Sustainable Transport Strategy - Kāpiti Coast District Council June 2020 - Low Carbon Kapiti
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Contents Executive Summary 4 5.0 Outcomes and Vision 23 A Sustainable Approach 4 5.1 Outcomes 23 Addressing Challenges 4 5.2 Vision 23 Outcome and Vision 4 Focus Areas 4 6.0 Focus Areas 25 6.1 Focus Area 1: The Transport Network 25 Tāngata Whenua 5 6.1.1 Improved Connections Te Whakaminenga o Kāpiti and Mode Choice 25 and Whakahoatanga Manatu 5 6.2 Focus Area 2: Integrating Land Use and Development 27 Strategy on a Page 6 6.3 Focus Area 3: Safety 27 6.4 Focus Area 4: Resilience 28 1.0 Introduction 7 6.5 Focus Area 5: Climate Change 28 1.1 What is the Sustainable Transport Strategy 6.6 Focus Area 6: The Environment 29 and Why is it Important? 7 6.7 Focus Area 7: Amenity 30 1.2 Why Now? 7 6.8 Focus Area 8: Affordability 30 2.0 What does the transport network look like now? 8 3.0 Policy Context 10 4.0 Challenges 12 4.1 Population Growth and Economic Development 12 4.2 A Network Under Pressure 12 4.2.1 Congestion 12 4.2.2 Parking 13 4.3 Service Provision and Access 13 4.4 Reliance on the Private Car 15 4.5 Demographics and Demographic Change 16 4.6 Safety 17 4.7 Resilience 18 4.8 Climate Change 18 4.9 The Environment 19 4.10 Amenity 19 4.11 Affordability 19 Summary of Key Challenges 20 Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy 3
Executive Summary Any comprehensive transport strategy must cover all modes of travel and have a clear vision of the future. This Strategy establishes a framework for delivering good outcomes for our communities, and provides details of the key areas of focus for transport in Kāpiti for the next twenty years. A Sustainable Approach the reliable, efficient and safe movement of people and goods. Therefore, this strategy has established This Strategy aims to deliver a transport network 7 outcomes: that provides equitable access for all, whilst ensuring that environmental and economic • Improved Access, Connectivity and Integration outcomes are reflected in decision making. • Safe and Resilient Communities; Addressing Challenges • Supporting a Vibrant and Thriving District; Kāpiti strives to be an attractive location for businesses as well as an appealing area • Climate Change for new residents. There are a number of transport-related challenges to achieving this. • Environmental Enhancements; There is a need to ensure that the transport infrastructure supports growth, as well as • Amenity; and addressing issues that already exist, so that • Affordability. people and businesses can easily access services and goods. The vision and outcomes contained within this strategy reflect these desires. Focus Areas The strategy recognises that to deliver a fit for To achieve these outcomes this strategy identifies purpose network, there is a need to address key 8 Focus Areas. These focus areas do not identify gaps in the network that are limiting connectivity specific schemes, as the spending programme and the ability to encourage mode shift, reverse will be in the Access and Transport Activity the worsening road safety trends, build resilience Management Plan and the Long Term Plan. into the transport network, and provide for Instead it establishes the principles that environmental and amenity enhancements. Council will apply in the development of new The responses to the challenges need to be and enhancement of existing infrastructure, and made within the context of funding availability. provides a framework to enable discussions with other funding partners. Outcome and Vision Council recognises that the outcomes will also be delivered through the actions of individuals The outcomes and vision have been developed and organisations, investment by Council in to ensure that the transport issues being faced infrastructure on behalf of the community and such as congestion, pressures on parking, levels regulation through other Council policies and of access to public transport, safety risks, and plans such as the District Plan, and bylaws. the impacts of climate change do not worsen over time. The goal is to enhance community connectedness through the creation of a well- planned physical transport system that allows for 4 Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy
Tāngata Whenua Te Whakaminenga o Kāpiti The tāngata whenua have established four principles on which the vision is based: and Whakahoatanga Manatu • Manaakitanga – which is concerned with Council recognises the status of the tāngata whenua the wellbeing of families and communities; under Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Treaty of Waitangi), and works closely with Ngāti Toa Rangatira, • Te Reo – it is fundamental that the Ngāti Raukawa and Te Āti Awa ki Whakarongotai language is treasured; iwi, who hold mana whenua • Kotahitanga – working in partnership to within the District. build strength; and Te Whakaminenga o Kāpiti is one of the longest • Tino Rangatiratanga – self-determination, running partnerships between tāngata whenua and control and decision-making, including a Kāpiti Coast District Council, and it establishes strong role for kaitiakitanga. a commitment of working together to advance matters of mutual interest. The partnership The Sustainable Transport seeks to implement is engaged in Whakahoatanga Manatu (a measures that: Memorandum of Partnership) that recognises • ensure the most is made of existing assets; the “need for active protection of tāngata whenua interests to be considered in its dealings with • support mode shift; other parties”. • protect the environment; and Through Whakahoatanga Manatu Council agrees • work in partnership to deliver to hold a number of principles, which are relevant transport improvements. to this Strategy. In particular, the agreement to actively promote the sustainable management Therefore, achieving the outcomes contained with of natural and physical resources, to promote this strategy will go some way towards realising partnership with tāngata whenua in policy and the principles of Manaakitanga, Kotahitanga and plan development, and to recognise and provide Tino Rangatiratanga. for kaitiakitanga. In the Māori world view, people and the environment are inextricably linked, and Kaitiakitanga (guardianship and protection) recognises the role of humans and tikanga in sustaining the mauri of natural and physical resources. Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy 5
Strategy on a Page This Strategy on a page illustrates the relationship between identified challenges, what is desired for Kāpiti, and the key areas of focus to address the challenges and deliver against the outcomes Challenges Outcomes Key Focus Areas / Actions All outcomes Growth All focus areas Improved Access, Connectivity The Transport Network and Integration, Supporting a A Network Under Vibrant and Thriving District Integrating Land Use and Transport Pressure Improved Access, Connectivity The Transport Network and Integration, Supporting a Service Provision Vibrant and Thriving District Integrating Land Use and Transport and Access The Transport Network Improved Access, Connectivity Integrating Land Use and Transport Reliance on and Integration the Private Car Safety The Transport Network All outcomes Integrating Land Use and Transport Demographics Safety Safety Safe and Resilient Communities, The Environment, Resilience Amenity Safety The Environment Safe and Resilient Safety Communities Resilience Resilience Climate Change Climate Change Climate Change Safe and Resilient Communities, Resilience The Environment The Environment Environment Amenity, Supporting a Vibrant Amenity and Thriving District Amenity Affordability Affordability Affordability
1.0 Introduction Kāpiti’s position as a gateway to the in Kāpiti, providing a clear basis for engagement with all ‘transport stakeholders’. It establishes Wellington Region and improved a relationship between local, regional and regional transport links make it central policy and decision making, and the attractive to people seeking lifestyle implementation programme to ensure the delivery of infrastructure to support growth. changes and housing choice. Kāpiti This Strategy aims to enhance community has undergone significant growth and connectedness via the development of a well- is forecast to continue to grow over planned transport system that ensures the reliable, the next 30 years. efficient and safe movement of people and goods. Transport and urban form play a key role in There is a need to: contributing to the social, economic, environmental • develop and maintain a well-connected and cultural wellbeing of communities and are transport network that will cater for the impact key influencers of travel behaviour. The ability for of population and business growth whilst people to move around has an immense impact minimising environmental impacts; on their lives and how they gain access to people, employment, goods and services. It is essential to • provide for transport mode choice; ensuring a vibrant and thriving economy. • take into account the diverse needs of Kāpiti faces a number of challenges including a communities including vulnerable road users, network under pressure, reliance on the private car, the travel disadvantaged and local businesses; safety, resilience, and protecting the environment • ensure that the transport network is resilient and affordability, all of which can be exacerbated to adapt to the effects of climate change and by growth, demographic changes and climate other natural events such as earthquakes and change. Travel patterns differ from the past, and landslides; and investment decisions need to support the users of • improve affordability and decrease different modes for existing and future generations carbon footprint. by delivering infrastructure to support growth and addressing existing issues on the network. 1.2 1.1 Why Now? The original transport strategy was developed What is the Sustainable in 2008. Since then there has been significant Transport Strategy and changes to both the transport network in Kāpiti Why is it Important? and to Central, Regional and Local Government legislation and policy. Many of the proposals A sustainable transport system is concerned identified in the original Strategy have been with managing and delivering a transport network developed or superseded. At both a regional that supports growth and encouraging alternatives and local level, the most significant change to to the private car. Principles of sustainability in the network has been the Roads of National the transport network include equitable access Significance projects, which have changed travel for all, a system that can cope with change, patterns both within and in and out of Kāpiti. the integration of transport and land use, and ensuring impacts on the environment are avoided, The road network is growing as a result of new remedied or mitigated. development and new connections - around 28km of Old State Highway 1 will form part of the roading This Strategy takes a long-term view, up to 2040, network once responsibility for it passes from NZTA in shaping the future of transport and provides to Kāpiti Coast District Council (revocation). a framework for guiding transport investment Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy 7
2.0 What does the transport network look like now? Kāpiti has an extensive transport The Kāpiti Coast District Plan also contains a road network hierarchy for planning purposes and network that is characterised by rules in the District Plan relate to this hierarchy. State Highway 1 and a railway line The hierarchy includes: running north / south through 1. strategic arterial routes the District connecting us to the (such as State Highway 1), Wellington Region to the South and 2. major community connectors East and Horowhenua and Horizons to (such as Te Moana Road, Kāpiti Road), the North. There is a well-established 3. Local community connectors such as but limited bus network and a high Otaihanga Road; and quality and frequent rail service 4. other local roads / neighbourhood access routes. between Waikanae and Wellington, as well as a developing cycleway, The hierarchy1 has been developed based on walkway and bridleway network function and the level of traffic using these routes. All these roads serve to help support ( the movement and connectivity of people and media/30062/stride-n-ride-trails- goods. This bears many similarities to the One dec-2017.pdf). Network Road Classification (ONRC)2 hierarchy, details of the ONRC hierarchy and its relationship to the implementation programme can be found in the Access and Transport Activity Management Plan (AMP). Whilst we have an extensive transport network, there are still transport issues that need to be addressed. A key challenge will be to develop a transport network that is fit for purpose for existing and future residents, businesses and services, and that enables mode choice while minimising environmental impacts and enhancing character. 1 2 8 Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy
13km unsealed roads 253 Building Consents per year 427km Footpath 403km sealed roads Peka Peka to Ōtaki Expressway Old State Highway 1 Part of Rail Network not electrified Double Tracking to Waikanae Park and Ride / Rail Stations Mackays to Peka Peka Expressway Transmission Gully Waikanae North and Ngarara Developments Scale 0 0.5 1 1.5 2km
3.0 Policy Context This Strategy sits within a framework The four wellbeings – social, economic, environmental and cultural have also been of local, regional and national plans, reintroduced into the Local Government Act strategies and legislation, and is as a statutory purpose of Local Government. one of a number of Kāpiti Coast By definition, a network cannot operate in isolation. District strategies that set out the It is important, therefore, that in developing long-term strategic response to this strategy cross-border working or broader strategies, plans and activities are taken into Council’s outcomes and goals for account. In addition to the relationship with NZTA the community. and their policies and plans, the most relevant of these are: At the national level, this strategy is directed mainly by three acts, the Local Government Act 2002 (LGA), • The Regional Growth Framework the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA) and (currently under development); the Land Transport Management Act 2003. (LTMA). • The Regional Land Transport Plan, which is Since 2008 there have been changes to legislation led by Greater Wellington Regional Council, that direct transport spending priorities. but developed in partnership with all local authorities in the Wellington Region and NZTA; Transport Outcomes Land Transport Local Government Resource Framework 2018 Management Act 2003 Act 2002 Management Act 1991 Identifies four outcomes ‘to contribute to an Requires a sustainable Requires a sustainable that successive effective, efficient, and safe approach to the approach to the governments can land transport system in management of natural management of natural prioritise against. the public interest’, and and physical resources and physical resources contains requirements and the maintenance and the maintenance around central government and enhancement of the and enhancement funding and NZTA environment. of the environment. spending requirements. Government Policy Statement 2018 Regional Land Sets out distribution of central Transport Plan government funding across transport Sets regional investment priorities. modes. Required every 6 years with a Kāpiti Coast review every 3 years. Focus on safety, Sustainable access, environment and value for Transport Strategy money. Mode neutrality is a key feature. Wellington Regional Public Transport Plan Sets the long-term direction for public transport in the region New Zealand Transport Agency Arataki Road to Zero 2020 National Land One Road Network NZTAs plan for the A new road safety strategy Transport Classification transport system for New Zealand. Programme Identifies transport hierarchy including 5 step Identifies transport based on role, function and changes. spending. traffic levels. 10 Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy
Cycleways Open Development Economic Climate Coastal Walkways Spaces Management Development Change Management Bridleways Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Strategy Sustainable Transport Strategy Access and Transport Activity Management Plan Long Term Plan Forms the implementation part of the Sustainable Transport Strategy. Incorporates outcomes of Identifies transport investment programme for a three-year, 10-year Access and Transport Activity and 30-year, or longer, view of planned expenditure Management Plan • The Regional Public Transport Plan, as Greater to ensure resilience and reduction of transport Wellington are responsible for the provision of based emissions. The Open Space Strategy sets public transport services; the direction for the provision and management of Kāpiti Coast’s open spaces network for the • The relationship between Kāpiti and: next 30 years. It is relevant as the recreational • Porirua City; trails associated with the Cycleway, Walkway and Bridleway (CWB) network form part of the Open • Upper Hutt District Council; and Space Strategy but also straddles the Sustainable • Horowhenua District Council; and Transport Strategy. • The Horowhenua Integrated Transport Strategy, The Access and Transport AMP, which is submitted where the Ōtaki to Levin project, improved to NZTA for approval. Specifically, the AMP rail services and improved connectivity for identifies: cycleways, walkways and bridelways is of particular importance. • the national, regional and local strategic drivers for services; At a local level, the Sustainable Transport Strategy • how the Council will assess and manage is one of a number of Kāpiti Coast District transport demand; Strategies that set out the long term response to key challenges. The Development Management • the critical assets and how these are Strategy, Open Space Strategy, Coastal Strategy accounted for in the proposed plan; and Climate Change Strategy are particularly • what levels of service the investment provides; relevant to directing transport investment. These are currently being reviewed, and so names may • the planned balance between maintenance, change, but the relationship of these strategies renewals and capital investment proposed and the Sustainable Transport Strategy will for the maintenance of existing assets and remain relevant. The Development Management for any future needs; and Strategy identifies the growth framework and the • how these costs will be met. transport system must respond to this as well as the outcomes of the Coastal Strategy and Climate Our approach to strategy and related implementation Change Strategy. In this respect transport is an plan development will provide flexibility for amending enabler rather than a key driver. These responses investment priorities and take account of changes include directing the location and construction to National, Regional and Local Policies, Strategies, of infrastructure, and supporting measures Programmes without having to make large scale such as mode shift and transport technologies, changes to this document. Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy 11
4.0 Challenges As a regional gateway with strong With growth in population and economic and tourism development, there is strong potential links to the North and South, Kāpiti for an increase in both personal and commercial is well positioned to create a vibrant vehicles on roads. Without a coherent and co- and thriving District that residents ordinated plan to direct funding to where it is needed, all of the challenges highlighted in this are proud to call home. However, strategy are likely to be exacerbated further. There fundamental to achieving this will be is a need to ensure that infrastructure is delivered addressing the transport challenges to support this growth in a timely manner. we face. 4.2 4.1 A Network Under Pressure Population Growth Poor connectivity combined with population growth and economic development is placing and Economic Development pressure on infrastructure. This is resulting in: Kāpiti has seen significant growth in the last 30 • level of service issues such as congestion, years and projections show that this will continue. particularly on east west arterial routes; The current population of approximately 56,000 is expected to grow to 68,548 by 2043 leading to a • impacts on access to goods, services and demand of around 7,680 new dwellings. Projections recreational facilities; and show a change in household composition over time • parking issues. with increases in the older population and smaller (i.e., fewer people) households. Between 2013 and 4.2.1 Congestion 2043, the number of residents over 65 will grow by 70% and at that time, they will constitute 31.7% of Traffic modelling tells us that without intervention the total population of the district. and greater mode choice these problems will only worsen over time. As population growth is an influencer in the future demand for business land Kāpiti also currently requires around 61,600sqm of floor space in the next 25 years. Similarly, as a coastal destination with many attractive attributes including Kāpiti Island, Kāpiti is also a draw for tourism activities, which will place further pressure on the transport network. Tourism has increased since the opening Kāpiti Road is one of the most congested of the M2PP Expressway, particularly at Kapiti routes on the network with over 26,000 Landing and Paraparaumu Beach, and accounts vehicles per day using this road. This is a for around 15% of spending in the Kāpiti district. major community connector that links beach communities and town centres with the wider regional network, but traffic has increased to the point where there is no discernible peak. Traffic increases from 8am and remains high until at least 6pm. Based on current conditions, plans for anticipated growth and intensification around the Paraparaumu District Centre, along with business development around Te Roto Drive and the Kāpiti Airport, would see congestion along Kāpiti Road and Rimu Road worsen. 12 Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy
The Wellington Northern Corridor improvements, Kāpiti Line, which has helped relieve the parking including the Roads of National Significance pressures around the Paraparaumu and Waikanae Expressway (RONS) projects have changed, and will train stations, but has not completely resolved continue to change, travel patterns. These include: parking issues in these areas. This is impacting on businesses, particularly in Waikanae, as • McKays to Peka Peka (M2PP): parking is being taken up by commuters rather Completed in February 2017 than town centre visitors. • Transmission Gully (TG)): due for completion late 2020 4.3 • Peka Peka to Ōtaki (PP2O): due for Service Provision and Access completion in 2021 Whilst rail services from Waikanae to Wellington • Ōtaki to north of Levin (O2L): are frequent and high quality, rail services in the which is in the planning stages and north of the District are poor. Electrification only extends as far as Waikanae, and in Ōtaki the only will potentially be completed by 2029. rail service is the Capital Connect that runs to and Changes to traffic volumes on Old State Highway from Wellington once a day. This can limit access 1 have been significant pre and post the M2PP to opportunities for communities as services Expressway. often do not arrive or leave Wellington at a time they are needed. However, the speed of progress of the O2L projects may determine impacts on the local road networks Similarly, the lack of investment in the rail network such as bottlenecks in the North of the district and can have implications on the ability to increase the potential to enable better cycleway, walkway freight movement on the rail network. The new and bridleway networks to Horowhenua. Expressway projects and Transmission Gully support freight movements through Kāpiti, 2016 2017 2018 however, improvements in rail are also needed. Paraparaumu As an example, a freight hub has been proposed 25,527 26,050 12,172 for Palmerston North, which will use the Kapiti South of Coastlands Waikane North Line for access into Wellington / the Wellington 22,090 23,051 11,870 Region. This needs to be supported by appropriate of Elizabeth Street infrastructure improvements with a high level of integration with land use if rail freight is to Connectivity is key, and users want to be able to provide a viable means to reducing road based move around the network easily (especially with and encouraging rail-based freight. so many new assets). Whilst the RONS projects have improved North-South connectivity through Access to the airport is also important if we are the District, there still exists the need to invest to support air based domestic and freight travel, in East-West connections, and to ensure that and Kāpiti is to provide a competitive alternative the local road network interacts efficiently and to Wellington Airport for long distance travellers effectively with the new Expressways. Without and freight movements to and from Kāpiti. Kāpiti these connections the town centres will become Road, from which the airport is accessed, is one vulnerable and congestion will continue to increase of the most congested on the network and east on the local road network. west connectivity needs to be improved to support the airport. 4.2.2 Parking Bus transport is also limited, particularly in the In Waikanae and Paraparaumu town centre north of the District, and usage has steadily declined parking pressures are being experienced, between 2014 and 2019. This is concerning from the particularly with demand from train commuters point of view of being able to maintain these services as a result of limited rail services to the north. in the future but also for encouraging mode shift The Greater Wellington Regional Council have and providing transport options. increased Park and Ride provision along the Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy 13
Kapiti Public Transport Network Map updated April 2018 d oa sR n w an To m ki ee ta Fr O 290 H AC KI BE TA O KI TA O ro ka Ho Pe Te ka st Ea Pe e na ka AE ai Rd N W KA na AI oa 281 W M Te 280 H AC BE ad AE u Ro N um KA rb ge ra AI ga lle pa W en Co ara 290 az P KAPITI M a at 262 280 tla oad wh ISLAND st R ra U d Ea A e r UM iv dfo u s RA nd um Dr uil et PA G ra re 261 as pa St RA Co ra ly PA Pa an 260 264 M CH U M t ge t as d BE U or o pi i R lle RA rp ti C A Ka pit Co Ai api PA Ka ti K RA PA 250 KPL I ACAT H UM BE RA 251 ut ti So ma h Key u Ra Standard bus routes 250 20-60 minutes all da less often in Otaki Targeted local bus routes Rail services I IK Key 251 AR Interchanges AK Standard bus routes 20-60 minutes all day EK PA 250 less often in Otaki Targeted local bus routes Rail services on 251 KPL gt Interchanges lin el W 3 To KPL 3 14 Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy
Barriers to use can include: increases in the usage of cycleway / walkway / bridleway trails between 2018 and 2019, this is • the need for improved infrastructure; partly as a result of limited connectivity between • slower journey times compared the cycleway / walkway / bridleway network and to using cars or the Park and Ride; urban areas. town centres, public transport interchanges. This forces the user to think • the need for infrastructure to support “Now What” and either risk safety issues or bus usage, such as bus shelters; abandon cycling as a viable mode. • affordability; Car dependent low density urban form is • lack of integration between modes; and increasingly unsustainable and difficult to service. Travel by private vehicle has been the major • poor facilities such as bus stops and toilets. emphasis for the transport investment. As the total Without improved connectivity, integration and space available has reached a limit, the response service improvement, public transport usage may has generally been to increase road corridor also decline further over time. Buses require a capacity to reduce constraints on vehicle use. level of patronage to maintain viability; unless the This, and the pattern of land use, has influenced declining trend is reversed services could be scaled the form of transport networks and the level of back or lost. Whilst passenger rail boardings have investment in other modes. increased by almost 1 million in the five-year period There is also a regional form where some key between 2014 and 2019, capacity issues and a lack social and education services are located outside of connectivity at either end of the rail journey could the district. Coupled with limited transport options, inhibit future growth. this has meant a heavy reliance on private vehicle transport to reach economic, social, cultural and 4.4 environmental opportunities, and more people Reliance on the Private Car travel to work outside the District than travel in. Many journeys to work and school are either made Travel to Work 5 in their entirety by private car, or include a transfer from the private car to another mode. This shows that we have some way to go in encouraging and supporting mode choice. Whilst some decisions around travel patterns are personal for reasons such as safety, weather, 51.3 and perceived or actual convenience, these travel patterns are also driven by the level of investment 12.5 12.8 3.5 12.7 3.4 0.9 1.6 1.1 in the transport network. Worked at Home Drove a Private Car, Truck, or Van Drove a Company Car, Truck or Van Passenger in a Car, Truck or Van or Company Bus Public Bus Train Bicycle Walked or Jogged Ferry Other The lack of integration and connectivity within and between modes is a barrier to their use and is impacting the use of alternatives to the private car. As an example, limited integration between bus services and passenger rail services is encouraging Park and Ride usage and car based travel. Similarly, whilst significant investment in active modes has been seen in the development of cycleways, walkways and bridleways through the Stride and Ride4 programme, key links are still missing. Monitoring has only shown small 4 5 Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy 15
In addition 36.3%6 of the working population 4.5 commutes outside of the District, and the nearest hospitals are located in Poririua and Wellington. Demographics and More people also travel out of Kāpiti than into Kāpiti Demographic Change for work and private vehicles also represent the Demographics can influence travel patterns, and most heavily used mode for travel to work, with the ability to move around easily can be impacted buses being the lowest. by health, age and affordability. Projections show Many of Kāpiti’s schools were not designed or a change in household composition over time with located with the level of car use currently being increases in the older population and younger age experienced in mind. The main means of travel to groups, and smaller households. education is by car, although travel by school bus or Therefore, as population grows so too will the on a public bus is higher than people travelling for vulnerable road users and transport disadvantaged. work. As well as causing congestion, which impacts For example: across the road network, car trips to school can cause problems for the schools themselves. Traffic • older people can have particular mobility and parking, local air pollution, the safety risks issues requiring a number of different to child pedestrians and cyclists, and a decline in responses ranging from planning for mobility children’s health and fitness are as a result of aids in developing the pedestrian network to high vehicle use. aiding access to key services; The quality of infrastructure and limited off road • safety will be important in protecting facilities is also a barrier, particularly for vulnerable vulnerable road users and planning transport users. The network still requires for the network; and investment in maintenance and new infrastructure • those on lower incomes that have limited to improve user experience. Mode choice has been access to public transport are isolated impacted by the design of new developments, and unable to access social and economic with some new large-scale developments being opportunities. incapable of accommodating conventional buses. Concern over personal safety as a result of poor Younger and older people make up a significant design can also impact on a person’s choice to proportion of pedestrian and cyclists. Pedestrians seek alternatives to the private car. and cyclists are the most vulnerable users of the transport network, and are over represented in accident statistics. The transport network needs to better suit the needs of these age groups, Kāpiti Workforce 7 particularly since older people are increasingly able to remain mobile as a result of changing technologies, such as mobility scooters, and micromobility such is increasingly attractive to younger people as a result of new transport modes including electric scooters. 88 The lack of cheap and reliable access to regional health and social services that are located outside the District is a pressing issue and is especially 12 problematic for the large elderly population, the mobility impaired and the Māori population. Live and Work Live outside, but work A report published by the Ministry of Health within the District within the District identified that whilst the gap between Māori and non-Māori is narrowing, there have also 6 7 16 Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy
4.6 Safety There is an Accident and Medical service Current road safety indicators are worsening and available in Paraparaumu, and an urgent vulnerable users need to be kept safer. Some of the care unit in Waikanae, but these are not network has been identified as high-risk, with the 24-hour facilities and families and carers top seven road safety issues including: still have to travel to Wellington, Kenepuru and Palmerston North hospitals. Limited • pedestrian safety; local services provide transport direct • cyclist safety; to Kenepuru or Wellington hospitals but these are user pays and, therefore, pose • motorcyclists; a barrier for patients . The only available • young drivers; public transport service to Palmerston North hospital for Ōtaki residents is traditional • intersections; public transport. • excessive speed; and • mature road users. been areas where improvements have been In particular, Kāpiti had the second highest more marked for non-Māori than for Māori such personal risk to motorcyclists and third highest as “hospitalisation and mortality for adults aged risk to pedestrians compared to similar districts. 35 years and over in all types of cardiovascular The 2018/19 annual report shows that accidents disease”8. This identifies the importance of being have increased in the last five-year period when able to access key healthcare services. Similarly, compared to the previous five years, despite the affordability can impact on the ability to reach key implementation of safety improvements on the educational and employment opportunities. In 2018 network and education. the unemployment rate was 6%9, which is higher Accidents are spread across the network and than the national average. In 2013 Māori population range from minor injuries to fatal accidents. NZTA also had a higher level of unemployment than identify personal and collective risk to road users10. non-Māori and so reflects the importance of The collective risk identifies corridors with a high reducing transport disadvantage and providing number of fatal or serious crashes, whilst the access to economic and cultural activities. personal risk identifies serious risk to road users In 2018 census, 14.7% of the population identified of fatal or serious crashes on corridors. as Māori or Māori descent in Kāpiti (compared to Accidents can be attributed to both human error 12.3% in 2006) and 4.3% spoke Māori compared and the physical transport network. At a human to 4% in New Zealand. As Te Reo Māori forms a level accidents occur for a number of reasons such central part of Māori identity and adds value to as loss of control, loss of concentration, overtaking, the economy, access to community infrastructure, conflict during turning manoeuvres, collisions employment, and educational opportunities where during merging. Older and younger people are the use of Te Reo is promoted and taught should particularly vulnerable. This can be as a result of be actively encouraged. health issues and a lower level of concentration or awareness of road safety principles, but a lack of mode separation can also present physical and emotional barriers to active modes. 8 9 10 Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy 17
Urban and rural roads are of equal concern There is a need to ensure that the transport system but the quality of some of the rural roads can can not only accommodate future growth and present particular challenges. Kāpiti has 13.3km changes to land use patterns, but also have the of unsealed roads and several rural roads which ability to deal with higher levels of demand as are narrow and have sight visibility issues that a result of unexpected problems. can impact on road safety. Of particular note are Being a coastal district, Kāpiti is vulnerable to the Paekākāriki Hill Road and Akatarawa Road, which impacts of, and resilience to, climate change and cross administrative boundaries and will require sea level rise, as well as other major events such joint working with NZTA and the adjoining territorial as earthquakes and land-slides. More extreme authorities to address safety issues. The quality weather conditions can also cause damage due to of the urban network can also create road safety slips and washouts, as well as localised flooding, problems as a result of the need for increased which place pressure on limited resources. maintenance and the presence of hazards. With the level growth anticipated in Kāpiti and These safety issues are of concern, especially the wider Wellington Region this will become an given the increase in young and old age groups increasing problem unless Kāpiti develops a more and without action serious harm on the roads will sustainable transport network and integrates continue. There is a need to ensure that Kāpiti climate change planning into future decision takes account of the needs of all communities making. Therefore, the transport network must in the decision making processes to ensure that respond to the outcomes of the Climate Change this trend does not continue as the network and and Coastal Strategies. population grows. Energy and other resource costs may also have Similarly, the gaps in the pedestrian and cycle impacts on community resilience, including: network that can have a negative impact on safety. • Impacts on the community’s ability The Expressway paths for example can provide a to access goods and services; and utility and recreational function, and their off road nature appeals vulnerable and less confident road • Potential shortages of fuel on a users, however, they need to connect effectively and temporary or longer term basis. safely into key destinations. There are also limited segregated and off-road facilities in other areas, 4.8 particularly in the north of the District that needs to be addressed if safety is to be improved. Climate Change The transport sector remains a significant 4.7 contributor to greenhouse gas and noxious emissions, and light vehicle emissions are Resilience the fastest growing of these. Not only can this Increasing occurrence of severe weather related have health implications but climate change is events and coastal erosion is affecting some exacerbating existing problems on the network structures and challenging network resilience. including damage to the network as a result of: Resilience in the transport network means the • increased flooding and ground water; ability to continue to function at an acceptable • greater storm intensity; level and ensure access to essential services after a disruptive or major event. At a more personal • sea level rise and coastal erosion; and level, resilience in the community means the ability to gain and maintain access to key services and • warmer temperatures. places that are centred around ensuring wellbeing Transport is currently responsible for about 57% including Marae’s and civil defence centres. of carbon dioxide emissions in New Zealand. The private car is the most significant contributor to 18 Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy
land based travel emissions but the use of diesel 4.10 trains between Ōtaki and Wellington, and buses running on fossil fuel also play a part. Amenity The Climate Change Zero Carbon Act11 requires the Decisions on land use and transport can affect government to develop and implement policies for the amenity, attractiveness and safety of areas. climate change adaptation and Kāpiti will need to In Kāpiti there is a desire to maintain character, respond to these. Kāpiti Coast has also declared amenity and environmental quality. a Climate Change Emergency which recognises The RMA defines amenity as being “those natural or the significant costs associated with coastal erosion physical qualities and characteristics of an area that and climate change such as inland flooding in contribute to people’s appreciation of its pleasantness, the District. aesthetic coherence, and cultural and recreational attributes12”. The physical and visual attributes of 4.9 the transport network can have positive or negative The Environment impacts on the experience of a place. A high quality Travel and transport systems can impose network is important to the community and the significant harm to the environment and, without allocation of space within the road corridor can action, will mean that the principle of Tino have an effect on local economies and the viability Rangatiratanga (particularly Kaitiakitanga) is of town centres. not achieved through adequate environmental The town centres are vulnerable to change and protection. It is important that the range of the new travel patterns resulting from the RONS effects on key resources such as biodiversity and projects removes passer-by traffic, which can ecology, air, water, soil, noise and land take are impact on economic viability. The lack of quality identified, and informed choices are made about town centre design is resulting in a lost opportunity addressing adverse effects to the environment. to catalyse growth, and the lack of main streets is The implications of uncoordinated development on resulting in economic and retail activity occurring those parts of the environment that are less able to outside the region or district. The challenge will cope with change should be considered. be to lock in the benefits of the RONS projects Unless it is planned appropriately and effects and enhance the town centres. are avoided, remedied, or mitigated, transport infrastructure can cause effects at both the 4.11 construction and operation stages. Impacts on the water and soil can arise from the increased Affordability potential for erosion as a consequence of Access and transport activities are funded earthworks, contamination in run off, air pollution by a combination of: and the emission of greenhouse gases, and impacts on flora and fauna and people can be caused by • rates funding, destruction of natural habitats, and noise. • subsidies from NZTA for maintenance, Decisions on land use and the relative priorities • school travel plans renewals between modes can also impact on the environment. and capital works; As an example, building a road rather than looking at improved infrastructure to support alternatives • Greater Wellington Regional Council to the private car, and not requiring connectivity of for public transport and; new developments that supports mode choice can • New development. impact on the quality of the environment. Any decisions on transport investment and programme development will need to be made within the context of funding constraints. Council’s focus is on achieving a balance between delivering 11 12 Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy 19
affordable rates, minimising borrowings and Many transport projects, including new optimising capital expenditure whilst still infrastructure and maintenance, attract funding delivering against what the community needs assistance rates from NZTA but Councils have and what is required to operate a safe and to fund their share, usually around 50%. There is efficient transport network. capacity to support growth if the transport network supports sustainable approaches but growth brings As well as ensuring the development of new with it higher costs for infrastructure delivery, infrastructure to support growth, Council needs to operation and maintenance. address shortfalls with the existing infrastructure, including required maintenance and renewals, that create barriers to transport opportunities. Summary of Key Challenges Challenge Why is this an issue Effect of no action Growth Growth is exacerbating existing • Existing transport issues and challenges transport challenges. will continue to worsen over time. A network under Poor connectivity coupled with • These conditions worsen over time pressure growth is impacting on: and infrastructure will deteriorate. • level of service such as congestion and reliability, particularly on east west arterial routes; • access to goods, services and recreational facilities; • mode choice; and • economic viability and amenity due to parking problems. Service provision / • Effects mode choice; and • Services become increasingly lack of access vulnerable over time; and • Limits access to essential social, economic and service facilities. • Increasing pressure on the roading network. Reliance on the • Effects mode choice; and • Increasing pressure on the Private Car roading network; • Limits access to essential social, economic and service facilities. • Travel patterns will not change; and • Land use patterns can be affected. Demographic Change • Effects mode choice; • Number of people with limited access will increase; • Limits access to essential social, economic and service facilities; • Travel patterns will remain and unchanged; and • Vulnerable road users are • Safety statistics will worsen over time. increasing. 20 Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy
Challenge Why is this an issue Effect of no action Safety • Safety statistics are worsening; • Serious harm will continue. and • Vulnerable road users are at risk. Need to Improve • Important to ensure access • Damage will occur; Resilience to essential services after a • The transport network will not be disruptive or major event; able to respond quickly to unplanned • Kāpiti’s transport network is events; and vulnerable to climate change, sea • Communities will be at risk or lose level rise and natural events such access to key services. as land-slides and earthquakes; Climate Change • Transport is a significant • Impacts of climate change contributor to greenhouse gases; will worsen over time. • Climate change is exacerbating existing problems which affect the transport network including: • increased flooding and ground water; • greater storm intensity; • sea level rise and coastal erosion; • warmer temperatures. Environmental • Decisions that do not take • Environment degrades over time. Impacts account of the effects of transport infrastructure impact on biodiversity, air and water quality, soil, ecology and biodiversity. Amenity • Lack of quality town centre • Amenity and viability in town design is resulting in a lost centres will worsen, and economic opportunity to catalyse growth development may decline. and encourage mode shift; and • Lack of main streets is resulting in economic and retail activity occurring outside the region or district, and increasing the need to travel. Affordability • Decisions on transport • Impact on balance between investment and programme delivering affordable rates, minimising development will need to be borrowings and optimising capital made within the context of expenditure. funding constraints; and • Funding assistance rates from NZTA usually cover only 51% of the cost, and Council must find its share. Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy 21
Summary of Key Challenges Interregional Lack of connectivity to Levin and Palmerston North, where many Ōtaki residents look to for essential health services and employment. Regional East West Connectivity between Kāpiti Ability of the commuting workforce to and Poririu, and Kāpiti and Upper travel to the Hutt Valley influenced by Hutt as both Akatarawa Road and investment decisions on the Petone to Paekākāriki Hill Road are narrow and Ngauranga Gorge scheme and State have poor sight lines / poor safety Highway 58. records. Districtwide Lack of Lack of Revocation of Old Capacity on Parking integration integration State Highway 1 train services. issues between between on and and the need to modes. off road cycle lock in the benefits and pedestrian this provides in the activity. town centres. Ōtaki Poor rail connectivity Limited bus services. Poor East-West Need for improved North and South. Connectivity cycleway, walkway, bridleway infrastructure. Paekākāriki Relationship Bus services limited between TG and Old to one per week to State Highway 1 Paraparaumu and interchanges. Kapiti Health Centre. Paraparaumu Congestion. Poor connections to the railway station for pedestrians and cyclists. Waikanae Problems across North / South connectivity Poor connections to the railway line and to Waikanae as a result of the railway station for congestion around the lack of full interchanges pedestrians and cyclists. Elizabeth Street. on the M2PP and PP2O Expressways. 22 Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy
5.0 Outcomes and Vision 5.1 Outcome 3: Supporting a Outcomes Vibrant and Thriving District The town centres and local businesses are Council aims to enhance community connectedness supported by the transport network, parking through the creation of a well-planned physical management strategies and projects, and people transport system that allows for the reliable, and goods can easily and reliably move around. efficient and safe movement of people and goods. There is a need to prioritise infrastructure spending Objective 4: Climate Change and ensure that new developments contribute The transport network and our investment decision towards solutions rather than add to existing making will actively address to and seek to mitigate pressures. The following outcomes reflect what is the causes and effects of climate change. desired in Kāpiti and emphasise the need to ensure a complete and integrated transport network which Outcome 5: The Environment serves all communities. There will be a transport system that establishes Outcome 1: Improved Access, kaitiakitanga as a guiding principle, and avoids remedies or mitigates effects on the environment. Connectivity and Integration In Kāpiti communities will benefit from a transport Objective 6: Amenity network and travel service that offers the widest possible choice, giving access to essential civic The design of the network reflects its form and and economic centres, social infrastructure and function and proposals will create coherent, safe, recreational opportunities. Transport and land high quality and attractive places. use will be better integrated and the design of new development will support good transport Outcome 7: Affordability connections internally and to the wider Investment decisions will ensure value for money. transport network. Transport infrastructure developments, renewals In identifying transport solutions no mode should and upgrades will be undertaken efficiently and have priority over any other. Delivery programmes effectively to ensure we obtain maximum external will not start on the premise that road building funding, optimise rates funding and sustain will be the most efficient way of enabling people economic activity. Travel will become more and businesses to access the goods and services affordable for all users. that matter to them. Space will be allocated on the network to match the needs of all user groups so people can easily get around the district by their 5.2 preferred means, and have an enjoyable journey. Vision Outcome 2: Safe and To achieve an attractive, well Resilient Communities connected, responsive, safe, and By adopting a vision zero and safer systems13 environmentally friendly transport approach people feel safe using a mode of their system that enables mode choice. choice. At the same time the health and wellbeing Whilst all outcomes are linked to key challenges of communities is improved as a result of increased some will be more be more relevant than others, activity, improved access to key social infrastructure and the ability to appropriately manage the effects most relevant connections are shown on the of and respond to transport based emissions. Strategy on a Page. Improving connectivity and integration for example will reduce the need to Kāpiti will be able to respond quickly and restore travel by the private car and encourage mode shift. essential transport connections after a disruptive event including natural disasters, accidents and In turn this addresses the challenges that arise as major entertainment events. Resilience will be a result of growth and demographics, as well as built into the network including alternative routes improving the environment and amenity. and effective and reliable options for mode choice, as well as ensuring construction standards and emergency measures are in place to ensure that damage is as limited as possible and recovery is swift. 13 Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy 23
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6.0 Focus Areas The Challenges identified in section 4 6.1 of this strategy and the Long Term Focus Area 1: Plan (LTP) performance measures The Transport Network identify there are some areas where The physical form of the transport network we continue to need to prioritise will have major impacts on transport choice. The transport network will need to develop in infrastructure spending, as well as a way that: ensuring that new developments • increases the connectivity of communities; contribute towards solutions rather • integrates transport modes; than add to existing pressures. • improves access to the District centres, Balancing the ability for Council to maintain recreation areas, school services and the current roading network and fund renewals, employment opportunities; while meeting future growth needs, is an ongoing challenge, given the size and scale of the assets • increases mode choice; and limited funding sources. Neither does it wholly • improves safety, particularly for address other key areas of performance such as vulnerable road; resilience, amenity, accessibility and safety. The focus areas identify what is needed in order to • ensures resilience; and accomplish the vision and outcomes contained • delivers high quality design that within this Strategy. respects the environment and amenity. 6.1.1 Improved Connections and Mode Choice Council aims to enhance community connectedness through the creation of a well-planned physical transport system that allows for the reliable, efficient, and safe movement of people and goods. The One Road Network Classification indicates the relative importance of streets and “divides New Zealand’s roads into six categories based on how busy they are, whether they connect to important destinations, or are the only route available14”. In this respect it identifies the current state of play but does not currently consider how these roads could be used in the future, for example, if a greater proportion of trips were made by alternatives to the private car. Decisions on allocation of space within the road corridor can assist with mode shift, relieve congestion, and improve access to services and the One Network Framework will “Provide a clear line of sight between transport interventions and the customer service levels and community outcomes to be useful for strategic, operational and tactical activities15”. 14 15 Kāpiti Coast District Council | Sustainable Transport Strategy 25
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