my chequing account Printed on 100% post-consumer recycled paper. 05/17 Design: German Ocampo Articles: Jeh Custera Editors: Maryjka Mychajlowycz & Robert the life that thrives here. Become (please attach a VOID cheque) a donor today! SIGNATURE OF ACCOUNT HOLDER DATE Friends of Clayoquot Thank you! Payments will continue automatically on the first of each month until you notify the Friends of Sound practically wrote Clayoquot Sound of any changes or cancellation by calling 250-725-4218 or emailing the book on successful You can also donate by credit card on our website: environmental protest, Become a Friends of Clayoquot Sound member! back in the 1990s. I have been an Name: enthusiastic supporter Address: ever since. - Margaret Atwood, Acclaimed Canadian Phone: Email: Author Annual donation: $25 $40 $100 Other All members receive the informative Friends of Clayoquot Sound newsletter hot off the press! Check here if you prefer to receive the newsletter by email. VISA or MASTERCARD / CARD NUMBER EXPIRY C V V NUMBER (3-digit number on back of card) Liam Sharp Zurowski SIGNATURE DATE
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