Page created by Benjamin Warren
                          IN LEVEL 3

                                        WEEKEND FOR 2 TO MELBOURNE OR
                                             QUEENSTOWN UP FOR GRABS
                                  REGISTER FOR THE 2020 YIELD COMP NOW
                                                            SEE PAGE 7


WWW.INTA-AG.CO.NZ                                              MAY 2020

                                     SHOP AHEAD OF NEW TV SERIES

FARMERS WEEKLY UK - FEBRUARY 2020                             Locals snapped up “good exercise” chicken eggs, “mildly
                                                              organic” horseradish, apple juice “without the rubbish” and
                                                              potatoes at £1.02 per 2kg, which a sign said were “less than
TV presenter Jeremy Clarkson
has opened the doors to his new
farm shop, selling “guaranteed                                Mr Clarkson chatted to visitors outside his shop, where
                                                              he raffled off water in yellow bottles and handed out cider
non-organic” food grown on his farm.                          donated by Blur’s Alex James.

Mr Clarkson welcomed the public to his 404ha farm in
                                                              LOCAL PRODUCE
Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire, on Saturday 22 February for
                                                              Liam Walker, a local county councillor, said: “It was great
the grand opening of the Squat Shop, named after his farm,
                                                              to see Jeremy opening his new farm shop here in west
Diddly Squat.                                                 Oxfordshire, where he plans to stock local produce.

Ahead of the opening, Mr Clarkson, 59, boasted on his         “The agricultural industry is really important to us here and
Instagram page his shop “will put the supermarkets out of     I’m hoping his new Amazon Prime documentary on buying
business. Bye, bye Aldi!”                                     a farm will help to encourage more people to buy local
                                                              produce and raise the profile of farming among an audience
Writing on his Twitter page, he said the farm shop would be   who wouldn’t normally be engaged. I wish him every success
unheated and meat-free and only sell produce grown on his     in this new venture.”
                                                              Mr Clarkson has admitted to challenges running the farm
More than 100 customers turned up for the opening and The     for more than a year as part of a forthcoming Amazon Prime
Grand Tour presenter later apologised for the “nightmare”     show, which has the working title I Bought The Farm and is
muddy conditions of the makeshift car park.                   due to air later this year.fungicide”.

02                                                                                                         WWW.INTA-AG.CO.NZ

     Purchase monthly ‘Specials’
     Pay your account on time
     Purchase Inta-Ag exclusive Brands
     Purchase via the Ordering app
     Collect in Store

                   COVID-19 UPDATE LEVEL 3
      WE ARE OPEN FOR DELIVERIES!                           Hours of operation:
                                                            Mon-Fri 7am – 4pm
      Under level three we are still operating. Our doors
      remain closed to customers however orders can be      Shane:          021 806565
      received by phone, email or via our phone app and     Mike:          021 962462
      delivered your preferred sites.                       Gary:           021 992829
                                                            Dean:           021 717934
                                                            Warren:        021 2864636

03                                                                           WWW.INTA-AG.CO.NZ


  Potato Grower | March 2020                                           Findings from APRE studies are beginning to refute
  Alliance for Potato Research and Education                          misinformed perspectives on potato health benefits
  By Mitch Kanter, Chief Science Officer                                        held by some researchers and influencers.

Potatoes are a nutritional powerhouse providing an excellent        benefits as commercial products. There are currently six
source of vitamin C and potassium. In fact, compared to many        APRE-funded studies dedicated to this area under way, and
other popular fruits and vegetables, potatoes provide the           one publication available. Results from that study showed that
best nutritional value per dollar in the produce aisle. Even so,    potatoes can be as effective as sports gels, and better than
potatoes continue to be mischaracterized and misrepresented         consuming water only, for endurance during a timed cycling
among vocal researchers and influencers, with dated                 trial. Future studies will investigate other components of
assumptions largely supported by observational research.            potatoes and their impact on sports performance.
     Unlike controlled trials, which investigate a specific cause   Another novel area of exploration focuses on a unique type
(i.e., eating potatoes) and effect (i.e., heart health)-usually     of carbohydrate found in potatoes: a fiber-like compound
over a shorter time period-observational studies investigate        called resistant starch. While all potatoes contain some
                                                                    resistant starch, heating then cooling potatoes before
general associations between behaviors (food intake, exercise,
                                                                    eating significantly increases the amount of resistant starch
lifestyle) and outcomes over a longer period. Cause and
                                                                    present. As its name implies, resistant starch is not fully
effect cannot be determined via observational evidence
                                                                    digested in the gut and is associated with myriad benefits,
alone. However, when it is contextualized with controlled
                                                                    including supporting a healthy gut microbiome, helping to
trials, stronger links between potato consumption and
                                                                    manage body weight by keeping people fuller for longer,
health outcomes can be uncovered. To help build a stronger
                                                                    and supporting normal blood sugar control. Most studies
foundation of scientific knowledge and challenge these
                                                                    use resistant starch extracted from corn and other grain
misinformed potato health perceptions, the Alliance for Potato
                                                                    sources like oats and beans. To better identify the benefits
Research and Education
                                                                    of potatoes’ unique resista.nt starch profile, APRE is currently
(APRE) was founded in 2011.                                         funding four studies (three human, one animal), two of which
     APRE is a not-for-profit organization comprised of U.S.        have been published. Findings from these studies show that
and Canadian potato growers and processors dedicated                resistant starch from potatoes could help curb adverse health
to advancing the scientific understanding of the role white         issues associated with high-fat meals and improve the body’s
potatoes play in promoting the health of all people. While          response to blood sugar immediately after a meal.
adhering to strict research integrity guidelines, APRE has              Beyond revealing potatoes as a source of quality
invested more than $4.5 million in research grants, resulting       carbohydrates that can have a positive impact on health,
in 30 studies and six publications to date. Findings from the       findings can also identify new
six published studies are beginning to refute misinformed           ways to use and market potatoes. Moreo1er, APRE’s research
perspectives on potato health benefits.                             program can catalyze exploration around specific potato
                                                                    ingredients­like resistant starch and potato carbohydrates
NEW FINDINGS, NEW APPLICATIONS                                      and protein-for use in product formulations as a novel way to
While most of the APRE-funded research                              develop healthier, more nutritious foods and supplements.
is still being conducted, recent findings are beginning to              We encourage the potato industry to use these studies in
show new applications and uses for potatoes, specifically for       marketing and promotions
athletes looking for a whole food fuel source, and people           to learn more and to get engaged and. All studies mentioned
trying to better control their blood sugar through diet.            in this article can be found on www.apre.clrg. You’ll also find
    It’s accepted that optimal physical performance requires        more information on potato nutrition and the APRE research
high-quality, nutrient­dense carbohydrates and proteins. While      program, and be able to sign up for our newsletter to keep
there are many commercial, processed products available for         updated on the latest research on potatoes. If you would like
athletes, APRE is investigating whether potatoes, a whole-food      to learn more about how you can support APRE research,
source of carbohydrates, can have the same performance              send an email to

04                                                                                                               WWW.INTA-AG.CO.NZ

     TOUCHDOWN® with iQ Technology –
     The Smartest Glyphosate

     Touchdown iQ is an advanced glyphosate formulation with
     dual-adjuvant technology designed to maximize uptake for
                                                                            FREE SU
     more reliable results in the field.                                            PERMAR
                                                                             VOUCH          KET
                                                                                     ERS WIT
                                                                             YOUR P          H
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     the most soluble form of glyphosate available - with a blend
     of non-ionic and cationic surfactants for better and faster

     The unique dual-adjuvant delivery system in Touchdown
     iQ is designed to maximize the uptake of glyphosate into
     the plant without damaging the epidermal cells of the leaf,
     resulting in better transportation of active to the growing
     points in the weed.

     This contrasts with the surfactants used in some
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     leading to reduced uptake and inferior weed control.
     Touchdown iQ is as good as glyphosate gets with;
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     The performance of Touchdown with iQ Technology is
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     Purchase Touchdown iQ from us to get a Countdown
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     ONLY, SO CALL US NOW ON: 09 237 0430

     ®TOUCHDOWN IQ is a registered trademark of a Syngenta Group Company.

05                                                                                          WWW.INTA-AG.CO.NZ


Potato Grower Magazine | March 2020           As the tuber expands, the dark lesion        infecting brassicas to hops. AG2-l
By James Woodhall,                            breaks up and the darker, affected           isolates can vary in their aggressiveness
University of Idaho Extension                 tuber areas spread out, resulting in the     to stems, sometimes causing more
Plant Pathologist                             localized darker russeting. Sometimes, if    severe stem infection than AG3-PT, but
                                              that initial infection site was severe and   with some isolates causing very minor
Rhizoctonia is a fungus that can cause        deep enough, it can result in a crack or     lesions. It tends not to be a prolific
a wide range of symptoms in potatoes­
                                              fissure as the tuber expands.                producer of sclerotia on tubers.
both in the tubers and the growing
                                                 Infection of the stems is typically          AGs of Rhizoctonia typically
plant. Most people may be familiar with
                                              referred to as stem canker. These are        associated with sugarbeets, AG2-2 IIIB
it in tubers as the “dirt that doesn’t wash
                                              sunken brown lesions that can appear         and AG4 HG­II, can also cause moderate
off or black scurf. It can also cause
                                              on sprouts as they are emerging.             stem canker in potato, but in glass
a symptom called “elephant hide” in
tubers as well as cracks and deformities.     Infection can progress over the              house experiments did not cause black
In the growing plant, the fungus can          season, and sometimes the lesions can        scurf. Interestingly, there is a strain
infect stems (stem canker), stolons and       coalesce, effectively girdling the stem      of Rhizoctonia that affects wheat and
roots. Overall, this fungus can cause         and resulting in stem death. The stolons     barley (AGS) that when inoculated onto
marketable yield losses of up to 30           can also be affected in a similar way,       potatoes exclusively infected only the.
percent and can be difficult to manage,       resulting in fewer potatoes (although        In field trials this strain caused yield
as it can survive in both soil and seed.      yield by weight is not affected, since       losses approaching 30 percent, thereby
Effective management is further               those potatoes that are produced are         highlighting the importance of root
complicated because the fungus exists         typically larger). The fungus can also       health on yield.
as a “species complex” with different         infect roots, causing darker, shorter           Management of the disease should
strains known as anastomosis groups
                                              roots and having a direct relationship       start with Rhizoctonia-free seed.
(AGs), each of which can cause slightly
                                              with yield losses.                           Many labs offer a visual assessment
different symptoms and have its own
                                                 The most important strain, or AG,         for Rhizoctonia on seed tubers, but
host ranges and biology.
                                              is Rhizoctonia solani AG3-PT. This           molecular tests are also available.
     The most familiar symptom, black
                                              can cause considerable black scurf,          Although effective seed treatments are
scurf, is caused by the development
                                              aggressive stem and stolon cankers,          available, seed severely infested with
of a fungal survival structure known as
sclerotia on the surface of the tuber.        moderate root disease and elephant           Rhizoctonia should be avoided.
Such sclerotia not only reduce tuber          hide. The elephant hide symptoms that           In-furrow treatments can be
quality, but are important in seed            AG3-PT causes tends to be darker and         also effective but will not eradicate
tubers as they can initiate disease in the    possibly less scaly than that caused         the-fungus from fields. Five-year
subsequent crop.                              but other strains such as AG2-l and          rotations are recommended if possible,
     Black scurf is not, however, the         binucleate Rhizctonia                        although this may not help when there
only symptom that appears on tubers.          (BNR) species. Although AG3-PT has           are high levels of Rhizoctonia AGs that
Sometimes elephant hide-a thick               been recovered from some cereal crops,       infect other crops present in the soil. In
russeting, scaly or corky symptom-can         it tends to struggle to survive in soil      this instance it may be useful for a lab
be observed on tubers. Elephant               compared to other AGs. However, it is        to confirm the AG present if significant
hide can be localized or scattered
                                              a prolific producer of black scurf; as       disease is observed. Several labs in the
throughout the tuber and sometimes
                                              AG3-PT sclerotia adhere to seed tubers,      Pacific Northwest can test the soil for
is associated with cracks or other
                                              the pathogen can survive and spread.         various AGs prior to planting, which
deformities. Symptoms referred to
                                              It survives poorly as the elephant hide      could provide useful information if there
as elephant hide have also been
                                              symptom. Although the fungus has             is a persistent problem. Work funded
associated with other pathogens and
abiotic causes. However, it has been          been isolated from elephant hide on          by the Northwest Potato Research

confirmed that several strains of             freshly dug tubers, after 12 weeks in        Consortium is currently underway
Rhizoctonia can cause elephant hide           cold storage it is almost impossible to      to further characterize the strains
symptoms. These symptoms result from          recover Rhizoctonia from elephant hide.      present in the region and inorease
the fungus infecting tubers very early in        The AG2-l has also been detected in       our understanding of this complicated
the season-just after initiation.             Idaho. This strain has a wide host range     fungus.

06                                                                                                                 WWW.INTA-AG.CO.NZ

     POTATO PARTNERS – WHAT IS IT?                               SIGN UP TO POTATO PARTNERS TODAY!

     •   Potato Partners is a technical support programme for    It’s FREE to become a Potato Partner.
         Syngenta potato products, to help you get the best      Be first to hear what’s new from us for potatoes.
         possible results.                                       Sign up TODAY and receive a FREE thermos bottle!

     •   Potato Partners = Products + Innovation + Support       Refer to one of the Inta-Ag team to join


          You must be a Potato Partner member (see an Inta-Ag staff member to join)
                       Grower must nominate paddock before planting
              Paddock will be GPS’s and flagged as being part of the competition
                At any point the grower can have the yield assessed by Staphyt

                                    Competition date is 1st August to 1st March 2021


07                                                                                                          WWW.INTA-AG.CO.NZ
              BIOSTART RANGE
                                 Technical Sheet Foliacin            Potatoes
                  Foliacin                                          Trial Sheet
                 Technical Sheet Vegetables, cover crops
                                                    Technical Sheet Increase Potato Yield
                                                                 and general crop trash
                 Vegetables                                                         Vegetables                                                                                  with BioStart Products
                                                                 BioStart Digester is a soil microbial stimulator that activates those beneficial, naturally occurring bacteria and fungi in your
                                                                 soil responsible for decomposition.
                                                   Benefits of using Digester                                         Figure 1. Impact of
                                                                                                                                       HowDigester  on Oat Stubble
                                                                                                                                              it works
                 Applying the foliar biostimulant Foliacin
                                                   Digesterto   the foliage
                                                             returns         of plants
                                                                     organic matter        improves
                                                                                      to the soilApplying
                                                                                                            the plant
                                                                                                  by promoting  foliar health,
                                                                                                                        biostimulant Foliacin to the foliage of plants improves overall plant health,
                                                                                                                                       Biostart Mycorrcin is a soil biostimulant that activates  This demonstrates that Mycorrcin is an effective and robust
                 growth and resilience particularlythe
                                                    in times   of plant of
                                                       rapid breakdown  stress.                 growth
                                                                           leaf litter, cover crops,      andand
                                                                                                     old roots resilience particularlybeneficial
                                                                                                                                        in timesmicrobes
                                                                                                                                                  of plantinstress.
                                                                                                                                                             your soil, stimulating healthy root soil biostimulant in multiple geographical locations, soils and
                                                                 post-harvest crop trash in horticultural crops.                                                                growth and development leading to enhanced nutrient                                             for a range of different potato varieties.
                                                               Applied directly on to The crop trash,   Digester  activates    the Foliacin work?                     uptake and better crop establishment.
                 How does Foliacin work?                                                        benefits      ofHow
                                                                                                                  using   does
                                                                                                                            Foliacin:                                                               The benefits of using Foliacin: 2. Reduces Amount of Rejects
                                                               decomposition microbes already present in the soil. For                                                Biostart Foliacin is a foliar-applied plant health stimulant
                 Foliacin contains a mixture of fermentation extracts                     • Improves plant healthFoliacin contains a mixture of fermentation extracts                               • Improves plant health                          a) Auckland Trial: The increase in marketable potato yield
                                                               vegetable and cover crops, breaking down crop trash makes                                              that helps plants to withstand environmental stress.                           was due in part to a decrease in reject weight from 11.3% of
                 of beneficial bacteria, as well as a range of itother plant
                                                                  easier                  • Improves
                                                                          to prepare seedbeds,           plant
                                                                                                   reduces       of beneficial
                                                                                                             blockages    of seedbacteria, as well as a range of other plant                        • Improves plant growth
                 biostimulants and nutrients, including amino       acids,                                                                                            Potato        Trials • Improves recovery from periods of environmental         total yield to 7.9 of total yield.
                                                               drills and proteins,       • Improves
                                                                            improves accurate            recovery
                                                                                                 seed placement. biostimulants
                                                                                                                    from   periods
                                                                                                                      Digester,    and
                                                                                                                                   by of nutrients,  including
                                                                                                                                         environmental       stressamino   acids, proteins,                                                                       stress
                 seaweed extracts and trace elements.                                                            seaweed    extracts    and  trace  elements.
                                                                                                                              fungal spray stress UntreatedTrials show that Mycorrcin,                                            of Foliacin        b) Pukekohe Trial: Their were fewer rejected potatoes from
                                                               efficiently decomposing    • the  crop residue
                                                                                              Improves          thatfrom
                                                                                                         recovery     many chemical                                                           Digester      4orL/ha
                                                                                                                                                                                                    • Improves  a combination
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      recovery from     chemical spray stress
                                                               and bacterial pathogens                                                                                and Mycorrcin:                                                                 the Mycorrcin and Foliacin-treated crop at 9.1 T/ha, which
                 Foliacin has two modes of action:                                        • survive
                                                                                              Aids in on  between
                                                                                                      green          crops,has
                                                                                                                  retention  reduces
                                                                                                                               and     modes of action:                                             • Aids in green leaf retention and optimising    was 12% of total harvest compared to the untreated crop (9.1
                 1. It activates the beneficial microbes livingdisease
                                                                   on thepressure
                                                                            leaf’s on consequent      crops. potential
                                                                                              photosynthetic     1. It activates the beneficial microbes living                                           photosynthetic potential
                                                                                                                                                                      1. Digester
                                                                                                                                                    Figure 2. Effect of   Increased
                                                                                                                                                                          on   the leaf’s yield
                                                                                                                                                                                     on Oat Stubble Breakdown                                        T/ha; 14% of total harvest).
                     surfaces (biofilm) which enhances the plant’s
                                                                          show that Digester:                        surfaces (biofilm) which enhances the plant’s        eightresilience
                                                                                                                                                                      In Pukekekohe
                                                                                                                                                                                  trials, 2019
                                                                                                                                                                                           conducted in commercial potato crops, the
                     especially after fungicide application.                                                         especially after fungicide application. application of Mycorrcin, either as a single application
                                                               1. Enhances the Breakdown      Direction of Cover
                                                                                                             for     Crops
                                                                                                                   use                            1000
                                                                                                                                                                      in-furrow at planting (8 L/ha)      Direction       for   use
                                                                                                                                                                                                               or split application   (5 L/ha at
                 2. It stimulates the plant’s systems that promote plant                                         2. It stimulates the plant’s systems that promote plant
                                                               Cover crops are used by growers        to build
                                                                                              • Foliacin    canupbesoil organic with most crop
                                                                                                                     co-applied                                       planting and 3 L/ha at mounding)    • Foliacinlifted marketable
                                                                                                                                                                                                                         can              potato
                                                                                                                                                                                                                              be co-applied    with most crop
                     health and growth, as well as green leaf retention, which                                       health and growth,       as well
                                                                                                                                                   800 as green leaf retention, which
                                                               matter. One of their issues is getting the cover crop residue                                          yield on average by 7.5 T/ha or 11% (range 6 – 16%).
                     enables greater levels of photosynthesis. Enhanced                          protection and/or      nutritional
                                                                                                                     enables    greaterspray  applications.
                                                                                                                                          levels of photosynthesis. Enhanced                                 protection and/or nutritional spray applications.
                                                                                                                                             Residual Stubble (kg/ha)

                                                               broken down before the next seedbed needs to be prepared.                           600                The trials were       conducted over multiple seasons in the
                     plant health ensures heightened plant resilience and                                            plant  health   ensures
                                                                                              • For best results spray early morning, early    heightened       plant resilience    and                   • For
                                                                                                                                                                      major potato growing           regions    ofbest
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Zealand,spray  early morning, early
                     continued growth even during periodsAoftrial      was conducted in May 2019, where an Auckland
                                                                    environmental                                    continued
                                                                                                 evening or in overcast conditions.growth    even   during    periods  of
                                                                                                                                                                      856  environmental         -65%
                                                               commercial oat cover crop was sprayed with glyphosate.                              400                Canterbury, Pukekohe,        ** Hawkes     Bay ororOhakune.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            in overcast
                     or chemical stress.                                                                             or chemical stress.                                                                                                             3. Improved Crop Returns
                                                               Half of the cover crop was sprayed with just glyphosate, and                                           varieties used in the trials included Agria, Innovator and
                                                                                                                                                                      Russet Burbank.                                                                Across the eight trials the application of Mycorrcin
                                                               the other half with a mixture of glyphosate and Digester,                                                                          294                                                increased gross profits per hectare by $2,075/ha (assuming a
                                                               with the Digester added at a rate of 4 L/ha. After six weeks                          0
                                                                                                                                                                              Figure   1. Effect of Mycorrcin    on  Increasing  Potato  Yield       $300/T price for marketable potatoes).
                  Crop                           Timing        there was     an obvious visual difference in theCrop
                                                                          Programme                                 paddock (Figure                    Timing
                                                                                                                                                                                             Digester 4 L/ha

                                                               1). For each treatment area, several plots were assessed                                                     18%
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Variety                Region
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Yield Increase Gross Margin
                                                               for residual oat trash, and the addition of Digester to the                                                  16%                                                                                                              (T/ha)       Increase
                                                                                                                                             FigureEarly3. Microscopic
                                                                                                                                                              growth/first14%view       of Impact of Digester
                                                                                                                                                                                    Yield Increase Over Standard (%)

                                                 Early growth/first
                                                               glyphosate 0.5 application
                                                                               L/ha in a minimum     of 200stubble
                                                                                            had increased    L/ha of breakdown
                                                                                                                      water with cropby protection        and/or                  0.5 L/ha in a minimum of 200 L/ha of water with crop protection               and/or Canterbury
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Russet Burbank                            10          $2,714
                  Vegetables including           cover spray through                                              Vegetables      including  on Oatcover Stubble
                                                                                                                                                               spray through
                                                 to harvest    65%   (P < nutritional
                                                                          0.01)       spray
                                                                                 thereby      applications.
                                                                                          improving    the   Re-apply
                                                                                                                            of  10–14
                                                                                                                                the     days.          to harvest
                                                                                                                                                                            12% nutritional spray applications. Re-apply every 10–14 days.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Agria                  Pukekohe            6         $1,664
                  potatoes, onions,                                                                               potatoes,
                                                               trash into the soil (Figure 2). Observation of the treated oat   onions,                                     10%
                  brassicas, lettuce,                          trash by microscope showed that it was more        brassicas,    lettuce,
                                                                                                                      broken down                                            8% 16%                                                                   Agria                 Hawkes   Bay         8          $2,114
                  squash, carrots and            After periods(Figure 3) and fibrous with a higher level of squash,         carrots and
                                                                                                                  saprophytic                          After periods         6%                                           13%                         Innovator             Hawkes Bay           4          $1,184
                                                 of stress such                                                                                        of stress such                        10%                                   11%
                                                                          1 L/ha in a minimum of 200 L/ha ofsweetcorn
                                                                                                                   water   withofcrop
                                                                                                                                    theprotection and/or                     4% 1 L/ha in a minimum of 200 L/ha of water with crop protection and/or
                  sweetcorn                      as drought, fungi present on the stubble. Microbiological            analysis                         as drought,                                      6%       7%                                   Agria                  Ohakune             9         $2,444
                                                 extreme heatcrop         nutritional
                                                                 or residue     showedspray   applications.
                                                                                         it had higher levelsRe-apply   every yeast
                                                                                                               of beneficial    10–14 days.            extreme heat or 2% nutritional spray applications. Re-apply every 10–14 days.Agria                                    Pukekohe            6          $1,631
                                                 phytotoxicityspecies on the treated samples.                                                          phytotoxicity         0%
                                                                                                                                                                                 Canterbury Pukekohe Hawkes     Hawkes Ohakune Pukekohe Pukekohe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                       2019   2019   Bay 2019   Bay 2018   2009   2009   2007   Agria                Pukekohe           10   $2,774
                                                                 This study demonstrates that the application of Digester
                                                                                                                                                                        Untreated                                             Digester 4 L/ha
                                                                 with glyphosate enhances the breakdown of a cover crop.
                  Biostart New Zealand 0800 116 229 | Biostart Australia 1800 359
                                                                                     Biostart New559
                                                                                                   Zealand 0800 116 229Biostart
                                                                                                                                New Zealand  0800Australia
                                                                                                                                        | Biostart 116 229
                                                                                                                                                           1800 359 559
                                                                                                                                                                          | Biostart Australia 1800 359 559

                                       SCROLL TO READ

45 Kitchener Road, Pukekohe
09 237 0430
     Technical Sheet

     Applying the foliar biostimulant Foliacin to the foliage of plants improves overall plant health,
     growth and resilience particularly in times of plant stress.

     How does Foliacin work?                                          The benefits of using Foliacin:
     Foliacin contains a mixture of fermentation extracts             • Improves plant health
     of beneficial bacteria, as well as a range of other plant        • Improves plant growth
     biostimulants and nutrients, including amino acids, proteins,    • Improves recovery from periods of environmental stress
     seaweed extracts and trace elements.                             • Improves recovery from chemical spray stress
     Foliacin has two modes of action:                                • Aids in green leaf retention and optimising
     1. It activates the beneficial microbes living on the leaf’s       photosynthetic potential
        surfaces (biofilm) which enhances the plant’s resilience
        especially after fungicide application.
     2. It stimulates the plant’s systems that promote plant             Direction for use
        health and growth, as well as green leaf retention, which        • Foliacin can be co-applied with most crop
        enables greater levels of photosynthesis. Enhanced                 protection and/or nutritional spray applications.
        plant health ensures heightened plant resilience and             • For best results spray early morning, early
        continued growth even during periods of environmental              evening or in overcast conditions.
        or chemical stress.

      Crop                         Timing                Programme

                                   Early growth/first  0.5 L/ha in a minimum of 200 L/ha of water with crop protection and/or
      Vegetables including         cover spray through
                                   to harvest          nutritional spray applications. Re-apply every 10–14 days.
      potatoes, onions,
      brassicas, lettuce,
      squash, carrots and          After periods
                                   of stress such        1 L/ha in a minimum of 200 L/ha of water with crop protection and/or
      sweetcorn                    as drought,
                                   extreme heat or       nutritional spray applications. Re-apply every 10–14 days.

      Biostart New Zealand 0800 116 229 | Biostart Australia 1800 359 559

BIOSTART                                                                                                              WWW.INTA-AG.CO.NZ
     Technical Sheet
     Vegetables, cover crops
     and general crop trash

     BioStart Digester is a soil microbial stimulator that activates those beneficial, naturally occurring bacteria and fungi in your
     soil responsible for decomposition.
     Benefits of using Digester                                         Figure 1. Impact of Digester on Oat Stubble
     Digester returns organic matter to the soil by promoting
     the rapid breakdown of leaf litter, cover crops, old roots and
     post-harvest crop trash in horticultural crops.
     Applied directly on to crop trash, Digester activates the
     decomposition microbes already present in the soil. For
     vegetable and cover crops, breaking down crop trash makes
     it easier to prepare seedbeds, reduces blockages of seed
     drills and improves accurate seed placement. Digester, by
     efficiently decomposing the crop residue that many fungal                                             Untreated                  Digester 4 L/ha
     and bacterial pathogens survive on between crops, reduces
     disease pressure on consequent crops.
                                                                                                     Figure 2. Effect of Digester on Oat Stubble Breakdown
     Trials show that Digester:                                                                                          Pukekekohe 2019

     1. Enhances the Breakdown of Cover Crops                                                       1000

     Cover crops are used by growers to build up soil organic
     matter. One of their issues is getting the cover crop residue
                                                                         Residual Stubble (kg/ha)

     broken down before the next seedbed needs to be prepared.                                      600

     A trial was conducted in May 2019, where an Auckland                                                                                -65%
                                                                                                    400             856                    **
     commercial oat cover crop was sprayed with glyphosate.
     Half of the cover crop was sprayed with just glyphosate, and
     the other half with a mixture of glyphosate and Digester,                                                                           294
     with the Digester added at a rate of 4 L/ha. After six weeks                                     0
     there was an obvious visual difference in the paddock (Figure                                                Untreated          Digester 4 L/ha

     1). For each treatment area, several plots were assessed
     for residual oat trash, and the addition of Digester to the
                                                                        Figure 3. Microscopic view of Impact of Digester
     glyphosate application had increased stubble breakdown by
                                                                        on Oat Stubble
     65% (P < 0.01) thereby improving the incorporation of the
     trash into the soil (Figure 2). Observation of the treated oat
     trash by microscope showed that it was more broken down
     (Figure 3) and fibrous with a higher level of saprophytic
     fungi present on the stubble. Microbiological analysis of the
     crop residue showed it had higher levels of beneficial yeast
     species on the treated samples.
     This study demonstrates that the application of Digester
                                                                                                           Untreated                  Digester 4 L/ha
     with glyphosate enhances the breakdown of a cover crop.

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2. Improves Asparagus Crop Trash Breakdown                            Figure 4. Effect of Digester on breakdown of
The application of Digester has been shown to enhance                 asparagus trash in autumn
asparagus crop trash breakdown. Asparagus crops require
their vegetative spears to break down during the autumn/
                                                                                                 Before Discing and Digester Application
winter period. In a recent trial, Digester was applied at 4 L/
ha to asparagus crop trash before being incorporated into
the soil. Five weeks afterwards the asparagus crop trash in
the treated area was more decomposed than the untreated
area (Figure 4). The breakdown of this crop trash will benefit
the yield of asparagus in the following spring.
3. Breakdown of Maize Crop Trash Improves Yield
After the harvest of maize grain cropsv, significant levels
of crop residue remain, often more than 10-12 T/ha. Crop
trash remaining in spring ties up soil nitrogen, inhibiting the
growth and germination of the next crop. Therefore, it is
important that all maize crop trash is broken down quickly
over winter, prior to spring planting.
In continued maize cropping, Digester has been shown                                                    35 Days After Application
to improve the breakdown of maize crop trash thereby
increasing the yield of the next maize crop. In two successive
trials Digester was applied at 4 L/ha in July directly on to
crop trash from a commercial maize crop in a Bay of Plenty
where the paddock was re-sown in maize in the following
November and yield was observed for both treated and
untreated paddocks. In year 1 of the trial, application of
Digester increased grain yield by 12% (1.4 MT/ha; Fig 5a), and
in the subsequent year, Digester increased grain yield by 8%
(1.1 MT/ha; Fig 5b).
The rapid breakdown of maize crop trash by Digester                                               Untreated                   4 L/ha Digester
benefited the yield of the following crop.

                           Figure 5a. Maize Grain Yield (T/ha) 2012                                 Figure 5b. Maize Grain Yield (T/ha) 2013

                      13                                                                    15


 Grain Yield (T/ha)

                                                                       Grain Yield (T/ha)

                      11                                                                                    13.4
                                   11.5                                                     11

                      10                                                                    10
                                 Standard               Digester                                          Standard               Digester

Biostart New Zealand 0800 116 229 | Biostart Australia 1800 359 559

     Trial Sheet
     Increase Potato Yield
     with BioStart Products

     How it works
     Biostart Mycorrcin is a soil biostimulant that activates                                                           This demonstrates that Mycorrcin is an effective and robust
     beneficial microbes in your soil, stimulating healthy root                                                         soil biostimulant in multiple geographical locations, soils and
     growth and development leading to enhanced nutrient                                                                for a range of different potato varieties.
     uptake and better crop establishment.
                                                                                                                        2. Reduces Amount of Rejects
     Biostart Foliacin is a foliar-applied plant health stimulant                                                       a) Auckland Trial: The increase in marketable potato yield
     that helps plants to withstand environmental stress.                                                               was due in part to a decrease in reject weight from 11.3% of
     Potato Trials                                                                                                      total yield to 7.9 of total yield.

     Trials show that Mycorrcin, or a combination of Foliacin                                                           b) Pukekohe Trial: Their were fewer rejected potatoes from
     and Mycorrcin:                                                                                                     the Mycorrcin and Foliacin-treated crop at 9.1 T/ha, which
                                                                                                                        was 12% of total harvest compared to the untreated crop (9.1
     1. Increased yield                                                                                                 T/ha; 14% of total harvest).
     In eight trials, conducted in commercial potato crops, the
     application of Mycorrcin, either as a single application
     in-furrow at planting (8 L/ha) or split application (5 L/ha at
     planting and 3 L/ha at mounding) lifted marketable potato
     yield on average by 7.5 T/ha or 11% (range 6 – 16%).
     The trials were conducted over multiple seasons in the
     major potato growing regions of New Zealand, including
     Canterbury, Pukekohe, Hawkes Bay or Ohakune. The
                                                                                                                        3. Improved Crop Returns
     varieties used in the trials included Agria, Innovator and
     Russet Burbank.                                                                                                    Across the eight trials the application of Mycorrcin
                                                                                                                        increased gross profits per hectare by $2,075/ha (assuming a
                                           Figure 1. Effect of Mycorrcin on Increasing Potato Yield                     $300/T price for marketable potatoes).
                                          18%                                                                                                            Yield Increase Gross Margin
                                                                                                                         Variety              Region
                                          16%                                                                                                                (T/ha)       Increase
       Yield Increase Over Standard (%)

                                          14%                                                                           Russet Burbank      Canterbury         10           $2,714
                                                                                                                        Agria                Pukekohe          6            $1,664
                                          8%     16%                                                                    Agria               Hawkes Bay         8            $2,114
                                          6%                                                 13%                        Innovator           Hawkes Bay         4            $1,184
                                                            10%                                       11%
                                                                       6%         7%                                    Agria                Ohakune           9            $2,444
                                                                                                                        Agria                Pukekohe          6            $1,631
                                                Canterbury Pukekohe   Hawkes     Hawkes     Ohakune Pukekohe Pukekohe
                                                   2019      2019     Bay 2019   Bay 2018    2009     2009     2007     Agria                Pukekohe          10           $2,774

      Biostart New Zealand 0800 116 229 | Biostart Australia 1800 359 559

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     Trial Sheet
     Increasing Broccoli Yield
     with BioStart Products

     How it works
     Biostart Mycorrcin is a soil biostimulant that activates
     beneficial soil microbes, which stimulates healthy root
     growth and development leading to enhanced nutrient
     uptake and better crop establishment.
     Biostart Foliacin is a foliar-applied plant health stimulant
     that helps plants to withstand environmental stress.

     Broccoli Trial Results                                                                                 Mycorrcin
     Trials showed that Mycorrcin and Foliacin reduced
     transplantation shock, improved uniformity and increased
     the percentage of marketable heads in commercial
     broccoli crops.
     All trials were conducted on commercial broccoli crops in
     Pukekohe, Auckland. All plants received the same standard
                                                                     Figure 1a
     fertiliser programme throughout the trial.

                                                                                 1. Improves broccoli plantlet
                                                                                 Broccoli plantlets were drenched
                         Untreated                       Mycorrcin               with a 1:100 Mycorrcin solution in the
                                                                                 nursery four weeks prior to planting
                                                                                 and transplanted into a seed bed to
                                                                                 which 6 L/ha of Mycorrcin was applied
                                                                                 on the day of planting.
                                                                                 The Mycorrcin pre-soaked plantlets
                                                                                 developed larger roots and were
                                                                                 bigger and stronger in the nursery
                                                                                 (Figure 1a). The Mycorrcin-treated
                                                                                 plants also established more rapidly
                                                                                 in the field (Figure 1b) and this led to
                                                                                 both yield and head size benefits by
       Figure 1b                                                                 harvest time.

      Biostart New Zealand 0800 116 229 | Biostart Australia 1800 359 559

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2. Improves broccoli head size                                              Figure 2. Effect of Mycorrcin on Broccoli Head Size at harvest
     Mycorrcin application in the nursery
     (soaking trays in 1:100 Mycorrcin                                                                        + 17 %                                             Mycorrcin
     solution) and to the seed bed (6 L/ha)
                                                                                                                                                              + 18 %
     increased broccoli head size at harvest.                              110

     In two independent trials Mycorrcin                                   100
                                                 Head Diameter (mm)

     treatment statistically significantly
     (P < 0.001) increased broccoli head                                    90

     size by 17 and 18%, respectively (Figure                                                                  113                                              105
     2), leading to an improved yield. The                                                                                               89
     increased broccoli head size would                                     70

     have allowed an earlier harvest date.                                  60
                                                                                                  Trial 1                                           Trial 2
     In trial two, the number of total heads
     harvested was increased from 83% for
     Standard programme to 94% for the                                   Figure 3. Effect of Mycorrcin and Foliacin on the Percentage of Broccoli Heads
     Mycorrcin treated beds.                                                                            Cut per Harvests
     3. Decreases time to harvest                                           45
     and increases yield                                                   40
                                                                                    Mycorrcin & Foliacin
     A commercial broccoli crop received                                    35

     a full BioStart Programme through the                                  30
                                                 Heads Cut (% of crop)

     growing season: Mycorrcin (soaking                                     25
     trays in 1:100 Mycorrcin solution and                                  20
     apply 6 L/ha to the seed bed) and three                                15                      33                 30
     foliar applications of Foliacin (1 L/ha).                              10

     At the first harvest, more of the
                                                                             5      9
     Mycorrcin and Foliacin treated plants                                                Cut 1                             Cut 2                             Cut 3
     were harvested in the first cut (33%
     versus 9% of Standard crop), showing
     that the BioStart programme improved                                    Figure 4. Effect of Mycorrcin and Foliacin on Broccoli Head Diameter
     the maturity and uniformity of the
     crop (Figure 3). The head diameter
     of the BioStart-treated broccoli was
     26% larger than the standard plants                                   110

     (Figure 4).
                                                 Head Size (mm)

     The total heads harvested from the
     Mycorrcin and Foliacin treated                                                                                                           112
     plants was 98% of the planted crop,                                    80

     compared to 83% of the Standard                                                                     89
     Crop: an increase of 16%.
     This provides a significant return to                                  60
                                                                                                    Standard                         Mycorrcin & Foliacin
     the grower.

      Biostart New Zealand 0800 116 229 | Biostart Australia 1800 359 559

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