Lesotho - 2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho - Scaling Up Nutrition
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2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Participants Did the following stakeholder groups feed into the Joint-Assessment (in writing or verbally)? Group Yes/ No Goverment Yes Civil society Yes Donors Yes United Nations No 1. Business Yes Academia and science Yes Youth No Other Yes If other, please specify: How many participated in the Joint-Assessment process? Total 77 2. How many participants were female and how many were male? Female Male 4 14 2
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Process Was the Joint-Assessment data gathered and/or reviewed during a face-to-face meeting or via email? Step Format 3. Collection Meeting Review and validation Meeting If an information gathering or validation meeting took place, you can attach one or more 4. photos here in JPG or PNG format. 3
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Usefulness If an information gathering or validation meeting took place, would you say that the meeting was seen as useful by participants, beyond the usual work of the multi-stakeholder platform (MSP)? 5. Yes Why? Yes, the meeting provided us with an opportunity to assess the progress of Scaling Up 6. Nutrition in the Lesotho. Achievements and gaps for 2018-2019 were also identified and a road map for 2019-2020 was drafted. The meeting also provided an opportunity for incorporating COVID 19 and other unforeseen emergency response situations in our programmes for scaling up nutrition. 4
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Participants Add to Stakeholder SUN First Name Last Name Organisation Job title Email Phone Group mailing list Ministry of Nkhahle \'Makong Government trade and No industry Food and Regional Nutrition Food and Tiisetso Elias SUN FP qondaelias@gmail.com Yes Coordinating Nutrition Office Coordinator Food and Nutrition Petjana Mafereka Government Statistitian No Coordinating Office Ministry of Jubilee Ntloana Government Education Yes and training Smallholder Agriculture Mpaki Makara Donor No Development Programme Ministry of Agriculture and Food Tselane Ramokhoro Government Nutritionist No Security (Department of Nutrition ) Ministry of Agriculture and Food Acting \'Makamohelo Semuli Government No Security director (Nutrition department) World vision \'Mampeoane Kholumo Civil sociey No international Ministry of \'Maselebeli Tau Government Small No business 5
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Participants Add to Stakeholder SUN First Name Last Name Organisation Job title Email Phone Group mailing list Disaster Pulane Makitle Government Management No Authority Food \'Mamaime Motanyane Government Management Director No Unit Food and Assistant Nutrition Keketso Monne Government programme No Coordinating officer Office Food and Nutrition \'Matseleng Mojakhomo Government Nutritionist No Coordinating Office Ministry of Education \'Mamotlatsi Lehlasoa Government No and Training- ECCD Elizabeth Glazer \'Malijane Nyabela Civil society Nutritionist No Pediatric Foundation Ministry of Health Mohlakotsana Mokhehle Government (Family Dietitian No Health Division) Pulamaliboho Managing Moikabi Matsoai Bussiness No Consultancy Director Ministry of Assistant Thabang Ramoeti Government social Economic No development Planner 6
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Participants Add to Last Stakeholder SUN First Name Organisation Job title Email Phone Name Group mailing list Ministry of Assistant Thabang Ramoeti Government social Economic No development Planner Elizabeth Civil society Glaser Nutrition Mphainyana Mphafi No organization Pediatric Aids Officer Foundation Civil society Catholic Relief Refiloe Semethe No organisation Services 7
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action Progress marker 1.1: Select/develop coordinating mechanisms at the country level Final score Last year's data used 2 Yes Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year -most stakeholders are still not exactly certein of the role they are expected to play in the national effort to scale up nutrition, especially those that are nutrition sensitive. – The National Nutrition Strategy has the potential to address this challenge as it contains specific roles and responsibilities for various stakeholders. the main challenge is that the national strategy despite being properly endorsed by government is still not enjoying commensurate financial support to be appropriately implemented. – National platforms are advancing -The development of strategic documents itself has been done together with multiple stakeholders -Key stakeholders have still not done enough advocacy for nutrition outside the traditional nutrition specific thematic areas. – Funding is a major challenge The score is therefore maintained at 2, the same as it was last year. 8
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action Progress marker 1.2: Coordinate internally and expand membership/engage with other actors for broader influence Final score Last year's data used 2 Yes Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year The score remains the same as the progress is not much different from that of the last assessment. The Focal Point has not yet been officialised by letter from government. Progress on setting up national networks is not much different from the time of the last assessment. Most of the recommendations made by the consultant engaged to see that among other things these networks are setup are not being adopted. Lack of finance for ensuring that the national networks are setup and operational is also a key deterrent. An officially recognized MSP is also not yet established as our final expectation is for it to include representatives from all constituencies, not having these platforms established therefore delays the formal inauguration of the MSP. However some progress towards incorporating high level government involvement has been released. A high level government body is in the process of being established and the terms of reference for this body as well as its structure have already been drafted. 9
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action Progress marker 1.3: Engage within/contribute to the multi- stakeholder platform (MSP) Final score Last year's data used 2 Yes Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year The Food and Nutrition Coordinating Office is currently serving the role MSP with the leadership of the Focal Point. As such the office has convened numerous fora both at the national and district levels. - a national nutrition communication and behavior change strategy is in its final stages of development with inputs from a wide variety of stakeholders. -a Multiple Intervention Programme have also been launched in the four districts of the country with the highest rate of stunting. The programme incorporates nutrition into the national response to covid 19. However this is highly affected by lack of funds. The score is therefore remains at 2. 10
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action Progress marker 1.4: Track, report and reflect on own contributions and accomplishments Final score Last year's data used 2 Yes Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year -No fora with specific agenda for making different constituencies appreciate their role in our efforts to address nutrition in the country. - COVID 19 has had a very negative impact on efforts towards improving the evaluation of the implementation of agreed actions in general. -However the national COVID response itself includes the implementation of nutrition actions relevant to addressing the pandemic. -The FNCO is in the initial stages of developing a website on which much information on progress across all sectors will be availed. The score remains at 2. 11
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action Progress marker 1.5: Sustain the political impact of the multi- stakeholder platform Final score Last year's data used 1 Yes Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year -Planning has included nutrition in the budget -Should see this in parliament more -Changing of govnt admin - No improvement in the investment side -Challenge of using nutrition visibility as political campaigns -Sustainablity -Conflict of interenst amomng govnt, ministries themselves 12
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action Progress marker 1.6: Regional-level work Do you work at the regional/sub-regional level? Yes What bodies or organisations do you mainly work with? SADC, ADB Continental nutition score card, The Cost of Hunger in Africa sturdy, Comprehensive Agriculture Development Programme (CADAP) Have you seen major achievements in 2019-2020? Yes Please explain: SADC, ADB Continental nutition score card, The Cost of Hunger in Africa sturdy, Comprehensive Agriculture Development Programme (CADAP) 13
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action SUMMARY: Bringing people together in the same space Please describe overall achievements, positive developments, key challenges and suggestions for improvement towards ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework seen the past year (April 2019 - April 2020). Note that this section will be used to draft your individual country profiles in the SUN Movement annual progress report. Much as some progress has been realised towards the establishment of the SUN national networks, it was felt that the score of 2 should be maintained as the process is not yet complete. Four of the five networks specifically identified for Lesotho, have so far been established (UN, CSO, Business, Media) .Out of the Four established 14
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 2: Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework Progress marker 2.1: Continuously analyse existing nutrition- relevant policies and legislation Final score Last year's data used 3 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year The score remains the same as these national documents are yet to be disseminated and finally implemented enough to influence a significant improvement to the national nutritional status. The national nutrition strategy has now finally been costed. 15
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 2: Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework Progress marker 2.2: Continuously engage in advocacy to influence the development, updating and dissemination of relevant policy and legal frameworks Final score Last year's data used 3 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year An ever widening array of stakeholders are continuously taking part in activities related to the development and update of national nutrition documents, stakeholder both nutrition sensitive and nutrition specific have for example taken part at all the stages of the development of the National Behavior change and communication strategy that is the most recent policy document to be developed, even though this has not been completed, the plan is to involve all these stakeholders to the finish so that we can be confident that the strategy is adequately representative of all sectors. 16
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 2: Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework Progress marker 2.3: Develop or update coherent policies and legal frameworks through coordinated and harmonised in- country stakeholder efforts Final score Last year's data used 3 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year As much as we have developed many policy documents related to nutrition, implementation and legislation of most of these is still a big challenge, largely due to lack of funds and long-term political instability. 17
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 2: Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework Progress marker 2.4: Operationalise/enforce legal frameworks Final score Last year's data used 2 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year Even though the Food Fortification regulation has now been endorsed, it was felt that the score should remain the same as implementation of this regulation is yet to be made. 18
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 2: Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework Progress marker 2.5: Track and report for learning and sustaining the policy and legislative impact Final score Last year's data used 1 N/A Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year The policies themselves were developed through a consultative progress, however since they are not yet at an implementation stage the score was agreed on 1. 19
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 2: Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework SUMMARY: Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework Please describe overall achievements, positive developments, key challenges and suggestions for improvement towards bringing people together in the same space seen the past year (April 2019 - April 2020). Note that this section will be used to draft your individual country profiles in the SUN Movement annual progress report. 1- National Nutrition policy 2-Food and Nutrition strategy 3-Nutrition Behavior change and communication strategy 4-Food fortification legislation 20
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 3: Aligning actions around common results Progress marker 3.1: Continuously analyse existing nutrition- relevant policies and legislation Final score Last year's data used 1 Yes Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year -The national nutrition strategy and action plan delineates precise roles and responsibilities of all key ministries as such sectoral government programmes and implementation mechanisms is expected to significantly improve once the strategy comes into implementation. - A Nutrition action and stakeholder mapping exercise is currently being undertaken with challenges that will hopefully be sorted out for the best results. 21
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 3: Aligning actions around common results Progress marker 3.2: Translate policy and legal frameworks into an actionable Common Results Framework (CRF) for scaling up nutrition at the national and sub-national level Final score Last year's data used 2 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year -Implementation objectives are defined in the national nutrition strategy and costed work plan and the contributions of sectoral objectives toward common nutrition goals have been clarified. -The process of implementation has also been defined, with clear roles given individual stakeholder groups at the national and sub-national level. 22
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 3: Aligning actions around common results Progress marker 3.3: Organise and implement annual priorities as per the Common Results Framework Final score Last year's data used 1 Yes Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year -Capacity assessment under the REACH programme have been undertaken and report is available. However most of the recommendations of the report have not yet been adopted, largely due to lack of funds. - A mid-and long- term action plan has been developed for the implementation of the nutrition strategy, however a more up to date review will have to be undertaken prior its implementation. - Training support has been minimal and there is still a high expectation in this regard. In fact it is mainly for this reason that we face some challenges with the ongoing mapping exercise. 23
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 3: Aligning actions around common results Progress marker 3.4: Jointly monitor priority actions as per the Common Results Framework Final score Last year's data used 2 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year Most activities in this regard are undertaken under the SUN JAA 24
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 3: Aligning actions around common results Progress marker 3.5: Evaluate the implementation of actions to understand, achieve and sustain nutrition impact Final score Last year's data used 1 Yes Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year Not yet under implementation although it is included in our present plans. 25
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 3: Aligning actions around common results SUMMARY: Aligning actions around common results Please describe overall achievements, positive developments, key challenges and suggestions for improvement towards bringing people together in the same space seen the past year (April 2019 - April 2020). Note that this section will be used to draft your individual country profiles in the SUN Movement annual progress report. The strategic policy documents such as mentioned earlier (National nutrition policy, national nutrition strategy and costed action plan, nutrition behavior change and communication strategy) as soon as they are implemented are expected to go a long way towards aligning actions around common results. 26
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 4: Financial tracking and resource mobilisation Progress marker 4.1: Cost and assess the financial feasibility of the Common Results Framework (CRF) Final score Last year's data used 1 Yes Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year - The national nutrition strategy is combined with a costed national work-plan that includes every key stakeholder. However this strategy has not been allotted any budget since its endorsement in parliament, this means that it will have to be appropriately reviewed once such a budget allocation has been made so that the figures are relevant to the time of implementation. 27
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 4: Financial tracking and resource mobilisation Progress marker 4.2: Track and report on financing for nutrition Final score Last year's data used 0 Yes Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year The score differs from that of the last assessment because with more understanding of the assessment process previous scores may be reconsidered and actually get a lower mark than what they enjoyed before. With this better understanding, It was agreed that the tracking and reporting on finance for nutrition has not actually began and should form part of our planned activities for next year. 28
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 4: Financial tracking and resource mobilisation Progress marker 4.3: Scale up and align resources including addressing financial shortfalls Final score Last year's data used 1 Yes Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year -The REACH capacity assessment was a multi-stakeholder undertaking that together identified relevant financial short-falls for efficient nutrition delivery in the country. -Not only were financial short-falls identified but so were other resources such as pernonnel, trainings etc. 29
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 4: Financial tracking and resource mobilisation Progress marker 4.4: Turn pledges into disbursements Final score Last year's data used 1 Yes Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year - We have seen numerous pledges in the last year, yet these have still not been translated in to actual disbursements. -Government budgetary disbursements are generally never on time and when such disbursements are eventually made they always fall extremely short of the original budget. Often, political circumstances will lead to this situation, where government administrations will change so constantly that it becomes difficult to almost impossible to focus on budgeted priorities as these vary from one administration to another. 30
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 4: Financial tracking and resource mobilisation Progress marker 4.5: Ensure predictability of multi-year funding to sustain implementation results and nutrition impact Final score Last year's data used 0 No Please explain how you determined this score, especially if changes have been seen over the past year 31
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 4: Financial tracking and resource mobilisation SUMMARY: Financial tracking and Resource mobilisation Please describe overall achievements, positive developments, key challenges and suggestions for improvement towards bringing people together in the same space seen the past year (April 2019 - April 2020). Note that this section will be used to draft your individual country profiles in the SUN Movement annual progress report. Most of the activities outlined in this section in last year\\\'s assessment have not been achieved as a result of COVID 19. However the proper tracking of investments for nutrition is still problematic due to the nature of our national budget, where budget lines are not refined enough to allow accurate extraction of nutrition budget out of the national budget. The mobilization of more investment has also been frustrated by the COVID 19. 32
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Outcome marker Outcome marker summary: Scaling up nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive interventions Progress in scaling up nutrition-specific interventions: Ministry of health programmes: - Infant and young child feeding -Micro-nutrient supplementation - provision of micro-nutrient powders in the districts -Management of acute malnutrition - Progress in scaling up nutrition-specific interventions • MoH is implementing various programmes including the promotion of infant and young child feeding, micronutrient supplementation, management of acute malnutrition, food fortification and nutrition education. • The programmes are countrywide (cover the entire country) including the remote areas. • The target population for MoH programmes is children under the age of five (5). Progress in scaling up nutrition-sensitive interventions • For most nutrition-sensitive interventions the agriculture, social protection and education (school feeding programme), the policies and programmes do not have explicit nutrition objectives; hence there are no nutrition indicators to track or monitor these interventions. However, there is a window of opportunity as food security and nutrition has been identified as one of the priority areas in the National Development Plan 11 (2017 – 2023). Efforts are ongoing to raise nutrition profile among non-health government ministries by incorporating nutrition objectives and indicators in their sectoral plans, and in the monitoring and evaluation framework. • Food security and nutrition programmes in agriculture, social protection and education are all countrywide. - Food production programmes (crop and animal) target producers particularly smallholder farmers. - The School Feeding Programme in Ministry of basic Education (MoBE) covers school going children (both primary and secondary). - The Social Protection Programme targets the poorly resourced and vulnerable people countrywide • Achievements: - Wide geographic (countrywide) outreach (> 95+ outreach) - High target population coverage (> 90+ coverage of the target population) - Improved food security (food insecurity has reduced from 42.5% in 2009/10 to 38.9% in 2015/16) - Improved livelihoods (extreme poverty has declined from 6.4 % in 2009/10 to 5.8% in 2015/16) 33
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Pooled fund Has your country received SUN Pooled Fund support? N/A If yes, how have these projects contributed to overall progress in achieving the SUN Strategic Objectives (1. Expand and sustain an enabling political environment; 2. Prioritise and institutionalise effective actions that contribute to good nutrition; 3. Implement effective actions aligned with common results, and; 4. Effectively use, and significantly increase, financial resources for nutrition)? 34
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho SUN Business Network Does the country have a network, forum or platform where the private sector coordinates their nutrition actions? 1. In progress If yes, what is the name of this network, forum or platform? 2. If yes, what is the name and contact details of the convener? Name: 3. Stakeholder group: Organisation: Job title: Email: If yes, does it have a strategy developed and aligned with the national nutrition plan? 4. N/A If yes, does it have funding secured for at least the next 6 months? 5. N/A If the country has not established a network, forum or platform, does the multi-stakeholder platform work with the private sector/businesses, at large? Yes 6. Explanation: A temporary task force has been set-up to make preparations for the establishment of a formal business network. This team is the conduit through which FNCO collaborates with the country\'s private sector at large. The name and contact details of the lead person in the task force is provided below: Title: Mr. First Name: Rethabile Last Name: Mokorosi Stakeholder group: Business/Private sector e-mail: rmokorosi@gmail.com Is the role of the private sector defined or included in the national nutrition action plan? 7. In progress Key contributions of the private sector/businesses towards the SUN Movement strategic 8. objectives in 2019-2020 35
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho SUN Civil Society Network Does the country have a network, forum or platform where the private sector coordinates their nutrition actions? 1. In progress If yes, what is the name of this network, forum or platform? 2. If yes, what is the name and contact details of the convener? Name: 3. Stakeholder group: Organisation: Job title: Email: If the country has not established a network, forum or platform, does the multi-stakeholder platform work with civil society, at large? 4. Not applicable as a Network has been established Please explain: A similar team has been set up to assist in advancing the formation of the CSO network, the 5. main difference is that this team is much more representative than that of the private sector and was actually selected and endorsed in a meeting of a good number of civil society organisations. The lead person\'s details are also provided below: First Name: \'Mantopi Last Name: Lebofa Stakeholder Group: Civil Society Organisation: Technologies for Economic Development (TED) Email: mantopi@yahoo.com Key contributions of civil society towards the SUN Movement strategic objectives in 2019-2020 Although the Civil Society Network has been established its functionality is still at an infantile stage, currently the most outstanding achievement has been the drafting of the terms of reference for the network. These terms of reference are yet to be officially adopted. However various civil society organisations are in their own individual ways contributing to the achievement of the SUN strategic objectives with some examples below: -Christian Health Association of Lesotho (CHAL) is a voluntary organization of six member churches that currently provide 40% of Health Care in Lesotho and is a key partner of the Government of 6. Lesotho in the health sector owning 8 hospitals and 71 health centers throughout the country providing the same nutrition specific services together with the ministry of health. -Caritas Lesotho, an official social welfare and development arm of the Roman catholic church, works with vulnerable communities to avert the negative effects of socio-economic and climate- induced shocks. One key area of their work is Food and nutrition security within which there is Provision of agricultural inputs (seeds, fruit trees, tools), technical trainings on food production, nutrition education and improving access to safe water in cases of drought. Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS foundation Lesotho seeks to end pediatric HIV and AIDS and support delivery of high-quality and comprehensive health services to women, men, and 36
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho SUN Donor Network Does the country have a network, forum or platform where donors coordinate their nutrition actions? 1. No If yes, what is the name of this network, forum or platform? 2. If yes, what is the name and contact details of the convener? Name: 3. Stakeholder group: Organisation: Job title: Email: If the country has not established a network, forum or platform, does the multi-stakeholder platform work with donors, at large? 4. Yes Please explain: 5. We do have the UN network through which several donor agancies such as the world bank get involved in our national SUN processes. There are strong recommendations however that this is a crucial network to establish despite the original feeling that we do not have a donor environment vast enough to necessitate this. Key contributions of donors towards the SUN Movement strategic objectives in 2019-2020 6. 37
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Academia, science and research institutes Does the country have a network, forum or platform where academia, science and research institutes coordinate their nutrition actions? 1. In progress If yes, what is the name of this network, forum or platform? 2. If yes, what is the name and contact details of the convener? 3. Name: Email: If the country has not established a network, forum or platform, does the multi-stakeholder platform work with academia, scientists and researchers, at large? 4. Yes Please explain: 5. A task force with similar objectives to the one for the Business network has been set-up. It is likewise this task force that facilitate collaboration between FNCO/MSP and Civil Society Organizations. Key contributions of academia, science and research institutes towards the SUN Movement strategic objectives in 2019-2020 REACH funds are administered within WFP Lesotho and coordinated by the national REACH 6. coordinator. Major achievements through this funding include: The development of the Nutrition Behavior Change and Communication strategy . The national nutrition strategy and costed action plan. The ongoing Maximum intervention Programme that is being implemented in the four districts most hard hit by stunting. The emergency nutrition covid response. The ongoing nutrition stakeholder mapping exercise. 38
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Status of past priorities # Status of past priorities Yes/ No/ In progress 1. Establishing a functional MSP No 2. Strengthening capacity for SUN dwit clear financial frameworks. N/A Prioritising nutrition specific sensitive interventions and their 3. N/A implementation (ten key nutrition interventions) Building an enabling environment such as advocacy, communication 4. N/A and knowledge sharing as well as legislation and coordination. The above are similar to the priorities identified for the last 5. No assessment period as they were not wholly achieved during that time. 6. N/A No 39
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Support given to meet priorities Who supported you to meet your priorities? 1. How did stakeholders (the Government, the UN, civil society organisations, donors, private sector, etc.) contribute to meeting these priorities? Please explain: 2. 111111 Do you need support to meet your priorities? 3. Yes If yes, whose support you will be seeking and for what? 4. Can you think of a key achievement or highlight seen in scaling up nutrition since your 5. country joined the Movement? 40
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho 2020-2021 priorities Please list the key priorities of the multi-stakeholder platform for 2020-2021 (max 6) # Priority 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 41
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action Scaling up nutrition at the sub-national level Does the MSP exist at the sub-national level? 1. In progress If so, in how many counties, districts or regions? 2. Counties Districts Regions Who convenes the MSP at the sub-national level? Please explain, if applicable: 3. Is there regular communication between the national and sub-national MSPs? 4. N/A Does the MSP at the sub-national level meet regularly? 5. N/A Which Governmental sectors work with the MSP at the sub-national level? Please explain, if 6. applicable Does the sub-national multi-stakeholder platform or platforms work with civil society, 7. business, the UN and donors? 42
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Key contributions of the sub-national MSP towards the SUN Movement Strategic Objectives in 2019-2020 Contributions to Process 1, Bringing people together in the same space for action Bringing people together in the same space for action Contributions to Process 2, Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework Ensuring a coherent policy and legal framework Contributions to Process 3, Aligning actions around common results Aligning actions around common results Contributions to Process 4 Financial tracking and resource mobilisation Financial tracking and resource mobilisation 43
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho PROCESS 1: Bringing people together in the same space for action SUMMARY: Bringing people together in the same space Please describe overall achievements, positive developments, key challenges and suggestions for improvement towards bringing people together in the same space seen the past year (April 2019Please describe overall achievements, positive developments, key challenges and suggestions for improvement towards bringing people together in the same space seen the past year (April 2019 - April 2020). Note that this section will be used to draft your individual country profiles in the SUN Movement annual progress report. - April 2019). Note that this section will be used to draft your individual country profiles in the SUN Movement annual progress report. Much as some progress has been realised towards the establishment of the SUN national networks, it was felt that the score of 2 should be maintained as the process is not yet complete. Four of the five networks specifically identified for Lesotho, have so far been established (UN, CSO, Business, Media) .Out of the Four established 44
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Emergency preparedness and response planning In the last 12 months, has the country faced or responded to a crisis requiring humanitarian assistance? 1. N/A If yes, what was the type of emergency: 2. And what was the duration of this emergency? Please explain: 3. Does the multi-stakeholder platform include all relevant stakeholders to holistically protect and promote nutrition, including humanitarian, resilience, and disaster risk reduction actors? 4. N/A Does the SUN Focal Point, or another representative from the multi-stakeholder platform, participate in the national emergency coordination systems and structures, including for the COVID-19 response? 5. N/A At what levels – (please select an option below): 6. 45
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Emergency preparedness and response planning How has the functionality of the multi-stakeholder platform (MSP) been affected by the COVID-19 crisis? 7. Explanation: Is the multi-stakeholder platform already planning for the recovery phase, post COVID-19, even taking into account the likely need to address the effects for some time yet? 8. N/A Explanation: 46
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls Is gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls seen as a priority in the work of the multi-stakeholder platform? 1. N/A Does your country have a national gender equality policy or strategy in place? 2. N/A If yes, does this policy or strategy address nutrition, through actions and indicators? 3. N/A Would you like to receive more tools and resources on ensuring gender equality when scaling up nutrition? 4. N/A What actions, such as advocacy, have been implemented by the multi-stakeholder platform in 2019-2020 to ensure gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls? Please 5. explain: 47
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Nutrition-sensitive and sustainable food systems In addition to the multi-stakeholder platform for nutrition, does another multi-stakeholder platform or mechanism on food systems exist in the country? 1. N/A Do key food system stakeholders (including the private sector) participate in the multi- stakeholder platform for nutrition? 2. N/A Explanation: Are efforts ongoing to put in place policies or legislation to enhance the contribution of food systems towards healthy diets and good nutrition? 3. N/A If yes, what types of policies or legislation? 4. Has your country put in place large-scale programmes or investments aiming to improve the productivity and sustainability of food systems? 5. N/A Explanation: 48
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Advocacy and communication Does the multi-stakeholder platform have a communication and/or advocacy strategy or plan in place? 1. No If yes, does this strategy aim to: 2. Do you work with the media to amplify key messages, raise awareness and demand action on nutrition? 3. N/A If yes, how does this work take form and with whom do you work? 4. Do parliamentarians work with the multi-stakeholder platform? 5. N/A Has a parliamentary network for nutrition been established? Yes/No 6. Yes Has the multi-stakeholder platform nominated nutrition champions? 7. No 49
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Advocacy and communication Have you produced any communication materials or products related to the SUN approach and/or country-level SUN achievements? 8. N/A Do you use any SUN Movement communications materials to support in-country advocacy? 9. N/A If yes, which products do you normally use: 10. Have high-level nutrition events been organised during the last 12 months? 11. N/A If yes, please explain: 12. Are any high-level events planned for the next 12 months? 13. N/A If yes, please explain: 14. 50
2020 Joint-Assessment by the multi-stakeholder platform Lesotho Advocacy and communication Would you like to scale up your communication and advocacy in the next 12 months? 15. N/A 51
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