Leucemie Secondarie Maria Teresa Voso Dipartimento di Biomedicina e Prevenzione Università di Roma Tor Vergata Rome, Italy

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Leucemie Secondarie Maria Teresa Voso Dipartimento di Biomedicina e Prevenzione Università di Roma Tor Vergata Rome, Italy
Leucemie Secondarie

            Maria Teresa Voso
Dipartimento di Biomedicina e Prevenzione
      Università di Roma Tor Vergata
                Rome, Italy

                                            30 min
Leucemie Secondarie Maria Teresa Voso Dipartimento di Biomedicina e Prevenzione Università di Roma Tor Vergata Rome, Italy
Learning objectives
ü Definition and prevalence of secondary leukemias

             ü Clinical characteristics

                 ü Pathogenesis

                  ü Treatment
Leucemie Secondarie Maria Teresa Voso Dipartimento di Biomedicina e Prevenzione Università di Roma Tor Vergata Rome, Italy
Who has Secondary Leukemia?

                                  •   Elderly                                    Disease
• Evolution of a previous
                                  •   Inherited risk factors (SNV,   •   AML-MRC
myeloid neoplasia
   • MDS                              germ-line mutations)           •   Complex karyotype
   • MPN                          •   Frequent CHIP                  •   -7 or del(7q)
                                  •   Frail (previous CHT/RT)        •   -5 or del(5q)
•   AML with myelodysplasia-
                                  •   Organ dysfunction              •   Isochromosome 17p
    related changes (MRC)
                                  •   Remission status of previous   •   11q23
•   Therapy-related myeloid           disease                        •   TP53 mutations
                                  •   Time from previous disease
Leucemie Secondarie Maria Teresa Voso Dipartimento di Biomedicina e Prevenzione Università di Roma Tor Vergata Rome, Italy
Prevalence of s-AML
                  German/Austrian AMLSG Registry (2012-2014)
                                n=3525 AML

                           t(8;21)       * CEBPA-mut
                      t(15;17)                    t-AML

 * About 1%:                                                           s-AML and t-AML 28%
   t(9;11)                                                 Secondary


                           Nagel et al, Ann Hematol 2017
Leucemie Secondarie Maria Teresa Voso Dipartimento di Biomedicina e Prevenzione Università di Roma Tor Vergata Rome, Italy
AML with MRC                   Cytogenetic abnormalities sufficient to diagnose
                                                                                         AML with MRC
                                                                           (>20% BM or PB blasts and no prior therapy)

ü Detection of multilineage dysplasia (defined as the
presence of 50% or more dysplastic cells in at least 2 cell lines)
ü History of MDS
ü Presence of an MDS-related cytogenetic abnormality
with 1 exception: del(9q) because of its association with NPM1
or biallelic CEBPA mutations (and its apparent lack of prognostic
significance in those settings)
ü Absence of NPM1 or CEBPA bi-allelic mutations

                                                Arber et al, Blood 2016
Leucemie Secondarie Maria Teresa Voso Dipartimento di Biomedicina e Prevenzione Università di Roma Tor Vergata Rome, Italy
Le alterazioni “mielodisplasia relate” nelle leucemie
acute MRC devono essere presenti in :
A) > 15% dei progenitori midollari
B) > 50% dei progenitori midollari in almeno 2 linee
C) >20% dei progenitori midollari
D) > 30% dei progenitori midollari
Leucemie Secondarie Maria Teresa Voso Dipartimento di Biomedicina e Prevenzione Università di Roma Tor Vergata Rome, Italy
Therapy-related Myeloid Neoplasms

        Italian Multicenter Registry
            May 2009- Sep 2013
                277 t-MN
       57% WHO-defined AML, 43% MDS

         Fianchi et al, Am J Hematol 2015
Leucemie Secondarie Maria Teresa Voso Dipartimento di Biomedicina e Prevenzione Università di Roma Tor Vergata Rome, Italy
Primary Diseases
       SEER Registry
        n = 801 t-MN
                                                            Italian Registry
                                                              n = 277 t-MN

                                                            GI Ca


                                                              Breast Ca

Mc Kerney et al., Nature Rev Cancer 2017                Fianchi L et al, Am J Hematol 2015
Leucemie Secondarie Maria Teresa Voso Dipartimento di Biomedicina e Prevenzione Università di Roma Tor Vergata Rome, Italy
Characteristics of t-MDS
                          (n= 1245 pts from IWG)

Type of primary Tumor     Time from primary DG     Type of treatment          Type of CHT received
                             to MDS (years)            received                   (83% of pts)

                   Data from Kuendgen et al (IWG), Leukemia 2020 (in press)
Leucemie Secondarie Maria Teresa Voso Dipartimento di Biomedicina e Prevenzione Università di Roma Tor Vergata Rome, Italy
Differences between t-related and dn-MDS
                                 (n= 1245 t-MDS* vs 4593 dn-MDS, all p
Prognostic scores in t-MDS

ü Patients with t-MDS are characterized by a higher-proportion of high/very-high R-IPSS
ü Largely due to a higher prevalence of poor-very-poor karyotypes

                  Kuendgen et al (IWG), Leukemia 2020 (in press)
Survival of t-MN according to IPSS-R

ü Survival in t-MDS patients is inferior to that of de novo MDS in the same
  prognostic subgroup
ü Particularly for very-low/low/intermediate R-IPSS categories

                   Kuendgen et al (IWG), Leukemia 2020 (in press)
Type of Treatment and prevalence of t-MN
              in Lymphomas
   Hodgkin lymphoma

      ABVD (< 1%)         R-CHOP (5%)            HDT (2-3%)
                        Flud+RadioIT (>5%)
                        Bendamustine (about
Update from large studies
                                                  Time from
                  Patients (n)                 primary DG to t-           Association with
                                       t-MN                                                              Reference
                  Median F-up                        MN                     t-MN onset
                    11952 pts                                               Age at HL DG:              Eichenauer et al.,
                                       0.9%      31 months
                  F-Up: 72 mos                                          43 vs 34 yrs (p=0,001)            Blood 2014
 lymphoma       16 trials, 9498 pts                                                                    Eichenauer et al.,
                                                                       RT/CHT vs CHT (p=0.037)
                  (1994-2007),         0.7%                                                             Haematologica
                                                                  Std Dose vs Intensified (p=0.0028)         2017
                  F-up: 7.4 yrs
                  460 pts Len vs                                                                        Holstein et al,
                                       8% vs      About 60
                placebo after HSCT                                      Lenalidomide for SM             CALGB, Lancet
                                        1%         months                                               Hematol 2017
  Multiple           (231 Len)
  Myeloma                              3.1%                                                             Palumbo et al,
                7 Trials : 3218 pts            Cum Incidence      Lenalidomide plus Melphalan (vs
                                        vs                                                               Lancet Oncol
                (2620 len vs 598)                 at 5 yrs               other combinations                 2014
                                                                           CHT, HR = 1.38
                                                                          RT/CHT, HR = 1.77            Calip et al, Breast
Breast Cancer       56251 pts          1.2%        3.2 yrs               RT alone, HR = 1.08           Cancer Res Treat
                                                                           G-CSF, HR= 1,47                    2015
                                                                   Alkyl/Cycloph + G-CSF, HR= 1,86
t-MN in Multiple Myeloma
 All t-MN

       Gertz et al., Blood 2014
t-AML with Recurrent Translocations
                            Therapy-related Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia

Italian Multicenter Registry
  on Secondary Leukemias                                         PETHEMA Registry

 16 t-APL of 157 t-AML (10%)
                                                          146 sAPL of 1616 APL (8%)
     May 2009 - Sep 2013

Fianchi et al. Am J Hematol 2015                  Courtesy of Sanz, Montesinos et al, unpublished
Outcome of t-APL

             Treatment Response                                                             Intensively treated patients,
                                                                                        excluding treatment with ATRA only
        CTX/ATRA   ATO/ATRA    CTX/ATO ATRA    ATRA only
% (N)
          n=53       n=24          n=19           n=7

                                                                  Event-free survival (%)
CR      78% (40)   100% (23)     95% (18)       57% (4)

PR       10% (5)       –            –              –

ED      12% (6)        –          5% (1)        43% (3)

           v Like t-APL, inv(16)/t(16;16) or t(8;21) t-AML have outcomes similar to
                 de novo counterpart when intensive treatment is feasible.

                                    Kayser et al, Leukemia 2017
Le neoplasie mieloidi therapy-related secondarie a
farmaci inibitori delle topoisomerasi presentano
A) una fase MDS
B) Traslocazioni ricorrenti
C) cariotipo complesso
D) delezioni del 5q
Prevalence of Somatic Mutations
                                    AML                                                  MDS
                                              Secondary   De novo   p
Epigenetic / Splicing

                        Secondary      De novo                             Primary               Therapy-related
                             Lindsley et al, Blood 2015                            Lindsley et al, NEJM 2017
CHIP is a predisposing factor for t-MN

Primary disease            t-MN (n) CHIP at DG (%)       Reference

7 Lymphoma                    7    4 TP53-mut (57%)      Wong, Nature 2014

9 Lymphoma, 3 APL, 2 AML     14    3 (21%)               Fabiani, Oncotarget 2017

                                   8/13 (62%) vs 15/56
6 Hemat and 7 Solid T.       13                          Gillis, Lancet Oncol 2017
                                   (27%) controls
                                   10/14 (71%) vs        Takahashi, Lancet Oncol
14 Lymphomas                 14                          2017
                                   17/54 (31%)
18 HSCT (13 lymphoma, 5
                             18    7/10 in PBSC          Berger, Blood 2018
PC diseases)
Model of Therapy-related Leukemogenesis
   Germ-line Variant
(Cancer susc. Gene, SNP?)
                                              Second - Third hit
                            Chemotherapy /   Genetic / Epigenetic
                             Radiotherapy       Environment




Treatment and Outcome
Survival in Acute Myeloid Leukemias
UK’s population-based Haematological Malignancy (2004-2015)

                  3-year Survival Estimates

                  Roman et al, Cancer Epidemiol 2016
Survival in s-AML
                             Swedish AML Registry

Overall Survival (N=3363)                               Survival by s-AML Group

                                                                       De novo     De novo
                                                                          vs          vs
                                                                       t-AML (p)   AHD (p)
                             Intensive treatment    All ages
Treatment Options in t-MN
                                      Overall survival

                                         BSC (58)
                                        CHT (83)
                                        AZA (50)
                                    Allo-SCT (42)
                                   Auto-SCT (11)

Fianchi et al, Am J Hematol 2015                         Ok et al, Leukemia 2014
Hypomethylating Treatment
                                                     Azacitidine in t-MN

Response        %

                            Survival proportion(%)
CR              21
PR              4
HI              17
SD              31
Progression     27

                                                          Time from AZA start (months)

              v Survival with Decitabine in t-MN similar to de novo MDS/AML

                                                       Fianchi et al, J Hematol Oncol 2012
Hypomethylating Treatment
                                            Azacitidine in AML-MRC

* Overall survival analyses not performed for «prior history of MDS only» cohort due to small sample size

                                              Seymour et al, BMC Cancer 2017
   v100 nM bilamellar liposomes
   v5:1 molar ratio of cytarabine to daunorubicin
   vDrug exposure maintained for 7 days, selective uptake by leukemic cells vs normal cells in mice

Phase II trial of CPX-351 randomized vs 3+7 in   Phase III trial of CPX-351 randomized vs 3+7 in
older adults with untreated AML (n=126)                       secondary AML (n=309)

   v No significant differences in CR, EFS and   v Significantly improved CR + CRi with CPX-351
     OS in the whole cohort

         Lancet et al, Blood 2014                             Lancet et al, JCO 2018
New Drugs for Pts Unfit for Intensive Treatment: ABT-199
ü Phase 1 study: dose escalated ABT-199 combined with AZA SD or DEC 5 days
ü AML, ineligible for STD CHT, intermediate or adverse cytogenetics
ü Major SAE: febrile neutropenia and hematologic toxicity

                    Di Nardo et al, Lancet Oncol 2018
Prognostic Factors for ABT-199 Response and Survival
                     Evaluable for                        Median Duration of
                     Response/OS          CR/CRi            CR/CRi, Mos           Median OS, Mos
Subgroup                 n (%)             n (%)              (95% CI)               (95% CI)
All patients             145              97 (67)               11.3 (8.9, NR)    17.5 (12.3, NR)
Cytogenetic risk *
 Intermediate           74 (51)           55 (74)               12.9 (11, NR)      NR (17.5, NR)
 Poor                   71 (49)           42 (60)               6.7 (4.1, 9.4)     9.6 (7.2, 12.4)
 ≥75 years              62 (43)           40 (65)               9.2 (6.4, 12.5)    11 (9.3, NR)
Targeting TP53 mutations in AML via APR-246

  Apr-246 binds             Restores TP53          Triggers cell cycle arrest
covalently to TP53     conformation and activity        and apoptosis
Phase 2 Results of APR-246 and Azacitidine (AZA) in Patients with TP53 mutant
Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) and Oligoblastic Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)

                               Sallman et al. ASH 2019
v 40 pts had MDS, 11 AML-MRC and 4 CMML/MDS-MPN;
                 v 85% had complex cytogenetics and 33% TR-MDS/AML, all TP53 mutated.

ORR (n= 45 pts, median follow-up: 10.5 months)               Tx-related adverse events


v Median time to response: 2.1 months (0.1-5.4), median duration of response: 6.5 months.
v ORR rate: 88% for MDS/AML and 75% for MDS/MPN
v Complete and partial cytogenetic response: 41% (n=18) and 18% (n=8) of pts

                                       Sallman et al. ASH 2019
Key messages

ü Le neoplasie mieloidi therapy-related presentano elevata complessita’ genetica, con mutazioni distintive
rispetto alle forme de novo
ü Fra i fattori predisponenti troviamo frequentemente mutazioni associate alla CHIP
ü Possono insorgere in seguito a chemio- o a radioterapia, anche se la chemioterapia ha un ruolo dominante
ü Le t-MN sono caratterizzate da prognosi avversa rispetto alla controparte de novo, ad eccezione delle t-AML
con traslocazioni ricorrenti, che trattate adeguatamente, hanno andamento clinico favorevole (es: APL)
ü La chemioterapia non risulta efficace, ma nuovi farmaci quali il CPX-351, la combinazione di Azacitidina/
ABT-199, e l’inibitore di TP53 APR-246 mostrano risultati molto incoraggianti
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