LEEDS as one - Leeds Inclusive Growth Strategy
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We are the heart of the Northern Powerhouse. We are so lucky to be positioned at the centre of one of the strongest and most resilient economies in Europe and within one of the most beautiful regions in the world. There is strength all around us. The cities and towns of Yorkshire provide a diversity of skills, landscapes and experiences that add to our own. The great cities and infrastructure of the North enable a shared talent pool and international connectivity that benefits us all. Individually we are strong, together we are a force. Our vision is for a strong economy and compassionate city. Leeds is built on a heritage as a financial centre, a leading manufacturing base and a healthcare innovator. This has fuelled a growth of 40% in the last decade alone. Our city is young and getting younger building even more enterprising, innovative and digitally aware generations creating our future economies in data analytics, healthtech, advanced manufacturing and fintech. As a legacy of the city’s bid for European Capital of Culture, Leeds will create a £35 million six year cultural programme culminating in a year of celebration in 2023. It embraces diversity and puts children and young people at its heart. Our future has only just begun. Developments like HS2 and Northern Powerhouse Rail (NPR) will act as catalysts for the next stage of the journey. Leeds is a great place to live and visit today and it’s going to be an incredible place to be tomorrow. We want you to be part of that future. Let’s move forward together As one Councillor Judith Blake CBE, Tom Riordan Leader of Leeds City Council CEO of Leeds City Council
as one POWERHOUSE Newcastle Sunderland Durham Middlesbrough We sit proudly at the heart of the Northern Powerhouse. This economic region is the tenth largest in the EU with a heritage of innovation and a talent base focused on the future. Lancaster Our region is one of the most Harrogate internationally connected York economies by air, sea and rail. Bradford Welcome to the North. Halifax LEEDS Hull Huddersfield Wakefield Liverpool Manchester Barnsley Sheffield
as one Yorkshire is unique. The largest county in the UK, it has incredibly diverse cities and towns each with their own unique offer and experience. This difference is our strength. From Bradford to Sheffield, Hull to York, you can experience every option from cosmopolitan city living to the landscapes that inspired David Hockney and Henry Moore.
There’s an epic quality to Yorkshire. Just 10 minutes out of the city, you’re staring at wild moorland, mountains and rivers that took my young imagination on the most incredible journey. Michael Palin
as one a s o n e • as one • as one • as one • as on as one • as one • as on as one • as one • as on on e• on We’re a city that’s together e• a as one • as one • as one • as one • as one • as one • as one e • as one • as one • as one • as one • as one • as one • as one • e•a • as one • as one • as one • as one • as one • as one • as one • ne • as one • as one • as one • as one • as one • as one • as one• as one • as one • as one • as one • as one • as one • as one • as e in many ways. • as e• on e • s one • as one • a • as CITY s one • as one • a • e • a s one • s one • as one • as one s one • as one • as one as o as as on as one • as one • as one • as one • as one • as one • one a s o n e • a s one s on o n e • as o n e • a ne • a Our vision is to create a e • as one • a e • as • a s o n e • a s o n e • a s o n e • as o n e • s on strong economy based on good growth and great lives. ne • so s one • as one • as one • as one a ne so • as • as one • as o • as one • as o •a on e We’re building a city with ne • a ne • ne o • the skills for our future. • as as s one • as one as one • as one e on • as one • as one • as o • as one • as one • as o o s ne • a o n e • as o n e • This is a city that cares. as on e • a s o n e • e •a We’re working. Together. ne s on e • as on • as o on e • • as a We’re growing. Together. • as n so e a s one • a s o ne e • as one • as one ne • as one • as o ne • as one • as o • as o n as on as ne • ne • e• • as o as o • ne Be part of our future. one • as one • as one • as one • as one • as one as one • as one • as on ne • as one • as one • as one • as o
Best UK city for Quality of Life * The largest population centre and workforce outside London** Lonely Planet named Leeds one of Europe’s top destinations for summer 2017 40% growth rate over the past decade*** * Sustainable cities 2016 ** Leeds City Region population 3.1 million. 7 million people within 1 hour drive *** Centre for Cities 2017 City Outlook
OUR DIVERCITY Leeds is a city with diversity at its heart. Diverse in ethnicity, with over 75 ethnic groups representing just under 11.6% of the total population. Diverse in economic strengths with the highest ratio of private to public jobs in the UK and a global heritage in manufacturing, finance and healthcare.
OUR CULTURE LEEDS HAS A TRADITION OF ROBUST INDEPENDENCE. Leeds is a city shaped by immigration: many newcomers QUARRY HILL DANCE have made Leeds their home, enriching our city by The cultural hub at Quarry Hill houses several Leeds is an international centre for dance. bringing faith, culture, food and new ideas. performance spaces, the BBC and Leeds Dancers train and perform with RJC, Balbir College of Music. The area is also home to a Singh, South Asian Arts UK, Phoenix Dance range of independent galleries, restaurants, Theatre and Northern Ballet. Yorkshire Dance We are home to world-class arts organisations like Opera music venues and creative businesses. The is headquartered in Leeds, while community North and Northern Ballet, yet a common feature is how development SOYO has also recently made dance groups like DAZL offer opportunities many of our organisations began as small independents Quarry Hill it’s home. for our young people. or individuals. Leeds Playhouse, the largest regional producing theatre outside London, was established in MUSEUMS MUSIC 1964 following a successful local campaign. The Northern With 17 museums Leeds has more than Leeds International Piano Competition School of Contemporary Dance was founded by Nadine any other UK city outside of London. These extends its reach next year with heats in include: The Royal Armouries and Thackray Berlin, New York and Singapore, and Leeds. Senior, a deputy headmistress teaching sports in the Medical Museum and two of Britain’s greatest International Concert Season promotes 200 local communities of Harehills. The Leeds International country houses at Temple Newsam and concerts per year, including an international Piano Competition was started in 1963 by Leeds piano Harewood House. The city also runs the orchestral season at Leeds’ Victorian Town teacher Dame Fanny Waterman, the daughter of a largest local authority museums and galleries Hall. Brass bands are a key part of our Russian immigrant. Leeds West Indian Carnival, Europe’s service in the UK operating nine sites. musical heritage and continue to train the longest-running carnival, was founded by Arthur France musicians of the future through their youth in Chapeltown. It is the energy of Leeds’ grassroots scene SCULPTURE music programmes in local communities. Leeds Art Gallery and the Henry Moore In 2016 Leeds welcomed the MOBO awards which fuels much of the cultural activity in the city. Institute have built one of the strongest and they returned in 2017 for a second year. public collections of British sculpture in the Our strong DIY scene sees club nights paying UK and are part of the Yorkshire Sculpture homage to the city that created the legendary Triangle, along with our neighbours Yorkshire Back2Basics. Sculpture Park and The Hepworth Wakefield.
OUR SMART CITY Our knowledge economy has transformed this city. We are a global centre of expertise for data analytics with 36% of our research considered world leading and 10% world class. We also have the largest concentration of technology jobs and largest higher education cluster in the UK outside of London. 36% OF THE WORKING POPULATION IS EDUCATED TO DEGREE LEVEL WITH A MARKET ARE CAPITALISATION OF OVER LISTED WITH A MARKET CAPITALISATION OF OVER ON AIM THAT’S MORE THAN ANY OTHER UNIVERSITY IN THE UK
We’re located here because of the access to skills. We’ve never had a The location, access to talent problem recruiting the people we and business support available want. 33% of our R&D team are here has enabled us to achieve Leeds University Alumni. They are a growth rate of 20-25% a great testimonial for the bespoke engineering skills developed here. Han Yan, General Manager, Powerlink Eric Hawthorn, Managing Director, Radio Design Ltd
Leeds has a long history of collaboration between the public and private sector to unlock opportunities and deliver economic growth. Joint venture vehicles have enabled us to use the industry’s best expertise to deliver our corporate Our future has only just begun. estate and grade A schemes and we have created Developments like HS2 and bespoke investment packages to share the risks and the rewards of development. Northern Powerhouse Rail (NPR) will act as catalysts From the delivery of the award winning Kirkstall Forge, named best ‘Commercial Workplace’ winning for the next stage of the journey the prestigious national award from the British and we want you to be part Council of Offices. Through to working with partners to unlock the Aire Valley enterprise zone, bringing of that future. a vibrant business hub to the region, we see opportunities everywhere and work with investors Tom Riordan, CEO, Leeds City Council and developers to make them happen.
Leeds is a cradle of innovation, from its birth at the centre of the industrial revolution to its present day role at the forefront of the knowledge economy, we are leading the way in the key sectors and new thinking that will drive the growth of our dynamic 21st century city. We have the highest number of fast growing firms in the UK outside London and Cambridge, with a dynamic economy that fosters collaboration between industry, researchers, clinicians and public sector leaders, boosting larger firms in the city, and attracting new inward investment. We are seeing huge growth in low carbon and environmental technologies, adding to our existing strengths in information & communication, manufacturing, print & publishing, and financial & business services. Leeds has an international reputation and world leading capabilities in digital health care innovation, medical technologies, and in personalised medicine with two leading patient record providers based in the city (EMIS and TPP) and 18% of all UK medtech patents. The University of Leeds hosts the national facility for Innovative Robotic Systems and is helping position the city at the forefront of robot design and construction. Leeds is a world leader in big data, being home to the Open Data Institute and Data Mill North. We have a vibrant and growing digital media sector, including Sky’s national technology centre of expertise and we are a base for NHS Digital, BT, Plusnet, O2 and Vodafone. Leeds is also home to the UK’s only independent Internet Exchange outside London at aql, creating resilient and secure infrastructure for the e-health, logistics and security sectors.
INNOVATION DISTRICT INSTITUTE FOR HIGH SPEED DISTRICT HEATING NETWORK ALTERNATIVE FUELS RAIL & SYSTEM INTEGRATION Building on our innovation A major £38m low carbon We’re working hard to make economy and to develop the At Leeds Technology Campus infrastructure project utilising sure Leeds capitalises on ways in which value will be - The University of Leeds is heat from Leeds City Council’s the green vehicle revolution. added to our economy, we aim developing a dedicated centre Recycling and Energy Recovery Working with Highways England, to develop the Leeds Innovation of excellence for high speed rail Facility to provide heating for we’re making 200 electric District as a dedicated 21st technologies. The facility will homes and businesses in the vehicles available for businesses century city centre science position the UK as the world city centre via underground to trial for free, and providing and research hub. This will leader in high speed train-track pipes. Phase 1 serving the east access to expert advice on the be centred on the universities interaction. The Institute will of the city centre is nearing process of switching. and hospital, offering a focus offer one of the world’s most completion and will start to We also recognise that we need for cross sector collaboration advanced high speed railway supply heat to around 2,000 a robust charging infrastructure. and research with business testing facilities and a Catenary/ flats and public buildings from Across West Yorkshire 88 rapid incubation and scale up support. Pantograph Rig. This will be April 2019, with capacity to charge points will be installed by Leeds University’s Nexus project the only such facility in the expand further. The project will 2020, for use by taxi drivers and will soon provide the first western hemisphere and will deliver huge carbon reductions, the general public. We’re also dedicated space to drive the not only be crucial to worldwide improve air quality, and reduce expanding the public charging delivery of this concept. research and development fuel bills. Further phases and network in Leeds as part of our into high speed rail, but will expansion of supply to the rest preparations for the clean air help to uplift engineering of the city centre are being zone with an additional 15 rapid skills and will be a catalyst explored, particularly where and 16 fast chargers at public to support further investment this could support delivery of locations across the city and on from the sector and broader new residential and commercial the strategic road network. advanced manufacturing growth buildings. opportunities within the city.
21ST CENTURY INFRASTRUCTURE FOR A CONNECTED CITY Leeds is at the centre of the Northern transport works and infrastructure over the -- A city centre package that removes Powerhouse and its railway station is the next 5-6 years. Key investment includes: through traffic from City Square and busiest transport hub in the North, used by South Bank, improving the inner • The Leeds Public Transport Investment 31 million people a year, with connections ring road at Armley Gyratory and Programme, using a £174m DfT grant to to other major UK cities and towns. Our closely aligned to Highways England transform the bus network, providing and development plans for the station will see investment on the M621 improving rail stations at key economic, full integration with HS2, creating a transport -- An Airport Link Road which housing growth and employment locations, hub and commercial centre that will have a complements the proposed rail station and providing a world-class city centre through flow of 70m people p.a. by the mid- supports the Airport expansion plans gateways. 2030s. -- Major junction schemes on the outer • Commitment from the major bus operators We have plans for further major ring road in the city to provide over 300 new low- infrastructure changes that will underpin -- Enhanced Park & Ride options from emissions buses for Leeds by the end of the wider regeneration of the city, unlock the city region through station car park 2020. development sites, support the doubling in extensions across West Yorkshire size of the city centre and its economy and • The West Yorkshire Transport Fund set up create new investment opportunities. The in 2014 has already delivered Temple Green • Furthermore significant investment HS2 Growth Strategy and the Connecting Park & Ride with a frequent, high quality is being made by rail franchises to Leeds transport strategy detail the scale of bus link between the Enterprise Zone and provide additional capacity to the rail ambition for the city, which is anticipated to the city centre. Further significant schemes network ahead of proposed longer term result in c£50bn of economic growth for the include: investments in TransPennine upgrade and city region economy by 2050. Northern Powerhouse Rail. -- East Leeds Orbital Road to be delivered The Government, Council, and private sector to facilitate delivery of 5,000 new partners are investing £500m on major homes
2035 2015 2020 2025 2030 ONWARDS NEW FRANCHISES • More services EXISTING STATION CONCOURSE NORTHERN POWERHOUSE RAIL • 52% increase in seats at morning NEW FRANCHISES (PHASED PLAN 5-7 YEARS) peak on TransPennine Express trains A Northern Powerhouse Rail •New Stations at Leeds Bradford • Improved entrance and Network (NPR) that radically • 40% increase in passengers able to Airport Parkway, Millshaw and concourse area improves journey times travel on Northern trains by 2016 • Free wi-fi on trains by 2020 Thorpe Park across the North with stops in • Pacer units withdrawn by 2020 Leeds, Bradford and York and integrates effectively with HS2 BUSIEST STATION DELIVER VISION FOR SOUTH IN THE NORTH OF BANK AND CITY SQUARE ENGLAND LEEDS STATION AND RAIL NETWORK INVESTMENT PIPELINE 134% INCREASE IN PASSENGERS RECENT IMPROVEMENTS • New Southern Entrance TRANSPENNINE ROUTE UPGRADE (2022) • New stations at Apperley Bridge, The following are the objectives from HS2 EASTERN LEG HS2 Kirkstall Forge and Low Moor Government about two years ago: CONSTRUCTION STARTS (OPENS 2O33) • Upgrade of existing lines to create extra 2023 • Integrated station with HS2 capacity for a more frequent service • Eastern leg of HS2 connects between Manchester and Leeds 12million people • Electrification of the route; and, • Halves journey time from • Improved journey times (including Leeds to Birmingham Manchester to Leeds from 49 to 40 mins CALDER VALLEY LINE AND EAST COAST and Manchester to York from MAINLINE UPGRADE (2022) 74 to 62 mins) • Continued investment in the existing networks including significant improvements to the Calder Valley Line and East Coast Mainline 2015 2020 2022 2030 2035 ONWARDS
UNLOCKING INVESTMENT & REGENERATION OPPORTUNITIES Leeds city centre is the focal point of the LEEDS BRADFORD AIRPORT city’s growth, a dynamic engine for the 2017 saw Leeds Bradford Airport reach record passenger numbers, exceeding 4 million p.a. Recently acquired by AMP Capital, regional and national economy benefiting there are plans for further airport expansion to reach 7 million passengers p.a. and to develop an enhanced economic hub through from significant and ongoing investment improved road access and a parkway rail halt. There is also potential for significant employment development in a new Innovation across residential, commercial, retail and Park. If approved, investment could support 5,500 new jobs, 300,000 sq ft office space, 48,000 sq ft retail space, and a 150 bed hotel. leisure. There is a major forward pipeline of developments underpinned by an ambitious public infrastructure programme that aims to grow the city’s position as an incubator of indigenous growth and a magnet for inward investment in key sectors, through an enabling, market-facing public sector and a KIRKSTALL FORGE collaborative delivery environment. A new neighbourhood with its own railway station on the line from Bradford to Leeds (opened in June 2016). Developers CEG have completed the first commercial building, occupied by Zenith, with development of the first residential phase now progressing. The development will deliver 1,050 But our ambition for growth and regeneration new homes, 300,000 sq ft of Grade A office space and 100,000 sq ft of retail, leisure and community space. extends beyond the city centre. Working closely with private sector partners over the next 4 years we will deliver new rail halts to unlock and accelerate developments at a new generation of mixed use employment destinations at Thorpe Park and White Rose, releasing the potential for thousands HS2, LEEDS INTEGRATED STATION, AND NORTHERN POWERHOUSE RAIL of new jobs. We will transform surface Located in the heart of the Leeds city centre within the South Bank area, HS2 will integrate with the existing station to accommodate over 70m passengers per access to Leeds Bradford Airport and a new annum. The arrival of HS2 at Leeds Integrated Station will unlock an additional c£50bn to the regional economy by 2050, creating c40,000 jobs. The HS2 Growth employment zone through new rail and road Strategy details the impact of HS2 for the city region. Moreover, investment in Northern Powerhouse Rail and integration with HS2 from 2035 onwards, will connections. At Kirkstall Forge a new rail radically improve journey times across the north and strengthen links to Bradford with a 7 minute journey time from Leeds. halt has already been delivered alongside new road access infrastructure to open up the development of a pioneering new mixed use neighbourhood; in East Leeds one of the biggest highways schemes in the last 40 years will unlock a major urban extension of 5,000 new homes; and at our Enterprise Zone we are already realising the benefits WHITE ROSE OFFICE PARK AND MILLSHAW ESTATE Land owners Munroe K and Schroders are bringing forward exciting proposals for the redevelopment and expansion of this 29 ha site located 5 km from of major investments in roads, energy Leeds city centre, with easy access to the national motorway network. Building on the proposed new rail halt, and its established destination for national generation and site remediation through high employers including HSBC, O2 and HMRC, the plans could lead to £1bn of development over the next 10 years, comprising office, leisure and residential uses. profile occupiers taking advantage of an agile The development could create over 5,000 new jobs, in addition to 5,000 now currently employed across the site. Land Securities’ adjoining White Rose shopping development offer and high quality transport centre has completed a £14m leisure expansion supplementing the existing retail brands with an IMAX cinema and enhanced food and beverage offer. connections.
EDINBURGH EAST LEEDS EXTENSION/ORBITAL ROAD Major residential extension of 5,000 new homes facilitated by over £100m of public sector transport investment to construct the 7km East Leeds Orbital Road (ELOR) that will open up land for development and connect to Thorpe Park and the M1 to the south. Planning consent has been granted for the ELOR with construction expected to commence in 2019 for completion in 2021. THORPE PARK A high quality business destination set in 50 ha of new public parkland, with excellent motorway access and a proposed rail halt with park and ride facilities. A range of existing national and international business occupiers will be joined by a major new retail and leisure development to open in 2019, with tenants including M&S, Arcadia and Odeon. With around 900,000 sq ft of further office space still to be developed alongside development of 300 new homes it is estimated that the development will provide an additional £360m to the Leeds City region Economy, with over 10,000 new jobs. The development is a joint venture of LEEDS A1(M) Scarborough Group and Legal & General. LEEDS ENTERPRISE ZONE The Leeds Enterprise Zone offers a high profile strategic location for investment in commercial land. Directly adjoining the motorway network yet only minutes from Leeds City Centre, the EZ includes 142 hectares of prime development land capable of delivering in excess of 4.3 million sq ft of new employment floorspace. Brought forward by developers Aire Valley Land (JV between Harworth Group and Evans Property Group), Muse and LONDON Wilton Developments, the Enterprise Zone has already established itself as MANCHESTER a proven location for manufacturing, logistics and distribution with John Lewis, Amazon, and FedEx, among a range of employers already operating from the zone. The EZ will also be the location of the HS2 rolling stock depot, which has already resulted in the commitment of Leeds University HULL to establish the UK’s first dedicated hub for high-speed rail technology in the EZ. The £50m Institute for High Speed Railways and System Integration will provide high speed rail testing facilities and a global centre of excellence for rail engineering and research. LONDON
GROWING A COMPACT CITY CENTRE INNOVATION DISTRICT CULTURAL C U L LEEDS Home to a number of world class teaching, medical and research institutions, This area of the city is home to word class cultural and leisure offer sitting TUR including Leeds Teaching Hospital Trust, University of Leeds, Leeds Beckett alongside existing and emerging retail. Home to a dynamic cluster of arts University and Leeds Arts University. The Innovation District is a hub for institutions: Phoenix Dance, Northern Ballet, the BBC, Leeds College of Music, AL INNOVATION flourishing areas of research and enterprise between key institutions, with Yorkshire Dance and Leeds Playhouse, which is currently undergoing an ambitious D IS T R IC T emerging proposals for nearly £1bn of investment, some of which, such as Leeds £13.6m redevelopment, complementing a new £57m Leeds City College campus, University’s Nexus innovation and start up incubator, is already underway. opening in 2019. Leeds continues its commitment to cultural ambition and will deliver a 6 year, £35m, programme of cultural events and investment, culminating in a year-long celebration of culture in 2023. The award winning 13,500 capacity First Direct Arena, is one of the busiest WEST END multi-entertainment music venues in the world, and was the UK’s first purpose Leeds City Centre is the UK’s second centre for financial services and is home built ‘super theatre’ arena. The refurbishment of the Merrion Centre by TCS has to 30 national and international banks, hosting the headquarters of three of capitalised on the new venue providing a complementary food, beverage and the five largest building societies. The city’s original office district in the west leisure offering. The £44m refurbishment of Merrion House through a joint venture of the city centre offers Grade A accommodation across refurbished and iconic between TCS and the Council is now complete and opened in February 2018. WEST END heritage buildings such as St Pauls House, Park Square and modern new build LEEDS landmarks including Central Square, home to PWC, Clipper and Sky, all alongside a developing PRS residential market. MEPC’s Wellington Place typifies this premium offer with existing blue chip tenants to be joined by a 378,000 sq ft pre-let to a new Government Hub (due for completion at the end of 2019, to accommodate EAST SIDE 6,000 civil service workers.) beyond the office district, significant residential This area of the city provides significant opportunities for new housing EA schemes by Grainger, Get Living and Inhabit will extend this part of the city centre investment, with capacity for upwards of 2,000 new homes by 2028. Well S T LEEDS westwards along the river and canal corridor. connected to the wider city centre and South Bank via the waterside, the area SI provides for a diverse range of tenures and market entry points within the city DE A vision for the west end is being created by Leeds City Council in connection centre. A number of schemes are in the planning pipeline with starts on site with the Environment Agency. The Vision’s priority is to enhance sustainability to anticipated over the next couple of years. unlock further development, this will include new flood defences, new pedestrian and cycling routes. RETAIL The award winning Victoria Gate is home to the largest John Lewis department MABGATE R E TA I L store outside London, with its opening moving Leeds to the third largest shopping Located to the North of the Inner Ring Road (IRR), this is an emerging area of great L E E DS destination in the UK outside London. In addition, Trinity Leeds, housed under a opportunity and potential change. Home to a thriving arts sector, independent giant distinctive glass roof, and is located in the heart of the city between Briggate businesses, an expanding food and beverage offer and developing residential and Albion Street. With over 300 bars and restaurants, Leeds is a premium leisure MABGATE uses. Its potential has been recognised by Heeton Holdings which has started on LEEDS destination with an iconic heritage featuring Kirkgate Market, The Corn Exchange, site to deliver a 204 bed Hampton by Hilton hotel as the first phase of a mixed use and Victorian arcades. scheme, with further phases including over 600 residential units.
I N N OVAT I ON C U L LEEDS DI STR I C T MABGATE TUR LEEDS AL WE ST EN D LEEDS RE TA I L LEEDS EA ST LE SI S O UT H BAN K ED S DE LEEDS SOUTH BANK One of the largest city centre regeneration and growth initiatives in Europe. Proposals for this 253ha area will double the size of the city centre creating over 35,000 jobs and over 8,000 new homes. In doing so, we will also double SOUTH BAN K the economic impact of the city centre by transforming the South Bank into L E E DS a distinctive and leading global destination for investment, sustainable living, learning, culture, creativity and leisure. South Bank is home to the proposed HS2 integrated station, which will accommodate over 60m passengers per annum. Aligned with the Council’s transport and infrastructure proposals there is a significant pipeline of mixed use development including CEG’s proposals for Yorkshires tallest building and Vastint’s major redevelopment centred on a new city park which also connects the city back to the waterfront.
1. CENTRE FOR ENGINEERING AND PHYSICAL SCIENCES 6. VITA LEEDS 2 University of Leeds is investing £96m to develop a facility to address existing The completed building will primarily contain 312 student studios ranging in and future challenges in energy efficient computing, telecommunications, size from 215 sq ft to 600 sq ft. In addition to the amenity space for students sustainable magnetic materials, pharmaceutical formulations, ‘smart foods’ the lower levels will provide flexible office, food and drink, financial and and medical technologies. professional services and/or retail space. Activity commenced on site at the end of September with a projected completion date of Summer 2020. 2. BUSINESS SCHOOL CLOBERRY STREET 7. 67-83 COOKRIDGE STREET Proposals for the construction of a new multi-storey teaching facility YPP is bringing forward a £12m student accommodation development to on Cloberry Street, shared by LUBS, the School of Law and the School of deliver 96 self-contained apartments. Work is on site and due for completion Languages and Central Teaching Space, proposed to include a new Trading December 2018. Room, flexible teaching areas and Behavioural Laboratories to provide more flexible and innovative ways of teaching. Expected completion in summer of 2020, subject to planning permission. 3. MOUNT PRESTON STREET 8. LEEDS GENERAL INFIRMARY Phase 2 of the scheme commenced early this year and includes the A £300m landmark healthcare development providing a state of the art facility construction of a new building on Mount Preston Street, adjacent to Bright for ambulatory care, children’s and specialist services as well as health Beginnings Nursery, providing additional central teaching space, specifically innovation and digital health facilities connecting to the city’s economic four flat-floor teaching rooms with a capacity for 100 people and four strengths and wider disposals of surplus estate. teaching rooms each with a capacity for 36 people. 4. NEXUS £38m development by the University of Leeds comprising 40,000 sq ft of floor space to accommodate up to 60 innovative start-ups. A key start-point and symbol for Leeds Innovation District. Currently on site and opening in 2018. 5. CENTRE FOR CREATIVE ARTS A £75m development by Leeds Beckett University to create a Centre of Creative Arts to support creative and cultural activities including film, music, performing arts and fashion. Currently on site and opening September 2020.
WEST END 2 1 6 5 4 11 3 9 7 10 8 1. CITY REACH Inhabit are bringing forward a multi million pound scheme on the two City Reach sites on Kirkstall Road, which will collectively deliver 1,540 homes including 309 student apartments.
2. 84 KIRKSTALL ROAD 7. DONCASTER MONKBRIDGE NORTH SITE 111 residential units being developed by KMRE Group for PRS/ Student Art Foundation has secured planning for 307 apartments and over 25,080 sq accommodation. Due for completion in 2019. ft of retail and new leisure space, alongside reserved matters for a further two residential blocks has been submitted. Work anticipated to start on site in early 2019. 3. CANAL MILLS 8. DONCASTER MONKBRIDGE SOUTH SITE Planning application in for Canal Mills for mixed use development comprising BAM has planning permission on the south of the disused viaduct on Whitehall 137 residential units and 5 commercial units including change of use of road, for up to 450,000 sq ft office accommodation. There are plans for industrial unit to A1,A2,A3 and B1 use classes. Plans are subject to change and a further two office blocks ranging from 8-10 storeys in height. The last are expected to be resubmitted in 2019. quadrant of the site has a planning application in for a 17 and 21 storey PRS scheme. 4. YORKSHIRE POST SITE 9. WELLINGTON PLACE Grainger is developing the former Yorkshire Post gateway site and have MEPC is developing this 8ha site in the heart of the West End, with potential for planning permission for 242 PRS homes alongside 3,600 sq ft amenity space a further 2million sqft of offices. Home to the Government Hub Regional Office and 3,277 sq ft commercial unit. which is under construction. Recently have had reserved matters consent for their fourth building consisting of office space and ground floor commercial bars and restaurants. Currently on site and expected to complete in 2019. 5. INC.LEEDS 10. WHITEHALL RIVERSIDE Parklane Properties is bringing forward an iconic development at Bridge Town centre securities (TCS) continue to develop out their Whitehall Riverside House. It is anticipated that Inc.Leeds will include a 198-unit aparthotel estate, with no.s 2, 3 and 7 Whitehall Riverside still to be developed, providing scheme, 163 PRS apartments, 200 LivInc co-living community apartments, potential for a further 320,000 sq ft of grade A office space. and over 30,000 sq ft of co-working space, as well as penthouses, a sky bar & restaurant, gym, swimming pool and ground floor retail space subject to planning. 6. LISBON STREET 11. THE MAJESTIC 1.12ha cleared site in Council ownership. Potential to accommodate up to 5 Rushbond is bringing forward The Majestic, a new 66,000 sq ft grade A office building plots ranging from 7,250 sq ft to 21,500 sq ft. Opportunity for a mix development on city square. The Majestic will offer unique office space in the use development including office, residential and a hotel. The Council is open heart of the city next to the train station. Due for completion in summer 2019. to discussions with interested parties.
RETAIL 1 3 2 4 5
1. 33 BOND STREET/53 ALBION STREET Change of use from retail to F&B to provide 5 individual restaurants (Moorfield Group). This area of the city is a hub for independent retailers and has a unique Food & Beverage offer. Currently on site. 2. TRINITY Land Securities is in the process of refurbishing and subdividing the former BHS unit for continued retail use, with the provision of additional leisure use. New Look have occupied part of the space with the rest of the unit still available. 3. GEORGE STREET Town Centre Securities / Leeds City Council to deliver c£20m investment into 126 bed aparthotel and ground floor retail units, providing new façades to the historic Kirkgate Market. Works to start on site in summer 2019. 4. KIRKGATE AND CORN EXCHANGE £1.5m Heritage Lottery funding for conservation specification repairs to buildings on Kirkgate, the oldest street in Leeds. Rushbond are due to begin repair and restoration work on historic grade II* listed First White Cloth Hall (the first covered cloth market in Leeds). Significant public realm improvements also planned for the area including around the Corn Exchange, and City Fusion has planning consent to develop c80 homes nearby. 5. 101-104 KIRKGATE AND 9-13 CROWN COURT An application for two new buildings with associated public realm is awaiting sign off since a planning application has been made. A part 4, part 5 storey building in red-brick and vertical metal cladding is proposed, with café/bar at basement level, retail at ground floor, with flats above. The proposal is for Private Rented Sector (PRS) flats, across the two buildings, totalling 80 flats.
CULTURE 1. MERRION WAY Proposals by Unite for two linked tower blocks of 15 and 27 storeys 928 student homes. Currently on site. 2. HUME HOUSE Olympian Homes are bringing forward plans for the development of a 37 storey 1 2 3 student accommodation tower to house 754 students. Planning permission gained and it is due to start on site in 2018 with completion anticipated by 6 summer 2021. 4 5 7 8 9 3. Q PROPERTY LTD 12 Part 11, part 18 storey building for student accommodation including facilities, 10 13 comprising 98 studios, and the provision of communal facilities in the 11 basement of the adjacent building, a landscaping scheme and all associated 14 works at the site of the Q1 Residence, Wade Lane, Leeds. The proposal includes 20,000 sq ft high quality communal facilities, comprising a lounge, reception area, a breakfast room and study rooms/pods. 4. 2 GREAT GEORGE STREET, LEONARDO AND THORESBY BUILDINGS Idé are proposing a a scheme comprising of high quality office use in the newly refurbished Leonardo and Thoresby buildings, a high end hotel in Great George Street and a new build hotel in the previous car park areas.
5. SYMONS HOUSE 10. GATEWAY COURT PUBLIC REALM London & Scottish Student Housing is developing a part 23 storey, 325 Investing c£2m to create an iconic new landscape at the 0.4ha Gateway Court unit student accommodation tower on Belgrave Street. On site and due for site. This will significantly enhance and reshape the green space as a gateway completion in summer 2019. into the forthcoming City College Campus, SOYO mixed use development and Leeds Playhouse. Expected completion date is September 2019. 6. ST ALBAN’S PLACE 11. LEEDS PLAYHOUSE Development on site for 376 student homes by Vita Student (Select Property £15.8m redevelopment funded by the Arts Council, Leeds Playhouse and Leeds Group). Due for completion in summer 2019. City Council to deliver a new entrance and circulation space, more theatre and rehearsal space, and improvements to existing facilities, complemented by major public realm improvements. On site and to be completed in 2019. 7. ARENA AND GRAND QUARTER 12. QUARRY HILL The Grand Quarter includes some of the city’s finest heritage assets and Caddick is outline planning permission for its SOYO scheme - a 1.97ha mixed is home to the Grand Theatre and Opera North. The Council is currently use development with 106,000sqft of offices, 35,000 sq ft of leisure, in excess considering opportunities for place making and building improvements in of 700 residential units, 7,500 sq ft of retail facilities, a medical centre the area. Additionally, Opera North have been granted planning for an £18m and a series of public squares. Reserved matters for first phase which is 2 project to transform the sense of arrival for their performances in the Howard residential block buildings. Assembly Room. 8. VICTORIA GATE PHASE 2 13. GOLD AND AMBER Hammerson is working with the Council on masterplanning the 6ha mixed use Development by Gold and Amber of a high quality residential scheme development site to bring forward a planning application over the next 12-18 comprising of 345 units, to start on site early 2019. months. This will set the development scope for a mix of uses and potential investment for occupiers and operators. 9. CITY COLLEGE CAMPUS 14. GOODS YARD, MARSH LANE Leeds City College is investing £57m in a new facility to house 160,000 sq ft Rushbond is bringing forward plans for the revitalisation of Leeds’ first teaching space incorporating science, computing and digital technology labs. railway station (mid Victorian era) with a new TMT / tech community around On site and Opening in 2019. circa 750 new homes, connected to the revived Kirkgate neighbourhood and the cultural quarter of the city centre.
EASTSIDE 1 2 3 4 5
1. COURT COLLABORATION Developers, Court Collaboration bring forward a build to rent residential development 6-21 storeys with approx 347 apartments. 2. FLAX PLACE Developers, Neighbour, to deliver this 0.5ha development site for 300 apartments, retail and amenity space through an innovative modular design. The scheme has planning permission and is due to be on site in 2019. 3. MOUNT ST MARY’S Rushbond has developed plans for the comprehensive redevelopment and new build of this iconic landmark site overlooking the city centre of Leeds with 171 new homes. 4. ECHO CENTRAL 3 The final phase of Rushbond’s collective new apartment development on this key gateway site into the city centre of Leeds providing some 150 new builds. 5. FORMER COPPERFIELDS COLLEGE This site offers great opportunities, being on the edge of the city centre and with excellent connections to the motorway network through the Aire Valley. The site covers an area of 11.3ha of which the Council owns 7.3ha with Wades Charity owning the remaining site area.
MABGATE 1 3 2 4 5 8 7 6
1. 11 REGENT STREET 6. BRIDGE STREET/ GOWER STREET Citiscape Properties Limited has submitted a planning application for a nine Heeton Holdings has started site works a 204 bed hotel with associated retail, storey hotel comprising of 54 rooms. leisure and public realm. Proposals for an additional 4 buildings ranging from 23 to 40 storeys to deliver 636 residential units, 99 serviced apartments, and 108 aparthotel. 2. CONCORD ST 7. MABGATE GATEWAY Planning permission granted to construct a single apartment block 10 storeys KMRE is developing 92 residential units for PRS development on site due to be high. In total the building would contain 35 units of which there are 28 one bed completed in 2019. units and 7 two bed units. 3. REGENT STREET/SKINNER LANE 8. LAND BETWEEN MABGATE, MACAULAY STREET, ARGYLL ROAD AND Planning application has been submitted for a 221 residential development MABGATE MILLS including city centre apartment living on this key site along Regent Street. Bridge Estates LTD have planning permission for 425 apartments, retail office and leisure uses with car parking and landscaping. There is also a current planning application submitted for student housing. 4. FORMER LEEDS COLLEGE OF BUILDING, MILLWRIGHT STREET Current planning application at Former Leeds college of building, Millwright Street for Demolition of existing building and construction of 6-8 storey student accommodation building comprising 89 studio flats and 44 cluster flats, associated landscaping, car parking and amenity space. 5. MELBOURNE STREET Planning application submitted for 127 residential apartments, demolition of existing buildings and includes up to 10 storey buildings, and a high quality public space along the linear site in Mabgate.
SOUTH BANK 1. GLOBE ROAD 2ha site, major residential led (PRS) scheme on a prominent location along Leeds Waterfront. Landowners, Get Living working with Engie, have submitted a detailed planning application for the site to which they hope to bring over 700 homes. Due to start on site 2019. 2. CEG HOLBECK PORTFOLIO CEG’s schemes for the 3.52ha site includes a mixed use development of up to 1,100,000 sq ft which includes offices and up to 750 new homes, as well as potential retail, leisure, hotel, health, education and community uses and public realm. CEG have also recently purchased the Grade I Listed Temple Works, and are exploring a number of options for its restoration and use. 3. TOWER WORKS Set in the surroundings of the Leeds/ Liverpool canal, three listed former factory chimneys, two of which pose as Italian Renaissance towers, there are plans for a future phases of development and Homes England are promoting the regeneration of the site. 1 3 4 7 2 8 5 6 9 10 11 12A 12B 13
4. MUSTARD WHARF 9. OAKAPPLE DEVELOPMENT Landowners Legal and General has started on site with the major residential Oakapple has outline planning consent for a residential scheme on Sweet scheme with permission for 250 homes and 8,640sq ft of commercial and Street comprising of 216 apartments with a basement car park. amenity space. The scheme is situated next to Granary Wharf, the already established retail, leisure and residential location. 5. MIDLAND MILLS 10. LEODIS SQUARE - SWEET STREET/MANOR ROAD Nick Brown Architects have submitted a planning applications for the Construction underway on 4 blocks of up to 12 storeys, build to rent refurbishment of the Grade II listed Mill, the construction of a 32 storey development by Dandara. The scheme will offer 744 one, two and three residential tower made up of 306 apartments, and high quality public bedroom apartments and is set for completion in November 2018. realm linking the two elements. Due to start on site 2019. 6. IRONWORKS 11. X1 SOUTH BANK Igloo Regeneration has detailed planning consent for a development that will X1 has submitted outline application for their mixed-use scheme which feature one, two, and three bed apartments along with town houses and retail includes up to 946 residential units including apartments, duplexes and space. townhouses. 7. MEADOW LANE 12A AND 12B. CITU The Council is to bring forward the re-development of its Meadow Lane site The Climate Innovation District is the largest sustainable development in the as part of a wider package of highways works to reduce the road space, to UK. The £125m project will develop over 500 new low carbon homes through include a contribution to the City Park and a new development plot with off-site construction, alongside manufacturing, leisure, offices and climate potential for mixed use development. resilient public realm. A new primary school will also potentially be delivered on an adjacent site. 8. VASTINT 13. HUNSLET AND VICTORIA MILLS First phase has outline consent for a 3.5ha City Park, up to 850 homes, JM Construction is progressing well on the renovation of landmark Grade II 900,000 sq ft of employment space and 160,000 sq ft of active uses. A hotel and II* listed buildings on the 1.3ha site. Their Victoria Riverside Apartments comprising up to 400 rooms is also proposed. Due to start on site late 2019. development will see over 300 apartments delivered over five former mill buildings.
FURTHER REFERENCE Leeds Inclusive Growth Strategy – www.leedsgrowthstrategy.co.uk Leeds Inclusive Growth Strategy (supporting evidence) – www.leedsgrowthstrategy.co.uk/supporting-evidence Leeds City Region HS2 Growth Strategy – www.westyorks-ca.gov.uk/transport/leeds-city-region-hs2-growth-strategy Invest in Leeds City Region – www.investleedscityregion.com Leeds City Council – www.leeds.gov.uk/business VisitLeeds – www.visitleeds.co.uk ConferenceLeeds – www.conference-leeds.com
Martin Farrington Angela Barnicle Eve Roodhouse 0113 3786 014 0113 3780 864 07775 597955 martin.farrington@leeds.gov.uk angela.barnicle@leeds.gov.uk eve.roodhouse@leeds.gov.uk Martin is the Director of City Development Asset Management and Regeneration. Eve is the Chief Officer – Economic at Leeds City Council with responsibility Angela is responsible for the corporate Development, She is responsible for the for the physical, economic and cultural estate and realising the development delivery of the Inclusive Growth Strategy. development of the city. opportunities for the city specifically the Eve’s portfolio includes Economic Policy, Leeds City Region HS2 Growth Strategy Inward Investment, Visitor Economy, Funding including the Leeds Integrated Station Programmes & Business Support. Masterplan and the South Bank. THE TEAM Adam Brannen Mark Mills Tariq Sadiq 0113 3787 711 0113 3787 718 0113 3786 971 adam.brannen@leeds.gov.uk mark.mills@leeds.gov.uk tariq.sadiq@leeds.gov.uk Adam leads on the Council’s spatial Mark leads the Council’s Strategic Asset Tariq leads the city’s domestic and regeneration activities, enabling Management activities, focusing on international inward investment market co-ordination between investors, developers corporate real estate solutions and use of activities, focusing on positioning Leeds as and land owners, and providing a link to the Council’s assets to support economic the key location of choice for new capital, major public funding opportunities. Contact growth opportunities for the city. Contact investment, talent, ideas and world-class Adam for details on our city centre plan and Mark about strategic growth opportunities companies. our infrastructure investment programme. involving Council owned land.
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