Leaflet mini-Trees Forever

Page created by Gladys Alexander
Leaflet mini-Trees Forever
mini-                    August 2020


 Tr     Times for Trees & Humans
   D Trees Forever Friends:
    In a year none of us will ever forget, we’ve learned new words (“social
    distancing”), new technology, how to estimate a 6-foot distance and that
    you need to speak clearly when wearing a mask. We’ve gained a deeper
   aappreciation for the easy pleasure of meeting in person, and how we
  may have taken that for granted. At Trees Forever, we’ve also been deeply
 humbled by your loyal and generous support. Thank you for staying with us
during this trying time.
Leaflet mini-Trees Forever
Upcoming Events                    Celebrating 30 Years, Branching Into the Future
                                    Dear Trees Forever Family,               Dear Friends,
Memorial Tree Plantings
September 24                        I have some exciting news. As you        The Trees Forever Board and
Squaw Creek Park                    know, I founded Trees Forever more       Foundation are committed to
Marion, Iowa                        than 30 years ago. We’ve come a          ensuring the future of Trees
                                    long way together, with so many          Forever. Shannon will continue to
September 27                        of you volunteering, planting trees,     be involved, remain the Founding
Whiterock Conservancy               developing new partnerships and          President and a Trustee on the Trees
Coon Rapids, Iowa                   supporting us financially. In the        Forever Foundation. It was her vision
                                    near future, I will move from day-       that shaped Trees Forever into the
Iowa's Living Roadways
                                    to-day management to help launch         ‘boots on the ground’ volunteer
                                    the Trees Forever Branching Into         organization that is it today.
November 5
                                    the Future Campaign. Our goal is
Virtual                                                                                        This is an
                                    to grow the
                                    endowment                                                  exciting time
Our Woodland Legacy                                                                            for Trees
                                    to provide
December 10                                                                                    Forever as
                                    more funds
Virtual                                                                                        Shannon
                                    for needed
                                    planting                                                   moves her
For up-to-date information                                                                     focus to
on all upcoming Trees Forever       projects;
                                    expand major                                               fundraising,
events, be sure to check our                                                                   and we seek
online calendar at                  programs such
                                    as Growing                                                 an Executive
www.TreesForever.org/Events.                                                                   Director to
                                    our youth                                                  lead the
                                    employment                                                 organization’s
                                    initiative; and create an inspiring      day-to-day management.
                                    mission-focused campus around our
                                                                             The Trees Forever Board is assisted
                                                                             by The Overture Group based in
                                    As you can imagine, I am so proud of     Cedar Rapids for a national search to
                                    what we’ve accomplished together         hire an Executive Director. Interested
                                    over the past three decades. None        candidates should contact Brandi
                                    of us tree lovers wants to sit on our    Mueller at The Overture Group
                                    laurels because we know there is         directly at:
New Des Moines Office!                                                       bmueller@theoverturegroup.com
                                    so much more to be done! I am
Our Des Moines office has a
                                    committed to growing the next
new home, and we couldn’t be                                                 Thank you for your continued
                                    generation of tree planters and a
more proud. A huge thanks to                                                 support and volunteerism. I care
                                    trust fund to support them. I’m
the Krause Group for donating                                                deeply about creating a future that
                                    as passionate as ever about the
the spacious location at 1515                                                is green and nurturing for all —
                                    essential role that trees, forests and
Linden Street (aptly named for                                               all ages, races, backgrounds and
                                    natural areas play in our daily lives,
a tree).                                                                     abilities. It is a privilege to have your
                                    and their ability to transform farms
                                                                             partnership in this mission.
                                    and neighborhoods.
We now have room for staff
meetings, Growing Futures                                                    Trees Forever is a remarkable
                                    Your passion and hard work allowed
team education, tool storage                                                 organization. Together, we’ve made
                                    Trees Forever to grow these 30 years.
(lots!) and a convenient spot to                                             a big difference for our states and for
                                    Thank you. As we move beyond the
park our truck and trailer.                                                  the planet. Thank you.
                                    COVID-19 challenge, I’m hoping our
                                    paths cross again soon.
                                                       Shannon Ramsay                        Dave Blankenship, Chair
   twitter.com/Trees_Forever                    Founding President & CEO                          Board of Directors

Leaflet mini-Trees Forever
It's Award Season!                                                                                    Congratulations and
                                                                                                       many thanks to our Award
 Gratitude has never been more important than it is in this year of stress and
 uncertainty. Though our beloved Annual Celebration was cancelled, we could
 not possibly cancel our tradition of honoring those partners and volunteers
                                                                                                       Outstanding Advocate Award
 who have made exemplary contributions to our mission.                                                 Katy Everett, Ph.D., Eureka College
                                                                                                       Eureka, Illinois
 “People are an essential and irreplaceable part of Trees Forever’s mission and
 success,” said Shannon Ramsay. “Giving out these awards brings so much joy                            Outstanding Partner Award
 to our staff and board and really emphasizes that our mission is accomplished                         Microsoft
 through partnerships.”                                                                                Des Moines, Iowa

 In consideration of COVID-19, we will bestow the awards in virtual fashion                            Outstanding Partner Award
 at our September board meeting. The award program will be recorded and                                Jill Johnson, US Forest Service
 posted online for viewing and sharing.                                                                St. Paul, Minnesota

                                                                                                       Outstanding Volunteer Award
 Thank you, award winners, for the many ways you help plant a better
                                                                                                       Carlinville Bee City USA Board
                                                                                                       Carlinville, Illinois
                                                      Debbie Fluegel presents Dr. Katy Everett
                                                      (right), Assistant Professor of Environmental    Outstanding Volunteer Award
                                                      Studies and Sustainability Director, at Eureka   Carlinville Tree City USA Board
                                                      College (Eureka, Illinois), with her Advocate    Carlinville, Illinois
                                                      of the Year Award.
                                                                                                       Outstanding Volunteer Award
                                                                                   Holly Beale,        Rick Worcester, TreeKeeper
                                                                                   Datacenter          Anamosa, Iowa
                                                                                   Lead for            President’s Award
TreeKeeper and                                                                     Microsoft,          Mike Jensen, Mayor
 Outstanding                                                                       visits with         Story City, Iowa
Volunteer Rick                                                                     Growing Futures
     Worchester                                                                    teammates in        President’s Award
     deploys his                                                                   Des Moines.         Tracy Peterson, Board Treasurer and
  John Deere to                                                                    Microsoft is 2020   Past Board Chair
wrangle a large                                                                    recipient of the    Adel, Iowa
   tree in Cedar                                                                   Outstanding
         Rapids.                                                                   Partner Award.

       Our Outstanding Partner Award goes                                                              This
       to Jill Johnson of the U.S. Forest Service.                                                     year's
                                                                                                       Awards go to
          Trees Forever Program Manager Kevin
                                                                                                       Tracy Peterson, Trees
              Bennett presents the Outstanding
           Volunteer Awards to the Carlinville,
                                                                                                       Forever board treasurer
     Illinois, Tree Board (upper right) and to the                                                     and past board chair
          Carlinville Bee City Board (lower right).                                                    (above) and Mike Jensen (right), long-time
                                                                                                       volunteer and mayor of Story City, Iowa.

Leaflet mini-Trees Forever
Memorials and Honorariums
Gifts in memory or in honor of loved ones are placed in the Trees Forever Foundation where they grow and generate funds for
future tree plantings. Thank you.
April – July 2020     Signe Buege                Matt Jordan          Bill Musick              Dan Rockwell               Tara Ott
                        Kari Smith                 Shannon Ramsay       Kevin and Bernadette     Jim and Connie           Rhonda Payne
in memory of / by                                                       Bennett                  Birmingham               Larry and Linda Reed
                      Amy Buzalsky               Jennifer Lewiston                                                        Debra Snyder
                        Leo Buzalsky               Trees Forever      Gary Otto                Rob Roman                  Randy and Heidi
Mary Anderson           Collins Aerospace                               Margaret Birmingham      Connie and Andy          Thorndyke
  Nancy and Randy                                Raymond Martin,                                 McKean                   Mike and Gretchen
  Lowenberg           Lucy Choisser              Marilyn Martin and   John "Jack" Patton
                        Elizabeth Daly           Joseph Martin          Lisa Williams and      Jim Vietti
Joan Blohm                                                              Michael Chevy
                                                   Nancy and Randy                               Robert Bardwell
  Dr. William Blohm   Joe Hyde                                                                                          in honor of / by
                                                   Lowenberg            Castranova               Robert Brooks
                        Margaret Birmingham                                                      Jodi Downie
Katheryn Boatman                                                      L. Edward Purcell                                 Forrest Kramer
  Trees Forever       Birgitte Jaffe              Bob McCormick                                   Susan Eldred
                                                   Jerrald Dreyer       Laura Sinnett                                     Trees Forever
                        Erik Jaffe                                                                Stefani Esme
Marlys Boege                                       Richard Miller                                Dale and Becky Haahn   Janet Monk
  Nancy and Randy
                                                                      Claude Patrick Ramsey
                      Craig Jensen                 Trees Forever                                 Becky Jones
                                                                        Shane Kville                                      Diane Olsen
  Lowenberg             Jerry and Sue Green        Doug Ward                                     Mike and Karin
Patty Bryant                                                          Dr. Larry L. Richards      Kelleher
                      Jackie Jessen              Norma Miller                                    Dawn Maloney
  Nancy and Randy                                  Nancy and Randy      Lorna and Tom Safley
                        Lisa and Jim Renfer                                                      Coralee Mrazek
  Lowenberg                                        Lowenberg

80 W 8th Avenue
Marion, IA 52302


                                         Grow a Canopy for the Next Generation!
                                              Neighborhoods with graceful, tree-lined streets. Habitat for all manner of
                                              creatures. Natural areas with healthy ecosystems. Precious top soil for nutritious
                                               crops. Beauty, intricacy, a sense of wonder — what will be your legacy?

                                                The treasures we enjoy today need to be protected and grown for the next
                                                generations. Legacy gifts help secure an unlimited future of trees.

                                                When you leave a gift in your will or trust for Trees Forever, you’re growing a
                                                canopy for those who come after. If you’ve already made the decision to leave
                                               a legacy gift for us — thank you! If you’d like more information, please contact
                                              Lisa Williams at 319-373-0650 x 120.
Leaflet mini-Trees Forever
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