Town of Innisfil 2018 Community Profile - Innisfil Accelerates

Page created by Esther Mendez
Town of Innisfil 2018 Community Profile - Innisfil Accelerates
Town of Innisfil
                                                         2018 Community Profile

                                   V 2.0
                              Septemer 2018
                           © 2018 Town of Innisfil

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Although all data is
believed to be the most accurate and up-to-date, the reader is advised to verify all data
before making any decisions based upon the information contained in this document.

For further information, please contact:
Economic Development Office
Town of Innisfil
2101 Innisfil Beach Road
Innisfil, ON | L9S 1A1

Phone: 705-436-3710

Town of Innisfil 2018 Community Profile - Innisfil Accelerates
Town of Innisfil
                                                         2018 Community Profile

                                           V 2.0
                                 October 2018
                         © 2018 Town of Innisfil

Information in this document is subject to change without notice. Although all
data is believed to be the most accurate and up-to-date, the reader is advised
to verify all data before making any decisions based upon the information
contained in this document.

For further information, please contact:
Economic Development Office
Town of Innisfil
2101 Innisfil Beach Road
Innisfil, ON
L9S 1A1
Phone: 705-436-3710

Town of Innisfil 2018 Community Profile - Innisfil Accelerates
Town of Innisfil
                                                                                             2018 Community Profile

Table of Contents
    DATA SOURCES .............................................................................................................................. 1
    INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................................. 2
              Location ............................................................................................................................................. 3
              Climate ............................................................................................................................................... 5
    DEMOGRAPHICS ........................................................................................................................... 6
              Population Size and Growth ........................................................................................................... 6
              Age Profile ......................................................................................................................................... 7
              Income ............................................................................................................................................... 9
              Mobility Characteristics ................................................................................................................. 12
              Language Characteristics ............................................................................................................ 13
              Level of Education ......................................................................................................................... 14
    LABOUR FORCE ............................................................................................................................ 18
              Key Indicators .................................................................................................................................. 18
              Labour Force by Occupation ...................................................................................................... 19
              Labour Force by Industry............................................................................................................... 21
              General Wages by Occupation.................................................................................................. 23
              Largest Employers........................................................................................................................... 25
              Place of Work .................................................................................................................................. 27
    TRANSPORTATION AND SHIPPING ............................................................................................ 29
              Highways .......................................................................................................................................... 29
              Rail Services ..................................................................................................................................... 31
              Airports.............................................................................................................................................. 32
              Ports................................................................................................................................................... 33
    TAXES AND UTILITIES .................................................................................................................... 34
              Local Property Tax Rates ............................................................................................................... 34
              Federal and Provincial Income Tax Rates ................................................................................. 34
              Water/Wastewater and Waste Management ......................................................................... 36
              Electricity .......................................................................................................................................... 38
              Natural Gas ..................................................................................................................................... 39
    PLANNING, AND DEVELOPMENT RELATED FEES ...................................................................... 40
              Planning Related Fees/Charges.................................................................................................. 40
              Development Charges and Fees ................................................................................................ 42
    BUSINESS SUPPORT PROGRAMS AND SERVICES ..................................................................... 43
              National and Provincial Support.................................................................................................. 43
              Local/Regional Support ................................................................................................................ 44
              Education and Training ................................................................................................................. 45
    QUALITY OF LIFE........................................................................................................................... 46
              Housing Characteristics................................................................................................................. 46
              Social and Community Services .................................................................................................. 47
              Education ........................................................................................................................................ 48
              Recreational Facilities.................................................................................................................... 49
              Events................................................................................................................................................ 50
              Local Media .................................................................................................................................... 51
              Communications Infrastructure ................................................................................................... 53
APPENDIX – PROVINCIAL AND FEDERAL INCENTIVES................................................................... 54

Town of Innisfil 2018 Community Profile - Innisfil Accelerates
Town of Innisfil
                                                                                             2018 Community Profile

List of Tables
Table 1: Innisfil, Average Temperature (°C), 1981-2010 ................................................................................. 5
Table 2: Census Population Change ................................................................................................................ 6
Table 3: Age Distribution, 2018 ........................................................................................................................... 8
Table 4: Total Individual Income Levels, 2018.................................................................................................. 9
Table 5: Family Income Levels, 2018 ............................................................................................................... 10
Table 6: Household Income Levels, 2018 ....................................................................................................... 10
Table 7: Mobility Rates, 2018............................................................................................................................. 12
Table 8: Knowledge of Official Languages, 2018 ......................................................................................... 13
Table 9: Most Common Non-Official Languages Spoken, 2018 ................................................................ 13
Table 10: Educational Attainment, 2018 ........................................................................................................ 15
Table 11: Major Field of Study, Population Aged 15 Years or Older, 2018 ............................................... 17
Table 12: Labour Force Characteristics, 2018 ............................................................................................... 18
Table 13: Labour Force by Occupation, 2018............................................................................................... 20
Table 14: Labour Force by Industry, 2018 ....................................................................................................... 21
Table 15: General Wages by Occupation .................................................................................................... 23
Table 16: Largest Private Sector Employers ................................................................................................... 25
Table 17: Largest Public Sector Employers..................................................................................................... 26
Table 18: Where the Innisfil Resident Labour Force Works, 2018 ................................................................ 27
Table 19: Place of Residence for Persons Working in Innisfil, 2018 ............................................................. 28
Table 20: Distance to Urban Centres .............................................................................................................. 29
Table 21: Distance to Major US Border Crossings .......................................................................................... 30
Table 22: Regional Airports ............................................................................................................................... 32
Table 23: Regional Ports .................................................................................................................................... 33
Table 24: Local Property Tax Rates, 2016 ....................................................................................................... 34
Table 25: Corporate Taxes – General Corporation (2018) .......................................................................... 34
Table 26: Corporate Taxes – Canadian Controlled (2018) ......................................................................... 34
Table 27: Sales Tax .............................................................................................................................................. 35
Table 28: Personal Income Tax, 2018 .............................................................................................................. 35
Table 29: Water and Sewer Charges, 2018.................................................................................................... 36
Table 30: Landfill and Tipping Fees.................................................................................................................. 37
Table 31: Electricity Rates .................................................................................................................................. 38
Table 32: Natural Gas Rates, Commercial and Industrial,2018.................................................................. 39

Town of Innisfil 2018 Community Profile - Innisfil Accelerates
Town of Innisfil
                                                                                               2018 Community Profile
Table 33: Land Use Planning Fees ................................................................................................................... 40
Table 34: Area Specific Development Charge, Effective 2017 ................................................................. 42
Table 35: Business Support Programs .............................................................................................................. 43
Table 36: Local Business Support ..................................................................................................................... 44
Table 37: Dwelling Characteristics, 2018 ........................................................................................................ 46
Table 38: Social and Protective Services ....................................................................................................... 47
Table 39: Primary and Secondary Schools..................................................................................................... 48
Table 40: Radio ................................................................................................................................................... 51
Table 41: Television ............................................................................................................................................. 51
Table 42: Print ...................................................................................................................................................... 51
Table 43: Online .................................................................................................................................................. 52
Table 44: Monthly Print....................................................................................................................................... 52
Table 45: Communications Infrastructure ...................................................................................................... 53

List of Figures
Figure 1: Innisfil Location Map ............................................................................................................................ 3
Figure 2: Transportation Corridor, GTA and the County of Simcoe............................................................. 4
Figure 3: Innisfil, Temperature and Precipitation Averages, 1981-2010 ...................................................... 5
Figure 4: Age Distribution Chart, 2018............................................................................................................... 7
Figure 5: Income Distribution of Private Households, 2018 .......................................................................... 11
Figure 6: Educational Attainment, Age Group 25-64, 2018 ........................................................................ 14
Figure 7: Major Field of Study, Population Aged 15 Years or Older, 2018 ................................................ 16
Figure 8: Labour Force by Occupation, 2018................................................................................................ 19

Town of Innisfil 2018 Community Profile - Innisfil Accelerates
Town of Innisfil 2018 Community Profile - Innisfil Accelerates
Town of Innisfil 2018 Community Profile - Innisfil Accelerates
Town of Innisfil 2018 Community Profile - Innisfil Accelerates
Town of Innisfil
                                                    2018 Community Profile

Please note that every effort has been made to use the most
current data available. The major sources of information for this
document are:
    The 2006, 2011, and 2016 Census from Statistics Canada;
    Manifold SuperDemographics data is 2018 from Manifold
     Data Mining Inc.; and
    EMSI Analyst Data.

The most recent Census was conducted in May 2016. SuperDemographics 2018
is the most up to date estimation of population characteristics, based on
mathematical models that draw from various data sources.

Manifold Projection Method
Manifold estimates demographic data annually, including population
projections for 5 and 10 years in the future. Manifold methodologies are based
on the following techniques:
    Enhanced cohort survival methods;
    Nearest neighborhood and regression techniques; and
    Structural coherence techniques.

 Manifold Data Sources include:

 Statistics Canada                        Real Estate Boards/Companies
 Health Canada                            Canadian Bankers Association
 Regional Health Ministries               Bank of Canada
 Citizenship and Immigration Canada       Canada Post Corporation
 Regional School Boards                   Consumer and business directories books
 Proprietary survey and research          Flyer Distribution Association
 Publications of hospitals, CMHC, BBM and partners

Town of Innisfil 2018 Community Profile - Innisfil Accelerates
Town of Innisfil
                                                    2018 Community Profile


Innisfil offers the best of all worlds!
The Town has many of the characteristics of a small lakeside
community while offering the amenities of a larger urban
centre. Just 45 minutes north of Toronto, Innisfil offers prime
access to major markets through a variety of transportation
options. Innisfil offers development opportunities, a variety of housing options,
and is home to a strong local workforce.

Innisfil Heights Strategic Settlement Employment Area
An area of approximately 1,000 acres in size that consists of a wide range of
industrial, commercial, and tourism-based uses on a range of lot sizes. It is a
gateway into the Town of Innisfil and County of Simcoe that is bisected by
Highway 400, providing high visibility and ideal access to a high volume of users.
To find out more about opportunities in Innisfil and Innisfil Heights, please see or contact the Economic Development Office.

Town of Innisfil
                                                           2018 Community Profile

Innisfil is a town in Ontario, Canada, located on the western shore of
Lake Simcoe in The County of Simcoe, immediately south of Barrie and
80 kilometres north of Toronto.
With ease of accessibility from main Highways in the 400 series, the Town is
situated just 45 minutes north of Toronto and five hours west of Ottawa.

Figure 1: Innisfil Location Map

Source: Google Maps, McSweeney & Associates, 2018

Town of Innisfil
                                                     2018 Community Profile

The Town includes within its borders Highway 400, and Highway 89 which
provides strong east-west access to the County of Simcoe. The map below
illustrates residential and commercial access routes to Toronto and the GTA,
Barrie and County of Simcoe.
Figure 2: Transportation Corridor, GTA and the County of Simcoe

        Source: Town of Innisfil

Town of Innisfil
                                                                                        2018 Community Profile

Innisfil derives its climatic data (normal and averages) from the
Environment Canada staffed Barrie Weather Station. Table 1 and
Figure 3 illustrate precipitation levels, average and extreme

Table 1: Innisfil, Average Temperature (°C), 1981-2010

 Temp. (°C)                           Jan          Feb         Mar       Apr    May      Jun      Jul      Aug     Sep     Oct        Nov                    Dec
 Daily Average                        -7.7         -6.6        -2.1      5.6    12.3     17.9    20.8      19.7    15.3    8.7         2.7                   -3.5
 Daily Maximum                        -2.9         -1.5         3.2      11     18.1     23.6    26.3      25.1   20.7     13.5        6.5                   0.4
 Daily Minimum                        -12.4        -11.7       -7.4      0.2    6.5      12.3    15.3      14.3    10      3.9         -1                    -7.3
                                       14           14          24      30.5     35       35      36       36.5   34.5     30         21.5                   19.5
                                       -35         -33         -30.5     -15     -4        1      6         0      -1.5    -6.5       -19.5                  -33

Source: Environment Canada, Station. Temperature and Precipitation Graph for 1981 to 2010 Canadian
Climate. Weather Station: BARRIE.

Figure 3: Innisfil, Temperature and Precipitation Averages, 1981-2010

                            Precipitation (mm)             Daily Average (°C)         Daily Maximum (°C)          Daily Minimum (°C)

                      30                                                                                                          100

                      25                                                                                                          90

                      20                                                                                                          80
                                                                                                                                        Precipitation (MM)
   Temperature (°C)

                       -5                                                                                                         20
                      -10                                                                                                         10
                      -15                                                                                                         0
                            JAN    FEB       MAR     APR        MAY     JUN     JUL     AU G    SEP     OCT       NOV     DEC

Source: Environment Canada, Barrie Weather Station. * This station meets WMO standards for temperature.

Town of Innisfil
                                                              2018 Community Profile

       Population Size and Growth
Between 2006 and 2016, the census population in Innisfil
grew from 31,175 to 36,566 (see Table 2), that is
approximately 17.3 % growth over 10 years. The remainder of
the document uses Manifold 2018 demographic and labour
force data estimates.

Table 2: Census Population Change

 Population          1996            2001           2006           2011           2016           2018*
 Innisfil           24,711          28,666         31,175         32,727         36,566          39,745
 % Change             n/a           16.0%           8.8%           5.0%           11.7%           n/c
                     1996            2001           2006           2011           2016           2018*
 Ontario          10,753,573     11,410,046     12,160,282      12,851,821     13,448,494     14,125,923
 % Change             n/a            6.1%           6.6%           5.7%            4.6%           n/c
Source: Statistics Canada Census Profiles 1996, 2001, 2006, 2011, 2016 and Manifold SuperDemographics 2018
* = Estimates, n/c = not comparable, n/a = not available

                                       17.3 %
                                growth over 10 years!

Town of Innisfil
                                                             2018 Community Profile

      Age Profile
Figure 4 illustrates the density chart of Innisfil’s population
by age compared to that of Ontario.
The Town has a slightly lower percentage of people ages
25-45, and a large percentage concentrated around
ages 40-65.

Figure 4: Age Distribution Chart, 2018


                                          Innisfil %        Ontario %

Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. SuperDemographics 2018.

Town of Innisfil
                                                             2018 Community Profile

Table 3 has 2018 population estimates by age group. It compares the
percentage of total population by age group against Ontario.

Table 3: Age Distribution, 2018

 Characteristics                Innisfil          Innisfil        Ontario
 Total Population               39,745            100.0%        14,256,784

   0 to 4 years                  2,056             5.2%             5.1%

   5 to 9 years                  2,374             6.0%             5.6%

   10 to 14 years                2,465             6.2%             5.8%

   15 to 19 years                2,391             6.0%             5.8%

   20 to 24 years                2,365             6.0%             6.5%
                                 2,233             5.6%             6.7%
                                                                                        Median Age:
   25 to 29 years
                                 2,301             5.8%             6.5%
                                                                                        42.5 vs 41.4 in
   30 to 34 years
   35 to 39 years                2,438             6.1%             6.4%

   40 to 44 years                2,549             6.4%             6.4%                Average Age:
   45 to 49 years                2,805             7.1%             6.8%                 41 vs 42 in
   50 to 54 years                3,296             8.3%             7.4%                   Ontario
   55 to 59 years                3,493             8.8%             7.7%

   60 to 64 years                2,840             7.1%             6.8%

   65 to 69 years                1,942             4.9%             5.2%

   70 to 74 years                1,637             4.1%             4.2%

   75 to 79 years                1,139             2.9%             2.9%

   80 to 84 years                 755              1.9%             2.1%

   85 years and over              668              1.7%             2.3%
Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. SuperDemographics 2018.

Town of Innisfil
                                                                  2018 Community Profile

Table 4 shows the breakdown of total individual incomes in 20181.
The median individual income was slightly higher than in the
province, while the average individual income level was on par
with that of Ontario.

Table 4: Total Individual Income Levels, 2018
    Characteristic                                    Innisfil             Innisfil              Ontario
    Population 15 years and over                      32,850               100.0%                 100%
     Without income                                   1,354                 4.1%                  4.4%
     With income                                      31,496               95.9%                  95.6%
      Under $5,000                                    4,277                13.0%                  14.2%
      $5,000 to $9,999                                5,059                15.4%                  16.5%
      $10,000 to $14,999                              4,429                13.5%                  12.8%
      $15,000 to $19,999                              3,613                11.0%                  10.4%
      $20,000 to $29,999                              3,176                 9.7%                  9.3%
      $30,000 to $39,999                              2,685                 8.2%                  7.4%
      $40,000 to $49,999                              2,074                 6.3%                  5.8%
      $50,000 to $59,999                              1,655                 5.0%                  4.4%
      $60,000 to $79,999                              1,302                 4.0%                  3.5%
      $80,000 to $99,999                                960                 2.9%                  3.0%
      $100,000 and over                               2,239                 6.8%                  8.2%
    Characteristic                                    Innisfil                                   Ontario
     Median total income $                           $37,257                                     $36,160
     Average total income $                          $46,014                                     $46,227
Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. SuperDemographics 2018 *(2017 incomes).

Table 5 indicates that in 2018, Innisfil had a slightly higher median family income
(by 1%) than Ontario. The average family income in Innisfil, however, was 8%
lower compared to the provincial figures.

1   Please note that the 2018 Manifold data uses 2017 income data, as it is the most recent information available.

Town of Innisfil
                                                            2018 Community Profile

Table 5: Family Income Levels, 2018

 Characteristic                                                         Innisfil          Ontario
 Total number of economic families (by income in 2017)                  11,717           3,968,764
 Median family income $                                               $101,473           $100,603
 Average family income $                                              $114,283           $123,693
Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. SuperDemographics 2018 (2017 incomes).

Table 6 demonstrates, using 2017 income data, that the median income for
households in Innisfil was higher than that of Ontario. The largest household
income level segment in Innisfil was $150,000 and over, annually.

Table 6: Household Income Levels, 2018

 Characteristic                                      Innisfil          Innisfil         Ontario
 Total number of private households                  14,157           100.0%            100.0%
  Under $5,000                                        114               0.8%              1.5%
  $5,000 to $9,999                                    104               0.7%              1.4%
  $10,000 to $14,999                                  171               1.2%              2.4%
  $15,000 to $19,999                                  268               1.9%              3.4%
  $20,000 to $29,999                                  834               5.8%              7.5%
  $30,000 to $39,999                                 1,046              7.2%              7.9%
  $40,000 to $49,999                                 1,064              7.4%              8.0%
  $50,000 to $59,999                                 1,037              7.2%              7.0%
  $60,000 to $79,999                                 2,061             14.3%             11.7%
  $80,000 to $99,999                                 1,957             13.6%             11.7%
  $100,000 to $124,999                               1,821             12.6%             10.1%
  $125,000 to $149,999                               1,446             10.0%              8.0%
  $150,000 and over                                  2,505             17.4%             17.5%
 Median household income $                          $91,173                             $79,939
 Average household income $                         $107,643                           $103,488
Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. SuperDemographics 2018 (2017 incomes).

    | 10                            
Town of Innisfil
                                                            2018 Community Profile

Figure 5 illustrates the distribution of household income for Innisfil and Ontario. The
town’s income distribution can be described as not symmetrical, with more than
half of the population earning over $60,000 annually.

Figure 5: Income Distribution of Private Households, 2018
                 Innisfil %   Ontario %

Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. SuperDemographics 2018 (2017 incomes).

    | 11                            
Town of Innisfil
                                                                            2018 Community Profile

        Mobility Characteristics
Residents in Innisfil are equally likely to change place of residence
within one or five years, compared to the province. Estimates
indicate those movers to Innisfil tend to be relocating from within
the Town or province rather than outside of Ontario or Canada (Table 7).

Table 7: Mobility Rates, 2018
    Characteristics                                                     Innisfil                Innisfil             Ontario
                                Mobility status – place of residence year ago2
    Total population                                                    39,311                 100.0%                 100.0%
    Non-movers3                                                         34,719                   88%                   87.5%
    Movers4                                                              4,591                   12%                   12.5%
     Non-migrants5                                                       1,319                    3%                   7.2%
     Migrants6                                                           3,272                    8%                   5.3%
       Internal migrants                                                 3,183                    8%                   4.2%
          Intra-provincial migrants                                      3,059                    8%                   3.7%
          Interprovincial migrants                                        124                     0%                   0.5%
       External migrants                                                   90                     0%                   1.2%
                        Mobility status – place of residence status five years ago
    Total population                                                    37,598                   96%                   95.8%
    Non-movers                                                          23,764                   60%                   60.0%
    Movers                                                              13,834                   35%                   35.8%
     Non-migrants                                                        4,054                   10%                   19.5%
     Migrants                                                            9,780                   25%                   16.2%
       Internal migrants                                                 9,489                   24%                   12.1%
         Intra-provincial migrants                                       9,300                   24%                   10.7%
         Interprovincial migrants                                         189                     0%                   1.4%
       External migrants                                                  291                     1%                   4.2%
Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. SuperDemographics 2018.

2 Refers to the relationship between a person's usual place of residence on Census Day and his or her usual place of residence
one year earlier. A person is classified as a non-mover if no difference exists. Otherwise, a person is classified as a mover and this
categorization is called Mobility status (1 year ago). Within the category of movers, a further distinction is made between non-
migrants and migrants; this difference is called migration status.
3 Non-movers are persons who, on Census Day, were living at the same address as the one at which they resided one year

4 Movers are persons who, on Census Day, were living at a different address from the one at which they resided one year

5 Non-migrants are movers who, on Census Day, were living at a different address, but in the same census subdivision (CSD) as

the one they lived in one year earlier.
6 Migrants are movers who, on Census Day, were residing in a different CSD one year earlier (internal migrants) or who were

living outside Canada one year earlier (external migrants).

      | 12                                       
Town of Innisfil
                                                            2018 Community Profile

      Language Characteristics
Table 8 indicates knowledge of Canada’s official
languages. Nearly 98% of residents in Innisfil speak English,
which is above the provincial figure. Only 0.6% of the
population speaks neither official language (versus 2.4% in

Table 8: Knowledge of Official Languages, 2018
 Characteristics                          Innisfil                  Innisfil            Ontario
 Total population                         39,745                    100.0%              100.0%
  English                                 38,916                     97.9%              93.1%
  French                                    505                      1.3%                3.8%
  English and French                         82                      0.2%                0.7%
  Neither English nor French                243                      0.6%                2.4%
Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. SuperDemographics 2018.

Moreover, Table 9 illustrates the most common languages outside of the official
languages of Canada.

Table 9: Most Common Non-Official Languages Spoken, 2018

 Characteristics                          Innisfil              Innisfil %
 Total population                         39,745                 100.0%
 Italian                                    802                   2.02%
 Portuguese                                 551                   1.39%
 Spanish                                    534                   1.34%
 German                                     335                   0.84%
 Polish                                     283                   0.71%
 Hungarian                                  151                   0.38%
 Dutch                                      143                   0.60%

Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. SuperDemographics 2018.

    | 13                            
Town of Innisfil
                                                                2018 Community Profile

      Level of Education
Figure 6 and Table 10 illustrate education attainment for
residents ages 25 to 64. Approximately, 32% completed only
high school, while over 50% completed post-secondary
University level was reached by nearly 13% of the population,
3% of which corresponds to education above the Bachelor level.

Figure 6: Educational Attainment, Age Group 25-64, 2018

     University diploma or degree at the bachelor                            32%
                    level or above                          14%

       College,or other non-university certificate

   Apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma

             High school certificate or equivalent

                No certificate, diploma or degree

                                                     0%   5%         10%   15%     20%   25%   30%   35%

                                              Ontario     Innisfil

Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. SuperDemographics 2018.

    | 14                              
Town of Innisfil
                                                                2018 Community Profile

Table 10: Educational Attainment, 2018

    Characteristics7                                                Innisfil       Innisfil       Ontario

    Total population 25 to 64 years                                 21,954        100.0%          100.0%
     No certificate, diploma or degree                              2,920           13%            10.4%
     Certificate, diploma or degree                                 7,006           32%            24.4%
      High school certificate or equivalent                         12,028          55%            65.2%
      Postsecondary certificate, diploma or degree                  2,244           10%             6.2%
      Apprenticeship or trades certificate or diploma                981             4%             3.1%
      College, CEGEP or other non-university                        1,263            6%             3.2%
    certificate or diploma
      University certificate, diploma or degree                     6,419           29%            24.6%
      University certificate or diploma below                        358             2%             2.3%
    bachelor level
        University certificate or degree                            3,007           14%            32.0%
         Bachelor's degree                                          2,303           10%            21.3%
       University certificate or diploma above                       245             1%             2.0%
    bachelor level
Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. SuperDemographics 2018.

7   By highest certificate, diploma or degree obtained may not add up to 100% due to nested categories

       | 15                             
Town of Innisfil
                                                               2018 Community Profile

Figure 7 and Table 11 illustrate major fields of study of residents ages 15 years and
older. Architecture, engineering and related technologies is the most prominent
field of study, with higher uptake in this field compared to the province.

Figure 7: Major Field of Study, Population Aged 15 Years or Older, 2018

    Personal, protective and transportation services

                           Health and related fields

    Agriculture, natural resources and conservation

              Architecture, engineering, and related

  Mathematics, computer and information sciences

        Physical and life sciences and technologies

  Business, management and public administration

           Social and behavioural sciences and law


   Visual and performing arts, and communications


                                                       0%     2%      4%   6%   8%      10%   12%   14%

                                              Ontario %       Innisfil %

Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. SuperDemographics 2018.

    | 16                              
Town of Innisfil
                                                            2018 Community Profile

Table 11: Major Field of Study, Population Aged 15 Years or Older, 2018

 Major Field of Study                                          Innisfil      Innisfil   Ontario

 Total population aged 15 years and over                       32,948        100.0%     100.0%
  No postsecondary certificate, diploma or
                                                               18,171         55.2%     45.6%
  Education                                                      658          2.0%       3.6%
  Visual and performing arts, & communications
                                                                 491          1.5%       2.0%
  Humanities                                                     445          1.4%       3.2%
  Social and behavioral sciences and law                        1,336         4.1%       6.5%
  Business, management and public
                                                                3,020         9.2%      11.8%
  Physical and life sciences and technologies                    294          0.9%       2.1%
  Mathematics, computer and information
                                                                 383          1.2%       2.5%
  Architecture, engineering, and related
                                                                4,489         13.6%     11.2%
  Agriculture, natural resources and conservation                184          0.6%       0.9%
  Health and related fields                                     2,417         7.3%       7.6%
  Personal, protective and transportation services              1,061         3.2%       2.9%
Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. SuperDemographics 2017.

    | 17                            
Town of Innisfil
                                                                    2018 Community Profile

         Key Indicators
Innisfil is home to a labour force that is over 22,000
persons strong. As illustrated in Table 12, the labour force
participation and employment rate are above that of
Ontario. The unemployment rate is lower than that of the

Table 12: Labour Force Characteristics, 2018

    Characteristic                          Innisfil       Barrie        Essa         of            Ontario
    Total population aged 15
                                            32,850        122,356       18,649     429,057        11,909,027
    years and older
     In the labour force8                   22,579         84,899        4,000     280,867         7,699,753
      Employed                              20,997         78,530       13,167     261,254         7,124,260
      Unemployed                             1,582          6,369         832       19,613          575,492
     Not in the labour force                10,271         37,457        4,649     148,190         4,209,274
    Participation rate %                     68.73          69.39        75.07       65.46           64.65
    Employment rate %                        63.92          64.18        70.61       60.89           59.82
    Unemployment rate %                       7.00           7.50        5.95         6.98            7.47
Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. SuperDemographics 2018.
Note that Innisfil, Barrie and Essa are Census Subdivision, while County of Simcoe is a Census Division.

8Labour force - Refers to persons who were either employed or unemployed. Unemployed - Refers to persons
15 years and over, excluding institutional residents, who, during the week (Sunday to Saturday) prior to Census
Day (May 16, 2006), were without paid work or without self-employment work and were available for work and
   (a) had actively looked for paid work in the past four weeks;
   (b) were on temporary lay-off and expected to return to their job;
   (c) had definite arrangements to start a new job in four weeks or less.

      | 18                                 
Town of Innisfil
                                                                   2018 Community Profile

      Labour Force by Occupation
Figure 8 and Table 13 illustrate Innisfil’s labour force make up by
     Trades transport and equipment operators are the
      largest occupation group (23%) in the community.
     The percentage of the labour force in sales and services (22%) is also

Figure 8: Labour Force by Occupation9, 2018

                                                        0%         5%      10%        15%   20%   25%

   Trades, transport and equipment operators and                                23%
                related occupations                                 13%

                      Sales and service occupations                            22%

 Business, finance and administration occupations                       14%

                          Management occupations                   10%
           Occupations in education, law and social,            9%
             community and government services                   12%

        Occupations in manufacturing and utilities           6%

                                 Health occupations          4%
           Natural and applied sciences and related          4%
                         occupations                           7%
           Natural resources, agriculture and related     2%
                    production occupations                2%

   Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport      2%

                                             Innisfil %      Ontario %

Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. SuperDemographics 2018.

10Occupation data are produced according to the NOC 2011:

    | 19                                
Town of Innisfil
                                                            2018 Community Profile
Table 13: Labour Force by Occupation, 2018

 Characteristic                                                   Innisfil      Innisfil   Ontario

 Total labour force 15 years and over                             22,579       100.0%      100.0%

  Occupation - Not applicable                                       598         2.65%       2.6%

  All occupations                                                 21,981       97.35%      97.4%

    7 Trades, transport and equipment operators and                5,300       23.47%      12.8%
 related occupations
   6 Sales and service occupations                                 4,927       21.82%      22.5%

   1 Business, finance and administration                          3,222       14.27%      15.6%
   0 Management occupations                                        2,357       10.44%      11.0%

   4 Occupations in education, law and social,                     2,026        8.97%      11.6%
 community and government services
   9 Occupations in manufacturing and utilities                    1,294        5.73%       5.1%

   3 Health occupations                                            1,016        4.50%       6.3%

   2 Natural and applied sciences and related                       908         4.02%       7.3%
   8 Natural resources, agriculture and related                     506         2.24%       1.8%
 production occupations
   5 Occupations in art, culture, recreation and sport              424         1.88%       3.3%

Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. SuperDemographics 2017.

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Town of Innisfil
                                                          2018 Community Profile

         Labour Force by Industry
As shown in Table 14, the largest percentage of the labour
force is employed in the Construction trade (14%), Retail
trade (13%), and Manufacturing (11%) industries, which
account for larger percentages of the population compared
to these same industries in Ontario. Health care is also an
important employment industry in the economy.

Table 14: Labour Force by Industry, 2018

 Industry 10                                               Innisfil   Innisfil   Ontario

     Total labour force 15 years and over                  22,579     100%       100.0%
     All industries                                        21,981      97%       97.4%
      23 Construction                                      3,054       14%        6.6%
      44-45 Retail trade                                   2,861       13%       10.7%
      31-33 Manufacturing                                  2,488       11%        9.3%

10North American Industry Classification System 2012:

       | 21                       
Town of Innisfil
                                                            2018 Community Profile

 Industry 10                                                  Innisfil        Innisfil   Ontario

   62 Health care and social assistance                       1,897             8%       10.3%
  56 Administrative and support, waste
                                                              1,279             6%        4.7%
 management and remediation services
   61 Educational services                                    1,255             6%        7.3%
   48-49 Transportation and warehousing                       1,196             5%        4.6%
   72 Accommodation and food services                         1,175             5%        6.6%
   54 Professional, scientific and technical
                                                              1,086             5%        7.9%
   81 Other services (except public
                                                              1,055             5%        4.2%
   91 Public administration                                   1,020             5%        5.8%
   41 Wholesale trade                                          987              4%        3.9%
   52 Finance and insurance                                    634              3%        5.4%
  Industry - not applicable                                    598              3%        2.6%
   51 Information and cultural industries                      458              2%        2.6%
   71 Arts, entertainment and recreation                       441              2%        2.2%
   53 Real estate and rental and leasing                       428              2%        2.2%
   11 Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting               276             1.2%       1.5%
   22 Utilities                                                218             1.0%       0.8%
   21 Mining, quarrying, and oil and gas
                                                               100             0.4%      11.0%
   55 Management of companies and
                                                                 0             0.0%       5.3%
Source: McSweeney & Associates from Manifold Data Mining Inc. SuperDemographics 2018.

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Town of Innisfil
                                                        2018 Community Profile

       General Wages by Occupation
Below is a sampling of local wage rates for the closest and most
representative region available (Kitchener-Waterloo-Barrie

Table 15: General Wages by Occupation11
                                             Low Wage       Average Wage     High Wage
                                              ($/hour)         ($/hour)       ($/hour)
 Senior government managers and
 officials                                      25.96                53.57     87.18
 (NOC 0012-0)
 Financial managers (NOC 0111-0)                24.00                45.67     71.79
 Human resources managers (NOC
                                                25.48                43.27     66.67
 Engineering managers (NOC 0211-0)              35.00                52.88     81.73
 Administrative assistants (NOC 1241-
                                                14.00                20.00     30.52
 Health information management
                                                14.00                21.33     35.00
 occupations (NOC 1252-B)
 Statistical officers and related
 research support occupations (NOC              20.13                37.36     76.92
 Data entry clerks (NOC 1422-C)                 14.00                19.75     24.62
 Production logistics co-ordinators
                                                19.00                25.00     34.97
 (NOC 1523-C)
 Transportation route and crew                  15.87                21.63     32.97
 schedulers (NOC 1526-C)
 Electrical and electronics engineers           25.00                40.87     66.67
 (NOC 2133-A)
 Architects (NOC 2151-A)                        23.00                31.79     48.08
 Biological technologists and                   15.00                25.00     38.78
 technicians (NOC 2221-B)
 Forestry technologists and                     16.00                20.54     27.00
 technicians (NOC 2223-B)

 For more wage rates please visit:

     | 23                       
Town of Innisfil
                                                             2018 Community Profile
                                                 Low Wage         Average Wage           High Wage
                                                  ($/hour)           ($/hour)             ($/hour)
 Landscape and horticulture                         16.00               20.54                27.00
 technicians and specialists (NOC
 Dentists (annual income) (NOC 3113-                33,602             116,903             266,338
 Occupational therapists (NOC 3143-                 28.85               38.46                44.00
 Animal health technologists and                    14.00               16.83                24.00
 veterinary technicians (NOC 3213-B)
 Paramedical occupations (NOC                       25.00               36.50                41.50
 Nurse aides, orderlies and patient                 14.00               19.00                25.80
 service associates (NOC 3413-C)
 Home support workers, housekeepers                 14.00               16.23                19.86
 and related occupations (NOC 4412-
Source: Produced by Human Resources and Skills Development Canada's Labour Market Information Service.
Last updated November 1st, 2018.

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Town of Innisfil
                                                            2018 Community Profile

      Largest Employers
Tables 16 and 17 identify some of the largest private and public
employers by NAICS and employment level in the County of

Table 16: Largest Private Sector Employers
                                                                                 # of Employees
 Name                                                         NAICS
 Honda of Canada Manufacturing                                33611                     4,300
 Casino Rama Resort                                           72112                     2,712
 F&P Manufacturing                                            33635                     846
 Simcoe Parts Service Inc.                                 48412/49311                  810
 Napoleon/Wolf Steel Ltd.                                     33341                     800
                                                           44112/ 52691/
 Georgian International Limited                                                         675
 Horseshoe Resort                                             72111                     630
 Raytheon ELCAN Optical Technologies                          33461                     600
 Sinton Transportation                                        485110                    589
 Transcom North America                                       56143                     490

Source: McSweeney & Associates from Simcoe Economic Development

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Town of Innisfil
                                                           2018 Community Profile
Table 17: Largest Public Sector Employers
                                                                                # of Employees
 Name                                                        NAICS
 Simcoe County District School Board                         61111                      6,600
 Canadian Forces Base Borden                                 91111                      5,000
 Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School
                                                             61111                      3,400
 Georgian College                                            61121                      2,500
 Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre                       62211                      2,465
 County of Simcoe                                            91391                      1,750
 OPP General Headquarters                                    91213                      1,550
 Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital                                 62211                      1,282
 Waypoint Centre For Mental Health Care                      62322                      1,246
 City of Barrie                                              91391                      1,265
 OLG Slots at Georgian Downs                                 72112                      292
 Town of Innisfil                                            91391                      284
Source: McSweeney & Associates from Simcoe Economic Development

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Town of Innisfil
                                                              2018 Community Profile

       Place of Work
Tables 18 and 19 provide information on persons reporting a
“usual place of work other than in their home or outside of
Canada”, and reveal the following regarding labour force
     More than half of the Innisfil labour force works outside of the community.
     Most residents that work outside the community, commute to Barrie or
     Most of the non-resident workers are from Barrie, Essa and New

Table 18: Where the Innisfil Resident Labour Force Works, 2018
 Place of Residence / Place of Work                             Total           Male            Female
 Innisfil, Town/ Barrie, City                                   3,480           1,310           2,170
 Innisfil, Town/ Innisfil, Town                                 2,565            980            1,590
 Innisfil, Town/ Toronto, City                                  1,940           1,205            730
 Innisfil, Town/ Vaughan, City                                  1,130            765             365
 Innisfil, Town/ Newmarket, Town                                1,025            360             660
 Innisfil, Town/ Bradford West Gwillimbury, Town                 860             440             425
 Innisfil, Town/ New Tecumseth, Township                         610             375             235
 Innisfil, Town/ Mississauga, City                               460             305             160
 Innisfil, Town/ Aurora, Town                                    345             135             210
 Innisfil, Town/ Brampton, City                                  305             210              95
 Innisfil, Town/ Markham, Town                                   250             145             110
 Innisfil, Town/ Essa, Township                                  230             175              50
 Innisfil, Town/ East Gwillimbury, Town                          190             75              115
 Innisfil, Town/ Springwater, Township                           175             100              80
 Innisfil, Town/ King, Township                                  165             95               70
 Innisfil, Town/ Oro-Medonte, Township                           155             85               70
 Innisfil, Town/ Springwater, Township                           145             45              100
 Innisfil, Town/ Caledon, Town                                   115             75               35
 Innisfil, Town/ Orillia, County                                 80              40               35
 Innisfil, Town/ Whitchurch-Stouffville, Town                    40              25               0
 Innisfil, Town/ Georgina, Town                                  40              20               20
 Innisfil, Town/ Uxbridge, Township                              25              15               10
 Total workforce residing in Innisfil                          14,380           7,000           7,360
 Total resident labour force with a usual place of
                                                               11,815           6,020           5,770
 work outside Innisfil
 Percent of residents declaring a place of work
                                                                82%             86%              78%
 outside of Innisfil
Source: McSweeney & Associates, Statistic Canada, 2016 Commuting Flow;

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Town of Innisfil
                                                             2018 Community Profile

Table 19: Place of Residence for Persons Working in Innisfil, 2018
 Place of Residence / Place of Work                            Total           Male      Female
 Innisfil, Town/ Innisfil, Town                                2,565           980        1,590
 Barrie, City/ Innisfil, Town                                  1,795            850       945
 Essa, Township/ Innisfil, Town                                 340             155       185
 Springwater, Township/ Innisfil, Town                          215             140        75
 New Tecumseth, Township/ Innisfil, Town                        185             45        145
 Bradford West Gwillimbury, Town/ Innisfil, Town                170             65        100
 Oro-Medonte, Township/ Innisfil, Town                          145             90         50
 Toronto, City/ Innisfil, Town                                  100             75         25
 Vaughan, City/ Innisfil, Town                                   70             50         25
 Newmarket, Town/ Innisfil, Town                                 70             35         35
 Wasaga Beach, Town/ Innisfil, Town                              45             30         20
 King, Township/ Innisfil, Town                                  35             25         10
 Adjala-Tosorontio, Township/ Innisfil, Town                     35             15         20
 Severn, Township/ Innisfil, Town                                35             20         15
 Orillia, City/ Innisfil, Town                                   35             30         10
 Mississauga, City/ Innisfil, Town                               30             20         10
 East Gwillimbury, Town/ Innisfil, Town                          25             25         10
 Tiny, Township/ Innisfil, Town                                  20             10         10
 Midland, Town/ Innisfil, Town                                   20             15         10
 Total workforce residing in Innisfil                          5,935           2,675     3,290
 Total non-resident workforce commuting to work to             3,370           1,695     1,700
 Percent of workers (non-residents) commuting to                57%            63%        52%
 work in Innisfil
Source: McSweeney& Associates, Statistic Canada, Commuting Flow,

    | 28                             
Town of Innisfil
                                                          2018 Community Profile

Innisfil has direct access to Highway 400, which connects the
town with Toronto and Barrie. Highway 400 connects the Town
with the 400 series (401, 407, 404, 403) which provide access eastwards to
Ottawa and south the USA. Highway 400 also connects with Highway 11, which
provides access to northern Ontario.

Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) counts for key roads:
Highway 400: From Highway 89 north to Innisfil Beach Road
Distance (km): 9.7
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT): 90,000

Highway 89: From Hwy 400 west to Cookstown settlement boundary
Distance (km): 3.9
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT): 17,000

Table 20: Distance to Urban Centres
 Distance to Major Urban Centres
 Location                          Distance (km)          Distance (miles)   Driving Time
 Barrie                                   14                     9             20 min
 Orillia                                  58                    36             35 min
 Collingwood                              71                    44               1h
 Toronto                                 100                    62               1h
 Hamilton                                142                    88            1 h 35 min
 Oshawa                                  128                    80            1 h 30 min
 Kitchener                               158                    98            1 h 45 min
 Buffalo                                 233                    145           2 h 20 min
Source: McSweeney & Associates from Google Maps

    | 29                          
Town of Innisfil
                                                          2018 Community Profile
Table 21: Distance to Major US Border Crossings
 Distance to Border Crossings
 Border Crossing                    Distance (km)         Distance (miles)   Driving Time
 Niagara Falls, ON/Niagara
                                          182                   113              2h
 Falls, NY
 Fort Erie, ON/Buffalo, NY                207                   129           2 h 20 min
 Lansdowne, ON/Wellesley
                                          383                   238              4h
 Island, NY
 Sarnia, ON/ Port Huron                   324                   202           3 h 30 min
 Detroit, MI/ Windsor, ON                 406                   252              4h
Source: McSweeney & Associates from Google Maps.

    | 30                          
Town of Innisfil
                                                   2018 Community Profile

     Rail Services
Barrie Collingwood Railway
The Barrie Collingwood Railway (BCRY) provides rail car
transportation and switching service for customers of the City of
Barrie and area.

GO Transit
Operates commuter rail services from the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) to South
Simcoe. In South Simcoe, GO Stations are in Barrie as well as Bradford. Also, note
that a GO station has been approved by Metrolinx for 6th line Innisfil. For more on
this, please visit: (

97 Front Street West
Toronto, ON M5J 1E6
Phone: 416-874-5900
Fax: 416-869-1755

CN Rail
CN is a leader in the North American rail industry. Following its acquisition of
Illinois Central in 1999, WC in 2001 and GLT in 2004, as well as its partnership
agreement with BC Rail in 2004, CN provides shippers with more options and
greater reach in the rapidly expanding market for north-south trade. More CN
services at:
935 de La Gauchetière Street West
Montreal, QC H3B 2M9
Phone: 1-888-888-5909

   | 31                    
Town of Innisfil
                                                          2018 Community Profile

Canadian Pacific
CP has numerous routing options across Canada and through the U.S. as well as
excellent North American reach through gateways with all Class I railways. CP
has extensive Canadian and U.S. short line partners and serves leading Atlantic
and Pacific port facilities.

 Canadian Head Office:            Closest Transload Facility:    Intermodal Facility:
 Gulf Canada Square               6660 Financial Drive           Vaughan Intermodal
 401 9 Avenue SW, Suite 500       Mississauga, ON                Terminal
 Calgary, AB                      Phone: 905-821-0514            6830 Rutherford Road
 T2P 4Z4                          Fax: 905-821-9173              Kleinburg, ON
 Web:                                                Phone: 1-888-333-8111
                                                                 Fax: 905-893-5027

Three main airports serve Innisfil, as listed below.

Table 22: Regional Airports

 Name              Location                       Web

 Collingwood       1969 Concession Rd 6
 Regional          Stayner ON           
 Airport           L0M 1S0
 Lake Simcoe       224 Line 7 North
 Regional          Oro-Medonte ON       
 Airport           L0L 2E0
 Pearson           6301 Silver Dart Drive
 International     Mississauga ON       
 Airport           L5P 1B2
Source: McSweeney & Associates from Google Maps

    | 32                          
Town of Innisfil
                                                          2018 Community Profile

Table 23: Regional Ports

       Name           Location                        Web
                      605 James St. North
 Hamilton Port        6th Floor
 Authority            Hamilton, ON
                      L8L 1K1
                      60 Harbour Street
 Port of Toronto
                      Toronto, ON           
 (Ocean Port)
                      M5J 1B7
                      1621 Simcoe St S.
 Port of Oshawa                             
                      Oshawa ON, L1H 8J7
Source: McSweeney & Associates from Google Maps

    | 33                          
Town of Innisfil
                                                                  2018 Community Profile

This section describes the taxes (local, provincial and federal),
cost of water and sewer connection, waste management sites,
and natural gas and electricity rates.

       Local Property Tax Rates

Table 24: Local Property Tax Rates, 2016
 Local Tax Rates 2016                                                                  Total
 Combined Town, County and Education                                                     $
 Commercial Excess/Vacant Land                                                        1.644950
 Commercial Occupied                                                                  2.349920
 Farm                                                                                 0.280591
 Industrial Occupied                                                                  2.937521
 Industrial Excess/Vacant Land                                                        1.909372
Source: Town of Innisfil

       Federal and Provincial Income Tax Rates

Table 25: Corporate Taxes – General Corporation (2018)
 Corporate Tax Rates – Non-Canadian Controlled                                 2017              2018
 Combined Federal and Provincial                                                 %                %
      General/Manufacturing and Processing/Investment                          25.0              25.0
      General; Active Business Income                                          26.5              26.5
Source: McSweeney & Associates

Table 26: Corporate Taxes – Canadian Controlled (2018)
 Corporate Tax Rates - Canadian Controlled                                    2017               2018
 Combined Federal and Provincial                                                %                 %
      General/Manufacturing and Processing/Investment                          15.0              15.0
      General; Active Business Income                                          26.5              26.5
Source: McSweeney & Associates and

    | 34                                  
Town of Innisfil
                                                               2018 Community Profile
Table 27: Sales Tax
 Sales Tax                                                                         2018
 HST (harmonized sales tax)                                                        13%

Table 28: Personal Income Tax, 2018
                                        2018 Marginal Tax Rates

                                                                        Canadian Dividends
                        Other Income          Capital Gains
                                                                      Eligible     Non-Eligible
                                                                     Dividends      Dividends
 first $46,605              15.00%                  7.5%              -0.03%           5.77%
 over $46,605                20.5%                 10.25%             7.56%           12.15%
 up to $93,208
 over $93,208                26.0%                 13.00%             15.15%          18.53%
 up to $144,489
 over $144,489               29.0%                 14.50%             19.29%
 up to $205,842
 over $205,842               33.0%                 16.50%             24.81%          26.65%

 Marginal tax rate for dividends is a % of actual dividends received (not grossed-up amount).
 Marginal tax rate for capital gains is a % of total capital gains (not taxable capital gains).

                                    Federal Basic Personal Amount
                   2018                                              Tax Rate
                 $11,809                                              15.00%

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Town of Innisfil
                                                                2018 Community Profile

       Water/Wastewater and Waste Management

Table 29: Water and Sewer Charges, 2018

 Annual Wastewater Rates                                                         Rate
 Residential Base                                                              $204.13
 Residential Flat                                                              $509.00
 Residential Mixed Use Base                                                    $408.46
 Residential Mixed Use Flat                                                    $712.88
 Commercial & Industrial Base                                                  $1,103.38
 Commercial & Industrial Flat                                                  $1,731.31
 Institutional Base                                                            $6,301.59
 Institutional Flat                                                           $10,165.93
 Per Cubic Meter                                                                $1.44
 Water                                                                           Rate
 Residential Base                                                              $264.67
 Commercial Base                                                               $472.44
 Industrial Base                                                               $1,062.94
 Institutional Base                                                            $2,754.38
 Per Cubic Meter                                                                $2.16
Source: Town of Innisfil

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Town of Innisfil
                                                          2018 Community Profile
Table 30: Landfill and Tipping Fees
                                       Waste Management
 Name of       Site 16 Bradford West Gwillimbury
                                                            Site 13 Tosorontio Landfill
 Site          Transfer Station
               2960 Line 12                                 6815 Concession Road 4
 Location      Bradford, Ontario                            Township of Adjala-Tosorontio, ON
               L3Z 2M4                                      L0M 1J0

               Monday to Friday: 8:30 am to 4:30            Monday to Friday: 8:30 am to 4:30
               pm                                           pm
 Operation     Saturday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm                 Saturday: 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
 Hours         Check online for holiday hours:              Check online for holiday hours:
               anagement/Pages/notices.aspx                 Management/Pages/notices.aspx

               Textiles - FREE                              Textiles - FREE
               Household hazardous waste - FREE             Leaf and yard waste - FREE
               Leaf and yard - FREE                         Waste electronics - FREE
               Waste electronics - FREE                     Concrete rubble - FREE (1Ft. x 1 Ft.
               Concrete rubble - FREE (1Ft. x 1 Ft.         Max. Size)
               Max. Size)                                   Blue box recyclables - FREE
               Blue box recyclables - FREE                  Residential organics - FREE
 Tipping       Residential Organics - FREE                  Scrap metal - FREE
 Fees          Scrap Metal - FREE                           Tires – FREE
               Tires - FREE                                 Brush
               Brush                                        Asphalt shingles
               Asphalt Shingles                             Drywall
               Drywall                                      Wood waste
               Wood waste                                   Mattresses and box springs
               Mattresses and box springs                   Other charges apply
               Other charges apply

    | 37                          
Town of Innisfil
                                                            2018 Community Profile


Service Provider: InnPower Corporation
7251 Yonge Street
Innisfil, ON L9S 0J3
Phone: 705-431-4321

Table 31: Electricity Rates
 General Service 50 kW - Effective January 1, 2018
                              Distribution Charges                                           Rate
 Service Charge                                                                             $212.38
 Rate Rider for Recovery of Foregone Revenue - effective until                               $22.33
 December 31, 2018
 Distribution Volumetric Rate                                                             $4.3039 /kW
 Low Voltage Service Rate                                                                 $1.3285 /kW
 Rate Rider for Disposition of Deferral/Variance Accounts (2017) -                        $0.5644 /kW
 effective until April 30, 2020
 Rate Rider for Disposition of Deferral/Variance Accounts (2017) -                       ($0.4027) /kW
 effective until April 30, 2020 - Applicable only for Non-Wholesale
 Rate    Participants
      Rider  for Disposition of Group 2 Deferral/Variance Accounts                        $0.0766 /kW
 (2017) - effective until April 30, 2020
 Rate Rider for Recovery of Foregone Revenue - effective until                            $0.4298 /kW
 December 31, 2018
Source: Note that rate order change has been submitted to OEB.

    | 38                            
Town of Innisfil
                                                           2018 Community Profile

      Natural Gas

Service Provider
Enbridge Gas
Phone: 1-866-763-5427

For commercial/industrial customers who purchase their natural gas supply from
Enbridge Gas Distribution:

Table 32: Natural Gas Rates, Commercial and Industrial, 2018
                                   Commercial and Industrial Rates
                                                                         Monthly Rates
 Monthly Charges
                                                                        October 1, 2018
 Customer Charge                                                             $70
 Gas Supply Charge                                                        10.0713 ¢/m³
 Delivery to You                                                     See breakdown below*
 Cap and Trade (included in Delivery to You on the bill)                   0.000 ¢/m³
 Transportation to Enbridge                                               4.9407 ¢/m³
 Delivery to You Breakdown: Amount of gas used per month             Cost in cents per cubic
 First 500                                                                10.5235 ¢/m³
 Next 1050                                                                8.4081 ¢/m³
 Next 4500                                                                6.9268 ¢/m³
 Next 7000                                                                5.9751 ¢/m³
 Next 15250                                                               5.5522 ¢/m³
 Over 28300                                                               5.4460 ¢/m³
 Cap and Trade Customer                                                   0.0000 ¢/m³
 Cap and Trade Clearance                                                 (0.3010) ¢/m³
 Components of Cost Adjustment                                       Cost in cents per cubic
 Gas Supply                                                               0.3811 ¢/m³
 Transportation                                                          (0.0462) ¢/m³
 Delivery                                                                 0.6417 ¢/m³
 Site Restoration Clearance                                          Cost in cents per cubic
 Total Annual Change                                                        ($300.10)

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