Learning from home - Port Hacking High School

Page created by Marjorie Austin
Learning from home - Port Hacking High School
Port Hacking High School

Learning from home
Parent Guide – Term 2, 2020

Learning from home - Port Hacking High School

    Topic                                              Page

    Remote Learning Summary                             2

    PHHS Learning Management Systems – login details    2

    PHHS Learning Management Systems – by course        3

    Modified School Timetable                           4

    Model of Online Learning                            5

    The Learning Process                                6

    Schedule / Structure for Learning                   7

    Video Conferencing                                  7

    School Expectations of Students                     8

    Student Engagement and Attendance                   8

    Tips for Parents                                    9

    Appendices                                          10

Learning from home - Port Hacking High School
As a continued response to Covid-19 restrictions and social distancing requirements, Port Hacking High School
will move into the second phase of ‘Remote Learning’ for all its students (7-12) and the Special Education Unit.
During this phase, students will interact with their teachers via digital Learning Management Systems, additional
third party software packages and specifically created work that has been designed by your child’s teacher to
meet the educational requirements whilst social distancing is in place to tackle COVID-19. The remote learning
experience will not be the same as face-to-face teaching, which is always preferable over remote and distance
learning in so many ways, both academically and socially.

                     Learning from home will begin for students on Wednesday 29 April 2020.

Every class will utilise a Learning Management System which has been set up by the Head Teacher of that faculty
in consultation with the class teacher. Students should follow the modified school timetable to interact with the
lesson materials and their teachers. These Learning Management Systems are CANVAS, GOOGLE CLASSROOM
As indicated in previous communications it is preferably to have one Learning Management System in operation.
Eventually this will be CANVAS (our use of CANVAS continues to evolve as teachers become more familiar with
its functions). However, due to teacher preference, expertise and knowledge of each Learning Management
System, and the short space of time allocated to make the transition from face-to-face providers of education to
online education providers, this was not possible.
Currently only students and staff can access CANVAS. In Term 2, parents will be given access to the
course content, assignments and their child’s marks generated through CANVAS. Parents will not have
access to class discussion or conference calls. Parents will login using the email address that is
registered with the school. No other address will give them access. Instructions regarding parent access
to CANVAS will be published in Term 2 Week 2.
Teachers will communicate lesson content, assessment requirements and video conference, where appropriate,
to students through these Learning Management Systems as well as communication via each child’s student email

To access CANVAS use (Chrome): https://porthacking.instructure.com/

To access GOOGLE CLASSROOM use (Chrome) access via the GSuite on the student portal:

To access MOODLE use (Chrome): http://www.porthackin-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/moodle/

If something goes wrong and the software does not work as expected – use Google, CANVAS help and guides.
YouTube is also a good source of information. In the event that you require technical assistance (computer
problems, accessing platforms etc.) contact Michael Lenson – Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday (except
for public holidays) between 8.30am and 3.00pm via email Michael.lenson@det.nsw.edu.au or 0436 817 919.

Learning from home - Port Hacking High School
                         TERM 2, 2020:
  Years               CANVAS                 Google Classroom           Moodle
                   Mathematics                   PDHPE            TAS – Ind. Arts all
                      Science                                         courses
 7 and 8         Geography (Yr 7)
                   History (Yr 8)
              TAS – Home Economics
                    Visual Arts
            Performing Arts – all courses
                   Mathematics                   PDHPE            TAS – Ind. Arts all
                      Science                     PASS                courses
9 and 10         HSIE – all courses
             TAS – Home Ec. all courses
                    Visual Arts
            Performing Arts – all courses
                  Marine Studies
                English – all courses
                     Chemistry              Mathematics – all     TAS – Ind. Arts – all
                      Biology                   courses                courses
 Year 11              Physics               Ancient History
                  Modern History            Business Studies
                Society and Culture          Legal Studies
             TAS Home Ec – all courses        Geography
                     Languages                  PDHPE
                    Visual Arts                   SLR
            Performing Arts – all courses
                 English – all courses
                      Chemistry              Mathematics – all    TAS – Ind. Arts – all
                                                  courses              courses
                                            Aboriginal Studies
 Year 12               Physics
                                              Ancient History
                Investigating Science
                  Business Studies
                   Modern History
                                               Legal Studies
             TAS Home Ec – all courses
                                            Society and Culture
                     Visual Arts
            Performing Arts – all courses

 Special                                       All subjects

Learning from home - Port Hacking High School

In Term 2, our daily timetable has been adjusted to cater for the needs of students primarily working online at
home; particularly regarding the need for breaks from the screen.
Each period will be scheduled as per student timetables, but we have adjusted the times, to reduce period
lengths to 50 minutes each, and increase break times, where we encourage students to stretch and move
away from their screens.

                           Learning from home: adjusted daily timetable
                                  Time                             Session

                             8:00am – 8:50am                 Period 0 (seniors only)

                             8:50am – 9:05am                 Break 1: stretch break

                             9:05am – 9:55am                        Period 1

                             9:55am – 10:10am                Break 2: stretch break

                            10:10am – 11:00am                       Period 2

                            11:00am – 11:30am                   Break 3: recess

                            11:30am – 12:20pm                       Period 3

                            12:20pm – 12:35pm                Break 4: stretch break

                             12:35pm – 1:25pm                       Period 4

                                                   Mon, Wed,          Tues             Thurs

                             1:25pm – 2:10pm         Lunch         Lunch and
                                                                                  Lunch and
                             2:10pm – 3:00pm        Period 5                       exercise

                                      * See page 8 for wellbeing challenges
                                         Note: all periods are 50 minutes
                    Stretch breaks – move away from computers; recommended tech-free time

This means that if live lessons are scheduled, such as conferencing or live chats, these will occur in the normal
allocated period (at the adjusted time) and teachers will advise student via the Learning Management System
when these are occurring. Teachers will still be using the timetabled lessons to check in with students, answer
any questions, and provide feedback on student work.
Through our recent survey, many of our students have indicated that they enjoy the flexibility of learning which
subject they choose, when they choose to, via remote learning, which is acceptable. Students have the flexibility
and independence to choose to complete their lessons in their own time, as long as they get their set work done
and complete tasks required by teachers. They should, however, check their Learning Management System for
teacher instructions and engage in any live sessions scheduled.
For those students who prefer to follow a timetable closely, particularly our junior students, they should use the
adjusted timetable above, ensuring that they have rest breaks away from their screens between each learning
session, completing the wellbeing challenge each week and engaging in regular physical activity.

Learning from home - Port Hacking High School

The school has adopted a model of online learning that involves both synchronous and asynchronous learning.
While in typical face-to-face learning, most learning occurs synchronously, in an online environment, most
learning will take place asynchronously. It is important that parents understand that entirely synchronous
learning is not possible in this environment, for teachers or students. It is impossible to try to emulate face-to-
face lessons through real-time online. Not all students have access to the technology to enable this, which is an
equity concern, and planning for online learning is much more time-intense than face-to-face learning, in the
development of materials. Additionally, students need a break from technology to work on their own reading and
writing tasks – they should still be practising their handwriting and using their books away from the computer
each day.
Distance education models have a stronger ratio of asynchronous to synchronous learning.

Teachers will be working from home each day remotely and will set up well-structured and paced learning
experiences through their learning management systems. They will be available to students during their normal
timetabled classes. At times this may be through video conferencing, though discussion forums through the
learning management system or emails will be used for most communication. Teachers will be monitoring their
Learning Management Platforms and will respond to students in the time allocated through the school timetable.
If teachers are using conferencing, this will typically be once per 4-5 timetabled lessons. Some teachers may
conference more than others – the decisions around appropriate learning experiences rests with the teachers
and the faculties.
Head Teachers from each KLA have arranged for a video conference with their staff each day to coordinate
activities and to deal with issues as they arise. Teachers will still be working outside of face-to-face teaching time
as well as before and after school preparing lessons, marking work and providing feedback to students. It is no
different to what we do now.
The Learning Management System each class is using has the capacity to greet students in at the beginning of the
lesson or series of lessons, for students to indicate their presence and for teachers to monitor student
Students will be able to access all learning materials and resources and take instruction from their teachers
through the Learning Management System or through links provided on the system. Each Learning
Management System has the capacity for students to submit required tasks and for teachers to return them to
students once they have been marked and feedback provided.

Learning from home - Port Hacking High School
Learning will be a combination of:
   •   Logging into the relevant learning management system (LMS) to access:
           o   Reading material
           o   Online questions
           o   Videos
           o   Worksheets
   •   Activities to complete offline, such as practical activities, creative activities or writing tasks
   •   Participating in online discussion, Q&A and answering set questions through your LMS
   •   Video conferencing if your child’s teacher schedules this – generally once per 4-5 lessons – but this is up
       to the teacher’s discretion. Some teachers may conference more than others.
   •   Watch our vide summary: Learning in Term 2 @ PHHS
   •   Visit our Learning From Home website for all the relevant info.

   •   Your child’s teachers will advise what students need to submit via upload.
   •   You can expect to submit one piece of work per 5-8 lessons for each subject for feedback.

Learning from home - Port Hacking High School
The infographic below has been provided to students to indicate our suggested structure for the day, and the
learning cycle.

Teachers will use Department of Education-approved video conferencing platforms to conduct any video
conferencing. These platforms include Microsoft Teams (through Office 365 in the student portal), Adobe
Connect, and Zoom through the Department of Education sign in: https://nsweducation.zoom.us/
To enable your children to engage in video conferencing, parents must ensure that your child is appropriately
dressed and appropriately behaved. No pyjamas.
•   When participating in a video conference, participants are expected to be polite and respectful;
•   Participants should engage in conferencing in a location appropriate for schooling;
•   Participants must nor make inappropriate comments;
•   Participants must keep to the topic of discussion on schoolwork and nothing else;
•   Turn off your audio until requested to turn it on.

Learning from home - Port Hacking High School
Learning materials and experiences will be uploaded by each teacher to the Learning Management System at an
appropriate pace. This will be monitored by the faculty head teacher. Teachers will use their professional
judgment and collaborate with their head teacher to decide the pace to which materials will be uploaded to the
Learning Management System, with clear instructions issued to students concerning their completion and
submission for marking and feedback if this is required.
Before the commencement of lessons or at the start of the day teachers will check-in with each class on the
Learning Management Platform, with clear lesson instructions or directions about the completion of work, which
may take several lessons.
Teachers will decide approximately every 4 lessons whether students will participate in a video conference or
live chat to check in and answer any questions; the expectation is that this is at the discretion of the teacher and
should last no more than 15-20 minutes in length.
Teachers will require that students regularly complete and submit pieces of work or a task for feedback. This
will typically be once piece per 4 lessons of that subject. What work is handed in for feedback is at the professional
judgement of the teacher and will provide evidence towards the student’s achievement of outcomes. Teachers
will be available to respond to student questions through the class’ Learning Management System during
timetabled classes. Feedback will be returned to students through the Learning Management System or email.

Teachers will be keeping records about engagement in learning/attendance online through the Learning
Management System and the completion of assigned work and tasks. Attendance will be recorded based on
learning engagement.
In Years 7-10, teachers will keep records on student engagement in each lesson. Students not seen engaging in
lessons regularly will be recorded on SENTRAL. Teachers will contact parents if lack of engagement continues to
occur. Appropriate N-Warning notifications may be issued to students in Year 10 for lack of engagement in
In Years 11-12 teachers will keep records of attendance in every lesson. Students seen not engaging in learning
sessions will have this recorded on SENTRAL. Teachers will contact individual students and their parents if this
becomes a pattern of lack of engagement in lessons and failure to meet the course outcomes in any topic or unit
of work and may issue the appropriate N-Warning notifications.


•   Students should check their DoE email for daily information. They should log on each day ready for their
    timetabled lessons, dressed appropriately after a proper breakfast;
•   Follow their timetable to be organised, ready to learn and interact with their teachers at the timetabled time;
•   Take the initiative with learning – it’s up to the students to make the most of it;
•   Complete tasks honestly without plagiarising; do your best work.
•   Meet timelines and deadlines. Students to communicate proactively with their teachers if they cannot meet
    deadlines or require additional support.
•   Refer to Appendix PHHS Learning from Home.
•   Refer to Appendix PHHS Video Conference.
•   Refer to Appendix DoE Remote Learning Guidelines for Students and Parents.

Learning from home - Port Hacking High School
•   Set clear and positive expectations that learning will continue at home;
•   Please understand that learning from home cannot look the same as the regular learning process;
•   Ensure your child has a productive learning area, and that they take breaks and get some exercise each day;
•   Make sure that you have access to the school timetable – your child has a hard copy, or you can access it
    through the SENTRAL – PARENT PORTAL. This is to ensure your child/ren are ready to learn at the scheduled

Students should have a computer to work on (not a phone or tablet) and reliable access to the Internet. If you do
not have these capabilities at home, please contact the school at the beginning of Term 2 to arrange support.


    •   PHHS Adjusted Timetable Term 2 (PHHS)
    •   Weekly wellbeing challenge for students (NSW DoE)
    •   Learning from home infographic (PHHS)
    •   Videoconferencing infographic (PHHS)
    •   How-to guides for CANVAS, Microsoft Teams and Zoom (used for conferencing)
    •   Remote learning guidelines for students and parents (NSWDoE)
    •   Mental health resources for students and parents (PHHS/NSWDoE)

Brett Hugo             Joanne Collis                  Karen Murphy                   Lisa Edwards
Principal              Deputy Principal (Yr 7, 10)    Deputy Principal (Yr 8, 11)    Deputy Principal (Yr 9, 12)

     1. Make sure you're prepared and check your timetable
     Have a good breakfast, and get any questions ready to ask your
     teachers. The times in this adjusted timetable will operate every
     day, based on what you have each period on your regular timetable.

     2. Check your emails and log into learning
     For each lesson, log into your learning platform (LMS - CANVAS,
     Google Classroom, Moodle) to access instructions and learning
     materials set by your teacher.

     3. Complete set tasks and ask questions
     Check in with your teacher and follow instructions; make sure
     you ask questions via your LMS or email if you're unsure about

     4. Engage in discussion and conferences
     Make sure you engage and participate respectfully if your
     teacher schedules a live chat, Q&A or video/audio conference

     5. Submit your work
     Follow your teacher's instructions to upload your work via your LMS
     by the due date. If you can't make a deadline, let your teacher know.

     6. Look after yourself!
     Eat healthy food, take regular breaks, and get at least 30
     minutes of exercise each day.
| NSW Department of Education                                            Teaching and learning resource - wellbeing

Weekly wellbeing challenge for students
Each box is worth 50 points – Your aim is to complete 150 points from at least 3 columns per day

      Physical wellbeing               Emotional wellbeing                       Social wellbeing               Cognitive wellbeing              Spiritual wellbeing
  Design and complete a body
  weight circuit (of at least 10                                                                                                              Participate in a yoga, Pilates or
  activities) to participate in at                                          Call, Skype or FaceTime a         Complete a mindfulness
                                     Turn off all devices for at least                                                                        meditation session. There are
  home                                                                      friend and talk about anything    guided meditation. You can
                                     5 hours (after school!)                                                                                  some available on YouTube or
                                                                            BUT Covid-19                      access these on Smiling Mind.
  *Bonus 10 points if you get                                                                                                                 you create your own.
  your family to do it with you*

  Complete 30 minutes of             Participate in a self-care             Do something for a family
                                                                                                              Learn a new skill such as
  incidental physical activity       activity e.g. going to bed early,      member e.g. cook a meal, tidy
                                                                                                              juggling, cooking,              Spend at least 30 minutes
  (everyday activities like          painting, deep breathing,              part of the house, offer to mow
                                                                                                              breakdancing, knitting or       outside connecting with nature
  vacuuming, putting clothes on      watching the sunset or having          the lawn/ get the washing off
                                                                                                              playing recorder
  the line or taking the bins out)   a bath.                                the line/ wash your pet)

  Participate in a virtual workout
                                                                              Connect with someone who                                          Go on a nature walk, plant
  for at least 30 minutes. Some      Complete a journal activity for
                                                                              you have not spoken with in      Complete a log book of your      some seeds, listen to some
  examples are Just Dance, Wii        the day or compile a list of
                                                                             more than 1 month via google       moods over the next week           birdsong or do some
   sports and YouTube fitness         things you are grateful for
                                                                                 hangout or FaceTime                                                    weeding…

                                         Watch your favourite                                                    Read a book/listen to a        Think about someone you
   Take your pet, teddy bear or                                              Play a board game with your
                                      show/movie; then write down                                                podcast or listen to your     admire - what values do you
        sibling for a walk                                                         family members
                                         how it made you feel                                                        favourite artist                    share?

  Create your own game to play       Tidy your room / desk                  Write a thank you note to         Complete a jigsaw puzzle,       Write a weekly list of
  with your family members. Be                                              someone and post it/email it      Sudoku or crossword puzzle      affirmations( e.g. I am capable
  creative with your objects e.g.                                                                                                             of making it through this storm)
  wrap up some socks to make a

Learning From Home
                 Follow our steps for learning from home
                   success @ Port Hacking High School.

  Prep a re fo r                                   C heck yo u r
   lea rning                                        t im et a b le
   Make sure you have                              Make sure you know
 breakfast each morning                             what you have on
 and get dressed before                              today. Get any
  the school day begins.                          questions prepared for
                                                   your teachers about
                                                     previous work.


  C h eck yo u r                                     L o g in t o
     em a ils                                        lea rning
        Log into the                                For each lesson, log
   DoE student portal                             into your LMS (Canvas,
 and check your emails                             Google Classroom or
 at the start of each day                               Moodle) to
     for updates from                             access instructions and
      your teachers.                                learning materials.


 C o m p let e set                                      A sk
      t a sks                                       q u est io ns
   Follow your teacher's                            Use your LMS to ask
   instructions to check                           questions if you don't
  in, complete set tasks,                             understand the
  either in your books or                         instructions, or how to
       electronically.                                 do something.


    Eng a g e                                        Video
 in discu ssio n                                 co nferencing
     Make sure you                                 If your teacher runs a
    participate if your                            video conference, be
   teacher holds a live                              respectful, engage
      chat, Q&A or                                  positively and make
      video/audio                                 sure you're out of your
       conference.                                           PJs!


  S u b m it yo u r                                 L o o k a ft er
        wo rk                      9                 yo u rself!
  Follow your teacher's                             Don't forget to take
  instructions to submit                             regular breaks, eat
 your work via your LMS,                           healthy meals and get
  by the dates set. If you                         at least 30 minutes of
  can't make a deadline,                             exercise each day.
     tell your teacher.                             Contact the school if
                                                     you need support.


Contact your Year Advisor                        Our school counsellors
 if you are struggling or                         are just a phone call
     you need advice.                              away: 9524 8816

         BE ON TIME





How to access

         Sign into Canvas with a desktop browser

                                                                                  Accessing Canvas with mobile apps
1. Go to https://porthacking.instructure.com/
                                                                             1. Download the Canvas app via your app store.
2. Log in with your email: firstname.lastname@education.nsw.gov.au
3. All of your classes will appear on your dashboard. Click on your class.
4. Check messages via                         and/or                 .
                                                                             2. Click on “Find my school” and type in “Port Hacking High School”.
5. Check                       via your home page and dashboard.
                                                                             3. Log in with your school email.
6. Complete learning tasks assigned by your teacher.
                                                                             4. Your courses and groups will appear on your dashboard.
6. Upload your work by clicking on the task and
                                                                             4. Use the toolbar along the bottom to keep up to date.
7. To upload a file click on                  and

*Ask your teacher a question via “Inbox” on the left side bar.

*Check any upcoming tasks via “Calendar” on the left side bar.

                                                                                                                      Need help using Canvas?
                                                                                                                      Search “Canvas Student Guide”
Accessing your                                  A                                        B

               in NSW Public Schools                               Joanne.Singh2@education.nsw.gov.au

 Accessing MS Teams using the desktop or mobile App

                                                                     Signing into MS Teams with a desktop browser
     Windows     MacOS          iPadOS       Android   Linux

1. Find the appropriate Microsoft Teams App for your
   device from https://teams.microsoft.com/downloads
2. Install the correct app to your device and run it
3. Sign in with your department email address A
   and choose Next.
4. The DoE log on screen B will appear. Sign in                    1. Use a modern browser in Windows, MacOS or Linux
   with your department credentials                                2. Browse to your DoE Portal at:
5. All of the Teams that you are enrolled in will then                https://portal.det.nsw.edu.au
   appear!                                                         3. Sign in with your department credentials B
                                                                   4. Select Microsoft Office 365 from
                                                                      inside the My Learning box
                                                                   5. Choose Teams from the list of apps
                         Need help using Microsoft Teams?
                         - Try the Quick Start Guide
                                                                                                            NSW Department of Education
How STUDENTS access                      A                                     B
            Zoom meetings
            in NSW Public Schools
    Sign into Zoom with a desktop browser

                                                         Accessing Zoom using mobile Apps
1. Use a modern browser in Windows, MacOS or Linux
2. Browse to the NSW DoE Zoom console at:            1. For your specific mobile device:
                                                                                                 iPadOS        Android

3. Select Sign in at the bottom                           o   Download the Zoom app -            LINK         LINK
4. At screen B login with
   your department credentials                       2. Once installed, open Zoom, tap Sign In then tap SSO
5. First time, you should be asked                   3. Type nsweducation and tap Continue. A
   to download and install the                       4. The DoE log on screen B will appear. Sign in
   Zoom desktop client. Do that.                        with your normal department credentials
6. Once signed in, Zoom will be                      5. Once signed in, Zoom will be ready for use!
   ready for use!
                                                                                    •   How to Join a Zoom Meeting
              Need help using Zoom?                                                 •   Participating in a Meeting
              - Check the links
                                                                                               NSW Department of Education
NSW Department of Education

Remote learning
guidelines for
students and parents

  Stay                           Ask questions
                                 If you don’t understand
                                 something, ask your teacher
                                 or classmates online.

  Work in a quiet area, at a
                                 Use classroom
  desk or table and try to       language
  limit distractions.
                                 Talking to your teachers and
                                 in class is different from how
                                 you speak to your friends
                                 online. Use proper grammar
  Focus                          and avoid excessive emojis.

  During calls with your
  teacher, stay focused on the
  call. Avoid reading chats or   Take breaks
  looking at other tabs.

                                 Take breaks away from
                                 screen. Move around and try
  Your normal                    not to sit all day.

  Eat breakfast, brush your
  teeth and get dressed in the

Coping strategies to consider when times are tough:

    Create a routine and plan your day around your routine

    Try to wake up at a decent hour each morning and try not to
     sleep too late each night. Having a good sleep routine is
     important for your physical and mental health, and will make
     coming to school easier when it resumes.

                                                 Ensure you are eating
                                                a good diet and aiming for
                                                30-60 minutes of exercise
                                                each day.

                                                 Do things you have
                                                done in the past to help manage challenge and stress; reflect on your
                                                own coping strategies and write them down

                                                 Find ways to relax, spend 10 minutes a day breathing slowly and
                                                calmly or trying one of the apps below.

                                                 Limit exposure to information from social media and the news.
                                                Source positive new pages and uplifting news stories instead.

                                                 Talk with a trusted adult or support person listed below.

    Scheduling activities that you enjoy can be helpful for maintaining your mood.

   Highlight activities you might like to do or try during this time:

       Read a new     Write a story      Trying to do   Go for a walk      Talk to a       Listen to    Try an online
        book or an         or           some drawing                        friend       music which      workout
       old book you     journal             or art                                       makes you       program at
        previously                                                                        feel good         home
       Go for a run      Watch a        Play a board    Practice your     Learn a new   Learn to cook   Try and make
                          movie            game          sport skills      language      something        up a new
                                                        outside if you       online         new             dance
                                                         have a yard

       Watch your      Research a        Re-arrange         Do a          Try mindful   Watch funny        Colour
        favourite       new topic        your room       crossword         colouring      videos         coordinate
          series                                                                                            your

      Go for a swim   Play with your    Learn a new     Write a list of   Your own:       Your own:       Your own:
      if you have a   pet or teach it      song             good
           pool        a new trick                       memories

Free apps that may also help:

Calm Harm                          Calm Harm provides tasks that help you resist or manage the urge to self-harm. You
                                   can add your own tasks too and it's completely private and password protected.

Clear Fear                         The fear of threat, or anxiety, is like a strong gust of wind. It drags you in and makes
                                   you want to fight it or run away. Instead, face your fear with the free Clear Fear app
                                   and learn to reduce the physical responses to threat as well as changing thoughts
                                   and behaviours and releasing emotions.
ReachOut Worry Time
                               Reach Out WorryTime interrupts repetitive thinking by setting aside your worries until
                               later, so you don't get caught up in them and can get on with your day. This means
                               you can deal with worries once a day, rather than carrying them around with you 24/7

Smiling Mind                   Smiling Mind is a meditation app for young people. It has been developed by a team
                               of psychologists and uses mindfulness to boost calmness, contentment and clarity.
                               Mindfulness meditation has been shown to help manage stress, resilience, anxiety,
                               depression and improve general health and wellbeing.

If you need to talk to someone, you can contact:

        Name                        About                           Phone                         Online
    Kids Help Line      For anyone 25 or under - Kids
                        Helpline is a free, private and                                         Webchat 24/7
                                                                 1800 55 1800
                         confidential 24/7 phone and                                  https://kidshelpline.com.au/get-
                        online counselling service for                                   help/webchat-counselling
                         young people aged 5 to 25.
                                                                CALL: 13 11 14
                         For all ages - 24-hour crisis
       Lifeline                                                     24/7              Crisis Support Chat 7:00PM –
                          support telephone service.
                          Lifeline provides 24/7 crisis
                                                              TEXT: 0477 131114       https://www.lifeline.org.au/get-
                        support and suicide prevention
                                                               6:00PM - Midnight      help/online-services/crisis-chat
  Youth Beyond Blue    Beyond Blue provides information
                                                                                                Chat Online
                        and support to help everyone in
                                                                 1300 22 4636                3:00PM - Midnight
                          Australia achieve their best
                                                                     24/7             https://www.youthbeyondblue.c
                       possible mental health, whatever
                       their age and wherever they live.
   SANE Australia       SANE Australia supports people
                       living with complex mental health
                                                                 1800 187 263             10:00 AM – 10:00 PM
                         issues and the people that care
                                                              10:00AM – 10:00PM        https://www.sane.org/about-
                                   about them

                                                                                              Group Chat 24/7
                       eheadspace provides free online
                                                                                                1 on 1 Chat
                          and telephone support and
                                                                      N/A                       9AM - 1AM
                       counselling to young people 12 -
                       25 and their families and friends.

        QLife           QLife provides anonymous and
                          free LGBTI peer support and                                           Webchat
                          referral for people wanting to         1800 184 527                 3PM – Midnight
                        talking about sexuality, identity,   3PM - Midnight           https://www.qlife.org.au/resour
                            gender, bodies, feelings or                                          ces/chat
                             Confidential information,
                       counselling and support service,          1800 737 732
                                                                                              Online Chat 24/7
                       open 24 hours to support people               24/7
                           impacted by sexual assault,
                       domestic or family violence and        Interpreter: 13 14 50
                       A mental health professional will
  Mental Health Line     answer your call about mental
                            health concerns for you or                                https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/
                                                                 1800 011 511
                          someone you are concerned                                    mentalhealth/Pages/Mental-
                       about, including children, teens,                                      Health-Line.aspx
                             adults and older people

                                    IF IN IMMEDIATE DANGER, CALL 000

 SCHOOL COUNSELLING SERVICE: While your school is still open and operating, you can contact the front
office and ask to speak to your school counsellor. Your school counsellor is able to speak with you over the
phone or make an appointment time for you to come in. In the event of school closures, more information will
                               be provided about how to access this service.
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